Today is the beginning of a new adventure in Scotland. With Albatrossity! To me, it seems kind of expensive to travel to Scotland every Monday for 7 weeks, only to return home again by Tuesday morning, but then what do I know? ?♀️
At least we will have Albatrossity in Scotland as a Monday morning pick-me-up that will take us through the election! After that, it will be a whole new world in every way, but one thing we can count on is On The Road. In the meantime, today I feel like the bird in the last photo!
Oh, and a quick reminder to start thinking of ideas about where to go next in the evenings, because we will be discussing that this week in On The Road After Dark.
Another trip and pics from the past, this one to Scotland in summer of 2008.
Elizabeth had an invited presentation to give at a conference in Aberdeen, and I had always wanted to get to Scotland, since it is my ancestral homeland on my paternal side. My great-grandfather, with whom I share a first name, emigrated from Scotland in the mid-19th century, and I wanted to see the land that he grew up in. We were successful in that quest, but that story will have to wait until the final post in this series! So we planned a 2-week trip around these parameters, and also included as many ancient stone structures and bird-watching sites as possible.
Upon landing at Edinburgh airport in mid-morning, we got a rental car and got out of the big city, heading toward the Highlands. Navigating that first traffic circle in an unfamiliar vehicle, while groggy from an overnight trip and while adjusting to driving on the wrong side of the road, was an experience I hope not to repeat anytime soon.

Our first stop was at a village named Bridge of Orchy, where we wandered around a bit to see the sights. Lots of new birds, including this gorgeous male Chaffinch sunning himself in a sheltered spot out of the wind.
On The Road – Albatrossity – Summertime in Scotland – #1Post + Comments (20)