Despite Hugh’s best efforts, Michael is right– Mitt Romney is done. As such, I think this calls for a sketch: Cya, Mittens. We don’t need another empty suit pushed by the big money guys screwing things up for another four years- we have a lot of work cleaning up the mess from Bush, the guy …
So Much for
Seriously- It is Time To Move On
Think Progress: Yesterday morning, former Bush adviser Karl Rove went on NBC’s Today Show and said that if President Obama decides to send 30,000-35,000 troops to Afghanistan, he would be “among the first to stand up and applaud.” Immediately after President Obama’s prime-time address last night — in which he announced that he would be …
Get Outta My Dreams, and Into My Clown Car
Hugh Hewitt on what he calls “The Speech”: Rush gave a speech at CPAC today that will be talked about for years and even decades. *** Rush eschews “leadership.” He doesn’t tell people who to vote for or where to show up and march. But he does communicate with quite extraordinary clarity the deep, abiding …
Get Outta My Dreams, and Into My Clown CarPost + Comments (69)
Stories like this befuddle me: Modern presidential conventions are mostly political circus, but for Senator Barack Obama, the question is whether the theatrics and drama of this one are overwhelming one of his most important tasks here: connecting with the economic anxiety gripping voters and convincing them that he has concrete and achievable solutions. Democrats …
Eight Years of Epic Fail
If you have a few minutes, take the moment to go read Brad Reed’s “The 10 Most Awesomely Bad Moments of the Bush Presidency:” Narrowing down the Bush administration’s various debacles to a mere 10 was no easy feat. In fact, I expect that many people will express dismay that their least favorite moment was …
Quote of the Day
I didn’t see Romney’s speech, but Hugh Hewitt did. I wonder if he liked it. Let’s check: Mitt Romney’s “Faith in America” speech was simply magnificent, and anyone who denies it is not to be trusted as an analyst. On every level it was a masterpiece. The staging and Romney’s delivery, the eclipse of all …
Best and Worst of Everything
Kevin Drum is feeling ornery, and is asking for submissions of the five worst blog posts ever (and, I suppose, the five best). Throw your nominees in the comments. Let’s see what we can come up with, and let’s do the worst first. Five WORST: 1.) My first selection is Ann Althouse video wineblogging, but …