It was bad enough when Rush Limbaugh smeared American troops who question the president as “phony soldiers.” Next, backtracking, Rush insisted that he only meant to describe people who fabricated their service like Jesse Macbeth and, not kidding, decorated Marine Jack Murtha. Never satisfied to make himself look ridiculous in only one way, Rush then defended himself by re-releasing a doctored video and transcript which spliced over a minute out of the original broadcast. Rushbots then redefined chutzpah by accusing everybody else of missing “context.” The wingnuts in this entertaining post, for example, are almost too precious.
The whole episode proves again why smart rightwingers write off Limbaugh as a blowhard with miserable control over his own mouth. Those who choose to stand behind the clown self-identify as the kind of chumps who deserve the ridicule that tying one’s credibility to Rush tends to bring.
Fixed a broken link.
It’s only a crime if you get caught, convicted and are not pardoned by your boss.
The Mechanical Eye
Does Limbaugh really want to go in this direction?
Of course, no one will ever call Rush Limbaugh on this. His supporters will continue to believe that his sickening, sickening comments are “being taken out of context”, and continue to applaud him, just like Bush’s “Every day must be Mother’s Day for you” Gold Star Mothers quip. Nothing will happen, Rush will continue to spew venom, and I, for one, am sick and tired of it.
Is it too much to ask the universe for just a little Karma? A little pie from the sky *before* we die?
The best part of that comment thread is Alex’s dad. I read through it but didn’t comment. Alex’s dad’s support of him warms my heart and makes me wish that my dad would have felt that way about me when he was alive. I sometimes think that had my dad lived, we would have finally agreed on one this one thing.
That said, I’ve tried to counter comment the Rush bots today, with little success except for this post.
Lots of name calling, but marginally fruitful, since Rush linked to it.
Kilgore Trout
“spliced over a minute” link goes to an apparently unrelated WaPo article.
You mean the “over a minute” where the caller went off-topic? *Slow clap* You really got him on that one, Dave and Georgie. Now remind me, did you guys bother to post any context in the original attack on RL? What’s that, you didn’t? Ooh, I’m sorry, but we have a nice copy of the home game for you, better luck next time.
“His supporters will continue to believe that his sickening, sickening comments are “being taken out of context”, and continue to applaud him”
Yeah, what’s with this “literacy” crap?
I wonder what the Jane Hamshers of the world have to say about that.
Yes, and isn’t a comfort to know that the Vice President of the United States, a Speaker of the House (former) and a SC Justice all fall into that category?
WTF? How much of a craven, cowardly, sorry son of a bitch do you have to be to think getting a verbal BJ from that drug gobbling, gibberish spewing sack of bacon grease is acceptable, much less the sign of a true leader?
By the way, geniuses, there are these things called websites where transcripts are posted.
Yeah that sneaky RL tried to pull a fast one by posting the full transcript (more full than the hypocritical smearers at MMFA) on his website! Can’t believe he almost got away with it!
The Other Andrew
Um, HH, you should probably save your spinning energy for Iraq itself, rather than a side issue like this. I suggest explaining the whole “the majority of Iraqis want us to leave and support attacks on coalition troops” thing. Liberal pollsters, no doubt…
Bruce Moomaw
Really, HH? Here’s what Greg Sargents said about it today:
” ‘He became a hero to the anti-war left. They love phony soldiers, and they prop ’em up,’ Limbaugh said Thursday. ‘I was not talking … about the anti-war movement generally. I was talking about one soldier with that phony soldier comment, Jesse MacBeth.’…
“But this is not what Limbaugh’s transcript says at all, of course….Limbaugh’s transcript shows that the mention of MacBeth came long after his initial reference to phony soldiers. He hadn’t established this context first at all…
“Limbaugh’s actual explanation for what happened, of course, is also thoroughly bogus. As the transcript clearly shows, he used the phrase ‘phony soldiers’ in direct response to his caller’s complaint in general that we ‘never’ hear from ‘real soldiers’ who oppose the war, only troops who ‘spout’ against the war ‘in the media.’
What’s more, even Limbaugh’s caller took Limbaugh to be referring to antiwar troops in general. After Limbaugh used the phrase, the caller responded: ‘Phony soldiers. If you talk to any real soldier and they’re proud to serve, they want to be over in Iraq, they understand their sacrifice and they’re willing to sacrifice for the country.’ The caller himself understood Limbaugh’s meaning perfectly: You’re not a real soldier if you oppose the war; ‘any’ real soldier ‘wants’ to be in Iraq.”
I really love and respect my FIL. BUT he is a total ditto head, and repeats and believes every word from the drug addicts mouth.
He also sat out the Vietnam War while my liberal brothers-in-lawfought in it.
Hypocrite big time. The cocksucker won’t admit it, though.
I’m fairly liberal and was pissed at Nixon for cutting and running before I had my chance to kill Gooks.
I grew up wanting to fight the Vietnamese for some reason.
Bruce Moomaw
We can add the note by Steve Benen:
“Limbaugh parroted the line on the air yesterday, telling his critics, ‘I never said what you think I said.’ As part of his explanation about being literal, and not metaphorical, Limbaugh cited Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) as one of the veterans who deserves the ‘phony’ label. That would be the same Murtha who earned the Bronze Star with Valor device, two Purple Hearts, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, and the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.”
Yep HH, and that’s what RL just doctored with.
We need smarter trolls, the current crop have been infected with brain eating ameboas.
Tim F.: RL posted doctored a transcript on his website, and his dittoheads have bitten on it hook, line and sinker.
HH: You’re a stupid liar! And here’s the proof! (points to doctored transcript)
Everybody else: (boggles at teh stoopit)
I wonder when Alberto Gonzales and Mike McConnell will say, “I never lied to Congress; wait until I establish the context.”
That said, Rush Limbaugh certainly established enough context before his remarks the other day. Unfortunately for him, that context is “I’m a contemptible asshole.”
god, this is hilarious, a gooper talking about ‘context’ and ‘literacy’. you guys don’t give a shit about context when a dem says something you can use to beat him/her over the head with. but a gooper says something similar and suddenly its all about the ‘context’.
Tim F.
I love it when people come on a thread to prove my point. Particularly Hewitt, one of the few guys who will never, ever say “I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don’t think deserve having their water carried.”
Dug Jay
What Tim really meant to write:
Everybody else: (
boggles atwishes teh stoopit caused physical pain.)Fixed.
Those poor little bastards, starving to death as they creep across the endless empty cavern searching for a crumb of grey matter. [sniff] Oh the humanity!
Tim F.
“Rush Limbaugh is a loudmouth ass.” Try saying it, Dug. You credibility will thank you.
But you won’t say it, and I don’t think you can. Because I was right, wasn’t I? You’re precisely the kind of blinkered chump who can’t bring himself to say a single negative thing about your self-identified tribe. Not in front of the liberals anyway.
I think Rush is being taken out of context.
I also think he deserves it and karma is a fucking bitch, so let it roll.
Republicans and their anal-cyst having, draft-dodging, adulterous, oxycontin over-dosing talk-radio proxies stoop to new depths of insulting just about everyone, including those they claim to “own” representing (the military), shocker.
Is anyone really surprised? This is the party of Willie Horton, “Vince Foster was murdered”, the Max Cleland/Osama smear and the Swift Boat Veterans.
Democrats and their allies need to stop three things: one, attempting to “ignore these smears” in the hope they’ll go away (they wont); two, apologizing for anything; and three, accepting the Republican framing on anything. No more condemning of Move-On. Start responding by calling these pussies out. Just like John at VoteVets. Challenge them to a fucking public fist fight. These bullies will run and hide in their little caves. Even assholes like Savage would run and hide if anyone ever actually showed up and took them on.
Start calling Republicans and their allies what they are. Lying, ignorant, racist fuckwads who are ruining this country. Americans respond to strength (or the appearance of it), so it’s about time to stop backing down, ever again. I don’t always agree with MoveOn, but who fucking cares.
When Republicans apologize for poorly prosecuting a necessary war and engaging us in at least one unnecessary ware at the cost of tens-of-thousands of lost lives and even more injury to America’s reputation, then I’ll think about apologizing.
Incertus (Brian)
s anyone really surprised? This is the party of Willie Horton, “Vince Foster was murdered”, the Max Cleland/Osama smear and the Swift Boat Veterans.
Don’t forget the Purple Heart bandaids. Those were precious.
The Stranger
Once again, Ballon Juice puts its vapidity on full display…like a peacock. The portion that was edited out did not change one whit what Limbaugh so rightly claimed he said. It was taken out for continuity and brevity.
It is Media Matters, Hillary’s goon squad, that selectively edited the comments by Limbaugh to make it appear that he said the exact opposite of what he did.
Tammy Bruce was spot on Media Matters and their poodles like Balloon Juice really are very much like the Gestapo.
Officious Pedant
Wow! So, Stranger, you took idiocy, elevated it, and then right off the edge of the cliff with it.
Anyone, anyone, who equates a political blog with the Internal Security force of the Nazis is an irredeemable moron, with little understanding of history. Much like those that quote them.
Poor Stranger. Always under attack for his beliefs by liberals.
How does it feel, bitch?
Incertus (Brian)
I really don’t get the people who are claiming El Rushbo was taken out of context. It’s not like this is the first time he’s said something like this. Remember when he went after Hackett, said something to the effect that he was a pencil pusher who went to Iraq to upgrade his resume? And we won’t even get into the shit he said about McCain in 2000, doing everything short of calling him a Manchurian Candidate. No, Rush would never question the service of someone who opposes his point of view. We really need a rolling eyes smiley around here sometimes.
Yep, there goes the liberal media reporting what didn’t really happen, again. Everyone knows that Rush cleaned up his act after the “Obama the Magic Negro” jingle.
There is an audio clip on MM’s website, dumb ass.
Tim F.
Don’t worry chum, president Hillary will give hysterics like you something to really whine about.
Is there a “Leave Rush Limbaugh Alone!” bwaahhhaa video yet? Perhaps the stranger could put one together.
Bruce Moomaw
Goodness. So “HH” was Hewitt himself? Balloon Juice must be hitting more of a nerve than I’ve thought up to now.
Bruce Moomaw
Actually, Hewitt is right about one thing — the chunk of the transcipt that Limbaugh cut out really didn’t have anything at all to do with the Phony Soldiers debate. Limbaugh didn’t dishonestly edit his transcript. He just completely lied through his teeth afterwards about what was actually in it.
The Stranger
Yep, there goes the liberal media reporting what didn’t really happen…exactly!!
again. Everyone knows that Rush cleaned up his act after the “Obama the Magic Negro” jingle.…Huh? Connection? The parody was terrific. He borrowed the phrase “Magic Negro’ from the LA Times and made magic with it.
There is an audio clip on MM’s website, dumb ass…I know..I heard it. Yup, it confirms everything I said.
The Stranger
Yep, there goes the liberal media reporting what didn’t really happen…exactly!!
again. Everyone knows that Rush cleaned up his act after the “Obama the Magic Negro” jingle.…Huh? Connection? The parody was terrific. He borrowed the phrase “Magic Negro’ from the LA Times and made magic with it.
There is an audio clip on MM’s website, dumb ass…I know..I heard it. Yup, it confirms everything I said.
The Stranger
Don’t worry chum, president Hillary will give hysterics like you something to really whine about.
Besides being corrupt, incompetent, and stupid (she failed the DC bar exam -the easiest by far in the country- three times) the Gorillary’s cackle alone should disqualify her from the office.
It makes my ears bleed.
Maybe some of the pressure on your brain will be reduced and it will start working again.
You’ve seen Karl Rove’s playbook, haven’t you?
I take it back; Rove’s shtick was attacking an opponent at his or her strongest point. Is there anyone who’s known for clearly identifying the weaknesses of the most prominent member of his own party and attributing exactly those weaknesses to his opponents?
Read that Army of Dude “phony soldier” post. It was funny, but unfortunately I learned more about Rush than I really needed. Seems ingrown hair on his ass ruined his fevered wish to defend his country during a time of war. But he’s got it fixed now. No doubt slapping a Purple Heart bandaid marking the spot to let all wingnuts making the pilgrimage to see and fondle it know he’s a patriot warrior.
About as funny as the Dude post are the short bus defenders of Rush’s ass and mouth disease in the comment section. They take a wide stance in aiding their not-phony phony. Five-deferment Cheney must be mighty proud of his Fluffer Brigades.
No way. Hewitt would post his full name with a link to his blog. To suggest a lawyer and all around Serious Person would sneak in here, raise a feeble non-argument in defense of Teh Rusher and only post with “HH” is to suggest Hugh is a yellow pantie sissy boy.
I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.
Actually, the term “magic negro” was popularized by Spike Lee, and Rush’s parody missed the entire point of the phrase.
(Which isn’t to say that you couldn’t make a good ‘magic negro’ critique of Obama, just that it would be from much further left than where Rush is comfortable being.)
John Rohan
Oh come on, Tim F. Grow up and read the transcript. I didn’t buy it that John Kerry deliberately smeared the troops by calling them “uneducated” and was skeptical that Rush called them “phony” either. After reading the full transcript, I saw I was right.
Money quote, just very shortly after his “phony soldier” remark:
As a soldier myself, I support Rush here 100%. You’ll have to do better than that to smear him.
So, John Rohan, basically you accept Rush’s premise that any soldier who the left likes and that you dislike is a “phony soldier?”
Listen, you may not like the things Jack Murtha, John Kerry, DAMN YOU SCOTT BEAUCHAMP!!!!!!, and Jesse macBeth have to say, but as far as I can tell they all served honorably in the military. Something by the way, which Rush Limbaugh did not.
What exactly does this “context” of which you speak add? From what I see, little or nothing beyond: “well gosh darn, the left loves those soldiers so they must be phony!”
The Stranger
Actually, the term “magic negro” was popularized by Spike Lee, and Rush’s parody missed the entire point of the phrase.
Actually it was David Ehrenstein of the LA Times who first used it in referencce to Obama, and Rush’s parody was spot on.
Bucket Of Truth
John, I agree with you 100%. Initially I was worried because in my memory of hearing it live Jesse Macbeth wasn’t mentioned nearly so soon after the “phony soldier” remark. In fact it almost felt like a separate segment. But Rush re-played the clip yesterday and now the context is a-lot more clear for me. Some jerk at work tried to convince me that he edited the transcript but I know that can’t be true because that would mean he thinks that we, his listeners, are morons to be held in complete contempt. Right!
Keep your chin up!
hah! that’s good spoofin’.
Limbaugh is, in general, an ass. Conceded. Does that make you feel better, Tim?
However, you also wrote “decorated Marine Jack Murtha”. You should be ashamed of yourself. It’s more like “crooked-as-a-dog’s-hind-leg JOhn Murtha”. The SOB should be in jail, not in Congress.
So, John Murtha ISN’T a decorated marine then? I am relatively certain, crookedness aside, that he is.
As crooked as John Murtha may be, the fact that he did serve honorably in the military suggests that he is about 100 times more qualified to talk about American troops than some blowhard talk show host junkie who got a deferment because of an ingrown hair.
Doctoring the video pretty much sums up how Rush sees his audience: as gullible dupes.
Bruce Moomaw
Reread what I wrote on this thread Sept. 30 at 2:27 and 2:31 AM, Mr. Rohan. And, while you’re at it, grow up.
Welcome back, Darrell.
(Come on — there can’t be two people that stupid, can there?)