My dad says Biden.
I am going with Jack Reed. Catholic, middle-class background (translation- does not have 7 houses) military, good committee assignments, not much negative out there, is pretty low-key but seems to be the quiet dependable type who is not gaffe-prone, but is patient and will lay out a methodical argument when he is on the Sunday news shows. Just seems like the plodding and deliberate kind of guy who fits in with the way the Obama folks operate (NO DRAMA, then counterpunch quick and hard), and he will not overshadow Obama. Additionally, since the GOP has been hammering Obama on the celebrity nonsense, a stable, serious guy like Reed would balance the ticket (Biden and Clinton would add a lot of volatility). Plus, the Obama campaign has gamed this pretty well, and Reed would be a real surprise.
If I had to go with a wild card with one dollar and long odds- Wes Clark.
*** Update ***
Was watching Larry King Live, and if Lars Larson is not the biggest douchebag I have seen on tv in a while, I do not know who is.
And Tanya Acker is just smoking hot. Period. She could be in movies.
*** Update #2 ***
From the news coverage, it sure seems like the media are convinced it is Biden.
John S.
Hmmm…I had not thought of Reed. That’s an interesting call.
I agree that Obama’s pick will not be who everyone thinks it is going to be. I just don’t know who my under-the-radar pick would be…
I’ll go with Brian Schweitzer!
is there a non-evil Cheney somewhere in government?
Head says Biden.
So its probably someone unexpected like Reed or Schweitzer
Alan Fucking Keyes
I want Chris Dodd or Russ Feingold.
zuzu's petals
Wow, that is an interesting choice. Sounds totally plausible too.
My only thought is it should be someone who adds ballast.
Oh, and who’s kept his zipper zipped.
I’m hoping for Schweitzer, cool with Sebelius, think that Reed sounds fine, and I could live with Biden.
But getting Schweitzer would be awesome.
Anybody but Biden please…omg..
Chet Edwards has the “George W’s representative” hilarity and the military knowledge, but he has a terrible record on gay rights, so unless he’s had a conversion, that surprise would not be a terrific one.
I had money on Jack Reed, but I thought he took himself out of it.
I could live with Biden. Bayh is the one who would make me weep a little (then get my ass back in gear to work for November).
But seriously, CAN WE PLEASE GET THE ANNOUNCEMENT??? I’m beginning to think that something last minute has gone wrong with the chosen one and everyone’s scrambling.
Or maybe their text message system isn’t working.
I like the comment that he can’t pick Reed or Bayh after dicking us around for a week. My guess is perhaps Biden, but I have a secret hope of someone completely out of the box (Colin Powell anyone?)
I know, many reasons why not, but after being at +2 (very full glasses of chardonnay) it looks good to me.
Kathy +2 (and more to come!)
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
Media Glutton
I think Biden would send the Washington press corps into orgasmic conniptions so in that sense I like him. But Gore would be one hip choice.
Not anyone from the Congress. Sebelius or Richardson. I’ve always been a fan of Wes Clark and it would be fun to see him get under McCain’s fingernails (sorry, couldn’t resist) so we can all laugh as he runs out of the house in his underwear shaking his fist and screaming at the kids to get off his damned lawn.
Or they are working on getting back on top of the news cycle. An announcement ends the talking about obama. No announcement helps obama build excitement plus an email and phone list for free. Plus this also keeps the mccain housing gaffe in the news.
Tim (The Other One)
Wanted Clark.
Think it’s Biden.
Could be cool.
Wes would be my first choice but only because he mentioned that being a POW did not necessarily prepare you to be a good president. It would be a big fu to Mr. McCain imo. I think that it’s Biden and he can serve him well. Not my first choice but okay.
Nope. The kerning is way off in those bumper stickers.
Jack Reed? I like Reed, but I don’t think it’s him.
Obama said the other day that his choice would be a “sparring partner”. It’s kind of hard to see where Obama and Reed differ enough on policy to have anything worth sparring over.
Instead, “sparring partner” telegraphs Clinton. Alternately, Biden is direct and blunt enough to plausible fit that description, whereas Bayh has some obvious policy differences with Obama that could fit the billing. Schweitzer, maybe, since he has a similiar reputation for bluntness as Biden. Wes Clark as a real long shot.
Other than that, I think the “sparring partner” designation suggests the rest of the potential candidates are off the list. I mean, I can’t think of anyone else that matches that description. Kaine, Sebellius, et. al., don’t seem to have any significant policy differences or reputations as “fighters”.
Am I missing anyone that plausibly fits the description of “sparring partner”?
If we’ve learned anything from this, it’s that the media really doesn’t like being played with. I think tempers are starting to flare.
My head, and my wife, say Biden.
But I think it’s going to be Kaine, because no one has been talking about him recently.
D. Mason
If there was why would anyone want him? Non-evil cheney is like non-alcoholic beer, what’s the point.
Marc Ambinder says there’s a charter jet bound for Delaware from Illinois (it’s the only one…)
Biden – cause, well, he’d be darned good at the job. Sure, he has some foot-in-mouth-disease and is a bit egotistical, but he’s smart as all get down and understands government. Plus, he’ll spend the next two months savaging McCain foreign policy.
Biden. I’d love Clark to be another on that short list but I doubt it’s happening. I can guarantee it’s not Reed. Too little time to introduce him to the public. Same with the Texan. They may be great servants to our democracy but there are only so many days left to spend introducing relative unknowns to the public.
Bob In Pacifica
The last time I visited Talkleft, deadender Big Shot Democrat was still bleating “Hillary! Hillary!”
Reed would be fine with me.
Texas Dem
Whoever he picks, Obama is playing the press like Yo-Yo Ma. While they’re jerking each other off speculating on who Obama will pick, the Obama campaign is vacuuming up more cell phone numbers, names, and e-mail addresses for its database. Genius. Pure genius.
Bayh makes sense if the polling shows him delivering Indiana or Ohio. If not, we’d be giving up a Senate seat held by a younger, popular Democrat in a fairly red state.
At the end of the day, would it surprise anyone if Obama picked an old white guy that oozes competence and experience?
This could fit any of them and probably meant more as window dressing than something serious (i.e. we’d all like this attitude after the last 8 years).
Guess who else was famous for surrounding himself with an adversarial cabinet? Lincoln. So a little OT, but who else thinks The Whippersnapper should use the comparison to Lincoln more, particularly since Lincoln actually had LESS experience. Maybe not directly, but subtly.
Sparring partner, eh?
Obama/Lieberman 08!
[dodges rotten vegetables]
Dodd would be awesome. If it’s Clinton … anyone within 500 miles of DC will hear me swearing.
John S.
A lot of my family (long-time Jewish Democrats) are hedging on Obama because they seem to think he won’t survive his first term in office and they want to see who the ‘replacement’ would be.
If it’s Biden, they won’t hesitate.
Bingo – that’s exactly the reason part of me is hoping for him.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Two guys that I think would be “wow” choices would be Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell or Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer. Rendell would help motivate the Clintons to play nice and he would guarantee Pennsylvania. Schweitzer would help out west and maybe help persuade some “hard working white folks” to take a chance.
Word. I do hope that at some point today Obama said to his aides, “Man, I love screwing with the press.”
The charter-jet-as-clue seems silly to me. Delaware to Illinois? That would be a clue. But if you want to fly Senator Biden out to Springfield, you don’t need to start the plane in Chicago. It’s just a coincidence.
My dark horse guess is that Caroline Kennedy pulls a Cheney and recommends herself, and suddenly every Boomer in the country lines up to vote for Camelot: The Next Generation.
Word. I also love that the “delay” (as if there had been a deadline) basically forced McCain to disappear. He couldn’t schedule anything for fear of being ignored as the announcement broke, so he just went home.
Do you have any idea how many private jets go from city X to city Y either ferrying passengers or relocating each day?
Ambinder is saying basically, would it be irresponsible to speculate?
D. Mason
This would deny McCain his top prick.
John Cole
The womenfolk are going to harass me for this, but I could watch Tanya Acker pontificate all night long. Hands down, the best looking pundit out there.
Ambinder loves the attention. His last twitter has a reporter asking Obama how Obama/Biden sounded and Obama had a half smirk. What’s a half smirk?
Davis X. Machina
RI has a Republican governor. Not smart if you’re building a Senate majority towards 60.
Which one?
They would’ve launched it this morning but the millionaire housing crisis needed to beat on McCain another news cycle.
This is what you do when you don’t get the joke but don’t want to seem stupid.
The Thinking Man's Mel Torme
I mentioned Schweitzer at a get-together of the town Democratic club of which I’m a member, and was looked at by the assembled Hillary dead-enders like there were bugs crawling out of my eyes. I then had to listen for the next hour how Hillary was “the only choice.” Christ, I was glad there was gin on hand.
dr. bloor
Reed would be an excellent choice–progressive, foreign policy cred, salt of the earth, and will call bullshit whenever necessary–although I think he’s getting teed up for State or SecDef.
Giving Don “Mr. Small” Carcieri an opportunity to appoint a senator would also be a problem. The assclown would probably take the seat himself.
Photo of John McCain with Joe Bonnano.
In Vino Veritas
I just gave my cell phone number to the Obama website. My mother doesn’t have my cell phone number. Agree with Texas Dem…pure genius.
Is Acker the black chick? She’s smoking.
If it is Schweitzer, I’ll donate $500 immediately and register every new voter within a 100 mile radius.
If it is Hillary, I’m sleeping until November. This whole damn thing has been exhausting.
Yeah Gin with a grain alcohol chaser. You got more nerve than me to sit through something like that.
Jack Reed is one of my favorite Senators, but I think too mannered to be an effective VP attack dog. Schweitzer would be good at that and has the added benefit of having been my teacher as an T assistant back in the college days. I’m sure Obama will take that into consideration.
I’m still holding out hope for Sebelius. I think Kaine and Bayh have said that they’re not the guy, which relieves me a bit.
It works the other way around a well. If there was anything good going for McCain, Obama could have blasted it out of the water by making those cellphones ringing. That was one of the smart things about the text messaging, it gave him complete and exact control over when to release the message. And he would force the press to get on to it that very minute because millions of people would know, so they couldn’t hang on to McCain for another half an hour or so.
Laura W
Speaking as a womanfolk, I think this woman is gorgeous.
She’s not as fluid in her self-expression as Tanya, however, and tends to fall into Condi’s “UH UH UH” tic. It’s also beyond amusing to watch Chris Matthews call her “Michelle Obama” 5 out of 10 times he has her on. Those pretty black girls all look the same, you know.
Hey! Where’s Lanny Davis?
John Cole
I just realized I might as well call the Obama campaign and tell them not to text me, since it will not be necessary. If it is Hillary, the squeals of joy from round PUMA nation will wake me. If it isn’t, the screams of agony will.
Either way, Armando is going to be insufferable.
I thought that name sounded familiar, so while the blog shut me out, I checked. Yep. Tanya Acker was a year ahead of me in law school. And, John, I can absolutely, positively, in no way get you an introduction. So glad I could help. Lots more where that came from, too.
Ah, the paparazzi… so the national media are now one big happy National Enquirer. No word on the Biden countertops.
BTW, Biden is a good choice. He’s such a clean, attractive, articulate white guy. /smiles
It’s not as if some of us *cough**cough* didn’t call Biden as veep almost a full year ago. Even if it was with Dodd on top.
The thing I’ll miss about Kaine not being the VP pick is all the missed slogan opportunities:
O/K For Change
O/K For Hope
Who’s the best leadership choice? It’s O/K!
I’m O, You’re K.
We approve this message and we’re O/K.
If the media’s convinced it’s Biden, then the smart money is to bet on anyone but him.
The counter argument to that is that the last two syllables of “Obama/Kaine” echo the opposition. Not good from a marketing perspective.
I’ll give this much to Biden — he doesn’t have much money.
No one’s mentioned this yet, but do you guys think that putting Romney up with McCain looks bad after all the stuff about McCain’s houses? I mean, adding another rich guy to the ticket might not be so wise.
Jon H
“Speaking as a womanfolk, I think this woman is gorgeous.”
Wingnuts can’t be gorgeous. The vile things they say spoil it.
Conservatively Liberal
If I was Obama I would choose two or possibly three VP candidates and the one the press does not focus on would be the one I would choose. It would make leaks worthless, candidates would go out of their way to make it look as if they are not the choice to reduce the focus on them and even the insiders inside the Obama camp would be hard pressed to know exactly what Obama does.
By choosing a candidate other than the one the press is focusing on puts the press at a disadvantage because people will remember who the press thought it would be, and in the end they would be wrong. I am sure the press would not like that one bit, but I think it would work to Obama’s advantage.
However he is doing it, he is owning this all of the way to the end. The press is foaming at the mouth to figure out who it is, the talking heads are all over it and in the meantime they have McCain to beat up over his ‘housing crisis’. I can’t remember seeing the press tied up like this with it being the Democratic candidate who is getting the good press while the Republican candidate is being buried in bad press.
I like it. :D
Long shot, but I’m sticking to it – Mike Bloomberg
John Cole
It is Biden. Secret Service detail en route, according to ABC.
I like Biden, but he has a big mouth. The campaign just got a lot more interesting.
Obama/Biden becomes a song.
“Hope I’m abidin’
in the White House next year;
Hope I’m abidin’
while McSame sheds a tear;
Hope I’m abidin’
in the White House next year;
But I don’t have a last line for this song.
Obama is just Biden his time.
So you could give them a SLAP IN THE FACE with the bottle I assume.
The woman has said she doesn’t want to be the damn VP, so screaming CLINTON MUST BE VICE PRESIDENT is crazy x 10^12^. I guess since she’s a woman she doesn’t know any better, so it’s up to her supporters to show her the light.
Christ, what works against these unholy creatures? I’ve got garlic, sea salt and silver on hand.
Like many here, I have some problems with Biden re the bankruptcy bill. That being said, Biden has the right resume’, and he’ll be a great attack dog. He’s one tough SOB in a debate.
Sebelius would be fine. Clinton, as much as I don’t want her, would likely be a game-winner. But I doubt it’ll be her.
Bayh and Kaine…. eh, not so much.
John Cole
Another thing that I will probably write about tomorrow is that the beltway boys love Biden. He is a favorite among the matthews/Russert/Imus axis of stupid that run our discourse, so from a media relations standpoint, this is a good pick.
I will lexis/nexis some quotes tomorrow.
Well, Biden was the one of the major candidates left who could top Clinton on the experience front. It’s about all he has going for him, in my opinion, but it’s hard to argue that part of it at least.
I’ve always had a sneaking fondness for Biden, despite how much he can also get on my nerves; and he can be one hell of an attack dog, so if it is in fact him, I’m pleased.
John Cole:
Unless the Obama campaign is fucking with ABC’s heads.
And, frankly, after “Path to 9/11” and some of ABC’s coverage, who could blame them?
The Other Steve
I’ve liked him since at least Bush I.
I think it’s a good pick. He does have a big mouth, but it really seldom gets him in trouble because he’s rather well liked. He was the Straight Talk Express before there was a Straight Talk Express.
I hope it is him, we’ll see, but it sounds plausible.
The Other Steve
Marc Ambinder noted this…
A chartered flight from Midway to Delaware, and he says he looked around and there isn’t any other similar flights scheduled out of Chicago going anywhere else. So maybe.
Liberal Masochist
One negative for Biden is that he is not going to be the guy 8 years from now. A long way off for sure, but he will be like Cheney in that regard.
sly use of that “Did you know John McCain was a POW” tag. hat’s off to you.
Conservatively Liberal
That is what I like about Biden, he can be frank and to the point when he has to be yet he can unload when he has to. He has suffered from foot-in-mouth disease in the past, and I expect the right will do everything they can to make hay with it.
As John points out, he has always been a schmoozer among the ‘beltway boyz’, and he is a good guest for their shows. Having him on the ticket sure does make this more interesting, and I am glad if he is the choice. He is close to the people, not some rich, insulated from reality silver spoon fed ‘kid’. He stands on his own, just like Obama.
Man I hope McCain picks Mittens! That would make the perfect contrast between the tickets. Two rich guys versus two regular Joes. Now that is contrast.
If you can stand it, you need to take a little peek over at
Holy shit those harridans can bring the crazy. It’s really quite a spectacle.
Obama needed a VP who could drop the word ‘motherfucker’ in casual conversation and sound plausible doing so.
On that scale, Biden is a perfect 10.
The only regret I would have re: Biden, is that he would probably be too old to run for President after Obama – and I was kind of hoping Obama would pick someone who could follow him, assuming a succesful “realignment” administration.
Other than that, Biden would be a pretty good pick, and I’d even be enthusiastic about him. He’s definitely a colorful character, and he helps carry PA.
BTW, a word to the person above who suggested that choosing Rendell would gurantee PA for Obama: no, not really. Rendell’s strength is in the urban areas, Philly especially. He wouldn’t help Obama in any area that Obama wouldn’t already carry.
Biden is from Scranton – the whole Wilkes-Barre/Scranton region was built on coal mines, making it the urban population center of Appalachian PA. That will help even more than a Rendell pick would. This is the area I grew in, so I know it pretty well – even though I’m in NYC now.
a Biden/Romney debate would probably have to be stopped midway through, as Mittens would be left lying on the ground, crying, curled up in the fetal position.
Biden is one of the few politicians who sounds like A REAL PERSON. he doesn’t use that droning poli-speak that most of them do (even Obama, sometimes), so it’d be refreshing to see someone that high up in the government actually sound like a real human being.
I think Reed would make a good choice to run Defense. But I actually think that offering it to Clinton might be a smart move. From what I’ve read she’s well-thought-of by the generals and admirals, and this would definitely be a glass ceiling for her to shatter. I don’t know if she’d take it, but I think she’d do well at the Pentagon.
If it’s not Obama/Biden, then Biden is an almost certain guarantee to run State. But that’s not exactly going out on a limb.
Part of me hopes that Obama and his people have snowballed everyone and he long ago picked Clinton. The absolute shock from the Villagers alone would be worth it. And I think a unity meme would completely suck up whatever oxygen is left regarding McCain’s Choice.
If Biden isn’t the pick CNN going to look pretty damn stupid.
BTW, I think Biden is a good choice.
And about Tanya Acker. I have to agree…she’s got something subliminal going.
If Mcsame picks the Mittster as I bet he will, it will be priceless to watch Biden turn Romney into a ball of quivering wingnut jelly in the debates.
Also, Biden’s hair plugs no longer look like plugs….his time has finally come.
John Cole
Speaking for me only, there is nothing sly about it. I am using it for every post, regardless the topic until, the election. If McCain can mention he was a POW no matter what the topic, so can I.
Democratic Vice Presidents doesn’t end up as Democratic Presidents, that is unless the President they serve under dies in office.
According to Wonkette, Jack Reed has a Secret Service detail as well, so it seems that nothing is final yet.
Drat, you beat me to it Rob!
wasabi gasp
Joe “Iceberg” Biden for the win.
I don’t see that as a negative. I think that an open field after two terms of an executive is probably a good idea–it makes for a more interesting race, and helps keep the ground game fresh and built up.
One good thing about Biden: he’s the one VP candidate that would make it “impossible” for Jeralyn at TalkLeft to support Barack Obama. Which, considering that site’s incredibly balanced and reasoned outpouring of solid support for the nominee of the party, is almost inconceivable to me.
Bey, the Harridans called. They want their good name back, and an apology for associating them with the batshit insane freaks at HillaryIs44.
BTW, I did check with the batshit insane. After perusing the HillaryIs44 site, they just nodded sadly and said, “Yep, that’s one of us. Send’em over.”
I hope its Biden. He’s not an inspired choice, but he’s a goddamn entertaining one. If we need to put up with the diarrhea which is presidential campaigning, we might as well get some entertainment out of it.
Davis X. Machina
Sen Reed would be a stellar choice, but Murphy’s Law says that if he gets the nod, the Dems will get stinkholed at 59 senators, while RI Gov Carcieri (R) bails out the GOP’s filibusterability.
Conservatively Liberal
I am already hearing the whiners about anything “Obama” (Hillary Supporters) at Kos complaining how the whole text message thing was a scam by the Obama campaign to get cell numbers of people (BIG FUCKING DUH!), and now that he has the info they are going to get buried in spam and phone calls (DITTO!).
People are nuts if they think that Obama can keep the Secret Service (or people peripherally attached to them) from opening their mouth and giving it away. If anything, the leak from the SS shows that Obama can run a tighter ship than they can…lol!
John Cole
With God as my witness, before I ever knew what the site was, when I saw the url hillaryis44, I thought it was a spoof site. “Hillary IS 44!” just has a presumptuous cheerleader sort of feel to it.
By the way, has anyone reserved the url
Jon H
“He is a favorite among the matthews/Russert/Imus axis of stupid that run our discourse”
A favorite for them to poop on.
(future conversation I would die to hear)
Joe Biden: “Get your ass over here and get your fucking shit and your fucking stuffed eagle and your motherfucking safe out of my office!”
Dick Cheney: “Go fuck yourself, Joe.”
Conservatively Liberal
I just heard from the screaming batshit insane contingent and they said that the Hillaryis44 crowd is welcome to join them if they are not happy with the batshit insane accommodations.
jbarntt is going to have a stroke trying to figure that out.
Jon H
The main problem with Biden, other than the likelihood that he’ll say something fatal, is that the covert and overt wingnuts in the media won’t be able to help themselves from saying “Osama/Laden” instead of “Obama/Biden”
Jon H
“Joe Biden: “Get your ass over here and get your fucking shit and your fucking stuffed eagle and your motherfucking safe out of my office!””
I should hope he’d only give Cheney the safe after making copies of the contents and passing them to prosecutors.
Davis X. Machina
The main problem with Biden, other than the likelihood that he’ll say something fatal,…
Dude, he’s running for vice president. No one will notice, and if they notice, it won’t matter. Remember Dan Quayle?
Just Some Fuckhead
I predicted Tim Kaine lightyears ago but I’m hopeful Obama will figure out how to get political superstar Mark Warner on the ticket.
Just Some Fuckhead
I predicted Tim Kaine lightyears ago but I’m hopeful Obama will figure out how to get political superstar Mark Warner on the ticket.
It’s Biden. ABC & CNN just called it.
Jon H
” No one will notice, and if they notice, it won’t matter. Remember Dan Quayle?”
Quayle wasn’t a Democrat, was he?
zuzu's petals
And I wasn’t really rooting for the guy from Virginia, but liked the idea of chanting: Obamacain !
Phoenix Woman
It’s Glengarry Glen Ross!
Tim C.
Yeah about Lars. He’s an even bigger douche than you can possibly imagine. About 15 years ago he was the anchor of, what was at the time, a local non-network TV station. (KPTV 12 in Portland, Oregon) Then he started goin off-teleprompter in the middle of newscasts to spout wingnut drivel. He got canned then migrated to local talk radio where he has been a cross between Sean Hannity and Glen Beck only dumber and less funny.
And the post of the night award goes to….
The Grand Panjandrum
I’ll pretend I’m William Kristol and say its going to be Ross Perot–notwithstanding the fact that the Obama campaign just woke me up to announce Joe Biden. (at least he clean, you know. One nice smooth clean dude, eh?)
BTW we are on our road trip and I am actually typing this from a jail in Fort Smith, AR. I was arrested last night because I wasn’t checking into the hotel with my
wifesister.Anyone know if I’ll have the same problem if decide to drive through WV?
i may be late on this, but is reporter (wait–“reporter”) Lynn Sweet fucking insane?
i’m watching MSNBC, apparently sometime around 1230am-1am they stated that it was Biden, and i had to listen to Sweet talk for about five minutes how the Obama campaign “broke their promise” to its supporters since the text message hasn’t gone out yet. WHAT?
the biggest news in politics, and Obama managed to keep it totally hush-hush, missing his goal by all of about 3 hours. that’s an amazing achievement, and says A LOT about the Obama team’s discipline. i never expected to be the first to know, that’s just not realistic.
But Obama made it fun and exciting, what’s the harm in that? Christ, Sweet, go back to Chicago–you’re not ready for national politics.
Jack Reed is one of the biggest pussy wimp Dems in the senate. Thankfully he was not chosen.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
I don’t know what Sweet’s problem is, but yeah, she’s had a mad-on for Obama since well before this campaign began (she’s a Chicago reporter).
I strongly suspect that she thinks he’s faking being a “nice guy”, and sees his fall as her way to a Pulitzer.
Chris Johnson
And suddenly, Balloon Juice is written by Mamet and Tarantino…
JGabriel wins. He should write a movie script.
Janus Daniels
Who could “overshadow Obama” except maybe Gore?