John McCain, as New Orleans drowned:
No Arabian horses died. Just people. Hahahaha! ! ! ! ! (via C&L)
by Michael D.| 9 Comments
This post is in: Election 2008, Republican Stupidity, Assholes, Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?
John McCain, as New Orleans drowned:
No Arabian horses died. Just people. Hahahaha! ! ! ! ! (via C&L)
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oh really
Nothing is more important in a president than a sense of humor.
Isn’t that special??
Just as special as his statement to his wife…”well at least I don’t put make-up on like a trollup, you C*NT”.
Republicans just shouldn’t do humor. They can’t seem to get that kicking a helpless person is only funny if you’re a screaming asshole.
Blue Buddha
Seriously. I could whittle down all Republican “humor” down to two words: bad slapstick. It would be like watching the Three Stooges, except that Larry, Moe and Curly aren’t being klutzy and smacking each other around… instead they’re going down to the railyard and randomly smacking around hobos for no apparent reason at all.
I didn’t even know people died. I thought it was only Blacks who drowned. Hmmph…..
Neil Boortz
That he’d refer to black people as “people”, that is.
thanks also to the late Al Campanis, leading researcher in race-based buoyancy.
Har har har. Maybe he’ll tell more jokes in his acceptance speech. My brother-in-law thinks the rethugs were hoping for a ripping good hurricane in NO this time around so they could implant images of Noble And Caring Republicans Caring for the Displaced Huddled Masses and send all these files from the last one that the treasonous DFHs keep dredging up down the memory hole for good. No such luck. The Universe has turned against them.
That’s disgusting. Seriously.