Too lazy to deal with taking pics of the pets, so here are some of yours. This fellow is going Galt on the couch:
And I’m not sure what this cat is up to:
And this fellow has it all figured out:
Here is your open thread. Don’t abuse it.
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Dog Blogging, Open Threads
Comments are closed.
General Winfield Stuck
I think you previously posted the cat in box photo. And I am envious of the German Shepard, sitting here sweating like a stuck pig.
I’m surprised Doug hasn’t taken a swipe at this hacktacular
editoriallist of GOP talking points at the WaPo todayJust Some Fuckhead
These Wednesday Night Open Threads are getting to be an every night thing, huh?
NOBODY can hold up a sofa like a black lab . . .
Yes but it’s epic, as epic as the dog in the bucket.
Brian J
Anyone have any idea of why I feel like I am drunk after a large meal even when I haven’t had a sip of alcohol? For the past few days, each time I’ve eaten a very large meal either for breakfast or lunch, I’ve been exhausted after wards, to the point where it feels like I am drunk. Maybe it’s a caffeine crash, but I’d like to know for sure. I haven’t had anything like turkey, which is known to make people sleepy.
General Winfield Stuck
Meh Crystal Ball says there will be strong HealthCare bill passed before the August recess, with Public Option, mandatory coverage, and paid for with a tax on republican whoring.
Laura W
@General Winfield Stuck: He tells the same jokes more than once too.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course.
@Brian J: Get your sugar checked.
I was diagnosed with diabetes about three weeks ago and what you describe is similar to how I felt.
One of the things that pissed me off most about the media coverage of Michael Jackson’s death was the orgy of analysis devoted to his MOONWALK. Few things were more nauseating in recent wks than Brain Williams, Charlie Gibson, and Anderson Cooper pontificating with awe and reverence over MJ’s MOONWALK.
The following set list commemorates the 40th anniversary (this week) of Neil Armstrong’s MOONWALK. This is the MOONWALK that actually matters in my opinion
Across the Universe – The Beatles
Amazing Journey – The Who
Child of the Moon – The Rolling Stones
Man On the Moon – REM
Fly Me to the Moon – Frank Sinatra
Everybody Gets To Go To The Moon – The Three Degrees
shelley matheis
Hmmmm, it’s been three days without a Lily picture?
General Winfield Stuck
I’m hanging on by my finger nails with an A1C test of 6.2 every six months for the past 18. with fasting blood sugar right around 125. Yes, Brian, I think you need to get to a doc. Maybe even an ER with that strong a reaction.
You might want to get your glucose levels checked. If you’re insulin-resistant or borderline (or full-blown) diabetic, and you eat too many carbs, you really do feel kind of weird and disoriented, and then desperate for a nap. If you have a diabetic friend, ask if he or she can come by an hour after you have one of those big meals so you can use their kit (you might want to give him/her some money for the lancets and strips that you use, as those things are freaking expensive). Test your blood one hour and two hours after eating, and see what it says. If it’s not good, go see your doc.
Conversely, when you eat a very large meal, a lot of your blood flow travels to your digestive organs in order to process all that food, so you might have a bit of reduced blood flow elsewhere, leading to fatigue and a bit of dizziness.
And no, I’m not a doctor. Nor have I played one on TV. But I did play it a few times as a kid, if that counts for anything.
harlana pepper
Sotomayor is a terrrist! Fucking fuckers.
Brian J
Hmm, that’s a thought. Is that the sort of thing that can be checked in a general check up or does it require a special appointment?
harlana pepper
I especially like the dog going Galt in the pool. It’s so appropriate. All he needs is a little drink with an umbrella and a lap-dancing Collie.
General Winfield Stuck
Yes, I was a curious Obgyn at age 8.
You know. The scariest thing about Area 51 is the 50 that we don’t know about.
And this may be the greatest product sold on The customer reviews are just top-notch. It’s an amazing day when you stumble on creative gold like this. Also.
General Winfield Stuck
@Laura W:
Attending to this blog all day every day must seem like groundhog day care hell.
harlana pepper
B.O.B. masquerades as “mcd”
General Winfield Stuck: And I’ll bet that at age 8 you were a better OB/GYN than Coburn is to this day.
Brian J – have your doc run a full blood panel. If your glucose is high (mine was 800) he will run a Ha1c. My initial a1c was 14.4. Two weeks on Metformin it’s @ 12.2 and headed down. Normal is under 6.
I’ve had to change my diet and need to lose weight and exercise but the doctor expects it to be controlled without mess in short order.
General – well done! Tips to share for a newbie?
Roger Moore
Obviously, he thinks he’s an All-Star. Of course that makes him no different from any other cat.
Laura W
@General Winfield Stuck:
Yeah, right.
You think he could quit us?
Also, Waders.
Just Some Fuckhead
It sounds like you may be an alcoholic Brian. Do you wake up feeling like a truck ran over ya and a cat shit in your mouth?
You know, if I were Sotomayor, this is how I would greet the GOP Senators for tomorrow morning’s hearing.
Clearly, this is why I am not a SCOTUS nom.
Brian J
I’ve been meaning to get a physical/general check up for a long time now. I haven’t had one in a while, even with health insurance, primarily because I’ve been healthy. I’m never sick, and while I was getting heavier and heavier this past fall, I recently lost 35-40 pounds.
Laura W
@JenJen: LOL!
That snuck up on me! Very good.
Wish I had some ice cream. Did I say that yet tonight?
mcd: I actually know someone who worked at Area 51. Air Force, ex-Thunderbird, and did work on drones when they were being developed. He wouldn’t talk about what went on there, but he did say he’d never seen a theory on it that was even close to correct. I don’t know if he was telling the truth, but there you go. I believe him. Which might be an even scarier thing, that we can’t imagine it. Something beyond what the UFO nutters can dream up? Must be some crazy shit.
@JenJen: That would be hilarious! I would love to see that too.
General Winfield Stuck
Well, I didn’t sterilize any 13 year old girls without their consent.
And there’s more.
Underage with three babies, right. With oral consent no less. The man is a godamned lunatic, and a US Senator.
Brian – go. I was healthy. Until I wasn’t.
Tim F.
Thank you for pointing me to that link. My wife has a fantastic recipe for stewed rabbit with the bone on that we can hardly make anymore because the major producer in China shut down for a while. Although $38 is a bit steep, if that is farm rabbit from the States we will be placing an order soon.
@geg6: Or it could be nothing. Nobody ever theorizes that what actually goes on at Area 51 is nothing. ;^)
Tim F.
BTW – don’t forget to buy your whole rabbit through the Amazon link at top right.
Brian J
I’m actually feeling a little nerve wracked with all of this diabetes talk. It’s provoking a much stronger reaction than how tired I felt.
That’s just it: I don’t drink that much any more. I didn’t have anything at all. I was wondering if it was a caffeine crash, since I usually drink two cups of coffee in the morning and then perhaps some diet soda (along with water, which I’ve started to drink more and more) every day. Today at lunch, I down two or three diet sodas, along with my two cups of coffee.
I’d say the biggest issue when I wake up, by the way, is my very broad shoulders and back feeling like someone took a baseball bat to them. It’s probably because I toss and turn every five minutes or so, toss pillows across the room, and rip the sheets off my bed as a sleep.
@Laura W: @demkat620: Thanks, y’all! That line’s been in my head all day and I had to search like hell to find a clip. :-)
Keeping with the Sotomayor topic, one of the funny comments I read somewhere tonight was, “I hear Disney is working on an animatronic Pat Buchanan for their new “Hall of Cracker Racists” attraction.” It was probably over at Media Matters; there are some surprisingly funny mofo’s up in there.
And Laura, dahling… have you tried B&J’s Stephen Colbert Americone Dream yet? Slurp!
Brian J
I’m definitely going to talk to my mom later tonight about this. She’s a nurse.
Thanks for your help.
General Winfield Stuck
@Brian J:
Shouldn’t feel nerve wracked. It can be controlled if that’s the problem. And It’s a very common malady.
General Winfield Stuck: I know! He’s a complete psychopath. The shit he spouts about women and reproductive rights is the kind of invective you only hear on a stroll through the solitary confinement pod of a maximum security prison dressed in a bikini.
has that ever been explained — why cats looove to squeeze into those small boxes/bags/drawers.
these photos always crack me up… american pets do have the life. certainly the ones here..
Brian J
Don’t ask me why, but certain things shake me to my core. When we’d talk about HIV/AIDS in middle and high school, I’d start to sweat and pant, so much so that a few times, I think I had to leave the room.
Brian – excessive thirst is a major symptom.
Don’t be scared. Just get tested.
Rep. Dan Boren (D-Okla.) impersonates a Republican when discussing Obama
Roger Moore
Wow. Just wow. Those reviews are just full of win.
Found that new “if we don’t tell you that it’s corn syrup that’s being taxed maybe you’ll be upset about the tax” commercial:
General Winfield Stuck
I get that way about Clowns, specially evil ones/
Well, studies have shown that sleep deprivation IS associated with diabetes and glucose intolerance. If nothing else, it’s worth working on the sleep problem because of all of the other crap that sleep deprivation does to you. If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of mattress and pillows do you use?
John Cole
I would throw in a sleep test if you are tossing and turning that much.
@Brian J:
Have you ever been checked for sleep issues? A lot of health problems come on as a result of lack of sleep. Even if you think you’re sleeping well, many times you aren’t. A close friend was diagnosed with restless leg syndrome. I know, all the late night comedians think it’s a joke. It isn’t. It’s real and completely messes with your sleep and thus your life. That level of tossing and turning and ripping sheets off the bed (do you have to sleep with the sheets untucked and your feet free?), is not atypical for RLS.
Not saying you have RLS. You might have a different sleep issue, or no sleep issues at all. But health problems do often follow sleep problems. Might be another thing to chat with the doctor about if you are going anyway.
Let me know if you want to chat more about RLS. I’ve got plenty of info and experience with that, via my friend’s experience.
Balloons. Not so much the balloons themselves, but if someone is blowing up a balloon and it is getting too strained and looks like it might pop, I start getting really freaked out, almost to the point of tears. I hate those ads for car dealerships when they’re celebrating a birthday and they show a graphic of a balloon being blown up until it pops.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brian J: Same here. I can’t count the number of times I swore off giving the old guys blowjobs in the mall bathroom.
Brian J
By the way, has anyone been watching “Hung” on HBO? I’ve only seen one full episode and will watch the second episode later tonight, but it’s pretty amusing and has several themes, like isolation and financial despair in a dying city, that seem particularly relevant.
@JenJen: You and me both, sister. I have only seen snippets and listened to a bit today, but when Sessions and Graham both started into her, I almost lost it. She sat there so calmly taking her notes (in her bright-colored jackets. Loved that touch), whereas I would have been tempted to say, “Look, you motherfuckers. You don’t get it. I’m a damn good judge. Just because you don’t fucking like the way I look–that’s your fucking problem. What a bunch of cry-babies.” Then I would have flipped them the bird to finish off my complete meltdown. The posturing done yesterday was ridiculous and insulting.
I gotta say, these open threads with pet pictures are my favorite posts at BJ. I just love them.
Oh, and I’m another one who can’t stand clowns–especially the evil kind.
Tapper made “Worst Persons.”. Can’t blame KO for going there. It’s fucking Tapper. Isn’t he a gossip columnist or something?
Laura W
@Brian J:
God has given us a dark wine so potent that,
drinking it, we leave the two worlds.
God has put into the form of hashish a power
to deliver the taster from self-consciousness.
God has made sleep so
that it erases every thought.
God made Majnun love Layla so much that
just her dog would cause confusion in him.
There are thousands of wines
that can take over our minds.
Don’t think all ecstacies
are the same!
Jesus was lost in his love for God.
His donkey was drunk with barley.
Drink from the presence of saints,
not from those other jars.
Every object, every being,
is a jar full of delight.
Be a conoisseur,
and taste with caution.
Any wine will get you high.
Judge like a king, and choose the purest,
the ones unadulterated with fear,
or some urgency about “what’s needed.”
Drink the wine that moves you
as a camel moves when it’s been untied,
and is just ambling about.
~Mathnawi IV, 2683-96
The Essential Rumi, Coleman Barks
Sorry, what, Brian?
In case it hasn’t already come up, here’s your sappy video for today: Willie Mays and Obama on Air Force One. (via the Twitters)
@asiangrrlMN: Amazing that they were pondering her “temperament” while she sat there showing far more dignity and grace than they were. I just adore this woman, I really do. And I would give ANYTHING to see what she was scribbling on that yellow legal pad while those sanctimonious backwater Senatorial jackoffs were lecturing her. (Hmmm… idea!!)
I realize our gracious host, John, can’t understand why anyone is watching these hearings, but he’s really missing out. It’s been fascinating, watching these GOP Senators pander to and prove their idiotic, xenophobic, sexist bona fides to what’s left of their base. I’ve never seen anything like it. There have been times during the hearings that I’ve actually been shocked at their tone, and that has surprised me.
By the way, this is the best political cartoon I’ve seen on Sotomayor yet:
General Winfield Stuck
Thanks for posting that. the “Say Heh” kid was my childhood baseball idle. I would pester anybody and everybody to take me to old Crosley Field when the Giants were in town to play the Reds. And would plant myself right behind the backstop for the entire game. The several Home Runs he hit that I saw, are etched into my memories with crystal clarity.
I love how a dog can take over the whole couch. There is no room for anyone or anything else on that sofa.
steve s
Johnny B. Guud
It’s amazing. I was just channel surfing, landed on CNN for the first time in a while and Larry King’s topic tonight?
Michael Jackson, of course.
Good grief…
In case you weren’t watching Keith Olbermann tonight, it seems the other shoe has dropped for Maj. Stefan Cook, only it wasn’t a shoe anyone was expecting….
From Dailykos diarist sierrak9s:
“As it turns out, Maj. Cook was a reservist, employed in civilian life by a DOD contractor, Simtech, Inc. We are all aware that his military command has revoked his deployment orders, telling him that he’s not wanted anymore. But that’s not all. Today (or yesterday, it’s hard to tell on the Freeper and WingNutDaily sites), Maj. Cook was informed that the DOD has also advised Simtech that he is no longer welcome at the DOD facility where Simtech was performing services, and as a result, Simtech doesn’t have a job for Maj. Cook anymore.”
The entire diary entry quoted can be found here.
One word of caution. This may not yet have been confirmed by an non-wingnut organizations.
Thanks, I am now blubbering like an idiot.
well fuck.
harlana pepper
@steve s: un-fucking-believable re: repubes masturbating the “wise latina” thing; rachel maddow beating up paddy buke now, he will guest tomorrow nite, should be juicy
Cat Lady
@Brian J:
I haven’t seen it, but heard an interview on NPR last week with the producer/writers IIRC. They were very thoughtful and insightful, and have a lot to say in that show. They described choosing the actor in a casting call, who actually is hung. That was part of the audition. It got my attention! Too bad I don’t have HBO.
steve s
you lost me.
I give the fuck up.
Somewhere in a Dailykos diary is the story of Maj. Cook losing his civilian job, but since the edit box keeps eating my fucking link faster than K Lo can go through a case of Twinkies, you’ll just have to find the fucking thing on your own.
EDIT: Go to dailykos, look at the Recommended Diarys list box, 5th one down.
harlana pepper
yay for franken! dems, get some balls
@General Winfield Stuck: @Litlebritdifrnt: It is fairly awesome. The best part is that they’re two historic figures just sitting there like a couple of folks. Willie Mays is the quintessential rambly old dude, and Obama is the young whipper snapper working hard not to be awkward while trying to chat it up with the rambly old dude.
Bad Horse's Filly
Now we’re saving lives on BJ. Brian J, my dad just got diagnosed with type 2 and some weight loss and adjustment in his diet has taken care of it. So don’t worry too much, just make sure you get it tested.
That cat in a box could be my cat, except I know her favorite box has no lid. She has the exact colors.
And in honor of our Friday Night dinner club, I’m trying to track down a recipe I just watched a chef make for Chilled Melon Soup with Champagne. It looked amazing and I was disappointed they didn’t include a recipe. The rest of the menu is set, but we’ll need wine (or beer Tim F.) suggestions.
When he says “I was so proud” it about made me lose it. Then when POTUS said “it was because of people like you” I definitely lost it.
A Brit paratrooper in Afghanistan writes home:
Bad Horse's Filly
@Litlebritdifrnt: “and here we are on Air Force One” – yup I’m a blubbery mess now, too. Thanks Slag.
Anne Laurie
Oh, yeah! Lindsey Graham, Tom Coburn, Glenn Beck — *shudders*
kommrade reproductive vigor
The caption for all of those photos should be “Mine! All mine!”
JMN Is Now asiangrrlMN's Official Stalker
It’s the rodeo clowns that I can’t stand.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Mixed Metaphor Alert: Where I come from, one sweats like a pig/hog. One bleeds like a stuck pig/hog. Big difference! When given the option, always opt for the sweating! s/
All clowns are evil.
General Winfield Stuck
Actually, pigs don’t sweat at all, except in the land of southern colloquialisms. Where I grew up/
@JenJen: Did you hear the part when she said, “Now, if I were to bring a gun in here and shoot you…” That was right before the jackass did the Ricky Ricardo imitation. I thought that was classic.
@slag: Thanks for the video, man. I was tearing up, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
@JMN Is Now asiangrrlMN’s Official Stalker: Great. Now I’m thinking about rodeo clowns.
@Tattoosydney: True dat, fake hubby. True dat. Except Ronald McDonald because he has the special sauce and all.
@harlana pepper: Buchanan is gonna be on Rachel tomorrow? Looks like an episode I won’t be watching. Unless y’all tell me that she ripped him a new one.
Et Tu Brutus?
Billions for Goldman Sachs and their ilk, but nada for CIT ( small businesses, we don’t need no stinkin’ small businesses).
I’d sure like to know what the fuck happened to ” we are going to rebuild the middle class”.
@JenJen: Did you hear the part when she said, “Now, if I were to bring a gun in here and shoot you…” That was right before the jackass did the Ricky Ricardo imitation. I thought that was classic.
Per asiangrrImn
That cracked me up. Classy way to get the point across.
Yup, killer video. And I don’t even like baseball.
But I still haven’t cried like I did on election night. And it wasn’t even over seeing our new President. I broke down when McCain gave his concession speech, because that was when I knew it had really happened.
And yes, there was Irish whiskey involved. I was quite the optimist that night.
Our new kitten is a riot. Now she likes to sit on our shoulder like a parrot.
I thought that was Jesus Juice.
@General Winfield Stuck: Well then General, being from the land of southern colloquialisms, you would be aware of the impossibility of ‘sweating like a stuck pig’, wouldn’t you? And yes, I’m aware that pigs don’t sweat, that’s why they enjoy wallowing in the mud. It cools them off. I suppose there’s no allowing for what might become a southern colloquialism. Can you tell me what,”tighter than Dick’s hatband” actually means? I’ve heard it said all my life, but I still don’t know what the phrase means. Thx!
General Winfield Stuck
Never heard of that one, must be Texan.
And the beauty of colloquialisms is they don’t have to make a lick of sense. See. it’s impossible for sense to be licked.
Always a good sign! I prefer Bushmills. What your favorite?
@General Winfield Stuck: That’s a good and correct guess! But just to be clear, I’m not from Texas, (not that’s there anything wrong with that) but my grandparents lived in East Texas and I stayed with them quite a bit.
@Tattoosydney: Hahahahah. Jebus Juice. Dat’s funny.
@WereBear: Pictures of the parrot cat, or it never happened.
Happy song. Work almost finished.
Common Sense
My all time favorite southern colloquialism is “bless your heart.” It’s basically saying, “you’re a moron,” so it’s more of a euphemism I suppose. It’s still hilarious.
Some of you fear clowns and balloons and diseases. I fear baked beans.
This kid, when I was in Catholic school, would hock them up at lunch with his mouth and make them come out his nose as a trick, and ever since then I get the willies just seeing cans of them. Unfortunately my husband likes them about as much as the rest of his misguided countrymen (beans on toast? on baked potatoes? with breakfast? wtf?). I won’t clean the pans he cooks them in, and won’t store anything I like to eat in the same cabinet with them.
In non-crazy news, I harvested nearly three pounds of raspberries this morning. I’ll freeze some for baking and smoothies, and I may have a go at making jam. Does anyone else have ideas what you can do with that much fruit? There are about as many unripe berries left on the canes so I reckon there’ll be another three pounds to handle in a few days. In another few weeks I’ll be up to my neck in blackberries.
I am also awash in peas, but they aren’t quite ready yet. Some of them are reserved for the Bean’s first meal.
@Common Sense: Actually ‘bless your heart” doesn’t always mean ‘you’re a moron’, sometimes it’s used as a term of true sympathy. But you’re right, the phrase usually infers, “You’re a moron and you can’t hep bein’ so fucked up, the way you are.” Goes hand in hand with “Well, Lord love ya!”
This recipe is particularly good, and easy, and would work very well with raspberries as well…
You posted this back awhile ago in another thread. I tried them and my husband now asks for them at least once a week. if you have anymore that good don’t hesitate to post them.
My 19 yr old daughter makes this every couple of months, Raspberry Pavlova.
@R-Jud: I’ve heard of that before. I think it’s called thermolegumophobia. Very rare, almost unheard of.
Johnny Pez
In looking over the pet photos again, I thank God there’s SOMEBODY doing the important work.
@Common Sense:
There are different version of this…
The proper way to pull this off is “Well, bless your heart, honey,” said with wide, innocent eyes and a completely overdone inflection of concern.
It can also be used in conjunction with an insult, such as “Bless his heart, he can’t help that his momma gave him the stupid gene.”
“Bless your heart,” while placing a hand on someone’s arm translates to either “I genuinely mean this,” or “I am deliberately being as sarcastic as possible whilst feigning concern in order to amuse those around me.”
“Well, bless his little heart, that’s a shame,” is dripping with schadenfreude. Soaked in it.
You also have to watch the eyes and tone. When it is said with wide, innocent eyes and with the inflection of “Well, bless your heart, honey.”
It’s all about the context. My Southern grandmother used the phrase like some people use “dude.” An art form for Southern women. I use it too.
The critter in the purple wading pool is a girl, not a guy. We took her luminous pink collar off so it wouldn’t get wet. She’s a sweety, but she weighs 120 pounds, the police canine unit has tried to recruit her, and she used to hold golden retriever puppies underwater with her big paw until they were rescued, because the pool was hers. She happily raised a black lab/mix rescue puppy as if she was its mother from the date of its arrival. The puppy now looks like the lab on the couch. My guess is that she would lo, although Lily smaller than her head.