From commentor Comrade Scott’s Agenda of Rage:
Attached is the one cat (of our current 8) who we actually adopted from a shelter: Elsie. She was adopted as a “companion” to the cat in the second picture, Dandelion, who we brought back from New Orleans just after Katrina in 05 after doing rescue work down there for a group called Muttshack. The first cat we brought back from there suddenly died one night after a heartworm broke lose and lodged in an artery causing a massive heart attack… Dandelion needed someone her own age, thus, Elsie.
The dog you see in the second picture, Bozo, is another adoptee. Our former neighbor was an 80 year old guy who finally had to move out of his house and the assisted living apartment wouldn’t let him take his dog or two cats. We found homes for the two cats and took in Bozo who is our first dog after being together for 25+ years. He’s great with cats and loves kittens.
The rest of our cats are strays that came to us after we moved here to East Bumfuck MO (Bonnots Mill MO, we own a B&B, www.dauphinehotel.com). We even carved out a room in the garage. I have an old page up for that: http://www.dauphinehotel.com/dauphine_cats.htm although only 5 of the 10 cats listed are still alive.
Elsie’s shelter? Central Missouri Humane Society (http://www.cmhspets.org). My wife volunteers there and we foster cats and kittens. The third picture is my wife with our very first brood of fosters: them and their mama were rescued from a rusting car hulk after a couple of pit bulls found em. All, including their mama, are now in forever homes.
Although the adopting of strays was something we expected when we moved here (since people here view animals as chattel–yes, they are very red Republicans and have a shitty view on pets, what a coincidence), the whole animal rescue/shelter volunteering/fostering idea wasn’t. The late Steve Gilliard, in a very indirect way, is responsible for that:
Awwww, cyuuuute!
Yes, a clowder of cats on a patient human body reduces me to almost the same amount of squee as a dog does.
My wife and I are checking out another dog tomorrow at a local shelter. Looks pretty similar to our current one we adopted several years ago, both are german shepherd mixes we think. The dog is in a “foster home”shelter run by a shelter and it sounds like she came from this messed up situation.
I love these photos! The next time I feel stressed out, I’m going to think of the pic with the kitties and the doggie just hangin’ in the sunshine. Happy times.
I think Bozo is a great dog name. What gorgeous kitties!
When we have more room we will have more cats (currently at 3.) At first Mr WereBear was skeptical, then resigned, and now he’s actually looking forward to it. Bwahahahaha!
The power of kitties.
I so appreciate your struggle in an area indifferent to pets. I thank the heavens every day that my challenges do not include dumped pets; while my area is rural NY, we have several no kill shelters and an active, pet conscious, community.
I love these late night rescue posts. Comrade Scott you have some wonderful adoptees. Love the picture of the human kitty mattress.
South of I-10
Aww, I need a cute kitty pic today!
Another great story of sweet compassion. Thank you for sharing.
Great pics, especially love the one of the bebehs laying all over her. That’s how I want to die, covered in baby kittehs.
Linda Featheringill
What a nice family you have!
Totally awesome. Makes me want to scope the kitties up and bring them home…………..
Thanks. I seriously am in love with these posts.
JPL(formerly demo woman)
Comrade Scott thank you for sharing the pictures of your beautiful animals. The inn looks wonderful and homey and I’d love to see it. Your post about Steve brought back wonderful memories. Steve’s insights are sorely missed.
It sounds as though you married an angel.
My google-fu tells me you are in the heart of whiskey tango, gun-loving, squirrel soup redneck Mozurrah. My condolences. You may be the only lib within 100 miles of that location.
BTW, OT, but hi-larious:
Stupid fuck who decided it would be great hijinx, myriad guffaws, and super dooper funneh to clown on MoHam is now probably weeks away from getting waxed. Fuckin moran.
Comrade Scott, what a wonderful inn — and an inn for kittehs too. love all the pics. keep up the good kitteh rescue work.
PS-I wasn’t aware that red/orange female tabbies were rare. I had one named Annie (also) for 16 years.
I just heard about the Jon Stewart Rally To Restore Sanity set for 10/30 in DC.
I’ve worked in DC for 4 years, am a political news junkie, and loyal Dem and I’ve never attended a single event on the Mall.
But this…this event I will attend.
Mmm kittens.
Reminds me of this-
That inn looks fantastic! I wanna go, and drag my mom. She lives in Columbia. She won’t need to be dragged, though. She loves that shit.
Also, don’t forget to vote YES on Prop B in November, the Puppy Mill regulation ballot measure. And vote here now:
Joe Bauers
I preemptively predict that at least 100 million people will attend. Maybe more. Anybody who disagrees is trying to cover up the truth.
Love this post very much, and I needed it very much. The cats are so adorable, and the dog is pretty damn cute, too. Happy sigh.
licensed to kill time
The bottom photo is wonderful. It looks like one of those massages where they line up a bunch of hot stones on your back? only with kittehs! I’m sure it’s VERY powerful. The Power of Kitteh Chakras !
That’s a bundle of happy pets right there. Thanks for the morning smiles.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
I picked a great time to leave town for a couple of days!
Thanks y’all for the kind words and compliments.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
In 08, we were the second reddest county in the state in terms of McCain/Palin voters: 72%. The county paper here, the Unterrified Democrat, is owned by the two most terrifying Republicans you’d ever want to meet.