Apparently, last week, President Obama’s speech really, really hurt the wingnuts deep down to their collective souls, because there is loads of butthurt all over the place.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the entire wingnut blogosphere:
Like small, wet, salty badges of emotional truth.
BTW- this may be why most of them think military service is talking about guns on a blog and slapping a yellow ribbon on the family minivan. Also, too.
*** Update ***
I would be breaking every rule of internet blogging and probably crush Atrios (happy 9th!) if I did not include an obligatory link to the wingnut epic titled “The Pussification of the Western Male.”
General Stuck
Luv this clip, especially the dolphins, what about the dolphins. There is a danger that the black dude kicking sand in the face of republicans time and again, now that there is a reason to bother with them, from running the House, that they will completely lose their shit, and throw an existential hissy fit on the nation.
There is also the possibility the wingnuts will suffer a degree of humility and recognize they are craven racist assholes that only represent the interests of the richest Americans. If you think that is possible, then click here and confess your sins.
j low
I had never seen the “pussification” link before. I didn’t realize that Rhodesian Ridgebacks were “Mean Ass” dogs. Mine is a total pussy. And I love him dearly.
And they used to laugh at Clinton saying I feel your pain.
They’ve really gotten infantile.
Hehehehe….I used to go to that website quite a bit. The politics was bullshit, but the man knows his guns. Of course, he didn’t like being called a pussy when asking visitors to buy his and his (ball-busting) wife’s conservative Christian homeschooling products. Sounded like begging to me.
The reactionary butthurt hordes probably figured it would press some button in Obama’s brain that would trigger pre negotiation concessions, and if not that, then it would have pushed a button in the press’ brain, which would then produce appeals to Obama to just agree with everything the butthurts said in order to be nice.
But, Sunday, I heard Bob the Schief contrast butthurt to bipartisanship. See, the butthurt is not bipartisan.
And what supposedly immovable object of butthurt can withstand the relentless tides of bipartisanship?
Now, the ineffective and only half heartedly pointlessly mean Senate group budget planning group lead by Warner, that is bipartisan.
Poor butthurt. Bipartisan is the sexy big guy on the beach kicking sand in its face.
Of course, that’s today. Might change tomorrow, if some money or media market share in it.
The Dangerman
I saw Perino on Fox over the weekend complaining called the Right “Unamerican”; given how many on the the Right literally wonder if Obama is not American, I found that breathtaking.
Fuck her and fuck them.
Just wait until we throw them in the re-education camps.
I don’t think I ever heard of a more pussy sounding name than Kim du Toit. Could be mistaken as a girl and French no less.
You wage class warfare with the infantile emopants-wetting butthurt fascist wannabes you have, not the ones you wished you had. It sucks, but then life isn’t fair, is it?
When I think of “sensitive new age guys” I think of Christine Lavin.
Southern Beale
Apparently Bill O’Reilly was right: there really IS a Fox News Security and Roger Ailes used them to spy on reporters at his hometown newspaper.
Talk about loads of butthurt all over the place. This is the weirdest fucking story ever but hey, it’s wingnuttia so what do you expect. These people ARE pathological.
David in NY
@PurpleGirl: Well, of course. Some of us have been “sensitive new age guys” at Christine’s concerts more than once.
We just want to steal your grandmother’s retirement money, kick her out of her foreclosed home, and laugh at her as she suffers a slow and painful death, all so we can have a few extra bucks to drop on gold plating the company yacht.
Why are you guys such assholes about it.
Yevgraf (fka Michael)
Wow, I must have been absent the day that Kim DuTois rant was published. I used to read his blog many years ago (2002, 2003) and his wife, “Mrs. DuTois” also. They are something else. They were kind of living off the grid or something in Texas, had a lot of very strong opinions about education and guns, one or both disabled, iirc. Yes, I love when people on the “dole” complain about big government and then panhandle on the web.
That dude who plays the Winklevoss twins is versatile!
General Stuck
If you want to read an excellent example of whiny butt hurt wingnuts, over Obama’s new “meanyness” this editorial was pretty cool with the raging ODS.
Got a big belly laugh out of that quote.
Conservatives portray liberals a weepy bleeding hearts but it’s been shown that the more emotionally you react to political and social issues the more conservative you tend to vote.
One end of the spectrum – Glenn Beck. The other end – Barack Obama.
Any questions?
This post doesn’t set the proper tone at all for a non-partisan discussion over lunch.
Not. At. All.
@Joel: My coworker was telling me about a customer today who went on and on about Obama wanting to change the Star Spangled Banner and how no one was going to shut her up about Obama. If I had been at the desk, I would have politely told her that I was forwarding her name for a spot in one of those re-education camps.
Who the fuck is Kim du Toit?
And what the hell is this:
Dude sounds like a fop from any Anthony Trollope novel. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, Trollope’s entertaining.
But seriously, this is the guy who is going to draw a line in the sand about “pussification”?
Dude’s got issues.
How on Earth can you mention “Bedazzled” without reference to Drimble Wedge & The Vegetation?!?
You fill me with inertia!
joe from Lowell
While it’s a lot of fun to make fun of Republicans for acting like giant, jiggling mounds of wuss, let’s not overlook the fact that their economic dogma is so indefensible that, when they find it challenged, they can’t come up with any better response than to act like giant, jiggling mounts of wuss.
Shorter GOP:
@loretta: Both were chronically “disabled”. I don’t think they actually drew disability, but it was enough to where they were “self-employed” a lot.
Which explains the overcompensation.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
we are all dawson leary.
@David in NY: I saw her at a free concert in the riverside park in Peekskill (late 1980s, I guess). I had a group of friends come up from the City for the concert and a bbq at a friend’s house.
ETA: I’ll admit I haven’t followed her very much, but every so often I think of her. And Sensitive New Age Guys just turns on the lightbulb brightly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal: I, for one, do not have a fivehead.
This reminds me of how one prominent warblogger back in the day, Steven Den Beste, is now a pathetic anime blogger (no link). I mean, I’m an anime otaku myself, and even I find it sad.
Du Toit and his wife were well-known objects of ridicule for Sadly, No and TBogg back in the day.
Then one day, Kim (girly name) said his blogging days were over because and the missus couldn’t afford to have him sitting around in his underwear playing he-man on the toobz.
In other words, the disability insurance ran dry.
They also tried to start a webcast/ radio show. I’m not sure how long it lasted. It was free but constantly asked for donations.
For a political movement that tries openly to appeal to low-information voters on the basis of its toughness and strength and save-us-daddy quotient, these candy asses sure do lose their shit an awful lot.
Bedazzled holds up surprisingly well as a little comedy gem. Worth watching, if you haven’t already seen it.
And, to preëmpt the inevitable comment, the original British version with Dudley Moore and Peter Cook is good too.
Safe hug, tough love, manly he-man butthurt is tough to pull off, for all sorts of reasons, partly people’s dirty dirty minds.
But they are being forced to cycle through their ‘meme of the week’ so quickly now, they will probably have to figure out how to meld the manly tough love big daddy and the butthurt themes.
It will be interesting to see what they come up with.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
the best part about the pussification of america is he stole it from a carlin bit…
the worst part he doesn’t mention about how if white people are going to blow up black churches, black people should bomb the house of blues.
The Moar You Know
And the surprise factor would be? Wailing their victiminess for all to hear is a defining characteristic of the 27%er teabagger/wingnut patriots.
Listening to them they’re Jack Bauer’s tougher brother, think defining torture as major organ failure (it should be two major organs!) is wussy, but let a size 0 SEIU waitress look cross-eyed at them and maybe toss a couple of non-affirming words their way and they’ll fall all over themselves to be first crying Union Thugs!
joe from Lowell
@General Stuck:
One electoral ass-kicking later:
@The Moar You Know:
Might as well have signed the manifesto “-Tobias Fünke”.
The radio show. No links to actual shows, but still panhandling.
Apparently they’re around still commenting on far right wing sites. He got out while he could still be lionized, I guess.
Didn’t the Du Toits eventually return to South Africa (from whence they came)?
Davis X. Machina
The need for education-the-first-time camps is even greater.
Den Beste was his own biggest fan in far too many ways, but I have to say his story about the origin of his surname was really funny.
Credit where credit is due.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Now that was a great band. Sully couldn’t really sing, but he made up for it with his dance moves.
@MaryRC: He’s South African (ran like hell the minute apartheid looked like ending), she’s native Texan, I think. And looks it.
No idea where they are now. Last time I checked in, they’d failed at (yet another) business and had to tell the kids sorry, no college for you, because of course the parents had no savings, because of course they’d put every cent they had into some Ralph Kramden-ass idea which of course went belly up like all the rest. Mom and Pop Du Toit didn’t seem to grasp that this was a reflection on their own judgment and economic acumen, but instead bemoaned this totally random event that occurred in complete disconnection to anything they might have done or not done.
The entire family was grossly obese, which is relevant because these scions of personal accountability kept blaming “genes” alone for all of them needing to drop between 100-200 pounds. The daughter was trying to get into the Navy, but she was too fat to get the recruiters to give her the time of day, so the mom was encouraging her to gain another 50 pounds so that she could qualify for insurance-paid bariatric surgery rather than have to go through the horrifyingly unfair burden of eating fewer calories and moving her ass more. To call these people a hypocritical trainwreck of Taggart Tunnel proportions is to understate the case enormously.
@j low: Also wasn’t aware that Davy Crockett went to “certain death” at the Alamo. As I recall, he was going to Texas to make money and got caught up in the revolution. They were waiting for reinforcements at the Alamo until it was overrrun. But don’t try to confuse conservative tough guys with facts.
Dave, whoa. I only got to be in the sensitive onstage chorus once. In Rochester about ten years ago. I like music that’s repetitious.
bedazzled is one of the most underrated movies of all time.
I love how they describe themselves as “1910 People in a 2010 World”.
What the hell does that even mean? Besides the basic math of subtracting a century from 2010, what lifestyle or type of society is so special during the turn of last century for one to wish to belong? It isn’t a fun time to play dress-up like the Victorian era, and it wasn’t the top time of decadent wealth as were the roaring ’20’s.
It’s the power tools that gets me every time. Can. Not. Stop. Laughing.
Giant Penny-farthing bicycles were all the rage, handlebar mustaches were in style, and barbershop quartets were at every park.
I mean who doesn’t long for the days when waxed handlebar mustaches were the style?
Roy Edroso’s alicublog had a post-election “where are they now” about the Du Toits at . The comments are gold: Read to the end.