(Jeff Danziger’s website)
Dubya Bush doesn’t seem to have had many generous impulses in his life, but he sure can’t stop making gifts to America’s humorists. Ask Doghouse Riley about what the shills call “an interactive theater [where library visitors] will be presented with the stark choices that confronted the nation’s 43rd president” and Riley names “Worst Video Game Ever. Figures.“:
• Run for governor of Texas, or move to an island and found your own colony of Jebus-mazed explosion fanciers?
• Fakey Texas drawl, or Cagney impression?
• Run for President, or do something for your country for once?…
(Mike Thompson via GoComics.com)
I just saw a clip from a GWB interview, his red drinkywinky face was on fire. Goes with his pants.
Mike in NC
Dubya sure mastered the old reverse Midas touch.
Worst president ever. James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce had much less potential leverage for harm, intentional or not.
Actually allow the nation’s pressing business which they’re being paid to undertake to proceed?
Anything associated with Shrubya that does not mock him mercilessly just makes me sad. Stolen elections make me sad. Crazy unfunded wars make me sad. Dem kow-towing makes me sad.
Mike G
$250 million for a shelf full of comic books and The Pet Goat?
Does the restaurant serve Freedom Fries?
God, I fucking hate GWB. I was 14 years old when the 2000 election went down. I wrote an essay as a freshman that talks about how Bush and Gore were the same – bought that line hook, line, and sinker. But I knew that fishy shit was going down in FL, and it was a terribly sad day when Gore conceded the race after SCOTUS and those 5 assholes stole the presidency from him.
Yes, that turd Joe Lieberman would’ve been vice president. But you know what? I would trade Barack Obama’s presidency for Al Gore’s in a heartbeat. So much would have been different – and better – if he was in charge. And the fact that this assclown ran the country into the ground over the course of 8 years makes it all the much worse.
Even to this day, 13 years later, I can’t think straight about that election, because the wrong person didn’t even WIN, and he was gifted the presidency.
Just incredibly sad. Fuck him and his half-billion dollar tribute to a shitty legacy.
Bit of nice news:
@Mike G
Don’t forget the statues of his dogs and cat.
And what? No section for the kiddies where they can participate in a Where’s
WaldoWMD? interactive exhibit? That could keep the young’uns busy for hours on a fruitless search.Morzer
And Mark Sanford has apparently just revealed his complete, utter, barking lunacy to the world:
I am not a kook
I’d like to start a guerilla program to place copies of My Pet Goat in random places in his library.
Roger Moore
@Mike G:
I assume it must have been built on a no-bid Haliburton contract, so it’s understandable that they spent so much for so little.
Amir Khalid
Reminds you of the Mickey Kaus vs. Cardboard Box debate, doesn’t it? As I recall, the cardboard box won that one by default.
For those who may not have seen it yet, the name of the boat the younger Tsarnaev (a/k/a Suspect #2) hid within has been disclosed.
And the irony is rife.
Slip Away II
@Morzer: Damn that’s weird. The problem is, it is South Carolina, so I could imagine some of the people there thinking that Colbert Busch is Nancy Pelosi.
I do have to take it as a good sign that he has to resort to pulling off really fourth-rate stunts like this to get attention nowadays.
I will say that i hate GWB for very personal reasons — the animosity of the 2000 election and the Fox News hysteria over Gore “stealing” the election caused a major breach in my family and made it very difficult to talk to my dad, since he only wanted to talk about the horrible thing the Demon-rats were doing.
For the same reason, I am planning to piss on Rush Limbaugh’s grave when that asshole finally relieves the world of his presence. And this is not a threat I make lightly because, as a woman, it’s a whole hell of a lot harder for me to carry out than it would be if I were a dude.
@Amir Khalid:
My wife immediately thought of Eastwood versus E.M.P.T.Y.Chair at the GOP convention. I’d like to believe that our national sanity index hasn’t fall so far that Sanford can actually be elected. But, South Carolina is indeed different, bless its heart.
I thought the ad they ran against Sanford was pretty effective and I think Colbert-Busch will win, but I wish I could be sure. Sanford is such a deeply despicable human being on every level.
@Morzer: I was just reading that.
The pic says 1000 words!
I wonder what luckless staffer got the job of holding the cutout up for the debate. You can see a pair of (presumably) female feet underneath the bottom edge.
Spaghetti Lee
I think one thing that worries me about that scenario is that if Gore were president in 2008, the housing collapse and economic collapse would have happened ‘under his watch’ and that would be cemented in the public’s mind. Would that have led to a GOP victory in ’08? I’m really, really glad we haven’t had a Republican president the last 4 years.
@I am not a kook: Rev it up! I can assure you we ain’t gwine to Texas any time soon. The last time was when Shrub was governator and every person we met along the coast was, at a minimum, rolling their eyes…
Given the unique blend of drugs and toxic waste contained by Limbaugh’s grave, I worry that you might set off an apocalyptic explosion.
Spaghetti Lee
You know, if you’re trying to win a close election, is it really a good idea to call the voters pig-fucking morons who can barely feed themselves? I mean, if you’re going to say the South is full of morons when it goes GOP, at least give them credit when something like this happens, and don’t just say it’s in spite of the inherent pig-fucking idiocy. Changing perceptions, hearts and minds and all that. Just say no to self-fulfilling defeatism.
Saw some similar comments on TPM, like “Yeah, ECB’s winning now but she’ll eventually lose. It’s South Carolina.” Uh, thanks for the support?
Spaghetti Lee
When Limbaugh dies, I’ll fire a gun into the grave a few times to make sure he’s really dead.
David Koch
Hillary is giving a speech tonight for a $200,000 fee to a bunch of rich ruling-class land-lords in Dallas.
Why is any so-called liberal promoting this oligarchic for president instead of a true progressive?
@Spaghetti Lee:
Who called the voters of the GRAAYTE State of Saath Cahlina pigfucking morons exactly?
@PsiFighter37: It really was true then, though surely not now, that if Al had done s few BBQ events ‘t home he would gave carried TB and he would not have needed Florida. We are far crazier now.
Spaghetti Lee
I was referring to: The problem is, it is South Carolina, so I could imagine some of the people there thinking that Colbert Busch is Nancy Pelosi.
I’m not trying to start a fight, honestly, but people here sometimes talk about the Democrats’ problem with being too defeatist and I think this is a good example. It’s like, even when we’re winning, we’re losing.
@Spaghetti Lee: Pretty sure SC has done its fair share in earning that reputation. It’s not something that happened overnight, after all.
@Mike in NC:
Ha! My Dad has been saying that for years. Calls him King Minus!
Spaghetti Lee
Well, if he comes back to life, I’ll peel his skin off with a red-hot pair of pliers and then inject flesh-eating bacteria into his eyeballs. Then I’d wrap him in barbed wire and stuff his mouth full of rusty nails, and drop him out of an airplane into a lake of sulfuric acid.
I don’t know if that’s the proper way to kill zombies, but it’s just something I’d enjoy.
@Spaghetti Lee:
So your answer then is that, other than you, no-one called the noble exercisers of the South Carolina franchise “pig-fucking morons”?
@Spaghetti Lee: We wouldn’t have had a jobless recovery that necessitated reckless actions like lending money to people who couldn’t afford their houses…because they would’ve had jobs that would’ve given them the income that they needed to actually pay off the house.
It’s hard to say for sure, and granted, one of the bad legacies of the Clinton era is that they were way too pro-deregulation, but Gore definitely was getting his populist streak on, and I feel like that, in his heart of hearts, was a truer voice for him.
@HinTN: Butterfly ballot. Yes, he could’ve won WV, or TN, or NH, but he actually DID win the election in FL; it’s only SCOTUS that thought that not counting the votes = democracy!!11
Oh, and one more side effect of 2000 is that Ralph Nader can go fuck himself. The only personal beneficial impact of his run is that it turned my once-conservative mother into a straight-ticket Democratic voter ever since when she voted for him and realized what a shitty screwup that was (she was voting in NY, but still).
Alarming rumors that Mark Sanford might be a pedo-porcophile have begun to swirl:
Guardian UK profile of Elizabeth Colbert Busch.
One debate coming up, not televised.
West of the Rockies
I would be very surprised if GWB by choice set foot in any library since about his second year of college.
Spaghetti Lee
I didn’t call anyone that.
@efgoldman: Dude, you can’t kill a zombie with a silver bullet. Unless! That silver bullet directly penetrated the brain and severed the central brain cord thingy. That would kill a zombie, but you could also do that with a regular bullet – maybe! So in summary, use machetes and axes for zombie killing rather than guns. Unless they’re big guns, and then go to zombie town.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Looks like you and D J Fluker both got yourselves hacked, ‘cos I am not seeing anyone else on here using that language with reference to the magnificent and virtuous voters of South Carolina.
Tennessee, maybe not so much. Gore’s very vocal and strident anti-tobacco rhetoric didn’t play well in tobacco country.
On the basis of that, coupled with his campaign’s announced reticence in having Clinton stump for him, I had predicted he wouldn’t carry TN by the time the 2000 conventions were over.
But what if it were a silver bullet the size of a house? Hmm? Hmm?
Roger Moore
@Spaghetti Lee:
Maybe there wouldn’t have been a bubble and crash under a Gore administration. The bubble may not have been primarily a result of federal malfeasance, but it might have been headed off by competent government regulators who had tried to stop all the fraud that supported it.
And tax revenues would have continued to come in, and no war on the tab…
Have we already consigned Mr. George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina to the memory hole?
Ah, those were the days.
I am just remembering that for a married man Mark Sanford seemed to be carrying some awfully young pigs around back in the day….
skirt and funnel
@muddy: And SS would’ve been fine. Gore took way too much shit about ‘lockbox’, but how does that look 13 years in hindsight and we’re now having to fight a Democratic president including cuts to benefits in his budget?
There are a lot of shitty things that happened as a consequence of the 5-4 “don’t take this as precedent” decision of Bush v. Gore.
Oh, not to mention that if Gore had gotten re-elected in 2004, we’d be looking at a solid liberal majority on the court of 6 members for a generation to come. THAT’S the real kicker of 2000 (and 2004 as well).
With a little bit of luck, Scalia would have exploded from the strenuous effects of excess internal venom.
@Morzer: We would’ve had a liberal Chief Supreme Court Justice.
Can you fucking imagine that the last liberal to sit in that seat was Earl Warren, who was a Republican appointee? It’s been nearly 45 years and counting since LBJ screwed the pooch and tried to put Abe Fortas in that seat, resulting in Warren retiring after Nixon was elected.
After further review, this may be a good night for some drinking and lamenting, followed by a vow to take vengeance on the Republican cretinocracy.
Aw, man. It is an entirely different reality we’d be living RIGHT NOW if Gore had prevailed in 2000. Assume 9/11 DOES NOT happen. Assume continued growth of the economy yet curtailing of global warming. 2004 is President Gore versus McCain and Gore wins and so continues a generation of Democratic rule, and a more enlightened America.
Instead, we have the Madness. So tragic!
There has been some iteration of this sentiment for every election. I think there are folks who just genuinely do not see any differences at all between parties, or who focus on one specific issue and that issue guides their opinion in it’s entirety.
Hell, I’ve seen comments on this blog by some commenters saying Bush=Obama because the public option, no wait, drones. Maybe it’s not prosecuting GWB for war crimes, or chained CPI. Whatever the case, some folks want a 100% difference between two candidates or as far as they are concerned, both candidates are pretty much the same.
Elizabeth Warren coming up on Maddow show in about 2 or 3 minutes.
@Redshirt: Yeah, that’s why I have to stop myself from getting carried away with the ‘What ifs’ of 2000, because the magnitude of difference would have been incredibly different. And I’ll probably end up lethally drunk.
@Hal: Yeah, but part of it was that I was a smart-ass freshman who wanted to demonstrate how ‘free-thinking’ I was. I don’t think I really ever truly believed that sentiment, and I knew that Gore was light-years ahead of Bush when it came to intelligence. I had already read ‘Earth in the Balance’ and should have known better.
My only defense is that I was only 14 years old, so you can’t blame me for voting for Nader.
Please turn yourself in to your nearest Obama Death Camp Supervisor for punitive cleansing and thought purification.
Funny how “free thinking” people always seem to end up with the same stereotypical conclusions.*
You’re excused because of your youth.
Just took a devil’s food cake out of the oven.
If houses could drool, I’d need an umbrella right now.
I actually have my high school docs saved, and here’s this gem from a 6-page essay I wrote on October 25, 2000.
It actually turns out that I got the right man, but boy, was I loaded up on ‘both sides do it’ at 14 years old…even though it was clear from my own freakin’ explanation on the issues that Gore was way better.
Damn, if you’d only remained mentally 14 you could have given David Brooks a real run for his money!
@PsiFighter37: @Morzer:
Alas, even at 14, he had already surpassed Jennifer Rubin.
True. Most of his sentences do not suggest composition under the influence of rabies and a bottle of Pappy’s Scrotum.
You’re really Maureen Dowd, aren’t you?
Can’t this just be called the “George W. Bush Presidential Liebrary”?
Lie Barry, Lie.
W is enough.
@Hal: I can say with utter certainty that I’ve never had any affection for William Safire, so…no.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Better salt and burn the bones while you are at it.
I should think the applause alone would be worth the trouble.
Fort Geek
@MomSense: Best to dust off and nuke the site from orbit.
It’s the only way to be sure.