Hey, all you Greater-Boston folk, a reminder:
Tonight at 7 at MIT, Ta-Nehisi Coates will talk to Hendrik Hertzberg about the state of opinion journalism…
and the related matter of the debased (my word) state of American politics.
Location: 32-123, which translated out of MIT-speak, denotes the big first floor lecture hall in the Gehry-designed building known as the Stata Ctr., located at the corner of campus where Vassar St. hits Main. See this interactive map for details.
Ta-Nehisi, as most here know, is a blogger and senior editor at the Atlantic Monthly, writing about race, culture, politics, history, hip-hop, e-gaming, French language studies and anything else that comes to his notice. Winner of the National Magazine Award for his essay “Fear of a Black President” he is also, to my great pleasure, my colleague in MIT’s Comparative Media Studies/Writing Program. Hertzberg, senior editor and staff writer at The New Yorker led the New Republic won three NMAs, while taking home the hardware (is there any?) for his solo commentary at the home of the monocle and the top hat. As I noted the first time I plugged this event, “he is one of those writers on whose work other writers take notes. He takes writing very, very seriously — talking to one of Ta-Nehisi’s classes yesterday he let them know that the craft isn’t just hard for beginners, that he still sweats and agonizes over getting right with every single piece he publishes.
In other words — whether you want to know about the craft or the content of major-league political analysis, this should be a fun evening.
For those of you who cannot make your way to 02139 tonight, we will be recording the event, and though it may take a little bit, we’ll get the video up in reasonably short order. I’ll let y’all know when and as that happens.
Image: Lesser Ury, In the Cafe Bauer, 1898
Rebecca Skloot speaking here tonight.
Take that, Levenson!
Or, I see your TNC and Hertzberg and raise you a Skloot.
Deb T
Wish I could be there to hear Ta nehisi Coates.
@Deb T:
Ditto. I missed meeting him in NYC this last weekend.
the Conster
All fine, but what does Suzanne Somers think?
Tom Levenson
@BGinCHI: Or, HeLa v. HeTa.
Have fun.
(PS — as you probably know, if your Skloot were a Smoot you’d have a unit of measure, and then we could talk raises and all that.)
Tom Levenson
@the Conster: Let me fix that for you, Anglican style: “All fine, what! But does Suzanne Somers think?’
pacem appellant
OT, but for lack of a better place, and in need of snarky, yet friendly advice, I thought I’d ask about how (and if) to respond to a cranky wingnut relative on FB.
This relative recently opined that Obamacare is going to cover pregnancy but not hip replacement surgery (she’s in her 60s). I don’t know if it’s worth engaging her, but is the correct response, a) yes, it does cover hip replacement surgery, too, b) it depends which plan you sign up for, c) aren’t you almost to medicare age, what are you whining about, anyway? d) you already have health insurance, why harp on youngun’s who might need prenatal care, e) cite your “sources”, please, f) some combination of the above, or g) crickets, since we’re under a family banner of truce right now, this might be seen as a breach of political decorum.
@Tom Levenson: I knew you’d go all in.
@pacem appellant: I sell a line of HHS subsidized Freedom Scooters, equipped with your wingnut bumper sticker of choice. Please refer your wingnuts to me.
@pacem appellant: I would suggest a and b and provide evidence. You might also suggest that Obamacare isn’t covering any of this because what everyone signs up for is private health insurance; the ACA is dictating the minimum coverage and helping the poor with paying for it.
Be civil, your audience isn’t necessarily your relative, it’s everyone else as well.
@pacem appellant: Did the founding fathers go all whimpy and have hip replacements? Well, did they or did they stand sturdily on their own creaky and broken hips like true Freedom loving patriots! Or, possibly, carve replacement sockets out of hickory wood with table-knives and install them their very own self without the benefit of numbing evil evil drrruuuuuggggs rather than whine for govt hand-out Obama-hips.
Omnes Omnibus
@pacem appellant: It appears that the Dimbarts over at Breitbart (no link, fuck ’em) are suggesting that the medical devices tax will kill knee and hip replacements. Take it for what it is worth.
@scav: Well, Jefferson went to France a lot, probably to get his hip replacement there. He definitely wasn’t going to pay American prices.
@pacem appellant:
Flatter her by telling her she looks young enough to have kids.
Omnes Omnibus
@Belafon: Adams spent time in France as well.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m sure Jefferson also went for frequent prenatal care.
Tom Levenson
@Belafon: Franklin too — and I understand a good time was had by all.
The French disease, as the English call it, was perhaps also had by all.
@pacem appellant:
If you’re supposed to be de-escalating hostilities, a neutral link to your proof that she’s wrong about hip replacements (maybe to the Healthcare.gov) with little additional commentary is probably your best bet.
Damn, damn and double that again! I was there just a few days ago and NOOOOO the talk wasn’t then! Damn! My luck – a day late for the one talk and three days too early for the other!
Tom, can you ask Hertzberg what he thinks of the Jonas’ Brothers breakup?
Tom, glad you were able to get this scheduled between games 5 and 6 in the World Series. Smart thinking.
Tom Levenson
@Joel: …[snickers…]
@Tom Levenson:
Witnessed, your achievement has been.
Andover really is looking more and more attractive…
Dude in painting looks like Dr. Narcisse.
Omnes Omnibus
@pacem appellant: I would go with “e.” Ask where she go the info. That gives you something with which to work if you want to do any of the other things. My guess is it is some version of medical devices tax panic I mentioned above,
pacem appellant
@Omnes Omnibus: Probably this is where this person is getting their information. It’s fascinating what people will believe without evidence.
Omnes Omnibus
@pacem appellant: Clownhall is saying it as well.
pacem appellant
@Belafon: That’s my concern about replying at all. My audience is that whole side of the family. But I don’t like the misinformation being out there. That’s what bugs me, otherwise smart people believing stupid things.
@Omnes Omnibus:
The medical device tax is 2.3%. That’s $299 tax on the $13,000 part in the linked article. I don’t think the $299 tax is going to be the problem in a $78,000 procedure.
@pacem appellant: I would ask: “Do you think it should be reversed? – Require coverage for hip replacements but not pay for pregnancy and prenatal care?”
@Mnemosyne: This is what I do..”Here’s the Snopes on the topic…”. Still pisses people off. (My FB page is pretty sad…)
@MikeJ: There was a big article/ Terri Gross interview on hip and knee replacements – and the manufacturers. They are (no surprise) two and three times more expensive here versus other countries. Typically, the manufacturer’s rep is IN THE OPERATING ROOM, doing all he can to upsell the surgeon on the latest and greatest. Oy.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: I know. Also, my mom had one a couple of years ago and paid a whole $150 in copays. Medicare and good supplemental policy.
Tom–I am reading your Newton book! I am enjoying it, though I am not far along yet.
I got it from Oyster.com, which is like Netflix for books. I am paying a monthly flat fee ( $10) for access to all their titles, which I read on my device. Right in my wheelhouse!! (I hope this proves to be lucrative to the authors on the site!)
@Birthmarker: Kind of like a public library! But they charge you for a library card.
I’m going to Boston College to watch Suzanne Somers debate Mindy from The Facts of Life.
Looking forward to learning about what Winston Churchill had to say about Obamacare.
@pacem appellant: You should probably try Omnes Omnibus’s suggestion first. Thinking about it, I think there was a study that showed the best way to change someones mind was to get them to verify their information. When they hit a wall, then you can introduce your facts.
@MikeJ: “he reached out to a sailing buddy with friends at a medical device manufacturer,”
Ah, at least The NYT is covering the problems of upper ( very upper) middle class white people. No on else notices their problems.
@catclub: My first thought was, “Well, this will put libraries out of business…”
I also download ebooks from the public library website, (free, of course) but they really don’t match the selection available on Oyster.
“Good lord, there’s a an over-aged prostitute invoking my name?!”
Tom Levenson
@Birthmarker: Cool! I have no idea what royalty might accrue from such a site. Nothing much, I’m afraid. But I’m glad you’re enjoying the book.
Omnes Omnibus
@Belafon: I picked it up from trying to persuade a very stubborn, but very sharp, grandmother to change her mind. Ask questions. Plant a seed. And it would work, because no one pushed her, she got there herself.
And yet he still had to flee the country to get health care at a reasonable price. He was lucky enough to have the money to do it, but it did illustrate a real problem.
The medical device tax isn’t what makes a procedure cost $78k in the US and $13k parts AND labor in Belgium.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ripley: Churchill was fond of simple English words. He’d say whore.
@Tom Levenson:
Beat me to it, ’cause I’m slow, but: if Ms. Skloot were kidnapped (in a friendly way, of course), to Bostbridge, we could determine whether the Hahvahd Bridge (so named for its shitty construction, no self-respecting Tech engineer would be associated with it) is, in fact, 364.4 Skloots plus 1
beerear. Get the Lamb Chops to do the measuring, maybe as part of someone’s Course II thesis.Would love to be at the talk, but Mrs. SFAW wants me to go out to dinner with her, her boyfriend is out of town or something.
Wait, Hendrik Hertzberg isn’t a 17th Century German philosopher? He’s a real person, now?
Seriously, Hendrik Hertzberg and Ta-Nehisi Coates have the best names ever.
Omnes Omnibus
Minor Dutch painter. Contemporary of Rembrandt. Specialized in frozen canalscapes.
Well, after Raymond Luxury Yacht, they do.
And Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F’tang-F’tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel.
@Omnes Omnibus:
@GregB: FWIW Mindy Cohn is a big-time DFH.
Those names are silly, and while I appreciate a silly name (and a silly walk), they do not top Hendrik Hertzberg and Ta-Nehisi Coates, these names are magisterial.
The only name that tops Hendrik Hertzberg and Ta-Nehisi Coates is “Shola Ameobi” (striker, Newcastle United) when spoken by Sean Connery, there are no words… try it, imagine it, it’s transcendent…
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Omnes Omnibus:
No, no, no. He was a midfielder on that great Dutch World Cup team in ’74.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
No, no, I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Heidegger
No disrespect to you or the estimable Mr. Amoebi, but not even close.
The best name is Siphiwe Tshabalala, immortalized for scoring the first goal (and that for his Bafana Bafana) of the 2010 World Cup.
Tsha-ba-la-la…Tsha-ba-la-la….Tsha-ba-la-la. Incantatory.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
No, he was the founder of the Heartz Mountain pet food company.
Actually, I thought Tarquin etc. was Very Silly, but that’s neither here nor there.
Actually, I was thinking of this Heidegger.
Utterly jealous in Colorado.
chrome agnomen
i drove 90 miles to boston, got tangled up in traffic (quelle surprise!), and returned, chagrined, to springfield this evening, after missing the talk. as the kidz like to say, i haz a sad. also: boston traffic sucks.
@superfly: Coco Fusco. Your argument is invalid.
@chrome agnomen: Why would you drive in Boston? When I was in college in Worcester 25 years ago (I’m from Texas) we would park somewhere near Boston University and take the T everywhere. It was not meant for cars, it was meant for carriages.
@Belafon: Yeah, but getting close enough to park somewhere to take a T is the trick. If Chrome were driving in from Springfield, s/he probably couldn’t even take a train–there are trains from Worcester, but then there’s getting back home…
Tom said the talk would be posted shortly, so you can see what you missed. (However, I’m not sure where it will be posted. I’m guessing somewhere on http://cmsw.mit.edu/events/? Not sure.)
No, no, no. Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.
Well done all.
[Connery]”Shola Ameobi”[/Connery]
Did you hear that? You can’t escape it….
“Mike” Cuellar (may he RIP)? Great pitcher for the O’s, beat the Mets in Game 1 of The Only World Series That Ever Mattered.
I thought we wuz talking about futbol?!?!