From commentor Rihilism:
I wrote to you some time ago about my two cats, Irina and Masha. Unfortunately, I am unable to house or take care of them or find them new homes, so they have been staying with a friend who already has a dog and three cats. My friend has a small house and the living arrangement has become unworkable. This means we may have to bring my cats to a shelter. I’m desperate to find a home for them in the Iowa City – Cedar Rapids, Iowa corridor and was hoping you might repost their images along with a brief description of each kitty. The following is a description I’ve been using on Craigslist to try to find a home. Any help would be greatly appreciated…
Two beautiful Torby sisters. Approximately 4 years old. Sweet dispositions, very affectionate. Litter box trained, spayed. May adjust to other pets given patience and time, (i.e.: foster home has a big lab that they’ve come to trust). Looking for a good home(s), separate or together.
Irina is the bigger sister. Calm and clever, sweet and gregarious. She’s a buddy cat who likes to hang out with you. Loves to play, easy going and active, she’d make you a perfect pal. Looks you directly in the eye when you talk to her. Loves to ‘strike a pose, so she is easy to photograph. Lap kitty.
Masha is the littler sister, a bit shy but very affectionate. This kitty seems like a gymnast – long and slender, agile and loves to climb up above the action, when not part of it. Very smart cat who has been known to play fetch. Loving and sweet too, she’s always up for a good petting. Shoulder kitty.
If you are interested / have any leads / know about no-kill shelters in the area, contact me at [email protected] (click on my name in the right-hand column under ‘contact’), and I’ll put you in touch.
If there’s an issue money can solve — transportation, for instance — I’m in for $100.
Amir Khalid
Such sweet-looking kittehs. Do they need to be rehomed together?
schrodinger's cat
Kittehs are full of win and awesome, I hope they find a home together.
Thank you so much for posting this so quickly, Anne.
@Amir Khalid: I’d like to keep them together if possible but am more interested in finding them good, loving homes even if it means separation.
Calming influence
That first picture shows some weapons-grade cuteness, but three is our current limit. I’d be happy to chip in for transport money if it helps keep them together.
Patricia Kayden
Absolutely beautiful. I hope someone takes them soon.
Ann Marie
Beautiful cats. I am in Philadelphia and already up against my condo association’s two pet limit (imposed after I purchased and really because of one guy with 3 large dogs that he allowed to run loose in the common parking lot) or I would take one. Like Anne Laurie, I am willing to contribute if money helps.
I might need to rehome Homer. Fucking terrorist kitteh. Just jumped up on my lap to smack new boy, Ginger.
Amir Khalid
Speaking of cats, I came across this curious story about — well, you’ll see.
ETA: As I remember, Dell assembles all its laptops in Malaysia, at this one plant in Penang. Could that have anything to do with it?
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
I am very tempted. Discussions with wife ensuing. (SE MN)
As others have hinted, people not in the Iowa City area should not feel compelled to pass these kitties by because they’re too far away — we have moved pets before, and we can do it again. :-)
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): Do it, do it, do it! They are gorgeous kitties and look like they’d be great companions.
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): I can lean on her when I get home from work if you want. She does like me more after all. :P
I so wish I could help, and I am only a state over. I got more room then I know what to do. My cat just doesn’t play nice with other cats. Which I learned the hard way when I took in two other cats, and had to find them another home (which wasn’t easy). She is the most laid back cat in the world, until you get another cat in the household, and then she is a cruel “bitch.” I mean she hunted them and attacked them, and I didn’t declaw her cause honestly I find that kind of cruel (just me, not passing judgement on others).
Again she is so laid back. My parents or friends come over and she is like their best friends. Well anybody that would pet her is her best friend. But another cat …..
Calming influence
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): Don’t say anything. just show her that first picture, and then made a sad face.
I’m full up on cats and in California, but I’d really like to help. Is there any other way we can contribute? Those cats are flat out adorable.
Dee Loralei
Best of luck Riihilism. I’m so sorry you have to go through that. I hope those gorgeous kitties find homes.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Wait, what?
They are beautiful cats. Hugs to you for having to give them up, and hope they find a wonderful home together.
I live in Virginia and cannot have pets now, alas, although I enjoy the neighbors’. (Their cat likes my backyard more than theirs; comes over for coffee. I walk their dog, tonight Dread Pirate Roxy, for exercise for both of us.)
Hugs, again. These cats are charming. They will do fine.
I LOVE TORBIES! They look just like my cat Mina, who is a sassy little kitty. I hope the poster above goes for it. So cute!
they are so pretty. I hope they can find a new home.
Don’t I know it. And if we’re transporting, I need to pay it forward so I’m in!
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): Hehehe. Get the spawn on your side too.
@sparrow: what’s a Torby? That bottom photo looks just like my stripey girl.
Anne Laurie
@WaterGirl: A torby is a tabby who’s also got the tortoiseshell gene — usually showing up as a black-with-tan-spots ‘blanket’ or ‘saddle’. Dilute (blue cream, in show jargon) torbies are silver-and-black tabbies with grey-and-peach blankets.
Two of our rescues were litter sisters; Isis was a gorgeous Victorian-style blue cream tortoiseshell in banker grey & palest peach. Her sister Toby was a standard silver tabby when she came to live with us at the age of approximately six months, but the older she got the darker her coat. By the time we lost her, age around 17, she was a black cat with striped ‘points’ and tan paws!
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo):
This is the gorgeous instant family of a kitty lover’s dream. Hope this can work for you.
How hard this must be for you. If money can help this situation in any way, please let us all know.
John Weiss
Aww, baby kitties. I wish that I could take ’em. Unfortunately I live a content away in a rather remote place.
Good luck.
Beautiful kitties.
I’ll be happy to contribute to transportation if needed. (My dog would love some more cats, but my cats, well, would not. Sigh.)
Beautiful cats! Scritches to the kitties, and Riilism, I don’t know if you do hugs, but here’s one for you, in case ==> O. Best of wishes!
@GHayduke (formerly lojasmo): If you are still interested, Anne has my contact info.