Bill Kristol, on August 18, 2015:
Me, the next day:
I should have had a broader view of course. Any encomium from Bill Kristol is like a touch from Jesus’s dumber younger brother.* Maybe not the kid’s college fund, but sweet FSM I should have bet the holiday gift money on the under for Walker’s candidacy, fer shure.
Bill Kristol, as reliable as a wrong way weathervane as we can ever hope to see. Long may he influence the GOP.
Thought we needed more thread. Beyond schadenfreude, what’s on the agenda tonight?
*The one who made the blind man deaf.
Praying for Anne Laurie’s swift return.
Villago Delenda Est
Bill Kristol, sooper genious!
Here’s his song!
Scott Walker has destroyed his own credibility with his abysmal campaign which only lost support after his announcement. All I can say is Bye Bitch!
Tom Levenson
@Baud: Chopped liver, me, I guess.
@Tom Levenson: Nothing personal. No one can match AL’s prodigious output.
George Gershwin and Charley Parker.
Don’t get any better.
Roger Moore
Wingnut tears to wash it down.
Bill Kristol’s Projection and Prediction Emporium announces THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR!
HALF OFF predictions! HALF OFF projections! HALF OFF all remaining products!
@Anoniminous: Thanks for that.
What do we want?
Repeal and replace!
When do we want it?
So the republicans can take credit for the exact same law but without Obama’s name on it!
Unfortunately it cuts off right about the time Bird gets going. :-(
@Anoniminous: I’ve been listening to a lot more jazz recently since discovering free online music streaming.
Tom, Where’s the art work?
In elementary school, the nuns would introduce a piece of art and we were required to write about the artist and the art. Although that was decades ago, you remind me of that time.
That’s actually a compliment.
I think Billy No Kristol Balls has recently begun talking up a Rubey-o/Fakerina ticket, so that’s another bullet dodged.
Can we get him to start picking stocks? Shorting is still a thing, right?
@PaulW: Amen, brother. We should all take heart that we’re going to get to watch 16 of these clowns step up to the podium, say dumb, self-serving, hypocritical things to the TV cameras, then drop the heck out. (Ok, 15: Gilmore won’t even bother…but his withdrawal email will no doubt be dumb and self-serving at a minimum)
Mike J
@Tom Levenson: I was just saying in the previous thread that blog protective services were going to come take us away because of neglect.
Mike J
Gettin piggy with it
It ain’t Kermit.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tom Levenson: Once Baud became a presidential candidate, he became insufferable.
I’ve been getting into 20’s and 30’s jazz. There’s some cool stuff out there. A case in point is the first recording of “Alabama Song” by Lotte Lenya.
Trumps gravitas just pushes the competition out of orbit.
When we run out of flash-in-the-pan meteor cucks, one man will be standing.
In other predictions, Sanders will be a footnote by January: The Travelers are on the job.
You people don’t know those people, but they’re real and they’re quitting their executive jobs to bring the crush. These people don’t even need black helicopters.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hey! I’ll have you know that lots of people continue to suffer because of me.
@Mike J:
Reminds me of the song:
“He ain’t Kermit, he’s my lover….”
The road is long….
@Baud: @Tom Levenson: And I was going to say how interesting it’s been with different posters at different times: DougJ! Tom Levenson!! Mistermix!!! At different unpredictable times!
Dr. Zhivago on TCM now
@Anoniminous: Wow. Never heard anything like that before.
And they love you for it, your Majestitude!
@Baud: She showed up in a (testing) comment a couple of threads back, so I thought for sure we would see a new thread from her.
Maybe when you get your internet back, it’s kind of like heading to a party… you don’t want to get there too early. In this case, maybe you can’t post a new thread right away – otherwise it could make you look too eager or desperate. :-)
@Ruviana: I suppose with AL gone and the threat of stomping removed, the others have come out of their hiding places.
@Omnes Omnibus: @Tom Levenson: Look for a walk-back on twitter shortly – something something may have been phrased inelegantly etc etc.
Baud! 2016!
@Morzer: Thank you. And, yes, you may have another.
Right to Rise
Walker dropped out because the donors decided they had enough.
They’re now going “All-In!” on Jeb. That’s what Walker met when he encouraged others to drop out to unite behind an alternative to Trump (i.e. Jeb Bush).
Expect to see a Walker endorsement of Jeb within a week. Heard it through the grapevine.
@WaterGirl: I am sorry if people were offended by my comments.
mai naem mobile
Please please tell me Kristol thinks Kasich will be the winner.
I do think Rubio will end up being part of the ticket unless he has an ‘oops’ moment at a debate. Fiorina is too unlikeable and lies too much for which she’ll get called out on by her brethren. Chrisitie ain’t going anywhere. He was on Squawk Box last week with his babysitter/sugardaddy Home Depot founder Ken Langone. Langone was ripping Fiorina a new one.
Villago Delenda Est
@Right to Rise: You’re not DougJ. You’re Bill Kristol!
@Baud: Nicely done.
Right to Rise
@mai naem mobile:
Rubio can’t be on the ticket because he’s from Jeb’s home state.
Villago Delenda Est
@Right to Rise: Didn’t stop The Dark Lord.
Knocks Morrison’s cover on its ass, don’t it. :-)
@Right to Rise:
Link please…Or are you just relaying FoxNews wishes will happen?
Because I’m sick and twisted, I wonder what job Walker would ask Jeb! for in exchange for his endorsement. Secretary of Labor? Chairman of the NLRB? CEO of Pinkerton?
@Anoniminous: I’m not familiar with other versions of the song.
Right to Rise
I have my sources. I work for an arm of the campaign, remember.
Brinks trucks full of cash are going to be rolling in now, son. We’re talking Scrooge McDuck level money.
Brinks. Trucks.
It’s all about the Benjamins, baby…
Serious q, who would you back if you were a R who wanted to win; electability is your #1 priority. I’d probably go Rubio, but I don’t think my odds would feel good with any of them.
@Hal: The joke is, of course, that they named it “Obamacare”.
@Right to Rise:
Good luck! According to betting websites, Jeb Bush will be trounced by Hillary in 2016. These are the same websites that picked Obama in 12 and 08.
Right to Rise
The Hillary Campaign is manipulating the betting sites then, because Jeb is leading her in the polls. And just wait until the inevitable Bimbo Eruption in Hillaryland..
Villago Delenda Est
@jibeaux: Rubio is a moran. Kasich is probably their best hope, he can at least come off as a non-insane Rethug, even those his actual policies are as ruinous as any of the rest of them.
@Right to Rise:
Just like Obama manipulated them in 12 and 08, I’m sure :)
Like I said, good luck (you will need it, Baghad Bob).
By the way, Hillary Clinton today said that she will soon release a plan for how to go after biotechs that are price gouging. Guess what? Biotechs got killed today. The smart money in the stock market is already anticipating a Hillary presidency.
You sound like Karl Rove on election night 2012. Reality is tough, isn’t it?
Villago Delenda Est
@Right to Rise: All that UNLIMITED CORPORATE CASH didn’t save Mitten’s worthless ass.
@WaterGirl: That’s the spirit!
@Right to Rise:
Would that be the wooden arm?
Mike J
I remember reading an interview with a teabagger once who said he didn’t really dislike the law that much, just hated the ego involved in Obama naming it after himself.
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: Of course.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike J: That’s the hilarious thing. The Rethugs dubbed it Obamacare, and now that people are experiencing it and liking it, the name is stuck, and Obama gets the credit.
or, UCC, is my new band name.
Let’s see Dubya was into goats; Cameron was into pigs, wonder which animal !JEB is into. Anyone?
Right to Rise
I don’t know why you’re laughing.
Cameron is winning and turning Britain conservative.
Villago Delenda Est
@Right to Rise: Shows how much you know about UK politics. Every bit as in tune as you were in 2012 and are now on US politics.
Right to Rise
@Villago Delenda Est:
Cameron has a parliamentary majority, the first Tory majority sine Thatcher. Sounds like winning to me.
Meanwhile, Labour just chose somebody who is practically a Marxist-Leninist as their next leader. They’ll be in the wilderness for decades while Britain slowly but surely moves to the right, just as Canada has under the leadership of Stephen Harper.
Villago Delenda Est
@Right to Rise: Yet you fail to understand precisely why Cameron won that majority. It won’t last. You forget that people actually danced in the streets of the UK when they learned of Thatcher’s death.
Omnes Omnibus
@Right to Rise: Ever hear of John Major?
Right to Rise
@Omnes Omnibus:
My bad! He kind of runs into the Thatcher Era though.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yeah yeah yeah, WE WUZ ROBBED. They said the same thing about Harper at first and he’s been Prime Minister for ten years, and about to have yet another term. Tories are beginning to pull away from the NDP in the polls. Canada is moving in the Right (pun intended!) direction.
Only America remains an unfortunate outlier.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh god, don’t get the troll started on paeans to Edwina Currie’s pert buttocks.
Maybe RTR does have a point about the conservative takeover of the Commonwealth states. Australia included.
I blame Bush.
Right to Rise
You forgot New Zealand.
@Right to Rise:
Harper is on 31% – or, as we say in America, 4 Jeb Units.
@Right to Rise:
Eh, New Zealand is the Jeb Bush of Commonwealth states: small and going nowhere fast.
Villago Delenda Est
@Right to Rise: You’re making the same mistake Cameron has made.
You’re forgetting Scotland.
To give you a feel of how other people have done it here’s Morrison’s cover and one by Ute Lemper.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anoniminous: I go on a Weill/Brecht kick every couple of years.
Thanks. Fascinating comparison.
@Right to Rise:
Unscew the betting sites!!!@#!!!!!!
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m not surprised. I’ve never met anyone who liked Copland and didn’t like Brecht/Weill.
You’re welcome.
Amir Khalid
Shock! Gasp! How can you say that about the home of the All Blacks?
@Right to Rise:
SHOCK POLL! is mitt going to win michigan?
@Amir Khalid:
Purely for illustrative* purposes.
* i.e. troll-crushing
Villago Delenda Est
@chopper: Mittens is going to win Colorado. You can take that to the bank!
I hope he does a better job than Dr. Oz & Dr. Phil…
sm*t cl*de
@chopper: VICTORY
David Koch
As opposed to Jesus’s dumber younger brother, the one who caused a war that killed 20 million people? I think that has a touch of the Bill Kristol to it as well…
All I have to say is Bill Kristol, may you live another 100 years.