This is an open thread. But it has a purpose, which is to answer the ultimate question: What is the meaning of life?
I think it’s the connections you make with others, which are ultimately meaningless, as is life itself. That sounds harsher than I intend but is pretty much accurate.
But! Hopefully you have a better answer! Anyhoo — discuss!
John Cole
Now you’re just fucking taunting me.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
The Other Chuck
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lam– oh, wrong question.
Corner Stone
According to Cole it is doing his bidding and answering your emails after he gets locked out of his own site.
Liberal With Attitude
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Betty Cracker
@John Cole: Cha-cha-CHA!!!
It’s simple. We kill the Batman.
Omnes Omnibus
Scotch and sport sex?
Felonius Monk
Did you want this from the Democratic perspective or the Republican perspective?
Little warm puppies and kittens
…and for hetero men, girls of the night.
I think the purpose of life is to grow, and how one grows gives life meaning.
I live,
I die,
I live again.
Cats. Cats are nice.
(also Steve looks like Pallas cat: Sorry got to see his picture too late, thread had already closed.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Diana: Threads close?
Also, as long as I’m repeating pop culture quotes about the meaning of life… this is actually a really good one.
“It’s like nothing I do means anything.”
“It doesn’t.”
“Doesn’t what?”
“Mean anything. In the greater scheme, in the big picture, nothing we do matters. There’s no grand plan, no big win.”
“You seem kind of chipper about that.”
“Well, I guess I kind of worked it out. If there’s no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Cause that’s all there is. What we do. Now. Today. I fought so long for redemption, for a reward, finally, just to beat the other guy. But I never got it.”
“Now you do?”
“Not all of it. All I want to do is help. I want to help because I don’t think people should suffer as they do, because if there’s no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.”
Meaning is hard. Purpose is simpler.
There isn’t a meaning to life. Words have meaning, but actual things don’t. It’s akin to asking “what’s the meaning of my dog?”
schrodinger's cat
According to the Gita, the purpose of life is to escape the endless circle of life and death. You do that by being a निष्काम कर्मयोगी* (nishkam karmayogi), that was Krishna’s advice to Arjuna.
Loose Translation :One who performs actions without expecting any rewards for it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Chris: Angel?
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat:
This doesn’t help.
@Chris: Yeah, tops for me too as far as TV shows go. It summarizes existentialism fairly well for a WB show.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: One who performs actions without expecting any rewards for it.
@schrodinger’s cat: But you don’t believe that?
Mnemosyne (tablet)
But puppies help hetero men get the girls. Observe the reactions after this link:
Note for the Hamilfans: apparently when Obama spoke after the fundraiser performance of the show, the opening line of his speech was, “Wha’d I miss?”
@cokane: Life is a chemical reaction that creates other chemical reactions.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Christ, I do that every day at work.
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
It is known.
schrodinger's cat
@redshirt: It is a near impossible ideal to achieve being a karmayogi, but its when we try to meet it we achieve greatness. That I believe, I don’t believe in rebirth or life after death.
I never knew Cracker held the keys to highway for this miserable lefty blog.
About the new site, seems same as the old site with a slightly different format, and so big effing deal. But I always look at it through an old fashioned ‘puter.
What I like about it is the categories at the top of the posts. Is that new or did I just not notice it before?
Anyway, now that I notice it, I’d like a contest between the front posters to put as many categories as possible at the top of their posts. The first one who can fill up two pages of scrolling with just BS categories before the text starts, wins.
Other than that there are indefinable something or others I just don’t like about the new blog, and I expect Cole to get those fixed asap, or I will be hugely pissed off.
Felonius Monk
What is this life thing that you
humanspeople seek the meaning of?schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Then you are on your way to moksha (freedom from the endless cycle of life and death).
@Omnes Omnibus:
I was going to say “atheism.” Not that I’m preaching for that viewpoint, but I think it’s one of the more beautiful expressions of it ever put out, and a nice rebuttal to the whole “but if there’s no god then nothing has meaning and you can’t have morals” drumbeat the religious righters are so fond of.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Given that my life wasn’t my idea to begin with, but I have it anyway, I might as well make the best of it. But asking for meaning seems kind of a tall order.
Mike in NC
Just getting the first ads from JEBzzz Super PAC here. Promising that tax cuts will result in “explosive job growth”.
Simply amazed that no other GOP asshole ever came up with that idea before.
Politically Lost
Suffer as life is nasty, brutish, and short
I suppose it depends on how you assign meaning. If by “ultimate meaning” you’re referring to some kind of universal or eternal scale, then yeah, we all have a Total Perspective Vortex problem. But the Vortex is supposed to teach us that having a universal perspective is madness. So I try to define meaning locally. Within my local sphere of influence, if I can have a positive effect on those around me, my life has meaning.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: I am not sure I am emotionally ready for that.
Felonius Monk
@Omnes Omnibus:
Is that your version of “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll”?
@schrodinger’s cat:
Just so.
@Chris: Atheism is mostly implied within Existentialism.
He can have Iowa and Egypt.
I just want to say that, bumps and hiccups aside, I have noticed that since the redesign went live, this site loads significantly faster for me on my phone and in my desktop browser. It’s much appreciated! :-)
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk: We can add that to the mix.
Felonius Monk
@srv: Maybe we can rename the Pyramids — call them Carson Silos. I’m sure that will please the Pharaohs.
Omnes Omnibus
@srv: Addressed in earlier threads.
Felonius Monk
I exist, therefore I am. God doesn’t, therefore he ain’t.
Nate Dawg
@Tommy Young:
I love the comments now. Looks very modern. Good job.
Anyone else watching the new season of Fargo?
Bertrand Russell’s page a Stanford:
Sounds pretty good to me.
@Politically Lost:
When Hobbes in Leviathan said that “the life of man [is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short,” he was talking about living without government. What he thus justified was government — more specifically, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil.
@cokane: Hear hear. I think asking for meaning in life can be arrogant. You won a lottery with odds that make a state lottery look like a sure thing by having a planet with any life at all, coming into existence on it, and being a creature that evolved a functioning consciousness on top of all that… and that isn’t enough? Now we need meaning too? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.
If you are not happy with your life – #JEBCanFixIt
Omnes Omnibus
@Cervantes: Thank you so much for putting back in that seminar with Minoo Adenwalla.
@LeonS: And heck, most of us are Americans at the very height of the empire’s power. What incredible fortune!
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Cervantes: 2 Cervantes, remember.
No one can tell which one is the good or the bad one.
I don’t have that problem with your comments.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cervantes: I managed to leave out a word: Thank you so much for putting me back in that seminar with Minoo Adenwalla.
Flashbacks to an undergraduate degree in government. “Political Thought: From Hobbes to Marx”
@Cervantes: All bad, right?
Tommy Young
@NotMax: Yes. Huge Coen Brother’s fan, and I know they are not involved directly, but had to start watching last year. I though last year was flat out wonderful. This year, not so much. I just can’t seem to “get into it.”
Mnemosyne (tablet)
The Halloween edition of the Ham4Ham show.
I suspect that a lot of today’s professional dancers discovered their love of dance when they learned the steps to “Thriller” in front of the TV set.
I thought that the meaning of life is that people don’t wear enough hats.
I have had better days.
@NotMax: Yep, I think it’s even better than last season. I’m loving Ted Danson. Actually, everyone is spot-on.
@LeonS: What makes you think platypi have no conscious thought? And dolphins? And trash pandas?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Hello all. It’s been a while. I blame rehab.
Can someone tell me where they left the keys to the blog?
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
It’s a Three Stooges skit at this point.
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
They told us they gave them to you back at the bar.
No one’s comments are uniformly sublime or uniformly atrocious. I just meant that yours are quite recognizable.
I’m out. Have a good evening.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: There’s been a coup by Betty Cracker but Reactionary forces are sweeping the Revolution away.
Tommy Young
In a very real desire to talk about anything other than a web site …..
My favorite new show of the year, by far, is American Horror Story. Anybody else watching? When I read Lady Gaga was going to be on everybody figured, since the show is set in a hotel, she would be like a lounge singer. You could argue she is actually the main character and she has not sung a single note. I might only know a few songs by her, but almost hard to be online and not know something about her and I kind of like she is a flipping free spirit and does whatever she wants.
And I’d say she has an acting career in front of her if she wants it because I find her acting pretty good and there is something about her, can’t put my finger on it, but she is almost hypnotizing on screen.
Oh and if I had a check for a few thousand dollars in my hand and was heading to LA, I’d rather stay in the turn of the century Art Deco hotel more than a super modern one. The set for the hotel in the show is stunning.
Anybody else watching it?
@Cervantes: You too. But I keep trying to tell you there’s another poster with the name Cervantes who’s bad and pisses people off, ruining your rep.
@Tommy Young
It’s lacking the charm of last season and just a tad over the top with camera gimmickry, but still very watchable.
Am especially impressed with Jean Smart (Mama Gerhardt), who would never have expected to play a villainous dramatic role so ably.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Yea! An excuse to post Amy.
That’s good, in a way. (Imagine not having had any.)
Anyhow, the sun will come out, tomorrow …
Mike J
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
There’s a big bowl by the front door everyone is putting their keys in. If you aren’t careful, at the end of the night you could wind up posting at Breitbart.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Mnemosyne (tablet):
Jesus. I must have driven home.
So, I’ve been away for a while and I only need to know one thing. Is Tommy cute?
Tommy Young
@NotMax: Lacking the charm is I think a good way to put it. There are parts of it I like. I also can handle a story that builds slowly and doesn’t try to run 100 MPH every second so I am not giving up on it. I am just a huge Coen Brother’s fan and IMHO it is so ambitious to attempt a 10 episode TV show, then another one that can play to how they make movies. The quirky characters. Amazing dialog. Interesting if not totally off-the-wall story. I think it would be close to impossible to pull off, but they are sure doing a pretty good job and glad they are trying if nothing else.
@Punchy: Who said they didn’t? I just don’t hear them whining about meaning.
The purpose of life is to comment.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: He is short and bald.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Indeed.
His talk “Why I am not a Christian” was the first philosophy essay I ever read.
Omnes Omnibus
@groucho48: God, I love that book.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
And cute?
Mnemosyne (tablet)
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I think you’ll like Daveed Diggs better. (You’re not seeing double, it’s the same link as the one I posted at 11:15.)
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t mind a short, bald man. The little ones are usually packing in the pants department and baldness means they don’t shed on the carpet. It’s all good.
@redshirt: Just like the real and the fake Don Quixote.
Tommy Young
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Not even sure, maybe Raven has seen a pic of me, not sure if anybody else here has. And the only reason Raven did was I posted a link to a pic in my Flickr account and he went through most of it.
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: He has thin skinned projection/control issues. I’m going to go with a bedwetter complex.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Tommy Young:
Hello, young man (boom tish). My name is Sarah, It’s a pleasure to meet you.
I like the redesign – the comments look lovely – but I seem to have misplaced my keys to the blog….
” the longing for love, the giving of love, nurturance of any spark of creativity, the search for knowledge, and as importantly wisdom and empathy for the suffering and life force of all creatures and mankind.”
I tweaked your thoughts to express mine.
I truly believe that no energy, no love, no matter what form — is ever lost from the universe
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Oh well, floppy Brideshead hair and average height has no appeal? It is okay: I have those who care….
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@dmsilev: I knew I was going to be late with the obvious answer.
Scotch and sport sex is as good as any. Of course I’m still babbling 2 threads down, so what do I know.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Corner Stone:
I like him already. He’s obviously managed to piss you off, Mr Grumpystripes – that’s recommendation enough for me.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I knew I liked you.
Tommy Young
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Hi right back at yeah. You should be able to get in now. Worse case, and I don’t recall your role within WordPress, do you have the black WordPress bar across the top of the page? If you can’t get in at the /wp-admin try the toolbar.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
WTF is “sport sex”?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
I like ’em all – tall men, tiny men, fat or thin, rich men, poor as dirt farmers with dirt under their nails.
Wash ’em, slap on a jockstrap and a smile and point them at me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kyle: You live a sad, sad life. Sorry.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Oh, dear.
Corner Stone
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: It’s an odd kind of pisser, it is it is.
Do you have the keys?
@Sarah, Proud and Tall
Oh, well.
*pouts, trundles off*
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Tommy Young:
I’m the resident crazy lady. I post about music and rant a bit every now and then and tell stories about the time I caught Truman Capote giving Gore Vidal a blowjob on the Staten Island Ferry. I’m in the contact authors thing … (checks contact authors thing) Yep. Cole will vouch for me.
I’m 92, dear. You may have to do this in words of one syllable. I don’t have a black wordpress bar, unfortunately, and the rest of that sentence made me need a drink very badly. I used to click on a link on the sidebar that said (I may be paraphrasing here) “log into blog to post stuff here”. That seems to be missing.
I don’t think life has a meaning beyond the living of it. Maybe there’s some “meaningfulness” in accepting one’s mortality, which is easier in theory than practice.
As Peale said, purpose is simpler.
I missed most of the excitement when all the Front Pagers except Betty C. were unable to post. This redesign is turning out to be a lot of fun; we never know what’s going to happen next! Maybe posts by our front pagers’ critters! It’s time The Voice of the Chickens was heard across the land!
Tommy Young
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Use this link:
and then please bookmark it.
@CaseyL: Sarah is about to wreck this place.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tommy Young: You do know that she is teasing you a bit, right?
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
No love for the same sex?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Tommy Young:
You’re a treasure.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I dabble in the sapphic waters every now and then, but I’m a bit too obsessed with cock to give it up.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: I think that SPT thinks that any kind of love is alright.
Wondering whether Trump’s Jeb/Swastika tweet is an attempt to troll Daddy out. Then Trump can bring up dear old Prescott.
Perhaps Sarah could chime in with her Harriman pals?
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Life is a Henry Miller novel.
@Mnemosyne (tablet): I guess rehab was overly successful then.
Tommy Young
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: So you got into WordPress right?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Which one?
@Omnes Omnibus: Nothing wrong with short.
@Tommy Young: I’ve see a pic of you Tommy.
24 shy of a Tbogg unit two threads below.
“Gimme a T! Gimme a b! Gimme an o!…”
Tommy Young
@BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, almost like I just can’t catch a break here. I try to get away from a post about the site and then get called, short, bald, and a thin-skinned bedwetter.
@Kyle: I think I saw a video once, no that was group sex with sporting uniforms. Never mind.
Pro-nazi AND pro-baby killer!
@Omnes Omnibus: All of them, Katie.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Tommy Young:
Yes, thanks.
Tommy Young
@srv: The Bush family has an interesting history to say the least.
@Tommy Young: Well, if I remember correctly, you and I are the same height.
@Tommy Young
2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
(Seen pix you’ve linked to here as well.)
@Felonius Monk: I only know its price.
Hawaiian neo-Confederates?
@Tommy Young: They have a big house in Kennebunkport Maine which seems so exotic but is also a highway exit so you tell me how rustic Maine they really are.
Tommy Young
@BillinGlendaleCA: @NotMax:
Yeah I figured through the years I had to link to one at least a few times. I got over the “short” thing many, many years ago. The only time I even think if it is when I am in someplace like World Market and I have to ask somebody for help to get something from the top shelf. Oh that and I have never bought a pair of pants/jeans that I didn’t have to have altered. That actually kind of sucks.
Other than that I rarely if ever even think about it.
Not even close to secession.
Anyway, a link back to the dim past on BJ, as it’s just so much fun to type out the name King Bumpy.
@Tommy Young:
@Tommy Young:
What is the World Market?
It sounds big.
Tommy Young
@redshirt: Hard to explain. Mostly household items like dishes. Also beer and wine. Lots of patio furniture. But they have this amazing dried food section where about half of what they sell isn’t even in English. Stuff in the rural area I can’t get anyplace else because I don’t have something like a Fresh Fields. About half of my food budget is spent there. Dozens of different rices. It is just flat out wonderful.
@Tommy Young
The Swinging Blue Jeans.
@Tommy Young:
That sounds wonderful. I would so love to have a reliable source of hot peppers of all types.
You mean they don’t have Petite sizes for guys? That sucks.
Anne Laurie
These people, I believe. LittleBrit is one of their greatest fans, IIRC.
@redshirt: Sarcastic observations like that are why philosophers start getting all worked up about meaning and stuff!
Anne Laurie
@NotMax: Spousal Unit is five foot nine, but his limbs are proportionately short. Best-fitted suit he’s ever had came from a men’s store in an area that served a large Cambodian / Vietnamese immigrant population — they stocked garments designed for vertically challenged gentlemen, and the tailors doing alterations didn’t just hack off the hems & hope for the best.
He doesn’t wear suits much — nor, I suspect, do you — but if the necessity arises, taking advice around the local version of Koreatown might be useful.
Anne Laurie
As to the question at the top of the thread: Every being — animals, plants, significant rocks, bodies of water — strives.
Everything is interconnected.
Nothing can stay the same, but then again, nothing ever disappears completely.
That’s the best I can do for a short explanation of my version of animism, which has served me well for going on sixty years…
@Anne Laurie: Everything is interconnected. That includes everything in the Universe, also too.
@Anne Laurie: I like that. I don’t know why animism gets such a bad rap. Everything has energy in it. There’s something orbiting that nucleus.
And kittens. There should be kittens in there somewhere.
Anne Laurie
@WereBear: Nothing as striving as kittens! They insist on being interconnected, whether you like them in your knitting/laundry/kitchen or not. They change every day, and yet they are always exactly themselves…
@Tommy Young: you forgot you have a LinkedIn too.
Pseudonymous Bosch
Posting late to the thread, but: I am an existentialist — which is to say that the meaning of life is in the living.
The Other Bob
C.V. Danes
There is no agency to the universe, nor does it have intrinsic meaning. The meaning of life is to provide it.
@satby: I’ve got a lot of his stuff. He could write so clearly and persuasively. But he had his foibles, too, as we all do – he was a product of his times while at the same time he was timeless.
Matt McIrvin
@srv: Prescott? Dude, George and Barbara Bush were active in Planned Parenthood. I’m pretty sure George’s conversion to womb-farmerism was 100% political expediency.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
Meaning hell, we can’t even agree on a definition. Meaning would require that there would be something other than random cosmological events behind the universe. And I am not willing to look into that abyss, much less jump into it.
Purpose, I agree with Kubrick that everyone has to find their own.
Paul in KY
I’m sure others have already mentioned this, but there is no meaning to life.
Similarly, when Willard Quine sent him a copy of his wonderful paper, “What There Is,” he confirmed in response that it dealt with “a somewhat important subject.”
We were friends and worked together from time to time but I’d have to agree that he treated some of his intimates quite roughly. Alys, his first wife, in particular, was betrayed; and she later said, quite heart-breakingly, that she was “neither wise nor courageous enough to prevent this one disaster from shattering [her] capacity for happiness and [her] zest for life.”
It is instructive to remember that we are all human, with all that being human entails.
C.V. Danes
@Paul in KY: Except to give meaning to life :-)
@Cervantes: Thanks for sharing that. I appreciate it.
A friend in California sent me a little pamphlet that Bertie produced in the Pugwash days. It must have been quite something to be able to talk with him personally about issues of the day, philosophy, etc.
Sorry to say, life is empty and meaningless.
From The Meaning of Life:
Exec #1: Item six on the agenda: “The Meaning of Life” Now uh, Harry, you’ve had some thoughts on this.
Exec #2: Yeah, I’ve had a team working on this over the past few weeks, and what we’ve come up with can be reduced to two fundamental concepts. One: People aren’t wearing enough hats. Two: Matter is energy. In the universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person’s soul. However, this “soul” does not exist ab initio as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved owing to man’s unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia.
Exec #3: What was that about hats again?
Exec #2: Oh, Uh… people aren’t wearing enough.
Exec #1: Is this true?
Exec #4: Certainly. Hat sales have increased but not pari passu, as our research…
Exec #3: [Interrupting] “Not wearing enough”? enough for what purpose?
Exec #5: Can I just ask, with reference to your second point, when you say souls don’t develop because people become distracted…
[looking out window]
Exec #5: Has anyone noticed that building there before?
There was a man, standing on a riverbank. A ferry came along. He got on the ferry. He met the captain and crew. They sailed across the river. When they got to the other side, the man got off the ferry. He looked around and the captain and crew had disappeared. The ferry disappeared. The river disappeared. He looked down and he was standing where he was when he started.
Only, this time, he knew where he was.
The riverbank is where you were before you were born. The river is the river of life. The ferry is the body you use to cross the river. The captain and crew are the teachers and people you meet along life’s journey. Getting to the other side of the river is when you die. The river and the people and the ferry disappear. You will be back to where you were before you were born.
Only, this time, if the journey was successful, you will know where you are.
The purpose of life is to gain the knowledge of where you are… where you have always been. (aka “enlightenment”)
@lhradford: Nice. Thanks.