There’s no side-eye like boxer dog side-eye:
I’m not sure what I did to merit her censure. Maybe she’s judging me for the Cole-quality photography. Open thread!
ETA: When asked to comment on the transgender bathroom issue, Donald Trump said something that wasn’t especially bigoted and/or stupid:
I’ll be darned.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Reposting my whimper from the dead thread downstairs:
Guardianship Court. Short motion with regard to changing placement of the residence of a ward.
Been here nearly two hours as the blithering fucking incompetent in a robe spins her head through this docket and has about 30 hearings mixing pro se fiduciaries with lawyer cases, explaining REPEATEDLY to the pro se jackals what their duties are to their wards and how they are failing as the jackal families argue, emote and act cluelessly.
I’ve ground my teeth to a bloody nub. My solution would be to summarily remove about the first five fiduciaries on dockets where there is conflict, and dare anybody else to come up and start running their mouths.
And fuck me, I actually watched someone with an oxygen tank and a cane say that she could look after mama (who is invalid, 90 and in a nursing home), and that all her siblings were wrong.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Just crossed two hours.
Good Christ, now we’re prattling over a guardian’s efforts to avoid bank fees.
“You think I don’t know what you did? I’d be thumping my tail and smiling at you if you hadn’t let them give me a stump tail. You can try to make it up to me with treats and bun scritches, hooman.”
I read stump tail boxer side eye fluently.
Trump Terrifies World Leaders
And Obama’s reassurances aren’t calming them down.
April 21, 2016
President Obama “is trying but failing to reassure foreign leaders convinced that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. They’re in full-boil panic,” Politico reports.
“According to more than two dozen U.S. and foreign-government officials, Trump has become the starting point for what feels like every government-to-government interaction. In meetings, private dinners and phone calls, world leaders are urgently seeking explanations from Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Trade Representative Michael Froman on down. American ambassadors are asking for guidance from Washington about what they’re supposed to say.”
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Judge, shut the fuck up and move your docket!!!!!
Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!
Betty Cracker
@April: Yeah, poor Daisy — someone whacked off her tail before we knew her. Our other boxer has a whole tail, and her disposition is happier. I’m not sure if there’s a direct correlation, but maybe!
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: God, it sounds worse than small claims court.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
She literally spends 10 minutes per case, talking herself through what to do next. This is so fucking thoughtless and rude.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
It’s not like I don’t have other things to do.
He also said we needed to tax the wealthy more.
@April: Lil Bit has a docked tail and it doesn’t keep her from wagging!
Reading yesterday about the commenter whose dog ripped their dew claw made me glad my boxer is missing hers. She truly boxes and has taught our kelpie mix to do so as well. The kelpie gets her dew claws stuck often on stuff like the boxer’s sweaters. I think my boxer Lexi misses her tail too, but I believe it is only me that thinks she may be less happy not having something to wag.
dr. bloor
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
Where common sense and self-awareness go to die.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Oh Jesus – now we’re rolling in an extremely obese ward in a chair/bed.
Her presence isn’t legally required.
@raven: does Lil Bit wag her whole butt? Lexi can get her stump a flying! I think Daisy was left with more stump, tho.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
She’s got a point about the photo quality, but the side eye is first rate.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Is it rude to point out that you could have elected to practice in a more civilized specialty, like criminal law? Which while dockets can go slowly, it’s understood (in state court) that counsel have other cases in other rooms and the order of cases gets shuffled around in accommodation. Plus the clients are nicer.
dr. bloor
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I’ll bet they have a really, really interesting and important reason for her being there.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@dr. bloor:
“What do you mean, I can’t use an ATM on the ward’s bank account to buy groceries and pay her expenses?”
Not too surprised, but those “Bathroom Bills” rationale that initially started as men peeing in a women’s room has suddenly morphed into 12 year old boys showering with 12 year old girls. I’m sure by tomorrow it will be “men raping multiple kindergarten girls at knifepoint in a shower stall” (because all grade schools have shower facilities), and by next Monday, it’ll be “transgender gangs of transgendered thugs killing and eating the kidneys of pre-school girls in their school sauna facility”….
There really isn’t a form of diseased human excrement more loathsome that one Theodore Cruz. Just fucking off-the-charts scary shit from that man.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@raven: @April: Full body wags! Even our Layla (shelter hound mix with full tail) does it.
Der Trump is putting some space between Himself and Cruz. Which is a smart thing to do.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
This is about my last trip through this docket, as I self removed from the list several months ago. It is a cleanup matter, and as no good deed goes unpunished…
Actual headline at Yahoo Finance:
Can the sport of polo get popular?
@April: No, her little stub just wiggles like mad. My bride says they dock them because they’d wipe everything off the coffee table if they didn’t!
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
I have a comment in moderation, can I get some help please? Thanks
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@dr. bloor:
I’m certain there is – but over the course of the last several minutes, I haven’t heard it.
And it took her about 5 minutes to roll in. Now she’s rolling out. Slowly.
Schlemazel Khan
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
BTW – recipe for Parmesan Rancor will be in this weeks Friday recipe exchange
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: It’s a new story line for a soap opera. Enjoy
Iowa Old Lady
@MattF: Or else he’s letting his thoughts of the day fall out of his word hole, to be followed by different thoughts tomorrow.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
Are you on the clock while you’re commenting? How are you going to describe this when you bill for it?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): my stumpy boxer cannot wag her body. I rescued her when she was 1.5 years old. She had been kept in a cage her whole life. Took her home to my pack and forest. After two months allowed her her first time off leash when we walked from the garden to the compost pile. She saw the deer that I didn’t and she took off. I ran after her but two fat legs aren’t a match for four paw drive. Heard honks on the freeway a mile a way and ran faster than I ever have before or since. Got to the highway in time to see her hit by a truck (who never even paused!) and then ran like the wind back home to my car. Drove like a crazy woman to where I had last seen her, drove across the median even, scooped her up and drove to the vet. Wasn’t until I unloaded her there that I realized I was still in gardening boots and had a trowel in my back pocket. Still can’t figure how I sat in a car with a trowel in my back pocket. Lexi kept her legs and is no longer bionic, but she cannot waggle her whole butt.
@Punchy: I was hangin in the hardware store Saturday when the sis of one of the employees came in. She was funny as hell and we shot the shit mostly about her fear of snakes. As that wound down we talked about the spring football game and the traffic problems 93,000 were bringing. She and her hubby had an even Saturday night and I suggested Uber. That set her off on how afraid she was abut unregistered Uber drivers. I thought it was over when she said “and another thing that scares me is this bathroom thing”! I tried to say that if she really knew someone that was transgender maybe she wouldn’t be so afraid. She was having none of it and, since we really avoid politics at the hardware store, I didn’t point out to her that it wasn’t so long ago that African-Americans like herself couldn’t go to the bathroom either.
Iowa Old Lady
@phantomist: I went to a tiny Catholic high school in Detroit’s inner city, and bizarrely for the 1960’s, the school had a soccer team because they’d hired an uncertified teacher from Belgium who coached it. The problem was finding someone to play against, so he organized a match with Grosse Pointe. The team took the Jefferson bus to get there. My now BIL was on the team and he says that the soccer facilities were dazzling, but what really knocked him out was that polo was going on. It was like being on another planet.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: To take your mind off the redundancy:
Is there any merit to Bevin’s “investigation” into “allegedly forced” campaign contributions to Democratic candidates, or is it the usual Republican squid ink? Sounds like Bevin is trying to take some luster off the Brashear family, and especially the AG.
What have you heard?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@phantomist: You cannot make this shit up. Sure, lots of people will want to go watch matches played by people who’ve spent a minimum of $100K (unless they are extraordinarily skilled trainers and/or married to one) on a string of mounts alone. That’s before factoring in equipment for each mount, because they all need to be already saddled and bridles for horse swaps during a chukker, or paying help, or buying a rig…
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@April: I’m glad she made it.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): My friends brother just sold their favorite jumper to Bill Gates! Whatcha think that cost?
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Sadly, my acceptance of these cases started nearly 30 years ago and remains at the same absurdly low fee level as a public service. I maxed on the allowable and capped fee about 8 months ago; this was a freebie.
Two and a goddamned half hours, uncompensated, work piling up for “everything is OK. Remand the status request”.
This is why I’m off this list.
@Iowa Old Lady: I think Trump is sincere on this matter. I don’t see him or his company discriminating against a transgender person. The man has some — dare we say it — actual liberal impulses, combined with troglodyte thinking and playing to the basest of the GOP base for votes. He’s a megalomaniac and absolutely unqualified to be POTUS, but still a better person than Ted Cruz.
PS: But notice how much he talked about the backlash against business, and all the”strife”, rather than saying the “strong” bathrooms law was a nonstarter on principle.
The business of America is business uber alles to this creature.
@Iowa Old Lady: Very possible. One has to remember to put air quotes and disclaimers around everything He says. What happens next depends on the story-of-the-day reaction.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Defense of the former personnel guy (who I’m acquainted with as well) is being handled by guys in my office, so it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to talk. Sorry.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Got it.
But if another Bluegrass State person wants to throw up a link or explanation, that would be great.
Eric U.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): my only exposure to polo players is when they have the horses in a trailer and are barreling down some back country road. In that scenario, they are absolutely the worst people on the planet. ISIL should take notes
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@raven: I feel badly for her; she sure is fearful about a lot of things. And I’d expect nothing less of you than to respect hardware store etiquette, even if I am puzzled by your lack of Friday evening plans.
Mr. Q: There’s a package outside the door that’s probably a present I ordered for you. Yup, it’s from Nashville.
Bella Q: (Seriously and clearly cluelessly)What in the hell would you get me that gets sent from Nashville?
Mr. Q: Where do you think Acony Records is located?
Bella Q: Oh, cool! Thanks! You do know Southeastern Records is also in Nashville? He laughed, and I hope we can still get tickets to see Jason Isbell once his company gets to only 3 payroll checks in arrears, since Bella Q. Consulting Co is having quite the dry spell.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): thursday, nobody “big’ plays here on Friday. Cept Old Crow.
I am worried about the Trump pivot. This country is dumb enough to fall for it.
Amir Khalid
Having to deal with a President Trump is an understandably frightening prospect for the rest of Planet Earth. I guess the only thing that will reassure the world is the election of President Hillary.
West of the Cascades
There are about three more days (I think) to change party registration here in Oregon, and I’m sorely tempted to re-register as a Republican to vote for Trump. Not only do I think he will do more damage to the down-ballot Republicans in November and be easier for Clinton (ahem, “whoever is the Democratic nominee”) to beat, but he occasionally flashes a bit of humanity (and — in the awful case he were elected with a Republican Congress — would likely govern simply by vetoing every bill because none of them supported him during the campaign, and probably not be as destructive to the country as Cruz). Bernie is going to take Oregon easily, so my vote may ultimately be more important in preventing Cruz from gaining any traction.
Germy Shoemangler
Have Balloon-Juice Hamilton fans seen this clip? Amy Schumer pitches her “Betsy Ross Hip Hop Play” to Lin-Manuel Miranda?
While she does her pitch, he nervously calls Uber.
Yeah, that’s what this looks like. A pivot away from social issues to “business common sense” which the media likes to let him talk about as if he’s an authority without challenging him on it.
People do realize that bathrooms currently aren’t high-security environments, right? I mean, if I wanted to go into the opposite gender restroom, I could just open the fucking door. Nothing’s stopping me but embarrassment and a sign. I don’t see how transgenderism adds even the slightest threat. They really think men are going to present themselves as trans women to get in to bathrooms, when they could, like, now, just walk into the fucking bathroom?
For that matter, wouldn’t it be _more_ uncomfortable under a sex-at-birth law? Under those conditions, you’d be in a bathroom and have someone enter who presents themselves as the opposite sex to what’s on the sign. That’s supposedly the panic-inducing condition from before! Which you’ve just made _more_ likely! Without a sex-at-birth law, people who present themselves as the sex on the sign walk in and circulate among other people who present themselves as the sex on the sign. This seems like a pretty simple policy to abide by. SMH.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@raven: Well, that’s a range of 250K to 2M depending on the pedigree/ record of said jumper.
A pro I know (but not well) gave Bruce Springsteen a bargain price of $150K for a jumper for Jessica ~15 years ago, horse to be delivered after Pan An Games, where horse got hurt – but recovered to who-knows-what degree. And then sued the Boss after he declined to perform purchase agreement after the injury. Obviously I never saw the contract, but the Boss can afford lawyers smart enough to include an out if horse gets hurt before delivery.
Schlemazel Khan
That is it with Drumpf – The hierarchy is DRUMPF -> DRUMPF businesses -> business -> whatever DRUMPF is thinking at that moment -> the nation
The only benefit over Crudz is Crudz will actively destroy America, Drumpf will only do it if it feeds his ego or pocketbook
Joyce H
The whole justification for these bathroom bills is total nonsense. The backers claim it’s not to discriminate against transgender people, but to prevent sexual predators from putting on a dress in order to attack women and children in the ladies’ room. Look, sexual predators have been attacking women and children in rest rooms since there were rest rooms, and they wear their own clothes to do it. They’re not going to put on a dress in order to do it, because they’d only need to do that in a crowded area where they wouldn’t want to be seen as a male-dressed man going into the ladies’ room, and news flash – sexual predators don’t commit their crimes in crowded areas! They do their preying in isolated areas where there won’t be witnesses, so they can wear whatever the heck they want.
Betty Cracker
@raven: That’s true about the coffee table. We regularly have to crawl under the sofa to retrieve remote controls and other items swept off the table by the tailed boxer.
Miss Bianca
Dear God, der Drumpf actually sounding coherent, lucid, and tolerant on a social justice issue? (fans self furiously).
A Ghost To Most
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Jason Isbell is an amazing talent. I’ve been following him since he joined and left DBT. Hoping to see him at Red Rocks in September.
Felonius Monk
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: Easy, Bots. Don’t blow a gasket. :-)
Miss Bianca
@A Ghost To Most: Jason Isbell is gonna be at Red Rocks? When? I’ve been very impressed with him since discovering him on Radio Paradise…
Germy Shoemangler
Justin Halpern said “Watching Trump start to move to the center in preparation for the general election is like when the velociraptors learned how to open doors.”
@Joyce H: Tsk. Logic is prohibited on this subject.
@Elizabelle: Far better than that party’s other offering, whose goal is a nonstop parade of all Americans crawling on their knees to the churches 24/7. At least Trump understands that everybody’s got to make money, and you don’t lock consumers out of buildings just because they make your Jesus gland feel icky.
Amir Khalid
@Miss Bianca:
Don’t get too excited. It’s just a fluke.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: People are nuts sweetie, you know that. Doesn’t make it easier to watch in court though, I’m sorry.
I once watched one judge admonish divorced parents to tone it down, go out into the hallway, and settle the dispute over the teenager they were arguing over, taking the kid’s wishes into account (kid had a strong preference, guardian ad litem concurred with the kid). He basically made it clear to go out, here’s what you’re gong to agree to, do it. And the door had barely closed when the screaming started, and the poor judge put his head down on the desk.
I hated family court. So sad.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Felonius Monk:
In a roomful of openly griping and whining lawyers, I didn’t stand out…
A Ghost To Most
@Miss Bianca:
September 14.
I am hoping to one day see a reunion concert with DBT. That would be great. eta Especially if they could talk John Neff into it. The man is a god on pedal steel.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Due to a multitude of incidents of adults hitting children and each other outside the family courtrooms (where I make the bulk of my income), the chief judge has mandated a public campaign with signs and stickers f how family court is a “no hit zone”, I shit you not.
I personally break up at least three fights a year, and get threatened a few more outside those courtrooms.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: You don’t have a paralegl to send? To at least sit and call you into court when it gets closer to your docket #?
Because did I mention I’m looking for a new job and now open to relocation ;)
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Happy Afternoon all.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): This dude sold his company to Samsung so I think he’s in the game.
shorter botsplainer: WTF are these peasants doing in MY courtroom? Don’t they know that this is the tabernacle and only the priesthood should allowed a voice?
Seriously, the lack of empathy for these obstacles (also known as: people) who are getting in YOUR FUCKING WAY because they think that they have rights, and that they should have a voice in the decisions being made about their lives is astounding.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Happy Afternoon Bella! And everyone else.
Oh Fun, they’re all four-wheeled liars. All [UK] top-selling cars break emissions limits in ‘real world’ tests. And that’s distinct from Mitsubishi outing itself.
@joes527: Have you ever been to Family (Guardianship) Court? The whole point is that the guardians are wrangling over the voiceless.
Miss Bianca
@Iowa Old Lady: Polo? In Grosse Pointe? Man, how did I miss that? I knew we had a Hunt Club – I took riding lessons there – but didn’t know about polo!
Figures are in on March fund raising. Sanders, stunning amounts raised but stunning amounts spent.
Interesting that Hillary is getting so much more bang for her buck than Sanders. And at this point I don’t think people can claim name recognition issues.
On the repub side, those big donors are just not doing it. If Cruz doesn’t win something soon-like this week-he may run out of cash and wouldn’t that be sweet.
Felonius Monk
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
That’s a relief. I was afraid we might have to come down and throw your bail on a contempt charge. But then maybe her Honor is not yet familiar with contempt.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Whoa, I just looked him up.
@david10: Hillary pulling off a delegate tie in Wyoming without even visiting was Obama 2008 levels of efficiency.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
My judges tend to frown on that sort of thing. It isn’t unheard of, but when it is noticed, there are….consequences.
A Ghost To Most
All the “outreach” from his followers has taken its toll. That,the awful interview,and the pope groupie thing.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Betty Cracker: I was in North Carolina a couple of years ago for a week long music workshop, scheduled to leave Saturday. Thursday night I dreamed that Iggy went missing for a year, and when he returned I saw that whoever had taken him had cropped his ears. Friday I finished my classes and headed straight home because the idea of Iggy being cut like that traumatized me so much.
Good thing I didn’t dream that someone I knew had done it — I probably would have killed the poor bastard when I got back.
(I should make more human friends, maybe.)
Miss Bianca
@West of the Cascades: I’m re-registering as Republican in a few days to pick the least insane Republican candidates for County Commissioner . Feeling strangely reluctant, but in a one-party county, you gotta do what you gotta do…
@April: Wow.. Lucky dog.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I used to go into the Ramsay County Courthouse, in St. Paul, MN, every once in a while for one thing or another. It’s a perfect Art Deco building – an awesome specimen, with all that limestone and brass, and marble floors. But the humans! I really started imagining that I was in the movie Brazil – the architecture and all the oddly shaped and behaving humans were just like it. I half expected some guy to come swinging down on a rope….
It does make one feel fortunate to not be one of those humans….
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Happy Afternoon to you too, and may your evening and night be all you hope it will be.
@raven: Someone that have known for decades, mentioned that she thought a gay person was in the bathroom she just exited. I said well why didn’t you ask?
Schlemazel (parmesan rancor)
And don’t forget the giant onyx Indian!
PS – I would still like some help getting my new nym out of moderation
@Joyce H: Notice also that the bathroom bills were the squid ink.
Anyone complaining loudly that localities’ rights to implement a $15/hour minimum wage was also sucked into the maw?
Nope, it’s all a sop to social conservatives, who are the villains while the valiant business community either boycotts or rallies and no one is talking about localities’ rights to increase pay or improve environmental concerns.
It’s all bathrooms, bathrooms, bathrooms and gender, gender, gender.
(And FWIW, I think that was a huge error of overreach by the conservatives as well as an admission that their power may be waning and get her done with the discrimination now while they still can. I think the bathrooms legislation will prove an extremely helpful tool for Democrats in organizing and registering voters this fall. Plus, they’ve got an excellent candidate for governor, current attorney general Roy Cooper.)
Oh noezzz. This means Cole saying we should fear the Drumpf because he will pivot left for the general and suck in all the easily influenced Coles out there is like totally accurate and we are all doomed because Cole never gets all the details of the real world wrong.
The stats on overtime are stunning. With all the think tanks out there, how did this get NO discussion for 30 years?
@scav: The Mitsubishi story is rather complicated.
@JPL: Sheesh
Dave Weigel tweeted this
@raven: People have lost their minds over a nonissue.
Gin & Tonic
Another “unfortunate tragedy” for another responsible gun owner.
Why this isn’t criminal negligence is beyond me.
A Ghost To Most
In other,completely worthless news, I have somehow managed,despite my most ardent efforts, to survive long enough to attain the age of 60. QE2 and I share a birthday, if little else.
@MattF: Complicated as may be, but they chose to go public and the behavior is similar.
@JPL: Did the toilet she used have the Mark of Gommorah on it?
@Gin & Tonic: “This incident is being investigated as a death investigation.” duh
@A Ghost To Most: My Y membership went to $25 a month when I turned 60!
Botsplainer’s posts remind me of a divorce case we had when I worked in a law office. The couple were fighting over a bath mat and a trash can.
I swear I am not making this up.
There is evidence now that at least the GOP could fall for it. When he first started his negatives with GOP voters were absurdly high.
OTOH over the past 10 months I bet his negatives with Non-GOP voters have gone up.
geesh.. The police are investigation a death at Prince’s mansion in Minneapolis..
@JPL: Saw that. He’s on tour I think.
@raven: tmz is saying it’s Prince.
Most news sites are now reporting that Prince died.
From Coeur d’Alene; Is mosaic law, peak sovcit? Even after five days in jail for contempt of court the crazy continues.
@AliceBlue: I had to do a case study this when I was in the paralegal program at Roosevelt, and it went on for 14 years after that.
@Kay: You beat me to posting that!
NY Times today. Overtime Pay: A Lifeline for the Overworked American. By Nick Hanauer and Robert Reich.
Totes worth a click. And the reader comments are great.
ETA: Here’s the link again.
A Ghost To Most
Nice! I now have October2018 clearly in my sights. 40+ years as a techie has damaged my brain, and it is time to go.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: So sorry. Those court hell moments always remind me of the Three Stooges: “Wake up and go to sleep!”
@JPL: Someone is saying TMZ is saying. eta now it does
@raven: I updated, most news sites are reporting it, now.
I hope it isn’t true
@JPL: Oh Dog I hope not. Love Prince.
Major Major Major Major
A link about voting machines stealing votes from Dear Leader and transferring them to the Clinton Borg in Chicago is flying around my social medias right now. Another person asked whether Trump or Hillary is actually more committed about getting money out of politics, and how many Bernie supporters would vote for Trump.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with my friends? I’ve never seen politics make people quite this stupid before.
@raven: Now reports saying Prince is dead.
Fuck this year, right in the face. Fuck. Prince too? You took Bowie and now Prince?
@Kay: I absolutely abhor the increased work-hour culture. It’s not just damaging to our wages, but to our lives, ability to play, do things we’re interested in, have leisure time, go on dates, have friends, raise children… and doing all of those things are opportunities for economic growth and developing services in communities! Instead, it’s just work, go home, cram food into my face, sleep.
Major Major Major Major
Eek, not Prince! TMZ is throwing a server error but I’ll keep reloading.
@Elizabelle: fk.. CBSN is saying that it is a 57 year old man and the police won’t say it’s not Prince.
This is why I find his rhetoric on immigration to be completely disingenuous. Nonetheless, the Bush years taught me that you should always take a politician’s promise to do something odious at face value (while simultaneously remaining skeptical of any promises to enact policies that you favor).
Apologies if this has been linked already, but there’s an interesting piece in the NYT on Hillary Clinton and her approach to foreign policy:
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah, I could not get TMZ to load either.
No, no, no, not Prince.
CNN)Police are investigating a death at the estate of superstar Prince in Carver County, Minnesota, according to Carver County Sheriff spokesman Jason Kamerud.
“We are not releasing any information regarding the identity of the person who died until next of kin is notified,” Kamerud said.
@Elizabelle: click to live stream..
link for cbs
From TMZ:
The artist known as Prince has died … TMZ has learned. He was 57.
Prince’s body was discovered at his Paisley Park compound in Minnesota early Thursday morning.
Multiple sources connected to the singer confirmed he had passed.
The singer — full name Prince Rogers Nelson — had a medical emergency on April 15th that forced his private jet to make an emergency landing in Illinois. But he appeared at a concert the next day to assure his fans he was okay. His people told TMZ he was battling the flu.
Read more:
If the Prince story is true, man, has 2016 been hard on musicians thus far.
@Linnaeus: It’s true.
Prince, RIP.
And holy shit, 2016. Back off.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Love, love, love Jason Isbell. I got into him when iTunes made a “genius” recommendation about eight or nine years ago. Very happy to see him sober and successful.
@JPL: Huff Post got it.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@SiubhanDuinne: WHAT?!
Prince has died.
I need to cry now.
Co-signed. Damn.
ETA: I thought it was just me, but this has been the Year Of The Reaper.
Poor Prince.
Poor us.
Wonder if it was pneumonia, or if he was sick with something else. Too early.
Keith P.
@Elizabelle: Gonna listen to Musicology all day today (only album I have on my phone…I’ve got his song with Janelle Monae, too)
A Ghost To Most
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
Indeed, although some of his best songs are from the wild days (cf. “Streetlights”)
Major Major Major Major
Well, this being the Internet, let’s all take a deep breath and wait a little bit…
Miss Bianca
@satby: Oh, no no no no no…Bowie I could just about handle, but *Prince too*? Not.
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t think so.
Purple tears.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
I know.
RIP Prince…
Major Major Major Major
@raven: Fuck you, person I’ve never met with barely distinguishable political beliefs. I hope u die
LAT says Prince was found dead in his recording studio. Which is the way to go.
But too damn young.
CNN won’t confirm yet; I am watching respectful coverage on Fox News, of all things. MSNBC just this moment announcing, with Brian Williams rolling out the confirmation.
mike in dc
2016 is turning into a musical apocalypse.
Now I know what it feels like when doves cry…
And they’re saying “from flu-like symptoms”. What the hell..?
Am wondering if it was pneumonia and he could not recover his breath as he worked in his studio. Pure speculation. There is something dreadful going around now.
@Major Major Major Major: What the fuck are you talking about? Multiple sources including the local press said he died. And, for good measure, eat shit motherfucker.
But just. Goddamn.
@Elizabelle: But major major wants to wait.
Keith P.
I still remember finding Diamonds and Pearls on a hard drive I inherited (“Cream” is probably my favorite Prince song). I remember “Gett Off” from The Last Boyscout (underrated, fun movie, and Gett Off was what Hally Berry danced to in the strip club), so I listened to that, and my jaw hit the floor at how dirty that is. Apparently, it was right before he converted, but MAN, this is a hell of a song to play in a juke box.
@Major Major Major Major: Everybody dies,punk.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: Geez, I was just saying wait until TMZ is back up or whatever.
Sarcastic apology, I don’t hate everybody in your particular tribe, you’re one of the good ones
Schlemazel Khan
and also too
(parmesan rancor)@Major Major Major Major: @raven:
thanks for maintaining the sort of decorum we have come to demand here at BJ!
@raven: Leave major major be. Might be shock. CNN won’t go there either; maybe they have by now.
Such sad news.
@Major Major Major Major: And alI said was I didn’t think so because I was looking at more than one site. If you want to jump ugly I can play.
A Ghost To Most
@Major Major Major Major:
I was wondering why you were choosing that hill to die on.
@Elizabelle: Yea you are right “I don’t think so” is pretty nasty.
damn, no words enough, Prince.
@SiubhanDuinne: I hope you are less sore today. I had a hit to the tailbone once; it was so painful. Connective tissue can get ajar in that spot.
(That type of tissue sort of freezes up in order to protect the spine during a fall. If pain keeps up, osteopathy or “mechanical link” adjustment can help free it up again pretty quickly.)
Best wishes !!
DougJ put up a fresh and very sad thread.
Major Major Major Major
did this turn actual ugly or are we still at sarcastic ugly
@Major Major Major Major: let it go
Damn, a good musician and someone who will be missed. Prince really had talent.
I hate that people cut the tails off dogs and/or crop their ears – utterly sick practice. Mutilating an animal just for ones idea of how a dog should “look” isn’t right.
tRump is not trying to move left for the general but merely trying to win Califorication …I mean California.
A Ghost To Most
FYWP, can’t edit.
RIP Prince. Not a lot in the soundtrack of my life, but you surely filled the soundtracks of millions of lives. An innovator who both bridged and created genres.
Thanks, Aleta. I think the worst is over, although still very sore.
Iowa Old Lady
@Miss Bianca: For all I know it was a one-time event, but it left a memory in my BIL’s head. He was one of 8 kids and his father was head waiter at Joe Muer’s.
Miss Bianca
@Iowa Old Lady: Joe Muer’s…sorry, head’s full of Prince right now but would love to chat re Detroit memories sometime!
@Germy Shoemangler:
“You know, my car is going to be here in, like, two minutes … I’ll just wait for it downstairs.”
Paul in KY
@raven: That’s why the Repub leaders hate/fear him so much.
Paul in KY
@A Ghost To Most: Hoping for many more for you!
@A Ghost To Most: Belated in this thread, but Happy Birthday to you!
@Punchy: Ask Cruz how the bathroom bill in N.C. would have stopped that monster Hastert.
J R in WV
There are rules, and lawyers know the rules and follow them Other people, not so much. “Rights” are not what you imagine you have in your mind, they are established in the law and regulations.
Go away now.