Just talked to GOP congressman who said most under-covered story of convention is how Trump aides changed GOP platform to be more pro-Putin.
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) July 20, 2016
No, Putin's events are far better organized. Surprised Trump didn't invite Putin's thugs to run the GOP convention! https://t.co/vqWG3vaCUY
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) July 18, 2016
Conventional Wisdom is that Corey Lewinski Lewandowski was Donald Trump’s favorite political manager, but Paul Manafort was the Trump kids’ choice. (They are, after all, the spoilt spawn of a tinpot autocrat, and Manafort has many years experience dealing with clients who think “but I wanna!” should have the weight of law.) Lewandowski’s “firing” was supposed to signal Manafort’s triumph in the struggle. But now Corey is safely embedded in CNN’s hide, somebody’s got to be held responsible for the RNC clusterfvck, and it sure ain’t gonna be The Donald…. or any of his offspring.
Jon Chait, of NYMag, is a man exquisitely attuned to every shift in the prevailing CW currents:
Donald Trump is not a Russian agent in the sense that Philip and Elizabeth from The Americans are Russian agents. There’s no hidden radio in his laundry room where he transmits secrets to the Kremlin. But his relationship with Russia is disturbing and lends itself to frightening interpretations.
Franklin Foer has detailed the connections between the Republican nominee and the Kremlin. In short, it includes a long series of economic and social ties, which fit the pattern Vladimir Putin has used to infiltrate and undermine governments elsewhere — including in Ukraine, a coup Putin pulled off through Paul Manafort, who is now Trump’s campaign manager. Michael Crowley and Julia Ioffe have both described how the Russian propaganda apparatus has thrown itself behind Trump’s campaign. As Foer notes, Trump’s lack of creditworthiness makes him unusually reliant on unconventional sources of financing. This makes him vulnerable to financial leverage by an unscrupulous foreign entity.
The evidence of Trump’s unseemly affinity for Putin is extensive but circumstantial. Yet the most disturbing explanation for the evidence continues to get more plausible. [Monday], Josh Rogin reports, the Republican Party officially altered its platform on Ukraine and Russia. The previous platform advocated “providing lethal defensive weapons” to Ukraine, reflecting the virtually unanimous position of the Republican Party Establishment. Trump staffers prevailed on the Platform Committee to replace that language with a milder endorsement of “appropriate assistance.”…
No wonder the Kremlin has been gunning so hard for a Trump presidency. https://t.co/wsEIu8DqgS
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) July 18, 2016
Paul Manafort: "We think the party is getting unified."
— Reid J. Epstein (@reidepstein) July 18, 2016
that Trump aide I saw bullying a VA delegate was "identified as an agent of a Ukrainian oligarch in a 2011" https://t.co/EmnG9scAAb
— Jon Ward (@jonward11) July 18, 2016
Manafort is in SOOOOOO far over his head. He’s not used to working for clients who can’t imprison reporters who ask questions
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 18, 2016
Cash from Moscow? Trump advisor Flynn says "you'll have to ask my speakers bureau" when I ask about $ he got from RT https://t.co/ardIszCtHD
— Michael Isikoff (@Isikoff) July 18, 2016
When Vladimir Putin is on your vision board. pic.twitter.com/yZ8nQKrVJL
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) July 20, 2016
CNN commentator Corey Lewandowski has been pitching his own Trump super PAC, sources tell @tparti + @RosieGray: https://t.co/dMcLjIxMFu
— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) July 20, 2016
Remember when Paul Manafort was going to professionalize the Trump campaign & produce a great convention
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 19, 2016
Lewinski, you say? That explains a lot about Trump’s relationship with him.
Lewandowski, not Lewinski.
ETA: Not Lewiniski, either.
Karen S.
I’ll go nitpicky and say it’s Lewandowski. Corey Lewandowski.
For a moment I thought he was somehow related to Monica Lewinsky. I think the poor woman has suffered enough.
Stalin and Kruschev, chatting in hell:
Stalin: So, as it turns out, we really didn’t need to spend all that time and effort trying place spies in the american government. We would’ve been far more successful finding a dumb, unprincipled, easily manipulated, megalomaniac billionaire, and getting him to run for President.
Krushchev: Sonofa….
I can kind of see Manafort as Dick Cheney’s Sith apprentice.
Anne Laurie
@bystander: @SiubhanDuinne: @Karen S.: We’re all getting punchy from the schadenfreude!
Anne Laurie
@dedc79: Jerzi Kozinski: I told you dumb fvckers, but would you listen?!? No….
Karen S.
Authoritarians of a feather flock together, I guess. I’d always thought authoritarians were at least capable of putting on a good show for the masses. So, in addition to being a bully, Trump and the people he’s surrounded himself with, including his children, are incompetent. It’s humorous in a very grim sort of way.
Major Major Major Major
Open thread?
We got a new project manager at work today. The first thing she did was put up the Agile manifesto on the wall.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Who in the heck would belive the a conservative presidental nomine being seriously accused of being a puppet of the Russians? This is taking “The Hippies were right” to plaid.
Thursday, the glorious Five Year Plan will be announced.
Cleveland is hosting a four-day shitzkrieg.
Isn’t today the day we get the REAL June fundraising #s? If so, where are they?
I hope this is pointed out an infinite number of times in Philadelphia next week.
Patricia Kayden
To whom is the RNC a cluster”f”? Perhaps to Democratic-leaning voters but certainly not to dyed-in-the-wool Conservatives. I’m sure they loved Christie’s revving up of the lynch mob last night and the cries of “I hold Hillary Clinton personally responsible for the murder of my son … Benghazi!!!” from Monday night.
Let’s wait and see whether Trump gets a bump in the polls out of the Convention before saying that someone has to be held responsible for it.
Their story that a staffer, I.e., not a paid campaign member, plagiarized Michelle O compounds the offense.
Sorry, but it’s a HuffPo link.
Someone weeks ago posted the link to a Slate story about how Trump was being kept afloat because of Russian financing. Always follow the $$$$$$
Jay B.
It’s staggering just how awful they are. I really didn’t think it would be possible to be worse than GW, but, well, shows what I know.
When the original freelance writer (Matthew Scully, I think) came out yesterday and said the speech he’d handed over didn’t have those borrowed bits, Trump was forced to come up with something. Typically, he blamed it on a woman.
And then I think back to the first Clinton campaign and the oversized outrage that he’d gotten a donation from Charlie Tree. Funny how things change.
@Punchy: Tomorrow, I think
@debbie: IOKIYAR has become an American tradition.
The idea that anyone could “manage” Trump in any shape size or form is folly. You don’t manage a narcissist, you point their vanity in the rough direction that you want them to go.
So what’s the theme of the RNC shitshow today? Odds on whether it continues to be a “Kill Hillary!!!” chant regardless of the theme/topic? Need to get a pool going.
Also something to be pointed out next week.
Will Cruz announce tonight that he’s throwing his hat in the ring to run against Clinton in 2020?
J R in WV
The Republicans have been as treasonous as Jefferson Davis since President Obama was elected. It’s a miracle they didn’t destroy the country as they tried to make Obama a one-term president.
Mitch McConnell should be the guy just put out of the Senate. For starters.
So Trump working with Putin’s minions is no surprise at all.
Graffiti of Trump kissing Putin has never been more relevant
@debbie: They’ll need a year-long convention to say everything that needs to be said.
” Will Cruz announce tonight that he’s throwing his hat in the ring to run against Clinton in 2020? ”
I thought Cotton already gave that speech.
Corner Stone
@Jay B.: You know nothing, Jay Snow.
Naw. A couple very well-written speeches with slides could really accomplish quite a lot.
Roger Moore
These clusters ain’t gonna fuck themselves!
@Punchy: I read earlier that June fundraising numbers would be released this afternoon or evening. My memory from the end of last month was they would come out during the convention but not on the last day, so I don’t think I heard wrong earlier.
Who is actually responsible for releasing the numbers? If it is the Trump campaign itself, I could see them just not doing it even though they have a legal obligation.
Patricia Kayden
@bystander: What a mess stealing from Mrs. Obama has caused for Trump’s campaign. Ha!
Interestingly enough, it appears that it was Mrs. Trump who suggested that McIver add segments of Mrs. Obama’s 2008 speech to her speech because Mrs. Trump always admired Mrs. Obama.
dr. bloor
In Republicanstan, you don’t unify party, party unifies you.
Edit to add that the low profile on the Putin/Trump link lasts until the Clinton campaign decides to amp it up. What’s the date of the foreign policy debate again?
Anne Laurie
Reince will be lucky if Cruz doesn’t use his Big Speech tonight to announce an insurgent run against Trump in 2016.
Splitting Image
@Patricia Kayden:
Arguably, Mormons. Utah was considered a bellwether state with a slight Republican lean until it went hardcore Republican in the late 60s or early 70s. The 1968 riots at the Democratic convention are one very good reason why that happened. Mitt Romney may have taken a lot of flak for saying that some things should be “discussed in quiet rooms”, but I think a good number of Mormons agree with him on that.
Donald Trump is the complete opposite of a guy who keeps the dirty laundry hidden in quiet rooms, and having his aides say that Hillary Clinton should be locked up or shot probably doesn’t play well in Salt Lake City. I’ll want to see some polls from Utah before I mark it down as “leans Democratic”, but Trump is sure doing everything he can to lose it.
Since our stateside media have been pretty complicit in drumpf getting >< this close to the presidency, we should recall these journalists and have them start asking the questions.
@Roger Moore:
Keep fucking that cluster!
Major Major Major Major
There’s an ad on the page for me for Urban Carry brand Total Concealment Holsters.
Unfortunately, the fact that Hillary and her advisers aren’t unlikely to confront another nuclear power (Russia) in its backyard, where it undoubtably has escalation dominance, over things in which we have zero national interest isn’t exactly a glowing recommendation for the Democratic ticket.
The FEC releases them on their website. Not sure what sort of penalties there are if the Trump campaign just plain doesn’t submit a repot.
@Splitting Image:
I think another very good reason, at least for the current state of affairs is (drumroll, please)…that Mormons are pretty right-wing.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I don’t even believe such a person exists – I think “she” is the same person as “John Miller” and “John Barron”. If she does exist, she’s been railroaded. Nothing about anything of this story makes sense unless you assume Trump and Melania were the culprits.
Chyron HR
Why so glum, chum? Bernie may be gone, but the RNC is keeping his true progressive principles alive!
@Major Major Major Major:
Humorist Merrill Markoe covers the convention.
Day One:
Day Two:
Corner Stone
Aren’t unlikely? The double negative there makes me wonder if your heart is really in this comment.
gogol's wife
Please to translate into English.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: Yeah, damn that Hillary and her fondness for nuking Russia.
…that’s a thing, right? They kicked me off the Bernfeeler mailing list a while back.
re: the state senator from NH who was asking for Hillary to be shot. Have you seen the response from the Trump Team?
WTF? What a reaction is that? Is that all? Why include the first part of the sentence at all in that context; it only further qualifies and diminishes any teeny tiny smidgen of disapproval someone could interpret into that statement. No condemnation. No disavowal. No request on turning the heat down. No condemnation of any incitements of violence. Nothing.
There is actually no one – no one – there in the GOP – to say “enough is enough”, to say, “we don’t want the support of someone like that”…
As someone not from the USA: please, Americans, don’t let the rest of the world down! Deal Trump – and more importantly the too many people who follow him – a resounding defeat in November!
Schlemazel Khan
Are you through fucking yourself already? If not what are you waiting for? If you are please go do it again. Soon and for a long time.
gogol's wife
This Putin connection really scares me. He has made Russia a really, really sad place. I never thought we could be defeated by the Russians via the electoral process.
@liberal: So you think that Hillary will provoke Russia in the Ukraine /Crimea area because reasons? You don’t think there’s a strategic reason for keeping Russian from slowly grabbing more and more territory from NATO neighboring states?
Please explain the logic underlying that conclusion.
Felonius Monk
Tonight the Trump Campaign releases the Cruz Missile. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it did a 180 and bit them in the ass?
@Felonius Monk: Cruz is a backstabber by nature. He’ll do something.
Felonius Monk
@liberal: I think you’ve been reading too many cheap comic books lately.
I am sure I have read the report is supposed to be today however given it’s Trump I am kinda expecting them not to have it on time and maybe even try and get away with not doing it or lying in it. What exactly happens penalty wise if they don’t file. Can they not be on the ballot unless they file an acceptable true report? Because I can’t think of anything else that would likely make him if he decides not to. Fines and legal sanctions are something he would assume he could get out of and change the laws “when ” he got in office…
Deadline for filing was June 30. If no report had been filed, that would have already come out.
Major Major Major Major
@Felonius Monk: Be nice. Those sound like awesome comic books.
I’m still convinved Trump will announce he will fix all the country’s problems in one term and then step down (and will make a reference to the Clinton “dynasty”). He likes gimmicks, that seems something he could toss out there and the media would spend the next week discussing it.
Kenneth Kohl
So, T-Rump is a Manchurian Candidate?
Schlemazel Khan
“Please explain the logic underlying
that conclusionyour concussion.”It has become obvious the doofus is an agent of the gop, NOBODY could be that stupid by accident. He is such a Bernie supporter he will vote for Drumpf because that will teach us all a lesson.
Omnes Omnibus
@Patricia Kayden: The kind of people who are going to love what convention is doing are already supporting Trump.
” They’ll need a year-long convention to say everything that needs to be said ”
But I bet Baud! 2016! could sum it all up for them in one great speech. Or maybe a demonstration on kicking liberals in the shins. Or, you could yell at an empty chair.
@Kenneth Kohl: No Trump is a racist, misogynist, xenophobe. He’s also a narcissist, and a manic, but that’s beside the point.
Over at Redstate they call him “Alleged Russian Mob fixer Paul Manafort.”
@Schlemazel Khan: Has no one learned anything from Arrested Development? You never teach lessons, someone always loses an arm.
Sometimes I don’t know if I’m reading reddit/r/conspiracy, redstate or Balloon-Juice.
Next up, Trump behind Turkish fauxcoup.
Omnes Omnibus
HRC is a neo-liberal, warmongering, corporate whore – just like her supporters, duh.
Ed Wood couldn’t direct a more pathetic production.
The whole mess is like someone played 52 pick-up with the loose pages of the scripts of Ishtar, Scarface and Showgirls, then randomly assembled them together.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: You forgot that she drinks the blood of Honduran children.
Everybody always forgets that ☹️
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: BENGHAZI!!!!!!!
@Major Major Major Major
Nowthat’s sangria!
” Ed Wood couldn’t direct a more pathetic production. ”
Like, can you see the wires holding Trump’s alien life-form hair-substance in place? I’d watch a clip of that.
Swear to dog, every time I see Manafort speak, he puts me in mind of a ’60s Vegas mob guy. Chazz Palminteri would play him in a movie.
I so want Cruz to lose his shit on stage tonight. He just needs a little push….
? One of my sons live in an apartment complex, and even U.S. citizens of Hispanic descent expressed concern about voting, because of payback if Trump won. We live in a Red State, but our vote still counts for the popular vote. Has anyone else heard about this?
Major Major Major Major
@jl: Low bar, considering you’re watching clips of the RNC…
@jacy: They were nicer.
I would change that slightly and say that Utah Mormons tend to be quite conservative. They share some features with the right wing — like being pretty virulently anti-gay — but they also have a lot of state lands and national parks that they’re very proud of and take a lot of steps to protect. There’s a reason the Bundys are not pulling their stunts in Utah where they would be much more frowned upon by their neighbors.
They currently vote Republican, but Trump is not their kind of guy. McCain knew how to appeal to them because AZ has a large Mormon population, but I can see a lot of Utah Mormons voting for Johnson rather than Trump.
Roger Moore
@gogol’s wife:
I think that translates roughly to:
@debbie: I was thinking about that 1st Clinton campaign too. I believe at this point the Rs were trying to destroy him with “the character issue” and NAFTA questions, and (if I recall from the documentary) the Ds were attacking Bush for lacking policy (to fix the economy). Sort of like now, though Bill slithered out of the character issue.
@jl: I’m holding out for “Eegah II” myself.
And smarter. And better dressed.
@Major Major Major Major: I’m happy to say that until today I had no idea the “Agile Manifesto” existed.
@Major Major Major Major: I feel your pain. In my experience it’s just another mechanism for justifying scope creep, because some tool has a ‘story’,
Last week i copied down some of Manafort’s baldfaced lies from an interview transcript.
(Manafort on C Matthews)
Roger Moore
Some of them do. The small town ranchers out in the Utah boondocks are nowhere near as protective of the national lands as the city dwellers are. There’s still a lot of anger about Clinton declaring Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and a fairly strong movement to demand that BLM land be turned over to the state.
Yep. I’m glad this is starting to percolate up. Methinks I’d even prefer a candidate bought by the Kochs to one bought by the russian kleptocracy. At least the Kochs have SOME interest in keeping their penthouses and mansions secure.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
McIver the Plagiarizer has a FB page that just appeared today, with no friends. Curiouser and curiouser.
Roger Moore
Mary G
You might think that exposing Mrs Trump’s admiration for Mrs Obama is embarrassing for the Republican party , but it’s just coming out a bit early. When Obama took office, he was the dangerous radical and Bill Clinton was the wonderful bipartisan president who cooperated and got shit done. The minute Obama leaves office, everything they’ve screamed about him will disappear down the memory hole. They will start quoting the David Brooks article about him and bemoaning his loss and Hillary will be the spawn of Satan.
@Geoduck: @pluky: Oh, there’s nothing wrong with “Agile” in and of itself. Product managers are going to abuse whatever system they’re using, whether it’s scrum or agile or kanban, etc, etc…..
If you want to bang your head against your desk, ask your product manager what he think “agile” means. The gap between other people’s definitions is the problem usually.
I’ve been in a bunch of “agile” dev shops and not one of them has done it the exact same way as another.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
No slam on you but boy howdy, I really, really despise the debasement Facebook has visited on the word “friend.”
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Probably like all the fake accounts from mass murderers immediately after they are identified. It can’t be too hard to start an account with that name on it.
@Roger Moore: whatever happened to him?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
If you really had no friends, you wouldn’t have a FB page. That’s just simply not a thing.
ETA: NYDN may have found “her”.
Roger Moore
He was allowed to retire quietly and is now living in the UAE, apparently under a pseudonym.
Paul Manafort, the Black Prince turned to unearthly toad who was supposed to remain out of the light of day
Schlemazel Khan
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Well that fits with my theory that whoever wrote the stupid thing was trying to embarrass Drumpf! The theft might have been an accident but the rick roll was a dead give away
The first aleatoric convention!
@the Conster, la Citoyenne
In their multitudes, they’re visitors. Or fans. Buddies, even. But friends?
Precious time spent communing with actual friends abrogates squandering it with the pseudo-life of Facebook.
gogol's wife
Oh yeah, it’s a really farfetched conspiracy. Do you watch Russian television, news, by any chance? They’ve been promoting Trump since the debate season.
I’m sure that’s just the usual scaremongering. On a happier note, the Texas Voter ID law was struck down for being discriminatory.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I re-established several relationships that had been lost for many years, and it’s a great way to keep up with my friends in other time zones. No one likes to talk on the phone any more because the timing is never right. Plus, kids grow up fast and I get to see what my friends kids look like before they’re old too. It’s a tool, like everything else.
@NotMax: There’s a Midnight July 20 FEC Filing Deadline for the June Period..
Major Major Major Major
“It’s where our dead are buried”??
Iowa Old Lady
I don’t remember which R flunky I heard today say that Trump’s family were the best speakers for him. They could show his human side and talk to the “moms” who were so worried.
What a patronizing jerk. Once a woman has a child, her brain is removed, and she’s influenced only by a candidates women and children.
gogol's wife
The Hillary campaign just called me (although I have asked five times to be taken off their phone list; I contribute regularly online and do not need to be called, especially robocalls). The person on the phone said that Trump is now neck-and-neck with her in key battleground states. All it’s done is demoralize and depress me. How can she be losing to this guy, to paraphrase Jon Lovitt?
@Major Major Major Major:
a project manager is someone who thinks that 9 women can produce a baby in one month.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@gogol’s wife: Convention bump?
@Corner Stone: Make sure tonite you get your Popeye meal before Lyin’ Ted speaks.
gogol's wife
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
How can they be getting a bump from this outrage? That’s frightening.
@gogol’s wife: Rejection has become one of the favorite forms of entertainment in the US.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: It can’t be a convention bump. The convention’s still happening, the polling isn’t out yet!
Anyway, it’s probably just one weird poll that the campaign is using for a fundraising opportunity.Polling at this stage means nothing; it actually has less predictive value than polling done back in February.
Old Broad in California
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: OTOH I discovered today that one of the “friends” with whom I had re-established contact on Facebook thinks HRC is a “criminal” and is “leaning toward voting for Donald”. Aaarrrghh
@gogol’s wife: Why it’s almost as though a professional fundraiser is trying hard to make you believe that your funds will make a crucial difference! She should have said “Hillary Clinton is a lock to win this thing and we hardly need your dollars at all”!
gogol's wife
That would work better for me. I don’t like the negative approach, it makes me lose hope.
Billy Galvin (MA Sec State) used to be called something like “Prince of Darkness,” but he’s sweetness and light compared to that traitorous motherfucker. Yes, I mean traitorous — until he proves that he’s not doing Putin’s work here. I expect I’ll be waiting a long time.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Old Broad in California:
Yeah, had to get rid of one of my friends who moved away, who became a tea party “liker”. Can’t be friends with someone who lives in opposite world and believes in everything I despise. FB is kind of a sorting hat that way.
@gogol’s wife: HuffPost poll aggregations show Hillary ahead nationally, and in Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, NORTH CAROLINA, and two-tenths of a percent behind in Arizona.
The NYTimes points out if she wins FL and PA he can win the rest and she still carries the electoral college.
Polls are more meaningful after Labor Day, but the FACT that she has led nationally and in most of those states all this year is meaningfully suggestive.
Lke Drumpf has a VERY long hoe to row.
Not sure if that helps, but hope so.
(As B. Clinton has said, it’s ARITHmetic.
gogol's wife
@gogol’s wife: easy, when the polling they’re doing is all done WITHIN the convention center.
@Jay B.: See, that’s the thing about Trump: yes, he’s cartoonishly awful, and yes his presidency would be an utter catastrophe for America, but would it REALLY be worse than W. Bush?
@liberal: Remember that the Mormon church (I speak as a disaffected non-practicing Mormon whose name is still on the rolls because I just can’t be bothered to deal with the technicalities of official excommunication) didn’t allow black men to hold the priesthood until 10 years after 1968. And that a Mormon apostle, in his official capacity (literally over the pulpit, I think) accused racial-equality protesters of being a Communist plot to destroy America.
I think that right there is sufficient to explain Utah’s rightward lurch in the late 60s. You don’t even need to mention feminism, homosexuality, the welfare state, etc. (all things that Mormons officially despise).