Report so far: Some people are being dicks; others aren’t. Open thread!
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by Betty Cracker| 257 Comments
This post is in: Election 2016, Hillary Clinton 2016, Open Threads, Politics, General Stupidity
Report so far: Some people are being dicks; others aren’t. Open thread!
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As usual, the people being dicks are taking up all the oxygen.
I’m going to look at the bright side. This is our trial by fire, and the party will be the stronger for it. An end to complacency and taking the party for granted.
Not just dicks, but also pussies and assholes:
Next up: Ben Jealous (sp?)
Eh, let them get it out of their system now when no one’s watching. Besides, I expect the worst of them will get their credentials yanked if they act up tonight.
Iowa Old Lady
@gf120581: Is that a thing? I didn’t know you could yank credentials since they’re elected.
Omnes Omnibus
@Trentrunner: He’s doing a good job.
@gf120581: Well, Bernie just contacted the HRC/DNC people to tell them he’s concerned about floor shenanigans tonight.
So, no, he’s not in control, and they show NO sign of getting it out of their systems.
@Omnes Omnibus: Agree, good speaker. Hitting all the high notes.
Keith G
Ben Jealous is the highest ranking Sanders supporter to speak so far. Curious to see how he dismounts.
Annnnd he did a good job. Fewer boos as he called for Hillary’s election.
It’s not nearly as bad as some of you are fretting about. This is the Democratic Party – with very few exceptions, conventions are always like this. I think it’s kind of entertaining. The chants and the boos aren’t omnipresent, they’re mostly just background noise. The speeches are still being heard and cheered when and if they make a good point. Most of the speeches from the Bernie supporters are actually pretty good. I think many of you need to calm down a little.
Omnes Omnibus
@Keith G: I think he nailed it.
Ben Jealous: “Let’s go win this!”
Good to hear from a strong Bernie supporter. There actually are grownups in the room.
Omnes Omnibus
@patroclus: Seconded.
gogol's wife
Thanks. I’m too nervous to watch, so a little perspective is helpful.
I hope I can stand to watch tonight, if I can figure out what channel CSpan is.
And “the ayes have it” on the platform.
Roger Moore
And the people being dicks are the usual suspects.
ETA: So there’s a Fudge playing an important role in the convention, and there’s been a mention of Dumbledore. When does Harry Potter show up to endorse?
@patroclus: I’m listening on C-Span in the background, and the boos aren’t obvious.
@SiubhanDuinne: That was easy.
Ben tore it up.
Schlemazel Khan
I got a message from the last bernfeeler in my circle. She is very young and was all in for Sanders so I was worried:
“I was driving today and saw a car with a badly faded bumpersticker for Bush. I thought I’d like to have some bumper stickers made up that say “Trump” but fade really fast to reveal “I’m with H-> er”
The kids are goinna be alright
Im nervous to watch, too. I might watch a chinese drama “all my concubines” and just see the non rollercoaster bits online.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Reports coming in that the Russian hackers behind DNC hack may have altered the emails and created new ones !
The way Ben Jealous had been acting for awhile now…he was no better than the rest with pushing up the hopes and expectations of Bernie supporters.
So hell, yeah, he betta had given a full throated endorsement…
Still…fuq ’em…not a fan of his chairmanship of NAACP, and I’ll be happy when I don’t have to see em again
Keith G
I do imagine that this would have been quite the shit show if DWS was on hand.
Keith G
@lamh36: Unity for thee, but not for me?
@Roger Moore: Ah, but this Fudge is one of the good guys.
Mike J
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Oops.
And Herr Trumpenfuhrer actually boasted about “our friends in Russia and China” supplying the emails. Though it looks like he’s since deleted the tweet.
Edit: Sorry, TV interview, not a tweet. link.
Schlemazel Khan
@Mike J:
who is “Mook”?
Roger Moore
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
Wait, wait. We can’t trust anonymous hackers who have apparently been hired by a foreign government to influence our election to be 100% honest with the data they’re presenting? Quelle surprise!
“My first thought was something along the lines of sowing and reaping…”
Fuck you
Speaking of being dicks, Tom Brokaw just made a remark about how Hillary needs to “watch it” when she’s speaking “because she has a tendency to be shrill, and some people don’t like that”. Another talking head who was on (I was in the other room & didn’t get his name beyond “Don”), said “that’s a pretty unfair standard, we don’t dislike men who are louder”, to which Brokaw snaps back “it’s not an unfair standard, just a different one”.
This guy looks 13 years old.
Omnes Omnibus
Boyle looks like he is 15.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@dmsilev: Here’s a link to the article at Vice.
I said it before and I’ll say it again…this election and Trump ascendance is all about white anger.
Crucial CNN poll finding: Huge majority of blue collar whites agree w/Trump’s depiction of America
How do you talk to people who think all their problems are because of “those” people?
@Keith G: uh–obviously the losing party unites with the winner. Only in bernie world do we have to spend months coaxing him and praising him for maybe acting like an adult.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: HRC’s campaign manager.
@Schlemazel Khan: Clinton’s campaign manager
Betty Cracker
@dmsilev: It’s on video over at TPM. But he made little air quotes around “friends” and said it sarcastically.
Wasn’t that from a spoof account (Denald)?
@Schlemazel Khan:
Robert Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager.
@Omnes Omnibus:
With the unfortunate last name.
The music is good, they were looking for booers on msnbc so I’m with cspan from now on. It’s noisy & raucous but I kind of like it!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that’s why it cracks me up when the old fool claims “working Americans’ have rallied to his agenda, and other morons still try to claim he was electable.
Electable at all, much less more electable than HRC.
Keith G
@Roger Moore:
Don’t know about Harry, but I hear Draco Malfoy speaks at 11:00 PM.
Dana Bash is behaving like an insect with an assist from Wolf.
Splitting Image
@Schlemazel Khan: HRC campaign manager Robbie Mook
@Splitting Image: We need to be unified in our dickishness.
Let me know how it turns out.
Another Bernie supporter with a good speech.
Schlemazel Khan
Hubert H. Humphrey
Gawd how I wish he had won WVa in 1960. But Kennedy was a good kid, to quote Truman, “Of course he is a good kid, what kid wouldn’t be when his father buys him West Virginia?”
Grijalva’s speech was weird: Didn’t mention Clinton OR Sanders by name (unless I missed something). And he was a Sanders supporter. Just weird.
Mike J
I like the idea of a campaign manager that even people who are paying attention can’t name, unlike a Trippi or Weaver.
@Trentrunner: I didn’t notice that. He did talk about winning.
@Trentrunner: I heard him mention Clinton by name and got booed. Fuck these people screaming over the speakers. Assholes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Mook isn’t letting his ego get in the way. As it should be.
Kids with shelves overflowing with trophies awarded for showing up eventually become adults expecting the same treatment.
IMHO, Sanders “supporters” on the floor and protesters with Jail Hilary bullshit, ain’t doing themselves NO favors.
They are beginning to piss off folks who really truly had no dog in this fight…smh
Sanders Press Secretary:
I can’t help but snicker every time I see it.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: When they show the people who are booing and chanting, I am seeing a lot of middle aged people.
Did u see Greggs statement about the protestors outside? He said they were not Dems. He wants the press to ask if theyre Dems bc Bernie picked up whites that were not. Also, the Kochs hire protestors sometimes, but whatever
@Trentrunner: I think You missed it. I thought I heard him name Clinton, and then waited for the boos (which I didn’t hear).
So far this just sounds like a raucous enthusiastic convention, at least on the TV. Once in a while I hear some ‘Bernie’ chants.
Edit: on the other hand, Just saw an interview with some very young Bernie die-hards who were idiotically and very ignorantly pissed off about the ‘rigged’ platform. They seemed like ignorant newbies to politics. Sanders should have had more outreach to this kind of delegate, but apparently didn’t.
Actually, it’s gotten kind of boring now. I miss the boos and chants.
@lamh36: Something that really shouldn’t have to be said on Day 1 of the Convention.
Roger Moore
@Keith G:
I’m pretty sure Draco Malfoy is a Republican.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I believe this woman was Sanders chief press secretary?
I thought Nina Turner seemed a bit taken aback by the Sanders supporters this morning. Would’ve been nice if the Sanders camp had figured out a few weeks ago that spite and demagoguery have consequences
@NotMax: Hey, Donald Jr. was at last week’s convo.
So far, it seems like typical Democratic ‘disunity’ in the activist corps is being portrayed as something THAT IS SUPER IMPORTANT AND COULD THIS TIME COST THE DEMOCRATS THE ELECTION OH MY GOD YOU NEED TO KEEP WATCHING [Insert Channel Here].
I thought our party was built on the notion of there being a consistent 10-15% that’s always malcontented and ready to protest, and the other 85-90% shrugging their shoulders and going “whatever” as they got along with whatever business they were trying to deal with?
@gogol’s wife: For me C-SPAN is channel 15, but I have no idea if that’s a standard thing. C-SPAN is one of the few non-digital cable channels here, so you might start looking at the very low channel numbers and see if you find it that way. C-SPAN 2 and 3 are digital and are way up there, but this is on the original C-SPAN.
Why can’t Tom Brokaw just go off to his South Dakota ranch, sit on the veranda, put his feet up, and think about the greatest generation for a while? Why does he have to crap up our radios and TVs? He passed his sell-by date a loooooooooong time ago.
Oh my GOD!!!
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap:
Just as I thought. This is classic FSB shenanigans.
@jl: well this is the problem with every political revolution, you bring in neophytes who don’t understand how a political process, of any stripe, works but they are so full of ‘vim and vigor’ (some would say piss and vinegar) that they have to vent that energy somewhere.
What I am seeing so far today are a lot of political newbies not knowing that “yes this is what a political convention is like” and a lot of the old diehard lefties just being mad the establishment won yet again (because of course the establishment of the 2016 Dem Party are center-right corporatist sell-outs, they always are).
It seems like they could have gotten a newer camera for this photo shoot.
@Omnes Omnibus: Of course. I’m 44. Those are my people. They’re the ones who have been longing for a Real Liberal as long as they’ve been voting, and Sanders was it, and Clinton was another Clinton. All of the most insufferable Berniacs I know are 40-something white professionals who’ve been storing up grievances for ~ 20 years.
Betty Cracker
@SteveinSC: Fuck you as well! ?
Fuck Tom Brokaw. Retire already, you sound like a grandpa! You’re the shrill one.
@cckids: Tom Brokaw criticizing how someone talks is kind of textbook irony, no?
@FlipYrWhig: Why couldn’t they just find hookers like decent people?
Keith G
@lamh36: Be calm
Nothing in the convention has been over the top (tho a bit tacky during some of Cumming’s remarks)
Your Twitter quote, @georgie82 is watching at home just like you so she has no better insight as to all that is happening. Remember that folks outside are as likely to be stirring shit just for the fucks and not an emotionally committed supporter.
It is going to be fine.
Omnes Omnibus
Dancing with Myself?
Keith G
@Cat48: Can Tom Brokaw be shrill? Really?
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: “Well, Tom, I don’t like the sound of *your* voice. What kind of standard should that be considered?”
@Keith G: He’s shrill on the inside.
Omnes Omnibus
Really display of diversity so far.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: which is hilarious since Nina Turner had been all over MSNBC stoking foolishness…
Now her, Jealous et al, are all like “oh my
? Martin
@lamh36: I think that’s overstating it. Maybe Cole can explain from a better vantage point, but some of the poorest, lowest opportunity places in this country run from central PA down to Texas and are largely or equally populated by whites. It’s the coal mining story, basically.
Now, they aren’t necessarily any worse off than inner city blacks or rural latinos, but there’s a fair bit of attention being paid to BLM and to immigration reform, and pretty much no attention being paid to whites that are in similar economic and social conditions. Now, its easy (and not entirely unfair) to say that they are responsible for their leadership, but a lot of these places were pretty reliable Democratic voters until recently. Democrats once waged a war on poverty, but now it’s more of a war against discrimination, on the reasoning that these are sufficiently interchangeable, but they really aren’t in many states where Trump is doing well. Democrats aren’t presenting much of a narrative for a better future for them. There’s a bad heroin epidemic throughout that region which is mostly a consequence of a bad painkiller epidemic (deregulation) that got too expensive compared to heroin. But for people in these regions for every black person wrongfully shot by police that they see paraded on the news and outrage expressed, there are 5 white people who died from heroin that nobody gives a shit about. (Worth noting there were probably 5 other black people killed that also went unnoticed that they don’t see either).
There’s a limited amount of bandwidth that the national attention can hold onto, which is why a white supremacist that shoots up a mall gets ignored within a few hours – we’ve got a reserved slot for islamic terrorism, but not right-wing terrorism. Something’s got to go. Well, nationally, we probably don’t have a slot for white people self-imposed misery right now. I’m not arguing we should, but we shouldn’t be too shocked when the older sibling gets pissed off at the younger sibling getting all the attention and decides to shit in mommy’s car to get that point across.
@lamh36: I like that gif.
Keith G
Because his wife doesn’t understand him. Really. She does not understand a word he says.
This convention is moving right along. Lots of shots of “people like me” on the dais, at the podium, and on the convention floor. Good visuals.
Not sure where they got RoboLady to do the announcing, tho’
@Miss Bianca:
He is the pure distillation of white male privilege. Completely oblivious to anything outside his orbit.
Can’t spell my own dayhm handle.
Did the boos die down due to Sanders whips getting their people under control, or through better microphone placement by convention organizers?
This convention is moving right along. Lots of shots of “people like me” on the dais, at the podium, and on the convention floor. Good visuals.
Not sure where they got RoboLady to do the announcing, tho’
@Keith G:
Trying to figure out how to spell “LOL” the way it would sound if Brokaw said it.
Something we won’t hear from the Republicans, yet they are using the principle to “good” effect.
Erik Loomis at
“Yes, I know that the fundamentals are against Trump, like they are against any Republican candidate. But if there’s one thing we should take from the Republican National Convention, it’s that the racist disaster of it did not hurt him at all. The rapidly changing 538 forecast is scary, not because Trump is receiving a major post-convention bump right now, which is expected, but because there is literally nothing he could do that would convince most Republican voters not to vote for him. All the racism, all the complaining among the Republican elite about him, it all means nothing. The New Yorker story about the guy who actually wrote The Art of the Deal exposing what a complete psychopath that Trump is, it means nothing. Trump joking about having sex with his daughter and his history of womanizing, it means nothing to voters who talk about morals and sin.” Further, there is a huge movement of the white non-college educated working class to Trump that did not occur in 2012 when Mitt “born with a Silver Spoon in my mouth” Romney who personified the CEO who was laying them off and moving their jobs to China. Trump, just as silver spoon if not more born, has developed that reality TV schtick of sounding like a regular guy. The white military guys in my van pool are always firmly in club Trump as they believe he will put them back on top.
In the end, I don’t see how this election looks much different than 2012, in that while it is likely that the Democrats will win, it’s far from guaranteed. It’s probably going to rely on the same close states that it usually does. Even an extremist racist unstable candidate like Donald Trump is going to win 45 percent of the vote. It’s going to be a fight to finish, perhaps not only for this election but for the future of the republic given Trump’s complete disdain for democratic norms. All hands on deck.
@? Martin:
It’s completely fair. Dems would give their collective right nut to get those votes. But there’s no point competing if all a Republican has to do is whisper in their ear “the blacks are getting more.” Solve that problem, and you’ll be a Democratic hero.
I don’t like the big screen. Letters are too small. It should be huge and bold. Also don’t like this silver basketweave crap behind the speakers. It should be in patriotic stuff because people eat that crap up. Also the basketweave makes it look like a tech/healthcare conference.
You do that by pointing out things like the trade treaties that they hate are actually attempts to get something, anything for American workers. You remind them that China became so huge in industry because American manufacturers, in their greed for more profits, never even considered that the Chinese could be smart enough to compete directly. You remind them that U.S. businesses are to blame for this.
You also remind them that the “death” of coal isn’t due to Obama; it’s due to natural gas. Even more, you remind them that back in the late 1980s/early 1990s, the coal industry had an opportunity to clean up their act (retrofitting scrubbers, etc.), but they refused to budge even a millimeter. Had they agreed to work to improve coal emissions, they would be in a much better place today. And there’s a chance that workers might still have jobs. But again, you remind them that U.S. businessmen are to blame.
And on and on.
Patricia Kayden
@gf120581: I saw one Bernie-Or-Buster tweet that there is no doubt that Secretary Clinton will be booed off the stage so I assume that’s what they plan to do on Thursday night. Sigh.
Trump already did that.
@Mike J: Who is Mook?
@BlueDWarrior: We have to hope that is most of it. I don’t think kids like that are going to be jackasses all the way through the convention. Just now I saw an interview with and older Sanders delegate saying some younger one were crying after Sanders speech this morning. (Edit: she told them to buck up and not eff things up)
But, from what I saw, Sanders put in a weak performance this morning at the meetings.
Conventions sounds pretty normal to me now. Hope the same for prime time. People yelling issues are OK, and a few rumblings of ‘Bernie” in the background won’t be all that bad. Booing down speakers in prime time will be bad.
Another HRC shout out and no boos.
Holy crap, I didn’t know about this AT ALL until just now. It’s from HuffPo, but it’s a worthwhile link to HuffPo.
Sorry, it’s not convention related, but I’m furious and need to share.
@WaterGirl: Obama’s guy. Now with Hillary.
I liked that lady! (whoever she was)
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Then maybe they ought to vote for the party that’s trying to do something about the opioid epidemic rather than the party that’s trying to avoid doing anything.
@Trentrunner: I thought his first words were something like “I am here in support of Hillary Clinton”.
“The know-nothings have returned.”
@? Martin:
I’ll cosign this. First-day convention shenanigans aside, I think that, as frightening as the Trump candidacy is, it’s a sign of Republican weakness and presents a significant opportunity for Democrats to both consolidate and expand their base.
I’d like someone to ask him if he’s not releasing his taxes because so much of his income comes from the Kremlin. Let him put air quotes around that.
Schlemazel Khan
I still can hear him say “achille lauro” when that was happening. But I have no idea how to type out a lateral L sound
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ah, I saw a big guy who looked like security talking to a Bernie! delegate with tape with Silence written on it over her mouth and decidedly martyry moue. I wonder if it was a Sanders guy trying to talk her down from the cross in her imagination.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: By pointing out that Trump doesn’t have their backs. There is nothing that Trump cares about beyond Trump. He’s not going to do anything for the working class, whether Black, White, Latino, Asians, Native American, etc. If he gets into the White House, he’ll take care of himself (and perhaps his family) but no one else. He hasn’t even told us what policies he plans to implement beyond nonsense like building a wall along the Mexican border (not going to happen), stop Muslims from immigrating here (sounds unconstitutional) and renege on America’s promises to NATO (this would be disastrous to our foreign relations).
Our side needs to just keep telling the truth about the hollowness of Trump’s promises. That’s the most we can do. Speak the truth over and over again even to those who won’t accept it.
@jenn: A real reputable organization, Wikileaks. Maybe the new Brit PM will drag Assange out of that embassy.
Dog Dawg Damn
Beagging about soda taxes and calling opposition know nothings seems like a good strategy to woo working class whites.
Okay then, that clears that up. Thanks, Julian.
Or he could sell reverse mortgages to what’s left of them
@MomSense: FSB?
Patricia Kayden
@jenn: Yet you have those on the Left who support Wikileaks. They are endangering people’s lives and this is not the first time they have done so.
@WaterGirl: Successor to KGB.
Davis X. Machina
@? Martin:
There could be another war on poverty tomorrow. I wonder what the practical political obstacles to such things might be? Perhaps if we saw who voted for, and against, a more recent social-provision program we would get some insight?
The successor to the KGB.
Mike Flannigan covers the DNC convention from the floor.
Drink a lot of alcohol, say LOL, and try to spell it. You might pass out first, though.
Probably something like ELL UAAAH LULLL
randy khan
@Mike J:
So this reminds me of one of my favorite museum sitings, ever. Once at the National Gallery of Art, my wife and I were going through a show and we saw J. Carter Brown, the longtime director (indeed, legend) looking at one of the paintings with two small children (his, I think, but I don’t know for sure). He was pointing something out on the painting and got a little close to it. The guard came up and asked him not to get so close to the paintings, and Brown responded by immediately pulling his hand away and actually putting his hands behind his back. He didn’t say a word to the guard, and certainly didn’t protest that he, of all people, knew to be careful around a masterpiece. He just moved back. We were both highly amused and very impressed.
Patricia Kayden
@JMG: Why doesn’t Assange seek asylum in Russia? He’s not actively trying to elect Trump.
@WaterGirl: Fire Support Base
It’s a very sticky wicket, to be sure. But it’s a mistake, IMHO, to assume that there’s nothing Democratic candidates can do to counter Republican racial politics.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
The Mythology Of Trump’s ‘Working Class’ Support
Good stuff in there. Including …
@? Martin:
hmm…who’d they blame for the heroine/crack cocaine epidemic in the Black community? Black folks have been dying at the hands of police for along time. How many of those deaths were NEVER covered by media. It’s the advent of technology that has allowed for visual evidence of what has been going on forever…
And yet, Black voters have been consistently part of the base of the Democratic party since Civil Rights…we learned a long time ago to not vote against our best interest…
@? Martin:
It’s their ‘own people’ in power across the states and in DC at all levels of government.
They are all adults. So, they must have brains to think this through and apportion the blame where it is due?
Xecky Gilchrist
Likewise. My first presidential election was Bush vs. Dukakis :P
@Patricia Kayden:
This. You keep talking to people. Over and over. At some point, enough of them get it.
@Linnaeus: Sure, but they haven’t broken through yet. Like I said, when someone does — without throwing our base under the bus — that person will be a Democratic hero.
@Xecky Gilchrist: I dunno why. I voted for Nader once and that was quite enough.
Though I agree most of the Berners I’ve encountered directly are rather well off 40 and 50 year olds. I work in Hollywood and the only people who talked about voting were people out for Bernie.
@? Martin: No candidate in this election has paid more attention to the opiod crisis, which is as big a social problem in prosperous (overall) Mass. and New Hampshire than anywhere else, than Clinton has. Coal is done. Has to be. I read somewhere that there are about 8,000 coal miners in Kentucky. The free market killed them, not the Democrats. Let’s not sugar coat the truth. White racism and all-around sexism remain two of the most powerful forces in our society. Not as powerful as when I was a kid, but still potent.
Omnes Omnibus
Dan Malloy’s delivery isn’t great, but his substance is.
There are so many oligarchs in Putin’s inner circle it would be so easy to get money to Trump. We know Sater is one of his business associates. He’s bad enough on his own.
Bobby Thomson
I just want to know why the booers aren’t wiping spit from their faces. Booing Cummings?
@lamh36: I am soooo disappointed in Ben Jealous. To think you can pivot from Tim Kaine is a bad pick to two days later basically endorsing Clinton like everyone in the Sanders camp is just going to say oh okay, is ridiculous. And I still for the life of me can’t figure out what’s so bad about Kaine. I think they just needed to go with that narrative of being screwed over once again and made Kaine their sacrificial lamb.
@debbie: Instead of receiving income, I bet he owes a lot of money to people around the Kremlin.
His “L”s are a slurry mixture of L, R, and W.
But I’m taking your advice to the extent of enjoying, at this very minute, a glass of wine.
@Omnes Omnibus: Right on! He was good..
It’s probably both. Isn’t that what “the art of the deal” is all about?
@Patricia Kayden: @debbie: I agree with both of these methods…
What I don’t agree with is some folks idea that just because they feel that way, that we should co-sign it…as if the acts don’t show exactly the opposite.
I guess it’s why I’ll never be a pol. I’m not one willing to stoke stupid fears with no basis in fact…
Amir Khalid
@Keith G:
If I were you, I’d hold out for Kingsley Shacklebolt.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Linnaeus: they’re doing it, by any stretch of the imagination the Democratic platform offers more to lower income people (“working class”, which always sounds nastily elitist to me) than the Republicans’, whether it’s Trump’s incoherent mishmash or the Paul Ryan budget he would sign if he could. The water is there, the white horses don’t wanna drink it.
Well, we talk a lot about incremental progress here at Balloon Juice. You get it, in part, by continuing to talk to people, even if the message doesn’t get through the first, second, or even third time. That’s part of the hard work of progressive change.
Couple of weeks late
@debbie: I’m with you that that is what is in those tax returns.
@Keith G:
You all do realize he was born with a harelip?
ETA: Actually, I believe it was a cleft lip and palate.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Oh god, I had forgotten that!
“Achille Lauro” should be part of every would-be broadcaster’s audition test.
Wood eye? Wood eye?
Ok…back to something less political.
My two fav gifs tonight, both of Black Panther himself, Chadwick Boseman
#ChadwickBoseman is the KING of the “0 Fucks Given” Face.
Seriously. These GIF give me life. ?
When #ChadwickBoseman ain’t feeling it, he ain’t feeling it.
A guy named Ware, who was the Republican boss of Pennsylvania, and a Senator, back in the 1880s and ’90s, said, “politics is the art of taking votes from the poor and money from the rich by promising to protect one from the other.”
@newnumbertwo: I think as people realize Bernie is really upset and being harmed by their bullshittery, some of them have enough trust of him to tone it down even when they don’t understand why. Hence the woe and martyr-ing.
That’s the thing, some of these people absolutely don’t understand why their actions are hurting Bernie and his grander vision. They honestly think you have to go and yell louder and then ??? justice!
And Bernie knows better, is on board with Clinton, knows his future depends on Clinton succeeding and is okay with that, but he is seriously rattled by… he thought he would have to make some nice requests and then things would not be a riot. Which they won’t be, but Bernie is not half the politician Hillary is, and he’s very shook up to learn people aren’t trusting him.
He was telling the chain of command way back in the New Hampshire primary, to trust the process. I was there, I heard that word passed down. He didn’t bargain on losing control of his people, or seeing ’em turned into a liability.
I think he’s overreacting by running to the DNC claiming his people are out of control. They need to see that he’s upset with them, that he means this, it’s not a joke or a trick, this is still part of what he had in mind and they’ll get more out of Clinton than they would out of Putin.
Omnes Omnibus
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: was he the one talking about Pence’s funerals for fetuses bill? That is so sick it makes my head spin
Dog Dawg Damn
@Anoniminous: that was among GOP primary voters. He’s leading Clinton among WC white men by a fair amount. Not a myth. Reality.
The diversity in the party makes me proud. I couldnt b GOP
Davis X. Machina
@JMG: Yeppers. Powder River Basin coal killed the Appalachian coal industry, starting 30 years ago….
A big chunk of that cost differential comes from the Federal gov’t basically giving the rights away…
@D58826: It’s like it only dawned on Senator Sanders and his team just this morning that talking the fringe elements of his supporters off the ledge would take some effort.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Someone else knows that joke? Will wonders never cease…
Anyone else ever get the impression that Assange is really just the figurehead and doesn’t have all that much to do with the day to day stuff now?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Absolutely the Democratic platform is better than the Republican platform for low- and middle-income Americans. But it doesn’t sell itself – Democrats can’t assume that their superior platform is self-evident to voters, especially voters in more depressed areas.
@Hal: Yes — they wanted a headline that said the VP pick was intended to appeal to Sanders supporters. The fact that Kaine is not on the very short Approved Allies list (Warren, Franken, Sherrod Brown, Tom Perez) meant he had to go from “who?” to OBVIOUS NEOLIBERAL ENEMY in about 6 minutes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yep, that was him.
As others have said (including me) the person who figures out how to crack the racist code for white American voters will be hailed as an all-time genius.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Pennsylvania 6 5 oh oh oh
Brian Williams – Elizabeth Warren chief Trump agitator.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Read that during today’s Trump rally in Roanoke VA., there were shouts of “Kill her”.
I’m 46, and sometimes it sure seems like a majority of my Gen X cohort decided to spend the rest of their political lives longing for the Return of Reagan. Real Liberals in our age group sure seem to be few and far between.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not proud of it, but yeah ?
Fair Economist
As a politician, Bernie could (and did) play hardball almost right up to the convention, then turn on a dime and endorse Hillary. He’s done that a zillion times in Congress. But he’s new to this leader business, and as a leader you can’t do that and expect your followers to follow. Plus, there’s the issue of vetting delegate slates, and he was new to that too, so we’ve got some ratfvckers as well.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
@Davis X. Machina: 30 years you say, hmm ….
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I have C-span on so I am hearing the filler music.
@Applejinx: Maybe the poor dear shouldn’t have been telling his supporters that they were being rogered by THE ESTABLISHMENT every goddamn day for months on end, then.
@Patricia Kayden:
He has to wait out the statute of limitations on the rape charges. If he sets foot outside the Ecuadorian embassy, he risks arrest.
You say it like there’s something wrong with holding grudges for decades.
There are several political grievances I’ve held since 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2010, and 2012, and expect to hold for another 40 years…fortunately, they’re aimed at the correct party ;)
@Jeffro: 47 here, and my single early 50’s friends all voted for HRC in the primary and will be there in November.
@Jeffro: I have the advantage of getting to presume a baseline level of liberalism among most everyone I meet professionally. Kind of nice, except for when it gets warped by utopians and other opportunists.
Miss Bianca
@debbie: And he’s talking about someone else’s VOICE? Oh, that’s right…it’s a *woman’s* voice.
There is still an element in the room who believe that the superdelegates may still nominate Bernie.
@dmsilev: It did. Bernie very obviously assumed all he’d have to do is ask. Having learned differently, he’s upset and freaked out and has warned the DNC that he can’t control his people.
I think this too is an overreaction, and that he has more influence than he thought: but not until he got serious about turning ’em around. Up until then he thought that anytime he REALLY wanted to, they’d listen. My hope is that a lot of these silly, naive people will get a similar rude awakening: an ‘OMG, he’s actually upset! He DOESN’T want us to just carry on, he might actually mean it! ZOMG!’
I wish we’d had better people, but even back in New Hampshire I saw some of the bozos. Not my bosses (all smart women) but some of the volunteers. I guess this is being a Democrat. Beats the alternative.
There won’t be a single “code cracking” moment or a single formula for doing it. You keep getting your message out, year after year. Some people won’t listen. Some people will, even if it takes a while for them to.
@Jeffro: I have plenty of grievances and grudges that are easily old enough to rent cars legally. I mean that particular kind of left-on-left unresolved grievance politics.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ah, Jenny.
I thought you were trying to get a “telephone music” subthread going.
Why did they boo Cummings so badly? He is one of my favorite people in Congress.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Nothing of the kind. There have been a couple of “interesting” choices so far.
@Jeffro: I’m 38 and one of the younger Gen Xers. I never wanted Reagan back, and my first vote was for Clinton in 96. Considering that I’m mixed race and female, Bernie never appealed to me. That a lot of my age group is acting this way is frustrating.
Betty Cracker
@Cat48: I’m puzzled by that too. It was rude AF.
Omnes Omnibus
“Hillary Clinton is bad ass and ready to lead.”
@Cat48: TPP. People keep underestimating the economic motivations: anyone lining up as a neoliberal and pushing more ‘trade agreements’ is in for some static. Seems one of the chants there was ‘no TPP’. The Democratic Party is just going to have to get along without massive ‘free trade’ secret agreements, that stuff is politically toxic now.
@Baud: You are better than Siri! :-)
@Miss Bianca:
Well you know that Hillary and Elizabeth Warren sound shrill when they get too excited, on the other hand they sound flat and boring when they are calm. They need to figure out just the right tone between school marm, ex- wife and seductress, simply do that and they will sound perfect.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cat48: @Betty Cracker: They were all wound up and many probably had no idea who he was.
@Applejinx: What did TPP have to do with Elijah Cummings?
Man, that Latina caucus lady didn’t bat an eye when people started booing. That was the loudest I heard yet, but she put on a really nice presentation.
Eh, there’s more of us than you may think.
It seems that any mention of the ticket elicits boos from the Sanders delegates.
Pelosi, Honda, and Barbara Lee were booed by the California delegates, apparently there’s a conspiracy theory that Bernie actually won CA, but his votes were not counted. So everytime anyone on stage says her name they boo.
Here’s my “looking on the bright side” note for the day — now that rikyrah has gotten me hooked on Luvvie, I CANNOT WAIT to see her take on today.
Heh. Seriously. Except mine go back to 1976.
Hillary’s ‘evil’ powers strike again! Thunder and lightening storm breaking up the protestors and media tents. LOL
A lot of these Bernie delegates don’t know squat about Cummings or most of the people who will be speaking. I don’t enjoy watching people I don’t like get booed and heckled. Watching people I admire and respect being treated this way is just a bridge too far for me. So I’ll have to pass on this Convention.
Also, I was looking for a good explanation of why the Bernie Bros and Sisters appear to have their heads for far up their ass and found it with Greg Sargent at the Plum Line:
” …But what unites the holdouts is their self-absorption and complete inability to distinguish between political action that makes you feel good and political action that actually accomplishes anything real. These are the kind of people who think that giant puppets are the key to creating lasting social change.
To give you an example: Code Pink has a full slate of protests planned for the convention, aimed at building “a united front to take on the racist, capitalist Democratic war machine!” Like everything else the group does, it’s utterly masturbatory, meant to make the group feel virtuous and noble and brave, but will accomplish exactly nothing on any of the issues it says it cares about. Case in point: Eight years ago, I wrote a column criticizing Code Pink for how ineffectual its protests are, and demonstrating a mind-boggling lack of self-awareness, it proved my point by sending a half-dozen people to my office to protest me (unfortunately I was out that afternoon, but I did appreciate the certificate it left behind declaring me an imperialist war-monger in league with Bush and Cheney). Because apparently, these shrewd and experienced political activists thought that was an effective use of their time that would hasten the end of the Iraq War….”
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: Russian spy agency, like our CIA. Successor to KGB. Stands for Federal Security Service, or Федеральная Служба Безопасности.
@jenn: At this point, Wikileaks is a ratfvcking organization. Nothing more.
@Miss Bianca:
Oh, right. Two wrongs make a right when it’s you. Yes, calling a woman shrill is wrong, but so is mocking a speech impediment. Can’t believe I even have to say this to you.
That’s what ’76 and ’80 and ’84 were for me.
@Kropadope: The booing is really starting to bug me, to be honest. I don’t get these people or how they think this helps them, other than wild yelling and expressing anger. It’s actively hurting their ability to make changes.
Love me some Robbie Mook. He’s the first openly Gay gentleman to run a major presidential campaign. Look him up on line. Interesting background. Actually, if I remember correctly, he’s from Vermont.
Another berie bro says that Hillary isn’t the nominee yet. (sigh)
They’re like trained animals, say the magic words “Clinton/Kaine and they do their tricks. We’re gonna have four days of this. And what they will do when Kaine and Clinton speak is anyone’s guess,
@Omnes Omnibus: They booed Cummings over his vote to fast track TPP. That’s the only connection I can think of. If it’s not booing, it’s chanting about no TPP. Wonder if they will chant that when Pres Obama speaks….”No TPP, no TPP?” Frankly, I’m disgusted.
Was it the same unshaven one I just saw? I think I saw him earlier. He looks like he slept in his mom’s Audi.
The pain of the Sanders supporters is so deep that it must be acknowledged, Hillary must apologize for the DNC bias. And assure them that this will never happen again. WTF Nina Turner.
You’re not allowed to be disgusted. Only Sanders people get to be disgusted. We’re supposed to praise these people and thank them for all the positive energy they bring to the Party.
OH FSM. Nina Turner was just on MSNBC. It’s all Hillary’s fault. The Clinton camp hasn’t acknowledged the Bernie camps pain. One way to start would be having someone apologize for hurting Bernie’s fee fees from the the podium (maybe burning DWS at the stake would help). Then they have to promise that the DNC will never disrespect the Bernie folks again. Then maybe the Bernie folks will stop booing. Politics is a contact spot and feelings get hurt at times. Adults get over it and keep their eye on the real prize. .
@Applejinx: thanks
@debbie: Unless his surgery was botched he has no speech impediment. I have two cousins with cleft palates and once the surgery was done they had no problem speaking clearly. The man has been a television guy for how long, thirty years? Someone would have noticed.
Well at least Brian Williams acknowledged Eugene Robinson pain – he has a sore throat and sounds like a frog
@hovercraft: You know, I am not surprised she lost badly in a statewide election in Ohio after listening to her speak as a surrogate. A lot of people seem to not understand that “No everyone does not think like you or prioritize the same things as you”, and they seem utterly incapable of dealing with that fact.
Gene Robinson sarcastically thanks BW and Rachel for acknowledging his pain (laryngitis), both he and Nicolle Wallace blame Bernie for not telling his army months ago that it was over, and letting them think he still had a chance while constantly saying the system was rigged against them. You can’t do that for months and then turn on a dime and say it’s over after telling them you would fight all the way to the convention floor.
@Quinerly: i think they might. They need to remove them for primetime or Dems would look foolish booing Obama. It could turn into a fight. Some people dearly love O, TPP or not. They wont take boos for him.
Matt McIrvin
@Dog Dawg Damn: You’re right, the statistic in that article was misleading because primary voters, especially Republican primary voters, tend to be higher-income than the general population to begin with. Sam Wang was all over that when it came out.
The other side of the coin, though, is that I wonder about the propensity of those lower-income white people to vote in the general election. Republicans’ core of old, highly religious white people vote very, very reliably, but that’s not quite the same subpopulation.
Gene Robinson says that that is the real danger here, at what point do the Clinton delegates say enough and turn on the Sandernistas. If that happens then the shit will really hit the fan.
The Clinton team is bending over backwards to praise Bernie to the sky. Now tell me again about those terrible e-mails?
@D58826: Wow. And to think I used to think Nina Turner sort of had her head on straight. That’s just straight fucking backwards and absolutely not *what you say on TV during the freaking convention*. Sigh.
More like 50 years, he was a local anchor here in LA in the early 70’s.
Robert Sneddon
@Davis X. Machina: The Powder River and other mid-Western coal operations are quite new and heavily mechanised. The first factor means the cheap coal can be harvested first whereas the cheap easy-to-get coal in WV and other old coal mining locations is long gone. The second factor also impacts the cost per tonne and again the surviving WV coal-mining locations are in mountainous areas where strip-mining can’t be carried out as efficiently. They have mechanised as much of it as they can with mountaintop removal and such but it costs more per tonne to get the coal out of the ground and onto trucks. The only thing in their favour in WV and Appalachia in general is they’re closer to the big coal consumers like Labadie upwind from Minneapolis so the transportation costs are lower.
Last year she was a Clinton backer, and then something happened and she was Bernie’s biggest supporter, what ever it was she went all in, I’m talking Jeff Weaver level all in.
@Quinerly: Mook did a good job for Hillz in 2008 as Field Organizer, so he got promoted. I like what I have seen from him.
I work with someone who was operated on for a cleft palate, and she does have a slight lisp, so results likely vary.
Mayor Flynn of Philly calls Trump a Know Nothing.
I think Nina Turner wants that apology for herself. Bernie seems fine bc Robby Mook & Weaver negotiated for months behind the scenes to work out all their problems.
Shawn in Showme
Won’t be a politician. Will be a popular white country western artist married to a black woman or a multiracial boy band from South Carolina.
What exactly are they supposed to apologize for ?
Miss Bianca
@Renie: Damn, she’s got Hermione Granger working for her! SHE’S A WITCH!
@? Martin:
AND, these are the people who I call ‘ clinging to the Whiteness’
I have no sympathy for them. Because, they would rather join with a party that does nothing for them, election after election…just so that party promises them that they’re gonna stick it to ‘THEM’. and we know that means Black and Brown.
Barack Obama is the only politician that has cared about their welfare, and they are outraged that he’s been their President for 7 years.
They truly had nothing else in their life except:
” Well, at least I’m not a Nigger.”
And, then, when Barack Obama became President, that was taken away from them.
I have no patience for them. Let them vote for Ferret Head. I know that I need to get 10 folks to the polls to counter them.
Miss Bianca
@dogwood: That was my Road to Damascus moment with hard-core Sandernistas: that they really were classless, tasteless boors all swept up in the cosplay of “Revolution”. When they made me feel furious for Michael Bennet – as middle-of-the-road milquetoast as it’s possible to get as a Dem – and then for Ken Salazar – at the Colorado State Convention.
Matt McIrvin
Seeing some major Bernfeelers on my FB feed quoting Sanders and committing themselves to vote for Clinton. So, there’s that.
@Roger Moore:
You are right, they should vote democratic. But they have been lied to and lied to and lied to for decades and they really don’t have a lot of trust. They also have been told that democrats want to take away from them and give to the poor. Which they don’t really think they are because they’ve been told for a long time that they are middle America, not poor America. Poor America is black and brown, not white and that’s not counting the overt racism. It sounds like it but it isn’t, it’s just decades of misinformation – outright lies if you want. It took decades to get here, it will take time to get away from it.
@Xecky Gilchrist: The idea that any one demographic group has a lock on insufferability has been one of the great myths of this campaign.
Raven Onthill
“But how will the public react to [Sanders compromising]? Senators are expected to compromise; Presidents are expected to lead.” —me, back in February.
Called that one. Now, let’s see if Sanders can cool them off with his speech…in just over an hour, whoa!
Thanks for making me smile. I’m not hearing any boos during Franken’s speech. Even when he mentioned HRC. Maybe it’s over.
? Martin
No shortage of actual racists in the Trump ranks, but I think there are probably a fair number of Trump supporters that aren’t blaming the black community for the problem, but are resentful that the black community is (seemingly) getting attention for their problems while the corresponding white community is not.
That is, I don’t think some of them resent black people, but they resent a political system that ignores their problems – period. And I think there are other populations – native americans, latinos that don’t really have as strong of a voice or enough attention from government and the political system. And when you see a community like the transgender community suddenly emerge from the neglected class into something of a national point of attention, they can be both happy for members of that community and angry that their neglected class is still being neglected. That’s no excuse for supporting someone who is openly racist, but I don’t fault them for being bitter and wanting to bun the place down to some degree.
A corollary to this is that the black community deserves mad props for being civically engaged and focused when it would have been entirely too easy to want to just burn shit down (and you have every right to want to burn shit down). This is why John Lewis should be on money someday.
Silverman shoots … SHE SCOOOOOOOOOOORES!!!
It’s seems the only way to quiet the Bernsters is to roll-out Paul Simon. Is Dave Matthews or Phish on the bill tonight?
Sorry. A little annoyed right now. Wanted Sarah Silverman to go-off more…
I like Cory Booker.
glory b
I’m getting all verklempt (sp)!
No One You Know
Being on the left coast means I’m always late to the party…I’m listening to Bernie now. My SO noted that on the hour, he expects east coast networks to cut to the news…And Bernie says the words now: Hillary Clinton. Hillary chants erupt, audience members weep, Bernie chants start but never take over, and Bernie himself plows on: “Hillary Clinton understands that the minimum wage must be raised to a living wage.”
And the booing is on the mention of Trump and the Koch Brothers.
“This election about overturning Citizens United…One of the worst decisions the Supreme Court ever made…Hillary Clinton will appoint justices…who will also defend a women’s right to choose, workers rights…”
“If you think you can sit it out, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices Donald Trump would appoint, and what that would mean to civil liberty…”
“Hillary Clinton understands…” starts every paragraph now.
These words help. These words help.
@No One You Know:
Bernie is not a great speaker, and after Corey and Michelle hit it into the upper deck, he wasn’t going to win the night. But he pushed all the right buttons. Well done, and thank you for moving the party to the left. Now let’s go win this fuckin’ thing.