Seems like commenter Debit and his Ellie are keen on adopting Walter, so instead of him driving 14 hours or me driving 14 hours, in a couple weeks after Walter is ready to travel, we could do a Balloon Juice/Walter relay. Map out a route, I drive several hours west and meet someone, they advance the drive a couple hours and meet someone, until Debit meets someone for the last leg. Walter seems like he’s tough as nails and I won’t do it until the vet says he is ok for the trip? Whatcha think?
Could make for a good story.
You are the best, John. And, um, debit is a nickname for Deb.
ETA: I mentioned in the previous Walter post that I’m happy to drive to Illinois or Iowa, whichever route winds up getting him closest to here.
Villago Delenda Est
Story needz naked mopping and missing mustard. And a Subaru stuck in a field.
Where are you vs. Debit? I’ll be on my way to nashville from philly on the 22 or 23, maybe I can help?
@Brendancalling: Minneapolis Minnesota. Oh, wait, you meant John.
I might be able to help, but it really depends on the date. Have a few short trips coming up, but otherwise I can do it.
Great work Cole. That dog is so sad and sweet, just like Buttermaker in Bad News Bears.
Is this an open thread?
If not, John, how about putting one up?
Cole, it warms my heart to see you sounding so happy! I just loved your earlier post where you were talking about colors for the rooms and all the stuff you want to do to the new house.
They say you do more in the first year you own a house than you do in the next 7 years combined. That definitely turned out to be true for me.
@debit: Thank you! I was afraid I had pictured you as the wrong gender for all this time.
I echo that emotion, please.
So I have a story. I’m having a couple of glasses of wine at my neighborhood bar, which happens to be a Chili’s, and the bartender (Ryan by name) noticed earlier that I was mopping my eyes and asked why. So I showed him the photo of poor emaciated Walter yesterday morning, and told him the horrible backstory, and his face just dropped in horror — and then I brought him current on today’s vet visit and showed him the pictures of Walter in the car and on the grass and flirting with the nurses. Without my volunteering anything about money, Ryan asked “How much was that vet bill?” and when I told him, he insisted on contributing $20. So John, when my own donation arrives online, please know that 20 bucks of it is from a nice young man who is about to become a father and really shouldn’t part with his hard-earned cash, but he was adamant. He has three dogs himself, and he told me that whenever he sees on FB about an abused or abandoned animal, he wants to rescue all of them!
Your own kindness and big heart continue to ripple outward in ever-expanding circles.
@BGinCHI: You must be back home in Chicago. I missed your return! Welcome home.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks for taking the time to share that story. Tearing up again!
Open thread up top. Woo hoo.
John willing to meet people. Republican party imploding. Liberal female favorite to win presidency.
“It’s the end of the world as we know it…
I feel fine…
I feel fine…“
@debit: I was hoping I could help but I am also in MN.
TaMara (HFG)
@debit: LOL. I’m never sure with some nyms, but I always thought you were a Deb not a Dude. :-)
@SiubhanDuinne: Now, my eyes are leaking.
TaMara (HFG)
@SiubhanDuinne: Damn, I’m going to run out of tissues between yesterday and today. sniff
lurker dean
sounds like an excellent idea. hopefully there are some BJers between there and there. i’m nowhere near there or there or i’d be in.
Mary G
@debit: I’m awful at guessing genders from nyms; I also assumed you were male. Sorry!
Google maps says the route is John’s place to Columbus, OH, then to Indianapolis, IN, then Chicago up into Wisconsin past Janesville where Paul Ryan lives (whoever takes this leg give him the finger for me), Madison, Eau Claire, and across the state line to Minneapolis, 880 miles with tolls. So everybody that lives in those areas is eligible. I’m happy to chip in for gas and motel money.
Ryan will make a good dad.
I will be driving from Maryland to California in a couple weeks, but I’m afraid my cat (who will be on my lap the whole way) would have… negative things to say about adding a dog to the party. Damn. I really, really wish I could help out.
@WaterGirl: Well, now I guess I know why John never accepted my offer of sexual favors if only he would ban Matokochan.
It is easy to see if you are along the route. Or close enough for the fun. Just go to Google or mapquest. You’re seeking directions from WV to MN. Use Bethany WV to Minneapolis MN.
Alas, I am no where near the route. But others could volunteer, then all that’s needed is a coordinator. Possibly Debit/Deb? Gas money is not going to be a problem, we all want to contribute. Just needs someone to receive the dough and disperse it.
I can see it now. Walter’s traveling Garden Gnome series.
@SiubhanDuinne: Now I’m crying again.
I can help on the weekend! I’m a long time lurker, but your stories helped me adopt in 2009 and it has been wonderful ever since. I live in the DC area.
Miss Bianca
@kindness: I’m definitely seeing some epic road-blogging coming out of this adventure…
I’m in IL. North of Chicago… If you need a relay leg from mid south of Chicago to north of Milwaukee….Madison area?
I also might be able to do the Illinois leg, depending on the day, if the date doesn’t work out for BGinCHI.
Someone in the previous Walter thread – I think Beth – offered to do the Indiana leg. There was also an Iowa offer, I believe.
@debit: I missed those offers of sexual favors, but it made me laugh just reading about them now.
I’m much too far away to be of any use in driving, but add me to the list of people who’ll kick in for gas – and emergency car repair, if something happens along the way.
@kindness: I love this idea! Photos of Walter and his chauffeur, plus traveling tchotchke, taken at random intervals would be amazing!
Howard Beale IV
@Mary G: What? And not take the SS Badger thru Michigan to Wisconsin?
I live in La Crosse Wisconsin on I-90 and 2+ hours from the Twin Cities. If that works into some sort of relay, I am ready to help. I guess my email address is on file somewhere…..?
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks for adding even more goodness to this story.
I’m also in the DC area and happy to chip in for expenses. In exchange for pics and stories bcomgplease.
Mr Cole, you are one of Nature’s Noblemen.
My offer to take an Indiana leg still stands. Could do as much as Indy to Chicago area. My schedule’s a little crazy but as long as I’m in town, I’ll make it work.
I love this story and an so glad that fate brought John to Walter, a doggy in need of a break. Cole is good people. And hooray for Debit and all those who will relay Walter to her. I needed a pick me up and this was it. I will keep my eye peeled for the fundraiser.
The Dangerman
I think Walter’s Journey needs to trend on twitter; maybe enlist some celebrity to give it a push. Alyssa Milano is a bigtime animal rescue person (google “scooby roo” and her name) and a dedicated lefty; she might help.
ETA: Oops, Walter’s Relay, I mean.
There is a reason this is my favorite blog. Blessings on all of you.
Calming Influence
Just used the Paypal link to donate toward gas/food/shelter for Walter’s most excellent relay road trip to his forever home with Debit . You’re a good man, John.
-Calming Influence.
Mary G
@Howard Beale IV: Walter might enjoy a three-hour ferry ride across Lake Michigan. I am ignorant about the east coast and midwest even though I was born in Chicago. My parents brought me to California before I turned one.
If someone else grabs the Chicago-Madison/Milwaukee leg, I’ll throw in the offer of a rest stop if necessary.
Every one of you are amazing, awesome people. I remember when we got Koda to her home and never imagined I would be the recipient of this community’s generosity and kindness. Seriously, FSM bless all of you.
I live in Kenosha, WI and am willing to go as far east as Indianapolis and as far west as Madison. I wanted to email John my information in case I can help but I don’t see the email contact information on the site anymore?
As my handle shows, I live in Columbus–I could meet our blogfather here & then drive Walter to the OH/IN border & hook up with Beth for the Indiana leg. Sunday is my best day for this–doable, you all?
The other other Max
Darn, I live in the wrong direction to take a leg (unless Walter would like to get to the Twin Cities via the same circuitous route that the Olympic torch tends to travel…).
Pets bring out the best in us. And, I guess, sometimes the worst.
@Three-nineteen: Look under Quick Links at the top – and choose Contact A Front Pager.
Since it’s listed as a possible route on Google Maps… if you decide to take the Turnpike through Ohio, I can help. I’m in Sandusky, and could go as far east as Akron and as far west as Toledo.
@beth: beth, what would you think of going to the Ohio border for Walter and somebody else doing the Indianapolis to Chicago leg? Then there could also be a hand-off for a Chicago into Wisconsin leg. Maybe pat could meet someone halfway between Chicago and La Crosse, and debit could meet pat in La Crosse to claim her new darling.
Waiting to hear from Ohio!
@WaterGirl: Thanks! I mainly lurk around here and don’t comment a lot, so I just want John to know I’m not some weird dog-napper.
Oh, hey! Ohio in the house!
Contribution sent!
Just came home from an amazing concert and promptly checked to see how “dog” now Walter is doing. Tears. And now I’m crying again at your story.
I can chip in for gas and hotels. Walter reminds me of my sweet lab with his white beard and knowing eyes. Thank you John, Debit, Ellie, and everyone helping to rescue Walter.
I would be concerned about Walter being passed off so many times, but he seems like an easygoing kind of guy, plus he has not deeply bonded with anyone, so it should be ok. If he finds his way BACK to Bethany WV, that would be a story.
Would you happen to know if Ryan is expecting a boy or a girl?
You guys restore my faith in humanity. And make me envious that I am in California and can’t be part of the relay.
Calming Influence
@catclub: A dog bed or a blanket that transfers with Walter from John’s house to Debit’s house would help a lot to provided Walter with a sense of continuity…plus he’ll be getting plenty of love along the way. I can see Walter wanting to see John again, but I’m betting he’ll be just as happy to have seen the last of that house…
Run, Lillian!
Oh, I wish I could help relay Walter, but I am in CO, which is nowhere near the route. I am just so glad he found a new home so quickly.
@martian: I’m in northern Indiana (v. close to the Michigan stateline) so Indy to Chicago is most convenient for me.
This is fantastic! I’m glad this story will have a happy ending.
@beth: Makes sense. Looks like the Ohio border to Indianapolis is the last obvious gap in the relay for now.
@catclub: I think Walter is going to be just fine with the trip. After months of neglect, he is rehabbing chez Cole, and then gets to go on a bunch of car rides (how happy did he look in the back of Cole’s car?) and meeting a certain number of compassionate and dog-loving Juicers. After mistreatment at the hands of his original master, he is going to be discovering an array of wondeful loving people – dogs get that energy that we emanate. As long as he has piddle breaks to release and sniff and expend adrenaline – I think he is going to enjoy the heck out of his trip to his loving forever home with Debit. Really looking forward to the pics of his journey home….
I, too, live in Columbus, so I’m game for the Columbus to Indiana leg if columbusqueen can’t do the run. I can also throw in gas money. Let’s get this sweet boy to his new home.
What a great story!
Another Chicago area person. Would be willing to take an Indiana to Chicago leg or Chicago to Wisconsin leg if there is a need. This story broke my heart. Would feel good to help.
Mister Papercut
I’m sure it should. I’ve been participating in these types of rescue transports that come up from the South to the Northeast on and off for 11 years (started right after Katrina). In all that time, the worst issues I had transporting a dog was a big lovebug Rottie who kind of wanted to be up front with me, and a mama dog with puppies separated from her in a crate who nervously chewed through a comforter I had laid down for her. (If you want to talk about being passed off a lot of times, last summer I participated in a rare southbound transport that brought a dog flown from Serbia to Boston down to Mississippi. He was as goofy and sweet and chill and charming a dog as I’d ever come across.)
Otherwise, the dogs usually sleep for me. I could be anthropomorphizing (well, of course I am), but they always seem to be grateful and understand that you’re trying to help. Goes without saying it’s a lot of fun.
If you need assistance on the Indy to Madison or so leg, I’m in Chicago. I’ll leave our four Mals at home, and give him the mobile roost to rule by himself. Windows down, ears flopping for the duration.
I did these relays for years and most dogs enjoy them: cars, new loving people, breaks every two hours with walks and fabulous new smells! And at the end, a furever home.
I emailed John to offer to help coordinate or drive a leg, Toledo to Chicago works best for me but it depends on how the route lays out. And pics of the trip are a must!
I hope that email went through, if it didn’t, John email me back!
@satby: Hey, satby. If I’m not mistaken, your offer covers the last gap on the route. But Walter may have to be driven back and forth across Illinois a few times to satisfy all of his eager new friends.
@martian: LOL, we may have to time short “potty break meetups” at the Cracker Barrels* along the way!
* very common rescue relay rendezvous spot: big parking lots with safe green space for dog walks and potty breaks.
@martian: Yes, I offered the Iowa leg in a previous thread. Sounds like Chicago/WI has a lot of offers now, but if a more southerly route is feasible, I’ve driven through the WV panhandle many times on my way to and from the Philly area (always dog-related trips!). Columbus-Indianapolis-Bloomington-Peoria-Quad Cities: no toll roads. I could do Peoria to Rochester, or something like that.