“None of this stuff is important, right? You don’t mind that I jumped up here to lie down on all your shit, right?”
“Oh, good. Then I’ll just stay right here and stretch out. BTW, running low on tuna, fatty.”
Rough life.
by John Cole| 80 Comments
This post is in: Cat Blogging
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Man, that’s one gorgeous big cat.
Oh crap. I forgot to buy wet cat food, and treat time is in half an hour.
I’m in deep shit now.
Omnes Omnibus
Cole, you chose to have a cat, right? Deal.
TaMara (HFG)
I’d take time to comment, but it’s 10 pm here and I haven’t fed the cats yet. Better get to it or there will be no peace tonight.
It’s been nice knowing you.
G was able to find a can of tuna at the back of the pantry. Saved!
For now.
ETA: Cats do not accept scrambled eggs as a substitute for wet food. Ask me how I know.
Not only is Steve a handsome guy, but those are very fucking impressive whiskers.
how the fuck could you run low on tuna? they were meant for him, you sob.
Also, too, I’m just going to keep repeating myself for the next few threads:
Halloween Movie Club poll is up — it’s Things that Go Bump in the Night (aka Haunted House Movies). Voting is only open until Wednesday night, so vote early, vote often!
That face that just melts into the ruff, the two beautiful mustaches, but my gawd, that mitt! One elegant, arrogant basterd of a cat!
I’ve just obtained two 6-month-old kittens, and just had them fixed this morning.
For the next week, they are wearing The Cone of Shame. Miserable little bastards, they are.
The extended paw of ownership! I recognize that from my cats. Claim has been made!
The Cone of Shame they put on Charlotte after her spaying didn’t even last the evening after we saw her laying on her back with all four paws braced against it, desperately trying to push it off.
She tugged at her stitches a little more than she probably should have, but she stayed together.
@fuckwit: we adopted 3 brothers. Two of them had normal neutering. The third had one bean that hadn’t descended so he got the extended scar. If he couldn’t reach his stitches, one of the other dogs would “help”. He was miserable being crated when the others were playing but that’s the way the old mop flops.
Mobil RoonieRoo
I have to say, Steve is looking pretty darn good.
@Mnemosyne: Both of them have already managed to pull them off. I doubled down, secured the things more thorougly (using a harness approach as instructed by the vet), and figured they’ll get over it.
Cat flipped over your checkbook?
Mary G
They do have a remarkable instinct to lie on whatever you most least want them to lie on.
Steve looks magnificent as usual. His hair grew back fast.
Don’t be too stubborn about it, because cats are probably the most stubborn animals alive (at least of the ones we share a home with). When Keaton was hospitalized after he got some of the melamine-laced cat food back in 2007, he managed to wrestle himself out of the Cone of Shame at the vet’s office and pull out his IV … TWICE. They finally had to tie it around his neck, a procedure I DO NOT RECOMMEND unless you are a veterinary professional.
The vet should have shaved almost all of the girls’ belly fur, which should keep them from grooming the area for a while, but keep an eye on them. They’re crafty little buggers.
Cats, man – they keep everything in perspective.
@Mnemosyne: Mine faked me out: they liked scrambled eggs as a treat. Once. Then, when I had run out of wet food and needed to improvise, I scrambled an egg – just to hold them while I went to the store – and they of course gave me that insulted/appalled look cats are so good at.
Steve is a Magnificent Beast. I absolutely love the white bits on his lips just under his nose. That area just cries out to be kissed.
@fuckwit: Oh but the only thing better than one kitten is two. Lucky you!
@fuckwit: What is up with this “cone of shame” stuff? Looking at my 22-y-o cat, and don’t remember her having that after her “ovary-ectomy”, nor my long gone pooch after being neutered. Is possible to communicate to the critters not to trouble their stitches, and then they don’t.
Keep a can or two of evaporated milk in the back of the pantry for emergencies.
Could pour it over steel wool (not recommended, BTW) and they’d gobble it up.
Hungry Joe
Sometimes I step back and try to appreciate how amazing and wonderful it is that we get to share our lives with these critters. It didn’t have to happen; civilization would have progressed (if a bit more slowly) had dogs and — later — cats not been lurking around out there. And here we’d be, making do with birds, rodents, and fish, I guess. But no; there they were. And here they are. Are we humans lucky, or what?
Major Major Major Major
My Samwise has temporarily given up his cat tree by the window for a spot on top of the box that holds an as-yet unmade Ikea chair. It’s been there a month, I don’t know why all of a sudden he picked the box.
LOL one of the Wikileaked HRC emails supposedly has her SLAMMING the Brit TV show Dr. Who.
It’s a sick burn, too: “[Hillary] just stares at them [Dr. Who episodes] and wonders if England is out of money and that is why they can’t make it not look like it was a web series created by a high school student.” Aloe vera, stat!
I LOVE this Hillary and really really wanna have a beer and watch bad TV with her.
Also, this will piss off Andrew Sullivan, so it’s win-win-win-win.
ETA: If it’s legit, of course. Could be doctored (!), parody, whatever. Hope to Dog this one’s accurate…
Major Major Major Major
@Trentrunner: I like Dr. Who. :(
That’s it, I’m voting for Johnson!
@Major Major Major Major: Everyone has their limit.
Now I want one where she’s watching Downton Abbey and identifies with both Anna (protects criminal spouse) AND Thomas (creates trouble where none exists).
Adam L Silverman
@Trentrunner: @Major Major Major Major: The hacked emails at Wikileaks are all to or from Podesta. The hackers have modified some, or at least tried to, in regards to the metadata, but they were so sloppy the first batch they did this with were very obvious. The problem is that despite how many times this is explained the media breathlessly goes with the incorrect statement that these are Clinton’s emails. So, for instance, the email about Catholics that are politically conservative was between one of Clinton’s spokespeople, Jennifer Palmieri (who is a practicing Catholic) and some guy at a research institute and they were discussing religious outreach and how politically conservative Catholics were considered to be more respectable than politically conservative Evangelicals. No matter how many times its explained that the emails were between Palmieri and someone else and Podesta was cced or bcced at some point in the conversation, its still being covered as Clinton email shows she hates Catholics.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Mnemosyne: I’ve never managed to keep a cat in the cone; it’s always off within ten minutes of getting home. The most nerve-wracking was when Eddie came home from having a leg amputated. Not only was it a massive set of stitches, he hid under the bed for five days and I couldn’t really tell whether or not he’d pulled anything out. It was enough trouble getting him to eat and drink and get his pain medication.
When Dana Milbank goes after Joe Scar and Halperin, my first instinct is always to just root for injuries, but in this case, he’s made some good points:
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
As I understand it (and IANA vet), cats are less prone to chewing their stitches out than dogs are, especially if the vet shaves a very large area around the wound to discourage the cat from trying to groom too close to the stitches.
ETA: And, yes, I remember Eddie and his many trips to the U of MN vet school. He was a good kitty.
I like how his stripes are filling in after the shaving incident, but it is always His polydactyl paws that amaze me. If he could teach them to function as actual thumbs, the takeover of the planet would begin in earnest.
@Mnemosyne: This is why, when this pack came to live with us, we went with the no wet food rule.
Steeeeeve! Them are some big ol’ paws on that boy; I wouldn’t mess.
Our puppeh is growing like a canine weed–five months and he’s 2.5x the dog we brought home.
My Zellie goes apeshit for green beans. Why? I have no idea.
So my mom’s cat, the dearly departed Clarice, was all particular about only drinking water from the faucet. When my mom moved in and Clarice now had Zellie and Scout around, I think she taught my two damn cats how to be SNOBS. neither of them will love drink from the bowl anymore. FFS. And we tried one of those expensive recirculating fountains. NO DICE. Must be straight from a running tap. And I get up, like a chump, multiple times daily to turn the water off and on for them.
Fantastic cat, John. My old cat (Loki, 1970-1982) would see me reading the newspaper at the dining room table she’d jump on up and plop herself down right in the middle of whatever article I was reading and give me this “You weren’t reading this, were you?” expression. If I tossed her off she jump right back up until I gave her the proper amount of attention. She had similar color and markings to yours – lighter gray where yours are dark and shorter whiskers.
Well, clearly he’s also telling you that you don’t need all this stuff, you need a cat.
Dog Dawg Damn
I pray after this election I never have to see Boris Epshteyn on my television again.
Also, how weird is it that one of Trumps chief surrogates is a Russian dude with the charm of a Jersey monster.
Adam L Silverman
@Dog Dawg Damn: Pray someone bumps into him in a bar. If you’re lucky, he’ll start another brawl and this time will get actual time inside rather than court ordered anger management classes.
After Assault Charge, Trump Surrogate Agreed To Anger Management Therapy
ByTIERNEY SNEEDPublishedOCTOBER 14, 2016, 1:19 PM EDT
Steve just scares me. It is his house, and he lets you live there.
Mike J
Farenthold says he has another Trump story coming,just running down a few leads.
I was trying to thin of a joke here about what it could be. Couldn’t think of anything weird enough that it wouldn’t be believable.
@Mike J: Is it about taking campaign money from foreign nationals? Got that one.
The only food Loki would eat was Kal Kan Chicken and Tuna. One late night I knew I was out and stopped at the grocery store. They were out of C and T so I bought another flavor. When she went up to her dish she sniffed it a couple times and promptly (and vigorously) began making catbox-style motions as if to cover up a particularly stinky turd. Then gave me a really. really dirty look. It was really late so I had to go out and get her a plain hamburger patty from Jack-in-the-Box.
A smart, strong-willed cat with a ton of personality, I was totally overmatched.
Mike J
@Mike J: Sorry, Fahrenthold.
Adam L Silverman
@slag: Saw that one earlier today. Does it surprise anyone that Jesse Benton was right in the middle of that? If that guy is looking to increase his number of convictions and the amount of time he spends in prison, he’s doing it right.
@Mike J:
At this point the only Trump story that would shock/surprise is a heartfelt testimony from someone he helped in a meaningful way and with no expectation of personal gain. That, or developing a really bitchin’ app.
Villago Delenda Est
“You’re going to pay for that blog post, fat man.” – Steve
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t know if you saw this article in Politico Magazine: In the Land of Raw Firepower, a Feeling That Trump Is Out of Ammo or not? You probably wouldn’t be as surprised as I was at a glimpse inside a machine gun celebration, but I was gobsmacked.
A totally alien ammosexual culture to me, and Trump supporters who’ve given up on getting him elected.
Angry Turds?
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: I’ve read it now. Doesn’t surprise me. Personally, I find fully automatic weapons to be a waste of money. The ban has made them high value commodities, but even at shoots like this or at ranges that have one or two that can be fired by those who use the range, I think they’re a waste of money. For about a minute or two it seems like a lot of fun to dump a lot of ammo. But you’ve just shot off a lot of money, in purchased ammo, you haven’t increased your skill level, you’ve just sent a lot of ammo down range at something. I’ve shot full ammo while at the range while deployed in Iraq. It was fun for about 10 seconds. Then my magazine was empty and I hadn’t done anything to maintain my skills with the M4. A lot of the US military’s rifles – M16 and M4 – are now no longer fully automatic. Rather they are single fire or three round burst. This is intended to prevent spray and pray.
I’ve never been to one of these, but what I read isn’t surprising. These folks are largely single issue voters: that issue is the 2nd Amendment. And they’re woefully inaccurately informed about where their governmental related problems come from. I’ve got friends/acquaintances like those interviewed. Small business folk. When they tell you about the regulations crippling them they’re all municipal or state, yet its the Federal government that’s the problem. Because its coverage of national politics, and therefore the Federal government, that they see on cable news and hear about on talk radio.
@Mary G:
Worst modification of the tshirt cannon ever. “At tonight’s Spurs game, three fans were killed and seven hospitalized after a halftime Coke Zero promotion went badly wrong.”
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: You never see that happen with Coke Classic!
@Adam L Silverman: For all the attention the Trump campaign has paid to locking Hillary up for imagined crimes, I really do wonder what’s going to come of Trump and his band of scary men at the end of all this.
Will investigations into the foundation and other shady activities be pursued or forgotten after November 8th? I hope the former.
@Mary G
Tell ’em clay pigeons are on the endangered species list and they’ll return to skeet toute suite.
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: They’re great fun to fire off if you’re spending other people’s money. A quad .50 is a blast. Hell, a .50 cal is a blast. Yes, for a full 10 seconds then it’s over.
Now, for SERIOUS spending on explosions, do what Omnes did . Indirect fire placement.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Adam L Silverman: Talked to a woman today in our chicken hunt bemoaning the Federal Government for only allowing coops to have 4 hens within city limits.
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that it wasn’t Obama, but her fellow citizens that were the problem.
@Adam L Silverman:
Don Draper…not impressed.
Villago Delenda Est
@Dog Dawg Damn: These people are seriously deluded if they think Obama gives a rat’s ass about how many chickens they have.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Villago Delenda Est: For some people, they just want any excuse to trash Obama and test whether you chime in. They are the loudest, crudest people, and vastly outnumbered in this state. The “Loud Minority”, they should be called.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: I was surprised that they seemed so sensible about the election. There were few Trump hats and no signs. They were still going to vote for him, but accepted the polls and thought he didn’t have a chance to win. They hoped to keep the Senate Republican.
No threats of another revolution or civil war or Second Amendment remedies. I found it reassuring.
JR in WV
That’s a happy looking couple, especially the puppy. All four feet in the air!
Dog Dawg Damn
I’m sure it’s been mentioned around here for the night owls before, but Black Mirror Season 3 on Netflix is OFF THE HOOK. So good.
Watch it…especially fans of science fiction.
@JR in WV:
Yup, he spends a lot of time detached from the planet surface.
kitteh! Mine had an encounter (through the screen but still scary apparently) with the neighbourhood tough cat over the weekend and have been incredibly lovey and clingy since. I woke up this morning with one curled into me purring with one paw extended and placed on my cheek. Such good boys.
That first pic of Steve — that is my favorite cat expression. Blinky, content eyes and smile. I miss having that face next to mine every morning on the pillow. (I even miss waking up with my head pinned by 10 pounds of cat on my hair.)
@fuckwit: there are better options than the cone of shame. When our late Fuzzy had a tumor taken off his low belly, our vet recommended taking a pair of cheap or worn out tights, cutting off about body length of one leg to make a tube, cutting 2 pair of holes about 1.5″ from each open end and stuffing the kitty into the resulting body stocking. You put it on by gathering it up into a donut and popping it over kitty’s head, getting front paws through the front holes, then stretching down for back legs. Leave it on when you’re not awake/not home; take it off when kitty is supervised. Replace as needed. Fuzzy found wearing a garment shameful, but less aggravating than the cone.
JR in WV
That’s brilliant! Thanks for passing that idea on. We have cats, two right now about 11 or 12 y o. Looking at adopting a pair that are close, they want to get them adopted together. IF they would be OK with dogs, who might lick their ears.
Sm*t Cl*de
@Adam L Silverman:
You have just not watched the right scenes from “Silent Movie” (well-known documentary).
Sm*t Cl*de
Siamese side-eye.
Spat not impressed.
Central Planning
Our cat likes to come and sit on keyboard of laptops we’re using. She’s turned into quite a people-cat; she used to be a loner when we got her.
I’ve been using treats to get her to do tricks. She’s got “sit” mastered pretty well. I’m working on “speak”, but I think I need to carry treats around with me constantly so I can give her one when she meows. My daughter wants to get her on a leash so she can take her for a walk. And no, we do not want a dog.
Paul in KY
@seaboogie: That was the way we did it. No cone. Maybe got lucky with mine not messing with them. Glad fuckwit has now been assimilated.
Paul in KY
@prob50: Sounds like one hell of a cat! Wish I’d got the chance to meet her.
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t know, a minigun looks like fun.
Matt McIrvin
@Adam L Silverman: I heard someone speculate once that lifting the ban on full-auto weapons might actually reduce the death toll in mass shootings, because these guys would naturally go for full auto and run out of ammo immediately.
The Moar You Know
@Hungry Joe: I’m of a different school of thinking. I think humans would be nowhere without dogs. Cats are VERY recent so, although a world without cats sounds like hell to me, I think we’d have been fine. But dogs? Don’t see it. Think those guys have been hunting with us for a long, long time.
Matt McIrvin
@Trentrunner: I’m sort of a Doctor Who fan and I thought that was hilarious. Was trying to guess which specific episodes she saw. “Kill the Moon”?
Matt McIrvin
@The Moar You Know: Cats are later because they came with the transition to an agricultural society, which may be as important to where we are now as hunting. The current theory is that humans didn’t intentionally domesticate them; small wildcats started hanging around farms to eat the critters that got into grain storage, and made themselves useful as pest control.
Paul in KY
@Matt McIrvin: Must say that’s an argument I’ve never heard before!
His coat is coming back in very nicely!