A few more photos of the Women’s March in DC, courtesy of commentor ET.
And an excellent reminder from Buzzfeed‘s Bim Adewunmi, “The Road Women Marched On This Weekend Was Paved By Black Resistance“:
In the Culture galleries at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, there is a whole section on style. Written on a museum sign is a quote attributed to Tony Award-winning playwright George C. Wolfe, which reads: “God created black people and black people created style.” On the eve of the Trump inauguration, black people came out in style, and gathered at the NMAAHC, nicknamed the Blacksonian, to attend the inaugural Peace Ball: Voices of Hope and Resistance, a “gathering to celebrate the accomplishments and successes of the past four years and the vow to continue to be the change we want to see in the world”…
… It felt fortifying, like an enriching blood tonic. “This is not a game. This is not reality TV,” actor Danny Glover said to the crowd. Writer and activist Naomi Klein laughingly called the night “the eve of the apocalypse” before adding, more seriously, “Tomorrow is not a peaceful transition of power – it’s a corporate coup d’état.” Children’s rights activist Marian Wright Edelman led a fiery prayer (“God, forgive and transform our rich nation and us…”) and urged the assembled guests to “go out there and cause a movement”. Playwright Eve Ensler led the crowd in a series of pledges, to “resist, disrupt, love deeper, to rise”.
“We will not compromise, we will not negotiate. We will not go backwards,” Alicia Garza, co-founder of Black Lives Matter declared. “Are you with me?”…
I had come [to the Women’s March] to talk specifically to black girls and women about why they were at the march. Statistically speaking, black women already got in formation at the election (and beyond), and if more white women had followed in their footsteps, perhaps this particular march might not had occurred?
I saw so many black women at the Women’s March, and each one I spoke to gave me a variant of the same answer: They were here because they had to be. To have sat it out would’ve been to cede to a feminist movement that was all too willing to discard them, when they had been the silent workhorses of the collective for so long. It was evident in the number of placards and signs I saw, happily quoting from the rich and grand tradition of black feminist theory and thought: Angela Davis, a speaker at the march, popped up often via her words, as did Maya Angelou. The most quoted was Audre Lorde, whose abundant written legacy is a treasure trove of march-friendly quotables. It was about representation, a group of African women told me. They were here, representatives of African women a continent away from this march, each with their own feminist histories, currently living their own feminist realities. This is for us too, all the black women I spoke to were saying. Putting ourselves back into the narrative, where we have always been. So I approached multigenerational groups of black women and asked to take their photo, and I looked out for groups of multiracial teenage girls, eyes wide and almost overwhelmed by the crowd. We are physical manifestations of our parents’ dreams, and I saw so many parents with a proud gleam in their eyes on Saturday afternoon…
It seems fair to consider this march in the continuum of American protests of the last several years. This march’s success was in part made possible by the labour of earlier, protesting black bodies: Demonstrations around intersectional black civil rights in cities and towns across America paved the way and began preparing the way for large-scale events like this.The relative lack of police altercations also offered up a challenge to white allies: If they, in the fight for justice, can “force” police civility merely with their presence, shouldn’t they do it more often? As MTV News writer Doreen St. Félix tweeted of the Women’s March, “it seems like the lesson to take from police presence yesterday is that more white women should attend smaller rallies and protests.”…
Well… maybe that’s true? I know (believe me!) how hard it is for a woman to take the risk of putting herself deliberately in what looks like it might be “harm’s way”. I know it’s also true that many of us flinch from the thought of being that Clueless White Lady, rally-touristing to gawp at other peoples’ anger and feel all righteously woke. But if having a critical mass of white people, especially lady-people, standing at the edge of every protest waving signs and taking notes is a way to help those paid to enforce public order remember their company manners… maybe organizing action squads to “witness” at all the protests that will happen over the next months and years is one way of fighting back?
In any case, you should definitely click over to read the whole thing, not to mention admire Ms. Aduwunmi’s photos.
And here’s some more from EllenT:
White women as human shields? Interesting times…
Good Morning,Everyone???
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Good morning to you ?
And to you ?
WASF. We All Shall Fight.
No sooner get together something to post than a fresh thread opens up. So, repeating from below.
Bound to happen.
Sales of George Orwell’s 1984 spike after Trump spokesperson presents ‘alternative facts’
Also, too:
As surely as day follows night, this was predictable.
Joyce H
A couple more items to the ‘was there ever a more stupid president?’ file:
During his speech to the CIA, Trump bragged about what a great guy Pompeo is, he finished first in his class at West Point ‘and then decided’ to go into the military. Um… I think he ‘decided’ to go into the military about the time he accepted a slot at West Point, genius.
Also? He bragged in an interview that the CIA obviously loved his speech, they gave him a standing ovation and remained standing for his entire speech. Wellllll… they stood up when the president entered the room and remained standing because he never told them to sit down.
Someone really needs to give this character a few pointers on presidential protocol before he makes an even bigger fool of himself than he already is.
@Joyce H:
I’d prefer not. Please proceed, Mr. *President!
Joyce H
@Spanky: Oh, of course you’re right. But still. Isn’t it uncomfortable when you’re embarrassed for someone who’s too ignorant to be embarrassed on his own behalf?
@Spanky: There it is.
So I got off my ass and wrote a function for my game so if you die and restart it will initialize the story variables but keep your name and allocated stats. It took me 25 minutes to do and I spent maybe 6-7 months agonizing about it. Now I am using the spell check I just found for notepad++ to edit my huge ball of mess.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Sorry for the length, but Harper’s sums up things nicely:
Yoda Dog
@Joyce H: Noone can tell the pussy-grabber-in-chief anything nor will he ever stop embarassing himself. He’s too busy dicking around on his android and watching Fox News cuz he’s so bored and can’t have any fun cuz we’re all big meanies… GOOD TIMES.
Morning, everyone.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@OzarkHillbilly: Samizdat. We learn from our Russian Overlords.
@Joyce H: Who’s embarrassed? Not me. I’m with Spanky. This is better than TV.
@Joyce H:
If someone went to the trouble, it’d do no good cause the shitgibbon won’t listen to anyone or anything except the voices in his head.
Yoda Dog
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Did Kellyanne Goebbels really punch someone in the face at the inaugural ball?
@OzarkHillbilly: I kind of wonder whether Trump will lead to the death of reality TV.
@Baud: That might be the only good that might come of this exercise.
I just sent my MoC, Don Beyer, a message asking that he march with us in the Scientists’ March and the Climate March. It is time to get our elected officials on board. All the congress folks here, and very few if any out for the Women’s March. We need to change that – they need to come out!
@BillinGlendaleCA: You know, it might be worth it to keep hounding him in his deportment. It’s one thing for Trump to ignore things like science and human right and health care and treating people with decency because he’s just reflecting the Republican Party there. But by asking him to act in a way that upholds the dignity of the office is so innocuous a request that it’s not likely to produce political opposition. Yet Trump will fail at even that simple task. It’s essentially a free way to frustrate him and reduce his support even further.
Got any stats to back that up?
ETA:. “If any” is definitely false.
AL, mebbe you can gift wrap the title and send it to all the dem cong critters?
@Baud: Reality TV has been dead to me since before it was born.
@OzarkHillbilly: Me too. I’ve never gotten into it.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Speaking as a more-or-less-white male, I was already thinking before the election that it was time for the white males to step aside and voluntarily give up their votes, because they (we) have proved we can’t be trusted with it. The asshole-worship is baked into our culture from top to bottom. Incompetent unqualified assholes have been promoted to positions of power for decades, precisely because being an a-hole is seen as a sign of genius.
I am really, really glad about the whole “minority majority” thing and it can’t happen too soon for me. Our country needs to outnumber the a-hole worshippers at the polls. (And preferably in management too, but that will take much longer).
@Yoda Dog:
Crooks and Liars had a piece up Tues, I believe on her punching a guy in the face at the Liberty Ball. No real details, though.
@Baud: Me either.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Sam: I’m planning on being there. Here’s one organizing page I found. It’s obviously a placeholder, thrown up quickly, but I expect it to be filled in pretty soon.
I find this evidence of “first get it working, then get it right” (a design philosophy I’ve often followed) kind of charming.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Yoda Dog: Yes.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Unfortunately, the first and only ones who would do so would be Dem-voting white guys. Unimplementable plan.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
as a non-murkkkan, that’s my worry.
@Baud: Remind him that even George W. Bush managed to do that. You know how he feels about the Bushes.
ETA: Now back to looking at cars.
Deader than dead since the Loud family.
@Baud: Maybe I should be more clear: there were a lot of MoCs – Don Beyer for one, and Sens – Warner and Kaine for others – that didn’t come out. I just invited them to come out and march in the Scientists’ March and the Climate March. IMO they should all be out there.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Oh yeah! I’m signed up for this one and the Climate March. I am in Virginia, and my contribution this morning was to ask my congressional delegation to come out too!
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It’s not as simple as gender. I can think of a dozen women off the top of my head who are just as bad as the President*’s cabal. Hell, starting with KellyAnne Conman.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Didn’t something like 54% of WW vote for this misogynistic pos?
Yoda Dog
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Wow, not sure how I missed that.. I gotta go search for a link for details now, that woman is fuckin loco.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: That’s easy to do on an individual level. It’s when you aggregate it into large voting populations that the differences emerge.
Go Fedex.
limey humor via beebs: Imagine waking from a coma after 10 years to see Williams v Williams & Federer v Nadal finals, you’d think time had stood still.
@Yoda Dog: I missed it too.
I just read the transcript of Trump’s interview on ABC. This man is unhinged. I was worried since November but now I am panicked. No one is stopping him. He is certifiably insane, he’s president and no one is stopping him.
It was an alternative embrace.
Good morning. I don’t know which of the five stages of grief I am in, but I know that I dread what may happen today, and then tomorrow, and tomorrow after that. Only taking action helps. That and vodka.
ETA, thanks for the march photos.
Forget asking MoC’s to march. Someone needs to be invoking the 25th amendment like yesterday.
@NotMax: Heh.
Good morning, dear pals.
If you did not have a chance to check out Adam’s post last night, Take a Deep Breath and a Step Back, it was a good one. Advice to the wary and weary:
We live in interesting times. But despair, and disparagement of Democratic officials, a lot of whom are likely more devastated than we are: I wish we’d stop the circular firing squad. The despair is just what those who would harm us want to see.
@Elizabelle: Hi, EB.
Yoda Dog
@Baud: Its almost certainly bullshit, based on the verbal account of one Charlie Gasparino. He also says him and Scott Baio were attacked by anarchist thugs or something right before it happened.. It’s being promoted on right wing trash sites. So its a lie, but one they’re pushing on purpose to make kellyann look tough? If so, its fair game to throw it back at them and treat it like truth, imo, because it makes them look even more ridiculous, and they certainly are that.
@Baud: @Boudica: Why not both?
For raven when he shows: Rolling Stone interview with the late Butch Trucks. Know he was very sad at Trucks’ passing.
Allman Brothers’ Butch Trucks Talks Epic 1971 Radio Concert. Published March 2016.
Found this link via AP obit, published in Fuck the Fucking NY Times.
Breaking News!
Paul Ryan confirms US House will fund barrage balloons to thwart incoming Iranian and North Korean missiles,
This report has been modified to reflect the reality of reality.
When News Fakes, We Break It!
Someone, in this context, would be Dense and a majority of the cabinet; I’m not holding my breath on that one.
@Elizabelle: Get them out with us. They are busy. They are timid. We need to help them find themselves.
I am not weary. After all, doing small things every day is very satisfying and doesn’t take a lot of energy. Even reading this blog is a help, at least to me.
@Baud: Hi there, candidate. Have been lurking. Cannot take the despair (not saying it’s an inauthentic emotion, just that it’s been overwhelming). Have loved the pics of the first enormous protest march of 2017. Keep ’em coming.
@Elizabelle: I know. I’ve been toying with lurking status. I wish I knew how to quit BJ.
@Baud: You can’t quit BJ. It’s in your contract.
@Elizabelle: Trump doesn’t honor contracts. Why should I?
Nazi got punched again,
@Baud: Because you gots character, and intellect.
Plus, we need your light touch.
Do you think that was ever said to the Oval Office occupier?
Imagine how horrible it is to work for him. Every day, like this. Just a blizzard of bullshit and lies. The few who aren’t already insane/unqualified will have to get out. No one decent could remain working there.
All it would take is for everyone opposing Trump to tweet him something like “Act Presidential!” or “Stop Demeaning the Office!”
@Kay: It will be an incredible sacrifice, but perhaps the decent folks should stay, to mitigate the damage. Who wants to see all their work destroyed?
Decency. The Oval Office occupier don’t have it, so we have to seek out and support those who do.
Bite your tongue, do you know what kind of hellhole this place was went you were gallivanting across Europe?
So you’re saying I should apply?
I remember watching the first episode of Survivor and turning it off after a couple minutes. I couldn’t take the self-absorption. Look at what that has brought us. (And not just Trump, either.)
Yes. By him.
Agreed. Plus kind of necessary to have a cabinet in place first.
@debbie: Kay said something like that a while back. Saw a reality show and thought “this cannot lead anywhere good.”
Gonna go out and walk a bit. Catch you guys soon.
@BillinGlendaleCA: It got worse? Unpossible.
Kay, how’s about that John Husted standing up to Trump regarding voter fraud? I’m sure this is a battle of egos, but I’d bet Trump was surprised by Husted’s statement.
@NotMax: I was going to mention that.
@Baud: The cries of “When is Baud coming back” were overwhelming, and that was just me.
I got invited to a new women’s political group meeting not this Sat. but next for NW Ohio women. I feel like they were either marchers or inspired by marchers. I know the woman who invited me quite well and she’s a quilter.
I love that knitters and (now) quilters keep coming up in this thing. A common thread! :)
Why are the feckless Dems not pushing to vote for Trump’s nominees?!?!?!
/Someone here soon
@BillinGlendaleCA: I’m sorry I didn’t bring you anything.
@Kay: Do it!
From the 70’s, I had copies of “1984” and “Black Like Me”, written by journalist John Griffen who took massive doses of anti-vitiligo med and spent hours daily under ultraviolet light darkening his skin to record his experiences traveling as an AA man in the deep south. I no longer have those books and at least one other book I know of for sure because they disappeared. I suspect one adult kid “borrowed” them and never returned them.
Jennifer Rubin:
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m still not comfortable with her new role.
I say the questions answer themselves.
Yoda Dog
Why are the feckless Dems not pushing to vote for Trump’s nominees?!?!?!
Husted wants to be governor. That’s been his guiding principle since he took that job. I don’t think he’s on board with discrediting Ohio elections.
I love the lie Trump told about voter fraud to members of Congress because it rests on a lie about Trump being friends with a famous golfer. He probably made it up not to make any point about voting but instead to tie himself to that poor golfer. Trump name drops constantly. Leeching off of other peoples’ popularity is a big part of his personality. He doesn’t hate the Obamas. He’s envious of them because they’re better-liked than he is. After they were polite to him he name-dropped them at his own rallies. He thinks anyone who is polite to him “likes” him or is his “friend”. He’s really a bottomless well of neediness. I bet when he was sexually harassing all those women over the years, leering at them backstage, all the gross behavior, he was convinced they “liked it”.
Say it ain’t so! My sons would never do such a thing!
(that dripping sound you hear is my sarcasm)
I am in the rage stage and I am OK with that. This week has fortified why I will never get to the acceptance stage.
@Baud: @debbie: You mean the world isn’t ending? Whew! That’s a relief.
What? Jack Nicklaus supports this garbage?
Husted’s clearly motivated by his political ambitions, as always, but he made a big and a very public deal during the election about his own efforts at guaranteeing a fair election. Trump undermines all of Husted’s efforts with his voter fraud lies. Maybe other Republicans will start turning against him when it conflicts with their own ambitions.
@Baud: you can’t quit BJ????
A golfer, BTW, who is a German citizen and thus ineligible to vote.
These aren’t low level grunts. It’s the Secretary of Defense and the head of The CIA.,????
I’m not on board for that. Trump’s been bailed out at every stage of his life. Let him fail. There needs to be moral hazard in elections. There needs to be consequences for all these crap decisions people make. They’re not 6 years old. They hired him and they can’t fire him for 4 years. That has consequences. They devalued competence and experience and character and this is what happens when you do that- you get garbage hires. It’s not a mystery.
We can’t keep doing this. If they somehow muzzle Trump there will just be another Trump next cycle. We have to hit bottom.
When Jennifer Rubin makes sense….The world has turned upside down.????
@Yoda Dog: I knew it!
One kid “borrows” books (found a Hillary Clinton book on his shelf when visiting him and confiscated it) and one other kid “borrows” quilts and blankets. When they still all lived at home, I would hide batteries, scissors, scotch tape, etc because they were always missing when I needed them.
For a while they were promoting this idea that Trump might have a redeeming quality- “loyalty”. That’s bullshit too. He demands loyalty. He doesn’t give it. He’ll screw over the people he hired like he always has. He just stiffed an electrical contractor on that DC hotel. Cheated them out of 2 million dollars. The contractor paid the electricians- they get paid every week so that money was paid. They won’t get hurt. The contractor will.
The President of the United States will now own a hotel in DC that has a mechanic’s lien on it. He’s sleazy. If he was an ordinary small business person no one would deny that. Because it’s high value real estate we all have to pretend it’s different, but it;s not.
@Kay: Or as I like to say, “Hey Republicans, you built this.”
oh look, a post that’s NOT about health insurance issues.
@bemused: My oldest son is no where near so discerning. He will “borrow” damn near anything. He always asks, and I always say “Yes.” so I guess it’s my own damn fault. :-) The youngest doesn’t “borrow” much any more, but I think that has more to do with his living in Baton Rouge than anything else.
My husband always made fun of people who said they were leaving the country when someone they didn’t like was elected. Last night he was telling me about Canadian immigration law in great detail with huge enthusiasm like he has researched it.
I know what he’s up to. He’s looking at the other side of the Great Lakes :)
Anne Laurie
A famous German golfer, resident non-citizen, complaining that the he-thinks-they’re-from-Latin-American-countries voters in line with him don’t look like they should be allowed to vote!
Anybody with the slightest modicum of popcult awareness would hesitate to retail stories about a German guy who thinks darker-skinned folk “don’t look like real citizens”, but Trump just wanted everyone to know that he knew a guy who knew this guy…
(Got a post about this scheduled for later this morning — up way past my bedtime right now.)
Union presidents met with Trump yesterday and rightwing is all over that. Mark McManus and Terry O’Sullivan were on Morning Joke and enthusiastic about Trump promised construction jobs.
I read comment from an “independent” on local blog who said Dems will keep losing blue collar workers and never thought he’d see union presidents praising a republican president.
@bemused: Hmmm, sounds like my landlord.
I was never one of these people but now I am. It’s not just Trump. The whole campaign industrial/media/politics structure needs a market correction. Let it crash. Rich people need a reminder that this bullshit they spout that they don’t need a functioning state is nonsense. They need it more than anyone. Obama warned them. He told them in 2009 he was the only thing between them and the pitchforks. They ignored him.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I hear that citizenship in New Zealand is really easy to get, and that the PM will praise you as a welcome contribution to society…
Iowa Old Lady
@Kay: I often to go WisCon, a feminist science fiction con, and there’s always a fiber circle working there because it’s traditional women’s craft work. Someone once sat next to me at a panel crocheting a potholder that she gave me (a total stranger) when she finished.
@Anne Laurie:
Thanks for the morning posts. I really enjoy chatting with the others here in the morning before work.
At least you were asked. Not much “borrowing” anymore. They all live too far away. All three are liberals so I take comfort that I had some influence in their choice of reading materials. I check out the books they are reading when they visit and approve. I want to “borrow” some of their books but moms should be more mature than playing payback, : )
That would really piss me off. Have you thought of installing a cam?
@Iowa Old Lady:
I love to sew. I don’t do as much of it as I could but I always loved it. Sewing class in high school home ec is where I found out I was good at constructing things- had a sense of how things go together. I sort of knew I was a little better at it than a lot of people but that was when I saw I could make something start to finish.
Than he hasn’t been paying attention for at least the last 3 decades**. Any Republican who pushes for large infrastructure projects (as long as they do not overtly push RtW laws) will get the support of construction unions, especially if they have a track record of following thru. All they care about is jobs for their members, because that is their job.
** app how long it has been driving me up the wall
Ohio Mom
This is a very minor observation but I’m looking at the front page of the fashion section of today’s NYT, and there is a photo of Melania in her white gown.
Looking at her facing forward, the little red stripe that moves diagonally from her right shoulder to her waist, where it meets a red horizontal line, makes her top half look like a giant “No” sign.
You know what I mean: when there is a big letter P in a red circle with that kind of diagonal slash, it means No Parking.
So her dress looks like a walking No Trump sign. Heh.
It is especially rich if you believe as I do that artists are able to tap into some sort of great cosmic wisdom. They don’t do it consciously but it is their job to present that cosmic wisdom to the rest of us in terms we can understand.
@Kay: Trump is a symptom, not the disease.
@bemused: I’ve got lots of cams. He ran off with one of the trash cans(we segregate our trash: trash, recycle, greens), so I said, “Hey where’s the greens trashcan, you know I’m paying for that”. He’s an asshole.
@Kay: And to follow up on that thought, the disease is ObamaDerangementSyndrom. Everything, every single fucking thing they are doing, has one purpose and one purpose only: To undo everything Obama did. They have no policy goals outside of that, all is in relation to him.
He is still in their heads and they can’t get him out.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
An unnerving thought – this private security detail that Trump kept on? Retired NYPD guy running it?
You realize that they undoubtedly all had access to the NCIC from confederates still on PDs and in the FBI.
Now they’ve got access to even more tools through their Secret Service liaison, but have zero legal boundaries on reasons to gather data.
This might be ripe for investigation and exposure, as I’m counting down the moments until critics and journalists start getting visits.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: well it’s easy for the super rich to get citizenship in NZ and the Nationalist got is happily selling off large nice bits of the beautiful country. That Trump super supporter just, Peter Thiel, just became an NZ citizen.
So getting caught/shaming has no effect on him?
sunny raines
the broad issues is equality for everyone. Thinking there is a distinct in one’s particular grievance is a mistake. There are WAY more numbers and understanding, and therefore potential solutions and results through the prism of equality for all in every endeavor and situation. Embracing only ones slice of inequality allows the forces of bigotry and fear and divide and conquer.
I know this isn’t an issue anyone talks about outside of a kind of specialized “silo” but it’s hugely important to me that Democrats defend public education. It is the issue I was MOST unhappy with during Obama’s two terms.
DeVos is a radical. This attempt to paint her as a “normal” Republican is moving the goalposts. Her whole career has been dedicated to zero-sum destroying the opposition and she considers public schools the opposition. The people who are insisting she’s somehow mainstream are ignoring her 30 year record in Michigan. It’s not even in question. Look at anything she has done in that state. It’s all Right wing warrior. Moderate Republicans in the state don’t even like her. She targets them if they buck the Party line.
She may not get a single Democratic vote and they’re right to oppose her. That hearing was a shitshow. She didn’t bother to prepare and sat there smirking thru half of it repeating slogans. It was a joke.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Speaking as a older white male; what makes you think the others aren’t as big asholes or women don’t have their own problems? The are good people and their bad people, skin color and genitals have nothing to do with it.
I’m sick of being told by clueless right wingers that I’ve got no concerns.
Another giant war could mean my sons were drafted. They are 28 and 32 – and in WWII men that age were called up.
I’m middle class – but no one is going to escape climate change.
I’m looking at an additional 18 months of work before retirement not because I can’t afford to retire but because no one will help us bridge the gap between 631/2 to 65 for health insurance without the ACA.
I work in the public schools and this directly impacts my career
I’m opposed to corruption in government
I am straight and white and abled but I happen to love people who are not one or more of those.
Don’t ask me why I marched tell me why you didn’t.
@bemused: I just told him to bring it back, so he brought the wrong type back(recycle instead of green). Asshole.
OT, but fun trivia: The premier for “Blazing Saddles” was held at a drive-in theater(the Pickwick in Burbank), though no cars were allowed. You had to ride in on a horse.
This is what I mean by let it fail. If there’s a Trump crash and a lot of this bloated and corrupt campaign coverage is weeded out by markets and is revealed to be the utter bullshit it is that will be a “consequence”, sure, but it will harm about 23 wealthy people and no one will miss it. There will be pain but there will also be gain. It gets bigger every year, campaign coverage. It’s a bloated obscene bubble with little real value. Let it hit bottom.
How may statehouse reporters could be hired with fewer Joe Scarboroughs and Ed Rendels? it’s a market that needs a brutal correction. No soft landing.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I can’t remember if it’s just Bella in Cincy, or if you’re in southern Ohio too. I may need a Pro Hac with regard to Jeffry Smith, a gun rights psycho showing up at UC clubs and events.
Scarborough has suffered a lifetime of brain deprivation.
Today’s Google Doodle is Bessie Coleman :)
Yoda Dog
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: This white guy agrees that, disproportionally, white guys are the fucking problem. They are not alone but they’re the worst. Fuck white guys.
ETA: Not you specifically… You’re cool. XD
Of course a ‘brutal correction’ would likely alter or ruin the lives of some of the people posting in this thread.
And, it’s not the first time that he’s done it.
Great businessmen DON’T do this.
they are so phucking ridiculous. they’re being played. and, I’m tired of muthaphuckas being willingly playing themselves.
no sympathy.
And, please say WHITE blue collar workers, cause non-White blue collar folks don’t fall for the banana in the tail pipe.
IF the infrastructure is a REAL infrastructure plan, with all the worker protections, as well as strong labor laws in place, I have no problem with it.
Our infrastructure DOES need to be rebuilt. And, it should be. With American workers. And American Steel.
Remember – the GOP took out the requirement for American Steel.
And, Cheeto Benito’s infrastructure plan is nothing but a privatization scheme. As someone who has lived through several selling of local public entities to private companies, the answer is NO NO AND GOD DAMNED NO!!
Tell that truth.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
1. why he needs them
2. why taxpayer monies should be going toward them
3. what are their legal liabilities
See, THIS is the type of shyt when Democrats say that they want the politicians to stand up and fight – HERE IT IS.
Great Blazing Saddles story.
Her smirk at Senator Murphy is what made me want to reach through the tv.
Make Russia interference into Benghazi.
Russia and Putin do not poll well.
Bonus: Trump is taking ownership of economy. History says a recession is due. Ownership society indeed.
@Baud: It. seemed to work for the Bundy klan.
“Independents” call themselves independent because they don’t want to admit they are liberloonians or Trump supporters/voters.
Gin & Tonic
I don’t know about the rest of you, but this makes me feel really secure.
Will she be required to PAY HER FINE TO OHIO before being allowed to take the post?
Why does no one bring THAT up?
Now “independent” is saying he knows trade unions better than most people and he’s never heard national and international union presidents support a Republican president in his lifetime. So he says.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: It keeps happening over and over in my direct experience that a young white guy gets promoted way over his capabilities or where he should be in his career, passing over all the much more qualified choices that were the more obvious choice to everybody not in upper management. And three guesses what upper management looks like?
Ethnicity and genitals have everything to do with it. There are baked-in unconscious prejudices that cause a blind spot to quality in some candidates, and a mistaking of obnoxiousness for quality in certain others.
How could you listen to anybody compare Hillary to (unnamed) as if they occupied the same universe of morality, experience, leadership, basic human goodness… and not think ethnicity and genitals were the reason people thought (unnamed) was equal?
@Kay: Over on previouslytv they were bitching about the SNL skit where they sang “To Sir, With Love” to a picture of Obama as being “too political”. It’s not political if you just look at it as trolling Trump.
Ohio Mom
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I’m pretty sure Kay lives somewhere in the northwest part of Ohio, I think kinda near Toledo but in a small rural town.
Also, she seems to be stopping in on the threads these days in the early morning before she starts work; I’m guessing you question was posted after she left.
And yes, Bella is in the Cincinnati area, as am I and IIRC, Kathleen. Could be others. Maybe we need meetup.
Here is a bubble map that depicts the crowd size of the various marches this past weekend.
There were a lot of them, both marches and participants.
@Kay: Me, I’m just falling in love with knitters and quilters in general. I’m going to have to add a category to the description of the perfect woman, which is based on a woman I know (who already has a wife, darn): she’s a gay Canadian leftish librarian marathon runner. I’m going to have to ask her if she knits or quilts. (It was the librarian facet that first got me; everything else is just bonus fabulosity.)
Huh, I just emailed this link and story to Anne Laurie and here you are asking for a date (she’s taken too)
@Iowa Old Lady: OT, but about women’s work. Have you ever read an historical novel by Nicola Griffiths entitled Hild? It’s set in 7th century Britain, and the main character, Hild, is a niece of the king who throughout the book comes to have great influence on the court and on Britain in general. And she is always, always spinning and weaving. She and her special companion (kind of like her second lieutenant, or her administrative assistant and confidante) are always doing tablet weaving. (I looked it up and it seems complicated, like they would always be playing a duet.) So much great, well-researched detail.
@Humboldtblue: You truly understand me. Luckily I only ever do unrequited love. I’m so accustomed to it that it doesn’t cause jealousy or pangs of anything. Just makes me happy to know my perfect women are out there.