And that’s a low bar to slither under. The Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver at least has the weak excuse that he’s a sociopath living out his adolescent Randroid fap-fantasies; Mitch just wants to stay in his current position forever. He doesn’t want to achieve anything, he doesn’t want to be known or remembered for what he’s (not) doing — he’s like a fat maggot burrowed into the carcase of GOP responsibility.
Apart from calling your Congresscritters, again, what’s on the agenda for the day?
The weirdest thing to me about the GOP bill isn't the timing or the secrecy. It's that no major org in health care thinks it's a good idea.
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) June 19, 2017
Weirder still (to me) is that no free-markety health care analysts (that I'm aware of) like it either. It has no intellectual policy support https://t.co/inRJZsvtgA
— Matt Welch (@MattWelch) June 20, 2017
We try every single day to get Senate Republicans to simply come on and explain the bill and defend it. Zero takers. Every day.
— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 19, 2017
McConnell: Why should we consider a bill we already know the American people oppose? #HCR
— STEW ?????? (@StewSays) November 22, 2009
McConnell has shown all the same contempt and disregard for democratic norms as Trump. But he doesn't rage-tweet so he gets away with it.
— Salacious Materiel (@ZeddRebel) June 19, 2017
La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
Good morning folks. Where is everybody?
Something actually good happening in the STL area:
After long and relentless sloppy wet kisses on Schnucks’ corporate behind, at the very tail end of the article, one finds this:
So, good on Schnucks for following the lead of a bunch of farmers markets, but why couldn’t the article have been written with that as the lede? Ooopps, silly me, Schnucks spends millions of dollars advertising in the Post Disgrace daily.
I don’t know which topic I want to hear less about: Ossoff or Warmbier.
One gives me anxiety, even tho I know it’s being hyped and means nothing ultimately. The other one just makes me sad/angry.
Watching the media discuss the end run the repubs are doing with healthcare as if it were just a game and not millions of American lives at stake is sickmaking.
OTOH, blue skies and birds chirping here in the Poconos.
Good Morning,Everyone???
About the GOP….
Bruce K
McConnell has become an example of what I’ve come to believe is the most dangerous combination of traits to defend against.
He’s intelligent. He’s utterly unprincipled. And he’s desperate. That makes him willing to embark on courses of action that are completely out of context for his adversaries. Like countering four aces with a Smith & Wesson.
Between Garland, Russia, and this healthcare thing… if there’s any justice, he’ll be remembered alongside such luminaries as Benedict Arnold and Vidkun Quisling.
Matt McIrvin
Isn’t “KILL OBUMMERCARE NYYAAAAAHHHH” a sufficient explanation?
@rikyrah: Good morning, rikyrah! I am up, writing a paper, and going to rush over to the elementary school where I worked all year to see if I can catch my favorite student/client to give her a gift before the end of school. Her mother has been keeping her out of school and my last day was yesterday but I’m hoping she turns up. Then I have to come back and finish this ^%%$#@ paper which is giving me conniption fits, then run to a five hour class this afternoon that ends at 6:00 pm.
This will touch some of you: I have been struggling to put together a meaningful gift for this third grader and I wanted to make her a book of things we had done together, but work interfered. I knitted her a scarf (this is a big deal to her) and I have the book that we were reading (paddington) to give to her. When I got up yesterday morning I found that my high school daughter had stayed up all night to write and bind a special book, of japanese paper, filled with stories about things I had done with my student that she had gleaned from listening to me all year. Its so beautiful I cried while looking at it. So I have a bag filled with these things to take to the school.
If the AHCA becomes law, the American healthcare system might not survive it. However, it will provide some grim humor as hospitals and clinics shut down in the rural areas that voted for Trump. Those folks will be so tired of winning that they won’t be able to drive themselves to the big city for medical care.
@Derelict: The bill will be designed in such a way, that you slowly lose healthcare over seven years. Healthy and young insurers will benefit, and they won’t understand the costs, until an illness causes there rates to go up.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Nice, and you have one very special daughter.
I just want to tell Ossoff good luck. We’re all counting on you.
@aimai: Your daughter is amazing. And your student will treasure the gift.
@JPL: Yes, this is the way they designed it, as they are hoping people won’t notice until too late. In the meantime, they do all they can to make the ACA weaker and weaker. So Obama will get the blame when rural hospitals start closing, etc. What I want to know is why anyone trusts any word that comes out of a Republican’s mouth.
Ps, good morning all.
@Lapassionara: They like some of the lies they tell.
You are a good teacher ?
Paul Ryan is an Ayn Rand ideologue and selfishness and know-it-all arrogance goes with the territory. I don’t know if McConnell even has any ideology other than money, power and more money. What he is a stone-cold bastard. Both are miserable excuses for human beings.
@Baud: Or they’re like someone I’m related to who when I asked why she would vote for Republicans when they tell her they’ll take away her health care she said she didn’t think it will happen and she’s happy in her own little bubble. She actually said that about the bubble. How do you even talk to someone like that???
Then she whined about Jerry Brown raising the gasoline taxes. I pointed out that the money will go for infrastructure projects and she fussed about how much more gasoline will cost. I finally asked why she cares about the cost of gasoline because she doesn’t drive much and doesn’t buy gas very often.
GMA says that Virginia teen killed was a case of road rage.
@opiejeanne: That doesn’t explain why they vote Republican.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: Surely, you can’t be serious?
Since I no longer watch TV news (except rarely), and (also) rarely listen to radio: has anyone from the MSM ever asked how Turtle’s bill makes life better for ANYONE outside of the Rich? And when he (or ZEGS or whoever) responds with some “better choice/free market” bullshit, has anyone from the MSM followed up with some form of “On what do you base that ridiculous ‘idea’?” or “There has been NO study/research showing what you claim, and in fact there are myriad contradicting your claim.” ?
I know, I know — they’re stenographers, not investigative journalists. [With a few notable exceptions.] But a boy can dream.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I am. And don’t call me Shirley.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
He HATES being called Shirley.
ETA: Missed beating Baud to it by THAT much.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop seeing my dominatrix
@SFAW: GMA was decent about reporting on the secrecy this morning.
@Baud: Dems lose because our lies aren’t as good as theirs.
@rikyrah: Good morning ☕?
@aimai: That was a beautiful gift from your daughter to you for you to give that little girl. How proud you must be of the wonderful daughter you raised!
@Baud: She thinks Republicans will protect her from nasty new and higher taxes. She thinks Democrats want to take all of her money and she’s sure her taxes really went up when Obama was president, when in fact they went down.
She’s not quite a miser but she has some miserly qualities that are starting to show up. She’s just 65 and she’s starting to worry me.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
NBC Peacock Lays An Egg
@aimai: What a great thing for your daughter to do. I hope you find the student to give her the gift.
Iowa Old Lady
@aimai: What a lovely story. Thank you.
@Baud: around here, voting Republican was imprinted on their brains back when John Danforth was the white knight who rode in to clean up the corruption that had taken hold under Dem management. At least, that is what I have gleaned from conversations with people who appear to be otherwise sensible. I no longer talk to them, so I don’t know what they think now that their party is completely in charge.
What a beautiful gesture by your daughter!
From Topher Spiro about the possible holdouts
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: @Baud: Well he beat me to the Shirley joke, but I saw that reported last night, the beautiful hijab wearing young girl was abducted and murdered because of “road rage”.
I’d like to show them some rage.
@OzarkHillbilly: To be fair, there’s a whole industry of people dedicated to calling us out on our lies, even when we’re telling the truth.
@opiejeanne: You should be worried. Sounds like she’s heading down a dark path that many before her have taken.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Good for America.
Which is good, and perhaps a prerequisite to being able to report on the evilness of the bill, but I’m talking about someone (outside of Dems) screaming about how Turtle is trying to fuck over the 99 percent ON PURPOSE, just as ZEGS did. That (in)famous slide [ZEGS in front of the presentation saying “More money for us” “FUCK YOU”] can’t really be shown on broadcast TV.
Maybe I just need to watch the news more. I’m sure they’re all over it.
randy khan
McConnell is more evil, in part because it’s apparent that at least some of the time Ryan thinks what he’s doing is going to make the country better. (He’s utterly wrong, of course, but I’m just talking about motivation here.) McConnell only cares about himself.
randy khan
The really stupid thing about that is that the young voters tilt Democratic, so the Republicans won’t get much in the way of electoral benefit from helping out the young.
@randy khan: My most wild wish is that the investigation Mueller is doing nails McConnell on something too, just to disgrace and jail that horrible man.
That’s our first mistake.
@OzarkHillbilly: As president, I will fix that on Day 1.
@Baud: My younger sister. We’re trying to convince her to move up here near us but she’s scared of change, worried that if she sells the house she’ll lose all the money to taxes, doesn’t know anyone here except her older daughter and us and my two daughters, etc.
Dementia does seem to be a pattern in my family; Dad didn’t have it but his mother and brother did. Mom had three forms, just for fun. We tend to live well into our 90s except when the doctor screws up (that’s how we lost Dad at 94). I’m starting to worry about memory loss already, at 67. I’ve joked about it but I am now having a lot of trouble remembering the names of things that I use often, places, people. I’ve learned to visualize the thing I’m trying to name and the name usually comes to me, so I’ve discovered a coping mechanism. It doesn’t work for names.
@randy khan:
Unless you mean he thinks what is better for the country is even wealthier rich people, even poorer poor people, and even fewer middle class, I have to say he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his country.
Washington Post has an article about cats.
Betty Cracker
@aimai: How sweet of you to do that, and how wonderful of your daughter to contribute. :)
They have yooge chips on their shoulders with bitter grudges against people receiving gov’t assistance. Even people that I thought were decent folks with some sense in their heads surprise me by their comments. I ran into a woman that I’ve always liked in supermarket I hadn’t seen for quite awhile and after chitchat about grown kids, grandkids, retired or not, joint surgeries, etc. somehow she brought up people on welfare. What I remembered later was before that she said something about our world going to hell. I agreed imagining she was referring to Trumpism but then she complained about people getting assistance. I replied it’s not like they are living high off the hog. I really don’t think they know or bother to know how low one’s income has to be before one is eligible for most government assistance. I brought up the corporate ceos and mega wealthy and why is it that they are working so hard to raise SS/Medicare eligibility ages. Seems to be a lot of resentment of people getting gov’t assistance but the 1% going after the rest of our money doesn’t register with them.
I don’t know if she and her husband listen to Fox news/rightwing media but even if they only listen to the rest of msm, local news they still aren’t getting very much good information. The most reporting on McConnell’s death bill has been on msnbc. Most msm have been noticeably awol.
@opiejeanne: Famly is tough. My kin die early, so I have that going for me.
I went to see a neurologist about that (and other troubling to me signs) at the age of 58. He said, “Welcome to the club! I have the same problems.” In other words, a certain amount of that is just normal. I will still worry about it at least a little, but until I have further degradation, I’ll take his word for it.
@Baud: Here the cats don’t last too long living outdoors. They tend to met Mr Coyote for lunch.
The floppy ears/curly tails have been bred for in dogs and rabbits. The features cats are bred for seem to be and entirely different esthetic
Chief Oshkosh
@Baud: GMA? You mean the entertainment program that ran TWO of Handel’s ads for her as part of their “reporting” on the tight race? Yeah, ABC/Disney isn’t in the tank on that one…
I know Dems who don’t watch Fox who have expressed the same resentment. Maybe it’s because people see poor people in their daily lives but don’t really interact with CEOs on a regular basis. It’s more real.
@Baud: I think it’s more real and the really rich are rich in a scale the average person can’t grasp.
Chief Oshkosh
@randy khan: I think you’re confusing “Wisconsin Nice” with actually being motivated to help the country. Ryan is just as bad as Yertle. He’s only in it for the power, though he does claim to have read one book on policy (I can’t recall if he says it’s The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged).
@bemused: @Baud: I wonder at their acceptance of corporate welfare.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, I got that from a neurologist last year. Sort of a brush-off don’t worry about it no biggie. I wanted to establish a baseline record of what I’m like right now but he wanted to talk about my ptosis of my left eye. The lid droops, a lot when I’m tired. He wants to hook me up to a bunch of electrodes and light me up like a Christmas tree. I eventually agreed but the University where he does the test never called to schedule. I’m trying to decide if I ought to pursue it or just have plastic surgery to fix my eyelids (the other one is a bit droopy sometimes now).
Anything to not call it the hate crime that it was.???
@Baud: The girl who was walking home from the mosque? How does this even work, this road rage nonsense? She was on foot, not in a car. Did she stand in the road and dare him to hit her?
@opiejeanne: also dogs, cows, pigs and horses go wild and support themselves too. Sounds like a silly argument.
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, we really don’t have a handle on what drives people.
kd bart
Mitch really is The Banality of Evil in human form.
Let’s face it. Not many people are political junkies like BJ readers. I’m always astonished in light conversations on issues with people that aren’t Trumpanzies or teaparty and they don’t know basic, extremely important facts such as GOP and the billionaires working their butts off to raise SS/Medicare ages. I wonder how many of these folks know what McConnell and GOP are trying to do to their healthcare or if they heard a little, don’t know the magnitude.
It’s infuriating that we can’t count on our cable or local news to inform us because that’s the main way people get their news or from their social media friends or their circle of equally uninformed family and friends They would have to be motivated to look deeper for themselves. When I get the rare opportunity I will say I worry about the threats to our healthcare/SS/Medicare but worry much more about what will be left for our grown kids and grandkids.
zhena gogolia
Obligatory “Re: Your Brains.”
@Baud: I have noticed some drivers get absolutely bonkers enraged over bicyclists. Doesn’t compute to me but it comes up anytime more than 6 random people talk about something to do with road widening or bicycle lanes. Apparently everywhere even bike friendly areas.
@opiejeanne: @opiejeanne: It is that kind of selfishness and ignorance that will doom western society. No hyperbole intended.
I am starting to hear more and more of this up here too. The “if I can’t use it, then it is worthless” and the “I am not going to pay taxes to help someone else [usually the other]” camps are growing and putting pressure on the spineless and opportunistic politicians to serve them. I hate those guys.
Right. They start fuming about low-income moochers and just shrug about corp/millionaire welfare.
@Baud: In Virginia, hate crime or not, kidnapping plus murder is a capital crime. I want to see what is charged.
Ryan pauses before a mirror. McConnell does not.
The “my precious” dude got old, added a turkey neck, and voila, we have Mitch McConnell.
@bemused: Agreed. I sometimes shake my head at some of the messaging tips I see on blogs and I’m as out of touch as anybody could be.
Also, re:Ossoff. If he should not win. I fear I am likely to get all Tenguphuley on the first person who suggests he lost because he wasn’t progressive enough.
@gvg: My brother, who likes to bike, once told me that the only reason he does not bike more often is because he knows there are a lot of drivers WHO ARE LIKE HIM driving around Ontario roads.
Ray is a nice guy and I was pretty gobsmacked at that comment. I asked him if perhaps he might consider changing his driving habits based on his biking experiences?
@Baud: That’s a little different from the other accounts I’ve read, but while I can understand feeling exasperated by a bunch of sassy teenagers (not saying they were sassy) I don’t see how that escalates to beating a girl to death with a bat as the result of road rage. The fact that the girls were wearing clothing identified with Muslims makes me disbelieve the road rage theory.
@bemused: recently someone posted a link showing an example of reporting of someone in 1992. I was struck by a different point than intended. The article was detailed with lots of background and I understood more of the issue after reading. I felt smarter not confused and wanting more answers. Aparently a typical artical in the NYT at the time. I felt like our reporting has been getting dumber for decades but its not as noticable unless you go back n read whole issues.
Oh wow, that’s just, well, I have no words. So how did Ray respond?
@opiejeanne: I had a doc who really wanted me tested for sleep apnea. At first I was OK with it, but the more I thought about the test (during which I was guaranteed not to get any sleep due to all the BS involved) and then the cure being a mask I am guaranteed never to wear because I can’t stand breathing thru any kind of apparatus, I just said screw it and canceled. Got a # of phone calls trying to reschedule and I just ignored them. If they weren’t listening when I said no, it wasn’t going to be any better the 2nd or 3rd time I said no.
@aimai: I so hope she turns up!
@OzarkHillbilly: a buddy of mine was the same way. Finally broke down and did it and wears a mask connected to his device. He tells me he wishes he’d done it earlier. FWIW, i feel the same way you did.
@zhena gogolia:
Ha, the cartoon reminded me of that song right away. Love it.
@Baud: I certainly don’t.
@bemused: The fabled “job creators”.
@gvg: A few years ago there was a trial of a doctor in SoCal who pulled in front of a pair of cyclists on a downhill road, then slammed on his brakes. He got five years in prison and lost his license to practice medicine. The injuries to one of the men were pretty awful.
bicycles and road rage
Golden shower economics.
Patricia Kayden
@bystander: I hate to say this but perhaps the American public deserves the GOP and all the sick things it is doing in Congress. This is what happens when you vote for a sociopath — not just in the White House but to control Congress. What do we really expect would happen when the entire Congress is controlled by the party which made it clear that it has no interest in healthcare for middle class or poorer Americans? My biggest concern is that even if a Democratic President wins in 2020, the damage he/she has to fix may be overwhelming. A Trump legacy may be more difficult to overcome than a Bush 43rd legacy.
Resistant is not futile but we’re beginning to see that resistance is limited when you’re dealing with a political party which feels that it answers to no one but its 1% donors and its alt-right White Supremacist supporters.
@aimai: THAT is going to make me smile all day. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story!
You know, at this point, I think it’s gotten pretty futile to say “X Republican is worse than Y Republican.” What difference does it make? Pretty much anyone who’s not only Republican but has risen to national prominence through Republican politics is about as close to irredeemable as a human being can get.
I do. It happens all the time. I had some fucker wave his gun at me (for obeying the law) and another chased me after me while his preteen son was in his vehicle because I did not yield when he thought I should have. These people are not wound too tight. It has less to do with the initial grievance than their anger at how unfair life has been to them.
@Chris: Agreed.
@Patricia Kayden:
He’ll be worse than Trump. He’ll sell us out.
zhena gogolia
“Here’s an FYI: You’re all going to die screaming”
Clearly, they’ve never met my housemates’ cats.
@Woodrowfan: Some people can adjust to it. I spent more than a little of my working life wearing masks and a hell of a lot more of it avoiding them. I just can’t do it.
The polls in Georgia close at 7pm EDT. Will we know the results tonight?
O. Felix Culpa
Good morning, all! The heat is supposed to be 100+ the rest of the week. The Chinese are thorough in their climate hoaxes.
And aimai, I hope you find the little girl today. You and your daughter are kind and thoughtful people!
@OzarkHillbilly: I hear you. I think there are better options these days than the masks a few years ago.
@Baud: you say that like it’s a bad thing
@zhena gogolia: Funny. Now I wonder what other song suggestions Youtube will serve up.
Thanks. I guess ….
I have a friend who works as a judge’s clerk in small town Pennsylvania who confirms this. They’ve had a few times when they’ve had success in finding a health insurer or other megacorporate entity guilty of gross crimes, but they can never get juries to agree to fine them more than a certain amount, because to the people who live there, any fine above a certain amount is simply obscene, inhuman, and unrealistic.
They don’t grok that the megacorporation, and the persons who run it, all have so many more times that amount of money that the fines they pay in court are barely a slap on the wrist, and will simply be written off as a cost of doing business, and taken as a sign that they can go right on committing the same crimes because they’ll get away with it. Because they simply can’t conceive that much money.
I am glad you gave up your life of crime.
@O. Felix Culpa: Phoenix is supposed to be 120 today, and that’s hotter than commercial flights are allowed to operate in so they’ve cancelled a bunch of flights.
My BIL lives in a double-wide in Yuma where it will be hotter today, and I just hope the power doesn’t fail because people will definitely die. I couldn’t live there. I’ve been there in the dead of winter and it still felt like an oven even though it never topped 78. The smell of the heat early in the morning, the smell of baked dirt I guess.
@OzarkHillbilly: LOL. Know how unnatural racking out at the sleep center can be. My late mom underwent the tests, and got a CPAP machine. And put it on faithfully every night. Napped a bit watching Letterman.
And then took it off so she could go to sleep at night. (!!) Talked with her neurologist; they read the CPAP machine’s chip and she was getting a bit of quality sleep. So they said that was enough.
One could not tell my mom anything. Anything. But I know they work on the designs of the CPAPs constantly; maybe they will come up with one that is comfortable for you.
For all that we think the MSM lives in a bubble, my experience is that the average person is absolutely riddled with MSM-inculcated “conventional wisdom.”
It’s not surprising. They can be as cynical towards the media as they want, but as long as that media (and its right-wing rageaholic cousin) is all there is on the air, then that’s all they’re going to hear, and it’s going to shape their opinions whether they realize it or not.
And then you’ve got my pet peeve/source of despair when it comes to the media, which is that Newscorp & co. have been completely successful in propagating the myth that the MSM is “liberally biased.” Which means that even if the average Joe knows he’s being lied to, his attempts to compensate for that are likely to run in exactly the wrong direction. Stories that are good for liberals will be given less credence, because “of course they’d say that, they’re all liberals anyway,” while stories that are good for conservatives will be given more credence, because “it must be bad if even the liberal media is reporting it!” Which basically explains the entire 2016 election coverage news cycle, and its impact on the public.
Victoria: So you’re a thief, but you don’t wear a mask.
Napoleon Solo: Sometimes, just not when I’m stealing things.
Oh, I didn’t, I just stopped leaving witnesses.
@Chris: I wonder how much the juries don’t want the ambulance chasing trial lawyers making out like bandits. Since it’s widely known they get a big cut of the judgement.
But yeah, inform juries about the “cost of doing business” aspect.
Well, I can relate. As a bicyclist, I regularly get enraged over drivers.
(And pedestrians, I’m sure, get enraged over me, because I use the sidewalks all the time. Sorry, but I just don’t trust those drivers. If there’s a bike lane, then absolutely I’ll use it. If not? I’d like not to die in a car accident).
Off topic, but I just found out Bill Dana died a few days ago.
I remember his comedy from the ’60s. A great comedy writer; he wrote the Sammy’s Visit episode of All In The Family.
Most known for his “Jose” character, although that was only a small part of what he did in comedy.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well played!
Nice piece on women ruling the roost in the GA race. Go Ossoff!: https://www.thenation.com/article/women-are-leading-the-charge-in-georgias-sixth-congressional-district/
@Chris: My niece was ranting about the size of the house across the street from us. 17,000 sf. My house is smaller than their guest house. She could not wrap her head around anyone wanting a house that big because it would take forever to clean it. She also couldn’t grasp having the money to pay people to clean the house and swore that even if she had that kind of money she’d just have a little house she could clean herself. She just couldn’t conceive of having that kind of money (My God, the property taxes in 2015 were $43,000!).
The owners paid $9 million for it in 2000 and it went up to $12 mill by 2010, but now it’s worth half what they paid for it. Two people our ages, retired, kids all grown up and gone.
The original owners had five kids and a ton of money, and the little I’ve seen of it from the front porch looks like a very nice house. Other neighbors tell me that there’s a large indoor pool included in that square footage, with large doors that open onto the patio in nice weather. It sits on 7 acres and sits back from the street and it’s positioned so that you’d never think it was that big from the front. I’d like to see inside the place but they suspect I’m a dirty liberal so we are not invited to parties supporting their chosen candidates, while the people in the single-wide two doors down do get an invite.
“Why are my constituents not allowed to see the details of what’s about to happen to their lives?” — a frustrated @ChrisMurphyCT asks pic.twitter.com/s6EVaOAOJo
— CAP Action (@CAPAction) June 20, 2017
@Chris: in the McDonald’s hot coffee case, the original jury awarded punitive damages of 2.7 million. Everyone freaked out! 3rd degree lap burns from coffee and the crazy jury give the woman 2.7 million?!
How did the jury get that figure? It was just two days of McDonald’s coffee revenues. TWO DAYS. ONLY COFFEE!
O. Felix Culpa
And they would be right! Thank goodness. :)
@O. Felix Culpa: Maybe if opiejeanne had 17 bathroom suites, she would be a less dirty liberal, eh?
@Immanentize: And it came to that because McDonald’s had been repeatedly warned they served coffee hot enough to cause serious injury… and they ignored the law.
Then it was spun as “jerks who love to sue corporations.” That myth of “I am in control of my own destiny.” It’s… powerful.
Has anyone posted the recent reports on cat “domestication” as a sanity-prolonging tactic? Guard: Africats to the Purr-ymids: DNA study reveals long tale of cat domestication and BBC take.
@WereBear: And they had already settled some of those earlier claims for far more money than the $72k the woman needed to pay for her surgeries.
@Elizabelle: I’m pretty clean except for when I dig in the garden. Then I end up with twigs and leaves and bugs in my hair, but I clean up pretty good.
@scav: One of my readers shared an article about it in the Smithsonian. It’s pretty much what I’ve been saying all along: We wouldn’t have civilization without cats.
O. Felix Culpa
@Elizabelle: Only if she used them.
@Baud: Is that an Airplane reference? Nicely done.
edit: and I see by comment 22 and beyond that I was not the only one to notice. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
@O. Felix Culpa: @opiejeanne: I was a basket case last week when it was in the 90s here. And I have air conditioning, though I keep it set at 75. Which is too hot to me, but I use fans too. I couldn’t live in a place that got that hot so much of the year. My friend in Law Vegas said it was supposed to be 117° today. UGH!
Uncle Cosmo
I presume you mean like this? (0:22 et seq.)Looks like we picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue…
ETA: Jeeheebus carripes, late to the fucking party as usual… Stuff it, all of you.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes
Mitch McConnell is the “gift” of Louisville’s East End suburban/exurban Republicans to the nation. Now relatively marginalized in Louisville proper, (run as it is by a combo of granola progressives, old labor, Vatican II Catholics and people of color) and also being shut out to some extent by statewide religiousity (which they happily pretend to share while sinning mightily), McConnell abundantly represents their resentment, hatred and callousness in the quest for personal benefit and power.
@WereBear: That case still makes me mad because it had such a long term effect on the public. Law students today generally were not born in 1994 yet they still talk about it as an example of tort abuse.
@Uncle Cosmo: You have to get up pretty early around here to beat those who, well, get up pretty early around here.
You’re right the average person is riddled with msm “conventional wisdom”. Even if they say they are skeptical of all media, if that’s all they have listened to for decades, it’s going to permeate and affect their views. Any form of skeptism was taboo in the msm coverage pre-Afghanistan/Iraq wars and for a long time after. I’m wondering why most of msm is so late in talking about Senate death care bill. There’s so much pharma advertising, I have to restrain myself from throwing things at the tv.
@satby: I lived for 23 years in Riverside, CA and it got well into the triple digits every year in late summer. We coped.
I don’t think I could ever go back to living like that.
O. Felix Culpa
@satby: But it’s a DRY heat. /
The temperature drops considerably at night, so we open all the windows to cool the house off, then close all the windows and blinds during the day to keep it cool. It works pretty well until late afternoon. I might have to get our portable swamp cooler out to manage the coming high temps though. Don’t have a/c and don’t want to get it.
@Immanentize: They talk about it as an example of tort abuse? Then they haven’t actually read the arguments and know little about the case. .
13 men are drafting a bill without any input from women, from Democrats, from experts, or the 250M Americans not represented by the 13 men https://t.co/4RIewyDVFo
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) June 20, 2017
@O. Felix Culpa: Are you in Southern California? We managed our house on hot days just as you describe.
As @SenFranken points out Dems held 25 days of debate on ACA…I’m reminded McConnell complained about having to be in session to debate it
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) June 20, 2017
They’re writing this bill in secret because they can’t defend it.
Together, we can defeat this. https://t.co/CIUmCwsIMQ https://t.co/XAUgT3GbYX
— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) June 20, 2017
Perry sees climate denial as evidence of being ‘intellectually engaged’
06/20/17 08:40 AM
By Steve Benen
In the Obama administration, the first Energy Secretary was Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate and a physics professor at Berkeley. He was succeeded by Ernest Moniz, who led the physics department at MIT.
In the Trump administration, things are a little … different.
In an apparent attempt to drive the reality-based community batty, Perry added that his skepticism towards climate data is a sign of a “wise, intellectually engaged person.”
@opiejeanne: I believe you. ;-)
@opiejeanne: Exactly. That is what law school.is for, no?
@Immanentize: And a co-worker just the other day related that she had gotten a coffee from McDonald’s and couldn’t drink it for an hour, it was so hot.
I always get ice out of the dispenser if I am stuck with no other coffee alternative. Dunkin Donuts, despite being a kind of gluten free hellscape, has better coffee and wifi, in my experience.
McConnell, GOP prepare a showdown over secret health care bill
06/20/17 08:00 AM
By Steve Benen
As things stand, they’re actually doing this.
As the Wall Street Journal report makes clear, the Republicans’ legislation – the life-or-death bill that will be voted on next week – does not yet exist. What’s more, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has not yet secured the 51 votes he’ll need to advance the measure.
O. Felix Culpa
@opiejeanne: I’m in northern New Mexico, a little over 20 miles from Santa Fe.
O. Felix Culpa
Hopefully he never does. Keep the senatorial phones ringing!
Yoda Dog
Ok, I’ve listened to the wisdom of a certain teacher here and I’ve decided against freaking out if Ossoff loses. I know its a red district, it’s just tough to see us continue to send just the worst kind of people like Gianforte and Handel up there…. C’mon America….
Go, Jon, Go.
Remember when Trump vowed, ‘We’re not going into Syria’?
06/20/17 09:20 AM—UPDATED 06/20/17 09:32 AM
By Steve Benen
In April, shortly after ordering a missile strike against a Syrian airbase controlled by the Assad regime, Donald Trump said in an interview that “we’re not going into Syria.” Even at the time, it was a strange thing for a sitting president to say.
After all, not only had he just launched a new military offensive against Bashar al Assad’s government – putting the United States on more than one side in Syria’s civil war – but there’s also the fact that American troops are already serving in Syria.
The assertion that “we’re not going into Syria” appears even more bizarre now in light of the developments from the last few days, as reported by the Washington Post:
Is Mike Pence raising PAC money for legal defense?
Rachel Maddow explores the possibility that the fundraisers Mike Pence is holding to raise PAC money is being done in part to pay for his legal defense as the Trump Russia investigation moves ahead.
“They warned me that if I voted for Hillary, we’d have a war in Syria. Well, I voted for Hillary, and sure enough, it looks like we’re going to have a war in Syria!”
McConnell Keeps Winning by Playing the Villain
by Nancy LeTourneau
June 20, 2017 8:00 AM
When the Republican plan to repeal/replace Obamacare, AHCA, was working its way through the House, some people started calling it ZombieCare. That’s because the bill died the first time, only to come back to life and survive. Now, Paul Krugman compares the Senate version to a vampire.
What we are facing is a Senate bill that affects one sixth of our economy, whose House companion bill has the support of about 20 percent of the American public, but has been kept a secret to minimize any challenges. Yes, outrage is certainly called for. This is not how a democracy is supposed to work.
Would Sen. Mitch McConnell really try to pull off something that unprecedented and inconceivable? We’re talking about the man who rallied Republicans to oppose anything the Democrats tried to do during the worst recession since the Great Depression. The same man who denied a sitting president the chance to even hold hearings—much less a vote—on his Supreme Court nominee.
Not only did McConnell do those things, he won a Senate majority for his party and secured the nomination of a Supreme Court judge for a newly elected Republican president. So he got exactly what he wanted and never had to pay a price for taking the risk to go low with his political strategy.
I’d suggest that the current Republican Majority Leader will keep on doing unprecedented things unless/until he pays a price for doing so. A profile of McConnell back in 2013 described him this way:
While most politicians desperately want to be liked, McConnell has relished—and cultivated—his reputation as a villain.
@bemused: He just kind of laughed it off. He is not what I would term an aggressive driver, but he is the kind of guy who would probably drive pretty close to cyclists to pass them if they were slowing him down. Ontario now has a law that drivers are supposed to give cyclists three metres of space on the road.
Too soon to see if it is effective or not, but a step in the right direction.
@opiejeanne: Those traits were not actually selected for – the scientists were aiming at behavioral changes, specifically tameability: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Domesticated_Red_Fox. The floppy ears and spotted coats came along for the ride – the genes are closely linked. There was a good show on PBS about this a few years ago.
Democrats push back as GOP sneaks health bill in secrecy
Senator Jeff Merkley talks with Rachel Maddow about the push by Senate Democrats to raise awareness of the secret, partisan tactics Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP is using to sneak an Obamacare repeal with as little public notice as possible.
The only consolation about McConnell is believing that when he does leave this earth (hopefully in screaming agony after years of intense and uncontrollable pain) he will be punished for his sins. Sisyphus was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it come back to hit him, repeating this action for eternity. McConnell has spent a good part of his career making life harder for many Americans. His punishment should make Sisyphus’ look like a week at Club Med.
@germy: Yeah, I saw that. More data for review for those in Canada who don’t believe racism is a problem.
I think there is more of it, but at the same time it is being pointed out and being publicly being mocked far more often than it used to be.
I think the punishment for people in a hypothetical afterlife should be having to live through everything you inflicted on other people.
So, Osama Bin Laden, for example, would get to be either killed in a crash, burned alive, crushed by falling rubble, or falling to his death, 3,000 times over.
And someone like McConnell? Would get to live through every illness that could’ve been cured but, thanks to him, wasn’t; every experience of poverty endured by people who ended up going broke or homeless or worse because of their medical bills; every childhood that was destroyed by parents going through something like that… We’re talking millions and millions and millions of horrific experiences. And that’s just for his role in the AHCA.
What the Rs are doing is kinda expected, they have demagogued (sp?) ACA since its inception with an able assist from the media. Now that they are in power they are going to try and pass the repeal. No matter it does to the rest of us. They control all the levers of power in DC so their chances of success are high. Even so, we must fight every step of the way because giving up is not an option. That’s exactly what the Rs want us to do. Fight among ourselves, get dejected and do nothing. Our job is to stop them if we can’t stop them then make their job difficult.
I hope Ossoff wins but there is a high probability that he may not win Newt Gingrich’s seat. We don’t give up if that happens, we fight another day. I don’t intend to make the Rs job easy for them by giving up. May be it is a futile battle but I want to do everything I can, otherwise I won’t be able to live with myself. 2018 midterms is our biggest opportunity to turn the tide.
@Rugosa: Initially, yes, but they’ve been refining the characteristics, breeding for exactly what we see now. I’m 67 and I remember when collies had a much differently shaped head, wider than the current fashion.
The basic dog is medium-sized with a brown coat, according to a study I saw several years ago. You can see this type of dog in large cities in third world countries, where all sorts of dogs have found themselves homeless and the poodles bred with the cocker spaniels who bred with the terriers, etc. Sort of a devolution, all of the selective breeding undone in a few generations.
Uncle Cosmo
@zhena gogolia: Reminding me of that heartwarming old adage:
@OzarkHillbilly: Speaking as just an occasional commenter, I’d feel much better if you went in and did it.
From my personal experience as a guy with untreated sleep apnea since his teens, I had no problems going to sleep in the sleep center – they arrange them with really comfy beds, drowsy color schemes, decent temps, the whole nine yards. Yeah, they stick a bunch of electrodes on you, but they don’t stick a mask on unless the sensors really trigger. I remember waking up just enough that I could feel them putting on the mask and was out again before it activated. I woke up several hours later very disoriented, mostly because for the first time in two decades plus I’d had all the oxygen my body could use. It’s really been a blessing, and you get used to it really quickly once you start getting sleep like normal humans. It just plain feels GOOD to wake up not facing hypoxia and sitting on the side of the bed in a daze while you catch up the oxygen deficit after waking up.
@Yoda Dog:
Here, let me help you with that
[Not really subscribing to that idea, just sometimes get a little tired of comments akin to “This ain’t looking good” or “If Turtle is true to form, THIS will happen, which would really suck” or any number of predictive/forward-looking comments, being characterized as “Doom and gloom!why fight it? I give up!!!”]
Uncle Cosmo
@Chris: Plaintiffs’ attorneys might try to recast the damages requested in terms of cost to the corp’s shareholders per share & compare that to the share price &/or the dividends paid per share (or the increase in share price) in a corresponding period. E.g., $20 million might sound like an obscene amount until you note that there are 200 million shares outstanding valued at $100 each (for a total value of $20 billion); then the award becomes $0.10 per share or 0.1% of the share value. If the corp paid a 2% dividend that year ($2 per share) then an award of $20 million would be equivalent to just 5% of the shareholders’ earnings.
Brings to mind Richard Wilbur’s poem “Advice to a Prophet” from the eponymous volume (1961):
(Emphasis added. I believe the prophet addressed was Bertrand Russell wearing his nuclear-disarmament hat. Full poem here.)
“McConnell – a fat maggot burrowed into the carcass of GOP responsibility.” One of the best descriptions ever. Thanks
Uncle Cosmo
@O. Felix Culpa:
I was about to ask And where the F is that? but I see it was asked & answered above. (Pet peeve reiterated: We should have locations in the nym line of the comments, defaults amenable to editing in a separate window in the comment form. Écoutes-tu, Alain?)
If you run into a climate denier who maintains that it’s not any hotter in the summer than it always was, ask him/her/it about nighttime lows. I grew up (50s & 60s) w/o AC in a rowhouse suburb of Baltimore & I recall summer nights were tolerable (<75 F) with window fans except for maybe 7-10 days. Nowadays temperatures at 11 PM on summer nights are routinely 85 F or above & in my rowhouse home A/C is a necessity. It's not any hotter in the day but it doesn’t cool down as much or as fast at night.
Same (FWIW) for summer thunderstorms, which used to drop the air temperature from the 90s into the mid-70s & the humidity as well for a couple of hours after roaring through; now things are as hot & sticky as before 15 minutes after the rain stops.
JR in WV
It is stone illegal for a bike to be on the sidewalks. No sympathy from me, dude, if you’re riding on sidewalks. None. F U into the hospital…