I decided to perdu some pain for dinner using most of one of the challahs I made on Friday for Yom Kippur. Or more accurately after Yom Kippur was over. So without further ado…
I make a very basic custard for the bread to soak in. Usually four eggs, about a 1/2 cup of milk, a pinch or two of kosher salt, and then brown sugar, honey, and cinnamon to taste.
Here’s a nice slice of challah having a nice soak in the custard.
And here’s several pieces cooking away in the pan.
Here’s the finished, sliced, and diced challah french toast luxuriating on a plate in maple syrup.
And just to balance things out because I hadn’t prepared enough calories, I made a salami omelette.
Open thread!
Adam, for both the WTF? and Russia files –
Congressman’s staff booked room used for fake hearing shown on Ukrainian TV
Hebrew National?
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Already tracking on it. Basically former Florida Congressman Connie Mack ran a scripted and fake congressional hearing about Ukrainian malfeasance that was broadcast on Russian TV, including into Ukraine. I saw the original stories last week. This bit is even better. I guarantee this knucklehead knew exactly what he was booking the room for. Mack is now a lobbyist in DC.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Here at Balloon Juice we all answer to a higher authority… Our pets!
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Also, I always thought “The Hebrew Nationals” would be a good name for an all Jewish baseball team.
Additionally, I also think L’Shana Tova would make an excellent stage name for a Jewish adult entertainer.
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: Adam has known about that for a while – he sent me an e-mail about it, to which I have not yet responded, much to my chagrin. I blame sloth.
On the topic, I am unaware of Connie Mack ever having been a supporter of Ukraine when he was in Congress. But this story is out of bizarro world.
Tom Levenson
Speaking of delicious folded egg preparations, I do love me an Afrikaans take on a crucial line in Shakespeare (as related to me by friends in the audience as a sound-perfect transcription as it was uttered*):
Omlet! Ich bin dien vater’s spook!
*as in, no suggestions that this is authentic Afrikaans should be assumed. This is how anglophone play-goers heard it.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Eye know all. Eye see all!
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: I was a bit surprised that The Weekly Standard couldn’t contract their translation to an actual English- and Ukrainian-speaker, as their English-language versions of what was said on NewsOne were abysmal. I suspect Google Translate would have done a better job.
Major Major Major Major
We did a short writing exercise for the creative writing club at work this week, I’m reasonable pleased with my result.
Other than that, work continues to be a big pile of nothing, so that’s highly educational. I’m working on a new thing for y’all to (optionally) check if there are any forbidden words or open tags in your comments before you submit them. Randomly, my department head had a check in with me today to make sure I was taking advantage of the flexibility the office provided for some doctor’s appointments I’ve been having lately, which was nice and is not the sort of thing you do to somebody you’re about to lay off. Shrug.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: It’s Weekly Standard… I was sort of surprised they even covered it.
This is the recipe I use. It’s mostly milk, only one egg. I don’t like challah/brioche, so I use hearty peasant bread sliced fairly think and allowed to grow stale. But I don’t see anything wrong with using challah. I also cut the sugar in half. The finished product doesn’t have that scorched egg taste that some pain perdu can have.
Cook’s Illustrated
French Toast
Published May 1, 1997
Makes 4 to 8 slices, depending on the loaf. .
Less flour in this recipe allows the batter to penetrate more easily into denser bread.
1 large egg
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 tablespoon unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon table salt
4 – 8 slices day-old firm European-style bread (3/4-inch-thick) such as French or Italian
unsalted butter to grease skillet (about 1 tablespoon per batch)
INSTRUCTIONS 1. 1. Heat 10- to 12-inch skillet (preferably cast-iron) over medium heat for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, beat egg lightly in shallow pan or pie plate; whisk in milk and vanilla, and finally sugar, flour, and salt, continuing to whisk until smooth. Soak bread without oversaturating, about 30 seconds per side. Pick up bread and allow excess batter to drip off; repeat with remaining slices.
2. 2. Swirl 1 tablespoon butter in hot skillet. Transfer prepared bread to skillet; cook until golden brown, about 2 minutes on first side and 1 minute 15 seconds on the second. Serve immediately. Continue, adding 1 tablespoon butter to skillet for each new batch.
@Adam L. Silverman
Speaking of Jewish entertainers, recall seeing a poster advertising a play at the Yiddish theater in NYC starring Menasha Skulnick.
In huge print: “Lovable Menasha is back!”
Gin & Tonic
Hey Adam, where’s your banhammer when it’s truly needed?
I thought this was a thread about a lost toast recipe. I was wrong. Thoroughly intimidated I will retreat without mentioning that AS recipe sounds delicious.
I haven’t complained about this is a long time, but it’s still not fixed, dammitall. I can’t get the food out from behind the damn screen.
Full service blog my ass.
Tom Levenson
@Gin & Tonic: My work here is done.
No Drought No More
@NotMax: If it’s the french toast your objecting to as unworthy of a post during these troubled times, remember that patriots and “resisters” need nourishment in order to keep up the fight, too.
“But a soldier’s first motto is to take care of his material wants, and the men who resolutely satisfied the cravings of nature probably did the best service in marching and fighting, and preserved longest their health”.
Napier Bartless
Louisiana Washington Artillery
Army of Northern Virginia
Betty Cracker
The platypus lactates AND lays eggs, making it the only animal capable of whipping up custard without stealing from other animals. I read this on Twitter, so it’s definitely true.
Only the most high-end keyboards boast the “Taste Screen” button.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Oy…
So I’ve been making challah.
Suggestion for post title: Challah at Your Boy.
@No Drought No More
Open Thread be Open Thread.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: I’ll let Alain know you’re having trouble.
Gin & Tonic
@FlipYrWhig: Or, like it says at Katz’s, “Send a salami to your boy in the Army.”
Mike J
I’ve been using yolks to whole eggs in about a 2-1 ratio for my french toast. In cooking, like life, it’s the whites that cause all the trouble. the frying step is easier with less chance of sulfur smell/aftertaste with more yolks than whites.
Adam L Silverman
@HumboldtBlue: Do you not know what challah is? Or did you miss my post two weeks ago about baking challah?
And good to see you here. How you been?
This week is the week that keeps on giving, for me at least. Mass murder, one of the rock and roll greats dying, Trump being a racist asshole (again)…and last but closest to me personally, finding out my brother in law has stage three throat cancer.
He retired three fucking months ago. My sister is still in shock, but they both know it’s a long hard road ahead. I’d say it’s not fair, but fortunately or unfortunately I’m to the point where fairness is purely an abstract notion for me. But it’s not fucking right at all, particularly when he’s the type of person who calls out of the blue and casually mentions he’s in the neighborhood and has a load of free firewood for us, will anyone be home or should he just leave the trailer….that kind of guy. Somebody I truly like and respect, not to mention being one of six (6!) Democrats in his precinct.
Sorry to be danielxdowner, but i am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment.
I made the King Arthur flour sourdough cinnamon swirl bread to break the fast. We finished the rest of it for dinner tonight as excellent French toast. Must be something in the air.
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: I am so sorry to read that. We’ll keep good thoughts for your brother in law, as well as for you all.
@Adam L Silverman:
I would love it if lobbyist Connie Mack took a lunch meeting with lawyer Ty Cobb. Like their granddaddies.
Why are people using recipes to make French toast? It’s not complicated…you got yer eggs, milk, cinnamon, sugar, butter, and a griddle or large frying pan. That’s it.
@danielx: That blows. I’m sorry. {{danielx}}
@Adam L. Silverman
For those with a half-hour laying idle, a classic episode of Car 54, Where Are You? guest starring Molly Picon in full comedic Yiddishe mama mode. And it involves a pet.
If you don’t laugh or chuckle, consult your funny bone doctor.
(This episode pre-dates Al Lewis joining as a cast regular playing Officer Schnauzer.)
Also, now that the weather is cooling off, sort of, it’s time for all sorts of good variations on grilled cheese. Or at least that’s what I tell the family so that I don’t have to actually cook. Up first: ham, cheddar, and thin Granny Smith slices on French bread!
Omnes Omnibus
@No Drought No More: “Guns, horses, men, self.” Traditional artillery officer’s order of priority.
So sorry about your brother-in-law. He sounds like a great person, and I hope he has some good time remaining. (Good time in both senses.)
@Jeffro: I’ve been on a fermenting kick lately. Got a couple of jars of sauerkraut on the counter, and my sourdough starter is kicking.
Omnes Omnibus
Why sliced and diced? Serve whole and top with a shit load of butter and maple syrup.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I like to cut it up after I butter it so that it soaks up the maple syrup better. Just a personal preference.
@Jeffro: My mom used to just swish bread around in eggs and milk and fry it. If you’re gonna pour syrup over it anyway, seems like overkill to add sugar to the custard.
Roger Moore
@No Drought No More:
Shorter: an army marches on its stomach.
FWIW, it also works very well to add the maple syrup to the custard mix. You get the delicious maple taste without it being as sticky as if you pour syrup on it.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Adam was going for the kaiserschmarrn concept, but too lazy to mix pancake batter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Okay. Not my style, but that doesn’t really matter. There is butter, and there is maple syrup.
Mmm… French toast
Gin & Tonic
And I sure hope all you people saying “maple syrup” really mean pure maple syrup.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: What else is there?
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
Echidnas beg to differ.
randy khan
It’s worth noting that you can make a fine french toast with soy milk or rice milk if you’re lactose-intolerant.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: I have sometimes been disappointed to find some people (especially from non-maple areas of the country) using the term to describe corn-based simulacra. Feh.
@Eljai: Good point!
Also, about these variations on grilled cheese…I’m trying to make a grilled variation of a Monte Cristo, but it takes an absolute shitload of butter. Plus I have yet to sell my kids on the virtues of a dusting of powdered sugar and a dab of raspberry jam on the side. Sigh…
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Anathema.
Tom Levenson
@Omnes Omnibus: I have a friend who runs a gentleman’s syruping operation in the Berkshires. When he comes over for dinner, he brings a quart of the great grade B motor oil stuff instead of wine—made from his own trees. We invite him as often we can.
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: the sophisticated reader knows that ‘platypus’ is a metaphor for all monotremes.
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
Damn straight I do.
Tom Levenson
@Omnes Omnibus: a hanging offense.
Roger Moore
@randy khan:
Or want to have it with a (beef) salami omelet while keeping kosher.
I just garnish with butter and fruit, so the sugar in the recipe replaces a portion of the sweetness of the syrup.
Since it’s an open thread, here is a serving of deep fried BS for everyone:
Brandon Wall
Trump said Puerto Rico’s debt will have to be wiped out.
“We’re going to have to wipe that out. You’re going to say goodbye to that”
There’s a clip of Trump rolling his eyes as he says if Goldman-Sachs holds a lot that debt, well, too bad for them, they’ll have to wave good-bye to that.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Need to get Trump to move someplace where the crowds like sensible policies. Then Trump might do some good when he has to keep playing to a sane surrounding vibe to get applause.
Gin & Tonic
@Tom Levenson: Maple syrup is serious business.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
Any mention of challah bread always reminds me of a moment from Saving Private Ryan. A wild-eyed Jewish GI (played by Adam Goldberg, who in those days played a lot of wild-eyed young Jewish guys) takes a military-issue knife off a dead Polish SS soldier and says to a comrade, “Now it’s a Shabbat challah cutter, huh?”
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
I hate to admit it, but I know some people who (shudder) prefer the adulterated form. They apparently think the genuine article has too much maple flavor and want it diluted with a syrup that provides only sweetness.
Amir Khalid
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, but would it want to?
@RobNYNY: That sounds downright healthy!
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Okay.
Adam L Silverman
Bozhe Moi!
Betty Cracker
@jl: Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it too. Wonder how the bond markets will respond…
Omnes Omnibus
@Tom Levenson: Exactly.
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Golly.
More dispatches from the Department of What the Actual Fuck:
(Politico link, sorry.)
Quite the comedian that Vlad, n’est-ce pas?
A million mea culpas.
That was meant to be @Adam L. Silverman above.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I have no idea why that of all things stuck in my mind.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: The brain is a mystery.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Adam L Silverman:
Weird. Connie Mack. Trump has a lawyer named Ty Cobb. Is his PR firm Gehrig and Ruth?
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: He kids, he’s a kidder!
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies (been a while): This is Connie Mack the IV. He is the son of Senator Connie Mack (III) and the great-grandson of the original and eponymous Connie Mack. Real name of all of these guys is Cornelius Harvey McGillicuddy.
He is Victor Orban’s lobbyist in DC.
Mike J
@Tom Levenson:
When I was 17 my friends and I drove to New Orleans to visit one of those.
@Betty Cracker: @Roger Moore: An administration that know how to do stuff could negotiate a deal that would make the bond holders at least pretend to laugh with joy, at least while in public. A lot of it is owned by government organizations and development banks anyway. It’s only about 150 Billion.
If there were a competent will there could easily be found a win-win way. The debt is not by any means all produced by PR government mismanagement. That is just financial industry and GOP propaganda. Edit: PR used to get some tax breaks to make up for special burdens, like the Jones Act that restricted shipping, which have been stripped away over the last 20 years.
Roger Moore
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
That Connie Mack is actually a direct descendant of the baseball Connie Mack. I think that if you look it up you’d find that his legal name is Cornelius McGillicuddy IV, and that Connie Mack is just an inherited nickname. In contrast, the Ty Cobb who’s representing Trump is not closely related to the baseball player.
@danielx: Oh I’m so sorry, peace and strength to you and yours
Roger Moore
Is that so strange considering who Trump has appointed to head executive departments?
I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at those pictures.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: No, you didn’t. There really are things with trees.
Corner Stone
@Mike J: And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I’m one
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhvmCgs_L4
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
See my comment at #33. The link shows a photo of (the original) Ty Cobb and Connie Mack. Cobb ended his career playing for Mack’s Philadelphia Athletics.
Some enterprising WaPo writer/photographer really needs to get the current generation together. (“It’s a sports story!” “It’s a political story!”)
I do wonder, seriously, if the two of them have ever met. They must have done.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: The real problem is there is one creditor who refuses to deal. He refused to deal last year when the Obama Administration tried to negotiate something. And he will continue to do so. He’s demanded 100 cents on the dollar. He refuses to take anything less.
Mike in NC
@Amir Khalid: Polish SS? There were many non-German SS units but were there actually any Polish ones?
@Roger Moore:
Well, when you put it like that, I guess not.
Mike in NC
@Amir Khalid: Polish SS? There were several non-German SS units but were there actually any Polish ones?
Corner Stone
I have been watching the video of Obama singing Amazing Grace. It is unfathomable to consider the current POTUS saying, “May we find ourselves worthy. Of that precious and extraordinary gift. As long as our lives endure. May Grace now lead them home.”
Adam L Silverman
@Mike in NC: It’s a Speilberg does history movie. Don’t expect factual accuracy.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Send Cole an email with your complaint, make sure it’s in ALL CAPS(this is essential).
Good luck to your brother. They can do amazing things these days with and to cancers.
I’ve noticed that it really doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, cancer doesn’t give a shit about that and it is there to pile on at the least expected time.
It can be beat. Tell your brother, from someone who knows from personal experience, do not give up. No matter what, do not give up. Do not let the bastard win.
And because I haven’t said it yet today, FUCK Fucking cancer.
If he needs someone with experience to talk to, give me a shout.
Challah makes for a wonderful bread pudding, too. Baked with a topping of cinnamon sugar butter; served with buttery caramel sauce. It’s good comfort food.
mai naem mobile
@danielx: I am sorry about your brother in law..I hope they’ve caught it on the early side of sTage 3. I did a quick google. He’s got a 60 % chance of making it beyond 5 yrs. I hope he’s on the right side of the 60 percent statistic.
@Adam L Silverman: A special humongous Congressional legislatiive bankruptcy procedure has been set up. Maybe Trump does actually know enough about bankruptcy to get Congress to pass legislation that will set more favorable terms for Puerto Rico, if he has any influence left.
@Mike J: hahaha!
Adam L Silverman
@Mel: Please see my post on this from about six weeks ago.
@Adam L Silverman: I figure a guy could stuff a challah with pluck and make a haggis! Baked I suppose.
Edit: that would start a unique fusion cuisine that folds in your Scots heritage.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Perhaps. I never had this discussion with any of the Jewish Scottish people I knew when I lived in Scotland.
You are an evil man. E.V.I.L.
It’s bad enough that I probably couldn’t taste that french toast, or Adam’s, but I can’t eat it anyway. I’d like to, I really would, but my diet say no.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: I honestly don’t know. And I’ve given up trying to figure out what the President may or may not actually have significant knowledge of.
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
The subtitles said the SS doods they killed were speaking Polish.
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: I am so sorry about your brother-in-law.
Adam L Silverman
And the next shoe drops!
This helps to explain why the polls were so far off in these states.
@Adam L Silverman: That looks delicious!
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I am too angry to respond right now.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: IMO, it’s not going to be just FB ads. They went the whole MacGullicuddy on our ass.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oh, Javanka. You can run, but you can’t hide.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I have no doubt.
Mike J
@Corner Stone: Is the whole MacGullicuddy when you read the entire book of I Love Lucy?
(MacGullicuddy was her maiden name.)
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: It is enough to make one want to scream.
Adam L Silverman
@Mel: It was.
@Corner Stone:
“May we find ourselves worthy. Of that precious and… [slows down] extra-ordinary gift. [looks up] And it is a gift, OK, a big beautiful gift. Beyond ordinary. And I know gifts, believe me, big-time. [looks down] As long as our lives end… your. End-your. [looks up confused, grimaces.] Too many lives end, but not that many this time, right, not yours, because of Trump. High marks, high marks. [looks down] May Grace now lead them home. [looks up, half-smiling, half-leering] Where is Grace, is she here? Lovely woman, really keeps herself in shape, am I right?” [shrugs shoulders, puffs out chest, juts out chin, paces in a circle, turns away from camera]
Adam L Silverman
Time for me to rack out. Catch you all on the flip.
@Betty Cracker:
But if it ate the omelette, would it be cannibalism? Things we mammals don’t have to worry about…
Corner Stone
@FlipYrWhig: I’m going to rack out now but I’m tracking that your speech tells us that there is penetration at all levels.
@Mike J: ?????
@NotMax: When was that? I thought at first it was about the Menashe who stars in a new movie I just saw recently, but this guy seems to have died in 1970. Am confused.