Thanks for all your contributions to the “Local and State” thread below. Keep it going there if you have reports or ideas to add about efforts in your location to reverse our alarming slide into kakistocracy. As expected, there is disagreement on how to proceed, but I hope we can all come together and denounce THIS abomination:
It’s from a report in the Post about Paris Fashion Week. Just no.
There’s a lot of other stuff happening. KKKeebler Elf reversed a DOJ policy that protects transgender workers. Another swamp creature in Trump’s cabinet was caught up in the private jet-set scandal. Russian hackers pulled an Ed Snowden. The Orange Moron suggested that the Iran deal he doesn’t comprehend isn’t in the national interest he cares nothing about, and he provided further evidence that he doesn’t understand how the First Amendment works or what the purpose of the Senate Intel Committee is. The NRA just said they’re open to regulating “bump stocks,” which has me wondering what spooked them.
Please feel free to discuss these or any other topics. Open thread.
Crocs with heels in ugly colors. No. Just. No.
Corner Stone
An easy way to make this go away and also scream next time it happens that, “See! Told ya laws didn’t work to prevent this! Moar GUNZ!!”
Maybe Kimmel spooked them.
More from the Post:
Say what?
Does not compute.
Also too:
OK, Trump throwing things into disarray is more in keeping with the natural order of things.
If we’re going to talk about fashion, blog favorite Awesomely Luvvie pwned Stella McCartney over McCartney’s butt-ugly “African-inspired” muu-muus.
Corner Stone
Now what does the Golden Triangle in the Cabinet do?
Corner Stone
Make “bump stocks” the issue, deal with it and get a big group picture smiling together and then declare victory and go home.
Could we not ban those shoes until after Halloween? My Hello Kitty costume won’t look the same without them.
The reaction of American gun nuts to concern over the bump stock is just sad. From the Guardian.
If you don’t care about accuracy and just want to spray death and horror, it works just fine, I guess.
Amir Khalid
Ugly colours are a Crocs tradition. But the sole material is so squishy, I wouldn’t have thought it possible to make Crocs that tall.
Reposted(ish)from the last thread. To the BJ commenter who tried to contact me through Anne Laurie. That email does not work. Would love to talk to and meet your friend. Try to get me here in the comments. I am usually here for the morning thread and then again about this time.
Well now. Looks like having a pregnancy scare with your mistress and getting caught with your hypocrisy drawers down isn’t good for your Congressional career.
District doesn’t look like a get on the surface. But after this who knows.
Why are there no wheels on those shoes?
Isn’t it “great” to live in a country where it’s not a real disaster if there is a low death toll, lack of food, water, electricity and housing don’t count. A place where all congress has to do is mention it is thinking about gun control and sales skyrocket; buy your bump stocks NOW you can sell them later for big bucks unless of course Congress loses what little stiffening there was of backbone.
Snarki, child of Loki
SOMEONE was designing their shoes with the help of
The Moar You Know
Low profit margin and minimal sales. Also does not address the sale of full-auto conversion kits.
In exchange for that pathetic sop, you’ll get unlimited, unregulated civilian ownership of silencers.
ETA: also, an experienced gun user can usually replicate the effect without a stock at all, albeit for not as long. My point still stands. This is as meaningless a concession as it gets.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: I wondered about that too. There must be a hidden infrastructure.
Let us all understand that when Republicans and the NRA say they are OK with bump stocks being ‘regulated’ what they mean is made legal. The last thing either of these sociopathics want is to make bump-stocks illegal and no grandfather clause. In my book unless we also include the ‘no grandfather clause’ we liberals lost on the issue.
Betty Cracker
@The Moar You Know: Now you’ve done it! Incoming gunsplainers to chide you for using the term “silencers” in 3…2…1…
Dear God, what have they done with Spongebob?!?
@Betty Cracker:
I put my clip directly into my machine gun’s silencer.
Here, fishy fishy [dangles worm]
@Baud: In other words, being compassionate, caring human beings means we are polarized. All that study really shows is that Democrats are growing up faster than normal and Republicans are devolving.
My guess? Because country music was targeted. If it had been the previous festival that he apparently thought about targeting, this would not happen. Because who in the NRA cares about Lourde and her fans, let alone knows who she is.
Doug R
Maybe the NRA sees it as a wedge issue. Bump stocks decrease accuracy and shorten weapon life, so maybe it’s just protecting the Precious, as Gollum would say.
A Ghost To Most
@The Moar You Know: The NRA is the lobbying arm of the gun manufacturers, not the 3D printing or plastic molding industry. They are protecting their own, as usual.
@japa21: I agree, obviously. But what are the electoral implications?
Developments on Iran deal will be interesting. Mattis came out stronger for Iran deal than Dunford. I heard last half of news report, that was kind of confusing, saying somebody, either Tillerson or Mattis is in trouble, and may be out by Christmas. Tillerson for obvious reasons, given the recent BS non-news that Tillerson understands obvious things about Trump. Report also discussed problem that it was assumed Mattis would oppose Iran deal, and Obama admin officials didn’t like Mattis because of his initial opposition to the Iran deal. I guess the report was saying one of the two, or both, are trouble, so was discussing the problems of both.
I wonder if the moron Trump ever thought to ask Mattis about whether his thinking had changed on the Iran nuke deal, or maybe just the fact that the black dude wouldn’t recommend him was enough to give Mattis the job.
@schrodingers_cat: not so much heels as platfoms, which last raised their heads above the boiling pitch sometime in the 1970s.
I think the pink is very fetching. Or at leas, a little less pukeworthy than the yellow.
Anybody ever dealt with FedEx corporate offices for complaints? I complained 3 days ago about a FedEx driver who nearly crushed my car while driving dangerously on the highway- seemingly deliberately – and gave them time/location/truck details. They’ve taken their sweet old time contacting me, and when I finally called often enough to talk to someone responsible, he claimed they’re still collecting info to ID the driver. Hard to tell if they’re slow walking it to make me go away.
@jl: We’d be on our own if we pull out of the deal. Even someone who didn’t like the deal would have to consider that if they were thoughtful (which Mattis is but Trump is not).
A Ghost To Most
@smintheus: The FedEx drivers around here drive like morons as well. Must be a culture thing.
Doug R
@trollhattan: Clip is shorter and easier to say. Besides, I’ve seen a magazine used as a silencer. Of course, I’ve also seen silent clips, usually with background music.
The Moar You Know
@Betty Cracker: I hope so. I’ve been “enjoying the shooting sports” my entire life and have done a fair amount of my own gunsmithing. So, y’know, let them whine. I find them insufferable.
I have a fool proof way of gun control, no white conservative male is allowed to own or purchase any firearm; he may only borrow to use for hunting from a grandmother of color and then he has to take at least two non white women with him while he hunts.
John Revolta
Republicans have changed more slightly.
I call bullshit. “Typical” Repub has changed a lot but they’ve done it over a longer period of time. And the Dems took a while to catch on and then catch up.
@smintheus: My wife made a left hand turn just down the street.The Fedex dude was hauling ass and in the middle of the street and she clipped him. Not only dd she get the ticket but the fucker sued USAA.
I think JC would look great in those, Betty.
The Moar You Know
@Baud: It’s all about timeframe. The GOP’s massive shift to the right happened back in the late 1970s/early 1980s, not 1997 (twenty years ago). So yeah, the Dems have changed a lot since 1997 and the GOP hasn’t changed much since Reagan was sworn in. No shock.
@Baud: (Non-southern) Democrats were shifting rapidly leftward during the 60s and 70s as well, and the party was polarized to some degree between the ‘change now’ and the ‘change yes ok but not too much and not quite yet’ crowds. Plus ça change.
@Baud: It seems almost certain, to me at least, that if the US wants radical changes in Iran, and pulls out of nuke deal, then the means road to disastrous war, on our own, with Iran. Doesn’t take much thought to think that, given the deal seems to be working so far, better to give that process a chance. Probably what Mattis is thinking, even if he doesn’t like the deal itself very much.
OTOH, Trump is the moron who runs a bus over his Secty of State when he reassured people that diplomacy is happening with North Korea.
Only non completely-disastrous interpretation of Trump’s recent tweets on NK were a moronic attempt to make them think US pres is nuts so they better be very accommodating in quiet back room diplomatic negotiations.
A moron like Trump can do so many idiotic things, its hard to tell which dumb thing he may be up to.
Yeah, I’m not actually surprised.
Doubtful. That district is gerrymandered to the nth degree for Republicans. Only a little bit of Allegheny County (a Democratic stronghold) but has Greene and Washington counties as a large part. Those two counties are Hillbillyville, USA.
FYI for Betty and anyone else who read my bobcat encounter story — Alain ran my photos from that trip in this morning’s On the Road feature so you can see the actual footbridge where the large kitty was walking behind me.
@The Moar You Know: The reactionary wing of the GOP hasn’t changed much. They were just as horrified by Reagan’s few, but important good ideas (like dealing the Gorby and arms control negotiations, or changing direction on supply side tax cuts when it became clear they were not working as intended) as they were by Dub’s few, but important, good ideas (like immigration reform).
A Ghost To Most
@Planetpundit: Doesn’t he look enough like Mario Batali already?
Doug R
@A Ghost To Most: The 3d printing industry is something that the NRA should fear, as it may kill most of their sales.
Ironically it may be a way towards gun control as printers could be programmed with digital rights like media files or at least measures like the copier industry did with money counterfeiting.
Or using the Patriot act for good, with a modification to the library provisions.
A Ghost To Most
@geg6: Ah, Pennsylvania. Philly in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, Alabama in the center.
@raven: One of their people just phoned to say nothing more than we’ll have the local manager get in touch with you and sorry for the “inconvenience”. I pointed out it was “inconvenience” that I complained about, it was a guy driving dangerously. No acknowledgement of that however; just ‘we’ll be getting back to you’.
You’d think they’d want to avoid having the guy injure or kill someone in the future.
So. In one of my best pubs in Dublin. And I can’t stop laughing. I know all the bartenders. They are lovely. But 3 of them can’t stop talking. Like arglebargle talking.
Someone gave them some coca##ne. I am sure of it.
ETA: But you know, in a good way.
@jl: C’mon now. Even if the Trump gets the US to pull out of the Iran deal the other 6 nations have already said they’d keep the agreement. If the US doesn’t get anyone else to go along with another economic embargo of Iran it isn’t going to hurt anyone other than the American oil companies that will have to try harder to ship goods to Iran.
@smintheus: Gotta protect the “brand”.
Major Major Major Major
Check out this horrible best-selling poet who I’m 20% sure is a parody of a millennial.
Yes, I’m having a bad day.
@kindness: Well c’mon now back to you. You are thinking like a Dunford, Mattis or Tillerson, not like a Trump and his idiot Trumpster hacks.
This maybe my favorite tweet of all time (and the thread is hilarious)
@A Ghost To Most: I’m pretty sure it is culture. UPS drivers also drive too fast, but not it seems to the extremes that some FedEx drivers I’ve seen on local roads. They’re also less prone to occupying the left lanes on highways (we have a lot of two-lane stretches through congestion here, and inconsiderate big rigs are a major factor in creating traffic snarls).
randy khan
@Corner Stone:
I’m telling my Senators and Congressman that any bill that addresses bump stocks also should address any other accessory or modification that has the effect of making a semi-automatic rifle act like an automatic rifle.
next you’ll be against stilts for circus entertainers and sheetrockers and plasterers working on ceilings.
Fleeting Expletive
I’m wondering–what exactly is the secret handshake these troll congressmen and the like share so that they are instantly accepted into the club–the racist, wholly awful mindset. Like, for instance Roy Moore and Steve Miller meeting up. I can’t imagine that these two would have had many occasions to mingle until now (saw that meeting mentioned down below.) Is it purely WhiteManRepublican fellow soldiers in the war against Icky people?
@LAO: The ladies will need those platform shoes for the long guns. Serendipity of high fashion?
Edit: but I predict a new kind of p****s envy problem that will drive the male gun nuts insane.
Platform crocs? Hell no!
In other news the GOP has some really nutty members who know that George Soros is the root of all evil. Mole people!
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: Cole put a link to that review on his twit feed yesterday. It’s unbelievable. As in, it has to be a joke someone is playing on all of us and I do not believe she really exists and sells books of her poetry.
@smintheus: Why not call the police? I was watching a semi-truck wander over the right side lane markers on the interstate. Should I have called 911? Maybe, but I didn’t. Nothing happened in the end.
Out of lazy curiosity, I looked at several of the Post articles with pictures of the Paris fashion shows. I promise you that those crocs were not the only abomination on the runway. Fashion shows seem to have no connection to the real lives of people the and clothes they need to live in. I can’t believe people actually make money thinking up this shit. Okay, rant over.
this reminds me of the independence struggles of Catalonia and Kurdistan. Change is coming, and it is almost ALWAYS faster than you might like it.
ETA: I wrote that, read it, and immediately thought of various counterexamples. US schools are more segregated now than 40 years ago, for one.
What a maroon.
@Corner Stone: Make bump stocks illegal while sliding silencers and concealed carry reciprocity through. Optics win, actual win.
Corner Stone
@LAO: Wait. If I need to be the good guy with a gun and defeat the bad guy with a gun, do I need to buy her dinner and a movie first? Or can I just grab that pu$$y and then start blasting?
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: almost half of humans are idiots, and some of them buy books.
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: sometimes i poop / i guess everyone does / shit happens
The Moar You Know
@A Ghost To Most: No union, psycho management, unrealistic workloads. I saw one still driving his shift at 830 last night. I try to use nothing but UPS.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: the lack of capitalization is so novel!
The Golux
@The Moar You Know:
Boy, I disagree with this pretty thoroughly. The GOP is a lot more conservative than they were even ten years ago. Back in the ’90s there were still some moderate Republicans, but the Tea Partiers (who, after all, didn’t exist before a blah was elected) have killed them all off by primarying them from the right. Meanwhile, the Democrats are mostly the same in my view; there are still centrist Democrats, and Democratic policies are largely the same that they have always been in my lifetime: strong safety net, strong support for civil rights, reducing economic inequality, and emphasis on diplomacy rather than brute force in foreign affairs. The only issue that I can think of where the party moved noticeably to the left is LBGTQ rights, which is at least a natural progression of what Democrats have always espoused.
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: I love it that she goes into used book stores just to see what other books *look like*.
@catclub: Filing a police report is fall-back option number one. I doubt they want to start dealing with crazy truckers, given how many there are around here.
@Major Major Major Major: Is she worse than any other poet?
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Josie: Murc over LGM provides an explanation.
The most charitable explanation for…these fucking things…would be that the fashion designers in question view clothing items like music producers might view sampling, where a common goal is to flip the most unlikely material into something beautiful or at least badass, or more common material into something unique. Unfortunately, these fashion designers are doing very little with the material other than throwing shit on it backs up my personal conclusion, which is that they’re just seeing how much they can troll their customers before they jump ship.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: all of them, Katie.
@Baud: ” Is she worse than any other poet. ”
Always preening for your base, huh?
Corner Stone
@Baud: green eggs and ham / he didn’t call you / maybe he does not like you either
I think anyone who needs a laugh needs to read the Bitter Kitten comments to the Tom & Lorenzo blog post on these monstrosities.
@Corner Stone: That’s lovely. You should write more.
@The Golux:
9 years ago their presidential candidate was in favor of cap and trade.
@Corner Stone: Someone should explain to Baud that dirty limericks are also poems..
A Ghost To Most
@The Moar You Know: Me too. The UPS guy actually brings our packages to our door (we have a long circular driveway); the FedEx pukes just drop packages by the side of the road.
Just don’t call them slaves. “Rehab” = cheap/free labor instead of, you know, rehab. And I thought for-profit prisons were bad.
A Ghost To Most
@catclub: The are not “conservatives”; they are malignant cancervatives.
@ET: At least Tom Cruise has some comfy shoes to wear at home now!
@Doug R:
Unlikely. Most people probably are not DIY types.
On the other hand, the idea of easily reproducible 3D printer guns and rifles is frightening.
interesting idea. On the other hand, controls on 3D printer weapons would only enhance the value of old fashioned gear.
Corner Stone
@Baud: sometimes it hurts / then i realize / i sat on something
Mike in NC
Bump stocks and Crocs ought to be illegal.
I hate to be the “poetry should rhyme” guy, but for me, poetry is only interesting if it demonstrates a control of language that you don’t see in other types of writing. Sometimes that means rhymes, sometimes it’s a rigid structure like haiku, sometimes it’s playing with the physical form of the poem like e. e. cummings or Shel Silverstein.
Cribbing a sentence from a motivational poster and chopping I think up on multiple lines isn’t poetry. It’s lazy hack work.
@Corner Stone: Reminds me of those haiku assignments we had to do in grade school.
Florida Man needs to take lessons from Indonesia Man.
Pics are worth a look.
@Mike in NC:
Or you can buy them at a new specialty retailer: Stocks & Crocs!
Try saying that one 7 times real fast. Very naughty….
@Mnemosyne: I never saw those muu-muus, but my vague recollection from any links leading there is that anything Awesomely Luvvie does is cool, appropriate, and needed.
Best (not new) comedy nerd joke heard this week.
Mike in NC
@trollhattan: Recently saw an article about some dimwit in Phoenix who invited people to a BBQ and thought it would be hilarious to watch him throw a live rattlesnake on the grill. The snake didn’t get the joke and bit the guy on the face and chest.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I do think the designers are trolling the fashion press and their customers.
Some “clothes” that Robin Givhan wrote about recently in the WaPost: butt ugly is the only word. With unsmiling models. There was “gumby style” schlock. With weird footwear. I kinda think Givhan is trolling us too.
It’s like Gumby joined a utopian cult — and created the season’s most magical fashion
Magical is not the word. This stuff was Mad Max style crap. Some of it looked designed to hold colostomy bags. Shoes were Crocs meets Teva stuff.
Makes you revere Yves St Laurent and Oscar de la Renta all the more.
Mike in NC
@Elizabelle: When my wife puts on “Project Runway” I have to decide whether to just laugh or leave the room.
@Corner Stone: She is huge among women under 30. I cannot explain it, except that maybe these people have never read an actual poem – with rhythm and metaphors – before. (Of course, Jonathan Livingston Seagull was a million seller in the early 70s, so perhaps the failure of our educational system is cyclical.)
@Baud: Execrable.
The Moar You Know
@Doug R: They have no reason to fear it at all; even with low-power small bore (think .22 cal) ammunition, the strongest of plastics just comes apart after a few rounds. Sintered metal (pot metal), same deal. If you want something that can fire a decent pistol or rifle round, you’d be far better off taking some metal shop classes and buying some old metal cutting equipment (you’d need a lathe and a vertical mill, and something to cut rifling with, which is not a trivial task).
The gun industry is in the financial position it’s in (de facto monopoly) precisely because you can’t do this at home. And I’m not seeing the advances, even in the professional-level gear, to make that a reality anytime soon.
The Golux
There’s a link in that article to a story about another Indonesia Man who didn’t fare so well.
@Corner Stone: actually, my kid preordered it for his ex-gf on my Amazon Prime account, so I got helpful updates on the delivery. They broke up 2 months ago, but he had promised it as a gift for her B’day today.
He’s a good kid, he keeps his word.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@PJ: Is she Roy Moore-level awful?
Amaranthine RBG
Yesterday on Balloon Juice: how are bump stocks legal? This is an outrage. Another example of the evil of the NRA. Now is the time to capitalize on the outrage over this shooting and ban bump stocks
Today on Balloon Juice: Meh, bump stocks aren’t that important.
@Mike in NC:
Heh. Only other possible outcome would have been mixing up his hands after the customary, “Hold my beer and watch this!”
“Hey, that’s not the…OUCH!”
Corner Stone
@Amaranthine RBG: If bump stocks are allowed to be singled out then they become the trojan horse. Nothing gets done about actual gun control and if D’s try a second bite at the apple the entire NRA fetish group will scream, “LOOK! WE TRIED TO BE REASONABLE AND DO THE BUMP STOCKS THING!! NOW LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!! THEY WILL NOT REST UNTIL THEY GET EVERY LAST GUN IN TO THE FURNACE! NOW GIVE US MORE MONEY.”
Amaranthine RBG
@The Moar You Know: most people I know who’ve made their own firearms have just made the receiver – the part that traditionally has a serial number and is what legally makes it a gun, and then have bought off the shelf barrels and other parts
There are some maker space type groups that get together in a professional metal shop and teach people how to do the machining.
Corner Stone
@satby: I have no doubt he’s a sweet kid. But that “poet” is a fake, a phony, a sham, a flim flam man, we’ve been bamboozled, hoodwinked.
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
If you think that the only way forward is to be as uncompromising as possible, you will feel good about yourself, you will enjoy a certain moral purity, but you’re not going to get what you want.
Betty Cracker
@Amaranthine RBG: I see only one comment in this thread could reasonably be construed as minimizing the importance of getting “bump stocks” off the market, and even that one was more of a cautionary comment (don’t trade away a more meaningful restriction for a law addressing bump stocks). Looks like you’re making shit up to piss on the blog, as usual. I wonder why you bother slumming at a place that’s not to your liking.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): No. She is not morally offensive or an affront to human rights or common decency. On an aesthetic level, well, maybe they should be strapped down and forced to listen to each other, and we will see which one’s will is broken first. My bet is that Kaur will prevail.
Corner Stone
@Amaranthine RBG: Sigh. What an ignorant comment.
Corner Stone
@PJ: I don’t think Kaur is capable of actually hearing anything Moore might say. He, however, would go nuts that a female of color gets to speak to him so blandly and it might make him stroke out. At least as long as he can’t reach his tiny, tiny little pistol.
@The Golux:
Yoikes, guess poor Akbar was no wrestler.
Wish I could unsee that photo.
@Major Major Major Major:
Homer is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice,
Now is not the time
@PIGL: Shoe fetishist here- platforms have been au courant for several years.
I guarantee you that that judge gets kickbacks from CAIIR to sentence people to their facility.
@smintheus: No idea, but don’t give up. Most companies (I’m looking at you insurance) try to slow walk in the hopes that the complaint will go away. You might try contacting them via Facebook or Twitter. Since everyone can see those they seem to get faster responses.
@Josie: I LOVE Robin Givhan’s fashion writing. She’s also very good about putting fashion choices in a societal context – prime example being when Dick Cheney wore a parka to a funeral of another country’s Important Person. It’s not about being warm Dickhead, it’s about showing respect for the situation,
@Corner Stone: @Major Major Major Major: This is my favorite part of that piece:
The poet who doesn’t read, and whose inspiration comes from the covers of books, not what’s inside.
@Corner Stone: Your poetry is so compelling, Corner Stone. It is also hilarious…more so since I made the mistake of visiting rupi kaur’s website. Please comtinue to share your work with us. Rotfl.
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
That’s quote from Obama, you dumbass.
I wish there was some way to tag commenters so your tag would read “Corner Stone – thinks Obama is ignorant.”
Hold the rifle against your hip, jam a wooden dowel through the trigger guard and press it tight into your hip, and yank the rifle forwards and keep doing so, and you are bump firing without one of those stocks.
Of course, this method makes the stocks look like precision sniper rifles by way of comparison, but you can empty an SKS at full auto rates without spending any money.
Or hitting anything.
Corner Stone
@Amaranthine RBG: This is really an astonishing display in ignorance. Please proceed, governor.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Bleh..I forgot to update my name on this tablet..
Getting old, I guess.
@The Moar You Know: Ayup! You got it … they are treated as “contractors” from whose salaries ALL expenses are deducted. They are lucky to net $20k a year after that. A lot of the routes are subcontracted out by a guy who “leases” them to others who do the actual work, sort of like an MLM scheme. They are overloaded with parcels and don’t get overtime. A lot burn out or quit after a year or two …
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
I think Obama knows a bit more than you about how to get things done in government.
If you think his statements are ignorant, that is more a reflection on you than him.
But keep digging. The work suits you.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Elizabelle: I don’t think Tevas, much less Chacos, are really at all ugly — to me their being utilitarian footwear forgives a lot of the aesthetics, and they can at least be worn in public without being garish* — but they absolutely do not belong on the runway or with formal clothing, and the soles at the Rick Owens shows are flanderized into clown moon shoes. That whole “the only difference between fashion designers and some asshole’s sketches is that the former got paid for it” mindset is what makes me want to go into fashion when I get older.**
*Unlike Cros and bathroom slides, which should under no circumstances be worn beyond one’s property and I would never in a trillion years think of wearing.
**Am a cishet male.
Corner Stone
@Amaranthine RBG: If I was arguing with Obama about bump stocks this would still be silly. Thankfully, not doing either.
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
I posted a verbatim quote from Obama:
Here was your response to it:
The fact that you you refuse to admit you stepped in it doesn’t change that. It just makes you look more desperate.
There is a lot to learn from Obama. He was pretty good at getting things done. Maybe you should try to consider things rationally instead of just emotionally reacting to things.
Corner Stone
@Amaranthine RBG: God. I don’t know why you keep on with this unless someone is paying you to. It’s stupid.
Corner Stone
Hey, I have an idea! I am going to post a quote from Hugh Hefner discussing the Sexual Revolution, not quote the source and try to make it apply to gun control!
You are quoting Obama speaking to Howard University where he is addressing the larger concept of democracy.
Just shut up.
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
Go ahead and post anything you want from Hugh Hefner or anyone else.
Unlike you, I look at posts on their own merits and don’t just react like an emotional little child who lashes out at anything said by anyone with whom I have disagreed in the past. That’s why I probably won’t embarrass myself the way you have today.
It’s nice to see that you googled the quote to learn that it was from a speech at Howard, though. By the way, maybe you should read the whole speech. You’ll se that he outlines the virtues of what some have dismissively called incrementalism. It’s a concept meaning you should accomplish what good you can in the context of what’s possible, instead of acting like an emotionally stunted child who yells and screams unless s/he gets the whole cake, not just a piece.
Corner Stone
@Amaranthine RBG: Purple things sometimes are useful. But the mountains behind them! That is always the problem! Because I have seen dogs that do things in other places, but I doubt those places exist now. They might though! And if they do, I want to make sure that I use sales prices at my local WalMart to complete the continuation of the Grassy Knoll.
Steepleton "Jackie Steeps" Steeplejackson
@Corner Stone:
Well said.
Does a “new” nym have to be certified in every individual thread?