The topic of Trump’s official presidential portrait has come up in comments a couple of times recently. According to The Washington Post, the official portraits are scarce in federal buildings for mysterious reasons.
I’ve yet to be confronted with Trump’s hideous, glowering visage (nor experienced renewed horror at its replacement of President Obama’s smiling, handsome photo — worst downgrade ever!). I’ve not been in a government building all year.
But that streak will end soon when I visit the DMV to renew my driver license. To be honest, I can’t remember if the DMV has presidential photos up. Might be just Governor Scott, which would be nearly as heinous in its own way. Anyhoo, I digress.
As I mentioned when the topic of Trump’s photo came up in a thread, I used to have a job that required me to evaluate and sign off on graphics prior to publication. I wasn’t particularly skilled at that aspect of the job, but even I would have sent Trump’s official presidential photo back to the design team with a note reading, “Are you fucking kidding me?!?”
I can appreciate the Trump design team’s dilemma: the subject is repellent. Even world-class food photographers would struggle with making a turd look appetizing.
But it’s always amateur hour in Trumpland, and that fact is underscored by how often they screw up the little things that a halfway competent Dairy Queen manager would get right, like the typo-riddled press releases.
The current official photo is a testament to that incompetence — or perhaps can be explained by malice toward the subject. (I hope it’s the latter, but the general ineptitude in that communications shop makes me suspect the former.)
I laughed aloud when I first saw the official portrait, and I’ll explain why below the fold, where I’ve placed the grotesque image so as not to mar the front page of this blog with it…
So, here’s the current, awful official photo:
He’s wearing an expression that is meant to convey toughness but instead suggests constipation. Nothing anyone can really do about that: “constipated” or “Mussolini jaw-jut” seem to be the binary choices in Trump facial expressions. But the graphics team could have done something about the fucking hair:
Note how the gap in the north-south comb-over configuration (figure 2) reveals the east-west orientation of the comb-under layer beneath (figure 1). There’s just no excuse for that shit in the age of advanced cosmetology and image-editing technology. Plus, all the greasy, product-laden loops sticking out from his pumpkin-like noggin in figures 3 and 4.
It’s just gross. I’ve seen annual reports for small companies that feature more professional photo-editing than that — performed by art school interns. This is just basic stuff, and you’d think a TV personality / flaming narcissist would be on it. Who knows — maybe that’s the hold up to general photo distribution.
Anyhoo, not important, but revealing nonetheless as an example of rank incompetence in the single sphere minimally informed voters might have expected Trump to excel in: self-promotion. Open thread!
dr. bloor
The intent is “Churchillian gravitas,” but the result is “My Metamucil isn’t working.”
I am hoping that offices will hold up putting up Trump’s photo for as long as possible. And that maybe he’ll be in the hot seat with Mueller before too long.
The photo. It’s his “you’re fired” face.
Almost like “you expect to come here for services?”
Heh. Well, at least the ginormous tie is held captive inside the ill-fitting jacket and he has the Presidential Scowl, the one thing he shares with Pence, who’s practicing in front of the mirror and Mother for when his time comes. Any day now, Mikie.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dr. bloor: “Who’s that blonde girl who’s not Ivanka on our Christmas card?”
It’s Mean Racist Uncle Face.
I would be so tempted to draw in some creatures, living in that thatch atop ILPOTUS’s head. Lice and bugs, at least. Or crops.
It shames us, to have him on our presidential portraits. I’d be so tempted to deface them, but that’s another reason for having cameras in govt building lobbies, no?
ILPOTUS, for Illegitimate POTUS, works as IL duce reference too.
So, Ben Garrison was not available?
Doug R
What’s wrong with a genial smile, FFS?
Is that Trump or the new head of Slytherin?
The Moar You Know
His eyes are not looking in the same direction (that one is kinda freaking me out). He also appears to be hunched over in terror. And he MUST stop with the tanner, it looks fucking ridiculous.
Not a good look.
We have a photo up in the government building I work in.
Constipated is absolutely correct. I’d like they took a picture of him while he was poop-tweeting.
“I can’t read that, I can’t find my cheaters.”
@The Moar You Know:
It’s possible being a human chameleon is one of his competitive advantages. Stay out of tongue range, just in case.
Amir Khalid
Yes, that’s an ugly photo. Trump is ugly inside and out, so it’s the official photo he deserves. But I see the silver lining to the White House’s inefficiency in distributing it: for now at least, your poor beleaguered civil servants don’t have to look at his face every day.
As an IP lawyer, what I find fascinating is that the portrait’s copyright has not been unambiguously open sourced or dedicated to the public, as these types of official government photographs usually are. So, for example, it’s not completely clear that it satisfies Wikipedia’s guidelines to be able to post there. So, the photo used there for Trump is one that a DOD photographer took at the Pentagon, rather than the “official” portrait.
A bit about the Wikipedia debate can be found here:
To me, it just speaks to the level of gross incompetence of the people around this man. I can’t see any ideological reason to do things this way.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: Can you imagine? That would constitute a hostile work environment all by itself!
Trump had to have approved that portrait.
I can’t remember when I saw a portrait that looks as if the camera was slightly above the subject. Let’s hope the photographer was trying to help everyone look down on Trump.
Yeah,his ‘tough guy’ portrait has been up in the local VA clinic since earlier this year. Mandatory. But his flag lapel pin is much too small. Nancy Pelosi’s is much bigger. Someone should remind his base of that glaring lack of patriotism.
His posture screams fear. It may just be that he’s that out of shape but it doesn’t present strength whatever the silly glower is meant to convey.
Official Portrait:
AnAnalysisAnalAnother Scott
Speaking of doctored photos, Tillerson’s State Department tried to pull a Politburo-esqe doctoring on his trip to Afghanistan.
The Moar You Know
Probably would have happened anyway, in all honesty.
@Dave: Glad I’m not the only one seeing that. Hunched in, like he expects Fred to materialize from Hell in front of him and punch him in the face for being a disappointment.
Amir Khalid
@Doug R:
Churchill was Strong Leader. Constipated-looking imitation of Churchill’s scowl = Trump too is Strong Leader.
Smiling is conciliatory. Conciliatory = weak.
Mike in Pasadena
Never trust a man with a comb over. He’s hiding something.
Cher has the official portrait
There were some interesting articles about the portrait earlier in the year. e.g.,
It’s a horrible photo obviously — bad lighting, bad focus, poor white balance, terrible styling. What’s also interesting is that if you look at the metadata, it was taken with a 2007 era Canon.
Its a horrible picture. The interesting thing about it, or what adds to the pathetic quality, is that his face (as everyone has said) is set in his glowering, master, look but his eyes are slightly unfocused and actually look slightly afraid and confused, to me, like they are trapped inside his meat sack body (like the witches eyes in the buffy episode where a woman is trapped inside her own cheerleader statuette, and they are all that can move).
Another Scott
@Dave: His posture is bad, too. His right shoulder is substantially higher than his left. He’s got some mechanical issues going on there. And/or his suit is horrible and he has 6″ wide shoulder pads.
The portrait tells me the prunes aren’t working.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
OT: If you’re wondering why not-quite-Trumpist Republicans like sniveling human gherkin Ari Fleischer, and apparently Paul Ryan are pouncing on the great revelation that Democrats did oppo research? The answer, as I think it’s going to be for years, is “Mercers”
but was the email that quoted trump’s bellowing almost word-for-word “sanctimonious”
@Betty Cracker:
Gee, does it count as treason if people get together and shred a bunch of pictures of Lord Shortfingers? I won’t say burn, since it reminds of those assholes burning their MAGA hats.
My American passport expires in March. I need to go to the embassy here to see what I need to do to renew it. Maybe I’ll go next week. Curious to know if the portrait is up there.
I think I already reported here that as of the end of February, the last time I traveled back to America, it was not displayed at American customs and immigration at Dublin airport. Quite unusual.
Another Scott
@HAL: Nice, but this one remains my “favorite”.
Gin & Tonic
Since graphic design is sort of mentioned, I am spending the day attending a presentation by the brilliant Edward Tufte. It is my treat to myself. Yes, I am proudly a geek. Tough shit.
Betty Cracker
@JaneE: To quote my teenage daughter, “The higher the camera angle, the lower the self-esteem.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
he’s looking at the tripod?
Trump does not belong in office, and that portrait does not belong in our government buildings. Poor us.
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: He’s a master. I’m jealous. :-)
He hates when this image is used so it should be used across the intertrons!
Hideous portrait for a hideous human
@Gin & Tonic: Best part is walking out with ALL THE BOOKS. His skewering of Power Point is priceless.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hillary Clinton isn’t permitted to collect opposition research. Doing so means she’s an evil, scheming bitch.
3 out of 281 Does Not a Turning Point Make
It’s easy to speak out when you have nothing to lose.
Amir Khalid
I seem to remember that Americans have a constitutional right to burn the national flag if they so wish. Gott sei dank, POTUS’ official photo is not a national symbol on that level, so you have my permission to shred away.
A heads-up, something like “full-blown Shitgibbonista moron Ben Garrison,” would have been helpful, by the way. His cartoons are apparently what passes for “humor” in wingnut circles — e.g., “anyone one not a Trumpista is BADBADBAD” and “Lie-berals all SUCK!!” — I guess.
I wish Hillary Clinton had hired more opposition researchers. An army. Someone had to look into this complete fucking stranger who is now the president. I also wish she had her had her own Wikileaks lackey to steal the Trump campaign emails.
Matt McIrvin
@Doug R:
He’s a fascist. Fascists don’t smile in their official portraits. The message is “I’m gonna kill the people you hate, and I’m gonna kill you if you step out of line.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kay: Josh Marshall calmly lays waste to the sanctimonious flacks and dolts and dunderheads at the New York Times.
Crop circles from tiny and somewhat confused aliens is the most plausible explanation for that …style that I can think of.
The portrait looks like a promo for a reality show about an executive. He’s such a fraud.
“Bitch, bitch bitch. Everyone’s a critic. Look, we did Photoshop out the horns.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I saw it. I can’t read them anymore. I’ve been mad since the “FBI Clears Donald Trump of Wrongdoing” piece the week prior to the election.
Maybe it’s simple. Comey said in his testimony Putin “hates” Clinton, which is weirdly personal, but that’s what he said. Maybe they just hate her. As you know, the snobby NYTimes was never very fond of the Clintons- they’ve always treated them like uppity hillbillies.
I have an idea for a better Orange President.
@Gin & Tonic: Obligatory.
That picture was actually the first time I had ever heard of the man, and one of my friends had to explain to me who he was. Jealous that you get to see a talk by him—let us know how it goes!
@HeleninEire: I got mine in less than 2 weeks without using the expedited service option.
Ian G.
How can anyone look at that photo and not conclude that its subject is mentally ill?
@dr. bloor:
I think it’s supposed to be “I’m tougher than you”, but it looks like the facial expression 8-year-old me would make when my parents sent me to my room for teasing my sister.
“Ready, sir? Okay. Say
‘Cheese!’‘You’re not the boss of me!'”jackmac
@Gin & Tonic: I went to a Tufte seminar some years ago. Informative, useful and I loved his design books that came with it.
On Trump picture. Something funky is also going on with that lapel pin. Is it photoshopped in?
I’m way old enough to remember my fair share of presidential scandals. The GOOPerrs rally round the GOP president and the D’s rally round the democratic one. Fine that’s politics.
This is different. The GOP is doing it’s level best to torpedo the investigations into the Russian interference in our elections. Whither the Trump campaign was an active or passive participant in this interference is what the investigations are all about.
But for the GOP to protect the Russians – this isn’t politics this is treason. I’m also old enough to remember when the Russians/USSR/Communists were our mortal enemies and even having a US Official, in the normal course of doing business, having an official meeting with the Russians was subject to attack by the GOP/right wing. They even when ballistic over Saint Ronulus the Unready met with Gorbachev.
And now the GOP and Putin are BFF’s. I hope the GOP held out for a very very BIG payday when they sold their souls and the country out to Putin
Photoshopped Marie Antrumpette looks exactly like a real photo of Trump’s mother. It’s actually pretty freaky.
Lurker From Beyond the Canadian Border
@rp: Eh, the camera doesn’t really matter here. A quick google search indicates that they used a Canon 1Ds Mark III, which is a high end professional camera. According to B&H you can buy a used one for $1500, and the replacement model for $5700. I have an older, much less expensive Canon DSLR I still use (converted for infrared, though).
Unless the camera styled his hair…
@Gin & Tonic:
I went to one of Tufte’s two-day seminars many years ago — probably back in 2002 or 2003 or so. Every minute was fascinating. Hope you enjoy the day; I’m sure you will!
He looks constipated.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The short version is “Clinton did something we can pretend is nefarious if we frame it badly and ignore a bunch of other evidence… and the fact that all politicians do the same thing.”
Because it’s the New York Fucking Times. Christ.
@Gin & Tonic:
Please report back.
Share slides, if there are slides.
The background is horrible-it looks worse than the fake ones they add in for school pictures. It looks like he got the “Presidential” package at a discount big-box store studio.
Say what you will about Churchill, he didn’t need a fucking comb over to hide his bald pate.
Eural Joiner
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
I saw the portrait when I was working on an Air Force base just recently. Made me mad. Shitbag.
@JaneE: hiding his chins…he’s apparently aware his chins have overtaken his jawline…thus you get the jutting forward and the slightly elevated camera angle…
As for the hair….he likes to do that himself, so I can see him pitching a yuuuuge fit if someone tried to “fix” it even in a photo.
@Amir Khalid:
Arguably the most famous Churchill portrait, by Yousuf Karsh in 1941, the scowl wasn’t from enduring the worst depths of WWII but rather, because the photographer snatched away his cigar just before tripping the shutter.
Can you imagine Trump letting anybody with the name Yousuf within a mile of him?
@sukabi: Its a portrait of Dorian Gray.
House GOP tax leader threatens to break Trump’s promise not to change 401(k) rules
October 25 at 9:57 AM
This really IS the difference.
@schrodingers_cat: if that were the case, wouldn’t the human form maintain the appearance of youth and goodness? Everyone can see THAT’S not happening.
During the campaign Trump’s prep guidelines for shooting himself leaked out and as I recall they covered every tiny detail, especially the lighting. He’s not a rube when it comes to this stuff because of the TV series and I’m surprised the portrait seems to have tossed everything out the window.
Major Major Major Major
That’s actually my favorite Fun Fact to tell people about Churchill at parties and whatever.
My favorite one about San Francisco, what’s under those brick circles on the streets, was recently blabbed by KQED.
@sukabi: In this version the portrait reflects the human form. Its probably because of the deal making skills that we have heard of.
Can you front pagers please post another couple of threads ASAP? I would like to get trump’s ugly face off of my computer screen – he is currently in Cole’s twitter feed that lists new threads & their graphics.
@Major Major Major Major
Later in life he had created and wore suits which were all one piece.
Easier to unzip and remove when it came time for someone to pour him into to bed after too many brandies.
His portrait has been up in San Francisco VA hospital since earlier this year. When I saw it I wanted to cry. I remember Obama’s picture and was hoping to see Hillary’s. I then became angry and started looking at my fellow vets, wondering how many of them voted for him.
@trollhattan: we’ve all had a first hand look at his “competence” the last 11 months, and I gotta say, the results of this “photo shoot” are exactly what I would expect from Drumpf, especially given all his exposure to professional lighting techniques / procedures.
Drumpf knows better than ANYONE else how to do _________. Just ask him, he’ll tell you.
@Major Major Major Major: I missed that about the brick circles. What is underneath them?
So help me it sure looks as if that’s a scrotum under his chin.
Betty Cracker
@WaterGirl: Would be easier if Cole would just TWEET some more. I tried to spare y’all by placing the image below the fold. Forgot about the damned Twitter feed…
@SFBayAreaGal: Another anecdote to file under “Trump Ruins Everything.”
Major Major Major Major
@SFBayAreaGal: Water cisterns!
Big Picture Pathologist
Russia, like this country, is being controlled by oligarchs. It is not an existential threat to the wealthy elite and therefore there are few downsides to treason if you’re the GOP.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: I don’t know if we should be encouraging Cole to tweet more…
@NotMax: when you’ve spent your entire life dicking people over maybe your face starts taking on the characteristics of your actions… In his case Old Empty Ballsack.
Fuck that guy. What an atrocious face. I cannot believe this twat was elected. And if I was the graphics team, fucking horns would be growing from his balding skull. Disgusting. Put the picture up and we’ll throw things at it.
Betty Cracker
Maybe it’s just the eternal optimist in me that even the age of Trump can’t stifle, but I think we’re about due for a bombshell from the Trump-Russia investigation.
Betty Cracker
@ruemara: We have a tradition in my family of carving Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween, then blowing the pumpkins up with M-80s. (What can I say? We’re half redneck.) I plan to carve a Trumpkin this year — it was the scariest thing I could think of. I will take great satisfaction in the subsequent explosion.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: Given the way they’re going full-court to preemptively discredit the dossier and the FBI and the investigation and the department of justice this morning…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: I’ve been wondering if this Clinton/Elias stuff wasn’t leaked by Nunes or such to blunt something coming, to say nothing of the the uranium thing, bringing up the emails again. As I said yesterday, hard to imagine Meuller hasn’t already subpoena’d those three US atty nominees that trump was stupid enough to interview
Bill Arnold
The portrait tells me the prunes aren’t working.
I’m fairly sure that he suffers from acting-out[1] of the intrinsic nervous system (AKA ENS[2]). Constipated one day, IBS a few days later.
[1] “Help!!!! I’m trapped in the body of Donald J. Trump!”
[2]wikipedia: “The ENS is also called the second brain.”
@ruemara: Hmmmm. They put up those portraits, it gives us all a chance to aim shoes. Although: cameras in govt buildings. But over half the country that is of shoe-throwing age is ready to pitch one.
@Betty Cracker: I think so too. Although I appreciate how quiet Mueller and his investigators have been. They might be finding even more threads than they expected, at the outset.
It feels a lot like dangerous, pre-storm times, and we need a release for the pressure.
@HeleninEire: Do it quickly. Maybe that glowering monstrosity isn’t up yet.
Chief Oshkosh
@Amir Khalid: Uh, yeah, a lot of them do. His Hideousness is on display in every federal building I’ve been to in the last couple of months. My own theory is that this “special” look was done ESPECIALLY for civil servants, whom he despises.
Can’t wait ’til one of them paints a mustache on it. Would be a def improvement.
No official portrait when I went to get biometric data scanned or when I went for my citizenship interview. The USCIS offices were in Conn and MA respectively. Thank Ceiling Cat for small mercies.
If I worked in a government office, I might be sorely tempted to give the man a Russian lapel pin, just to see how long before people noticed…
@Shell: Too dumb to be the head of any house.
Bill Arnold
@Betty Cracker:
Been noticing a rampup over the last week or two in what is hard not to interpret as [mostly transparent] preemptive-defensive moves.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Trump’s body language – he’s cringing . Bad bluffer, but then he’s a horribly inept liar.
@Betty Cracker: it would seem to be building up to that. Headlines this morning Have put Cambridge Analytica seeking Assange’s assistance in obtaining Clinton’s emails. And over the last couple of days Manaforts balls are being squeezed in NY state with a coordinated effort by state ag and Mueller. The effort to distract folks with Clinton financed Steele dossier is undercut by Bret Stephen’s piece on it doesn’t matter who funded the research what matters is ‘is it TRUE.’
JoeyJoeJoe Junior Shabadoo
@Amir Khalid:
Im reminded of this from the Office:
Dwight Schrute: I never smile if I can help it. Showing one’s teeth is a submission signal in primates. When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life. Jim Halpert: This came out really well.
Amaranthine RBG
106 comment up about this comparatively trivial topic in much less than time that 110 comments up about the substantive fact that hundreds of millions of Americans will be unable to sue their banks in Court.
Maybe folks should aim the outrage machine a bit more selectively.
My daughter drew a brilliant caricature of Dump for the UVA Declaration two years ago. Jussayinzall.
@sukabi: And the deplorables think it’s a distraction from the real scandal, which is of course Hillary. This tweet:
@Amaranthine RBG: Edited: You know what? I don’t even want to talk to you. Ignore me, as I plan to ignore you from now on.
@Major Major Major Major: Cool. Did KQED say how old are the water cisterns?
I don’t know jack about portraits, lighting, and all, but like Betty I have been fascinated and repelled by the hairpiece. It looks exactly like it was taken from the back of my golden retriever/chow mix. It also seems to me that it is more obviously a rug than it was during the campaign. The rug is much darker and yellower (or orange depending on the lighting) than the rest of his hair. The cheap bastard is supposedly worth a couple billion, you would think he could afford a rug that was not so blatantly bottom shelf.
Miss Bianca
@aimai: oh, great, thanks for reminding me of the Buffy episode that actually gave me nightmares! LOL! (before screaming quietly).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amaranthine RBG: Steve….
Betty Cracker
@debit: Sound policy. Some folks access the free buffet only to complain about the quality of the food or critique fellow diners’ diets. I think the technical term is “sanctimonious asshole.”
News Update: Undocumented teen at the center of the legal battle for abortion (as T minions were keeping her from having one) had the procedure this morning.
*sigh of relief*
Miss Bianca
@schrodingers_cat: Yes, sigh of relief indeed. I’m allowing myself time for it before I swing back into my outrage/depression cycle again.
674 people who switched parties between the primary and runoff.
Amaranthine RBG
@Amaranthine RBG:
And number of posts in the past week regarding the upcoming Senate vote that stripped hundreds of millions of Americans of their right to sue … Zero that I recall.
He’s truly an embarrassment.
@Betty Cracker: You’re right. Dammit Cole, get pissed about something and tweet!
@schrodingers_cat: Don’t worry, there’s a new teen they’re attempting to deport:
Immigration detention in sight for girl with cerebral palsy in Texas
Chyron HR
@Amaranthine RBG:
On a scale from one to ten, where one is “mug of hot cocoa on a winter morning” and ten is “masturbating furiously” how good does it feel to see America punished for failing to accept the Berning Man as their lord and savior?
ETA: Same question to Lance.
Betty Cracker
Good God, what a bottomless pit of insecurity:
@Betty Cracker: I have a Halloween card from 19-whatever.
Front of card: depicts Ronald Reagan at his desk in the oval office, with a sign showing that he’s president. Inside of card: “This was the scariest card I could find.”
Little did we know how much worse it could get.
notice that the background is skewed. either Trump was leaning too much and they had to rotate the whole thing to get him straight, or they couldn’t be bothered to hang the background straight to begin with.
Also I know the TV media has the attention span of a gnat, but does no one remember this article from the WaPo back on 28 Feb 2017?
FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier
“At the time of the October agreement, FBI officials probing Russian activities, including possible contacts between Trump associates and Russian entities, were aware of the information that Steele had been gathering while working for a Washington research firm hired by supporters of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, according to the people familiar with the agreement. The firm was due to stop paying Steele as Election Day approached, but Steele felt his work was not done, these people said.
Steele, 53, began his Trump investigation in June 2016 after working for another client preparing a report on Russian efforts to interfere with politics in Europe.
U.S. intelligence had been independently tracking Russian efforts to influence electoral outcomes in Europe.
Steele was hired to work for a Washington research firm, Fusion GPS, that was providing information to a Democratic client. Fusion GPS began doing Trump research in early 2016, before it hired Steele, on behalf of a Republican opposed to the businessman’s candidacy. The firm declined to identify its clients.””
This shit has been out there for MONTHS! Ignore the distraction; focus on wtf they’re doing!
@Elizabelle: This is the calm before the storm?
@guachi: Same; we had the picture up in my last gov building since February. In my new assignment, I/we have been spared. It’s also not up in Wing HQ. Hope it stays that way for a LONG time.
(check your local listings)
@WaterGirl: Yeah. That doesn’t sound so good, hmmm? True, calm is not the right word.
But it’s felt like fuel and fuel and fuel added to a fire …
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just turned on MSNBC to see Craig Melvin dutifully both-sidesing the dossier. “Doesn’t the president have a point?”
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I just hate it that they gave Trump any semblance of a talking point. Fat bastard.
The reason you pay for oppo research is because you’re looking for dirt that is fact based. If you just wanted to make shit up you’d stick a bunch of horny college interns in a room and have them write stories. It’s called research for a reason.
@MisterForkbeard: AND if she didn’t do something then we can blamed her for not stopping whatever it is that she didn’t do in the first place. or something.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: yes the president does – it is the pointy end of his head
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker: Look how puffy his cheeks are, more than normal. Looks like he had his wisdom teeth pulled or something.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Don’t most presidents smile for their portraits? They know they don’t have to put on bs masculinity theatre because they know they’re tough when they need to be.
The data ALWAYS leads to Kushner and The Mercers.
@germy: choc chip cookies or sugar cookies???? Inquiring minds want to know
Gin & Tonic
@Chyron HR: That scale is, um, maybe a little odd?
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I think he’s going for “better than O’bummer’s portrait”. Obama was smiling, but in a sly, confident, and understated way. I think this is Trump’s idea of sly, confident, understated strength.
@Corner Stone:
Does it matter though? WHATEVER the investigation reveals Trump is gonna lie about it. They lied about what that representative said and there was videotape. It doesn’t matter what Trump does or says. The only thing that matters is the substance of whatever the investigators find and whether they pursue it. Documents. Witnesses. Evidence. He will lie about anything, so what he says is meaningless.
It’s not about what Trump does or thinks. That’s the one thing we know. He will lie. It’s 100% up to other people.
It’s hair extensions, not a toupee. He grows his hair long and then has the darker stuff woven into it at the ends. That’s why the result is this gradient effect where it’s white near the head and yellowish starting many inches down. He appears to comb it down over one ear, then over the top of the neck and up again across the top, and then over to one side, because the big gap is in a funny off-center place. And this way he can tell himself that it’s pretty much his real hair, just with stuff attached to it.
that’s good news.
Is he *trying* to look like this guy?
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: He has a terrible smile. He pulls both lips up and sticks out his chin. As bad as this is, his smiling face would be much worse.
Amaranthine RBG
@Chyron HR:
Let me mention this again, though I have mentioned it several times before: I donated the personal max to the HRC campaign. I donated to two other PACs that, in effect, supported her. I did phone banks for Clinton for a couple of months. Then, I drove over the Sierras and lived in crappy La Quinta Inn in Reno for two weeks while I went door to door canvassing for Clinton and Cortez Masto.
So why don’t you tell me again why you keep bringing up Bernie. I didn’t say anything about him but you still have some childish grievance apparently. Get over it.
@Major Major Major Major: That, or he’s not attempting to smile because when he does that he looks like a toddler crapping his pants, so the photographer had him do a duck face instead.
I think it is safe to assume that whatever Der Fuhrer promises will be in the bill, the actual legislation will be just the opposite. And he will sign it. Heck he would sign a piece of paper mandating that water run up hill. At least Henry Blake asked Radar on occasion what it was that he was signing.
@Corner Stone: Or you just get on stage and start word vomiting nonsense. You know, classic Trump.
@Betty Cracker:
Photos please!!
Major Major Major Major
@wuzzat: Or both!
Reasonable people just safely assume it’s all lies so there’s really no point in his talking at all. He doesn’t matter at all to the Russia investigation, under oath, not under oath, whatever. He adds nothing and subtracts nothing.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amaranthine RBG: I have a PhD in Symbology from the University of the Sorbonne College, Oxford; people frequently stop me on the street to ask if I am Brad Pitt’s handsomer younger brother; I am Czar of All the Russias.
Last week I rescued four babies and a basket of adorable puppies from a burning orphanage.
Corner Stone
@FlipYrWhig: This sounds uh a little too knowledgeable…
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oooo, what kind of puppies!? Basket puppie pics are the best!
If I may interrupt: the GOP’s still after your 401K
Now, here’s some horseshit for you:
How will they help people save more, you ask? Why, by lowering how much can be saved…so that you are taxed on the rest(!)
See, if you can only contribute, say, $12K to your 401(K), then that $6K that used to go into it tax-free now gets taxed in order for millionaires to pay lower rates. This is what’s known in the GOP as a “win-win”.
Again: they’re willing to raise taxes on 50 million Americans so that the 1% can loot even more of this country’s wealth.
Hey, just imagine what they’d do if they could privatize Social Security, amirite? Hmm? Hmmmm?
Corner Stone
@Kay: It does matter what he says because that is boosted among the idiots who then go out and multiply his lies. It doesn’t matter to the truth, but just that when the truth comes 35% to 40% of the population will not believe it.
The amusing thing is that paying for oppo research is the worst thing imaginable in politics but taking meetings with foreign powers (Russia) to get dirt on your opponent is just politics and anyone would have taken that meeting. It’s 100% natural.
@Kay: Hey Kay, I missed your post at #154 while I was working on #158…great minds and all that.
Nickel bet says they try to sell this as a huge win for American workers, as they will force workers to contribute to a 401(K)…”you’ll thank us down the road when you retire rich!”…but only allow the first 12K of contributions to go in tax-free. Everyone else, every & anything above that, that’ll get taxed in order to offset the tax breaks for the 1%
Corner Stone
From the TPM article linked earlier.
The question is, why did they “lose” interest in probing the ties?
zhena gogolia
@Amaranthine RBG:
There was a whole thread on it, as soon as it became known. just yesterday, i believe.
@Jeffro: Let me reiterate how glad I am that all new military members are switching over to a 401k style retirement starting 1 Jan 2018. Also I’m glad that higher level leadership (05/E8 and up) continue to push hard for this shit burger. So happy.
Amaranthine RBG
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Super, With all of that imaginary book learnin’ you should probably be able to scroll back to the weeks before the election where I was posting about it then.
Also, too, instead of following me from thread to thread making your stalkerish comments, maybe you should focus on protecting Americans’ right to sue financial institutions … oops, too late for that one.
@Corner Stone: It’s from stories like Donald Trump’s Hair Mystery Solved: He had Scalp Reduction Surgery and Is Donald Trump’s Hair a $60,000 Weave? A Gawker Investigation [Updated]. Some denials at the second link.
@Amaranthine RBG: What the fuck are you on about? No Democrat voted for the thing. What do you think would have stopped it, and how would it involve blogging?
but, the people who DO contribute will understand. and they are his voters.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amaranthine RBG: are you accusing me of stalking you, Steve, or asking me to stalk you?
Roger Moore
The thing I notice immediately is that the composition is bad. He’s leaning sideways, which is why his right shoulder is higher than the left. It also means that to center his face horizontally, they had to leave his body off-center, which is why you can see a strip of background on the right side but his arm is cut off by the frame on the left side. I have a hard time believing it was taken by a serious portrait photographer.
normal liberal
@Gin & Tonic:
I am so, so envious. I have been trying to get to one of these for years, and the stars have just not aligned. I hope it’s wonderful.
@rikyrah: See # 123, we are not supposed to feel relieved or good even for a minute.
these are the IGMFY voters, and they WILL know what’s going on.
Same thing, as the proposed repeal of the local tax deductions. This hits HIS voters square in the face and puts a direct target on the GOP Reps in those districts.
They won’t do it – it’s too popular- but it’s good they’re trying, for the same reason.
They have to find the money for the huge tax cuts somewhere, so it will come out of the hides of poor people- mostly children and poor elderly people. You heard Trump bragging about cutting welfare, right? He’s a moron- there is hardly any “welfare” left- but they’ll tell him they’re cutting welfare.
I think it could still fail. I hope so- if it doesn’t they’ll cement in skyrocketing income inequality for (another) generation. You won’t recognize this country in 20 years. It’ll be poor people and fabulously wealthy people.
The hair reminds me of some of those Cassini shots of Saturn’s atmosphere, when you could see an upper and lower cloud layer.
Trump’s base here don’t have any retirement savings. They’re 60 years old and they have mountains of debt. I have no idea what is going to happen to them- Social Security and a combination of housing, heating and food assistance is their only real chance of survival. I’m sure as shit not taking any in. They made their bed.
Amaranthine RBG
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Creepy stalker is creepy.
Betty Cracker
@schrodingers_cat: Says who?
I rarely laugh out loud, especially these days. But I did when I saw the upper part of Trump’s head in that photo.
It’s not that he has a hair-disability – most people do at that age. It’s the inept way he tries to hide it. I rest my case: the rich don’t succeed in this country due to merit but because the scales are weighted in their favor. Really,who votes for this idiot? (I think that’s the best way to handle it – laughs versus logic. Just as persuasive and less emotionally taxing.)
You know he spends and absolute fortune to have his hair look that bad. I knew we were in trouble during the primaries when nobody in his entire sphere had the ability to tell him how awful he looks.
And he needed more than usual the usual amount of cocaine to try and hide the bags under his eyes.
@Betty Cracker: Check the very next comment after mine.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Alas, I’ve seen the official portrait. I recently retired from a DoD job, and during the exit process unfortunately passed through the senior management corridor where the official portraits hang. And there it was, like a giant turd in my path.
So there is at least one agency within DoD that got their portrait delivered, and went through the mounting process.
This is the constipated-looking frowny face he thinks makes him look serious. I remember it from the debates. He would wear it for the opening intros, before Hillary’s existence reduced him to incoherent rage.
However, in a happier contrast: About a week after retiring, I was in DC at the Harrington Hotel (just round the corner from the Grift International Hotel). They have a wall of presidential portraits along with historic info about the presidencies and any connection with the Harrington. The wall ends with Obama, or at least it did in June, and as far as I could see there’s nowhere to squeeze in constipation-face, even if they felt they wanted to.
The Moar You Know
@Kay: My father told me 15 years ago that this was coming. A two-class society, the rich and everyone else. I believed him; it was kind of obvious that was the goal being worked towards – but didn’t see it coming quite this fast. Don’t think he did either.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amaranthine RBG: Steve…. how can we miss you if you won’t go away
J R in WV
Bill Arnold
They will be investigating. If there is a single Republican (erm, “Righteous voter”; don’t need ten though, just one) who did this, then the actual list will be buried, though the talking point will live forever.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Amaranthine RBG:
Eww, no wonder everyone has pied you by now. That’s disgusting.
@FlipYrWhig: I read the Ivari article last year at some point. A court of law has ruled the Ivari hairweave is really just a very expensive wig, so I rest my case, so to speak.
Bill Arnold
Canny 401K plan managers will bet long on companies that sell a lot of cat food.
This is quite directly a tax increase on the middle class. Even the Wall Street Journal op-ed page would have to engage in serious intellectual contortions to argue otherwise. (I know, they’re quite talented in this regard.)
Seriously? They think they can spin away the wrath that this will generate?
My sense is that the camera is high to camouflage his double chin and he’s slumping forward to hide his stomach.
The look on Trump’s face in the portrait conveys one message to me — Trump is saying “You’re fired!”
Apart from the normal nausea that looking at Trump causes, this portrait is laughable. It’s a wuss trying to look tough.
karen marie
@guachi: Is it nailed to the wall so you can’t turn it around so it’s back side out?
Trump’s photographer is Shealah Craighead, a shitty wedding/event photographer who’s been working for him for a while, although it appears that most of the photos are taken by whoever is standing (or sitting) around with their phone at any particular moment.
This is clearly Photoshopped. The body is an oldish photograph which I’ve seen before. (That horrid expression is burned into whatever controls my fight or flight response.) The lapel pin as well as the flag should be as sharp and in focus as Dotard’s tie because logically they’re all at about the same distance from the focal plane.
Mike G
Imagine being a tourist or immigrant and seeing this poster boy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome glaring at you as you arrive at LAX.
You’re so right. And you can’t call it a smile; it’s a self-satisfied smirk that says, louder than words, that he thinks he’s the greatest-looking man in creation and God’s gift to women as well. I keep a black marker on the kitchen table so I can block out his nasty face in the paper every morning; why should I have to look at that fat old bigot, cheat, and liar? I feel really sorry for any Federal employee stuck with his “hideous, glowering image” all day.
Bitter Scribe
@FlipYrWhig: And when he smiles, his facial muscles form that upside-down triangle under his chin that makes it an insufferable smirk.
@NotMax: Thank you! I’ve been saying that for ages! Looks just like an old man’s scrotum, and I’m married to an old man so I should know.
No One You Know
@rikyrah: But that’s all some people have. Hadn’t this bastard learned anything about wage gaps on the country? And the realities of running a household budget on them?
He looks just plain old and tired to me. And, he looks older each day.
I think he looks small and squinty, like he’s cowering or uncomfortable with the whole thing… although I suppose constipated is another possibility.
I came back from a European trip this Monday and saw Trump’s photo on the wall as we were passing through Customs at the airport. it was small and looked to be in a standard-issue dollar store quality frame slapped up in a corner on the wall. It was almost like they were saying “We have to put this up. Please try to ignore it.”