CNN has the details (h/t Thru the Looking Glass):
Washington (CNN)A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.
A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.
Under the regulations governing special counsel investigations, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who has oversight over the Russia investigation, would have been made aware of any charges before they were taken before the grand jury for approval, according to people familiar with the matter.
On Friday, top lawyers who are helping to lead the Mueller probe, including veteran prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, were seen entering the court room at the DC federal court where the grand jury meets to hear testimony in the Russia investigation.
Reporters present saw a flurry of activity at the grand jury room, but officials made no announcements.
David Anderson
Frog March, Bronco Chase or blanket pardons???
What is most likely
I was racing over here to post this. Just saw the alert!
Adam L Silverman
@David Anderson: Depends whether its Paulie Walnuts, Moscow Misha, Crazy Carter, Jr, or if he went to Jared?
Corner Stone
I am waiting to see it.
Pretty sure Mueller is indicting Hillary for treason and for having a uterus.
This is Trump’s Amerikkka, after all.
Honestly, it’s Manafort.
Would LOVE it if was Don Jr. Or Ivanka.
Corner Stone
The sealed charges are for the cactus plant in the West Wing that should be getting more sunshine, but shit happens and all that.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I understand that Skaarsgaard’s performance was quite terrifying.
Going away party at Paul Manfort’s this weekend!
How long will this latest Whitewater absurdity go on for?
Corner Stone
I am not believing any part of this until Bri-Wi breaks in to take over coverage. It just ain’t shit until then.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I am very confident that Flynn and Manafort are givens… I hope this is just the start.
It is probably Flynn, but I think Manafort will get the heads rolling quicker.
Corner Stone
Uh-oh. Chris Hayes is going full Maddow on this breaking news. Nobody goes Full Maddow. It’s not a good look.
Hoo boy. Can we have a pool on when the orange tweet storm starts?
Thru the Looking Glass...
What’d be really, really nice would be to have the State of NY start dropping charges simultaneously, just to take the pardon option away from Trump…
Is that possible? Two different entities coordinating on something like this? Kinda like a pincers movement?
Cheryl Rofer
Maybe we should have a pool on who it is.
I’ll go with Flynn or Manafort.
Corner Stone
“We all float down here, Anderson.”
Hmmm. Very interesting.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I’m not sure he can wear a tapered black velour jacket. He just doesn’t have the figure for it!
@Cheryl Rofer: Kushner.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Cheryl Rofer: Flynn and Manafort are definitely the early favorites…
Let’s not overlook Carter page while we’re at it…
What are the odds on a trifecta?
Nothing in the CNN article said they were only grabbing one person…
Adam L Silverman
@amygdala: Remember the little prince and prince are offline through tomorrow night because of the Jewish sabbath. So the question is who is with him? Is he going to have his nightly phone call with Hannity? Will he chat with Stone? Who is going to wind him up since no one is around to calm him down.
I should add that sealing an indictment pending arrest, is typical and normal in the federal system.
Well, if we’re all betting Manafort it’s not going to be much of a pool.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Wouldn’t Ivanka break the back of this whole thing? It would send nut bag into full on nut job status. He would start blabbing non-stop. Take her out and into handcuffs and this all ends in 48 hours.
@LAO: Go ahead and ruin a weekend of conspiracy theories.
@Cheryl Rofer: I think you have to pick one. I’m going with Flynn.
I wonder if this is related to Dana Boente resigning.
Mary G
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
I’m in for Flynn.
@Thru the Looking Glass…: Those are my choices. Page, if for no other reason than that ridiculous hat he wore today.
@Baud: It’s Baud, the root of all evil. I’m betting a generic warm beer on it.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, man… I forgot about his 24 hours of non-supervision. Yikes.
@Baud: If only I had that power! I’m sure some crazy shit’s going get posted here and everywhere.
@Corner Stone: Exactly. If we have to guess, might as well have fun with it.
Anonymous At Work
@Trentrunner: Manafort is my guess, but Flynn’s second on the list. And this is BAD news because it means one of them isn’t playing ball and has to be imprisoned and have money taken from them to get cooperation.
Roger Moore
Bets on who is seen fleeing the country?
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: No, Federal first, then state. It has been reported that Mueller has already been coordinating with Schiederman just in case.
@Corner Stone:
And we’d know the difference how exactly?
I wonder if Putin is in on the rumor loop. I read he had a public tantrum a few days ago on the horrible domestic interference that is keeping Trump from implementing various great and noble plans.
@Adam L Silverman: Not to derail the thread but Tim Curry played the character as a flamboyant anime villain. Skarsgard played Pennywise as an avatar of Cthulhu (since It is basically a Great Old One). There wasn’t anything remotely human about him, and he played the Uncanny Valley for all it was worth.
Roger Moore
Wait. Wait. There’s a difference?
My guess is Don Jr. and Trump will fire Mueller tomorrow. I’m batting 0%, but my luck could change anytime now.
@Cheryl Rofer: Manafort. Guy has a ton of issues beyond collusion with Russia.
mai naem mobile
I think it’s Flynn. He seemed to be up to his neck in a lot of shit and the Woolsey story came out today.
Adam L Silverman
Mariotti is only about 2 tweets in, but you’ll want to give this a read:
David Anderson
@Cheryl Rofer: stone, manafort, assange, plus a couple of ppl in the fringes.
All are told that there is one golden ticket so squeal like a pig boy
I like long shots. I’m going with Jared.
@Anonymous At Work: Indicted defendants flip every day. Don’t give up hope.
Did you just say you were waiting for Baud to finish the Baud!2016 beer? I don’t think I can trust you anymore, jl.
Can someone tell us what Fox News is covering right now? We promise to pay for your full Silkwood after…
Arrests could come as soon as Monday.
@Roger Moore: All of them, Roger.
@Adam L Silverman: I still can’t comprehend how people follow Twitter threads.
I hope this turns into something substantial.
The Government Accountability Office plans to probe the voter fraud panel’s funding, internal operations and how it is protecting and sorting the tens of millions of sensitive voter files the commission has collected.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I expect to lose that bet. No inconsistency whatever.
I figure it is either Manafort or Flynn.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I know I’m wasting my guess, but please let it be Sarah H-S.
Cheryl Rofer
If I have to choose one, Flynn. It’s going to be the little fish first. But yes, could be more than one. Manafort next. Maybe Jared after that.
Adam L Silverman
@Anonymous At Work: May just mean one of them waiting to long to try to cut a deal/accept a deal. Don’t forget that no one has heard much from either Giuliani or Stone in a while. Also, if you really wanted to freak out the President you’d indict Pence. I sincerely doubt Mother would even care enough to make bail.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Manyakitty: Nothing in that CNN article says it’s only going to be ONE person…
As increasingly serious and seriouser this whole mess has looked week after week, I’m kinda surprised no one’s fallen out of a 40th floor window yet… or stepped in front of a bus… or gargled w/ a Glock…
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): That’s the spirit!
I can’t count how many times I’ve heard that in Vegas, at least the drinks are free there.
Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon: A note to our readers
mike in dc
Sealed implies a possible flight risk. Could be a name hitherto unpublicized. Or Manafort or Flynn.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: In five year increments.
@debbie: One of the Trumpsters on the panel said that their work has completely stopped because of all the lawsuits and investigations into their BS. I hope that state of affairs continues for a while.
Watch out now!
Adam L Silverman
All of the speculation is fun, but we won’t really know until the Marshal of the Supreme Court finishes setting up the gallows for the summary execution on Monday.
It’s all speculation at the moment.
Adam, might you be working on a post about the broadening internecine battles/forays/campaigns in Iraq (I hesitate to use the term civil war as don’t see it as concisely applicable – yet), now encroaching upon and within undisputed areas of autonomous Kurdistan?
@debbie: Good on those Senators.
Bobby Thomson
Having lived through one Fitzmas when it wasn’t yet apparent that no one had any respect for the rule of law, I expect literally nothing to come from this. It’s a small fish who will be pardoned, after which some Republicans will make Very Serious Speeches and then do fuck all.
Tally ho
Bobby Thomson
@Adam L Silverman: lol
Adam L Silverman
@ArchTeryx: I haven’t seen the new film, but that was my understanding.
Ahh a whole weekend for Trump to stew and make mistakes like try to pardon people revealing whose guilty or fire Mueller or just say too much as admissible evidence.
I sure hope it’s something substantial. Congress should raise the debt limit because they are going to be too distracted later.
Based on the earlier tweet, I’ll put a bet on Priebus, for actions at the RNC.
Good. I’d be happy if Kobach was tossed into the arrest pile.
Cheryl Rofer
@Thru the Looking Glass…: A whole bunch of middle-aged Russian men have run into awkward circumstances.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman: So no way to coordinate, just to make sure Trump can’t pardon everyone carte blanche? (I’m not a lawyer… I just like to pretend I am from time to time)…
And while we’re at it, perhaps it’s time to bring back the rack & the iron maiden, ya know, to help people find their tongues…
@Baud: Mariotti is worth the effort to read his threads. He’s aghast at the situation the country is in, and explains legal concepts clearly. And he just threw his hat in the ring yesterday for Illinois AG, so that he can push back against the current administration.
@Adam L Silverman: well done. *golf clap*
They are saying that the consensus for scandal-plagued Mueller to resign is growing.
And to fuck up his golf swing!
Chyron HR
It’s Manafort, they went after his accountants with a vengeance.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t think making fun of Jeffro Mensch is very nice right now.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Manafort is going to be desperate to prevent being extradited to Ukraine, we’re he has a 9mm welcome party waiting to be scheduled. Flynn is desperate to not have his rank reduced to colonel or below and have his retirement jeopardized so his wife isn’t on the street while he’s in prison. There’s a lot of soft spots that Mueller can squeeze to induce pain.
@bmoak: Of course. Thanks for taking one for the team and checking. :)
@Anonymous At Work:
Given the investigation includes Russia and Putin – playing ball could have a number of personal safety issues.
What’s to stop Trump from pardoning anyone involved? Fox News et. al. will do anything to cover for Trump and make sure his base still backs him, so the political damage maybe less than expected.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Cheryl Rofer: Money says Jared (special K)Kershner
@Adam L. Silverman
Thurgood or John?
Adam L Silverman
@Trentrunner: Pirro is guest hosting for Hannity. She’s covering how much trouble Clinton is in in regard to the Fusion GPS oppo research. Dobbs over on Fox Business has a special segment going about dinosaurs.
Will save the celebrations for after any actual arrests are made.
Sorry, burned too many times before.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman:
Ooooooooh… gallows?
That’s even better than the rack…
Hopefully they’ll set ’em up on the National Mall… right at the base of the Washington Monument…
Trump will finally draw the size of crowd he’s wanted all along…
@Adam L Silverman: That has me smiling – would make my day, week, year
Corner Stone
Hope Manafort has enough money for food and water tasters until he’s in custody.
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: The weekend is young!
Anonymous At Work
@Adam L Silverman: If Pence could be indicted, he’d have already cut a deal to be President in exchange to not pardon Trump.
Millard Filmore
@Adam L Silverman:
Is that a hard and fast rule? I was hoping that Trump would be neutralized first to preempt a blizzard of pardons. Not that it matters now that all this is in motion.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: In addition to the two I’ve done? Probably.
@Adam L Silverman:
I don’t understand why Flynn hasn’t been court martialed
@gene108: Well, nobody can really answer that question. Only time will tell. Personally, I think granting pardons on investigations into his administration may lay the groundwork for an obstruction charge.
Serious question, will the indictment come as a surprise to the subject of same, or are they given a bit of a heads-up with time to hide the silver and call their lawyers?
Millard Filmore
Since the legal paperwork is already in motion, can the firing of Mueller stop the process?
@lgerard: He’s a civilian.
Why would Mueller do this on a Friday night?
Why are so many of you thinking only one person?
This is a big deal, I doubt that only one is on the first list. I’d say 3-5. At least. No one is alone in this bullshit, no reason to hold back to sweat one at a time.
John Revolta
“You! Army guy! Tell ’em to start warming up Air Force One and point it towards Moscow!!1!!11!”
@Adam L Silverman: dinosaurs, lol
Major Major Major Major
Oh, that’s exciting, happy Friday!
@Wapiti: Saw speculation a few days ago that Priebus had definitely flipped. No real need to arrest a cooperative witness.
To see which way the roaches start running over the weekend?
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s rarely a surprise in white collar investigations.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Cheryl Rofer:
Indeed they have… the last count I had was nine… I’m rather surprised that no one on this side of the Atlantic met a similar fate… yet…
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: And by run you mean fallen out of windows, been impaled, been poisoned, been beaten, been stabbed, been shot, been dismembered. All in the worst cases of suicide and death by natural causes the local officials had ever seen!
@Thru the Looking Glass…: Depends on if you count the Russians dead under unusual circumstances in New York.
And the odd deaths of a judge and DA in NY and Florida, respectively.
The have to know they are guilty. So far everyone seems to have lawyered up so how wouldn’t they know?
@Gravenstone: cooperators are in fact always arrested and plead guilty in the feds. The indictment wouldn’t be leaked though and all the related documents would remain sealed until the targets were arrested.
You might for safety.
He didn’t resign his commission
@Ruckus: innocent people lawyer up every day. not saying that applies to these folks but, you know.
ETA: I think I misread your comment, so feel free to ignore the snark.
@Adam L Silverman: Is Dobbs reporting on his family tree?
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: The general rule (tradition? Legal Fleagles help me out!) is that Federal charges are always brought first. That Mueller and Schneiderman have consulted with each other, and that Schneiderman has not been shy about letting it known he’s conducting his own investigations, is intended to signal to White House Counsel McGahn and the pardon office at DOJ that pardons he would 1) be pointless as Schneiderman is set to pick up the slack if necessary and 2) would definitely indicate that illegal activity had occurred.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Maybe Trump will stroke out when he hears about this?
I suspect Manafort. Seems like a safe bet.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: It was belt high over the fat part of the plate. Not swinging at it would have been a crime.
@lgerard: I don’t know what you are getting at?
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman:
Ya know… that was my thought too… what do we have between now and Monday morning, 60 hours?
An awful lot can happen in two & a half days…
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Sadly no.
Sheer spite keeps him and Dick Cheney from their date with piss soaked graves.
@Thru the Looking Glass…: There’s still plenty of time for that.
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
Yeah, plenty of time for Trump to order a strike on North Korea or Iran.
/I wish I could say that in sarcasm. But he’s stupid and crazy enough to do it.
Ohio Mom
When this is all done, I’m coming back to this thread and seeing who predicted correctly. So I can hang on their words ever after. Since they have proven themselves extremely perceptive.
@Adam L. Silverman
Yes, please. What’s unfolding now with heavy military armaments beyond disputed areas such as Kirkuk is tres troubling. Seems Abadi is feeling his (Iran grown) oats now and heading into a bridge too far mode, to the point of abrogating Iraq’s constitution. Also flouting stances made publicly by both al-Sistani and al-Sadr.
@Adam L Silverman: Ah, Twitter has been notably less insane since I muted Louise.
Adam L Silverman
@lgerard: As a rule, general officers/flag officers protect their own. More’s the pity.
He retired from active service, but he is still part of the military and is being paid by the military.
Accepting payments from a foreign government.without permission is strictly verboten.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: This isn’t a white collar investigation.
Manafort. Bobby three sticks is done with his bullshit an d is leveraging him.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: I turned it off right quick. Basically just popped my head up on both channels to quickly see what was up.
@Adam L. Silverman
Because the Marshal of the Supreme Court doesn’t have a double L.
@Cheryl Rofer: What about Felix Sater?
Dammit, I was off by a few weeks…
Roger Moore
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
I don’t know about that, but don’t be surprised if some people get 9mm aneurisms.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman:
But… what about suicide by leap from the back of a moving train?
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: That’s my worry. The President is going to need a hell of a diversion.
@Adam L Silverman: If I were writing the script, the low speed chase would be Ivanka walking to the White House in the middle of the night with helicopters overhead and mobs of reporters following after her. Possibly tugging a reluctant child along behind her.
@Roger Moore:
Worse cases of suicide ever seen by the GOP.
@LAO: That’s more what I meant. That if he was cooperating, his indictment wouldn’t be made into a circus like this. More in line with a gentleman’s agreement.
@Adam L Silverman:
You forgot bathtubs!
@Adam L Silverman: I should have put it in quotes, I meant to distinguish violent crime or organized crime investigations, where the feds don’t reach out to defense attorneys or subpoena documents from the subjects. The indictment won’t be a surprise to the target.
This is what I always thought. They cooperated by admitting that they were involved and asking for leniency. But to give them that, they’d had to have been charged and arrested. Besides as I said up thread, their safety may hinge on them not being on the street.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@TenguPhule: Unfortunately and frighteningly enough, that is true…
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: As long as al Sistani stays quiet, Abadi can and will do whatever he likes. al Sistani, in my opinion, has become like the Japanese emperor in the 19th Century: a voice too pure to be spoken.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: She’s nuts! Its the eyes, they give it away.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: I knew what you were on about. I decided to take it in a different direction.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: He cut his deal a while back.
If we are guessing, this is a person that I’d like to see behind bars, Rebekah Mercer.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@TenguPhule: Geez… it’s reaching a point where you need a score card to keep track…
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: It was reported about 6 weeks ago that Mueller’s folks told Manafort when they did the no knock that they were going to indict him.
I may not have stated it very well. All of the known suspects have been questioned, I’d bet rather extensively, and all of them would have lawyered up, none of them are in my economic bracket where a lawyer is a massive expense. Of course they need a far better lawyer than I might ever have any need for. I hope the expense doesn’t get them anywhere.
Manafort – because of the evidentiary raid on his house. SFAIK, that’s the only raid Mueller has ordered.
@Corner Stone: Just caught up to this…hey, being off by a few weeks in this crapfest ain’t too bad, amigo!
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman: Yup… and I suspect we’re not alone in being concerned about this…
@lgerard: Well fucking court martial him then, jesus.
“Taken into custody”
Truly beautiful phrase.
Sealed indictment means someone is going to get perp walked by Monday AM. Unless singing commences.
Wonder what Fox & Friends will feature Monday?
@Adam L Silverman: I’d watch the hell out of that!
@Cheryl Rofer:
¿Porque no los dos?
Cheryl Rofer
@Manyakitty: Sater has been an FBI informant in the past. The obvious dirt is on Flynn and Manafort, but bit players have a chance too.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
Bomb bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran!
Or… “Fuck it! This is all Vlad’s fault! Well he can get a nuclear missile rammed up his ass! Kelly, get me the football! If I can’t win nobody can!
I hope Jesus hears you
The uranium deal and Benghazi
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve edited your comment. Whatever you were trying to link to was a dead link, but it had captured the reply button. I think, however, that you were looking for this:
So far CNN is the only channel reporting this as fact. Every one else is saying if the report by CNN is true. I sure hope that CNN has valid sources.
Trump could have set them up.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Major Major Major Major
I, for one, am going to enjoy the good news.
@Adam L Silverman: I wondered about that. Trying to think back to all the guys we haven’t heard much about lately.
Corner Stone
“I want him dead! I want his family, dead!!”
Anne Laurie
I’d like it to be Roger Stone, if only since he’s popped up again this week on the JFK conspiracy “news” reports.
Well, TBH, I’d really like it to be Jared Kushner, picked up for discussing an attempt to flee the country without breaking the Sabbath. But I don’t think J-Kush is smart enough to understand how much trouble he’s about to be in, so that’s not likely.
Cheryl Rofer
@SiubhanDuinne: Could be both or even more.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@JPL: Well, there’s always a chance we did get played here…
Corner Stone
The best news is that Joy Reid is coming up next on MSNBC.
@Adam L Silverman:
That is the meme I had in mind but did not try to link to it. But iPad is completely borked and I am clumsy on phone, so maybe.
BC in Illinois
Theme music: Locomotive Breath
@Major Major Major Major: No, silly. Now is the time to invent brand new bad news.
Adam L Silverman
@Manyakitty: Basically he’s a professional informant. It’s why one of the attorneys Mueller brought on board was the guy who handled him in/for the Eastern District of NY.
Lizzy L
Manafort AND Flynn, because why not. And I too would dearly love to see Roger Stone go down, but I do not think he’ll be among the first. I’m also holding out hope that somewhere down the line, Rudi Giuliani will be indicted. Please.
Edited to ask: has there been any news from/about efgoldman?
@Adam L. Silverman
He did put out a recent statement, albeit narrowly targeted to Kirkuk.and before the current hostilities extending beyond. Dunno if you saw this, for example, about a strategically crucial border area.
@JPL: Hmmm.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: I write my fiction in the morning.
@Adam L Silverman: Tricksy little hobbitses
Thru the Looking Glass...
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Or…
We can always hope he decides to flee the country… perhaps he’ll tell his pilot to head for St Petersburg and the man will think he’s talking about the one in Florida…
Wilson Heath
Now I understand why the x-mas season barf already started this year.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . .
@BC in Illinois:
Also too,
The Heat is On – Glenn Frey
Runnin’ On Empty – Jackson Browne
End of the Line – Traveling Wilburys
Adam L Silverman
@BC in Illinois: Even better, the Chateua D’Isaster Tapes:
Maddow tonight:
REBECCA MERCER linked to Wikileaks—Clinton Emails – CA
AFTER it’s known about the Russian hacks
Corner Stone
I hope I see you on your way down
I hope you break every bone
I hope it kills you on your way down
I hope you die alone
All of your hate and all of your lies
Will it be worth it?
When all of your friends
Refuse to be allies…
Will it be worth it?
Adam L Silverman
@Lizzy L: What happened to efgoldman? Did I miss something?
zhena gogolia
I’m going with Manafort too.
@Adam L Silverman: He was having some pretty serious medical issues and was on his way to the hospital Thursday.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
Gallows humor. I mean, if Trump’s goose was really cooked and he had mentally degenerated to supervillain-level insanity I could see him trying to pull something like that. And then the Generals heroically tackle him in the Oval Office and “accidentally” crack his skull open on a corner of the desk. Pence resigns due to “ill-health” and the People are so grateful we throw out the constitution. Kelly, Mattis, and McMaster form a triumvirate to peacefully rule over America and protect “traditional values”. Co-Emporer Kelly particularly talks about the “white man’s burden” and our need to self-lessly bring human rights to the dusky savages of Africa. America took over the world, spread freedom to everyone, and eventually created a post-scarcity society.
The end.
And I have no idea what I just wrote. Total crack. Derp.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Hadn’t seen Sistani’s statement. When I looked about a week or so ago he hadn’t yet said anything. As for the comment, I’d seen that report.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
He said he was going into the hospital and wasn’t doing well. I haven’t seen anything since. Very worried.
Bill Arnold
Going with Flynn and Stone. Bannon[1] would be too much to ask for.
(Just going with the ones I like least, i.e. “rankest-first”)
[1] Looks like he lives in a white van with no windows in the back, AND fiercely, intelligently evil, in some value systems.
Ohio Mom
@HeleninEire: I’ve been looking for you because of what you said the other day about your sister and the bc pills she was, and then wasn’t taking but will probably start taking again.
I know you said your mom died of breast cancer but if that is the only breast cancer in your family, there is not much risk for your sister. Most of the time, breast cancer is not genetic, it is just bad luck.
The big exception is if the BRCA genes were in your family tree, and then there’d be breast, ovarian, prostrate and pancreatic cancers among family members, and then taking bc pills would indeed be risky.
But if this remains a concern of yours, and your sister would allow it, she could just make sure she has regular mammograms — that is, increased surveillance.
I double-checked this on my favorite breast cancer site,
Sign me,
An Amazon
@zhena gogolia
If so, is it too much to hope for that he blockades himself within his luxury digs in Trump Tower and the building is stormed to get to him?
Corner Stone
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: That’s a hell of a screenplay.
@Adam L Silverman:
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Jeebus. What are you on and where can I get some? That is prime rib of dystopia!
Roger Moore
I’ll suggest Sessions as the dark horse candidate. We know he’s involved in both the Russia business and the obstruction of justice that got Mueller involved in the first place. He’s also an obvious candidate for a perjury charge over his Congressional testimony.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Tracking.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: I think you mean Tuesday.
Corner Stone
This reporting is all deza. It’s obvious Natasha Bertrand and Vyeessel NYEETS Skuyuh are sisters. They have been gaming us this whole time.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Needs more zombies.
Gin & Tonic
@Gin & Tonic: Huh. It was Wednesday. My bad.
Lizzy L
@Adam L Silverman: What raven said. I was hoping that one of the front pagers would be willing to try to email him. Worried jackals are worried.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: It is interesting that by late this afternoon reporters on the various shows were talking about people speculating that the President had early onset Alzheimers. Here’s one example, you want to watch from the 10:18 mark:
Ohio Mom
@Adam L Silverman: efg reported that he’d developed open sores on his legs that were very painful, he’d fell a few times and Mrs efg couldn’t get him up and they had to do the 911 thing, he lost all the progress that he had made in PT, like being able to walk without a walker and being able to drive…a little while later, he said he was going to the hospital.
I imagine lots of us would do something — send cards, flowers, whatever. If someone knew his real ID.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Got it. Let me roust the other front pagers and see if anyone’s heard anything.
@rikyrah: dear god, I haven’t asked for much lately, or ever really, but if you’re there and want to really, truly make your presence known…have Bob Mueller frog-march the Mercers out in public by FBI agents for their treason and then also please can I have a pony? kthxbai
@Gin & Tonic: Don’t matter.
@Adam L Silverman: thx
@Adam L Silverman: SD knows efgoldman IRL, she probably knows how to contact him. Also too, front pager AL.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: in the triumvirate a major civil war erupts. Same goes for the second triumvirate.
Major Major Major Major
@Jeffro: I like your fictional universe better than Goku’s :)
Trivia learned today:
Orson Welles (!) was put forth as a possible candidate for Congress. He declined to run.
Joseph McCarthy won that election.
Bill Arnold
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
The Russians have way overplayed the whole heart-attack-with-concurrent-head-trauma thing, and defenestration, and poisoning, and a few other approaches. At this point, any more deaths of people involved in the Russia investigation would be de-facto extremely suspicious.
The guilty should of course be extremely worried.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: The only person who is likely to be down with Goku’s joint is TenguPhule.
@Ohio Mom: Thanks for this. Cancer does run in my family. My Aunt died of breast cancer at age 36. One of my cousins had it too, but she survived. My brother died of pancreatic cancer at 45.
Interestingly, both me and Mary tested negative for BRCA1 and 2. My older sister does not want to get tested. I got the test at Memorial Sloan Kettering and the genetic counselor said that even though I was negative there is just too much cancer in my family; it has to be genetic. They just haven’t isolated the gene yet.
Ohio Mom
@Ohio Mom: Silly me, it is obvious what we should send efg: a bunch of green balloons.
Indictment? What indictment? Must be Hillary’s… Fox News Twitter 8 minutes ago:
James E. Powell
I can never feel optimistic about investigations into Republican misconduct. In the same way that the Village press/media can take routine acts by the Clintons and make them seem like a combination of the Corleones and the Peróns, they can take blatant corruption and criminality by Republicans and bury it under a pile of “both sides” and “some say” bullshit.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: nah, the good guys probably win in Goku’s, TP would hate that.
If it’s a Federal Indictment, Trump can pardon, correct? Does this mean we’re hoping a State indictment is also in the wings?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Major Major Major Major:
I guess It’s supposed to be a parody of people’s high hopes being placed in people like Kelly when in reality they’re scumbags too. Reminds me of Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron a little. When I wrote it I was just writing crack without much thought put into it. I even changed tenses once.
Ohio Mom
@HeleninEire: You are very, very well-informed — most people aren’t. I can’t even begin on the dumb stuff I was told so my first instinct is to assume others don’t know. But you do.
I was glad to hear that your conference call went well and that everyone is working together. Hoping it works out well and you can stay in your beloved Ireland.
@Ohio Mom
A different option.
Podesta, in the cloakroom, with an unencrypted Toughbook.
But seriously, hope the indictment(s) are for whoever pukes up cohorts easiest. Manafort the chalk?
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: Why not both?
This is interesting, too. Maybe President Romney?
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: just playin’.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: We should all kick in and get him a real one.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I don’t know. It kind of just came to me. It started as the Generals being some kind of Deus EX Machina that people, the media wanted them to be to prevent a nuclear war and then went from there.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Bill Arnold:
And it would also make sure some keep quiet… might also loosen some tongues too, come to think of it…
This qualifies as an exceptional understatement…
Gin & Tonic
@p.a.: I vote for Paulie. Dude *always* looks out for #1 (himself.)
@Major Major Major Major: thanks!
I’m just waiting waiting waiting here – I knew I missed it by a few weeks but I didn’t miss it by much – indictments are dropping and here we go people!
Mary G
I know efg’s daughter’s twitter handle, but just by coincidence from when she was on Jeopardy and I follow her boss, or ex-boss, not sure which. Feels like doxxing to tweet to her, no?
Major Major Major Major
To your eternal shame.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G: You could do a private message.
ETA: Probably better not though.
It’s gonna be Melania.
She’s gonna tottaly rock the perp walk in strappy heels and those aviator shades!
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: I would say don’t do it.
Ohio Mom
@Mary G: Save for a Plan B if Adam’s efforts don’t pan out?
@Adam L Silverman: Hey GOP – there’s a reason why Trumpov “can’t. quit. talking. about Russia” and it’s not entirely due to the fact that he’s an addled narcissist…let’s drill down, shall we? Geez, these people…
mai naem mobile
Ugh. I hope efg is doing okay. I know he’s on dialysis so he’s pretty much guaranteed a minimum 3 day stay in the hospital.
Also, did Betty from the USVI ever check in?
@Major Major Major Major: Oh yes…warm up the tar and ready the feathers…;)
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: most people have it set so you can only PM with mutual followers.
Corner Stone
@Shrillhouse: That would be done in private. She’s been a covert handler for decades now so her situation would be a prisoner exchange under the radar.
So, where are we on the timeline?
Day of the Tiles?
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: That makes sense. And then I would say that contact through twitter is a bad idea.
Yes, please – Adam, AL, SD – please let us know how EFG is doing!
Lizzy L
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you.
Another Scott
@Jeffro: He (or someone) is twittering about Hillary and Russia tonight. Hmm…
Lizzy L
@Mary G: It does. Let’s see what Adam and the other front pagers can do.
Adam L Silverman
@Lizzy L: I’ve sent a couple of emails. I think the email he uses to post here is a dummy email. But I’ve pinged the other front pagers (on a Friday night at 10:30 PM EDT…) and I emailed SD directly. If/when I hear anything back I’ll post something.
He @CaseyL:
I’ll try emailing him.
Anne Laurie
Any lawyers want to speculate on the chance this is Paul Manafort, asking Mueller to indite him as a personal defense against Putin’s goons?
“What else could I do, fellas? He was about to throw me under the jail!”
I mean, if Manafort’s in federal custody, it looks a lot more suspicious if he has one of those infamous tripped-in-the-bathroom fatal “accidents”…
Mike J
@Anne Laurie: If anybody out there has an ex boyfriend or business partner that works for Trump, now is the time to take care of your problem and have it blamed on somebody else.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Did you get my email?
Trying to email him. Wish I had a direct contact for Mrs efg, who is lovely person.
Mary G
They have had such a horrible year with the death of her sister, I am hoping efg will get fixed up soon, but I worry.
Villago Delenda Est
Prediction: Melania indicted by the fashion police for wearing fuck me pumps to a flood zone.
Mike J
Sam Wang poll, guess the indictment:
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Anne Laurie:
Right… somehow, whilst shaving w/ an electric razor, he manages to cut his own throat ear to ear, and in his haste to grab a styptic pencil, slips on a bar of soap, grabs a plugged in toaster, and falls into a full bath tub, w/ the resultant muscle spams from the electrical shock tossing him right out the window of his 40th floor condominium…
Clearly an accidental death…
Good. I wanted a second.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
You haven’t accounted for the bullet through the temple.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Tripped and fell on it. It happens.
@HeleninEire: Not to intrude, as a newbie to this board, but as a BRCA2 carrier who had breast cancer…it’s possible that you tested negative for the BRCA mutations known to cause cancer, but there might be a variation of unknown significance. Some of those are nothing, but some later become associated with cancer. An aunt, mother, and cousin with breast cancer and a brother with pancreatic cancer is a pattern that definitely sounds suspicious for a BRCA2 problem (as you know, but others may not, it’s BRCA2 that’s associated with pancreatic cancer). There are also several other genes associated with breast cancer, though I can’t recall off the top of my head if any are also associated with pancreatic cancer, so it might be worth looking into getting tested for those if you haven’t been already. (I had the entire panel run on me, because when I was initially diagnosed I didn’t have my full family history that was highly suggestive of a BRCA problem in hand, but it was my second cancer in three years, following on my lymphoma diagnosis, so naturally they were suspicious!)
My understanding is also that with the BRCA mutations, family history is something of a guide to what individual carriers might expect. In my case, for example, it was my paternal aunt who was first found to have a BRCA2 mutation, and I was the second; tracing back through the family tree, there are three more women and at least two men who definitely have or had the mutation. Result: Five women who all developed breast cancer by age 40; of those, two died from it (back in the 1940s) and three are still alive. No ovarian cancer despite two of the breast cancer women having their ovaries for at least 20 years post-breast cancer; no prostate or pancreatic cancer at all.
As far as the birth control pills thing goes – there’s a lot of debate, but it’s not necessarily as much of a risk as you might think. Though it’s just anecdotal, I took birth control pills for over 15 years…but my cancer was triple-negative, so there’s almost certainly no connection. In fact, I’ve been allowed to take low-dose estrogen replacement, as I’m still several years shy of the average age at menopause. The breast cancers caused by BRCA1 mutations tend to be triple negative, so hormonal medications shouldn’t encourage most that might get started to grow. BRCA2-associated cancers tend to be ER/PR positive, so there’s more concern there (my cancer was unusual in that respect). But on the other hand, BRCA women in general are frequently given the option of taking oral contraceptives to decrease their risk of ovarian cancer, if they’re not done having kids or are not ready to have their ovaries and tubes removed. I believe the thinking there is that the increase in breast cancer risk may not be all that great, such that it’s worth it for the substantial risk reduction you get in ovarian cancer risk, especially because it’s much, much easier to catch breast cancer at an early stage. Of course all treatment/prophylaxis decisions are highly personal; just wanted to provide another perspective.
@Roger Moore:
Not Sessions. I think he’s already made a deal with Mueller. That’s why he’s protecting the investigation. When this is prosecuted, he wants to be the person who’s not going to jail.
@Adam L Silverman:
I did. iPad is pretty fucked so I have to be succinct but I emailed him saying jackals are concerned.
So that (presumably) rules him out.
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: @SiubhanDuinne: @Omnes Omnibus: And if he’s at his place in NY its the 43rd floor apartment in Trump Tower.
Speaking of which, given Sessions loosening of the civil forfeiture rules, can Mueller just seize Trump Tower?
Ohio Mom
@ProfDamatu: Wow, that was very informative. After my BRCA tests came back negative, I stopped reading up on that aspect of breast cancer.
Hope you will keep commenting.
Gerald Parks
Isn’t the Dotard scheduled to be out of the country this week? Asia … isn’t it?
Bet this is a short trip! With lots and lots of tweets!
J R in WV
Kinda reminds me of The Saturday Night Massacre when Nixon fired everyone in charge at the Dept of Justice until he ran into someone willing to fire the Special Prosecutor – Robert Bork!!! Back then, news moved at a snail’s pace over dedicated phone lines connected to banks of teletype machines, with big boxes of fanfold paper running through to have news typed at 55 words a minute.
We (wife and I) both worked at the local newspaper, so after the work party started to break up, we went by and watched and listened to the only 5-bell stories come of the wire in our life of working at the paper. Obviously in 1962 and 63 there were 5 bell stories for the Cuban missile crisis and the J F Kennedy assassination, but we were kids then.
We were adults working in the news biz for the Saturday Night Massacre, and it was amazing. Of course, it wasn’t a perfect happy ending, because Nixon got pardoned by Ford, and never stood trial for his obstruction and conspiracy. I think pardons ought to require indictment, trial or guilty plea in order to have something for which one may accept a pardon. But I’m hard core about the public trust!
My money is half a dozen middle managers get popped, you all have named them already, pretending like only one or two will go down at first. And maybe you’re right, maybe it will be released one a day for weeks, at least a couple…
Have a nice weekend, all. Hoping EFG is doing better, I know everyone is.
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV: A few sealed indictments lead you to all that?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The courts made it clear that pardons aren’t the same as exoneration. So if there are state laws broken,…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Out of curiousity, isn’t there some kind of unspoken spy rule that they don’t assassinate foreign nationals in their own country? Something like the country were it happens will just go ape on the citizens of the country that did it when it happens or something?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Fingers crossed!????
Villago Delenda Est
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: In the age of Vlad, there are no rules.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: You know as well as I do that there are always rules.
Two in my immediate family had BC, one died from it, one lived decades without recurrence. Go out one more level of family and there is another with BC. She lived a long time with it but it finally got her as well. On the other side grandfather died of what I was told was massive cancer. No one would tell me what, didn’t want to scare someone who might have been able to do something about it. I’ve had cancer, still waiting for results to see how they think I’m doing.
Some of us just have all the fun.
Millard Filmore
@Adam L Silverman:
What will he seize? The debts?
Are you still a billionaire if you are a billion in debt?
@Millard Filmore:
I think this is the first time I’ve laughed all day.
Anne Laurie
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Yeah, but Putin kinda figures he’s half-way to owning America already — he might be tempted to order an assassination or two, if he figured it was just those inconvenient individuals keeping him from claiming full possession.
(Of course, the way Americans think, any such actions would be the surest way of guaranteeing that all points of the political spectrum would un-splinter to reject Putinism… )