#AkimaLLC should have applauded Juli Briskman's bravery and honesty. I hope she sues them, and I will help crowdfund her legal bills. pic.twitter.com/64GbGy5asq
— Laura (@LauraDalMare) November 6, 2017
Her name is Juli Briskman (@julibriskman), she's from my hometown (Sterling, VA) and she's a patriot. Someone give her a job. Thank you. https://t.co/v7Bc89Va7t
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 6, 2017
“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.”
Local columnist Petula Dvorak, in the Washington Post:
It was the middle-finger salute seen around the world.
Juli Briskman’s protest aimed at the presidential motorcade that roared past her while she was on her cycling path in Northern Virginia late last month became an instantly viral photo.
Turns out it has now cost the 50-year-old marketing executive her job.
On Halloween, after Briskman gave her bosses at Akima, a government contracting firm, a heads-up that she was the unidentified cyclist in the photo, they took her into a room and fired her, she said, escorting her out of the building with a box of her things.
“I wasn’t even at work when I did that,” Briskman said. “But they told me I violated the code-of-conduct policy.”…
Because Briskman was in charge of the firm’s social-media presence during her six-month tenure there, she recently flagged something that did link her company to some pretty ugly stuff.
As she was monitoring Facebook this summer, she found a public comment by a senior director at the company in an otherwise civil discussion by one of his employees about the Black Lives Matter movement.
“You’re a f—— Libtard a——,” the director injected, using his profile that clearly and repeatedly identifies himself as an employee of the firm…
Did the man, a middle-aged executive who had been with the company for seven years, get the old “Section 4.3” boot?
Nope. He cleaned up the comment, spit-shined his public profile and kept on trucking at work.
But the single mother of two teens who made an impulsive gesture while on her bike on her day off?
Adios, amiga…
TY new friends. ??? Please vote! GN
— juli_briskman (@julibriskman) November 7, 2017
There’s at least one GoFundMe account set up in her name, but I don’t know if it’s been verified.
In the Good News department, the retired children’s librarian who laughed at Jeff Sessions in public will not be charged a second time. Maybe Sessions’ lawyers convinced him he’ll be too busy elsewhere to give this case his full attention?
Desiree Fairooz tells me she’s relieved she’s no longer facing "a criminal conviction for a chortle” https://t.co/hz21O9kzAs pic.twitter.com/Jaif9gBoum
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) November 7, 2017
What disgusting people our opponents are.
Why would anyone want to work for such fucking dicks?
She will look back on the day she was fired as a good thing.
I hope she’s working on objecting to that disparate treatment, and I hope she gets a huge settlement.
Major Major Major Major
@jharp: Many people can’t be picky about their employer.
Mike J
Paycheck. Actually liking your job or the people at it is a luxury that the majority of people don’t have.
What we want and what we need has been confused, been confused……
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah, I think the article said she was single with two kids.
Since open thread, after today’s election is over, need some posts to contact Congress on the tax bill. From what I heard on the news this morning, seems like enough horrible provisions will come out that can get it killed. As, for example:
Tax deduction for uninsured property losses in accident eliminated unless part of officially declared federal disaster area ( think that is right, the wording in the report was a little unclear)
Elimination of deduction for medical expenses
And, expansion of favorable pass-through income treatment does not apply to anyone who actually works for a living. So if you are a doctor or an engineer, you don’t get it. Amazing. I guess this is another screw-their-own-base provision.
And in same news report, i heard donors are really pissed that their bennies are not big enough. Why wait for complete elimination of inheritance tax? Why not get rid of it all right now now now? And some GOP House fink said the donors are doubling down on their threats to walk if they don’t get everything.These jerks are despicable, and on the up side, insane, incompetent and childish.
If Senate can even be persuaded to just moderate the tax slash scam substantially, could really jam things up. And if McConnell tries to ram through an extreme bill, could see a repeat the humiliating public fiasco on healthcare.
Amaranthine RBG
More heroes: http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/07/us/church-shooting-heroes-reunite-trnd/index.html
@Suzanne: If there is a double standard in terms of company policy, can she sue and take the jackass director’s house?
A government contracting firm? That doesn’t sound too suspiciously vague or anything. Perhaps a Democratic Congressperson could drop them a friendly phone call saying “when we get the majority, your business is toast. Prepare for much testifying.”
Mary G
@jl: I had stopped calling Darrell Issa as often, but when this bill came out I went back to every day, plus postcards/faxes. I have thousands of dollars in medical expenses and have itemized for years, even without a mortgage, and would have to pay a lot more in taxes. I actually think that’s OK for me, but most disabled people didn’t have my choice to keep working as long as I did and a mom who believed in owning your own home in an area where prices skyrocketed.
Roger Moore
That seems like a red flag telling the Democrats to double down on defeating it by all means fair or foul. Getting a good policy outcome and creating a schism between Republican elected officials and their ultra-rich donors? Where do I sign up?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
OT – Was in Bowling Green today, talking to a lawyer who knows Rand Paul and his attacker. Seems that they actually have been squabbling over yard waste for years. Paul is goofy and the last person in that neighborhood doing his own yard work. The neighbor hasn’t practiced medicine for a decade, had some brain injury.
Things boiled over. My informant despises both of them.
The standard, it is double.
Hope she finds someplace worthwhile. There are plenty of libprog businesses in NoVA, but nowhere near as many as should be: it’s Defense Contractor Central.
Seconded. The compare-and-contrast would play very interestingly to a jury.
Roger Moore
@Mary G:
Amazingly enough, Issa has actually come out against the bill in its current form. I guess he can read the electoral tea leaves well enough to know he doesn’t want any part of it.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Amaranthine RBG:
I sincerely hope you’re joking. All those guys did was risk their own lives and the lives of others chasing that guy at 95 miles an hour down the interstate. What if they had lost control? Or exchanged gunfire on the freeway, killing bystanders? This isn’t an action movie, this is real life.
@JMG: See my comment #15. NoVA is big on defense: Bechtel, BAE, Rolls Royce, Mitre, Lockheed, Northrup, all are here. There are a number of less-MilInd contractors out there, but these guys are the big players. Don’t expect any Dems to do much about this (right away).
“Why would anyone want to work for such fucking dicks?”
“Paycheck. Actually liking your job or the people at it is a luxury that the majority of people don’t have.”
Paycheck. Actually liking your job or the people at it is a luxury that the majority of people don’t have.’
I teach my kids differently. Do not go to work for assholes. It will cost you in the end.
And yes. We were all born on first base so my family can enjoy that option.
@Roger Moore: For the sake of my bilious splenetic true-blue BJ soul, the bleating of that House GOPer over donor threats cheered me up. These ghouls are already pissing their pants over getting something passed that is horrible enough to please their donors, so will be that much easier to get them shitting their pants with some salutary and healthy citizen input on their outrageous BS.
randy khan
I’m glad to hear the feds have dropped the prosecution of Fairooz. It was stupid from the start, and they should have known it.
@jharp: Very nice for you! Perhaps they didn’t appear to be such dicks when she hired on. Single mom – may not be so easy to quit on purity principles.
Major Major Major Major
So you know it’s not a very universally-applicable piece of advice and you still use it to judge people?
That’s how it starts with you liberals. First a chortle, then a guffaw. Pretty soon you’re tittering, cackling, and finally snickering. An example should have been made of her.
That’s why they’re our opponents.
Not willing to risk it. Kill it in the womb, we must.
This time the fuckers have an actual threat looming over their heads which will force out a compromise bill, the donors cut off the money if they don’t.
@Roger Moore:
Only thing Issa wants is re-election – which is doubtful & impossible if he supports this bill
I’ll flip off Trump for money.
@Baud: You let your supporters flip you off for free, though. Hypocrisy issue for Baud 2020!?
I’ll undercut your bid by $100.
@TenguPhule: We could pay off the national debt!
@jl: One of many.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: @TenguPhule: Does this mean I have to refrain from flipping Trump off to artificially constrain supply?
@jharp: Lots of us have worked terrible jobs in order to maintain a roof over our heads. While I recommend doing something else if you have the option, not many people are overwhelmed with options.
Mary G
@Roger Moore: I haven’t been down there myself, but there is a protest outside Issa’s local office every Tuesday since election day, exactly one year. That’s dedication. Today’s is still going on, but last week they had more than 600 people attend.
My new hero is Ted Lieu, representative of probably the bluest district in So. California, Santa Monica & Malibu. His twitters responding to Trump are great, and WaPo has a great article today on “‘I can’t do this again’: Why a congressman walked out of moment of silence for Texas victims.” He broadcasted on Facebook instead that he’s a Catholic, he prayed on Sunday, but he’s a legislator, so he wants to pass gun safety laws rather than make empty gestures.
@Major Major Major Major:
No, it means we have to petition Congress to get wrist supports as tax write offs.
Those fingers aren’t going to flip themselves.
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: Oh man, I saw some headlines today and the gun-humping flag-wavers are super pissed off.
@Mary G: Ted Lieu is the best. Good for him.
Okay, before the election results start dribbling out, who needs a chuckle?
Trump is tweeting again.
/palm to face
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
12 minutes and it’s out of our hands. I feel good about Virginia tonight. At least I know I did what I could to help.
I flipped off Bush’s motorcade in 2004. Lots of people must’ve done it to one lousy Republican president or another over the years. Never heard of anyone getting fired for it before.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Good Christ, what’s he saying now?
Have’y heard boo about whether there are any important ballot initiatives anywhere today.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): So far accusing the Democratic candidate in Virginia of being the incarnation of all that is evil on Earth (paraphrased) and promising that if the Republican gets elected, crime and M13 will end.
randy khan
Yes, kill the tax bill as early as possible. Carnage among the Republicans is desirable, but really optional, since failure to pass it will cause enough carnage of its own.
mai naem mobile
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: it makes me wonder how much of a job being a Senator is that Rand has the time to do his own yard work. And I am serious not being snarky.
randy khan
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
From your lips to God’s ear.
@mai naem mobile: They work less then 4 months a year under the current schedule, IIRC.
Work being defined as having to be in DC and vote.
Mike J
Add Ted Poe, TX-02 to the list of Republicans who aren’t running in ’18.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: From The Twitters:
Ragnarok Lobster@electricbrotha
Atlas Thugged
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Well, that’s good to know. I’m glad he isn’t letting stupid ass shit like his fucking job get in the way of his vital twitting. Asswipe…
@smintheus: The ex-Mr. Suzanne and I flipped off Bush’s giant head on an outdoor screen at a debate-watch event in 2004. A photographer took a photo of us with our fingers silhouetted against the screen. Spawn the Elder was on my shoulders. I joked that the photo should be called “American Gothic”.
@mai naem mobile: Rand Paul has said that mowing the lawn is calming and therapeutic for him. Of all the reasons to hate the entitled twit, mowing his own lawn is not one of them. I also have a hard time being pissed at him for composting or gardening.
Of course, I have an HOA, and my HOA is very reasonable, and I still hate it.
@Mary G:
That’s a hell of a contrast to Pence with his “I’m a Christian first, conservative second and Republican third.”
Ted Lieu for emperor!
@jl: That GOP House fink was Collins of New York. Flat out admitted it. In a sane world, that should end the sellout’s political career.
In sports news, former MLB pitcher Roy Halladay has been killed in a private plane crash. Hell of a pitcher. And judging by the depths of the remarks from his former organizations and teammates, a hell of a man as well.
A Ghost to Most
In a past life, I worked for Akima for five years. Owned (was then) by some rich fuck of Hawaiian descent, using it to snag contracts because it was native owned. He seemed pretty skeevy.
Quickie search did find this.
Some pretty important mayoralty races today – New York, Atlanta, Boston, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Charlotte.
Mary G
Another “Fuck You, California” in the tax bill:
Some disasters are more disastrous than others? They can’t seriously think that’s Constitutional.
@NotMax: (Raises Hand) Cincinnati!
la caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
@NotMax: We have one in NY- a proposal for a Constitutional Convention. All good lefties voted “no” on that one because there’s too much we could lose and whatever we’d gain could easily be done by standalone amendment to the state constitution.
@Mike J: That’s great news.
Fair Economist
@Mike J:
Doesn’t that make two retirements just today?
If Chris Matthews kisses this (Richmond Times-Dispatch) prick’s ass one more time I’m going to put a shoe through my fucking tv
@Mary G:
It helps that they’ve never read the Constitution.
@Duane: Even in a sane country it would.
In Britain, although hardly an example of sanity these days, the Defense Secretary resigned last week over allegations of sexual misbehavior for example.
Too early to call instead off too close is a good sign for Virginia.
@Jeffro: WTF are you doing watching Chris Matthews?
@Gravenstone: Oh wow.
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: What? You got a problem with the word “elan” ?
@Calouste: More of the government in the UK is going to have to resign once their Russian connections become public.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I am feeling good too. Good NoVA turnout. Was so rainy late afternoon I could not mark my canvass sheets. Packets are coming back in, falling apart.
@hueyplong: wanted to see what the blessed “hot take” was on cable news, no matter how many times I’ve railed against its utter stupidity
I’m like Pookie in NEW JACK CITY: “…that shit be calling me, man, it be calling me…”
@Major Major Major Major: …and even if you’re born of first, you can always get thrown out going to 2nd base.
@Elizabelle: I’ve decided to be pre-angry and hopefully will be presently surprised by the amount of our wins.
@Elizabelle: @zzyzx: Blue Virginia blog has been in a pretty good mood all day.
@Yarrow: Hell, the government may collapse their any day now since the PM is such a weak putz that she can’t control her own foreign policy Department.
And here you thought us cynics didn’t have any good points!
@TenguPhule: It’s bad when cynics infect others. that’s when it’s harmful.
Mike J
@Fair Economist: Third this week and fifth this year from Texas alone.
@Yarrow: I noticed that Papandopoulos lived in London, and Carter studied in London. I doubt that the Russians set up a spy operation in London exclusively to recruit Americans who happened to come by, and distribute some polonium.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Are you a cynic?
Born on first is ok, but it ain’t great. Re-adjust your perspective. Necessity is a powerful motivator.
@TenguPhule: Boris is in trouble and he likes to think of himself as PM-in-waiting. Brexit is not really happening. The whole thing is a mess.
@Calouste: London is a hotbed of spy activity. Russians are not the only ones. Also, Cambridge Analytica does not have “Cambridge” in its name by accident.
Gelfling 545
“And some GOP House fink said the donors are doubling down on their threats to walk if they don’t get everything.”
That would be Chris Collins. Contender for dumbest man in Congress.
@la caterina (Mrs. Johannes):
Conservatives are against it as well. NYPIRG is ‘neutral’. Every union is against because it is a raid on the pension piggy bank. I have heard a lot of Public Defenders are for the Convention because the deck is so stacked with county courts, but I haven’t seen any other groups being aggressively ‘for’, except for front groups.
@mai naem mobile:
Sure you’re on the right blog?
@Yarrow: The incompetence of the Tories is really quite shocking. They’ve just been given a deadline by the EU that promises to be painful when the Brexit crew fails to meet it. They are perhaps the only country on Earth in deeper shit then we are.
@Major Major Major Major: Depends on my mood. Sometimes. I try not to bring others down though.
Why do you think so? I thought the Tories were all in.
Michael Steele defending Ed birth of a nation Gillespie. I can’t even with him.
@Gelfling 545:
Oh right, Ted Cruz resigned to join the misadministration.
@trollhattan: They are, but they can’t negotiate worth a damn. 6 months in and they’ve accomplished nothing as far as defining the terms. So hard Brexit crash looks increasingly likely.
@MomSense: Didn’t they work together at the RNC? Is it kind of a “oh, it’s all an act, I know that guy, for real, he’s cool” sort of thing?
@trollhattan: Maybe I didn’t phrase that well. It’s happening but the negotiations are going very badly. The Tories can’t figure out how to negotiate anything, the EU is playing hardball and that means the UK will end up with a very hard Brexit. By “not happening” I meant “going very poorly, hardly going at all.”
@Gelfling 545
So, V.P. material then?
I flipped off Nixon when he spoke here in the 1970 Congressional elections. Unfortunately, as I was wearing my school uniform, I was found out and served a detention for my action.
Major Major Major Major
@trollhattan: The tories are all in for brexit like the GOP is all in for a border wall or repealing obamacare.
Mary G
With 4% in, it’s a virtual tie. Am I right in remembering that No. VA votes come in later than the rest of the state, or is that just wishful thinking? I know, I need to calm down, but I just can’t.
Patricia Kayden
Why though? Unless they could identify her as the cyclist, I would have kept my mouth shut.
@Mary G: You are correct.
A clusterfuck in an omnishambles bearing down on catastrophe, I believe some observers have put it.
@Mary G
Your recollection is correct.
Have a working-class neighbor who allowed himself for no particular reason some years ago to be flipped from Democrat to Republican. His ancestry is Irish; you know the saying, the Irish are a people who remember everything and forgive nothing.
Just struck me that that’s no longer the case, though. Republicans have really managed to convince a lot of people who ought to know better to remember nothing and forgive them everything.
Any idea what time we can expect to know about VA and all the other important elections? After the election a year ago, I don’t think I can look until we have the final result. Bastards! Stole the election and stole my faith in our elections.
@TenguPhule: @Yarrow:
Ah, got it.
Too bad they’re stuck with May for the time being, it would be nice to see a Labour coalition in power to maybe put the brakes on the whole thing. It’s like the country is getting into boats headed back to Dunkirk.
@Patricia Kayden: She was giving them a courtesy heads up so they wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
@Mary G: From Blue Virginia blog:
Gentle reminder to all my Virginia politicos with short memories and non-Virginia political neophytes watching tonight’s results that the results will come out in this order:
1. Rural Virginia (dark red)
2. Hampton Roads (purple)
3. Richmond and the burbs (purple)
4. Arlington/Alexandria (dark blue)
5. Loudoun and Prince William (light blue)
6. Fairfax (blue)
Near the bottom of the top part of this page: http://bluevirginia.us/2017/11/live-blog-virginia-election-results-2017
Francis Fauquier
Results looking really really good for Northam so far even in my disgustingly Red County. Still early, but Northam is seriously outstripping Hillary and McAuliffe in white, rural counties/precincts.
@Patricia Kayden: She was their social media manager (or one of them) and felt it was better to give her bosses a heads up rather than have them be surprised. She’d already acknowledged it was her on her personal social media account, so she couldn’t really pretend it wasn’t her.
Her better move might have been to deny it from the beginning, but once it was out she probably figured it was just a matter of time before her employer got wind of it since the photo had gone so viral.
@trollhattan: She’s just a few resignations away from her government collapsing. Her cabinet is disrespecting her AF right now.
I don’t know why anyone would think cynically exploiting racism for votes is better.
Early results have Gillespie up by 5%. Fuck.
Mary G
@Baud: Thank you, future POTUS!
ETA: And you, too, FlipYrWig!
@Mary G: I’ve been working my tail off for a local candidate where I live in GA. It’s non-partisan, so national politics don’t enter into the race. I told another volunteer, that I’m more concerned about VA race.
Patricia Kayden
@Mary G: Yes, Northern Virginia is the last counted and usually pulls the state blue. It will probably be a late night before the winner is announced.
@FlipYrWhig: Thank you. I did not know that.
@debbie: I think even Jesus would have flipped Nixon off. Good for you.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Remember, it’s only liberal SJWs that play “identity politics”.
Mike J
@Suzanne: Just switch the tv off or change the channel. The result is baked in, no sense freaking out about the counting now.
Don’t forget NJ. If Menendez goes down I believe the gov names a replacement. Need a D there too.
If you go by exit polling only, it looks good for Northam. He is even with or doing better than Clinton did in exit polls in all categories. Not by much, but she beat Trump by 5%.
Major Major Major Major
@FlipYrWhig: Good to know, thanks, now I don’t have to look it up! :)
Hi, I’m Suzanne. I’m a fairly neurotic individual. Nice to meet you.
@Suzanne: Easy there, fella
Mike in Pasadena
Was ther some big news about the 25 Texas worshippers coming back to life after Sunday’s shooting? I just belatedly read that Paul Ryan defended his thoughts and prayers bullshit by saying on Fox that the secular left doesn’t understand that prayer works. No follow up question asking HOW prayer works. Rethuglicans have been uttering “thoughts and prayers” after mass shootings for years now. Yet, we ccontinue to have more mass shootings and more dead people that stay dead dead dead. How exactly have those prayers worked?
CNN reporting that POS pressured Pompeo for six to eight weeks to meet with some conspiracy theorist that believes the DNC hack was an inside job. Pompeo met with him today.
Patricia Kayden
@Suzanne: Northern Virginia won’t be counted until much later and is the bluest part of the state.
@Suzanne: Hope you’re doing a bit better today.
Good News if this bears out on the Tax Cut Front
Far enough apart that there’s plenty of room to drive deeper wedges between the House and Senate.
18% reporting and Northam up by 2 percent.
@japa21: That’s what I said on No More Mr. Nice Blog. Let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton won by 5 and Terry McAuliffe, WHO NOBODY EVEN LIKED, won 4 years ago.
@p.a.: Isn’t NJ supposed to be a cakewalk?
@p.a.: We need Menendez to survive til the D takes office in January. Not worried about the D winning, worried about the timing of the verdict. Personal opinion is that even if he’s found guilty, stay in office til January. Bring a gun to a gun fight for once.
@Mike in Pasadena:
Republicans pray the general electorate remains stupid. Inevitably, their prayers are always answered.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike in Pasadena: Prayer works by keeping Republican sheep in line after mass shootings. It’s become a cynical way to do nothing while looking pious.
Mary G
Went to the Virginia Dept of Elections results page – Northam has pulled ahead slightly with 19% of votes counted. I feel better. They update every ten minutes.
Major Major Major Major
@Suzanne: You? Neurotic? You don’t say.
Brazille or Warren?
Sloane Ranger
@Yarrow: Not to mention Priti Patel. Just heard on the news she had several other meetings with Israeli officials she didn’t bother mentioning to anyone. She’s going to get really roughed up in the Commons as the Speaker has granted an urgent question. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. She’s an arrogant entitled prick who thinks the US Republican party is too left wing!
@japa21: And only 1% of the Fairfax vote in, according to the NYT.
I’m so glad you all are here as I give myself carpal tunnel syndrome refreshing the returns and wondering if a Mylanta smoothie might settle my stomach.
And in very early and extremely sparse numbers from those northern counties (stir in several Lot’s wives worth of salt), Gillespie almost 30% behind.
So there I sat. House seized in foreclosure, my only income from odd jobs on an irregular cycle, daughter with a chronic condition that required a couple hundred dollars of medication a month and wife’s medication doing the same. In Georgia, all because I had the effrontery to be a bit old, educated and experienced in a declining profession at the start of the great recession — lots and lots of qualified applicants for a handful of positions nationwide.
If Koch or Trump had offered me a regular wage job doing something I hate, I’d have taken it. Because there’s this threshold below which keeping family healthy plus roof overhead and food on the table trumps everything.
I got lucky. I got a job with a company I like and respect, doing things at which I’m good and enjoy doing. But when I see remarks like yours I keep wondering if you’ve been down that low, where first base is the dream because you’re still hoping to get your turn at bat.
And honestly, I hope you never get there. I just hope that you’ll take a moment to recall we exist too.
@Baud: Hahaha…can’t remember the name, some guy.
Blue Virginia posters say that the “Not Larry Sabato” guy is already ready to call the race for Northam.
@TenguPhule: Problem for the Brits is that they didn’t have a negotiation position to start with. The rest of the EU was quite happy to see them go. It took a while for the Tories to get that, although I think they still haven’t completely.
@Sloane Ranger: It’s going to get ugly, that’s for sure.
McAuliffe is Exhibit 1 in why you always vote D no matter what your impressions of the candidate are.
@MomSense: lobbyists gonna lobby
@Baud: hahahahahaha well played sir
24% and Northam has over a 3% lead.
@Mary G: NoVA results do come in last. No worries here
@Major Major Major Major:
I get it. Some or many or maybe even most don’t have a choice.
And I would never disparage anyone who had no choice. My bad. That was not my intent.
Refuse to watch FOX as a rule. But if Karl Rove has another meltdown might be willing to make an exception.
Patricia Kayden
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Sounds like they are both horrible neighbors. I cannot imagine getting into a physical altercation with any of my neighbors. Whatever happened to just calling the police? Or being the better person and backing down from a fight?
@Baud: Exactly! I kept wanting to scream at the Hillary haters, many of whom were T-Mac haters before, that sometimes the “unlikeable” “corporatist” can surprise you. Sigh.
Amen. It took 12 years to crawl out from the bottom.
Mike J
Cole put up an election thread.
tracy ratclif
@Mary G: Urban areas always come in last, because it takes longer to count the votes.
Assuming Northam does win, how is the House of Delegates voting going.
Patricia Kayden
@NotMax: Trump may be the one to have a Twitter meltdown and it should be epic now that he can rant in 280 characters.
Mary G
@Baud: @eclare: Haven’t followed the polls in NJ; maybe I’m just channeling Suzanne after watching POS get elected pres.
Speaking of channeling, I think the restless spirit of LBJ* has taken over Page and is just fucking with Rethugs for a laugh.
*fuck LBJ
@Patricia Kayden
Gotta link the headline scene from Citizen Kane.
@Mike J: Who is Dave Wasserman?
@TenguPhule: At ‘only’ 7: Ouch, you have my sympathy.
Honestly, one of the things that helped me get through was support both on and off-list from commenter on this here site. Enough that I make ‘belong to a healthy blog famly’ part my recommendation to others in the boat as part of their social support networks.
Sister Golden Bear
To all the “but Pence would be worse” types. Fuck you.
You’re not the ones who are being stripped of your rights day by day.
Also this from Mr. Wasserman:
One more:
@Kirk: I had the misfortune to graduate right after Enron collapsed.
@Yarrow: Yeah, definitely better than yesterday. Just talked to Spawn, and she sounded much improved from how she was in the ER. She was allowed off her unit and has been to activities and therapy. Her roommate is transgender, which thrills her. She said she is liking group therapy more than one-on-one so far because she can get stuff out of it without having to talk the whole time. So….progress?
Political Wire has called it for Northam. I haven’t seen any of the other networks call it. Weird.
@Suzanne: That’s great news. Glad to hear it. Hope this is the start of better times for her and you all.
NYT has their projection as Northam winning by 7.9% when it’s all said and done. I think Clinton won by 5.3% in 2016. A 2.6% swing is probably more of a blue switch than you’d expect from Virginia (it’s the state trending blue the fastest, but 2.6% in one year is still large)
@TenguPhule: Sorry to hear that. I had the misfortune to graduate just when Reagan was creating the worst the economy since the Great Depression.
Some of them seem unable to read anything written in any year with more than 3 digits. dense comes to mind.
Steeplejack (phone)
It may surprise you to learn that many assholes do not come conveniently labeled for public identification. In fact, many times their assholishness emerges only in clutch situations like this.
Jesus would have flipped off Nixon for sure. He probably would have come back just for that. He would have apologized for drumpf. Everybody gets it wrong once in a while.
@Mike in Pasadena:
Not to be too much of a smartass, but not fucking at all.
Of course the standard comeback is they were answered and the answer was no.
I didn’t have the wife and kid thing hanging over my head but yeah, the last recession wasn’t nearly as much fun as the others I’ve been through. Back in the early 80s I had 6 people working for me and all the work dried up. We went 4 months with no work. I cut down the hours, first to 40 (we normally worked 48 at the time) then 32. We painted, cleaned, built tools for ourselves, and I paid the guys. Two guys got pissed that I cut back the hours and left. I thanked them for their work and efforts but was I glad to see them go so I didn’t have to close up shop. Those 4 guys that hung in there were really glad to see work come back and I’m glad they had no idea how close we came to shutting down. That was 4 months. This last one was a lot longer and a lot worse.
Glad you recovered at least somewhat.
Yeah! Good news!
One on one works better for some, group works better for others. And usually for exactly the reason your daughter likes it better, less pressure to open up as often and seeing others do that encourages her. She may or may not have exactly the same issues as others in the group but she’s among equals. That can be vital. Maybe you can tell, but I’ve been a counselor and have participated in both one on one and group.
@Ruckus: I once had a dream job, where young ladies would see me and immediately come and sit on my lap and tell me their deepest desires…
… But being the K-Mart’s Santa Claus neither pays very well nor lasts very long. And if you’re just this side of homeless, many principles may be luxuries…