Jane Mayer has produced an excellent piece of long form reporting on Christoper Steele and the investigation into Russia’s active measures and cyberwarfare campaign to both influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential elections and to continue to influence US politics (h/t: Paul Campos at LGM). I just want to highlight what I think are two of the most important points, if not the two most important points, in Mayer’s article, which Campos also highlighted, with some commentary.
Robert Hannigan, then the head of the U.K.’s intelligence service the G.C.H.Q., had recently flown to Washington and briefed the C.I.A.’s director, John Brennan, on a stream of illicit communications between Trump’s team and Moscow that had been intercepted.
I cannot emphasize how important this is. While this has been reported and/or alluded to in other reporting, what Mayer is unequivocally stating is that the head of Britain’s equivalent of the NSA hand carried the signals intelligence (SIGINT) of communications between the Trump campaign and/or Trump organization with the Russians. Moscow in this sentence means Russian government, not just people living and/or working in Moscow. This is important because it means that counterintelligence task force that Director Comey set up, and that Special Counsel Mueller inherited, has had the actual communications captured by British intelligence. Thanks to our British allies, from the start of his investigation, Special Counsel Mueller and his team have known exactly who from the Trump campaign and/or businesses were in touch with Russian officials and what they said to each other. So when you see reporting on Mueller’s investigation or what he is seeking in subpoenas, just keep in mind that the Special Counsel has known a lot about the who, the what, and the when since he started. What he and his team have been doing is fleshing this out. Mapping the overall network. Determining the directions of influence. And, of course, following the money.
The second important part of Mayer’s reporting I want to highlight is:
One subject that Steele is believed to have discussed with Mueller’s investigators is a memo that he wrote in late November, 2016, after his contract with Fusion had ended. This memo, which did not surface publicly with the others, is shorter than the rest, and is based on one source, described as “a senior Russian official.” The official said that he was merely relaying talk circulating in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but what he’d heard was astonishing: people were saying that the Kremlin had intervened to block Trump’s initial choice for Secretary of State, Mitt Romney. (During Romney’s run for the White House in 2012, he was notably hawkish on Russia, calling it the single greatest threat to the U.S.) The memo said that the Kremlin, through unspecified channels, had asked Trump to appoint someone who would be prepared to lift Ukraine-related sanctions, and who would coöperate on security issues of interest to Russia, such as the conflict in Syria. If what the source heard was true, then a foreign power was exercising pivotal influence over U.S. foreign policy—and an incoming President.
The question here is who was the American conduit of interference? The contemporary reporting at the time was that Kellyanne Conway played the leading role in dissuading the President from nominating Governor Romney as Secretary of State.
President-elect Donald Trump’s former campaign manager again strongly suggested on Sunday that his supporters would not back former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for secretary of state.
Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump’s top advisers, told CNN’s Dana Bash that while she hoped Romney would be a gracious secretary of state if selected, his aggressive criticism of Trump during the 2016 Republican primary did not sit well with the president-elect’s supporters.
“It’s just breathtaking in scope and intensity the type of messages I have received from all over the country,” Conway said. “The number of people who feel betrayed to think that Governor Romney would get the most prominent Cabinet post, after he went so far out of his way to hurt Donald Trump — there was the Never Trump movement, and then there was Mitt Romney.”
Just who was Kellyanne Conway receiving messages from about a potential Romney nomination to be Secretary of State? And is she still receiving them? Or, if it wasn’t Conway, or only just Conway, which other staffer, friend, or family member close to the President is taking direction from the Kremlin? I’m sure Special Counsel Mueller and his team are diligently trying to answer these questions.
Stay Frosty!
Open thread.
Another Scott
Relatedly, … Reuters:
At the moment, they’re not treating it as “terrorism”, but one wouldn’t think it was “terrorism” in the usual meaning these days…
Vlad seems to be up to his old tricks again.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: I’m already tracking that. SVR wet work.
But I can only do one post at a time. I’m a nat-sec professional, not a miracle worker…
@Adam L Silverman:
My image of you is entirely blown…
Corner Stone
While I never believe anything KAC says at face value, I actually would tend to think her statement about Romney criticizing Trump may be her motivation.
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: I’m sorry I have failed to live up to your expectations. I will withdraw from all public life and adopt a life of ascetic introspection to make up for this failure.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Her actual employers are the Mercers. Who is Mercer’s business partner in Cambridge Analytica? A Russian oligarch close to Putin.
Conway had no experience in campaign management/as a campaign professional. She was a marginal, niche GOP pollster. Making her even a figurehead campaign manager makes no sense unless you keep in mind that the Mercer’s put her and Bannon on the campaign to watch out for their investment.
Corner Stone
@Another Scott: Has anyone heard from Mifsoud recently?
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: I didn’t say it was the only motivation, just that it’s the most plausible cover lie she has probably ever told.
“Oh boy is this great” (channeling my inner Flounder).
Tiny rivulets of hope are beginning to flow throw my rage-clogged veins and arteries.
Inquiring minds want to know: from which country?
@Adam L. Silverman
You file has been so amended.
Corner Stone
Nunberg going down! Refusing to comply with grand jury subpoena. Where’s a Yarrow when you need one?
randy khan
The Trump-Romney thing is interesting, but I always thought it was Kabuki, mostly intended to humiliate Romney. There’s no evidence that Trump wanted anybody who was remotely competent in the job, as such people would know so much more than him that it would be painful for all concerned.
Now, pleasing the Russians at the same time he was doing something he wanted to do, that’s something I could see him being very happy about.
That’s a terrific piece of reporting by Jane Mayer. In case you don’t read the morning threads, Cheryl linked to it in an Anne Laurie post earlier today:
The more of Jane Mayer’s reporting I read, the more impressed I am. Such a good, careful writer. Hope (and assume) that she’ll have a book on this entire mess at an appropriate time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This loopy fucker is yapping on MSNBC right now
Corner Stone
I recently watched a few videos of Sarah Kendzior from Feb and March 2017. It’s frightening how all the things she said at that time have just been amplified over the last year. And the one with Peter Brooks (Heritage) and Steve Biegun (possible replacement for McMaster?) just makes them look fucking ridiculous.
Just One More Canuck
I’m a Doctor, not a historian!”
“I’m a doctor, not a botanist.”
“I’m a doctor, not a counterinsurgent!”
“I’m a doctor, not a dragonslayer!”
“I’m a doctor, not a peeping Tom!”
I’m a doctor, not a database!”
“I’m a doctor, not a battery!”
“I’m a doctor, not a performer!”
“I’m a doctor, not a zoo keeper!”
“I’m a doctor, not a voyeur!”
“I’m a doctor, not a bartender!”
“I’m a doctor, Mr. Neelix, not a decorator.”
“I’m a doctor, not a doorstop!”
“I’m a doctor, not a commando!”
“I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer!”
“I’m a surgeon, not a psychiatrist!”
“I’m a doctor, not a mechanic!”
“I’m a doctor, not a escalator!”
“I’m not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor.”
“I will not peddle flesh! I’m a physician.”
“I’m a doctor, not a coal miner!”
“I’m a Doctor, not an engineer!”
“Dammit man, I’m a Doctor not a physicist!”
@Adam L Silverman: Shaved head and saffron robes or GTFO.
Actually I get the busy thing. It’s filing season. I barely have time to do much of anything lately it seems.
@Just One More Canuck: Heh. There has to be comprehensive list out there somewhere.
@Corner Stone:
However, Trump has to realize this as well. Surely, this was explained to him during some intelligence briefing. He has to know what offices and personnel were involved with this. And wouldn’t the heads of US intelligence agencies know this information as well? And then, Congressional committees and the GOP leadership?
A too basic question: isn’t intelligence information just intelligence information, even if it implicates the president or staff in improper (if not outright illegal) conduct?
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: He’s been missing for weeks. He will most likely never be seen again and/or found. Either because he’s been able to use his connections to disappear or because he’s been scarfed up already.
randy khan
@Corner Stone:
From the WaPo story:
Well, at least the Federal Marshalls will know where to find him.
Also, I wonder how he’ll enjoy living without all of his computers and backup drives when Mueller’s team seizes them.
Chyron HR
What is the logical connection between these two statements?
Corner Stone
And the NZ, and Aussies, and Germany, and….
@Just One More Canuck: I was going with “Paging Dr. McCoy, the white courtesy phone please!” Yours is much better.
The only thing Dolt45 truly realizes is how to press the button to get the Diet Coke delivered to his desk when he wants it.
David Anderson
IANAL but this seems to be an unwise decision:
Sam Nunberg on MSNBC right now, saying he’s going to laugh when Meuller arrests him, that his lawyers will probably drop him, and basically answering any question Katy Tur is asking him. Katy Tur sounds kind of amazed that he just keeps blabbing.
It amazes me how stupid these people are, and I accepted that they were really, really stupid from the get go.
ETA : he just said, “Meuller isn’t going to do anything to me. That’s ridiculous.”
The Moar You Know
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Shake that motherfucker down. Nobody squalls like that unless they’re guilty as shit.
@Chyron HR: It’s tough to listen to and follow an intelligence briefing when you have no intelligence of your own.
Corner Stone
@jacy: As I have said before, one may not like Sam Nunberg but he is quite a hoot on TV.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: He’s on MSNBC right now. He’s not very smart.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@David Anderson: He’s pretty much daring Meuller to arrest him, to my layman’s ears. I didn’t know how close he is to Roger Stone, and he sounds just as goofy as his mentor.
He’s talking about Bill Clinton’s illegitimate black child. He would have had this unicorn at the first debate.
ETA: I don’t have rewind on this TV. Did he just say he thinks trump did something illegal during the campaign? or Roger Stone? I can’t follow this loon. Muller may have to depose him at the Shady Rest Nervous Hospital.
@Just One More Canuck:
Personal Favorite. The Horta.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: He worked for Trump. Isn’t being not very smart what they call a BFOQ?
Adam L Silverman
@Just One More Canuck: Actually I’m both of these:
Chyron HR
“What are you gonna do, arrest me?” – Man About To Be Arrested
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: Most likely at Memory Alpha. Ask Mr. Atoz at the desk.
Now Nunberg is going on about having Bill Clinton’s illegitimate black child at the debate, and that may not even be the most insane thing he’s said during this interview. He’s batshit crazy.
@Adam L Silverman: He could be making six figures a year in our federal witness protection/relocation program. He might be your new neighbor….
Jim, Foolish Literalist
“Trump may very well have done something… I don’t know what”.
This guy keeps going on TV and pretty much begging Meuller to bring him in
Trump has said that he learns everything he need from “the shows”, he doesn’t need no “intelligence” briefings.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
No, you’re right, he just said he thinks Trump did something illegal. And he won’t get off the phone.
The Moar You Know
@Another Scott: That’s really bad. I’d read that the Russians are operating largely with impunity in Britain, but that’s pretty scary that they’ve gone back to “openly murdering people who piss Vlad off”. The Brits needed to up their game with regards to London being a Russian crime playground a long, long time ago. But now would be a good time.
‘ “It’s just breathtaking in scope and intensity the type of messages I have received from all over the country,” Conway said. ‘
Conway didn’t way which country, so if confirmed, it would make the statement slightly less dishonest.
Good point. However, not clear that every thing that every countries’ IC knew would be conveyed in a briefing. Like Deep State Dutch were literally following every key stroke and video feed of one of most important groups of Russian associated hackers. Or that UK IC had text messages and emails.
@jacy: Mueller might not do anything to Nunberg, but the Judge overseeing the grand jury will be happy to issue a contempt order and let him cool his heels in jail while he contemplates testifying.
@Chyron HR:
The Trump mockery (Trumpery?) sometimes overlooks the key fact that Trump has a brutal, primitive ego-driven sense of self-preservation. He always knows who his enemies are (especially since he often has a hand in creating them in the first place) and those who might threaten him. And he is often clumsily obvious about fighting back.
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: What Hannigan brought over and shared with DCI Brennan was probably both the raw intelligence – the actual intercepts including the recordings and transcripts of the calls, as well as GCHQ’s and British Intelligence’s formal analysis of the SIGINT. If anything has been distributed within the US IC, or to key US leaders – like the Congressional Gang of 8 and other leaders of the IC – would only be the finished intelligence product, not the raw data. Both British and American. That said, because of what this was, it is also probable that it was highly compartmented within the counterintelligence investigation.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: I’m pretty sure I know what he looks like.
@jacy: Is this just the natural end result of adopting “owning the libs” as your primary motivation? Maybe the guy is just really stressed and has decided that prison will be significantly more relaxing?
@Adam L Silverman: Last few elections we were so worried about the Kochs. As far as I know they were just rich libertarian ass*s. I’d like to see them investigated for financial fraud because I bet they couldn’t resist but this go round we have more urgent issues.
The Meyers are very suspicious in a Russian sort of way. So many connections. However they originally backed Rubio right? that was one Russia didn’t want. Maybe the rich just don’t have any loyalty to a country except $. there are a whole list of people who need their finances inspected.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
How long till Jethrene HUcksterbee declares Nurnberg a coffee boy?
Remember … “We must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country, 100 percent,” [Trump] said during a speech in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in which he heaped praise upon America’s law enforcement officers. “We will cease to have a country. I am the law and order candidate.”
@Just One More Canuck: “Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a very good actor!” (From an old David Letterman joke)
Adam L Silverman
@The Moar You Know: SVR wet work.
Adam L Silverman
@gvg: No, the Mercers originally backed Cruz.
oh yeah, forgot to say it seems entirely possible to me that our intelligence agencies have NOT explained this clearly to Trump. Not only are they suspicious of him, he doesn’t want to here it, regards it as an attack on his lovely big win and is likely to get anyone who told him that fired. Even Comey’s firing seems like it might be related to him being the one stuck with telling him about the golden showers rumors. Besides he doesn’t understand what he doesn’t want to.
After the alarming stories about how unhinged he is and isolated, I have been wondering if Jared and Ivanka leaving would be safe. I don’t think they are doing a darned thing I consider a valid job, but Trump is so vicious and stupid……of course the problem is I think they are stupid too. I just don’t know what Trump would do.
Getting towards the end and its all dangerous.
Stupid treasonous GOP congress won’t do what they should.
John Revolta
This is interesting. Nunberg has seen Bannon and Lewandowski stonewall the HIC and seemingly get away with it. Mueller’s holding back may be giving some of the dimmer bulbs a false sense of security. At some point there are going to have to be actual consequences for these guys…………at which time the whole process kicks up to the next level.
My best guess: He is being crazy in public to undermine his value as a witness by creating crazy snippits for a defense cross examination. Otherwise, dude is whack.
@Adam L Silverman: Before or after the plastic surgery?
@Adam L Silverman: Was Putin against him too?
For the most part, yes but early on in the article:
Why no mention of the original funders of the research, The Washington Free Beacon? That’s a very important part. The DNC/Perkins Cole became involved in this after the Free Beacon pulled out. I know I’m being nitpicky, but it needs to be continually repeated that Republicans started/funded this. I don’t want this erased from the record. Hopefully if she writes a book on this, which I’ve loved her two previous ones, she’ll include it.
I’d given up hope that KellyAnne would get caught up in the Russia thing. Hope lives!
Adam L Silverman
@John Revolta: There is a significant difference between the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence chaired by Congressman Nunes and Special Counsel Robert Mueller and a Federal grand jury.
Mike in DC
@David Anderson: Yep. Quick trip to jail for him. He’s probably just publicly signaling his loyalty to Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I think the verbal ticks will give him away. Also, he can’t keep his mouth shut. Within ten minutes he’d be telling me everything.
John Revolta
@Adam L Silverman: Sure, hence “false sense etc.” Is this guy just stupid? Or………….???
Just One More Canuck
@Adam L Silverman: Yes – I didn’t have time to link (had to pick up SoccerDaughter) – may have missed a few
Adam L Silverman
@gvg: I do not know. Given how far Putin and his folks have penetrated the US Christian right, I’m not sure if anything was ever formally reported one way or the other.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Because the Free Beacon funding had been stopped before Fusion hired Steele. So yes, the overall Fusion oppo research effort was first funded by the funder of the Free Beacon, presumably for use by the Free Beacon. However, Steele and his company were hired after that original funding source had stopped and the funding was solely coming from Perkins Cole on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign.
@jacy: the flip side to that is he’s already talking to Mueller’s team and this public display is for drumpfs benefit…it will keep Drumpf and team from pulling out their knives and going to town on him.
@Adam L Silverman:
Our work here has not been in vain.
@eric: Carter Page is still walking around, so Sam might think that crazy works.
@Adam L Silverman: Ah, I had my time frames mixed up. I still think it should be included because of the fact that what Fusion GPS dug up on Trump led them to hire Orbis. Again, just being nitpicky and wanting to show this part of the mess was their own doing. She’ll probably include it in her book because she’s usually really thorough in them.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Not arguing with you: the initial work clearly led the Fusion leadership to feel the need to hire Steele and his company.
“Let him arrest me. Mr. Mueller should understand I am not going in on Friday.”
What’s the “Men in Black” line? “I accept your offer.”
@Leto: The article states: “The funding for the project originally came from an organization financed by the New York investor Paul Singer, a Republican who disliked Trump.” So it does note the original funding source, it just doesn’t mention the Washington Free Beacon by name.
Works on two levels–nicely done!
@JPL: I don’t know if anyone can quite out crazy what Carter Page has going on. Every time he goes in front of a camera the verbal diarrhea starts, plus when they play the footage of him walking around DC with that dumb boony cap, while he’s dressed in a suit, I think, “So that’s what happened to the lead singer of the New Radicals.”
@Adam L Silverman: I know you’re not; just admitting my understanding of the time frame was wrong.
@mozzerb: I just got to that part in the article. Reading it in bits and pieces as it’s a busy day at work, though it’s winding down now.
has a very different meaning in Burma, where the leading ethnic cleansers appear to be Buddhist monks..
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Those are clearly bespoke blue and red Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake bucket caps. They are most definitely not boonie hats.
@Corner Stone: @Adam L Silverman:
Just looking at the pleasure KAC expresses while lying and slandering, there’s not much I would put past her. Maybe fewer lives lost due to her conniving than to Manafort’s, considering their entire careers, but I hope she’s snared in this net with the other evildoers!
For me just the thought that the equivalent of the head of the NSA from the UK is the one hand delivering this information speaks volumes about its nature. That this also means Mueller has had this from the outset, well that gives me all kinds of tingles and goosebumps in all the fun places.
Thanks for highlighting that element first Adam.
I don’t think I was dreaming that KellyAnne Conway’s husband was in Moscow in the summer of 2016. I think he tweeted or IG’d a photo of the inside of an elevator or something weird like that.
Anyone else remember this?
Sm*t Cl*de
@Corner Stone:
Hey, we only eavesdrop on your traffic if it happens to get routed through the South Pacific, or through one of the Pacific geosats. Or so I hear from a friend.
@Adam L Silverman: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/I%27m_a_doctor,_not_a…
Well, you weren’t wrong. I’m impressed with the thoroughness of the article. And here I thought Wookieepedia went overboard. :)
Corner Stone
@Sm*t Cl*de: Mmmm-hmmm…
Mueller might know a lot of the answers already. He’s just asking questions to see what the Trump crime syndicate will try to say.
Then he nails them with the lies. Then they realize they are busted. And then they roll on Trump. Like Gates.
Brick by brick (is the hope, anyway)
Ian R
Of course, the US intelligence agencies having this information makes Comey ratfucking the election even worse, which was something I didn’t think was possible.
Rabble Arouser
@Adam L Silverman: “what’s that hat made of? Oak?”
“Nope, it’s oak!”
Kellyanne’s husband represented a company accused of bribing Russian officials: http://www.bluedotdaily.com/george-conway-tied-to-bribing-russian-officials-trump-appointed-him-anyway/
Adam L Silverman
@Scotian: You’re welcome.
Another Scott
@Ian R: Yup. Everything about the whole election seems worse every single day.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I misread your descriptor as loopy yapper.
Adam L Silverman
@MisterForkbeard: It is nerdvana!