Scamp Dog sent me an update this weekend on Meeca to share with you:
The picture is a few days after surgery.
Meeca’s surgery went well, and she came home after an overnight stay at the vet clinic. She’s gotten a little more mobile over the two days she’s been home. Her incision is healing nicely, although she won’t let me move her knee to increase her range of motion like the vet wants me to do. She’s able to get down the stairs to go out, but I have to carry her up when we get back. She’s 62 pounds, so I’m getting my exercise!
Thanks again to everyone who donated!
I know we reached about 2/3rds of the goal for her surgery. So if you still want to contribute, here’s the link.
Again, thanks to everyone. Meeca went from being the product of a divorce and homeless, to being a featured Balloon-Juice adoption, and then having help with her surgery costs. A real Balloon-Juice pet success story!
I don’t even remember if I did so here goes.
So is she adopted?
Yes, Scamp Dog (who I met at the Denver meetup in July) adopted Meeca, and then discovered that the pup needed surgery (I think it was the ACL?) so TaMara passed around the collection plate.
@Mnemosyne: Aw that’s so great!
We are one week out from the doggie parade. My bride has been consumed with planning so it will be good when it’s over!
Save the Date!
Boo-le-Bark on Boulevard 2018: 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14, rain or shine.
Are you ready for more Halloween costume dog parade fun? We are!
Athenspets and members of the Athens community are getting the pups back together for Athens’ third Boo-le-Bark on the Boulevard.
Odd – this post isn’t showing up on front page.
Mary G
Sad puppy eyes, Meeca. Glad she is getting better. I can relate to not wanting to exercise the knee, but it will help if you can convince her. When I had my knee replacement, I was strapped into a machine that moved it eight hours a day and now it is almost as good as a real knee.
Mary G
@NotMax: It seems to have come and gone and come again.
Scamp Dog
@raven: Yep! Her previous owner had gone through a messy divorce, and his ex’s Mom dropped Meeca off at his place one day. Unfortunately, his lease didn’t allow him to keep a dog that big, so she needed a new home. His sister knew TaMara, so she got the word out through Balloon Juice. The initial post about Meeca is here, and the one just after I picked her up is here. The best one is a short video of Meeca talking to me.
Scamp Dog
@Mary G: I’ve been through knee surgery myself, so I have some direct experience. I will try again this afternoon, a half hour after I’ve given her the pain meds. We’ll see how that works!
@Scamp Dog: After Henry’s ACL surgery, we were not allowed to move his knee. I think it depends on which version of the surgery you get.
Photos, please!
zhena gogolia
I love Meeca! I hope my check made it to the right place.
@Scamp Dog:
If Meeca is being difficult regarding you helping her PT/rehab, then you might consider giving her a stern talking-to, which should include something along the lines of “And if you don’t let me do this, I’m going to find someone to give your IT band some deep massage — and you don’t want that, trust me!”
I know that would work on me.
PS: Just sent a little your way. She’s a beautiful girl, glad she found you.
@debbie: She’s spent the day working on the cart that our pups will ride in and I don’t get to take the kind of shots I’d like to but we will get a bunch from other folks. There is a big too-doo at parade’s end and that’s a gas too.
@Scamp Dog: The bohdi is a Siberian/Samoyed mixed but his only howl is when he hears raven howl on the video I have. Mind you Raven has been gone for over 12 years!
Scamp Dog
@zhena gogolia: Yes, it did! Or at least two checks made it my way, to be careful about things. I’m not comfortable putting the two names online without permission, but I’ll be sending out thank-you notes to those two people in the next mail (Tuesday, because of the holiday). Thanks again to you and all the other donors!
I need to head out now, but will get on line again later tonight.
@Scamp Dog: Peace, dog.
That’s part of my rehab after my broken ankle. That threat would certainly work on me!
Very little is worse than that! That is very painful even when you’re feeling great.
Mary G
@raven: I’ve never seen that. He still remembers his buddy.
@debbie: I had a brain MRI this week, that was fun!
@Mary G: Yea, we are always puzzled by what it is.
Great photo!
Those MRIs are noisy suckers.
zhena gogolia
@Scamp Dog:
That’s fine — no need to write a note! (and please don’t put my name here)
My sympathies.
I had some surgery about 10 years ago, IT band stuff was part of the rehab. Before that time, I had been told by various medical persons that I had a high pain threshold/tolerance. (I don’t know if that’s true, or they were just fluffing me.) A few minutes if IT band massage by the PT, and I was in tears. I felt like such a wimp.
@Mary G: I loved that machine! I wanted to take it home! Alas, I could not and it was schlepping to PT for a month to ride the exercise bike. That worked though.
John Revolta
@SFAW: Never heard of an IT band before. Had to look it up. I pictured a bunch of nerdy types making music with computers. Now I’ve got something else to worry about!
Meeca is beautiful, and I’m so glad she’s recovering well. Had missed her back story, so am grateful to learn more about her. She is one lucky pup!
I know this isn’t an open thread, and don’t want to derail things, but I hope Adam is working up a thread on Jamal Khashoggi and/or the head of Interpol. I’m not suggesting there’s any connection between the two, although it’s a bit startling that they both disappeared abruptly within days of each other.
Either episode on its own would be disturbing enough. But as it is, we seem to have mysteries upon riddles upon enigmas. Looking for some informed analysis.
Orchid Moon arts
Meeca has such a good Dad! You are doing a fantastic job. Our daughter-in-laws Padderdale terrier had ACL surgery, and did great, I am sure Meeca will do well too. Hang in there
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: A female journalist was also raped and killed in Hungary. I am afraid the power of darkness is on the rise all over.
@Mary G:
Ah jeez, I hadn’t heard that. The Power of Darkness, for sure. We must be the Power of Light, however challenging that may be.
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
This community restores my faith in humanity. I’m glad Meeca is doing well.
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, I asked Adam about Khashoggi the day it happened, because a Palestinian exiled in Norway had been raising the alarm all day. He hadn’t heard about it yet and after he read the WaPo’s very brief first story I linked, told me here that if Khashoggi wasn’t heard from in 24 hours he was dead. I hoped he was wrong. His poor fiancee was waiting at the front gate; I cannot imagine the horror for her.
@Mary G: Made all the worse by the fact that he was there for something related to their upcoming marriage, if I recall correctly.
Glad she’s doing well.
Can anyone recommend a skunk repellent that works?
@Mary G:
Just a horror. Have been near tears seeing how the WaPo is handling this: blank spaces where Khashoggi’s stories would normally be filed. Freedom of the press may well be our last remaining failsafe. Once that’s gone — and it is clearly under brutal attack — I’m not sure where we turn.
No, I’m not being defeatist or Eeyore-ish. I maintain a level of optimism. But it’s just fucking terrifying how quickly the norms we took for granted have disappeared (even if they were decades in the making!)
i agree. But it’s also suffering rot from within, and we have to fight that, too, but I don’t know how.
I am willing to bet that the thing in the White House neither knows about these people, nor would he care if he did know. Neither one is a rich, white man, so I’m pretty confident about that.
@SiubhanDuinne: A lot of folks here don’t like Powell, but he is right about his concerns.
BooMan has a thread up with a link to this article:
The Loneliest Democrat in America
I think we need to put up an Act Blue account for him. I bet we could triple his budget in a day.
@JPL: You’re fucking right “some” don’t.
@Pogonip: Pogonip sighting! Good to see you here.
Was you skunked?
Asked the other day on what is by now a well dead thread, how’s it going with the docs?
You asked me if I had the same issue as you, and it does sound like it. Sometimes it seems like a slight case of vertigo but it goes away. Once it lasted for about 15-20 min but I then remembered I’d brought my new glasses to work and put them on. Cleared up in seconds. I now carry those suckers everywhere. But at this time of year I have to wear sunglasses when out and readers to work. I drive into the sun going and coming from work. Fun times.
My best week at the VA was probably the one where I had an MRI and a nuclear infusion, full body CT. A nuclear CT is where they bring out, literally a lead box with a hypo in it and give you the contents in an IV port, wait 45 min and then a full body scan.
@Pogonip: to get them out of a shed or away from a garden or what?
@Ruckus: Hey, well the MRI was negative and the neuro and I agreed that was good news. Basically she told me to drive on with no restriction on driving. I got a ride to my two-day conference and I’m glad I did. It’s not vertigo, it’s double peripheral vision so if I turn my head and look straight at the mirrors I’m ok but if I glance it goes double. Anyway there was a neuroscience prof at my conference and she told me to get my ass to an ophthalmologist most rickey-tic so I put in a call to my GP and I’ll see tomorrow. I went to the game last night and as long as I looked at the field I was good but, being in the second row of the upper deck, coming and going was tricky. thx
@Elizabelle: Hello, Elizabelle!
A skunk has moved in under our porch, we would like to make the area undesirable before he—or, God forbid—she settles in for the winter.
I was out in the woods once in the very late afternoon & saw a mother skunk with 3 babies lined up behind her. Cute as all get-out but not something you want as neighbors. I hoped our new neighbor’s dog would scare away Pepe Le Pew but no luck.
@Aleta: Out from under the porch.
@Pogonip: They don’t like light. Some long lasting battery led lights or anything else stuck underneath. solar garden light near the entrance once they’re out.
The don’t like ammonia, so (if you don’t have kids or pets who go under there), some rags soaked in it or a bowl of it. Away from the entrance if you can, I would think.
How to Keep Skunks Away From House
Speaking of surgery. Mrs. Khead is currently in emergency surgery for a twisted ovary after spending all day in the hospital. I don’t do serious or mushy very well so I will just say I hope everything works out. Also, I hope she doesn’t have to wear a cone like Meeca.
Thank you, Aleta and Raven.
@Pogonip: A flasher might drive them out too.
The Nite Ize company makes little lights on a clip (for a dog, etc.) that have a flash setting. Luci (mpowered company) inflatable solar lanterns have a flasher too. They’re nice for emergencies, power outage and camping too.
That sounds like fun! OK not really.
It sounds similar, I’ve noticed that my peripheral vision is not as good as it used to be for sure and that too much trying to use it is not good. But I also have sometimes a band of colored lights at the very last bit of my peripheral vision and that’s interesting as well. I’m not sure if the two are related, I’ve had the color bands for 2-3 yrs now and didn’t need any correction a year ago. But this year the opto said, take the glasses. I’m glad I did, it works, if for no other reason than they focus my vision away from the peripheral, which does the trick.
Gelfling 545
@SiubhanDuinne: I try to be optimistic but then I stop and realze how I never imagined things could get this bad again after all the world has seen.
Good luck!
I’m not going to ask what that is and how it get that way, just hope the surgery goes well on all fronts.
@Ruckus: Cool, maybe i’ll get similar guidance. I’ve felt really old this past week what with trying to be so careful when I walk.
@khead: Just so she doesn’t try to chew the stitches!
I think I said this to you once before, welcome to my world. And I’m sorry.
I hope you don’t have whatever the hell it is that I have. But this getting old shit is not for sissies. I plan on seeing it through and enjoying what I can, the best I can.
And BTW that dog parade looks like a hoot and a half.
@Ruckus: Yea, I mean finding no evidence of stroke or tumor was pretty good. I hit 69 next month so I’m gonna keep on truckin.
In for Meeca, get well sweetie.
@khead: Oh man. Much love and healing light to all of you!
@khead: Both my sister (they removed her ovary) and my niece (she got to keep hers) had that happen to them. No problems with the surgery for either, and my niece got a scar that wouldn’t show even in the briefest bikini. Both would have been willing to have someone take an ax to their abdomen to do something that took the pain away.
J R in WV
Treating Skunking:
depending upon the size of the dog…
1 quart hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup sodium bicarbonate
dash of Dawn dish soap
Cover dog, rub in mix, let fiz on dog for 15-20 minutes. Rinse well, shampoo with favorite dog shampoo, rinse well. If you have a big dog, use 2 quarts of peroxide and 1/2 a cup of sodium bicarbonate. You need to get the coat wet through everywhere but their eyes and nose.
I don’t know how to keep a skunk out from under your porch. A HavaHeart trap would probably do the job, release the poor lost skunk in the woods far from your house in the countryside, like in a national forest or state forest, away from farms and houses. I don’t know how to keep a skunk from going off while in the trap in your car, the back of a PU truck might be best, you can spray wash that.
The recipe was developed by environmental scientists working on similar compounds used in industry, and they used the same chemistry to fight the skunk aroma they use to fight chemical pollution. The free oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide released by the sodium bicarbonate helps break down the sulfur compounds that stink in skunk spray.
The longer you leave the fizzing fluid on the dog, the better it works, it isn’t a perfect cure, just the best we can do without harming the dog.
THanks again for the light suggestions!
I had my left hand seize up, no pain whatsoever and 2 days later my neuro said he thought I had a TIA, which is a mini seizure and often is a precursor for a major stroke. So I wen through a full cardio work up, with brain MRI of course, wearing a pacemaker for 2 weeks and an angiogram and a lot more. Eight months more. The conclusion of cardio? Not a thing wrong, cardio system as healthy as can be. The neuro guy who thought I had a TIA? Four months after cardio, “There’s nothing wrong with you.” Useless fucker. My left hand has frozen up about 10 times now, my right twice. My tremor is far worse and I’ve had my meds that are supposed to fix that upped 2 1/2 times. But there’s nothing wrong with me. Yeah, I’m convinced.
@Ruckus: My left eye is the worse of the two and my left leg has been numb for years. I think the neuroscientist was saying what you are, look elsewhere,
Scamp Dog
@raven: I love it! The best thing is the way that they’re responding to each others’ howls.
Sending healing thoughts to the missus.