Nixon committed the Saturday Night Massacre 45 years ago tomorrow:
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) October 19, 2018
After he was fired at President Nixon’s behest 45 years ago tonight, Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox said, "Whether ours shall continue a government of laws and not of men is now for Congress to decide and, ultimately, the American people."
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) October 20, 2018
Remember, if Dems take the House you get:
– Speaker Pelosi
– Chairwoman Maxine Waters
– Chairman Adam Schiff
– Chairman Jerry Nadler— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) October 20, 2018
John really wants us to flip the house.
— Molly Jong??Fast (@MollyJongFast) October 20, 2018
We could add to this list all day, but if Dems take the House, we also get Elijah Cummings replacing Trey Gowdy on the Oversight Committee.
Look Homeward, Angel…
I would love to see Elijah Cummings on the Oversight Committee.
I was working in a small television station in Maine at the time and happened to be working late when this news hit. This was when teletype machines rang bells for breaking news, and it was cacophony. Suffice it to say I wrote very little copy for a few days, as I was glued to the monitors in the control room.
I have no idea who John Cardillo is, but he’s damned persuasive.
And after 45 years, I still giggle over the headline:
Nixon Discharges Cox.
Yes, I’m that immature.
ETA. Sadly, what the GOP learned was to stand by their man no matter what. Trump is more important to them than the country.
Similarly, I was working at WUSF-FM, NPR station in Tampa, when the teletype bells went berserk that evening. Believe it or not, we had no TV monitors on the radio side, so I had nothing to watch until my shift was done and I was back home. Crazy, unforgettable times to have worked in any kind of media.
A small item for Annals of GOP Outreach:
Trump Seeks Out ‘Hispanic Americans’ In Crowd At Nevada Rally
By Kate Riga October 20, 2018 3:04 pm
While delivering many of his greatest hits at a Nevada campaign rally Saturday, President Donald Trump sought out “Hispanic Americans” in the crowd.
“Do we have many Hispanic Americans here?” he asked. “Eh. Not the most, not the most. I’d give it 5 percent. That’s ok.”
(link html thing not working)
@germy: Representative Cummings to the Chair’s position is at the top of my list! That man is an inadequately celebrated treasure.
Y’all have mentioned these postcard campaigns enough that I’ve ordered mine, arriving in the next day or so, and I look forward to sending some.
@Brachiator: to be perfectly clear, it wouldn’t matter if the corpse of Jeffery Dahmer was the president, the republicans would stand with him. it’s not the insane clown that’s the attraction, it’s the quest for unfettered wealth and power that draws them in.
Cummings is my rep, replacing Gowdy with him is like replacing a Yugo with a Bentley.
@Lyrebird: Isn’t his wife running for governor somewhere? I don’t remember if I read that or just dreamed it.
Here is yet another resource for folks who are trying to figure out what they can do between now and the election. It is called The Last Weekend Sponsors include Swing Left, OFA, MoveOn, 350 Action, Indivisible, and a lot a lot of other groups. Here’s their pitch:
Major Major Major Major
That homo, that abomination before the lord?
ETA he would probably try to force local Christian restaurants to prepare his, ah, queer cuisine…
Beschloss’ other tweets are quite shrill these days…earlier today he called Trumpov a “sociopath “ with a “sick ego to feed”
I mean, that’s totally accurate, but wow…
Maya Rockeymoore Cummings was running to be the Democratic candidate for Governor of Maryland. In early January of 2018 she suspended her campaign after Represenative Cummings experience heath issues.
@Jeffro: We all reach our breaking point.
Trump is going to announce the great middle class tax cut plan before the election. If nothing else works try buying votes.
James E Powell
Standing by their man works for Republicans because their base will never leave them and the press/media will either bury whatever it is under the blanket of “both sides” or just grow bored with it and move on. I mean, how long did “Records show president committed tax fraud” stay a story? A day or two?
Nancy Smash.
@James E Powell: Trump calls more than half the country evil for voting democratic, but Hillary said a third of Trump voters were deplorable. You tell me which on gained the medias attention.
They just accept that half the country is evil.
As EFG would say fuckem..
Are you sure those are the same Beshcloss? The historian Beschloss seems quite mild in his tweets.
When you look at the front page how many of those folks are still alive. I swear Kissenger will never die, the bastard.
“Records show president committed tax fraud”
I know. Trump spends the past three years accusing the Clinton of being a corrupt fraud. Massive evidence is published showing him to be, in fact, a massive corrupt fraud. Response from media and the public: ZZZZZzzzzzz. It testifies to the power of narrative to command reality in the human psyche. If the story says X, but evidence and your own eyes say Y…you’re pretty much gonna go with X, because, hey, it makes sense. Plus the people pushing Y are probably just “elites” who think they know stuff because they’ve studied it for years and have “expertise”.
@JPL: institutional bias on display. Media is wired for right leaning voices / policies. Has been that way for decades, they tend to follow the rightward drift and normalize it. They help promote the “look forward for the sake of the country” bullshit.
Yes, there are a few journalists that try and push back, but the overall tone / bent of yhe coverage is always wired —>right.
Gelfling 545
@James E Powell: Well the President of the United States being an accessory after the fact in a torture murder is rather startling. Grabs the attention somewhat.
Gelfling 545
@JPL: Yeah but too bad he didn’t think to get the Dorian Gray deal from Satan when he sold his soul.
Yup, the USMSM chases after Still Dead Briebart’s balls in the hopes they will get to lick them.
Awesome! And not just because Cummings is my Congressman.
@Major Major Major Major: the problem with that is the evangelicals* have been very good at shedding their ‘superior morality’ in favor of gaining wealth and power. If they thought riding Dahmer’s corpse would further their objectives they’d do it without a second thought.
* #notallevangelicals
@James E Powell: The press is irrelevant to Trump’s base, except for Fox News and its brethren.
@sukabi: I’m not sure whether it was a consensus that that the Protestant Work Ethic had been misinterpreted and that Wealth equaled Godliness, or that one too many of the upcoming generation noticed that telepreaching was insanely profitable, but whatever the reason much of that sect abandoned Jeebus for Mammon decades ago and has not looked back.
J R in WV
Saturday Night Massacre ~!!~
I will never forget. My family still was involved with a small town WV newspaper business. Saturday nights were the night off for the AM newspaper, which went to press at 11:30 or 12 midnight… it was a long time ago, so some details are now vague. We were at a work party, listening to a radio, drinking beer and shooting the bull about what was going on. Then the firing of the AG was announced!
Wife and I left shortly after, and went to the newspaper offices/plant where there was a teletype room with over a dozen teletypewriters banging out news copy on giant boxes of fan-fold copy paper. As others have said, when a prominent new story started over the wire, bells would ring, to notify the wire editors to take a look.
No one else was there at 11 or 12 Saturday night, the only night of the week with no editors or news staff, or compositors or pressmen, for that matter, in the building. We were alone, watching history from the viewpoint of the NY Times wire, The AP, UPI, Wall Street Journal, being recorded on the newswires for publication.
Now I wish we had gathered up some of that news copy and kept it for historical purposes. I can’t wait for other more corrupt Republicans to suffer the ignoble fate of being fired by Congress… let us hope!!