“I tried so hard to kill the elderly and the poor… but, alas, they live.” https://t.co/jnt1B9Mvgm
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 19, 2018
Ryan didn't *fail* to control the debt. He knowingly expanded it by more than any politician in non-war, non-recession US fiscal history https://t.co/CLZ4hUSS7D
— David Frum (@davidfrum) December 19, 2018
Not permanently, I’m sure; like herpes, Repubs of Ryan’s stamp are prone to reappear whenever our political system’s immune system is stressed. But at least his “I Am the Most Earnestly Concerned Policy Wonk” stand-up routine should be limited to the talk shows instead of the news broadcasts for a few blessed months.
Anti-encomium (anticomium?) from the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver’s premier pig-bladderer, Mr. Charles P. Pierce:
Speaker Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver from the state of Wisconsin, has spent this week bidding farewell to Our Nation’s Capital, and taking both his prodigious ego, and parading the tattered remnants of his utterly undeserved reputation down the boulevards of Washington. To complete the metaphor, somebody should have walked behind him with the shovel and a bucket. Ever the charlatan’s charlatan, and in keeping with the spirit of the season, his prolonged valedictory was as full of shit as the Christmas goose.
It began on Tuesday, when we all paid for a six-part miniseries on the electric Twitter machine chronicling Ryan’s rise from his poor but humble origins as the scion of a family that got rich on government construction contracts, to his hardscrabble years when we all paid for his needs through the Social Security survivor’s benefits he received (you’re welcome again, bumblefck), to his career in politics…
The Twitter epic was bad enough but then, on Wednesday, he favored us with a Farewell Address that, quite honestly, if you spread it on the Gobi Desert, you’d have a cash crop of anything you planted within a year.
(Before going on, can we ask, please, who in the fck did he think cared about what he said in his long goodbye? Democratic politicians never had much use for him. The scales seem to have dropped from the eyes of his misbegotten acolytes in the elite political press; make no mistake, Ryan’s rise to eminence represents yet another monumental failure on their part. And the Republican power base in the House wanted him replaced by Jim Jordan, for pity’s sake.)…
He had one major policy goal and, thank Baal, he only achieved half of it. He did manage to shove so much of the nation’s wealth so far upwards that it now endangers the crew of the International Space Station. However, he failed to throw seniors into the loving arms of his donors in the financial-services industry, and he also failed to turn their health-care over the his donors in the insurance industry. Poor Paul. He was so sad about this…
When @SpeakerRyan came to Congress, @BillClinton proposed a budget that had a $100+ billion surplus. After 20 years in which Ryan chaired Budget, then Ways & Means and then was Speaker, the deficit is $985 billion. We owe him a debt we can never repay.https://t.co/UnoxkKGc0A
— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) December 19, 2018
Wait — did someone say ‘going away’? Nah, I’m sure this is just one more example of Ryan’s and his fellow GOP “leaders” looking the other way while a hostile government infiltrated America…
A minor case brought by an obscure party named in the last of the Steele Dossier memos contains a couple interesting-ish nuggets.
One of them: the Steele Dossier reached Paul Ryan’s office before it was published.
Soooo… what did Paul Ryan know and when did he know it? https://t.co/6xkNvZdbtg
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 20, 2018
Alas, poor Paulie! I knew him, Horatio.
Now if we could only get him to be a desiccated husk like poor Yorick.
This is welcome news. Too bad Iron Stash didn’t have what it took to win his district.
@Baud: My understanding from that race is Iron Stache worked his ass off during the primary and then phoned it in through the general. Even with enthusiasm he still should have done better than nine points if he had bothered to campaign.
Yeah. Especially because Dems did well in Wisconsin this year.
A Ghost To Most
Ryan owes America a debt he will never repay. Fuck Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand and all the other greedy as fuck Randian assholes.
Leaving is the one thing Paulie NoNuts has done that is good for the country.
I hope we get a thread in the 12 debates the Dems are planning starting in June!
And if there are too many people, there will be 2-night debates with candidatee assigned randomly!
Mike in NC
When I heard that Paul Ryan was planning a Farewell Address, I immediately knew it would top anything George Washington or Dwight Eisenhower could manage.
Nancy ” maybe he thinks if he shuts down government he can golf mor comfortably…that’s not how it works”
Could be an ongoing series a la Big Brother.
A Ghost To Most
Bob Corker laughs in Ted Cruz’ face
S’okay. We’ll know where he lives.
Nancy’s last words… “READ THE LETTER” (talking about Mattis resignation letter)
Pelosi needs to go!
(It’s an indelible stain on us that this was even a debate our side had.)
dr. bloor
One down. I eagerly await the overthrow of Russia’s chief asset in the Senate, Mitchell Adisonovich.
@A Ghost To Most: Good on Senator Corker.
dr. bloor
@Baud: An indelible stain that was as predictable as a three year old spilling his juice at dinner. Except for the derisive laughter at the self-styled “next generation,” it’s already so small in the rear view mirror that it can barely be seen.
@lamh36: What are you watching?
dr. bloor
@Wapiti: He was never good for more than a sarcastic laugh or an indignant tweet. He can go fuck himself the with biggest American Steel guitar he can find in Memphis.
Thanks Mr. Pierce, that’s worth of enshrinement alongside HR Thompson’s Nixon obituary.
The way he frames it, Ryan achieved exactly what GW Bush did, just without spinning up an unneeded war. Limits of running the House, I suppose.
@WaterGirl: Nancy and Schumer presser.
Ryan’s evil lives on.
The Trump Administration specializes in meanness and cruelty. This sets the bar for the future GOP leaders.
@dr. bloor: Corker is a total fucking coward. Once he knew he was leaving, he could have made a difference. He and Jeff Flake can be the founding members of the total fucking cowards club.
Guess with Mattis leaving this makes Vlad’s Best Week Ever even betterer.
I was feeling overwhelmed by the news before I checked my email. From the Southern Poverty Law Center:
It did give me a laugh to see the “READ MORE” after each summary. I thought, gee, do I want to read more, and then slit my wrists, or just slit my wrists now? (not literally)
So the government will shut down, the last adult has left the building, the malignant garden gnome will flit off to his happy place, and Paul Ryan waltzes away with his legacy. The only consolation is that tomorrow is the shortest day of the fucking year.
@WaterGirl: the Dems had a press avail
Senator Upchuck Gastly, a couple hours ago:
I think this is a good question. But some folks too busy cheering the haphazard decision, and not paying attention to the fact that he has no details on the how and hasn’t even consulted the exact folk who job it would be to arrange the withdrawal.
And especially with someone like Chump who we all know AIN’T a smart guy and easily manipulated to think it’s all his idea, especially if it gets him good press or warm feeling from his base.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: I would think you’d want to make a fully informed decision before taking action.//
@lamh36: I hope there’s video later. thanks
@Adam L Silverman: Okay, you made me laugh.
@lamh36: Holy shit, that is an excellent question. I hope people start asking it very publicly.
Not so fast; it’s just the day with the least amount of sunlight, more time for Stephen Miller to be out and about.
So, uh… apparently Trump gave a speech and mentioned coyotes coming across the border and by his phrasing he clearly thinks they’re literal canine-animal coyotes.
Miss Bianca
So, we won’t have Young Blue Eyes to kick around anymore?
And we’re nearly back to W yattering about human-animal hybrids.
Yeah, coyotes bring the immigrants – 4-5 of them hop on a coyotes back & ride across the desert.
From that Hoarse Whisperer tweet:
A lot. Paulie Blue-Eyes know a lot. Like, shutting down any discussion of who Russia owns. And chairing the Republican convention when they were buddying up to Kislyak, changing the platform re: Ukraine, not to mention laundering Russian money. So that sort of thing. Go spend time with your kids now, Paul. You won’t get that kind of time when you’re in prison.
Miss Bianca
@Schlemazel: Well, thank God at least the steel-slatted wall will slow them down! I mean, they’ll have to dismount to crawl through and all.
@Frankensteinbeck: oh my god, seriously?
In my teens, I made that mistake for about a minute when I was reading one of those signs at the zoo. Something along the lines of:
Elephants always travel in groups, led by an old cow.
@trollhattan: Charlie also referred to Senator Cotton as a “Bobble Headed Slapdick.”
Have all these old white men who once held positions of power in government gone mad? Are they all suffering from 3rd stage syphillus?
Bill Barr’s Very Strange Memo on Obstruction of Justice
Yes. He had a list of things starting with ‘c’ that he believes come across the border, and the last item was “And, believe it or not, coyotes.” Presumably someone else wrote the speech and he ad-libbed the ‘believe it or not’, unaware he was revealing just how fucking stupid and ignorant he is.
Hey Adam…weren’t you talking about Turkey?
@Frankensteinbeck: Holy crap.. They made there way to GA. Animal control caught five near me, but it was close.
@lamh36: Anyone that trusts the US is a fool.
@lamh36: If he is that concerned, I assume he’ll be on the news tomorrow outraged.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Glad I could do so.
Adam L Silverman
Speaking of unexpected draw downs!
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I believe I wrote something about this last night.
@Miss Bianca:
I think the coyotes are friends with the badgers. They will have the badgers dig under the steel slat not-a-wall
@NotMax: ” And we’re nearly back to W yattering about human-animal hybrids. ”
GOP stand on the manimal threat may be it’s genuine legacy.
They haven’t done much on the Krellian id-monster threat, though.
@Adam L Silverman: Never mind the hair. That chyron. It’s been an interesting day. “Interesting” as in the apocryphal curse, that is.
Mike in DC
@lamh36: The same thing will happen to all allies and democratizing forces in Afghanistan after we pull out. Convenient that we’re cutting our refugee allowances, I guess. Make Allies Guess Again!
Would-be mass murdering scum slinks back to the swamp that spawned him, where he’ll lay in wait for his next prey.
I’m rooting for starvation, myself. Let him get a taste of his own medicine before he passes the mortal coil.
a man of infinite wonk.
is there a petition i can sign to make nancy pelosi immortal?
My list of the most punchable faces
1. totus
2. mcturtle
3. zegs
House passes Bill to fund Wall and keep government open. I’m a little bit confused. Guess Pelosi was wrong when she told Trump that he didn’t have the Repug votes in the House. Also, I thought many had gone home yesterday. And, yes, I realize it won’t pass the Senate.
@AnotherBruce I believe the term is bobble-throated slapdick.
@Quinerly: the bill that passed will NOT pass the Senate. It was not the same bill that passed the Senate. Ryan and McCarthy put up another bill that the Senate would not agree to cause Chump asekd. That is what Pelois said. Trump doesn’t have the votes in the Senate
ETA: Schumer tonight ALSO said the bill on the House floor would not be able to pass the Senate so they’ll be back to square one with the bill that was passed by Senate and hopefully enough folks there to vote on it tomorrow
ETA2: All Dems voted NO
@Quinerly: They did this to put pressure on the Democrats –all the while knowing and praying that Democrats in the Senate will reject this. I want to see the roll call. 40 outgoing Republicans couldn’t muster the courage to buck the President and the party. They’re cowards, every last one.
Pierce in 2013
Link? Please? There must be a link. Please tell me there’s a link.
@Baud: ” It’s an indelible stain on us that this was even a debate our side had. ”
I don’t think debate itself, or even a challenge, is an indelible stain. Pelosi holds an elective position within Congress, and she needs to prove that she is worthy of leadership by winning it when the time comes for reelection.
There are benefits to to the debate. One big one is that her corporate Democratic opposition (the five white bros and their associates) completely discredited themselves. It is hard to imagine how they could put up a more impotent and incompetent challenge than the last one, but they managed it. I cannot imagine anyone taking Tim Ryan or Seth Moulton seriously about anything ever again.
I think Pelosi emerged stronger from the challenge. And to be a really great leader, her last task is to get a new cohort of great Democratic leadership up and running as soon as possible, since sadly, .like the rest of us, she is not immortal. I don’t think a good idea that people like Hoyer or Sanchez step in after her. And Hoyer is no spring chicken, either by the calendar or in his thinking.
Mazie Hirono just called something “such bullshit I won’t be able to stand it.” Made it right onto the Chris Hayes show without bleeping it out.
Think it was about any attempt by Trump etc to blame Dems for the shutdown. Could have been something else. But LOL. MSNBC was not expecting that from a US Senator. And a woman, yet.
@Quinerly: ” Guess Pelosi was wrong when she told Trump that he didn’t have the Repug votes in the House. ”
What commenter tobie said. And I’d be happy to let Trujmp brag that Pelosi was wrong somehow. Now, very hard, almost impossible, to evade fact that whatever mess ensues is a 100 percent GOP product.
@lamh36: I said I knew it wouldn’t pass the Senate. House vote was 218 to 185. Pelosi challenged Trump last week… She said it wouldn’t pass the House. My point is that it did.
@Quinerly: I’m happy to let Trump brag about it. He’ll get all the credit now, and I can’t think of a more deserving guy.
@tobie: agree. Rep was just opining that it was an in your face move directed to Pelosi.
@tobie: The entire rethugs party is full of corrupt cowards.
@Elizabelle: I saw/heard that!!! And, backed it up so I could prove to myself I actually heard it. She’s pissed!
@jl: I have no doubt that McConnell will go nuclear and pass it in the Senate just for a win.
@JPL: Can he? I don’t have a hancdle on Senate rules and when they can be changed.
I think Pelosi knew it could pass the house but not the Senate she was just calling his bluff
Two “Young Guns” dead in the street. McCarthy’s next. A little time as Ryan replacement and the KKKlowns will shoot him down.
Kirk Spencer
@Quinerly: No she didn’t say that. Transcript of the meeting.
She told him he had the house. She called him on not submitting his plan even though he had the house because he wasn’t willing to negotiate, to persuade enough Senate democrats to vote for it as well. She told him that he would not get his wall.
But she never said he didn’t have the votes in the house. Read the transcript yourself.
@Kirk Spencer: From the transcript 12/11… Pelosi: “That’s what the House Republicans could do if they had the votes. But there are no votes in the House, a majority of votes, for a wall, no matter where you…”
I’m glad to have Paul Ryan out of Congress, but he’s sure to be back as a lobbyist, think tank flack, or something else to sow evil.