A design of our Steel Slat Barrier which is totally effective while at the same time beautiful! pic.twitter.com/QSa43Buwq9
— Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) December 21, 2018
That’s all I’ve got.
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
A design of our Steel Slat Barrier which is totally effective while at the same time beautiful! pic.twitter.com/QSa43Buwq9
— Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) December 21, 2018
That’s all I’ve got.
Comments are closed.
Doug R
That dog is a frigging Terminator.
et tu, sargent?
I’m out shopping (bah humbug!) but I want to recommend Miley Cyrus’s rendition of Santa Baby. She’s so cool.
Joy in FL
The dog’s confidence is the best. She knows that barrier is not a barrier.
Breaking: Top US official in fight against Islamic State group quits over President Trump’s decision to pull troops from Syria
I’d accept a compromise where the wall is a white picket fence. Americans and Mexicans can paint it together.
Al Z.
@Doug R: That entire twitter thread is hilarious
dr. bloor
…and that’s more than enough. Doggo don’t need no steenking walls.
@Baud: Tom Sawyer reference? Who’s the fellow who ends up with everyone’s marbles, kites, tadpoles, and other treasures?
Miss Bianca
OK, laughing my ass off hecause POMS!!
Seriously, i could watch that all day.
Amir Khalid
This song makes me think of those American civil servants who could go unpaid through the Christmas holidays because of Trump’s petulance.
The Doggo-1000 is terrifying and cute.
A Ghost To Most
That dog is 90% floof.
Thoughtful David
@Plato: Unfortunately, I think this and Mattis’s resignations and the criticism he’s receiving will make him less likely to backtrack on his decision to withdraw. Two reasons: 1) He can’t “look weak,” he knows more about it than all the generals, right? and 2) He has to show Putin he can follow through on orders.
@Baud: Baud/Huck Finn
Never having known an actual Pomeranian, I was not expecting that outcome!
I think these guys may be trying to tell us something
I wish Dump were a Democrat, he would have been gone a year ago. He is a Republican which means he is probably safe til 2020
@Amir Khalid:
I thought of this one though it is not holiday themed
Actually, until a couple years ago, he was.
When will the House and Senate start negotiating with the real powers that be (Fox News terrorists)?
@Thoughtful David: Trump won’t change unless the republicans revolt, but since they are cowards they will kiss trumps butt. (sorry for that image)
Politically, this will be an interesting and informative weekend to watch. This is clearly Trump’s ‘none of my other tantrums are working’ tantrum, a special moment in dealing with toddlers and narcissists where they’ve tried everything they can think of, and have discovered there are limits where they cannot get what they want. There is no switch that can be flipped to fix things, but that is a change point and will tell us a lot. A bigger part than you would think is the filibuster. Trump knows that theoretically the people who are supposed to be on his side could abuse their power to give him what he wants, and that fact is going to change on January 3rd. He is incapable of understanding why McConnell wouldn’t dismantle the filibuster simply because Trump wants something. When the Democrats take over the House, he won’t have this theoretical power. The narcissist’s desperate last stand of entitled demanding their way.
Personally, I still think Ryan and McConnell could give him a bill, hold his feet to the fire, and he would sign it. Making him cave during negotiations DOES make someone like this easier to deal with in the future, though.
@Frankensteinbeck: They won’t and they won’t take blame. They do not want any part of the negotiations.
Trump is inherently cruel, and enjoys hurting them that way. He’s denied them as much money as he had the power to throughout his Presidency. He is intensely vulnerable to public shame, but the things we would feel moral guilt over, he either is unaffected by or actively likes.
That puppy’s confidence going through the wall…. adorable.
Warning ~ whine ahead. Don’t often use electronic stuff on Shabbat (librarian me takes the day for in-person friends and real books) but I have a broken bone in my foot (tripped over some air, right at the point of maximum chaos in my post-move organizing) with a non-weight-bearing cast for the next six weeks, and two of my closest friends went into hospice care in the last couple days. Feeling restless as well as annoyed at the universe for this and imposing Trump and his comrades on us.
Yeah for my cats, who are definitely helping me stay sane through this.
Also: some stereotypes have a basis in reality. One good thing through all the big picture crap that makes me doubt general humanity: if you need to surround yourself with good, helpful people… find some librarians. And knitters, genealogists, and animal rescue people aren’t far behind. Mostly all quirky nerds, in my experience ~ but helpful, intelligent, problem-solving quirky nerds who are good to surround yourself with.
I'll be Frank
Steel slats? It’s like they don’t know that the formula for thermite is easily available on the internet and the components are readily available in Mexico.
@MomSense: I must admit I do love Miley.
Dump registered as a Republican in 1987 and has changed his party affiliation five times. In April 2012, he returned to the Republican Party and has been since. So, no
@Amir Khalid: Hi, Amir: Just posted this you tube link to Judy Collins singing Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol on dead thread below so I’m resposting here:
@Frankensteinbeck: At least in small recompense, he’s had to delay his vacation. That’s probably pissing him off more than anything else about this mess.
@Schlemazel: Or infinity, whichever comes first.
Amir Khalid
“This video is not available.” Alas.
@Frankensteinbeck: Just watch, I’m willing to bet that Trump will try to fire Fed Chair Powell in the near future to change the narrative yet again. It’s the as long as I keep throwing new balls in the air no one will notice all the other bad shit that is happening all around me. I mean, after all that is what this entire boarder (sic) wall funding/gov’t shutdown shitshow is all about anyways. This is what the Syria/Afghanistan pull out is all about. The walls are closing in. I reckon we will be lucky if we don’t wind up at war with Iran by Valentine’s Day.
I think you may have nailed it. They just plain want to dump this on Trump and make it his problem.
Oh, no. Never underestimate how much it utterly pisses off a narcissist to be slapped in the face with the fact that they can’t get their way. They hate it. People are telling him ‘no’ with no pretense that it’s anything other than their being unwilling to indulge his whims. One of these people is a woman who talks down to him. All while more practical facts of reality are denying him on other fronts, he’s scared, and he seems a future looming up close where that woman holds all the power in their relationship.
@Joy in FL: A metaphor for living! And for writing!
@germy: Throw him more anvils.
I’m sorry to hear about your injury- just what you needed in the aftermath of a move.
I’m also really sorry to hear about your friends. I’ve been going through this with dear friends the last few years and it has a way of turning all the things you thought life would be – upside down. Take care of yourself. Sending a big hug to you.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Doug R: My evil genius escape artist beagle goes through that model by opening the latch. On either the people gate or the kitty gate. With about as much delay as that Pomeranian.
@Mayim: You offered good advice and I thank you, and sharing is always welcome here. Take care and happy healing.
I do, too. I think she is genuinely talented.
Trump sure has lots of allies and staffers who (anonymously) say nasty things about him behind his back. It almost makes me think he’s right to be paranoid.
Oh come on. Ann Coulter hasn’t got that much influence over Trump.
I cannot possibly disagree more. This is not a distraction. If he’s throwing random shit, it’s because he’s angry, not any tactic to divert attention. Especially the shutdown. He wants this wall and after January 3rd, a woman will be able to deny it to him and he will not be able to do anything about it. The Syria thing maybe could have been wild flailing to demonstrate his power and look strong, but everything he does is too much of a clusterfuck for the ‘distraction’ argument. It ALL needs distracting from.
@Ken: He doesn’t inspire loyalty.
Me, too.
And that Pom is awesome.
Frank Wilhoit
1. Who will be Trump’s Alexander Butterfield?
2. Who will be Trump’s John Poindexter?
3. Who will be Trump’s Giacomo Matteotti?
4. (Obvious question omitted as likely to provoke censorship, even in this generous environment)
5. Who will be Trump’s Humphrey Appleby?
6. Which will happen first?
Chyron HR
“Ma! MAAAA! Call the fuckin’ cops! That fuckin’ caravan is making our white ethnostate dirtier and poorer again!”
Poms have such a peppy attitude. Many years ago I worked in a pet store and we had a Pom puppy for a while. Someone brought in a toy pioneer covered wagon for toy horses to pull and hitched it to that puppy who loved it and went prancing all over the store showing off. He got sold pretty quick. The store manager explained that poms were miniature sled dog breed. Bred from something like a Samoyed. I could see it after it was pointed out.
Isn’t that great fun!
Made me ✨?✨
Nice antidote to the lionization of Gen. Theranos in the media by Matt Y. There were never any adults in the room
The Generals who were going to save us, couldn’t even save their own jobs.
@Amir Khalid: So sorry. I was able to pull it up and listen to it. Must be blocked somehow between here and there.
@Gvg: The Bohdi is a Siberian Husky-Samoyed according to the DNA test.
@Ken: he isn’t likable at all. People who want the things he does work for him, but his personality is toxic. It doesn’t have to be. Someone else could have caught this wave and been a better boss, and they would have been more successful. Think of Bush 2’s someone you would want to have a beer with meme. Same guy authorized torture. Sure there is a tendency to be nasty in being this kind of racist, but your usual nasty racist is nice to whites like him, right?
I don’t think it’s the racism, I think there is something about being a successful media personality that maybe explains how he could get the attention and votes and still be such an unsuccessful boss. However it’s not something I actually know about.
Ben Cisco
Christmas shopping is done, and I’m glad. Trying to get into the spirit of things but having difficulty. Big dinner with the family tomorrow, that should help.
@MomSense: Yes. And she makes it look so easy (I caught a couple of episodes of her TV show).
@Ben Cisco: I wish you a peaceful and joyous holiday season!
@Frankensteinbeck:First off, I wasn’t trying to imply that Trump’s method of continually creating new issues was a strategy (at least a thought out one in the traditional sense of the word)–it’s not, it is more primal & reactive & something that has worked for him previously. An actual strategy would imply some endgame & the only endgame with Trump atm is surviving until tomorrow. Second, if he really really wanted his wall he’s had a number of occasions over the past two years to make it a reality. Just a year ago Nancy & Chuck said they would give him $25 billion dollars for a wall if he would just agree to fix DACA (which, might I remind you, he screwed up in the first place). Anyways, I don’t think there is all that much actual disagreement between us.
Joy in FL
@stinger: Yes, an excellent metaphor : )
Ben Cisco
@Kathleen: Thank you. I am trying. And I have much to be thankful for, without a doubt. I’ve gotten just about everything I wanted out of this move. In fact, everything but one thing. I don’t believe that the story is over yet, but I don’t know…
patrick II
I am not sure that the republicans would be as bad off as they fear if they impeach Trump if they don’t impeach Pence. Trump’s strongest ties are with the Evangelicals, but so are Pence’s. If Pence could persuade them that he is every bit the racist Donald is, and more religious to boot, they might not bring pitchforks to the RNC.
zhena gogolia
@Ben Cisco:
We are thinking of you. It must be so hard. I can’t imagine.
@patrick II: They would convince themselves that Donald was chosen by god to deliver Pence – the chosen one. Easy peasy.
@Frankensteinbeck: Correct. The way you deal with a narcissist is to box him in so that he himself suffers the consequences of all his actions. That is what is happening to Trump now. It is not going to be pretty, and there will damage and victims, but it has to happen.
We have visitors from my workplace stopping by today to check on us/wish us well. They’ve been really good during this whole ordeal so yay! Also when I was ordering my dad’s Christmas gift (the excellent Dark Money by Jane Mayer) that I ordered myself her other book, The Dark Side.
Hope everyone is getting all their preparations in order for the upcoming week. Avalune, my dad, and I watched Krampus last night. Think it’s a good way to remind us all the true meaning of the holidays. Plus Avanlune and I love all of those old world stories. Adds spice to the season (Buffana!) :)
Sister Golden Bear
I wanted to get some returns off today, but my printer crapped out.
Good news: Best Buy has a replacement that I can pick up in an hour.
Bad news: I have to go to Best Buy to pick it up.
Pray for me…
Meanwhile NYT Bret Stephens calls Trump not an empty vessel but a malignant one. Calls for the resignation of the folks who think they are managing him, since they are failing to do that.
Miss Bianca
@Leto: My sister just gifted me with “Dark Money” ffor Xmas!
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Schlemazel: I am weeks behind on threads, but I am glad to read ca was not the dx. I do hope your 2nd opinion can provide a better offer that your current doc, whose caution I understand, but it’s not his/her life that’s gonna change with that approach.
Happy Cold Moon everyone.
Central Planning
I was just looking at Instagram and it suggested I follow Bernie Sanders because I follow The Onion.
That’s some fine AI they have.
Ben Cisco
@zhena gogolia: It’s a non-optimal situation for me. First time I really connected with someone since Mrs. Cisco passed. Someone here told me to take it slow, and I tried, but I was put into a position where I had to speak my truth. Funny thing is, I’m still daring to hope. Am I crazy?
Just One More Canuck
This seems like a story we can all use. From Wapo
The metaphor of “adults in the room” is stupid.
Trump based his entire presidency on “policies” which were stupid or cruel, and consistently fired or neutralized any advisor who would tell him anything he did not want to hear.
Some kept looking at Trump behave like a child, but ignored the fact that he is a child with incredible power.
Also, some folks kept asking why anyone with a shred of honor would not resign instead of serving this president. And now those people with a shred of honor ARE resigning.
The optimists, and fools, are hoping that Trump will learn something from this, but it will only make him worse. And who knows what kind of cynical and selfish vermin will show up to work for him during the remainder of his term.
At least we will have, hopefully, a strong Democratic House to oppose him until he can be impeached and removed, or defeated in the next election.
cynthia ackerman
Holiday visions of a beautiful Gray Slat Hotel for Clan Creosote.
A Ghost To Most
@cynthia ackerman: Let us hope the Creosote crime family all explode when force fed indictments for their crimes.
@Ben Cisco:
Nope. Not at all.
Best wishes to you.
AOC is kicking some ass…:
Those in Congress need to suffer real consequences for this shit.
@Mandalay: They should garnish Trump’s salary, as well as his staff’s, too. Supposedly, he donates it back to the government or something, but I somehow doubt that it’s being done faithfully.
Doug R
@Mayim: Most religous “laws” started out as sensible rules. Cover your head in the hot sun, don’t eat shellfish if you live a few days travel from water, don’t eat meat that might have parasites, take a day off a week.
I understand trying to stay away from work, but these companies that have programmed devices so you don’t have to “work” on one day just seems ridiculous and against the spirit of why the rule was made in the first place.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Mayim: That is not good news, but your attitude is. Libraries and librarians are awesome.
@Ben Cisco: I’m not sure hope it’s ever a bad thing, so long as we accept that it may be disappointed. Good thoughts that your patience will help it not be.
@MomSense: Did you get my email? I can send again if you didn’t.
@Kathleen @Miss Bianca: I plan to write soon!
Here’s another: Good riddance to James Mattis, Trump’s last general:
Just brutal.
The Pale Scot
I’ll just leave this here
Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas
There’s Ella, and then there’s everyone else
@Mandalay: I gather there’s been talk of classifying members of Congress as non-essential employees. dKos has a diary up about this now:
Evidently Gallego only served one term. What a pity.
Gelfling 545
@Baud: Inspired!
Chris T.
Three shutdowns in a year. Republicans control all branches of government, and they fail not once, not twice, but three times.
It’s mind-boggling, until you remember that Republicans are also the ones who say government doesn’t work … and then make sure that it doesn’t.
Isn’t this, I dunno … isn’t this like saying, hm, we’d like to go out but we need someone to take care of the kids. Let’s see, we have two options for a babysitter. Mrs D says kids need care, and she’ll do job for $50. Mr R says kids are the problem and he’ll do it for $30. Last time someone hired Mr R, his solution was to toss the kids out on the street! But look, he says he’ll watch our kids for twenty bucks less, let’s go with Mr R!
The Pale Scot
@Amir Khalid:
Amir, go get a VPN to change your IP address to the USA, and you can change to other countries, plus it’s encrypted
I use PIA, it’s one of the largest and doesn’t keep logs
Wow – Trump has now lost the Heritage Foundation! They’re throwing a hissy fit in public over his plans to cut and run in Syria and Afghanistan…
Ben Cisco
@Brachiator: Thank you.
Ben Cisco
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: I am trying to find the strength to face that possibility.
I long for time of a real President and lawmakers who value the common good, over knee-work, servicing their corporate masters.
I can dream, can’t I?
@Brachiator: Agreed completely. He is not a child. Calling him child gives him a pass, because children can’t help themselves since they don’t know any better.
The generals lent his maladministration a veneer of respectability.
James E Powell
I’ve been avoid all news, but especially cable, since the summer of 2016. I occasionally drop in when there’s a Huge Story and every time I’m reminded that I cannot should not watch this shit. Just now. MSNBC. Reporter quotes Trump’s tweet demanding a steel barrier or wall. She says this is Trump softening his stance. I know it’s mean and awful and wrong, but I really want them all to die.
@Ben Cisco: I am crossing my paws for you. Good luck, Emissary!
@The Pale Scot: Or just use the free VPN included with Opera.
@Chris T.:
It’s not just that they say it doesn’t work and then make it so, it’s that they don’t want it to work. Conservatives don’t want any government except their own security, which they control. Everything else is just a cost factor to them. The government tells them they can’t have slaves, they actually have to pay people to work for them and they have to limit the hours that they can work and certain things like safety and health of their employees are major concerns. Without all those silly laws they could make more money.
@schrodingers_cat: * a child.
the Pale Scot
@sdhays: that sounds cool,
@Plato: That’s the kind of stuff that should be a political commercial right now (i.e. not waiting until someone’s running for something)
@Baud: Really? Wow, that came out of nowhere.
@Sister Golden Bear: Maybe borrow hockey pads from the neighbor’s kids first?
He never would have gotten the nomination in the first place.
@MomSense: @Kathleen:
Have you guys seen “A Very Murray Christmas?” Bill Murray’s short Christmas special? Ms. Cyrus is in it and does a great number. The rest of the folks who show up are also wondrrful. Even David Johansen shows up and is good (who I will only think of as a member of the New York Dolls rather than as his later Buster Poindexter creation).
@Baud: You know that there will be a similar story about Sanders soon.
PS. Still sending uplifting waves of comradery.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Thoughtful David: Maybe, since Trump is nacrassits looking weak is the big thing, he will bluster until he figures out a way to blame someone else.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: Colored me shocked a Greenie accepted aid from a dictatorship. Shocked I am, shocked.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Well if you are in shock it was wholly self-induced, because you obviously didn’t bother to read the article:
You are exactly the kind of rube that the Russians target.
That’s what the term “useful idiot” means. She was a useful idiot.
@germy: She’d have to be an idiot, sitting across from Flynn at Putin’s table in Moscow and thinking “Everything is fine.”
@Mayim: I am really sorry to hear about your foot. I broke my ankle in the spring and had a non-weight bearing cast for 6 weeks, and I really struggled, so I feel your pain.
I had to wait 2 weeks after the cast came off to get into physical therapy. That sucked, so maybe you can talk to your doctor about tentatively getting on the schedule before you officially get cleared.
It was her burnishing her international resume. The biggest criticism thrown at third party candidates and “lefties” is that they lack foreign policy experience/knowledge. (From villagers like Chuck Todd and Maggie Haberman). So I’m guessing here that JIll Stein was traveling to give herself the shine of an international stateswoman.
In the news
Adults in the room. Trump is determined to rid the entire government of “adults.”
And oddly, the GOP is abandoning any pretense that they hold onto any coherent theory of conservative economics by continuing to back this ignorant lunatic.
And his equally ignorant supporters just shrug their shoulders and say, “I like how Trump is sticking it to the Establishment. More! More!”
ETA this is also how you get idiots on the other side of the pond declaring, “Yeah. Bring on a no deal BREXIT. I’m sure everything will work out. And we will have our country back again!”
Well, McConnell just told Senators to have a Merry Christmas and don’t plan to come back to DC before Thursday
Doug R
Actually, screw that. She was at PUTIN’S TABLE with his information chief and convicted agent of a foreign government Michael Flynn. She knew EXACTLY what she was getting into.
Ben Cisco
@schrodingers_cat: Many thanks. May the Prophets be merciful.
@Immanentize: At least the Turtle didn’t wish them “Happy Holidays”.
Snarkworth, short-fingered Bulgarian
The beautiful slat barrier won’t be made of steel, which has become too expensive. Instead, they’ll build it out of soybeans. I understand we have a lot of those lying around.
@Mandalay: Yeah, right. A small personality cult like the Greens would have its leader unaware that people are helping them outside of the party. More than likely she just didn’t care who helped.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Immanentize: My hearty congratulations to Immp. I hope enjoys a nice sauna, since he’ll be moving into one.
So Gohmert and Nunes don’t have 12 days left in which to subpena Sen. John McCain to testify about the Steele Memo?
@Immanentize: Did you leave out the part where he said he is ashamed that, as the leader of the party in the Senate, he was not able to leave the country is good shape as they run off to have a Merry Christmas?
Chyron HR
Jill Stein is pure, this I know
For Jill Stein tells me so
Doug R
For a lot of Green fringe, similarity with Russian positions is a feature, not a bug.
Got back from seeing Bumblebee this morning.
THIS is the movie that should have started the Transformers franchise. It’s beautiful, well-paced, well-acted, only occasionally juvenile… it’s like having the Fast and Furious film crew working on it instead of Michael BAYSPLOSIONS.
If Trump fired the Fed chair, the resulting 20 percent one day drop in all stock indexes and suspension of trading by the exchanges would get his attention in a hurry. It might also inspire GOP donors to tell their hired help in Congress that Trump’s time is up.
Meanwhile, greetings from Bordeaux, France. We’re having Christmas with my daughter, who lives here, ny son and his girlfriend. Things are very weird here due to the gilets jaunts, who don’t seem that dangerous to me (their Saturday demonstration here was carefully scheduled for after lunch, saw a a bunch of them in cafes before) but who have France’s super crust spooked. This worked out for us, as our Air Bnb is n unbelievable luxury apartment in the center of town, for a very cut rate, provided we paid the woman owner in cash. She wanted to be out of Dodge for awhile.
So how 2018 was this? Mu children and I were in a store tasting caviar (we’re making blinis for Christmas Eve), when we heard a pop-pop and I caught the scent of a smell I hadn’t experienced in almost 50 years. Tear gas. Nobody in the store or the shoppers in the street even looked up.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JMG: Holy crap. Have a good time but take care. It’s sadly American that I was relieved the pop-pop was tear gas and not a gun.
Good advice on the physical therapy ~ adding to the list of things to do.
Since I’m Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas other than getting together with other non-Christian friends because we all have the day off, my brother is trying to claim that his getting braces put on the day before Thanksgiving still holds the family record for second worst holiday-adjacent health issue [Mum dying on the third night of Chanukah definitely grabs first…].
@Mayim: Time will surely move slowly for you, but hang in there. it gets better. :-)
@Dorothy A. Winsor: There are many cops and soldiers with automatic weapons everywhere we’ve been in France. The gilets jaunes are not violent and the semi-pro righties and lefties who attend these demos looking for some street fighting don’t have guns. One was caught with a knife hidden in a baguette a few weeks ago. But for sure I feel sager here than if I was in Vegas or Miami for the holidays.
Does the Heritage Foundation mean the “spend more money” part, or the “break our alliances and cozy up with dictators” part?
my only suggestion is that if you are going to have a recession in your first term, have it as early as possible, so recovery can be happening when the next election comes around.
I will also note that ‘everyone’ expected the stock market to drop if Trump were elected. The market often seems to do whatever embarasses the largest number of people.
@catclub: Too late for that now. The US economy is very big. It doesn’t turn on a dime no matter what policies are in place. The market, on the other hand, always overreacts. So does Trump, of course, which is why it’s not do good he obsesses about the market. But screw with the Fed, and the market will melt. Not here, everywhere.
Oof…baruch dayan emet seems really inadequate here. Much love and healing light to you and your family. And it’s late but Hanukkah Samayach!
Quite possibly so, but my post was not about Stein. It was about a BJ poster pontificating on an article they obviously hadn’t read. Russia will find such minds malleable.
@JMG: i was just thinking that presidents are usually given far too much credit for having influence on the market and the economy. Their effect is quite limited.
I think it would be a bad thing if trump found out he had ways to have a VERY large effect.
1. It is of course interesting that votes to raise interest rates are votes that see the economy as robust enough to absorb those increases.
[Whether that assessment is accurate is for another day.]
2. Trump does not seem to realize that the stock market is not the economy. File under ‘not a surprise’
My main indicator of near term recession is oil prices falling a lot. Employment is still excellent and inflation is meh.
The fact that the expansion has been so sluggish over the past ten years is one thing that makes a dramatic reversal of growth unlikely. No boom, no bust.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: (-: