The Baylor Lady Bears at the White House and their coach reacting to the fast food offerings are a mood:
— Leah McElrath (@leahmcelrath) April 29, 2019
‘Ignorant and proud of it’ is pretty much his brand, and the GOP’s as well. As Jimmy Breslin used to say, Class tells, when there is no class…
This year's National Teacher of the Year is a black man
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) April 28, 2019
Trump isn't trying to mask his racism any more than the tiki torch-bearing brownshirts he protects
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) April 28, 2019
Agreed. It saves him the awkwardness of figuring out how to react to being in a media scrum next to the nation’s most horrific POTUS.
— Rebecca Rauber (@rebeccarauber) April 28, 2019
Keith P.
I still can’t wrap my head around Trump constantly serving McDonald’s as “rewards”. That was *literally* a gag the supervillain from “Kingsman” did.
I suppose if you don’t boycott the WH visit, standing behind Trump and letting your facial expression let everyone know what you think of him is the next best thing.
Has the Bigot-in-chief commented on the fine person that mowed down a 13 year old child with his car. She is fighting for her life, as we speak.
There is no way his staff will let him do this. Be prepared for fake news tweets.
Fast food, again. At the Whitehouse.
Burn it all down and build another one. The stink is never going to come out.
It’s one bizzare thing after another with Trumpov. What an asshole. Fuckem and his stupid supporters.
@MJS: Yeah, I don’t see the conservative administration at Baylor ever allowing one of their teams to boycott a GOP Presidential invitation, regardless of what the team or coaching staff may think. This irked Baylor alum tried to find out what went down.
randy khan
As someone noted in the Twitter thread, it’s worth mentioning that Baylor is conservative, religiously-affiliated university, which had Ken Starr as its president for a while and has a longstanding policy basically saying that the only sex that’s allowed is between married heterosexuals. I would say that the odds that the team was told to accept the invitation were pretty high.
Also, I am 100% confident that Kim Mulkey, Baylor’s coach, did not approve of the food choices made available to her team. (And for any fellow WCBB fans here, she apparently found a friend with good taste to dress her today.) (For those who don’t get the joke, do an image search for her outfits; she has said that she does not pick her clothes for games, but has friends do it.)
West of the Cascades
@sharl: and of course these fine amateur athletes don’t get paid for their time to attend!
Ohio Mom
Can I dream that the next president will make this up to Rodney Robinson with a make-up ceremony?
@sharl: I kind of figured that, it being Baylor. Oh well, now Baylor can proudly display the pictures… somewhere. And at least UVA’s men’s team told him to pound sand.
HUD’s top watchdog: Agency is impeding probe into Puerto Rico hurricane aid
Add Ben Carson to the growing list of Criminal Trump Appointees.
He caved! Pussy.
@randy khan: Of course Baylor is also accepting of sexual assault, so a visit to the Pussy Grabber in Chief is in keeping with their mission.
@debbie: lol Even I can be right once and awhile. I assumed that it was next Monday.
Omnes Omnibus
Why are people punishing the Teacher of the Year? No wonder so many people want to get out of K-12 education.
Ohio Mom
@debbie: Another dream dashed in a lifetime of dreams dashed! Oh well.
@Keith P.:
Last time wasn’t his excuse the shutdown and the WH staff being furloughed? What was it this time, “We were all out of peanut butter”?
Would risk some serious folding money wagering that they don’t pay retail price for it. If they pay at all.
@trollhattan: I’m guessing the dolt thought it was sooo popular last time why not do it again?
“We must cut Medicare and Social Security in order to properly feed people in the White House.”
And I pray this stays as just a joke.
@randy khan:
It’s legally mandatory [you could look it up] to bring up Baylor’s sportsball sexual assault scandals when citing Ken Starr for basically anything. Naturally, he got a big fat farewell check when the finally gently canned him.
It’s good to be a Republican.
@NotMax: I’m willing to bet the poor bastard from the SS who has to pick up the order has to pay out of pocket and submit for government reimbursement.
TaMara (HFG)
I’m liking this:
More cold hamberders? Sad.
@TaMara (HFG):
I’m liking that the Trumps are suing Deutsch Bank. Stupid move in my no-legal-expertise-at-all opinion.
Ohio Mom
Winning an award that includes having to shake hands and make pleasant small talk with the likes of Trump, Pence, and anyone else from that administration reminds me of that W.C. Fields joke about first prize being a week in Philadelphia and second prize being two weeks.
I can’t help but think it’s more like a booby prize than anything else. I feel sorry for them.
Can we all take a deep breath and appreciate the unbelievably small miracle that they didn’t serve Church’s Chicken?
randy khan
There are a lot of things that I don’t like about Mulkey, but I will say that if he tried anything with anyone on her team, she’d be on him so fast there wouldn’t be time for the Secret Service to get in the way. Not to mention that the puniest player on that team would be both stronger and quicker than him.
The ridiculous part is, if he is set on burgers & other junk food for athletes, he could contract in a few good food trucks, pop some pretty tents up on the WH lawn, and it would work! Imagine Pres. Obama & Michelle doing that-it would be fun and charming. But no-that would involve actual planning and giving a shit.
Have previous First Ladies taken charge of planning this kind of thing?? Maybe that’s why all these events are such fails-she just can’t be fussed about it.
And at the end of the day has to fully account for every packet of ketchup.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’ve commented on Trump’s penchant for serving fast food at these functions before. It’s so transparently cheap. His (online) base loves to spin it as him somehow knowing just what “normal, ordinary working class people love”, but that’s such a line of bullshit.
I admit to having fast food every now and then. It’s not the worst thing in the world. Most poorer people, if given the choice, would choose fancier fare than this cold, greasy slop. I guarantee it.
It’ll never understand how people can defend this. There’s no excuse for serving honored guests cold fast food at the White House when you’re supposedly rich. This asshole is no Herbert Hoover.
Or Pope Yes :-)
@TaMara (HFG): per the Washington Post
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller’s principal conclusions. The letter was followed by a phone call during which Mueller pressed Barr to release executive summaries of his report.
This is a developing story. It will be updated.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Mister, we could use a man….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Trivia: One of FDR’s dinners during a state visit by the British royals became famous for he and Eleanor serving the king and queen hot dogs. Which were eaten with a knife and fork.
Roger Moore
@randy khan:
But apparently there’s nothing really wrong with banging a porn star on the side, as long as you turn over appointment of all judges to the Federalist Society.
@Damien: What about Chick-fil-A
Roger Moore
All of them, Katie.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@JPL: It seems Mueller isn’t ok with Barr’s whitewashing effort. Can’t blame him. That was nearly two years of his life he put into that report. Mueller’s testifying before a House committee, correct?
Are they still around? Many years ago would occasionally make a detour to one that was sort of nearby only for the fried okra.
Roger Moore
Now that they’ve served one team cheap fast food, it would look like favoritism to serve anything better to any other team. Besides, you know the youths love that stuff. I’m pretty sure there’s a grift angle in there somewhere, though.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’ll gotta level chief, Chick-fil-A is pretty good and is a real guilty pleasure of mine. It’s a shame the owners are right wing, homophobic dicks
More blood in Dixie, whocoodanode.
@TaMara (HFG): @JPL: So did Sen. Harris tweet that before or after the Post story? Amazing timing if she had it out before the story. Even if she didn’t, that’s some impressive turnaround time. I continue to think she’s probably the politically savviest candidate running.
@oatler.: …FFS, this country :|
@Roger Moore
I believe the standing rule is that Dolt 45 receives all the toys from the kids’ meals, so he can play with them in the war room.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: But people were telling me that he is really just a GOP stooge and that Barr’s “summary” of the report marked the end of the American experiment with democracy. Oh yeah, and it showed that all of our institutions were failing.
Ian R
@West of the Cascades: Could they use the evil of the NCAA policies for good?
“I’m sorry, but a trip to DC and picture with the president has a non-zero value, so NCAA rules prohibit me from accepting. I wouldn’t want to risk my scholarship.”
Force the Possum Queen to get up and argue that meeting with Trump is worthless.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
scratches Goku off Christmas list
Roger Moore
I’m just suspicious that there’s some kind of petty grift involved, like there being an official budget for this kind of thing and Trump is overcharging for the food and keeping the difference.
Mike in NC
Pictures of Fat Bastard sitting at the desk are always hilarious. Just a phone and maybe a can of Diet Coke. No piles of papers or file folders or IN/OUT baskets like any normal executive would have, because he literally does nothing all day long but talk to loons like Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I think I’ve heard of that before : ).
I wonder what kind of hot dogs they were? Beef? Naturally cased? Or the pork and chicken ones? Hopefully, not the latter as they’re low quality. Certainly not fit for the King and Queen of the UK!
3 years ago on vacation to LA, I got to eat chilli dogs at Pink’s. It was a real treat
OK, who of you woke up sleepin’ Dr. Carson?
TaMara (HFG)
@JPL: I literally just put up a post on that topic.
@randy khan:
Mulkey has never been as bad as Sylvia (Hatchell, the recently deposed North Carolina coach).
Roger Moore
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I have a hard time imagining a patrician like FDR would skimp on hotdogs.
More important, did he see his shadow?
@Roger Moore: They were likely the finest sausages he could find that would still fit in a then standard bun.
When it comes to White House dinners, it’s one part what is served; but a lot more of it is how it is served. LIke I said during the Shutdown, that you can do ‘working people food’ if you do it live, as it were.
Like have a grill set up in an open-air area of the White House, make it a backyard barbeque or something like that. This is mostly a failure of imagination and someone of means being a spendthrift because he probably doesn’t much care for the people he’s honoring.
Omnes Omnibus
@BlueDWarrior: No, my understanding of the event was that the staff served regular hotdogs. As another patrician, FDR was communicating that he didn’t feel the petite bourgeois need to try to impress the Windsors.
Its hard to get worse then cold Big Macs.
@NotMax: Don’t forget, ketchup is a vegetable in Republican households.
Decent food, shitty owners.
Almost obligatory to link to a pic of Ike at the White House, rustling up some grub.
And it would cost at least three times as much.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Barr as AG is a definite sign that the institutions had one job and failed to do it.
Putting Trump anywhere near an open flame is a recipe for trouble. Just think about all the oil and hair gel.
O. Felix Culpa
Mueller complained that Barr’s letter did not capture ‘context’ of Trump probe
Color me shocked.
Roger Moore
It could be that he just doesn’t care at all about this part of the job, and he’s letting his contempt for it show through. I think, though I’m not 100% sure, that he doesn’t like doing things like inviting sports teams he doesn’t care about to the White House to congratulate them because the attention is on his guests rather than him. Doing something awful like serving cheap fast food is a way of steering the attention back to him. He wants attention, even bad attention, that much.
@TenguPhule: I would argue differently. It’s showing the institutions are not magic. They are only as good as the people running them. A hammer cannot strike a nail if no one is holding it.
People were assuming that the institutions are these magical machines that do things regardless of who is there, when they are carefully designed (mostly) human organizations that operate a certain way because everyone brought in and trained up is taught to operate that way.
And now we have people internally sabotaging everything because they want an oligopoly where a small cabal is the sum total of power, a lot like Putin-era Russia.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Oddly enough, I had people just like you in mind when I wrote that.
O. Felix Culpa
@O. Felix Culpa: All right, I was going to acknowledge that JPL posted this news at #34, but FYWP won’t let me edit. Shocking on all counts, I know.
Jim Parish
@Ocotillo: It was Sen. John Heinz (R-PA) who gave the authoritative answer that ketchup and pickle chips did not qualify as vegetables. Yes, the Heinz…
randy khan
@burnspbesq: I’d say that Hatchell and Mulkey are each in her own special category.
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: Smithsonian Mag:
As usual, things get garbled over time.
@Ohio Mom:
Never heard that one before.
As for the Baylor sportsball women’s team, I don’t know why they’d even consider being around the pussy-grabbing pile of shit.
@Roger Moore:
I honestly think the man thinks that there’s no higher treat than fast food garbage food.
J R in WV
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Hoover was a very wealthy mining engineer before he entered politics. So, no! Trump is not anything like Herbert Hoover, who was wealthy and dignified. Hoover was also a capitalist pig, willing to see people starve on the streets of New York and Washington before lifting a finger of the government’s hand to help them. But still better than Trump.
J R in WV
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
So wrong! Sugar doesn’t improve fast food, not at all. Ate there one, knew they were Xianist pigs, thought I should try it before getting down on it. Terrible sweet horror.