“The training lasted several weeks and ended with the operative, Euripides Rubio Jr., reportedly quitting because the group ‘wasn’t capable of learning.’” https://t.co/y5OCaf4gGv
— Asawin Suebsaeng (@swin24) May 3, 2019
And one can only wish that were a Far Side reference:
Blackwater founder Erik Prince arranged for political activist James O’Keefe’s conservative group Project Veritas to receive more than one round of “training in intelligence and elicitation techniques,” The Intercept reports. In 2016, the self-styled “guerrilla journalist” group reportedly got lessons from a retired military intelligence operative… In 2017, Prince next set Project Veritas up with a former British MI6 officer in hopes of turning the organization into “domestic spies,” according to report. At the time, O’Keefe posted social-media photos of the event at Prince’s Wyoming ranch, claiming he was training in “spying and self-defense” and planned to turn Project Veritas into “the next great intelligence agency.”
The bankrollers for so many of the "Libertarian" funding trusts that donate to people like O'Keefe, and TPUSA, choose some of the most absurd people to put their money behind. Koch connected trusts gave this guy nearly $1mil. How can you see his work and decide to back it?
— Hayek's Ghost (@FritzHayek) May 3, 2019
I’m going with a Thorstein Veblen explanation: Flushing the occasional million down the crapper attempting to educate an O’Keefe is an obvious demonstration, to one’s fellow glibertarian billionaires, that one has millions of dollars to waste.
Although, as Jack Crosbie at Splinter points out, it can reasonably be argued that Betsy deVos’s brother Erik is not, himself, all that bright…
Glad to be part of the group that qualified as an asterisk for Dolt45 ??
Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) Tweeted:
2016 results from validated voters:
For Clinton:
Wht men: 32%
Wht women: 45%
Hisp m: 65%
Hisp w: 67%
Blk m: 81%
Blk w: 98%
For Trump, a bonafide racist:
Wht men: 62%
Wht women: 47%
Hisp m: 28%
Hisp w: 28%
Blk m: 14%
Blk w: *
Source: @pewresearch
Any question? https://t.co/BKXnsRGu7K https://twitter.com/CharlesMBlow/status/1124356570861768704?s=17
Jerzy Russian
Christ, what an asshole*!
*Am I referring to O’Keefe or Prince? Yes I am.
Robert Bowsher
Thorstein Veblen is a name you don’t see every day. Maybe Koch and their ilk can spend their money on fancy walking sticks, or maybe imitate the late Paul Allen and buy a yacht that has a yacht in it.
Obvious fake name is obvious. Otherwise I got nothin’. The fact that they were too stupid to learn even basic intelligence techniques is, well, completely unsurprising.
Joe Falco
An asterisk, much like his entire win and hopefully his presidency in the history books.
In yesterday’s Buzzfeed article where Katie McHugh attempts to resurrect a career, after daylighting as a raving racist lunatic, there’s a lot of name dropping of nazi/racist and/or alt-right organizations and their connections with traditional conservative organizations. Erik Prince makes a guest appearance who was asked about a dinner event he was supposed to attend with alt-right freak shows and responded with, “I don’t know what you’re talking about and that dinner never happened.”
Erik Prince keeps popping up with these folks. Just a coincidence.
The damage done to the country and beyond by members of the Prince family is pretty dire. And they’re keeping at it with no signs of slowing down.
I’m surprised O’Keefe can breathe and blink simultaneously. Perfect Republican.
Euripides Klossoff would be a great stripper name.
Adam L Silverman
This is the second hit at Prince to drop within 24 hours. There are three questions: 1) Who wants him exposed right now? 2) Why? 3) Who profits as a result?
Uh, this is a criminal conspiracy operating out in the open.
Thank you. Filing away for future use.
Everyone loved Chewie.
The only thing I am learning is that the expression “Some people are protected by the law but not bound by it, others are bound by the law but not protected by it.” Is far too often in evidence these days.
[Was there a thread on the conviction of a cop for murder and it was totally coincidental that the cop was black (and possibly a Muslim?)
and the victim was white? ]
Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) Tweeted:
Wow. The President of the United States just confirmed that he directly informed Vladimir Putin that he is not accepting the Mueller report’s conclusion that Russia interfered in our 2016 election in “sweeping and systematic” fashion.
That seems problematic. https://t.co/QDxJxwwNJP https://twitter.com/ThePlumLineGS/status/1124360820190789633?s=17
Adam L Silverman
Euripides Rubio, Jr:
Here’s his Medal of Honor citation. Awarded posthumously after he was Killed in Action in Vietnam in 1966.
Amir Khalid
I get that James O’Keefe is a dumbass who trips over his own feet a lot. I just don’t understand why his fellow travellers on the right don’t get that too, and quit wasting time and money on him.
Just One More Canuck
@Yutsano: you can’t learn intelligence techniques of you have no intelligence.
Euripedes? Why not something more realistic, like Yahoo Serious, or Joey Shithead
Imagine trying to learn basic intelligence, without any.
@Amir Khalid:
Is it possible that none of them are all that bright, but James is far less so?
When even military intelligence tells you you’re too stupid to learn, time to pack it in.
@Adam L Silverman:
Christ on a cracker. Was somebody else already pretending to be Audie Murphy?
Nethead Jay
I love a good Thorstein Veblen reference and this one is excellent.
@Adam L Silverman: Good questions.
@Adam L Silverman: Wait, what?
Adam L Silverman
@catclub: The cop is Somali-American and a Muslim. From what I was able to find, there have only been 13 convictions of police officers for killing suspects or just people in the wrong place at the wrong time over the past decade or so. There is, unfortunately, no breakdown by ethnicity and/or religion in that data.
Adam L Silverman
@Just One More Canuck: Please see my comment at 15.
If the Oligarchs of today’s America have so many millions to toss around without caring….we need to raise our tax rates for the rich then. They are the ones telling us.
@Adam L Silverman:
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: It’s possible this is CPT Rubio’s son, but that would have made him Euripedes Rubio, III. And I find it hard to believe that he too would just happen to be a military intel officer. I’ve forwarded the information to the reporter from The Intercept.
@rikyrah: yup. This is the shocking news of the day. tRump and Putin agreed that the Russia thing was a hoax, discussed trade (i.e., lifting sanctions), Venezuela (i.e. letting Maduro stay in power after encouraging the people to try to oppose him), and North Korea (i.e., agreeing to NK’s definition of denuclearization). We need subpeonas, contempt charges and a march the size of the woman’s march soon. Otherwise our country’s lost
Gin & Tonic
If he doesn’t know what they’re talking about then how can he be sure it never happened?
All of us.
@Just One More Canuck: @Ruckus: Seriously. One of the most basic rules of intelligence is when to shut up and listen. It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest these knucklefucks couldn’t even manage that basic skill. Staying quiet until opportunity arises just isn’t how they roll.
@Leto: Heh. I have myself made the joke that military intelligence is an oxymoron. But it’s no surprise thesesoooper gayniuses couldn’t even handle the basics.
Adam L Silverman
@rp: Whomever the military intelligence and special operations person is that Prince had training O’Keefe and the other Project Veritas chuckleheads, it wasn’t CPT Rubio, Jr. Go to the link, there’s a picture of his grave marker in Puerto Rico, a link to his name on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, and a copy of his posthumous MOH citation. These idiots always have the worst tradecraft. They have no ability to understand that people can actually do keyword searches on the Internet. I’m sure Prince brought someone in. I’m also sure he wasn’t Enrique Rubio, Jr. who has been dead for 53 years!
Adam L Silverman
@ChrisS: @Gin & Tonic: I have a screengrab of that dinner with a smiling Prince sitting there with Milo and some woman. It’s from 26 JUL 2016.
“Not all that bright” pretty much describes the Trump administration.
One thing I’ve noticed about conservative idiots is that they believe that they know it all, when obviously they don’t know or understand much of anything. It’s the basic lack of cognitive skills, see 1% of anything and immediately think you fully understand the other 99%
@Adam L Silverman: Stolen Valor, STOLEN VALOR!!!!
All kidding aside, isn’t this rather alarming??
“Journalists” being trained as spies by a mercenary? In order to bring down Democratic elected officials?
@Adam L Silverman: And a year later the 1st Bat, 28th Infantry suffered a similar fate due to gross stupidity at the command level.
You gotta be one be a Big Red One.
Adam L Silverman
I just heard back from The Intercept’s reporter who did their story. He says this is the lat CPT Rubio’s son. I followed up with:
I’ll let you know if I hear anything further.
@Yutsano: Agreed. I might trust them to clean latrines, but still not without heavy supervision.
@Adam L Silverman:
Are you talking about “thesesoooper gayniuses” at Xi-nuis, or the Intercept? Both seem incapable of basic Google-fu.
A new one for the list of proper adjectives for conservatives.
“Because he’s on our side.”
@germy: I can’t wait to hear Republicans claim Michael Steele was that MI6 trainer. ?
@Raven: the 28th Infantry (the bloody bucket brigade) was my great Uncle’s division in the Ardennes. It went hard on them there.
Ooops. I see the Vietnam 28th was a different outfit.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: Perhaps not. There is someone by the name of Euripedes Rubio, Jr in Bowie MD who has a defense contracting company. So it may, indeed, be his kid. There is nothing anywhere, in any official bios, indicating that CPT Rubio had children. There’s no mention of family at all.
@Adam L Silverman: @Leto: To be fair, it’s hard to differentiate between all the Google hits on a name as common as “Euripides Rubio.” :/
@Adam L Silverman:
If you go the old fashioned Miss Manners way of naming, the “Jr” and other numbers are not actually part of your name and you move up a step whenever someone dies. So, in theory, if his father died but his grandfather is still alive, his grandfather could be Sr and this guy could be Jr.
That’s rarely how it works out in American practice, though — most men keep their own designations. My brother still keeps the “III” as part of his name even though my grandfather and father are both gone and he technically should drop it since he’s the last one with that name.
I’m pretty sure you’re right, though, and it’s an alias that the jackass is using to inflate his ego. He may have been in the Army, but I doubt he made it out of the motor pool.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: But Erik Prince says it never happened. Who am I to believe: him, who would know, or you, with some “photographic” evidence? I know how to use Photoshop, Mister, I wasn’t born yesterday.
Adam L Silverman
@Raven: Can’t fix stupid. It can, however, get a lot of people killed.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: It’s a very good article. The reporter may, indeed, have confirmed this is the MOH awardees son.
They lack basic intelligence and you want them to have basic Google-fu?
@Adam L Silverman:
Good for you and hey, at least they responded.
Yes, protocol would have him III, not Jr and he’d at a minimum be nearing 60 in age, another correlation point.
On one level, this is funny. But on the level where this matters: The brother of a Cabinet member, and a person of interest in the Mueller report, is willing to train clandestine operatives to plant false stories and otherwise sabotage Trump opponents.
He may well be training folks now who aren’t Whol/O’Keefe level mouth breathers. It shouldn’t need saying, but: This is bad.
Adam L Silverman
@FlipYrWhig: Almost all of the hits returned are for the late CPT Rubio, Jr or for the US Army Reserve Center in Puerto Rico named for him. There is one business record for a Euripedes Rubio, Jr. in Bowie, MD:
And one address/phone # listing for an Euripedes Rubio, Jr. in Baltimore, MD. I’m guessing this is a residence and am not posting the link. But that’s it. So it is possible this is the lat CPT Rubio’s son.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: I emailed you the screen grab.
@Raoul: Yes, that was my point in comment #38, but you put it more eloquently than I.
This is deeply disturbing stuff.
If he was a posthumous baby or very young when his father died, that could explain why he would be Jr instead of III.
But he would also have to be in his mid-50s at a minimum based on when his father died.
Amir Khalid
My money’s on Timothy Dalton.
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry — I get that. I’m beyond flabbergasted that a guy would be so classless as to borrow the name like that (presumably without any sort of permission). Christ, what an a-hole.
EDIT: Obv. if it’s his son I stand corrected.
Greg Stone
Great to see a reference to “Theory of the Leisure Class”. Many years since I’ve read it.
Adam L Silverman
@rp: It’s possible this is, indeed, the late CPT Rubio’s son. There is one business record for a Euripedes Rubio, Jr. in Bowie, MD:
And one address/phone # listing for an Euripedes Rubio, Jr. in Baltimore, MD. I’m guessing this is a residence and am not posting the link. But that’s it. So it is possible this is the lat CPT Rubio’s son.
Adam L Silverman
@rp: That’s two of us.
@Ruckus: You are correct. I have seen the error of my ways. With your permission, seppuku will commence at once!!!!!! (A few more !!!! For proper contrition!!!)
@Adam L Silverman: I would think the reporter would mention it, but who knows.
I don’t see this as any different than when the right wing libertarian movement started up in the late ‘50’s and was willing to lie/distort facts to achieve their ends, which then merged seamlessly with the Republican political machine. It’s another tactic we have to be aware of. It’s something our dipshit media should be aware of and making more noise about, but we know they’ll bothsiderism it from here till the cows come home.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: You mean Erik Prince might be lying? Good heavens!
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: OT, but do you know if Cheryl is working on anything relating to that obviously planted Ken Vogel story about Hunter Biden? She mentioned she might be.
@Adam L Silverman: That seems a particularly galling form of stolen valor, taking the name of a CMoH winner as your nom de guerre. Of course, the current user probably claims he’s honoring the deceased.
when he quit, he went to tear up his contract and erik prince was all “euripides contracts, youpayade price”
@trollhattan: Maark Hamill is OLD!
Must be hard for an older movie actor who made his/her name as an iconic young hero.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Bill de Blasio is planning to run for president? I am no longer able to judge any of these people on their merits. I’m too overwhelmed.
@germy: They’re setting up the “useful idiot” for something. Question being, what?
Another Scott
@Mnemosyne: Yup.
And then there are the people who go by “II” rather than “Jr” (while his farther was still alive) because they don’t want to be called “Junior”. Even though that’s not what “II” means, of course.
@Ladyraxterinok: The nice part is that Mark is still very much getting work. It’s just not (really) in front of a camera. But he has been one of the voices for The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series and other such works. So it’s ice that he’s still in the game. He just has a different role.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Was it you a day or two ago mentioning hearing about Iowans getting rather long phone polls from de Blasio? Just what the race needs, another old white dude high on his own supply.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
He’s done tons of voice acting work for the last 30 years or so, so I’m sure he isn’t complaining too much
joel hanes
reportedly quitting because the group ‘wasn’t capable of learning.’
Most novices picture themselves as masters — and are content with the picture.
This is why there are so few masters.
This is true. My parents named me the II because they didn’t like Jr. I’ve only used the name when doing something legal that I have to show a birth certificate for.
@Yutsano: I like that his voice work is nearly as iconic as his film roles. His Joker voice is basically the default voice I think of anytime I see the character.
Anne Laurie
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
From what I’ve read, he has none, so don’t worry.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Gravenstone: That wasn’t me, mostly because I moved from Iowa to Illinois last summer. I still hear from people there and Iowa is still an easier place to follow than Illinois because there’s just so much less going on.
@Leto: I think it’s gotten to the point the audition process only happens if Mark isn’t available. He just has owned that role for so long.
@Leto: Yeah, BtaS has basically enshrined his Joker and Kevin Controy’s Batman/Bruce Wayne as the default voices for a generation of people.
@Yutsano: I think they’re willing to wait while his vocal chords heal. He’s spoken a good bit about what it does to them, but def agree that he’s simply owned that role for forever. They’ve cycled through Batmen, and other members, but Joker has had a singular consistent voice since the early 90s.
Edit: @Gravenstone:Most definitely, Conroy’s Batman is the gold standard. Did they cast someone else? (Tracy Morgan meme): Nope, nope, nope, noooooope!
As others have mentioned, Hamill moved to voice work soon after his “Star Wars” days were over and has had a long and successful career with it. He was in a car accident shortly before shooting began on “Empire Strikes Back” that required pretty major reconstructive surgery on his face, so he had to give up on being young and beautiful early in his career.
In retrospect, I’m not surprised he went into voiceover work, because in his original “Star Wars” performance, you can hear vocal echoes of who George Lucas originally wanted for the role: Richard Dreyfuss.
Mary G
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: I do not.
@Yutsano: Also freaked whe I saw shots of Bill Murray a few yrs ago when his latest movie came out. I heard the name but thought I heard it wrong.
Movie actors really cannot escape their past.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Someone has decided to do an oppo dump. This is now the third article dealing with either Prince and/or O’Keefe.
@Leto: Maybe I overestimate the magnitude difference, but coordination with the WH via a cabinet member’s sibling seems like a bigger deal. Esp snce said sibling was in the Seychelles in “an apparent effort to establish a backchannel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Amir Khalid:
They are so heavily invested in the narrative that white bois like O’Keefe are the victims of Liberal discrimination that they are terrified to admit the truth that O’keefe is a luzer who would be living under an underpass except for his birth choice to themselves.
@Mary G: Me.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: They have been using Jason O’Mara as the regular Batman in the majority of the animated films for the past several years. Before that they were using Bruce Greenwood, who they also used in the the Gotham by Gaslight animated movie. Greenwood also does Batman in the Young Justice show. They still use Conroy when they use the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited/BTAS/Superman the Animated Series voice casts. So right now you’ve got O’Mara out in the recently released second part completion Reign of the Supermen, you’ve got Conroy in Justice League Vs the Fatal Five (along with a lot of the original voice cast). And O’Mara is doing Batman in the next animated movie in the queue, which is the animated adaptation of Hush.
@Adam L Silverman: You’re missing that not all families or parents decide to use it. It’s not a law or anything. My br-in-law purposely didn’t use III with his son’s name.
@Mary G: Thanks for following and posting about these criminals.
We need people like you who refuse to let us forget what’s being done in our name!
@Adam L Silverman: Please check back if/when you hear anything more about this.
@Mary G:
Well, he is an expert in the topic. ??
@Adam L Silverman:
More and more, this all sounds like the operations of a third rate duchy, with all kinds of rascals vying for power or favor.
Amir Khalid
If I’m not mistaken, your former President is officially Barack II, rather than Barack Jr.
FWIW, most voice actors for iconic roles have understudies who can fill in if needed. They’re often much younger so they can step into the previous actor’s shoes when they retire, and then a new understudy is located.
IIRC, one of Tom Hanks’ brothers does the voice of Woody from Toy Story when Tom is too busy to do it himself or only a few lines are needed, like for a theme park ride.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: Well we’re going to have to report him for a crime against genealogy.//
Mary G
@Mary G:
@Amir Khalid:
It’s not really that complicated. The number one goal for the right these days is whatever will piss off “the libs.” How this happens, what rules they break, who does it, whether the grift / sting actually works or not, etc., doesn’t really matter. If it pisses off liberals, they’ll support it and/or do it.
karen marie
They failed at journanalism, they failed at being spies. Given how many times O’Keefe has already been convicted and sent to jail, he’s also failed “self defense.” Maybe they could be persuaded to take up sky diving?
@Adam L Silverman: IOW, my br-in-l’s son’s legal birth name is not B.I.L III — because his father (a Jr.) didn’t name him that. The son’s name is just plain B.I.L.
I’m told that this actually leaves the name BIL III open if the son wants to name his son that ….
@Mary G:
Say it with me…
@Mary G: that monster has no, zip, nada, nyet, nunca humanitarian experience. That hes now directly profiting from this obscenity, this crime against humanity makes me think bad, bad thoughts about what I believe he should experience.
He is filth.
He’ll probably hire that other filth Neilsen.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: John DiMaggio and Troy Baker tend to do the Joker in most of the animated movies if they’re not using Hamill. Baker will be doing the Joker in the upcoming Batman Vs The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Interestingly enough Baker is also doing the Batman’s voice in that one too. He does Batman in the Lego direct to video movies too.
Adam L Silverman
@Aleta: He’ll have a chance to convince the jury.//
I’m still convinced that the relatively high number of Black men who voted for Trump can be chalked up to misogyny … but I don’t think Kamala Harris would run into that same misogyny from Black men. Elizabeth Warren might. ?
Fair Economist
@Adam L Silverman:
You’re forgetting
4) How do I help?
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m thinking more like Mickey Mouse, where they do need a pretty consistently similar voice across multiple platforms. There’s not quite the same need for consistency for animated series and direct to video movies.
Gelfling 545
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think we already have a more than adequate supply of white, male candidates. This becomes absurd.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I understand. On the DC animated side, the real attempts at consistency are among the women who voice Harley Quinn. Tara Strong, who took over for Arleen Sorkin, always tried to get it as close to Sorkin as possible. Or at leas make it an homage. When Melissa Rauch did the voice work in Batman and Harley Quinn, she was clearly trying to make it sound like Sorkin. I have no idea what Kaley Cuoco is going to do in the upcoming animated series for DC Universe.
@Mnemosyne: I am agreeing with you on that. I believe I know some such voters. Could not bring themselves to vote for the person that reminded them of their fifth grade teacher. But will vote for Kamela. I am more than okay with that.
It just never ever stops! Day after damn day of this unhinged shameless madness.
And this:
Was this the usual shouting answers standing in front of the roaring helicopter? He seems to love doing that.
Mary G
Paul Waldman has a great post in the WaPo today saying that picking a candidate on electibility is a stupid idea:
Bill Arnold
@Adam L Silverman:
Motive need not be profit.
I’m also hoping some anti-Republican billionaire (or more than one) gets involved. Oppo is not expensive.
Couldn’t instruct ’em but bet they managed to wheedle gobs of orders for Amway stuff from ’em.
@Sab: Its Kamala not Kamela.
Back from my walk:
@Raoul: It is a different order of magnitude but it falls back to the primary goal of obtaining and keeping power through whatever means, whether they be legal or not. Idk, the more I think about it the less surprised I am that they would resort to this. As we say, Trumpov is just the overt manifestation of the sickness that is the GOP. It was already being bragged in the halls of Congress that Trumpov wasn’t Putin’s biggest beneficiary. That should’ve been the investigation starting point right there.
Overall we’re agreeing here. Just coming at it in different ways.
@Adam L Silverman: I like O’Mara’s, but Conroy is my Batman. I also haven’t seen Young Justice (I guess I missed it before they took it off Netflix/Hulu), and haven’t seen the last few animated flicks. I do like them, as they’re superior to Marvel’s offerings, but just haven’t kept up. And no, we won’t be subscribing to DC+.
When does Mueller testify?
Maybe we should switch to FOHN SOHN TOHN … Third of his name. I’m all for this game of thrones world sounding more like the show.
No, this time he was in the White House.
Mary G
He actually did this?
My head is killing me from all the pouinding on the desk it’s done today.
Mike in NC
@oldgold: Good to know Trump is sticking to his monthly performance review with Putin. Vlad and Kim may be planning another embarrassing overseas meeting with him about those pesky nukes.
She might…the White husband.
@schrodingers_cat: Thank you! A lot! I could have been embarrassing myself for months.
Sort of comes with the territory, doesn’t it?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
One can have a lot of fun imagining the O’Keefe bozos and the Erik Prince training
“No, no, no, when you put the chalk marks on the communications point, they are supposed to be in code! They are supposed to look random! You do not write “George, the package is here under the mailbox” in pink sharpie!”
“Yeah, but George had trouble remembering the code and so did I. And it’s hard to see the chalk.”
@Adam L Silverman: The women involved with the DC animated universe are some of the strongest people they have, period. Voice actors, animators, directors… very strong. Now you’re getting me to reconsider that DCU subscription… are you happy? Is that what you wanted? Yeesh! :p
@Ceci n est pas mon nym
“Screw this boring sh*t. When do we get the cool Aston Martin?”
@Mary G:
“Hey, it’s the ‘North Atlantic’ if I say it is–I’m president, remember?”
Yeah, he did. Xi is probably still mulling over his NATO invite.
From O’Keefes’ first attempt at an op you could tell he was dumber than dirt. His ACORN ‘success’ wasn’t due to his ‘skill’ as a ratfûcker, it was his accomplices in the media, the GOP and yes the Dems that rolled over that killed ACORN.
not surprising he’s unteachable, he’s a product of the republican party, and they’re all beyond stupid at this point.
@trollhattan: Thank you thank you thank you. I am belly laughing at this obvious winner of the internets this day!
The GOP seems to be unusually unravelled today. I think the pressure is getting to them.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: It’s also name a name from a verse in a rugby song.
@Gin & Tonic: Right? At least say “I attended no such dinner.”
Ancient joke about a Greek cobbler’s shop.
Oversize mock-up of a pair of shoes in the window, with a sign beneath them reading thus:
@trollhattan: Saudi Arabia says, “Don’t forget about us!” *wink wink*
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Anyone could make that mistake. Brazil is on the Atlantic and it is north of Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: Sorry bout that. I haven’t subscribed yet myself. Trying to decide if I’m better off spending $75 a year or just spending the $40 or so for the entire season of Young Justice when it comes out as a digital download.
@Sab: Kamala is a fairly common Indian (Hindu) name for girls. Its one of the names of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, it also means lotus in many Indian languages.
ETA: I am glad that you are not offended by my pedantic observation/correction.
@Mary G:
“waddya mean, ‘russia can’t be a part of NAFTA’?!”
@Mnemosyne: 14% of black men voted for a whi te supre macist?
Good lord!
Heh :-)
A name I’ve not encountered personally in my lifetime, unless some wary kid was going by a nickname. “Hi, I’m Rip Kalivas.”
Trivia FYI: Sen. Michael Bennet, who announced this week, was born in New Delhi.
@Adam L Silverman: Just messing. That’s the thing, if I could be assured that they were going to have more content that I wanted to see, I might be interested. I don’t think they’re going to have enough original content, released quickly/consistently enough, to justify a subscription. Especially versus Netflix/Hulu. If that changes moving forward, well…
@mrmoshpotato: Lot more Kanyes out there than I realized.
@NotMax: Was one of his parents a diplomat? True story, I have never been to Delhi.
@Adam L Silverman: maybe he did, but O’Keefe is even dumber than a zombie.
His father was an assistant to ambassador Chester Bowles.
@Mnemosyne: Just FYI. In many Europe counties (I know the Germanic ones best), where films are dubbed way more than sub-titled, voice actors are chosen to be _______. So if Robert Downey Jr. is in a film, that actor who was cast to be him ‘owns’ the right to dub him. Interesting system.
I cannot tell you how much that simple statement makes me become happy for you and filled with wonderment at the modern world’s potential.
@NotMax: Cool! I knew a guy in grad school, whose father worked for the American embassy, he had lived in Delhi as a child. And his Hindi was better than mine.
@Mary G: “Atoms for Peace.” ☮️ Am I insanely conspiratorial to believe that Trump has promised Bolsonaro nukes? A long sought, but once abandoned goal for Brasil?
@Mary G: Holy Gods. Great Goddesses. As the kids used to say, I. Can’t. Even. Really?
No joke. My dad was friends with an unfortunately named guy:
Joe Arufat
@Dorothy A. Winsor: @Anne Laurie: When is the white male dog whose owner bribed Stanford to get him in going to declare he’s running for President? (See Cole’s Twitter.)
Were they face timing?
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: My understanding is Doom Patrol is very good. Titans was consistent and finally found its footing towards the end of its first season. My understanding is Young Justice season 3 is excellent. There’s some concern about the Swamp Thing show given production changes towards the end of filming. I like the Stargirl character, but haven’t heard much about what the series is going to be like. So…
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know any Kamalas. I know lots of Pamelas. Spelling issues are one of the inconveniences of being in a diverse country. Worth it.
Heck. The commenters on this blog cannot keep “to, too and two” straight. For grammar we have to defer to some (extremely bright) guy in Malaysia who writes his third language better than most of us write our first language.
If we don’t get corrected we often keep doing it wrong.
Also I am starting to get really wildly enthusiastic about her (still team Warren). Wouldn’t want to keep getting her name wrong.
I have a Swiss German last name by marriage. Very very common in my state. You would not believe how people screw it up, people who have been living with us named that for decades.
They Skyped?
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
It’s getting harder and harder to be surprised by the Trump administration’s stupidity, its greed, its malice, or its criminality.
[punch!] “Tell me your name again, wise guy!
Then there are the famous, possibly non-existent Hogg sisters–Ima and Ura.
@NotMax: Probably. So much more secure.
Amir Khalid
Anybody I know?
@trollhattan: Now you are digging into Texas lore.
@Amir Khalid: Nah, there are to many two name the too most egregious abusers.
Ah, good point. But hopefully fewer than voted for Trump in 2016. Every vote will matter in 2020.
I mean, it’s still a minuscule percentage compared to white voters, which is why I’m thinking the primary factor was misogyny. It was the tiny percentage of black men who preferred to see anyone with a peni$ as President, even a racist asshole like Trump.
@Mnemosyne: Don’t assume misogyny. There is a part of the black community, like any community, that is interested in fundamental change even if it means chaos. And Trump promised a better world and chaos.
ETA African Americans have been voting for racist assholes For Ever. Look at Wallace’s numbers for Governor in Alabama.
@Mnemosyne: It probably was misogyny. It’s still surprising given what a racist POS Dump is.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Adam L Silverman: Infighting between factions in the court of God Emperor Trump I again?
@Amir Khalid: I doubt it. Isn’t English about your fifth language?
@Mnemosyne: Do you think the anti-immigrant messaging resonated with them? I too think it was misogyny and Clinton hate.
@Sab: He probably did most of his schooling in English. If Malaysia is anything like India.
English is the language of the elite in the former holdings of the Empire.
The British left but English stayed.
The Golux
Nor “its” and “it’s”. (Grinds teeth.)
@Immanentize: Aww, thanks man! Everyone’s encouragement here has meant so much ?❤️
@Adam L Silverman: I’ve heard the same regarding Doom Patrol, and wouldn’t mind checking out the Titans and YJ. I just went over to the DCU website and couldn’t find any pricing info. At least not readily apparent. If it’s simply $75 per year, as you stated above, that’s just too much for a few shows.
@Sab: @The Golux:
Your right. (and The Batman)
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’m a white guy, but I’ll never understand this. It was so painfully clear he was manifestly unfit for office. It also should’ve been clear to these black men that Trump was never going to do them any favors.
@schrodingers_cat: I lived in Miami in the ’80s. Anti-immigrant feelings are not unknown in the AA community. So:
it’s complicated.
To ascribe the AA vote for Trump completely to sexist attitudes of black men is, ultimately and sadly bigotted.
Amir Khalid
@The Golux:
And some persistent offenders get ticked off when you point it out.
The Golux
@trollhattan: Well played.
The three-letter designation for what became Maui’s primary civilian airport after WW2 is OGG, chosen to honor one B. J. Hogg.
Although it is Kahului Airport, locals still sometimes refer to it as NASKA (Naval Air Station KAhului), its name when constructed during the war. Puunene Airport, more inland, had been the original civilian air field
@Immanentize: Do you mean change for change’s sake, or to bring about the Rapture (yes, and the Raptors autocorrect)?
Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) Tweeted:
The POTUS just spoke to a foreign adversary who helped elect him. Republicans are cool with it. https://twitter.com/Bakari_Sellers/status/1124369060156719104?s=17
zhena gogolia
His father was in the State Department (according to this obituary, he was an assistant to the ambassador to India). A very good person.
@The Golux: That is a sad aspect of spell check depending on what you type the most. As Betty C. call’s it — the green grocer’s apostrophe. Yes, spell check can be turned off, but 80% good is quite good indeed.
ETA did you see what I did there?
@Immanentize: Human beings are complex, it could be a combination of all the above. Misogyny is universal though, regardless of race.
J R in WV
M father’s father’s father was Swiss German, simple 2 syllable 5 letter name which people often mispronounce. As in 90% of the time.
@The Golux: Does anyone know where to get those English grammar mugs? Each one had a different grammar/spelling rule.
I used to think they were just cute. Now I think they are necessary for the literacy of my grandchildren.
Don’t get me started on the plethora of misplaced or misused apostrophes. Wince each time one is encountered.
What happen I lose bags at OGG?
/Mongo voice
All together now, everybody: “It’s rainin’ men, oh crap it’s rainin’ men!”
The Golux
@Immanentize: Possibly, but I see the same commenters making the same mistake reliably. (Though I’ll admit that I have to correct the predictive text on my iPhone frequently.)
J R in WV
@The Golux:
Me too, also !!
Wild apostrophes drive wife especially wild… me too also.
ETA, trying to fix blockquotes messed up…
Gin & Tonic
Others wince at omitted pronouns.
So is self-interest. How much $$$ and Russian bot effort was spent on telling African Americans that the Democrats were the racists?
If we believe that Russian interference matters, then we have to believe voters heeded that message.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Some day I hope John Kelly will end up before some kind of tribunal for crimes against humanity. Several minors have already died in government custody and he’s partly to blame for helping implement the forced family separations.
In my opinion, Trump supporters and voters are murderers-by-proxy. It was obvious what Trump was in 2016. They should’ve known better, and I would argue, many did, but just didn’t care
Neglected to mention, the airport outside Wenatchee, WA is designated EAT.
“Why, don’t mind if I do.” Gazes at vending machine and mutters to self.
@Gin & Tonic:
Sometimes wince at minced onions.
Gin & Tonic
@J R in WV:
So is that how Joe Francis got his start, by misplacing apostrophes?
@Adam L Silverman: to be fair, it IS a rather common name…
Sometimes the system goes so right, sometimes the system goes sarong.
Gin & Tonic
@trollhattan: Will always recall a sentence from Burgess’ Enderby: “She breathed on him, although a young lady should not eat (because of the known redolence of onions) onions, onions.”
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Gin & Tonic:
Would you recommend reading the Enderby series?
As far as grammar policing goes, some of us comment using a Kindle sometimes, which can be an utterly frustrating experience given the fiddly keyboard (I think it’s the same as an Android phone). Kindles can be remarkably tenacious about what they are sure you are trying to spell, are not aware of all internet traditions, and they don’t let you get cute and make up your own words (humorless!). I would have commented more when I was stuck to the couch after my first knee replacement (2nd one is in July), but narcotics and my haughty Kindle made it so, so, so tedious. It was a godsend though, having a light weight browser when I couldn’t tolerate sitting at the desk with my PC.
@NotMax: @<a href="#comment
At least our Swiss name had eight letters, if only two syllables. Locally their are three pronunciations ( is "gh" pronounced "f" or "k".)
People who have the name pronounce the gh either as f or k. Everyone else ignores it. So everyone locally mispronounces the name. It's weird. We have been here in this area for 200+ years and yet nobody can pronounce it yet. I am obnoxious and correct bank tellers. My husband and his sisters, born to it, just give up and go with the flow.
How do you screw up five letters.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Even more twisted than that, plenty of AA conservatives out there, that’s what Trumpism is about – the legacy luzer section of the Country Club is upset because these new people earned it.
Adam L Silverman
@Leto: You also get BTAS and STAS and JL and JLU in HD. Most, if not all of the animated movies, a bunch of the other DC cartoons going back to the 60s, and they’ve created a very large comics archive subscribers can access.
@trollhattan: I mince at winced onions.
Knew a guy in college whose last name was five letters. All consonants, no vowels.
Also someone whose last name was four letters, beginning with “Gn” – and the G is supposed to be pronounced.
John Revolta
@Gin & Tonic: And the next line as I recall is, “Onions” thought Enderby.
@trollhattan: That’s awful.
@Sab: I work in a suburb that’s very Polish. Fifteen letter surnames with two vowels, and they think their names can be pronounced.
On the other hand, my people were Celts, and they throw vowells everywhere with no conceivable purpose.
Just One More Canuck
@Immanentize: you don’t remember Dick Assman from Letteman’s show?
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@NotMax: I ran across an excellent video from Hawaiian Airlines on Mr. Hogg. His history was amazing in Hawaiian aviation. Here’s the link to the video: The Man Behind OGG: Captain Jimmy Hogg’s Journey with Hawaiian Airlines
@The Golux: Its and it’s is just lazy typing. Takes three keystrokes to get the apostrophe.
Connie Schultz ( better writer and better grammarian than I will ever be) hates tweets that don’t have periods.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Cool video. Mahalo.
My name is very simple. First name is 3 letters, last name is 4 letters. And I enunciate reasonably well. People get it wrong all the time. And both names are based out of the english language and usage.
People who speak multiple languages normally get it right. Americans who speak only the bastardized english we speak get it wrong about 50% of the time.
@J R in WV:
two to too it’s its etc etc etc
Adam seems have these types of errors in a lot of his posts. It makes me think he is doing some talk to text technology.