Today's Republican Party is not your parents' Republican Party, unless your parents were rapists, pedophiles, criminals, Nazis, wife-beaters, tax-evaders, traitors, Russian agents, or morons.
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) June 26, 2019
Example 1:
Slavery reparations is a far-left favorite because it does a number of things.
It reinforces the radical belief that the United States was founded by racist white men who installed a system whereby white guys would run everything and blacks, women and others would be exploited.
— Bill O'Reilly (@BillOReilly) June 24, 2019
112th Republican House Members
— Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) June 24, 2019
Maybe there’s a carbon monoxide leak in your basement and it’s affecting your critical thinking?
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) June 24, 2019
“I fly a confederate flag to honor my ancestors.”
We found your ancestors past due slave bill. You trying to honor that shit too?
“Nah man that was 150 years ago. I barely know those dudes.”
Oh so we can take down this statue you have of them?
“Fuck that, those are my people”
— French Canadian Montana (@PeezyTX) June 23, 2019
Example #2:
Who are you @drmoore ? Have you ever made a payroll? Have you ever built an organization of any type from scratch? What gives you authority to speak on any issue? I’m being serious. You’re nothing but an employee- a bureaucrat.
— Jerry Falwell (@JerryFalwellJr) June 25, 2019
Speaking of payroll… How's your pool boy, Jerry?
— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) June 25, 2019
What Junior fails to mention is that his dad did the heavy lifting and they got to do the whole thing tax free. (This explains why he has such a soft spot in his heart for Biff Trump. That and the pool boy story.)
— Tim Jackson (@Tenofee) June 25, 2019
Francesca Chambers, Daily Mail
Anita Kumar, Politico
David Smith, The Guardian
Chris Johnson, Washington Blade
John Gizzy, Newsmax
Claire Hillen, Newsmax
Todd Gillmann, The Dallas Morning News
7 named “Good Germans” out of 50, less some other WhiteSupremacy House Minions.
MiddleAgedRiot has a metric shit-ton of ‘and/or’s missing in that tweet.
Villago Delenda Est
Billdo the Clown really needs to stick to just tooting an actual horn, not opening his fucking pie hole. There are 32 million reasons why he should never be heard from again.
@mrmoshpotato: nah, just assume that entry into the republican party includes a huge cash donation AND one or more of those activities.
Bill O’Reilly and Jerry Falwell sr and jr.
Three of the most useless human beings to ever disgrace the planet with their exhaust. (It is not all that small of a group) Some days one does have to wish that there was a hell, so it would be possible that these asswipes would have to pay for the lives they trashed and the bullshit they spread.
Jerzy Russian
Christ, what a bunch of assholes!
Villago Delenda Est
As for Falwell, the Mammon worshiping git can stick it where the sun don’t shine.
West of the Rockies
Falwell, SH Sanders, Conway, Trump, Hunter, Kushner, Nunes, Palin, Stephen Miller… That’s a ten-second listing of horrible Republicans.
Rather than be embarrassed by such people, Republican voters worship them.
Actually Jerry jr, replacement asswipe, I have owned a business, 2 in fact, and organized a large number of people into an ongoing project. I’ve run a vital work group to operate and maintain, yes it was a warship, but it required actual ability to operate, troubleshoot and repair a lot of technical equipment, and assign duties for a number of people working under me and to interact with higher level supervisory personal. So yeah, I’m a no body. I’m still far and away a better human being than you ever have been or will be. And I’m nothing special. Millions of people do this and more. What have you ever done for your fellow human beings? Besides fuck them in so many ways……..
@West of the Rockies:
Well at least those republican voters recognize those who best endeavor to be the people that they think they should be, fucking assholes. Gotta give them some credit to recognize who they are and who best represents what they think humans should be like.
Bill o racist. The nutjob and the sexual assaulter who got paid millions for yelling and whining on teevee for one hour for five days a week.
The Falwell tweet may be the single least self-aware thing I’ve seen, even from the current crop of aristocratic twits. “Have you ever built an organization? Well my daddy did, so listen to meeeeeee!!!!”
Including the pool boy.
@sukabi: Or ALL those activities!
They still have god and country and whatever nra-recommended accessories they bought on credit.
@mrmoshpotato: pretty sure the more of those activities they engage in the further up the ladder they are allowed to climb.
The flea market I was in today had a Trumpov/ MAGA doormat in one of the booths. That thing was filthy. So I spit on it.
@Aleta: Grifters cage fight. Rooting for lotsa blood.
Unfortunately no it’s not, and they seem to reproduce like rabbits. Aside from Ben Shapiro, that is.
John Revolta
Jesus that picture of the Congressmen. Who knew that neckties only came in two colors?
And who’s that hippie with the blue shirt on? Take your weirdo ass outta here freak! Only FREEDOM LOVERS in this House!!!
Villago Delenda Est
@Jay: Legit question. It’s like punching Nazis; we used to hand out medals for killing them.
I like how Bill O’Reilly apparently fetishizes the Founding Fathers to the point to where the stated fact that they and most people saw women as baby factories and people of color as murderous savages or living farm equipment is a shocking thing.
Like… duh? That’s why we had abolition/civil rights and women’s suffrage/rights movements almost immediately after the country was formally founded
Keith P.
Where is Falwell’s right hand in that photo?
@Keith P.: “Building an organization,” presumably. I’ve never heard of that euphemism before, but hey, to each their own.
Tony Jay
Bill, you daffy drugged-up teen-chaser you, that’s not how you spell Conservative.
You’d have thought that Yesterday’s Man might have more of a yen for history, but to paraphrase his wife, you would be sadly disappointed if you expect more than you see.
Stimulus: “This is horrifying.”
Response: “Have you ever had to make payroll?!”
Do you see any meaningful connection here? Because I sure as hell don’t. That’s some bunker-busting topic-shifting right there. It doesn’t make any sense.
@Llelldorin: Erecting. He’s erecting an organ.
@Jesse: Maybe the good Reverend finds it horrifying to have to pay people for their work.
John Revolta
@Jesse: “Blessed are the jerbs creators, because shut up, that’s why”
low-tech cyclist
On so many levels! As one person responded to him on Twitter, Jesus said you cannot serve both God and Mammon, and there he is, preaching the values of Mammon, and citing his success in the world of Mammon as the source of his authority.
He’s all but admitting the obvious – that the whole God thing was just his grift.
Matt McIrvin
I’ve heard this “they’ve never had to make payroll” before– it’s a standard conservative hiccup. Stay in the right-wing bubble long enough and you believe this is a generally held idea, that everyone takes it for granted that business entrepreneurs are the only people with valid opinions on any subject.
Keith P.
@Llelldorin: Building it from scratch, by the looks of it.
I’d think the obvious response to the “Have you ever built an organization” tweet would be “Have you ever read the Bible? Because God makes it very clear what you must do to gain the kingdom of heaven, and it has nothing to do with building organizations or making payroll.”
Jersey Tomato
“Have you ever made a payroll?” Nope, and I’ve never made the pool it or payments to bury nude photos of my spouse, either. You?
That was actually Bill O’Reilly’s tweet and not some spoof twitter?
Rob in CT
@Matt McIrvin:
Yup, heard it tons of times. It’s particularly jarring here – a total non-sequitur. Typically it’s at least used as a rejoinder to some kind of economic/taxation argument.
It does to conservatives. Especially the ones who own big business and run them from upon high. Like drumpf thinks he does. They think they know what they are doing because they live in big houses decorated with gold spray painted crap that they paid way too much for because their taste is sharing room in their asses with their heads. They think they run everything but if their help walked away, the entire thing would collapse in a short time.
Making payroll does earn credibility for running a business. So if your business is running a baby prison and your supply chain is the border patrol breaking families apart to provide you a steady supply of traumatized children and you make payroll by withholding medical care, beds, and toothbrushes – then yeah you can offer an opinion on running that business (but not on the morality of it). So maybe Rev Falwell the Lesser has more authority on on running that kind of business because his is similar. Since the original post was about morality not economics he can STFU.