They also had a piece on Jon Bon Jovi’s Soul pay-what-you-can restaurants. Denver has three pay-what-you-can cafes and Fort Colins has one. I believe, SAME Cafe was the first successful model.
Speaking of food… I have a Thanksgiving recipe exchange planned for this evening. So stop by and bring your favorite family secret recipes.
Respite open thread
It’s sammich time around these parts.
Here is Phoebe and Martin snuggling last night.
He woke up this morning a little hellion, biting and scratching Phoebe. Phoebe disciplined him responsibly several times but he just got more and more aggressive. Separated them a couple times as Phoebe got mad and kept him squeaking. No fur flew and no blood drawn. All is well again now.
Thanks for the reminder to rummage in the back of the liquor cabinet in order to do an early taste check (or several, to be certain) on the Grand Marnier, which is added to both the cranberry sauce and the sweet taters.
Loved the Indian food story.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Quick kitten update.
Loki and Maysie have become gordo y flaca.
You know those videos of the dogs who run to the door then away then back to the door? That’s been Loki since learning that we put bird seed in the leaves on the deck for the squirrels. (Unfortunately, the natural light from the French doors ruined my attempt to get a vid.)
Maysie is determined to explore the Outside. Loki is content with the Cat TV out the back door.
@jeffreyw: Mmmmm….time to heat up my sloppy joe leftovers.
Also, mmmmm but I need chorizo and avocado for that.
@Brachiator: At a truck stop in Wyoming, nonetheless.
@Brachiator: That’s the typical highway truck stop food in northern India.
Is the truckstop story in response the Never Trumper Tom Nichols take of how Indian food is yucky and “we” are too afraid to admit it?
@schrodingers_cat: What? Tom hates food you can taste?
@mrmoshpotato: My mom went to an Indian restaurant with my cousin and aunt and he ordered dishes that were so spicy she could barely swallow and ever after refused to go again, even though we promised to be much more sensitive to her likes and dislikes.
@Kelly: I have to tell you how much I’m enjoying your reports of Phoebe and Martin. I’m down to one dear, elderly empress kitty & not in a position to get another pet right now, and the adventures of your duo are a balm to my soul. Thank you!!
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: Why would a Sunday morning TV show bother with a response to a random person most people have never read?
Of the many wonderful gifts immigrants bring is their foods – for feasting and day to day eating.
Spouse and I were invited to the home of a Libyan immigrant, his wife and another Libyan couple. The food was incredible, delicious and abundant and followed by an array of sweets and cookies so tender and well made.
Their immigrant stories were jaw dropping and humbling.
@Barbara: It’s definitely possible to get something too spicy for your liking, but Nichols saying Indian food is “yucky” is something you’d expect from a kindergartner who didn’t like something but didn’t know how to explain it.
@Omnes Omnibus: I was referring to the BJ post.
A fox getting dinner since it’s a food post.
Is there an update on Merlin the black kitty from (I think) Minneapolis?
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: I read a story a couple of months ago how Sikhs have moved into long-haul trucking in the US, mainly shipping produce from California. They need to eat along the way, so it’s led to home-cooking Punjabi places opening up in places like East Armpit, Oklahoma, where you wouldn’t expect them. But unless you know what you’re looking for you’ll never find them.
ETA: I’m a dumbass, this might be the top story here (as you can tell I haven’t watched the video.)
@mrmoshpotato: It was on some Twitter thread asking people for their most controversial food take. People were upset at TN’s take especially the “we” part. Then there were people upset about the people who were upset. It was cray cray.
@Gin & Tonic: Its about some truck stop serving Punjabi cuisine in the middle of nowhere.
@schrodingers_cat: Sounds interesting. Sadly, video not available in my country.
@schrodingers_cat: Cray cray on Twitter? You don’t say say!
Controversial food takes – dammit, my eyes rolled out of my head again!
The middle of nowhere, but also apparently a well traveled truck route.
This video reminds me of a New Yorker article about Hot Tamale Louie, who came to Sheridan, Wyoming in the early 1900s and famously sold tamales and hamburgers.
The thing is, he was actually a Muslim immigrant from then British India (now a part of Pakistan). But he was just as American, if not more so, than anyone else in the area.
@mrmoshpotato: I actually have the chorizo. I would just need an avocado and the bread. Luckily my area is lousy with Mexican bakeries and grocery stores.
@chris: Plans for Merlin are afoot. He passed his vetting so next is getting ready to travel.
@TomatoQueen: Excellent news, thank you.