BREAKING: ABC News can confirm that the Trump “family member” referenced in the Inspector General report who had a friendship with dossier author Chris Steele, was Ivanka. She met him in 2007 at a dinner in London when he was still working for MI6.
— Julia Macfarlane (@juliamacfarlane) December 9, 2019
… The prior relationship came to light as investigators with the Department of Justice Inspector General’s office was looking into allegations of political bias at the origins of the Russia investigation since May 2018.
Steele gained notoriety as the investigator who ignited a firestorm by authoring the highly controversial 2016 dossier alleging links between the Trump Campaign and Russia, and embarrassing incidents involving Trump before he took office. Critics of Steele have argued that the former intelligence officer was biased against Trump and was inclined to produce a negative report on the presidential candidate – excoriating Steele on social media and elsewhere.
In 2007, Ivanka Trump met Steele at a dinner and they began corresponding about the possibility of future work together, the source said. The following year, the two exchanged emails about meeting up near Trump Tower, according to several emails seen by ABC News. And the two did meet at Trump Tower according to the source. The inspector general’s report mentions a meeting with a “Trump family member” there. They suggest Ivanka Trump and Steele stayed in touch via emails over the next several years. In one 2008 exchange they discussed dining together in New York at a restaurant just blocks from Trump Tower…
Members of President Trump’s family have never publicly discussed the interactions – and their past meetings with Steele went unmentioned as the Trumps leveled charges against the British intelligence expert in the wake of the controversial and hotly disputed memos he wrote about President Trump…
The inspector general’s report, which was released publicly today, briefly references these past dealings. In his discussion with investigators from the inspector general’s office, Steele cited his past cordial relationship with Ivanka Trump as reason to believe that he was not biased against her…
Ivanka’s never gonna challenge the sort of people who join Mensa, but she’s by far the brightest of the Donald/Ivana litter. And the firstborn, too. Yet she’s been told, since she could bang two blocks together, that she’d never inherit the Trump empire, because she was ‘just a girl’. On the one hand, she was taught that money and its acquisition was the only real measure of human worth; on the other hand, she’s complained that both her parents kept her chronically under-funded, requiring her from childhood to resort to ‘clever’ business measures like selling faked ‘Indian arrowheads’ to her childhood peers. The Trump ideology is that powerful people swing their weight around, take whatever they like, and brag about their taking… but Ivanka, as a girl, was required to be ladylike, not to fight, but to get what she needed by pleasing & manipulating people (especially Daddy, the source of all good things). As a Trump, she was told, she had the best heritage from the best family in a world of sheep and slackers — and yet: Her job was to be eye candy, and (secondarily) to trade her gifts for an allegiance with another family (almost) as powerful and rich as her own…
Spymakers, the story goes, have an acronym: M.I.C.E. You lure potential ‘assets’ through the judicious use of Money (to those who feel themselves undercompensated), Ideology (‘you & I both agree about what is truly important’), Compromise (blackmail, when targets or those important to targets — hellooo, Jared — have left evidence of lawbreaking), and Ego.
It’s not that Ivanka has necessarily been recruited by foreign power, but…
Reaching out to someone like Steele and trying to develop/maintain a relationship w him is the kind of thing one might do if you were a Russian asset.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) December 9, 2019
… Being able to plausibly suggest that Ivanka might’ve been recruited is not nothing, for a sufficiently busy & mischievous foreign power.
WaPo matches @juliamacfarlane’s scoop
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) December 9, 2019
… In her role as a senior vice president of her father’s company, Ivanka Trump was particularly involved in its overseas real estate projects. In 2006, she traveled to Moscow to explore the possibility of a Trump Tower in Russia.
No sex?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: @Baud: With mice? What the hell is wrong with you?
Definitely before Jared. hmmm
Hadn’t thought about this, but I’ll bet Ivanka knows all the Trump secrets. The boys are much too dumb to notice what’s going on around them.
@Baud: MICES?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
she got to sit in Uncle Putin’s chair, as I recall
This will not end well??
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m lonely.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Well, at least get a hamster. Have some self-respect.
@rikyrah: I am having a very difficult time worrying about Ivanka’s future, except for worrying that she might not have a future unpleasant enough to be worrying.
Speaking of dining together in New York….
Are any of the jackaltariat in and around The Big Apple interested in getting together sometime in January or Feb for a meal and some conviviality ? MLK weekend, maybe ? (Jan 11th not good for me, otherwise calendar’s clear till March, want to change that.)
OT. This is interesting. Had any of you heard of a 2-day Facebook blackout, beginning today, to protest Zuckerberg and co. agreeing to run all the horrible, lying political ads? From Ms. magazine:
#FacebookBlackout: How Activists are Defending Democracy by Logging Off
I logged off. Will miss the (disapproving!) corgi and dachshund pics, but in the hope that somebody notices this protest… although, had anyone here ever heard of it before? I find it odd that this was not the talk of jackals, who are a pretty plugged in group …
@Baud: Cross-cutting concern I’m sure.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
A nose job and boob job, and a very expensive dye job aren’t gifts.
Nope. Don Junior is the firstborn, three+ years older than Vanks. I do agree she’s much smarter than her brothers.
@Elizabelle: Many of us have unplugged or never plugged into Facebook for reasons.
I did notice that the few facebook sites I usually check in on were dead as doornails today.
I will stay away tomorrow. Thanks for the alert.
@rikyrah: JFC, didn’t they already fight a war over this? We learn nothing.
This all strikes me as a plausible stretch. Yes plausible, but lacking actual evidence, still a stretch. And I despise her.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
“she’d never inherit Trump’s
empiremassive debts”/fixed
Another Scott
reads to me as if you’re saying she’s her own mother.
It’s nothing to do with who is smarter or dumber. The boys don’t have her advantage of post-coital pillow talk.
@Elizabelle: Fire up the Duckduckgo machine for all your corgi and weiner dog needs.
Roger Moore
I think sex counts as a form of compromise.
@rikyrah: Fareed Zakariah is such a bright man. Why is he such a total chump about Republicans. This is who they all are now.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Maybe Ivanka really is Anonymous! That would be awesome.
@Another Scott: Nope. Just the daughter-wife.
@Omnes Omnibus: Guinea pigs are larger and live longer, but still only about two years. Cats live forever, but make people sneeze, and also knock stuff off counters because they are bored and you are asleep. Goats are cool, but they eat a LOT.
@Elizabelle: I’ll continue my boycott going on since….when was that garbage, user-selling, advertiser-paradise site founded?
@David ??Booooooo?? Koch: What about the p0rn whisper?
Roger Moore
Maybe Ivanka has been reading too much Genesis 19:30-38.
@Baud: Any pups in your future?
@Sab: I think you contradicted yourself. :)
@Roger Moore: Please don’t make me have to look that up.
Roger Moore
I have been told by rodentaphiles that rats are the best pets. They’re supposed to be more intelligent and display more personality than any of the other rodents people commonly keep as pets. That said, it’s possible that muskrats, beavers, or capybaras might be more interesting still.
@mrmoshpotato: They’re in Christmas attire at this time of year! My virtual pets.
Roger Moore
Genesis 19:30-38 is the story of Lot’s daughters getting him drunk so they can sleep with him and have children.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Recently, I’ve been thinking that humanity and reality has to be a cosmic joke. I mean, think about it: apparently alone in the universe, the resources that fueled our industrial civilization and advanced technology are destroying the planet, the virtual impossibility of FTL. Combined with human nature, it’s a cruel cosmic joke.
If humanity is to survive, society must change. Evil men like Modi, Trump, Putin, and Jinping must be removed from power or we will destroy ourselves. Nation states and national sovereignty are outdated concepts
@Sab: Platypuses disappear for entire days on secret missions.
@Roger Moore:
Muskrats stink, ( musk glands),
Beavers need mud and also chew on the furnature,
capyberas are apparently rather cool, but need a pool, and are rather large.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
re-posting one of my favorite Ivanka tidbits from a NYC friend who says she likes to use big words she doesn’t understand. She once told him her kids get her up “the crepuscule of dawn”.
Crépuscule is French for twilight, I’ve never heard or seen it used in English
@Roger Moore: For real? Not quite sure whether to say ugh! ick! or eeeew!
Amir Khalid
There are none so blind as those whose job is to not see.
@Jay: We all need a pool. Even if we’re not dicks.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That’s hilarious because that shows she had to have looked the word up and still didn’t understand it!
Amir Khalid
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There is an English adjective, crepuscular: of the twilight.
@Sab: Cats are proof that the world is not flat. If it were, they would long since have pushed everything over the edge.
@Jay: Gesundheit!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
Wasn’t Fareed Zakaria well-regarded as a journalist? Like Richard Engels?
Gin & Tonic
@Roger Moore: Nice thing about capybaras is that when their life ends, you can make a really nice pair of shoes.
Roger Moore
For real. I honestly think everyone should read the Bible through from cover to cover at least once in their life, if only so they can see just how insane it is. It’s amazing to me that we not only allow but encourage children to read the Bible as a guide to morality.
@Elizabelle: You might not log on. But most people who are refusing to log into facebook for 2 days are probably still going to have facebook tracking all their browsing activity and shopping activity through the app and cookies, even if they aren’t actually ever checking their facebook feed. I’m not sure facebook is even going to notice or care. It takes a LOT more effort than simply not logging on to purge facebook.
Duplicate. Please ignore. My original post didn’t show up even after I refreshed. (Samsung Galaxy S10))
Oh goody. Dr. Ronny Jackson, Trump’s White House physician (aka “The Candyman” for dispensing pills, right and left) has filed to run for Congress. In Texas. Mac Thornberry’s old seat.
WaPost link.
Amir Khalid
R or D?
@Elizabelle: ,?If you’re ever down on Texas, look for Ron. If you’re ever down in Texas, get some drugs.?
@Roger Moore
What, no ferrets?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You’ll also be surprised (not) that he’s filled to run for the Republican primary for the seat. What the fuck did Obama ever see in that asshole to promote him to be director of the White House Medical Unit in 2011 and later physician to the President in 2013?
Mike J
@Kent: Even if you’ve never had a Facebook account, they’re tracking you unless you’ve taken measures to prevent it.
I wonder what percentage of ad sales on web sites are for placing cookies or tracking pixels with no visible ad. Half maybe?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
Republican. It’s a Republican district apparently. Rear Admiral Jackson showing his true colors
@Kent: Facebook tracks me even though I never joined because my husband once did. He knew about the kitchen island I bought a month before it arrived because he saw ads for it, from our server.
I am not at all comfortable with him seeing every shopping site I have ever looked at.
So I just don’t buy big ticket surprises online anymore. Zuck all those advertisers who need the publicity. Talk to Zuckerburg. I don’t trust the platforms anymore.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Amir Khalid: Right — how did I leave that out.
R for Republican.
Interesting to me, though, that Thornberry bailed. Am guessing he perceived it would be a tough fight. Or they’re sick of being in the minority. Whatevs.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
once upon a time, mediocre white men going though male menopause, used to divorce their wives, start dating someone the same age as their daughters, get hair implants and buy a red convertible sportscar,…..
now the trendy things to do are affairs with lobbiests or staffers, campaign fraud and full bugnuts Trumpism and running for office,….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Silly Obama was probably looking at his medical references and not his politics. That used to be how it was done.
I am very comfortable with Trump getting all of his future medical care from diehard true believing modern Republicans. Bad medical outcomes seem almost inevitable. They aren’t all that gung ho on actual science.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I can’t recall any Dems resigning in mass while they were in the minority for *checks notes* almost 10 years. What a bunch snowflakes
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Here’s some real Grrl Power!
Sports Illustrated announces it’s ground breaking Sportsperson of the Year….. (photo)
Methinks you may have reversed the order of events there.
Mike in NC
@Amir Khalid: Crepuscular is mostly used in reference to animals (especially certain primates) who dwell and feed primarily in the twilight.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
Time Magazine will announce it’s Person of Year on Wednesday. It should come down to Nancy Smash and the Whistle blower.
Roger Moore
Ferrets are mustelids, not rodents.
@Roger Moore: I had my stepson’s abandoned rat dumped on me. I was really fond of her after about three days.
The landlord had an exterminator fumigate the place while she was stuck inside her cage in the apartment. She had been abandoned by my stepson’s roommate, who was expecting her to die from whatever (hunger, thirst, toxic pesticides.) Instead our kid brought her home. We convinced him to re-evaluate his associations.
The rat was a doll. Sweet, smart, fun, intelligent, friendly. She died a few years later, because most domesticated rats are bred to be lab rats, and grow various cancerous tumors. What a great little girl.
Roger Moore
Facebook tracks everyone they can, regardless of whether you or anyone you know has ever had a relationship with them. Every web page that has a “Like” button on it is tracking everyone who looks at it. Every page that serves ads by Facebook is tracking everyone who looks at it. In theory, you might be better with a Facebook account you never use, since then you can at least use their privacy controls to say what you don’t want them doing with your data. Of course that assume they actually listen, which seems doubtful.
@NotMax: Don’t ferrets rummage around your house stealing all your stuff and smelly peeing on everything?
Interesting addition to the Texas file, Dems are running in every CD.
@mrmoshpotato: That is very interesting. I had no idea.
I believe what you’re describing are fraternity brothers.
Peking Man
@Roger Moore: One of the best books I have read in the past ten years is ‘How to Read the Bible’ (
@Sab: There’re also 104 days of summer vacation.
Keith P
@Roger Moore: A priest at my high school made sure to tell every class as freshmen that if they get asked which story they remember from the OT, it will be “Lot and his two daughters.” He really planted it in our heads (since I definitely wouldn’t remember that shit 25 years later), and he’s probably right as a result (although I’d guess 1 out of 10 former students would say “quiver and the arrows!”…all boys’ school)
@Jay: I love capybaras. Our zoo has some.
Our local National Park, the Cuyhoga Valley Park ( pronounce that!) had an area they thought would be good for a parking lot. Right on the river. They dug tons and tons of dumped car wrecks from it, and cleaned the place up.
Beavers approved, and built a dam, flooding the chosen spot. So the Park people blew up the beaver dam. So the beavers built another dam, flooding the spot. So the park people blew up the second dam. So the beavers built another dam.
The park people gave up. They built a wooden causeway along one side of the beaver marsh.
Forty years later it is a popular tourist site. You can see beavers there, and also all kinds of water fowl. You can ride your bike or hike on the causeway, which is now part of the canal towpath trail.
once upon a time, the standard was separation first, then dating, which lead to some “interesting” results when middle aged mediocre white males mistook women being polite, for interest, which did not materialize post divorce.
zhena gogolia
Steve Castor outdid himself in doofusness today.
@mrmoshpotato: All of summer vacation? I didn ‘t realize that they go to school.
OT– fun map–Dogs of the World. I’m off to look for a New Guinea Singing Dog.
@Noncarborundum: My cats are definitely working on that.
ETA: also some of the worst ones are testing out the cats have nine lives theory. Like the guy who pushed the full coffee cup off the counter onto the kitchen floor this morning. He was so bored.
once upon a time, the Hudsons Bay Company had so heavily trapped out the beaver populations that the waterways they relied on for trade, became impassible.
they had to hire engineers to build dams and flood controls, spent millions, and had to start a beaver reintroduction program and regulate trapping.
OT : is anyone else having issues accessing about half the websites? I can get to twitter home page on my pc but no tweets will load. My speed test is about 33mbps download and 5 upload with 22 ms latency. Twitter runs fine on my iphone both wifi and cellular. I just did a windows 10 update, wondering if that did it.
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
Like Robert Pattinson’s character in that vampire movie?
Sorry to throw cold water on the “Ivanka is the smart one” hypothesis, but there is no smart one.
Here’s the combined “brain power” of Donald, Ivanka, and Junior unable to answer “What is 17 x 6?” on the Howard Stern Show.
They’re all a pack of trust fund dumb asses.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Roger Moore:
It seems the only solution is to not use the internet
LOL. You seem to know a lot about that
; p
Even if they were, Trump believes in crazy medical mumbo jumbo and I doubt he takes a doctor’s advice
Mike in NC
@chris: My dad spent much of 1944 living in the jungles of New Guinea, but he never mentioned any singing dogs.
Roger Moore
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Blocking anything related to Facebook is another option. I use Privacy Badger from EFF, and it does a reasonable job of blocking the worst offenders. They may not get everything, but I think it at least slows down their attempts to profile me.
@Mike in NC: He should have looked on youtube. Nice looking dog, very weird sound.
@Mike in NC: The rats ate em.
@chris: Those look cute. Sort of like a really loud basenji. 20 year lifespan is too long for me anymore since I am 65. That dog is louder than my rottmix. It’s as loud as my german shepherd girl. Aside from the shedding she was the best and smartest and most loyal dog ever.
The reporting here is bizarrely opaque. If we suppose Ivanka was angling for some sort of business opportunity, what was Steele into at the time that she saw as important or interesting? Conversely, what was Steele up to that signaled to him that he should cultivate a relationship with Ivanka Trump of all people? Maybe it was…well, when did she meet Jared, again?
Some follow-up questions need asking, is all I’m saying….
Chris T.
@Amir Khalid: Yes, and crepuscule is a valid English word too.
It’s not very common, except in that adjective form (still rare-ish there). The word gloaming is often superior, poetically (well, in my opinion…).
@Mike in NC
Amir Khalid
@Chris T.:
I agree with you about gloaming.
@Sab: They sound like bohdi. This video is years old but he only howled when I played audio of raven howling. I have no idea why but that’s what the boy did. Now he can’t hear well enough to do it.
@Sab: Comrade! I turned 65 a few weeks ago and my Bert will be 9 tomorrow. Hoping we still have some good years ahead. When the time comes I will adopt an old dog because I can’t imagine life without one. Dawg willin’ and the river don’t rise, of course.
Villago Delenda Est
Ivanka is simply a ceckless funt. No two ways about it.
@raven: Our Wendy(cocker from the previous pack) would howl when the wife played a ring tone on the cordless phone.
J R in WV
@Roger Moore:
I run three ad blockers, Privacy Badger, Ghostery and UBlock. I especially block Facebook, although I’m just one retired techy and they’re a huge Tech Conglomerate. So maybe they can track us.
But maybe not.
Google thinks I’m in a different state every day, based upon the weather update they offer. Mississippi, LA, Upstate NY, Missouri, KS… varies a lot, obviously. You can also fire up Google Maps and see where they start that up. So maybe what we’re doing works.
@chris: I can’t figure out which dogs are doggiepaddling like mad in the middle of each of the Great Lakes, but some definitely are. At this time of year, that’s just animal cruelty.
Steele is/was “the” MI6 expert on the pyramid of the Russian Mob, the Ogliarches and Russian Governance.
So, if you were in “the know”, ( deep Russian or Intel connections), he would be a guy worth talking to, or knowing, if you wanted a heads up on “everything Russian” when it came to business involving Russians.
A lot of Western Investors lost their shirts, faced espionage and criminal charges, when their Russian partners and fixers turned on them, or fell out of favour with the higher ups.
the Trump Org’s “connections” probably recommended Steele as somebody worth knowing, not just for his knowledge of “inside Russia”, but also for knowing what the Western IC knew.
Ivanka was probably a better “contact” than Don Jr. or Jarvanka for trying to sidle up to Steele sideways.
Another Scott
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: The oppo dump on him is going to be very large.
@Baud: part of compromise and ego.
@Sab: I’m happy to testify that guinea pigs can easily live 5 or more years, given a large living space. A pair of cavies will probably be the companions to my sunset years, once my dogs have passed on…
@raven: So that’s Bohdi. He certainly has the howling down.
My shepherd used to stop in her tracks on dog walks whenever she heard a police siren. She would would stop dead, throw her head up and howl her heart out for about five minutes. Then she would resume her walk as if nothing had happened. It was very weird.
The Dangerman
When did Donald start going to Russia for Ms. Universe?
@Villago Delenda Est: I picked up Kathy Griffin’s A Hell of a Story from the library a few days ago. I’ve watched it twice already. She talks about the fauxutrage at Sam Bee. I highly recommend it.
she was just helping let everybody know,……
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: crepuscular is the technical term in ethology for animals active at dawn and dusk
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Was the ringtone Werewolves of London? ?
@The Dangerman:
pretty sure that tracking Russian money and influence outside of Russia was also part of Steele’s day job.
@chris: I love that doggos map. Thank you.
It might have been Ivanka that witnessed Daddy’s little pee party in Moscow!
@mrmoshpotato: Nope, just a phone ring sound.
Adam L Silverman
Corporate intelligence and security, as well as political intelligence and security.
@Elizabelle: unlikely that Thornberry was worried about a tough re-election; the district voted over 80% for 45, and was either his best or second best district in the entire country
Yay! I finally saw the catcake in the pie filter. It certainly is cute.
mad citizen
@Another Scott: If true, I love it. Bring forward two of the ancillary charges, but continue to investigate the actual crime/crimes.
Another Scott
@Sab: For some reason, I see the CatCake image on the L/R flyout buttons for WaterGirl’s thread (even though I don’t see it in the thread itself).
Lock Trump Up
Instead of a 2 day blackout, why not simply leave Facebook permanently? This company is a motherfucking malignant cancer. For the role they played in helping Trump win in 2016 they deserve to be driven out out of business.
@Sab: I love CatCake.
Lobster boy is in hot water again,…..
Dan B
@Jay: It would be great for ACT-UP to do some actions at Facebook. Misinformation about PREP and AIDS meds is essentially murder.
@Roger Moore:
the best part is his wife got the real punishment for… turning her head. just goes to show how the bible was written by dudes.
@Jay: preferably an outdoor pool
Cathie from Canada
Hmmm — I’ve been saying for years that SOMEBODY in Trump’s inner circle is a Russian asset, feeding him all the pro-Putin and pro-Russian stuff he has been parroting. He isn’t smart enough to have been the asset himself, his lies are often too self-delusional to be conscious falsehoods. But wouldn’t it make sense if it was Ivanka all along.
If you want to completely delete your facebook account you have to go through a couple of steps that they don’t tell you about. Last updated in Feb of this year.
One website that has been around for a while and was up dated a number of times is How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account.
So Volcker is dead,……
“The standard of living of the average American has to decline,”
West of the Rockies
So what’s the bottom line takeaway here? Is Ivanka in trouble with Daddy now or the non-corrupt portion of the DOJ? Is this a glossy but ultimately meh story, or am I missing something meaningful here?
@Dan B
the only thing that will effect change at Facebook is regulation and breaking the Company up, and Suck’s figured that getting the ReThugs and other’s in his pocket by hook or by crook, will prevent that.
keep in mind that when you see this,
About 1.5% of that is Suck’s,….
Bill Arnold
@Roger Moore:
Also try on, which will give a trackability report. (You do need to enable scripts for the tracker simulator they use if you’re using a script blocker.)
(And Ublock Origin works well with Privacy Badger.)
@West of the Rockies:
this AM it came out that Steele was favorably disposed to the Trump Campaign and the Trump Family when he started his investigation because he had a friendship with a Trump,
this PM it came out that his friendship was with Ivanka,
tune in tomorrow for the latest plot twists in the soap opera, ( will Daddy be upset! Will Gowdy get a brain?) on As the Wheel Turns Slowly,…….
Another Scott
OT – Panda sexytime is back on Faux News?
@Another Scott:
Arn’t the new IOKIYR/Brooks Civility rules that we are supposed to leave the children out of it?
@mrmoshpotato: We know what Cornerstone will be watching tonight.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: OK, my kid had a college radio show called “Crepuscular, with Dusk and Dawn”. They specialized in plumbing the considerable depths of US and International Girl Groups music (Of the pre-1970s variety). So, yeah. college level joke word.
Funny how personal experience changes our reactions to words. Crepescule is the name of a rose I have grown at 2 houses and I will probably add it to my new house’s garden soon.
i have not understood the directions for linking in this new site so I just cut n pasted.
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@mrmoshpotato: The wingnuts have a panda fetish:
David ??Booooooo?? Koch
@Another Scott: She also had a really big overbite. The before and after photos are shocking (photo #1) (photo #2)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My cocker Mellon would howl only if one of two things happened. 1. an ambulance would go by when she was either outside or a window or door was open. 2. if my mother sang.
@Another Scott: That’s because I made Catcake the featured image. It doesn’t show in the post itself, but it does display on social media, in RSS feeds, in the flyouts on the side…
I ?catcake
edit: after I found catcake for the pie filter, i looked for the pup equivalent, but could not find one.