Trump tested positive for Covid-19 three days before his first debate against Biden, Mark Meadows reveals a year later.
— Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) December 1, 2021
“Renfield” Meadows’ book has been in process for a while now, so probably it’s a coincidence that suddenly “Donald Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows is cooperating with the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot and is providing records”. Just another example of Murphy the Trickster God’s lazy scripting…
Remember the sense of shock when Trump admitted he was Covid positive and then was rushed to Walter Reed 18 hours later? Patients don't usually go downhill that fast. Well, on the Meadows timeline, his hospitalization (six days later) makes a lot more sense.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 1, 2021
A day after he secretly tested positive for Covid, Trump went on to attend an event with Gold Star families, who he then later suggested had given *him* the virus because he couldn’t observe social distancing when “they want to hug me and kiss me.”
— Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) December 1, 2021
Mark Meadows book says although he knew the candidates were required to test negative for coronavirus within 72 hours of the debate start time, nothing was going to stop Trump from going.
Trump tested negative via a different test shortly after positive test, Meadows writes.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) December 1, 2021
remember when Trump refused to get tested right before debate bc he “arrived late” and debate organizers relied on “honor system”?
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 1, 2021
It's undeniable. He hid his infection, conspired with others to lie about testing, and spent the whole debate screaming spittle as far as he could in Biden's direction.
He was trying to win by biological warfare.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) December 1, 2021
TFG wasn't just trying to get Joe Biden sick at that debate. His entire family showed up unmasked and refused to put one on. They were trying to take out everybody in that room.
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) December 1, 2021
TFG’s lost at least one fan among the DC Press Corpse…
Hours after he received the call from Meadows informing him of a positive test, Trump came to the back of AF1 without a mask and talked with reporters for about 10 minutes. I was wearing a mask, but still got COVID, testing positive several days later.
— Michael D. Shear (@shearm) December 1, 2021
I’ve been told by former officials that Meadows in fact never told staff in Trump’s immediate circle to treat him as if he was positive for Covid.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) December 1, 2021
Remember Joe’s quip?
— grannynanny (@grannynannynews) December 1, 2021
Good thing for us all TFG is a total incompetent!
before he tried to kill mike pence he practiced on joe biden
— kilgore trout, uatx professor of turnip studies (@KT_So_It_Goes) December 1, 2021
Psaki on Trump's positive Covid-19 test before Biden debate: "We were not aware of the report that went out this morning in advance, no."
— David Smith (@SmithInAmerica) December 1, 2021
Best possible response, IMO:
"I don't think about the former president," Biden says when asked if Trump put him at risk for coronavirus during the presidential debate last year.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) December 1, 2021
Renfield Meadows!8D
Queue “I Saw the Light.”
Quelle surprise…not.
Don’t remember who I was reading earlier today but he recalled that when all the reporters were asking if Trump had had a negative Covid test prior to the debate, he wanted to know why none of them was asking if he’d had a positive one…since his Trump operating theory was always the worst possible thing you could imagine happening (Trump going to the debate knowing he was infectious to infect Biden) usually turned out to be what actually happened.
What a dick move by the President of the United States. ?
West of the Rockies
He cannot die fast enough or badly enough.
Alison Rose
it’s amazing how I’m always able to hate him even more
the limit does not exist
Oh, Maggie. “POPPED” a test? In two separate tweets? Bless your heart, you’re so cute.
@West of the Rockies:
I find myself remembering that video which showed a crowd of Libyans closing in on Gaddafi.
Christ, what an asshole.
West of the Rockies
Wouldn’t that be nice though. Mussolini’s end would suffice.
chrome agnomen
@West of the Rockies: cosign. i so often read here and at other sites the comment ‘rooting for injuries’. bullshit. i universally root for death, excruciatingly painful as possible, and quick, so as not to tax the health care system.
@West of the Rockies:
Is there a gallows that can bear that kind of weight?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
I did Nazi this coming
@West of the Rockies: I think of Drew Carey’s joke regarding Art Modell: “I was happy when I heard he had a heart attack. I don’t want him to die, but I want him to keep having heart attacks because I know they hurt.”
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Just when you think the shitstain couldn’t get any more loathsome…
And just wait until we learn the whole story. Remember (Josh) Marshall’s Law: It’s always worse than you think with this guy.
I thought back then that whole “honor system” was bullshit.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah, never heard popped used like that.
@eclare: You cannot rely on an Honor System when dealing with people who lack even the concept of honor. Or objective truth, or honesty.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
but, but…… her emails!
Edmund Dantes
@eclare: comes up in sports reporting in PED testing sometimes.
And thank you Cleveland Clinic for inviting these guys to run around town during a pandemic.
Omnes Omnibus
@eclare: Trust, but verify.
@Alison Rose:
I have a club. SFB Sucks Donkey Balls is the name of the club. It’s 45 yrs old which is when I first read about him and figured that he may have been worth some amount of money but as a human, his worth is well into the negative side of the ledger. So far into negative that it got ridiculous. Over the decades it’s gotten so large that I stopped counting, it wasn’t worth the bother. -143752^12 is where I gave up counting. I believe this was over 10 yrs ago.
@eclare: Yeah, the organizers should have said ‘even if you’re late, you’re still doing the test. No test, no cameras.’
You know, it’s easy to lapse into hyperbole, but I don’t think history has ever seen such an asshole rise to power. Sure, there’s been profoundly evil men. There’s been monsters who unleashed horrors onto the world. But I can’t think of any who were such a raging, petty asshole in every conceivable way.
Even Hitler had a dog. Okay, he poisoned her at the end but up until then he was reportedly very nice to her.
@Edmund Dantes: Huh. Never seen that but I’ll take your word for it. To use any sort of athletic word about his lard ass is ridiculous.
randy khan
It is totally unsurprising that Trump had a positive test and never told anyone, and it certainly explains the timeline of his illness and recovery better.
I’m also not surprised that Trump, knowing he’d had a positive test before the event, decided to blame the Gold Star families for his illness, partly because it’s very on brand and partly because it was part of his effort to conceal when he actually tested positive.
And there’s no doubt that he deliberately avoided the test at the debate site – his political instincts certainly are good enough to know that if the debate was cancelled because he tested positive it would have been pretty devastating (and subsequent events, when he ended up hospitalized, would have made it worse).
But my guess is that his family didn’t know he’d had a positive test or that they were at risk, because that’s just the kind of thing he would not have told them, being a true narcissist and all. So, while coming to the debate without masks was awful enough, I’m not willing to suggest that they were intentionally endangering the other people in the room.
Maggie could have tipped off the Biden team, or Meadows could have tipped off the Biden team. That makes them both complicit in the attempted assassination.
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
(Post twice, delete once.)
Chief Oshkosh
@SiubhanDuinne: It would be awful if she stepped into an open manhole or walked into a low beam. ETA: with protruding nails.
Just awful.
@moops: Yep. Accessories.
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
I admit to having a bias, but to me the Haberman tweets read as though she’s annoyed not at Orange for having knowingly exposed Joe Biden and everyone else who was present but rather at not having been able to confirm the tip she’d received that Orange was COVID-pos.
Access uber alles, but still …
No honor among thieves and the chump clan is thieves all the way down (to mix various metaphors.)
@Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog: Very well could be…
I’m surprised Cheeto did’t come up to Joe offering a blanket smeared with spittle sheen asking OK if I call you Joe?
@Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog: Agree. She got the tip but they lied to her about it’s truth. I wonder if she’s more offended by the lie or the fact TFG knowingly exposed so many people.
@West of the Rockies: dragged thru the streets and hung upside down:)
@Ksmiami: Mussolini works for me.
Fuck Trump and all his enablers.
It sounds stupid. Especially in two consecutive tweets.
Last year’s election was pretty close, at least in my book. trump’s nasty, churlish performance in the first debate may have made the difference.
randy khan
I do love how dismissive this Administration is of TFG. “I don’t think about the former president,” indeed.
@Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog:
I read her the same way.
Mai Naem mobile
TFG is a POS and Meadows should be locked up.
It’s really a shame that COVID didn’t kill the entire fat, orange, fascist, Soviet shitpile crime family.
Mike in NC
I’m halfway through Jonathan Karl’s Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show, where he suggests that in December 2020 Trump was musing about air strikes on Iran. According to another book (I Alone Can Fix It) Trump’s second term goals included dropping out of NATO and withdrawing all US forces from South Korea and Germany.
Lock. Him. Up.
@Alison Rose:
Yes. What a fucking waste of cells.
Wait, what? I’m forgetting something here.
That’s where the debate was held.
I doubt it. Remember that 11 million MORE Dump-humping, fascist shitstains voted for him in 2020.
Him letting COVID ravage the land while bellowing out of his disgusting, orange face that it was a hoax most definitely played a part.
@Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog: Maggie didn’t need to have the tip confirmed to drop a warning to the Biden team. She needed the tip confirmed if she wanted to run with the tip to her newspaper and report it after the fact. She need the tip confirmed to put it in her own tell-all book, instead of having it show up in Meadows tell-all book.
I tell you all, we need to charge these access wonks with conspiracy if they keep getting wind of crimes and sitting on them until they can write their post-administration gossip books.
@Scout211: Yeah, but what about being invited to run around town?
It is a bit of a kicker that Garland is on the record stating he will not be indicting Trump.
I wonder if there are any enterprising journalists or data miners out there who might be interested in looking into people in Orange Donnie’s orbit who have died over the years.
He seems awfully comfortable with what you might call stochastic aggression – it goes well with his general sloppiness and incompetence. Any maintenance disasters in one of his properties happen to kill anyone?
zhena gogolia
@moops: Link?
@West of the Rockies:
@Alison Rose:
@mrmoshpotato: this, this, This, TH-IS, and THIS
(why do I bother coming here? Everyone’s already on top of their game and covers the bases)
I’m completely inured to trumpov’s corrupt, stupid, murderous, etc etc etc ways…I even KNEW at the time (as did many of us) that the sensible timeline made him out to be very contagious at the debate and his whole ‘crew’ wore no masks.
and yet
it still fills me with fury, that their obvious evil continues to be a matter of…”well ya, what did you expect?” from so many.
Can you imagine if the reverse were true? If a Dem incumbent botching a freaking PLAGUE response who was HIMSELF INFECTED tried this shit while on the stage with a Rep challenger?
Number one, it would have been news within days, not a freaking YEAR
Number two, it would have been guillotine or rope, not, “oh yeah…we all suspected at the time/had a book to sell/whaddya gonna do?”
@mrmoshpotato: Usually, elections are decided by factors besides debates. And please note that I said trump’s debate performance may have made the differerence.
I do not forget that trump won millions more votes last year than in 2016. Some of these may have found his crude antics a positive. But I remember how dismayed at the time some of trump’s high level supporters were by his performance. They knew it was outrageous, a display that could sway undecided voters.
It’s not the people who voted for him I was thinking of, but the people who might have but did not and voted for Joe Biden instead. They may have made the difference in close states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. What kept trump from winning those states? He would have needed less than a hundred thousand voters to swing from Biden to him. He did not get them.
Joe Biden ran a very efficient, disciplined campaign. The lazy, narcissistic trump did not, and his ill-prepared, blustery performance in the first debate might have dug a hole he could not climb out of.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
People seem to forget that Trump ended up seriously ill form this stunt. I know several people who voted against Trump because he got COVID like an idiot.
@moops: Created an account just to agree with THIS!
I don’t have much money to buy a lot of shit as it is, much less pay my bills. But I will NEVER give money to a hack who witholds DEMOCRACY SAVING info so they can sell a godamned book. How dare they? If their jobs are to let us know what our government is up to, to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,” then this lot of selfish fools are all abject failures. “Access” my ass. You do a good job, you return the favors, you’ll never run out of sources. Just be a fucking reporter for Christ’s sake!
Woodward, Karl, et. al,, are all selfish assholes. I will never, ever, give them a dime so they can maintain their tony apartments in DC, and New York. They are way too comfortable as it is, having sold their souls a long time ago.
And their reticence to give up the goods, wanting cash upfront like hookers, only helps the arsonists who call themselves the Republican party buy the matches. I’m telling y’all, local newspapers are STRUGGLING to survive. We’ve got women about to lose their right to abort the babies their DADDIES fathered, thousands dying of covid because the rightwing media gets millions to sell them horse dewormer, and these clowns are saving the “juicy” bits for a fucking tell all?
Nah man, hard pass. Fuck em all. And to quote my man Samuel, i hope they all burn in hell.
@chrome agnomen: That is a really weird thing to get huffy about. “Rooting for injuries” is just a sports joke – it’s what you would say if you hated both of the teams in a game. People aren’t actually telling you they want Republicans to get a broken foot and use health care resources.