Does sound like @SpeakerMcCarthy and the Freedom Caucus are on slightly better terms right now than they were post-debt ceiling brawl. @chiproytx told me that McCarthy has been "pretty open kimono" with them as of late.
— Cameron Joseph (@cam_joseph) July 13, 2023
Like toddlers on a sugar bender, torturing musical instruments and clutching at their overpriced tutus. Stunts only of interest to a very small circle of followers, but hey, those few are all they care about.
… The hard-line House Freedom Caucus’ latest revolt against McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) is over the National Defense Authorization Act, the law that authorizes the annual budget for the U.S. military.
That bill has historically passed with bipartisan support, and Republicans and Democrats had reached broad consensus on this year’s version, with plans to pass it by the end of the week. But Freedom Caucus members demanded a slew of controversial last-minute amendments, including measures that would ban the military from reimbursing service members who travel for abortions and prohibit the armed forces from paying for gender-affirming care. If Republicans approve these amendments, Democrats have promised to pull their support from the defense spending bill, forcing Republicans to pass it by themselves…
On Monday, 21 of their members sent McCarthy a letter with a list of demands for the government funding bill — and a threat to vote against the defense bill if they don’t get what they want. The letter, organized by Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Policy Chairman Chip Roy (R-Texas), demanded that McCarthy abandon the agreement he struck with Biden to avoid a debt default earlier this summer and authorize spending at lower levels.Roy shrugged when asked about concerns that the Freedom Caucus might lead to a government shutdown…
Even if House conservatives succeed in making their favored changes to the spending bill, though, the current fight is unlikely to end in their victory. The Senate is still in Democrats’ hands, as is the White House, and Democratic negotiators will insist on stripping out the most controversial measures before allowing the bill to become law.
McCarthy’s most important allies recognize that reality. “The final NDAA bill, it will be bipartisan,” House Rules Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) told reporters Wednesday afternoon. “No matter what we come out of here with, we’re going to sit down and negotiate with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president. So the bill is going to move.”
“We’re working hard, harder in my opinion than we should have to work, but everything’s hard in this Congress,” Cole added ruefully a minute earlier…
Freedom Caucus members aren’t particularly worried about political blowback from a government shutdown. In fact, many of them believe that triggering shutdowns has worked for them in the past. In 2013, Roy was Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) chief of staff and helped convince House Republicans to force a 17-day shutdown in an attempt to repeal Obamacare.
At the time, House GOP leaders hoped that rank-and-file Republicans would feel the pain and never want to shut down the government again. But the stunt had no obvious political ramifications — Republicans did extremely well in the next midterm elections — and hard-line Republicans internalized the opposite lesson.
“When we went into that shutdown, we referred to it as a ‘touch the stove’ moment,” said Doug Heye, a Republican strategist who worked for GOP House leadership at the time. “And the reality is they didn’t get burned. It’s not that they didn’t learn their lesson — they learned the wrong lesson.”
The Freedom Caucus helped drive then-Speaker John Boehner into retirement in 2015, then blocked McCarthy from becoming speaker not long afterward because they didn’t trust his conservative bona fides. They even caused havoc for then-President Trump at times, demanding his Obamacare repeal plan move hard to the right to earn their support.
But their power to cause chaos has grown this year because of the House GOP’s razor-thin majority. Republican leaders can afford to lose just four of their members on any House vote, allowing the dozen or so lawmakers on the far right of their caucus to disrupt the chamber at any time…
Arizona Republican Congressman Eli Crane just used the words “colored people” on the floor of the United States House of Representatives.
In the year 2023.— Jo?? (@JoJoFromJerz) July 13, 2023
Charlie Pierce liveblogged the hearing for Esquire. A selection:
We're recording votes on the crazy amendments to the NDAA now. MTG's Ukraine-starving bill goes down, but the amendment cutting off travel expenses for reproductive health passes.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 13, 2023
The chair declares on a voice vote that Norman's anti-trans amendment passed. D's request a recorded vote. Chair rules all further action to be postponed.
Bag job.— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 13, 2023
South Cackalacky's Ralph Norman is back with an anti-DEI amendment. He knows nothing about it but he's back. Every single argument he's making were made against black, women, and gay enlistees. Unit cohesion!
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 13, 2023
Good from Virginia wishes cops had been better armed in places like Kenosha. I mean, Kyle Rittenhouse can't do it all, people.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 13, 2023
All of this swill is being passed on voice votes. The conference meetings may well end in bloodshed.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) July 13, 2023
Good point from Josh Marshall:
2/ right wing sectarian parties where they could work through their Nazi stuff without killing anyone or threatening the state. Grooming, trafficking etc, all basically Qanon stuff which was itself an outgrowth of pizzagate. Good times.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) July 14, 2023
House Freedom Caucus press conference on the NDAA at 9AM tomorrow.
Details 👇
— House Freedom Caucus (@freedomcaucus) July 13, 2023
Maybe they’ll do us a favor and drive their Krazy Klown Kar off a cliff.
Frist, also too.
I’m tired. Public Rectal is what I read at first. Going to bed.
Were the consequences not so bad for so many people, this shitshow would be funny.
My advice to the Republicans is keep fucking that pig.
@SpaceUnit: Ditto
Captain C
@dexwood: That was at the RFK, jr. fundraiser as per Page Six.
Given who we’re talking about…
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Captain C: RFK’s most sensible act in decades…
patrick II
Despite what Alito told us, his abortion decision was never going to be a states-rights only issue and the extermination of the right of privacy was never going to be just about abortion.
It’s hard to keep remembering this is 2023.
J R in WV
Hi, guys! I’m done with the 8 hour chemo infusions and have an appointment next week with an oncologist…
I think there’s some preoperative stuff, originally surgery was scheduled in early September to take out the tumor and everything where it might reoccur.
I’m feeling OK, reading a lot, spending time with puppies, lurking the comment threads. Keying a comment with my little tablet kinda sucks.
But I’m hanging in there, great view of ferns and humming birbs in the ravine behind the house.
Mai Naem mobileI
Just wondering how striking down Obergerfell would actually practically work is making my head hurt. A gay couple gets married while it was legal and has kids. Now they want a divorce. Are they getting a divorce or not getting a divorce since its not legal. What about a widow/widower? SS survivors benefits? Are they legal in one state and not another. So many more issues. These people are ridiculous.
@J R in WV: Enjoy the ferns and humming birbs and hang in there. Good to hear from you!
A government shutdown this fall would certainly cause a lot of problems. I can see one potential silver lining to that cloud, though. Government shutdowns impact Virginia more than most states, and it’s an election year here. Voters will have a great opportunity to take their frustrations out on Republicans running for the House of Delegates and Senate.
I know ‘colored people’ feels like a step back, but it really isn’t. It’s desperate. They’re desperate. They’re losing and they know it. Sure, it’d be nice if they’d stop digging, but digging is what their electorate sent them to do.
@J R in WV: I was thinking about you today. SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU!
Just keep taking care of yourself!
@J R in WV: We’re pulling for you. Sounds like you’re doing okay all things considered.
@Martin: Are we allowed to donate shovels?
@Mai Naem mobileI: Unsurprisingly, some judge is using the 303 decision to refuse to marry gay couples.
The hair salon that announced they wouldn’t serve trans customers lost their supplier.
So, if the court thinks they washed their hands of this, they have done anything but.
@J R in WV:
It’s good to hear. Stay strong.
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV:
Good to hear from you. Keep taking care of yourself and keep us updated as you can.
It seems that way, doesn’t it, from the way he backed down immediately when confronted, and proposed amending it to “people of color”. I fully expected him to double-down on his racist language, but there was no fight in him. I suspect you’re right.
Alison Rose
::shudder:: Gross
@J R in WV:
It’s good to hear from you–you’ve been missed.
I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the ravines and the ferns and the birbs, and I’ll hope for steady improvement as you recover from the chemo.
Alison Rose
@J R in WV: Good to hear from you <3
LOL. Temecula school board was taken over by Moms for Liberty weirdos and banned a social studies textbook that mentioned Harvey Milk. Now, understand that it is CA state law and has been since 2012 that schools must teach the contributions of LGBTQ Californians, and Harvey Milk is kind of the entry point for that. So Gavin Newsom responds that since the district won’t have textbooks for students in the fall, the state will buy new textbooks and bill the district for the books and fine them for breaking the law.
See Democrats, that’s not so hard. Just fucking do the right thing, and nobody is going to notice the court decisions that come down later about whether you overreached or not. Biden has the right idea on college debt. Do that shit elsewhere too.
@Alison Rose: I see I wasn’t the only one who thought that.
@J R in WV: Sounds like the prognosis is good. Take care man.
We’re all rooting for ya!
@J R in WV:
If there’s a way to send strength and goodwill through an internet comment, well here ya go.
Fuck cancer.
Alison Rose
@Martin: I saw that earlier. I love what a messy bitch he can be.
patrick II
@J R in WV:
Both of my sisters have been through what you are going through. It was hard, but they kept up their good spirits as it seems you are now and that seemed to help it work out. I am trying some clever way to work in a birb joke, but it was already done pretty well by frosty, so I won’t. Have a good night.
Rep. Summer Lee.
John Revolta
@J R in WV: Wow! Good news. Glad to hear from you!
Mai Naem mobileI
@J R in WV: i am glad things appear to be going as well as expected. Good luck with the surgery. Can you use a stylus for the tablet? It might make it easier.
@J R in WV:
Best wishes to you.
Just read this in our local media – what a contradiction are these United States
US FDA approves birth control pill to be sold without a prescription
@J R in WV: Hang tough! Crossing fingers all goes well. And fuck cancer also too.
@TS: THAT’S how you do it! Awesome news!!! :-)
Women can now obtain birth control without a doctor’s involvement or, if young, their parent’s permission?!?! Break out the Right Wing fainting couches and unleash their phalanx of rabid
former Supreme Court internsattorneys. 😂Kathleen
@J R in WV: Good to hear from you. Holding you in light.
Chris T.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…
@J R in WV: Sending strength and positivity your way. Thanks for checking in-you have been missed (even by us semi-lurkers!).
@J R in WV: Glad to hear from you J R! Wishing all the best luck on the surgery and rest of your treatments. And keep on enjoying your peaceful surroundings, that also sounds healing.
The Freedom Caucus is fixing to mess up the big Farm Bill too. They insist on cuts to nutritional assistance programs.
These bills get passed every five years. The last one was delayed by those dumbasses for 7 months. When Paul Ryan’s House majority finally passed it in mid-2018, the Republican Senate stripped out the Freedom Caucus’s provisions anyway.
AM in NC
@Alison Rose: EXACTLY. From the language he uses, you know how he thinks. Chip Roy is a disgusting creeper. If not in his personal life, certainly in his political actions.
@J R in WV: How good of you to update. Puppies, ferns, and hummingbirds make excellent companions. Sending you many healing beams and smiles.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@J R in WV: So glad to see you! And done with the long chemo sessions is a good thing.
@J R in WV: thinking of you, sending healing thoughts your way.
Heidi Mom
@J R in WV: Late to the party here, but wishing you all the best. Puppies and books make everything easier.
Great to hear from you! We have missed you and are so glad to hear the the chemo is done! Nothing like puppies, flowers, and birds to bring love in the your life!
@J R in WV:
Congratulations on being done with chemo, JR! Good to hear from you!
@J R in WV: Sounds like maybe the surgery is sooner because the chemo has worked better than expected? That’s excellent. Hang on there, we all miss you!
Kayla Rudbek
@J R in WV: congratulations on being done with chemotherapy, and I hope that it completely works! Good luck with the rest of your treatments!