Start with the good news:
"I don't expect a recession"
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen tells @annmarie the US is "on a good path to bringing inflation down," and the labor market is strong
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) July 17, 2023
Biden National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan says the House passed NDAA has no chance, "This legislation is never getting to the president's desk."
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) July 16, 2023
Then… ICYMI yesterday’s posts:
"The tendency is, we look at the last Trump administration and say well democracy survived. But, what I think a lot of people forget is, democracy was on the emergency room table with no heartbeat, bleeding out from multiple wounds" – @petestrzok w/ @NicolleDWallace
— Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) July 17, 2023
There’s nothing this gonif won’t try to steal…
Of course it comes full circle: The second major piece of classified intelligence Trump leaked — to Russia!! — came from the Israelis. They should have known then that you can't give Donald anything.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) July 18, 2023
Necessary respite — Florida’s latest invasive species news…
This Florida neighborhood is grappling with a bunny boom.
— The Associated Press (@AP) July 17, 2023
Somewhat surprised to hear that the Florida homeowner left their bunnies behind. Would have expected it to be a tiger or something like that.
Re the Israeli artifacts, sounds like a job for Mossad.
Tropical storm Calvin forecast to pass over Maui Tuesday evening through most all of the day Wednesday. High wind and flash flood warnings anticipated for 6 a.m.-ish today. Predictions of wind gusts of 55 to 60 mph, local rain forecast varies from 2 inches to a possibility of 8 inches over some areas.
Not particularly concerned at my place about less than optimal weather as things are currently tracking except if power should go out.
Meanwhile, for your listening pleasure, a little bit klezmer, a little bit jive.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Israel should just send Mossad in. None of this screwing around with polite requests that drag on for years.
We have a zillion bunnies in our PA neighborhood as well, and they’re very bold. They know dogs on leashes can’t get to them.
We also have a couple foxes and a hawk. Not sure if they prey on the bunnies but something provides enough reason for them to stick around.
Ten Bears
Coyotes [pronouced kai` yote, rhymes with tote] would solve that bunny problem …
@Baud: If the neighbor next door left a python the rabbit problem would be solved.
Yep, people move and “set their animals free” figuring they’ll be ok. And they aren’t. They have litters, most die horrible deaths, and a few are rescued. I hope the group gets the chance to rescue them all.
And an update to Loren, the cat hit by a car: she went to foster care yesterday. She will be crate confined for two weeks (in an extra large dog crate) to let her fractured pelvis heal. After a followup visit then, she should be able to resume normal kitty activities. Her prognosis is excellent. No one has come forward to claim her, so she’ll become available for adoption as soon as the vet approves if no owner is found by then.
John S.
@Anne Laurie
Excellent use of the word gonif! Yiddish expletives are perfectly made to describe a schmuck like TFG.
@John S.:
AL has all the beat words.
Tony Jay
If Trump has the Ark of the Covenant secreted at Mar Illegalo then I say let him have it. One over-stimulated “I shouldn’t really have this, but look at this..” moment during a Down Low Donors and Supporters Rally and next morning the cleaning staff will be sending out for Bodily Waste Kits by the Brinks Mat truckload.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Sigh. I can’t even get outraged about Trump taking the Israeli artifacts. Because of course he did.
Today is the hearing about the timing of the classified documents trial in Florida, I think. Maybe that will be interesting.
Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊
Good morning.
I wish these dopes would stop this “no recession” talk. It will just provide attack soundbites. No one has outlawed the economic cycle. Just say something like “our policies aim for full employment* and smoothing out the inevitable rough patches.”
*if someone at the Fed says this, fingers crossed they’re not struck by lightning.
Another Scott
@Dorothy A. Winsor: +1 It’s a day ending in ‘y’.
“You want this back? I dunno – I kinda like it, and it’s mine. What’s in it for me to give it to you? Maybe it should be on display at Trump Tower Temple Mount? It’ll be bigly great…”
They do, tho the hawks (depending on the species) may be limited to the young ‘uns.
Beat = best
@rikyrah, @Baud:
Good morning! 🙏
What we knew in 1948. (And has since swirled down the memory hole.)
@Ten Bears:
Yeah. But then you’d have a coyote problem. I’d take the bunnies.
Betty Cracker
The woman who abandoned the rabbits should be tracked down and made to pay for the rescue operation. What an irresponsible jerk.
Aw, Ma, hasenpfeffer again?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Fucker probably walked out with the silverware when he left Penn Ave.
Just ratchet. Absolute broke-down raggedy-ass garbage. Exactly the kind of people they think minorities are.
@rikyrah: Good morning!
@NotMax: Good film.
We lost power again Sunday eve, got it back again Monday eve. That’s 3 times in 2 weeks and it’s getting old. This time however I could see the cause: One of our larger trees (a 40+ yo oak) came down. So I now have a butt load of firewood. I also have about 30′ of 20-24″ trunk. I think I’m gonna cut it into 4′ lengths (about the most I could manage getting into the back of my p/u) and have it quarter sawn at one of the local mills.
3-5 years of drying and I’ll have a beautiful bunch of 4/4 quarter sawn oak to work with. The rays should be glorious.
Somebody official has to say something to counteract the way the FTFNYT etc. keep telling everyone that the economy either sucks or will do so any day now.
And this means what, exactly?? Proof by handwaving is what it looks like.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Baud: At the very least a job for Harrison Ford
@Baud: I figured pet alligator? 🐊
Good morning, all!
@OzarkHillbilly: You only have to wait 3-5 years for the lemonade!
Dawgdamned immigrants… he can’t even speak English!
s// in case you can’t tell.
@Subsole: So you aren’t a gardener?
Bunnies should only be pets, safely inside.
“We sold the tiger on eBay. Learned our lesson: next time definitely without free shipping.”
@WaterGirl: Yep, hope I’m still alive to enjoy it. If not, my eldest will make good use of it.
Matt McIrvin
There are a huge number of rabbits around here this year, but they’re just regular Eastern cottontails, don’t seem to be former pets. We have coyotes and foxes here and presumably it’s just one of those cyclical predator-prey dynamics things.
As nature intended.
@Subsole: Well, yes. Because it’s always projection with them.
Our local cottontails disagree. They also aren’t very fond of coyotes, foxes, redtail hawks, or eagles. They are very prejudiced.
@Baud: That was my immediate thought, too.
Betty Cracker
I often see rabbits on my morning rambles, and I’m pretty sure they are marsh rabbits because the ears and legs are shorter than typically seen on cottontails.
Paul in KY
@Tony Jay: I hope the security video would be on so we could see his face melting. Plus the Glory of the Lord, etc. etc.
@OzarkHillbilly: I know. We have cottontails that I am fond of, eating my garden all the time. They are as cute as bunnies.
I’d forgotten about that! I was expecting this.
@sab: I know you know. Now you know I know you know.
@OzarkHillbilly: My neighborhood is the same, even though it’s in the city. We have small hawks too. A couple of years ago I saw a black and white Dutch rabbit in our neighborhood. I took a picture of it just to prove that it existed. It was obviously someone’s pet, because those kind of rabbits don’t occur in the wild here. I don’t know what happened to it, I haven’t seen it for a couple of years. My dad raised rabbits to sell for meat and fur, so I know quite a bit about them. It’s challenging to raise 12 babies after their mother dies. My mother marked each one on the forehead with a different color magic marker so we could tell them apart for feeding. Those colors became their names.
Alternatively, naughty George.
@Soprano2: I’ve thought about raising rabbits, never have because I don’t think my wife could handle it. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
@Soprano2: 50 years ago when I was young, I could buy rabbit meat in the grocery, just like chicken.
ETA My stepson has a pet rabbit which even his dog loves.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
So mo people flying than ever before. – ever!
Mo people coming out games for the first time in 20 years.
the heartland knows lot more than the doomers back on Wall street. This economy is on fire
Amir Khalid
@Tony Jay:
Then the Department of Defence will hide the Ark again in a giant warehouse. And the Indiana Jones franchise will continue into eternity, starring an ever older and gaunter Harrison Ford.
“No problem assembling the hutch, but what the bloody heck l am I supposed to do with this starsky that came in the same kit?’
Trump has a limited behavioral repertoire. All that dumb stuff is re-enacted, again and again. If something is within range, he’ll take it— and from then on, it’s his. Like how Putin got a Super Bowl ring.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: There is always a recession coming down the pike. It may be in six months. It may be in six years. So you cannot lose credibility by predicting it. The recession? It’s just a bit late.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Pitch clock, man. It works.
@Amir Khalid
Item 4443309-29/B: Covenant, Ark of (1).
If the studios and producers get their way in the SAG-AFTRA strike talks, they’ll retain rights to use Ford’s less aged likeness in perpetuity.
To quote the Rutles, “I know you know what you know but you should know by now that you’re not me.”
Piggy in the Middle (2006 Remaster) – YouTube
Oh! What idiot thought this was a good idea – “loaning” anything to a thieving conman.
You. Dumb. Stupid. Ignorant. Assclown. Idiot.
Hot diggity dumbasses! They’re even stupider!
Kinda like the Rapture with fundie Christianists.
Chief Oshkosh
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
There’s no way TSA is time traveling. They’d never step on the turf of Space Force.
@NotMax: Having watched several book series adapted to the screen, the actors bring a lot to the table. Characters that I despised in the books became relatable on screen after an actor delved into them. Characters that I loved in the books became more complex.
These idiot producers are playing Elon Musk. Don’t understand what they own.
@OzarkHillbilly: We kids didn’t like it too well; he sold them to the Pel-Freeze truck every week. My dad grew up on a farm; he wasn’t sentimental about animals at all. He didn’t like that we let the cats in the house; to him, animals belonged outside.
zhena gogolia
@OzarkHillbilly: We’ve had so many BIG bunnies in the yards this year.
It’s why the phrase “having a basketball jones like rabbits” exists!
Hoop it up with your mad hops, rabbits!
@Chief Oshkosh:
We’re all time traveling into the future at the rate of one second per second.
It may be slow, but after awhile you look back and realize that the time you started out in is way the fuck back there.
@lowtechcyclist: When I was twelve I believed in the Rapture. Then I realized St Paul was almost two thousand years ago and it still hadn’t happened.
@lowtechcyclist: Damn, that’s a blast from the past. And those haircuts!
Betty Cracker
My little brother had a pet lop-eared rabbit in the 1980s. I suggested he name her “Cyndi Lop-ear,” and he agreed!
@Betty Cracker: Wow. We never knew you had a brother.
And they can capture an orange Nazi whlle at it!
@Soprano2: Yeah, I have no problem not getting attached to a lot of animals, but rabbits? I suppose I could get used to it, but…
Tony Jay
@Paul in KY:
And as the camera pans across the spreading pool of Nazi goo, it focuses in on the one figure left standing alone in the middle of the room.
MITCH MCCONNELL (adjusts tie) – “Thank God the PRC are a secular organisati… uh oh” (belated face melt)
@Amir Khalid:
As long as there’s a dollar to be made dragging his disarticulated bones across a soundstage, that’s going to happen anyway.
Matt McIrvin
@Chief Oshkosh: Why is the Space Force Time Command still handling time travel? We need a Time Force!
@Betty Cracker: Oh my gawd… Bad Betty, BAD!
I mean the Burmese Pythons are eating all the mammals so it makes sense to provide more for them.
@MomSense: Can’t we just let them eat little old lady snowbirds from Ohio?
My Brother was an Only Child by Jack Douglas | Goodreads
Matt McIrvin
@OzarkHillbilly: Rabbits are on the short list of animals it’s not uncommon to think of either as pets or as food, which is a bit unusual.
Fled the US
Fun bunny fact:
Pet rabbits are descended from european wild rabbits and are genus Oryctolagus. Native American rabbits are genus Sylvilagus. They cannot interbreed due to chromosome differences.
@Matt McIrvin: We’re in the middle of one of those now. I hadn’t seen any rabbits for years. Now, over the last few, they’ve come back with a vengeance.
I hear the coyotes every night, too, so I’m guessing they’ve gotten the message. They’re probably one reason why I have front and backyard bunnies…along with all the blooming white clover in the lawn. My pup Gaby has slowed down a lot and while she will occasionally bound after the backyard bunny, she will also sometimes walk right past it. One reason why the little bit is still around, I’m guessing.
@Matt McIrvin:
Just hire some Transylvanians, they’ve got it down.
Congrats on all the firewood.
Butts should not be involved though. Or asses. (Unless hauling it around via donkey.)
My thought exactly – who would be dumb enough to loan anything of value to TFG?
“How did you… get here from the past?”
“I dunno, I couldn’t not.”
— XKCD, Time Capsule
Betty Cracker
@sab: I know I’ve mentioned him here before! My sister and I were teens when he was born, so he missed out on childhood adventures like the Pestivus Parade.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@lowtechcyclist: How’s the saying go? Wall Street has predicted eleven out of the last three recessions?
@Tony Jay:
I, for one, think Harrison Ford (and his bones) is very well spoken.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker: You mentioned your brother in a very memorable anecdote when you were commemorating your mom a few years back.
Pepperidge FarmMiss Bianca remembers…mrmoshpotato
Like Die Hard!
@Betty Cracker: For some reason “marsh rabbit” sounds like a level 3 D&D monster to me. I have also seen them called “marsh hares”, which may be an eggcorn or mondegreen version of “March hare”.
However google confirms that marsh hares are indeed rabbits, not hares. It also turns up any number of dicussions of how to tell rabbits from hares, most of which are at least somewhat more practical than the old “look closely at the teeth” advice for telling alligators from crocodiles.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
Yeah, and I’ll believe their predictions when they pull all their money out of the market and put it in Treasury bills.
@Miss Bianca: Pepperidge Farm remembers
@Fled the US: That is interesting and I did not know that
ETA Rabbits v hares?
@mrmoshpotato: When I was in about 7th grade I read ‘Year of the Angry Rabbit”
Loosely based on Australia and mixomycosis virus.
Trump says he got a target letter from Jack Smith’s Jan 6 jury
@mrmoshpotato: Not clear the clay lamps were lent to the White House. The Haaretz story says:
The White House seems an unlikely venue to show rare clay lamps. So maybe the MAGA Magpie reached out and had them diverted from a museum store room. But I expect there will be more details reported on this affair.
It’s not surprising that Trump would resist calls from “senior Israeli officials” to return the lamps. Trump and Netanyahu are often seen as pals, but Trump deeply resented Netanyahu’s congratulatory call to Joe Biden a few days after the 2020 election. Trump was still hot about it a year later when he was interviewed by an Israeli reporter.
@OzarkHillbilly: I am extremely jealous! Would love to have that amount of quarter sawn oak for basically any upcoming project.
Hares are larger, solitary, and live above ground.
Rabbits are smaller, and live in groups in burrows.
Bunnies combine characteristics of both, being larger even than hares but living in burrows, and can be distinguished by their fondness for carrots and practical jokes.
@OzarkHillbilly: Is it White Oak? That stuff is beautiful.
And here I thought Florida would get the Python Apocalypse. Night of the Lepus showed that bunnies just aren’t as frightening.
@Sanjeevs: Yay! More packages are starting to appear under the Smithmas tree! When do we get to open them? When do we get to open them? I wanna open them noooooowwwww!
(CNN and NYT also have it btw.)
Today I found out that being invited to Trump’s birthday party there costs $20,000.
But you get to handle top secret stuff and ancient artifacts and meet real spies, so I guess it’s really worth it.
Only the best people.
Local doctor here in Ohio retired and sold his practice and his house to his kid. ( ETA and moved to Florida). A year later he changed his mind. Wanted to come back. Kid said fine, but I am not moving and the medical practice is now mine.
@Geminid: On the other hand, Jared Kushner was in Israel a lot when he was helping negotiate the so-called Abraham Accords. Maybe he requested the lamps for a White House Hanukkah celebration.
Now I’m curious, and want to see some more reporting. Maybe this affair will be known as GonifGate.
I am left wondering if Haaretz spelled it that way as an insult, or if this is a poor transliteration from Hebrew.
@Leto: My husband used to be able to make things with wood like that. He made a coffee table and two bottoms to elevate our end tables with white oak. We have oak casing all over our house that we stained and varnished and he put in. It’s a beautiful wood, I’m surprised it’s not more popular.
Sheldon Vogt
@OzarkHillbilly: You’ll cuss yourself every time you use it if you have it cut into 4’ lengths. Do eight footers, and find a different way to transport them. Sticker it properly. You’re welcome, in advance.
Betty Cracker
@Miss Bianca: I suspect that anecdote was Mom’s “Cats” soundtrack revenge strategy. ;-) She sure knew how to push our buttons!
Border Patrol told to push small children back into the Rio Grande!😡
“Officers working for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative have been ordered to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, and have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat, according to an email from a Department of Public Safety trooper who described the actions as ‘inhumane,’” the Houston Chronicle reports.”
“The July 3 account discloses several previously unreported incidents the trooper witnessed in Eagle Pass, where the state of Texas has strung miles of razor wire and deployed a wall of buoys in the Rio Grande.”
Political Wire
Amir Khalid
The phrase Python Apocalypse makes me think of John Cleese and his colleagues rampaging on horseback.
@Ken: I think that was my autocorrect. I usually call the estate Mar-a-Loco and my phone defaulted to it.
@Jackie: Drowning toddlers and babies makes Texas more manly. Who could have known.
Also obligatory.
@Leto: Yeah, it’s an opportunity I can’t pass up.
@Sheldon Vogt: Maybe one 7 footer, the rest 4 foot. Maybe have one four footer sawn into 3×3″.
@Geminid: Yes.
@Amir Khalid: Which is always a fun image!
Omnes Omnibus
Betty Cracker
@Sanjeevs: New thread addressing that — thanks for flagging!
The friend who hunts venison and wild turkey occasionally also hunts rabbit, and I have two different rabbit stews (one with wine, one with doppelbock) that are fabulous. But I see so many of them on my morning runs/walks, including baby ones, that I have started having a hard time eating them. I roll my eyes at myself–rabbits reproduce at the rates they do because many things think they’re tasty–but there we are.
@Sheldon Vogt: Nope, and I won’t regret it either. I have my reasons, however infathomable they may be.
@OzarkHillbilly: White Oak is rot resistant. The closed pores give it that beautiful look. Makes good canoe part and such.
My late friend David used to steam-bend white oak to make Windsor chairs. He turned a lot of the parts on a lathe, and scorped out poplar seats. A lot of fun if you have a free month or two!
Fair Economist
Did somebody mention bunnies and basketball?
@Geminid: Yeah, I use white oak for siding (a mill in Steelville specializes in white oak). The stuff is damned near forever.
Such a good Christian man that Gov. Abbott is.
I’m not exactly a fan of eversor, but people like Abbott (and the sheer abundance of people like him who identify as Christian) make it easier to see how someone like eversor feels the way he does about Christianity.
Fair Economist
There has been a bunny plague (Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease,RHDV, kind of like a bunny Ebola) in most of the country recently. It’s very lethal and can greatly reduce the population. The bunnies are probably starting to adapt.
@Soprano2: I completed a year of school, back in May, and now I’m trying to keep it going doing various projects. I’m already backlogged with things I need to build, just out of fun and also because Avalune wants it.
@Mousebumples: Why would anybody bother? They are quite common here. You wouldn’t be able to tell a former pet from the natural wildlife unless it was too bold, in which case it would be killed.
Once they associate humans with food they are considered dangerous. They bounced back fro endangered status decades ago to being over common again. Cleaning up water pollution helped as they are sensitive to pollution.
@Amir Khalid:
Get them a copy of the Necronomicon and Dr. Jones may be very gaunt, indeed.
Rabbits, deer, elk and geese have prospered here in the mosaics of fresh brush left behind by the 2020 Beachie Fire. The brush and annuals have bigger patches of daylight and the ash is fertilizer. Maple and hazel have new shoots 4~6 feet tall growing from the stumps. Annuals fill the spaces between. Food and cover.
In other news the Russians piled up an asphalt ramp and civilian passenger cars are driving over the more intact segment of the recently blown up Kerch Bridge. The blast only shifted it 3 feet to one side and a foot or 2 down.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker: No, tho’ that that one was awesome too. It was your mom’s reaction to hearing that your brother had hopped into a car and taken off for Savannah that killed me: “Savannah better be the name of a girl, you little shit!” LOL!
The statement that last guy made in the bunny video is how I feel about a lot of things.
Paul in KY
@Tony Jay: Nazi goo is the best! You know it’s also a floor wax…
Paul in KY
@Fled the US: Did not know that. Thanks!
Paul in KY
@gvg: Some pet varieties have coloration that no wild bunny would ever sport.
(Katelyn Jetelina)
And calling idiots “Maroons” as in “Whatta…”
Ms Martin is involved in bunny rescue. We currently ‘only’ have 2 – bonded sisters rescued from a sidewalk up near LA. . We would be scooping those up if we lived closer and rehousing them through a network of rescues that we have. But that’s a lot to find homes for.
Bunnies are happier and live longer when they are bonded to 1 or more other bunnies, and that’s not always easy to accomplish, so you usually need to house them for weeks to have time to get them spayed and bonded. And if you don’t scoop up *all* of them, you’ll be right back to the same problem in a month. Gestation period for rabbits is 29 days, and they can get pregnant *immediately* after giving birth – there is zero cooldown period, and a rabbit can get pregnant at 12 weeks of age. Average litter size is 6, so two bunnies become 8 after 1 month, 14 after 2, 20 after 3, 26 after 4, then a boom: 50 after 5, 92 after 6, 152 after 7, 230 after 8, then another boom: 530 after 9, etc. Even the coyotes and gators will struggle to keep pace if they don’t get in there early.
IIRC there were a number of gifts delivered in 2020 which went missing too. Completely on brand for TFG. They should have put yellow crime scene tape around the White House and done a complete inventory.
Remember in 2018 when he went to France and took things from the embassy in Paris?