Gold Bar Bob Menendez (D-Egypt) is probably relieved that the House GOP clown show and the Israel-Hamas battle took the spotlight off a new DOJ indictment that accuses him of acting as an agent for a foreign government. But Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) isn’t dropping the issue. From The Hill:
Thus far, only one Senate Democrat has called for an expulsion vote to take place and say they would vote to expel Menendez: Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), who lit the fuse of what has quickly become a nasty back-and-forth with Menendez over his future.
The two senators also got into an in-person tiff as they rode the escalator in opposite directions to the Capitol from the Senate subway area Tuesday morning. According to sources, Fetterman told Menendez that Tuesday would be a great day to resign.
Menendez reacted, telling Fetterman that he is hanging onto this issue too closely, echoing a line he told HuffPost a night earlier. Fetterman mockingly responded that he is “consumed” by Menendez’s indictment.
Menendez’s prissy response was that Fetterman shouldn’t get “consumed” by the case and should instead focus on things that are important to the people of Pennsylvania. I bet if you asked them, the people of the Keystone State (and the 49 other states) would tell you they don’t want corrupt politicians selling them out (though sadly too many voters in too many states keep returning crooks to office).
As a person who is represented by two Repub senators, one of whom (Rick “Medicare Fraudster” Scott) is cartoonishly corrupt, I can tell you that I’m grateful to Fetterman for speaking out on the issue. Ordinary citizens probably aren’t too keen on foreign agents chairing the Foreign Relations Committee either. Menendez wielded that gavel until forced by rule to step aside after the indictment.
Anyhoo, the Hill’s account of the escalator razzing says the two senators were riding the escalator in opposite directions, but it doesn’t say who was going which way. I like to think Fetterman was heading up while Menendez was going down. More Fettermans! Fewer Menendezes!
Open thread.
Alison Rose
I mean. I’m not saying Fetterman would do anything, but getting into an “in-person tiff” with a dude who is 6’8″ and built like a Mack truck seems like an unwise move, especially since Menendez appears to be a good bit under 6′.
Generally speaking, kids who’ve been caught with their hand in the cookie jar would greatly like it if everyone could please look somewhere else. This is Sen. Menendez’s position right now.
As a constituent of Senator Fetterman, I would say that there is not much more I find important than the corruption of our legislature, whichever the side of the aisle it is coming from.
And to Menendez, I say fuck off, you corrupt piece of shit.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: Don’t you start with the height stuff.
Sigh. Menendez is trying to hold on only because he beat his rap last time. This case is getting much more sordid as it drags on. And since our wonderful press corpse can only focus on one thing at a time, the oxygen belongs to the House mishegas, Menendez can only feel like a lucky stiff right now. I hope Fetterman continues to be the personal Javert to ol’ Corrupt Bob of Joisey. It’s much more entertaining.
EDIT: had to do a quick spelling check on Javert. Nailed it!
Speaking of the clown show, have they scheduled another vote for Speaker yet?
I’m picturing each on an Escher escalator.
Betty Cracker
@Alison Rose: My senators are so deeply terrible that I “adopt” senators from other states just to cheer myself up. Fetterman is now a firm favorite. I’ve always loathed public corruption because it’s so corrosive, and I love how genuinely pissed off Fetterman is about it. I also appreciate how sincerely he advocates for people with disabilities and mental health issues. I always liked his cheeky style, but as I hear about him on the job, it seems like he’s got the substance to match.
@Yutsano: Good Luck!!!
My CA assemblyman has the unfortunate coincidence being named Kevin McCarty.
Quaker in a Basement
@Betty Cracker: Consider Colorado’s John Hickenlooper for your next adoption. He’s a weirdo, but in a good way.
Quaker in a Basement
@trollhattan: Saints! Doesn’t he have a middle name? He should use it.
@lowtechcyclist: Doesn’t look like it. It’s getting rather late to try it today, especially since the Rs apparently have’t even met in conference yet. They’re just wandering around bickering with each other and, I guess, hiding in the broom closet if they see Gym coming down the hall.
Betty Cracker
@Yutsano: Good luck!
Re: Menendez, maybe he sees resignation as a bargaining chip in a plea deal? I’m not a lawyer, but from reading the indictments, it sure sounds like the feds have nailed the slimeball this time.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: Dang, I put up the “short men are losers” Bat signal, didn’t I? But I was only pointing out the fact that such a physical discrepancy would make for an unfair fight.
Alison Rose
@Betty Cracker: Sounds like a good plan. I’m fortunate to not have to worry about that, although I do still have some faves around the country.
Pennsylvania and New Jersey are neighbors. Fetterman has many constituents who work in NJ. Not surprised he is taking serious interest in this. Aside from the ugliness of public corruption.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Yutsano: Best of luck with your interview. You can give him BJ as a reference.
On second thought, don’t do that.
As someone who proudly cast a vote for John Fetterman….. please proceed, Senator.
I mean, y’all could also do complete student loan cancellation. That’d be cool. But until then, keep harassing this smarmy dickhead.
@Betty Cracker: Tbh I haven’t seen if he’s been arraigned yet. I haven’t seen any mugshots or seen him anywhere near a courthouse yet. It’s possible that all happened during the House mess but even then something would have popped up somewhere.
EDIT: Grazie mille signora!
@trollhattan: Yeah! How does an elevator go in two directions at once? Also besides Escher, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had a fancy 3-D elevator.
Betty Cracker
@Yutsano: I think I read somewhere that Gold Bar will be arraigned on the new charges next week sometime.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: LMAO no one from the Juice is anywhere near my résumé. Not even Baud. And thank you!
@Alison Rose: Yeah, I keep telling people that pissing off someone who could literally palm your head if they so chose might not be a good first choice.
@Betty Cracker: You may want to consider adopting a governor too. Via BrooklynDadDefiant, a great video announcing a new initiative by JB Pritzker:
It would benefit (in the public relations sphere, not necessarily the black eye and bruises sphere) Menendez if they did come to blows, because it would be viewed as unfair.
Alison Rose
@Yutsano: Good luck!! You got this :)
@Gravenstone: Fetterman v Menendez is like The Mountain v SpongeBob.
Alison Rose
@catclub: Escalator, not elevator :)
Reuters says October 23rd. It was postponed from Today to next Monday.
@satby: I’ve been very pleasantly surprised by Gov Pritzker.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Kick ass!
@satby: I read about his non-profit this morning and it made me very happy. Illinois is lucky to have such a wonderful governor.
@Alison Rose: You’re no fun.
Why do I have to read the entire words?
@lowtechcyclist: I’m not sure if the Clowns will try to elect another Ringmaster this evening, or tomorrow morning. They might even try to elect Interim Ringmaster McHenry to a sort of Enhanced Interim Ringmaster position. With that bowtie, Patrick McHenry is already modeling the Clown look.
When I think of how Senate Dems mobbed Al Franken from office, but tolerate the endless corruption of Bob Menendez, it makes me want to puke.
A decepticon kicking a baby duck through a box fan.
I was just reading about that, Pritzker is the real deal.
@Geminid: I’ve seen reports that Jordan says there will be no more votes today.
@Yutsano: Yay!
Poor guy. Like Naomi Klein and Matt Gertz, he’s doomed to spend his life being confused with a bozo.
Good luck! I know you’ll nail it.
@smith: Those Clowns need a break!
He got two fewer votes today than yesterday, so I’m not surprised they’re “regrouping” rather than trying again.
Of course, it’s Gym Jordan, so his answer to his bullying failing will probably be to bully harder…
That’s good – I could never figure out how to squeeze into the 2-D kind. ;-)
hells littlest angel
Democrats can’t do much besides tolerate Menendez. Many have urged him to quit, but they can’t magically cause him to resign if he doesn’t bow to pressure. Franken graciously quit; he wasn’t “mobbed from office,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.
@Alison Rose:
For all the substance that regularly appears in the comment section, there are also frequent comments that bleed into trivial stereotypes and superficiality. However, I took your comment to be pointing out the size discrepancy rather than what you called the “short men are losers.” If that argument hadn’t appeared here before, I doubt if anyone would have said anything about what you wrote today.
@Geminid: According to the Post, they’re done for today. I guess one humiliation a day is Jim Jordan’s limit. Anyway, supposedly they’ll be back for Round Three tomorrow.
I just spoke with Rep. Young Kim’s local and DC offices, for the second time in two days, to express my disgust that she continues to vote for Jordan. When she represents a district that voted for Biden by 1.9%. Maybe vote for somebody else when you already know Jordan won’t win (she’s in the later part of the alphabet)? How about John Boehner, the guy who doesn’t want the job and cruises around in an RV sipping whiskey? Not a good fit for a “moderate” district. I was polite with the staffers of course, but I asked 2 questions. What has she done to lower gas prices? That was on all her campaign signs and I bet she hasn’t written a bill about it, certainly hasn’t passed legislation. I did something about it, I bought an EV. Staffer said that was a good thing. Then why did she vote against a bill with money for more charging stations? No answer. Second question. Do you know who she’s running against next year? No answer. My reply was that I know who. I spoke with him last night. Big firefighter dude with a crewcut named Joe Kerr. And I donate money to him every time she votes for Jordan. Let’s just say he will be well funded. I told the staffer, laughing, “polish up your resume, dude.”
Alison Rose
@TriassicSands: Well…there was recently a, shall we say, spirited debate about whether or not one should insult a man for being short if said man is of the opposing political party. Omnes was likely just teasing that by mentioning height, I was possibly kickstarting that debate again. I hope not.
hells littlest angel
@Redshift: It looks like we’ll be finding out just how fucking stubborn one stupid man can be.
I’m a Pennsylvanian, and I wholeheartedly support the expulsion of Menendez.
Alison Rose
@FastEdD: It’s funny, I have a former coworker (and still FB friend) named Young Kim, so that name always throws me for a loop. He’s a dude though and lives in California and still works for the same company. But it gives me a half-second of pause!
@HeleninEire: You head to Ireland soon, unless you have already been and are back? (time-warp)
I’ll adopt JB for that! Oh wait…
Hooray for my state’s governor!
Eric S.
I didn’t consciously think about the symbolism but I pictured Fetterman going up as well.
Wear pants, and you’ll do great!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@trollhattan: Campaign slogan, “I’m not THAT Kevin”
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thank you. The comment you responded to had me wondering if I am really supposed to only dare to piss off people weaker and smaller than me? If I round up I’m 5’7″ so I guess I’d need to keep meek and quiet around Trump.
Maybe Jordan needs time to have his operatives dig up personal dirt on naysayers so he can coerce them privately with threats they don’t want to be publicly revealed. Unfortunately for Jordan, he’s a brain-dead thug with no subtlety. His attempts so far have backfired, but it was disappointing to me today to see that his vote total had only dropped by one, indicating that 199 Republicans may be perfectly fine with using strongarm tactics even within their own party to get results. That is certainly in keeping with what we’ve seen of them in the past and their support for or unwillingness to criticize TIFG.
@trollhattan: He should use his
twitterblueskythreadsmastodonwhatever account to mock McCarthy’s politics. Matthew Gartz did pretty well from that.FastEdD
@Alison Rose: Sorry about that! Politics is kinda like show biz, and I’ve wondered if having a cool name helps you get elected, so they should adopt a pseudonym. Ask George Santos, I guess. Whatever his name is.
Every single person in the GOP is a fucking rotten, shitty person. every single one of’em. Here’s the talking Sofa from Arkansas lying to us all again.
Alison Rose
@Trucmat: I mean, the simple fact of size difference making a physical altercation uneven wasn’t meant as a dig. Usually, someone who is much larger is going to have the advantage. I’m only 5′ even, the only ass I could kick is like…a dead person’s.
Merde merde merde (it’s the dancers way of saying good luck).
You are going to crush it!
Omnes Omnibus
@Trucmat: ::head desk::
@HumboldtBlue: Ouch.
@hells littlest angel: I dunno, Franken was definitely hounded out. Some of the accusations against him were from people with bad associations/motivations; others didn’t hold up well. And several Dems (Gillebrand!) went after him very publicly. It was definitely a hit job, orchestrated by the GOP, though. It was getting ugly for him, he literally was given no chance, and I would argue that his sins were less obvious, severe, and persistent than Menendez’s.
@Yutsano: Best of luck to you!
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose: I was teasing you particularly since you are, by your own admission, possibly the most hobbit sized of commenters. But it seems the debate is occurring anyway.
He doesn’t seem to be dissing Menendez for being short. Just noting that getting into it physically with someone who is that much bigger is generally a poor idea. Unless Menendez is a closet martial arts expert, he should consider that reality.
Eric S.
@satby: JB is my gov. I think he’s done well and I’m sure he’s thinking about 2028.
@Alison Rose: He was effective! I was pasting a (fake) Jack Smith into the speaker vote post and noticed that the post was mocking the interim guy for his height and used a different tweet
Awareness 101!
Alison Rose
@wjca: 1. I am a girl person. 2. Omnes was definitely kidding.
@Omnes Omnibus: I wonder if there are any jackals shorter? Must be a few. But I am indeed a munchkin.
@mrmoshpotato: You really can’t go wrong with pants at an interview.
@Eric S.: I hope not! I want him right where he is!
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Shiny disco pants even? I think there are limits.
karen marie
@Geminid: I’m curious why no one has suggested making McHenry the official speaker.
karen marie
@smith: Jordan says? Who the fuck is he to be running this?
@WaterGirl: Your new Representative might end up taking Governor Pritzger’s place. Or, Nikki Budzinski could take over Dick Durbin’s Senate seat when he retires. At age 46, Ms. Budzinski already has the elements of a formidable politician.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Rotating tag!
@Alison Rose:
Just seriously dense some days.
No, not in a mass/weight sense. ;-)
@Omnes Omnibus:
@karen marie: Because he’s awful?
edit: to clarify, he is doing of fine job of the limited duties. But he’s just like the rest of the awful Rs.
@WaterGirl: Go wrong with pants . . ? . . at an interview?!?!
I am sure we could TBogg a list.
@Scout211: Pritzker is turning out to be the best governor we’ve had in Illinois in my 60-plus years. There will be arguments that the late moderate Republican Jim Thompson was also pretty good (and I won’t argue that) but Pritzker’s performance and policies place him head-and-shoulders above the rest, especially his immediate predecessor, the dour and incompetent Bruce Rauner. Also wealth makes him incorruptible (an important factor where some of our governors end up in prison). He’s progressive, yet practical. And he can zing Republicans with the best of ’em. He has a super majority in the General Assembly that pretty much lets him and his party have their way. As far as I’m concerned, Pritzker can be governor as long as he likes.
@karen marie: I have had the same thought. In January, it was Kevin because he had been minority leader.
Maybe the caucus needs to meet again and come up with a different person.
@jackmac: Yes. To all of this.
@scav: Introduce as your significant other.
@karen marie: That could happen. But unless McHenry strikes a deal with Democrats, he would need 217 Republicans to back him.
Hakeem Jeffries was asked if Democrats would vote for McHenry as a longer term interim Speaker. Jeffries answered that “everything is on the table” to “end the Republican Civil War.” Which I thought was a good way of saying, “It’s possible.”
@WaterGirl: Exceptions granted if auditioning for a pipes brigade.
I think Baud couid find a way.
@Geminid: I think that would be a huge mistake. But so far they have not called me to ask my opinion!
@trollhattan: @mrmoshpotato: @scav:
And here I thought that no one could disagree with that.
Btw, Happy Whopper Wednesday to all who celebrate.
Hi Trucmat!
Just wanted to say that to my ears, your comments the other day sounded very thoughtful and nowhere near the flame level that’s pretty common in comments.
Back to work for me,
Peace out!
@WaterGirl: Been here long? :-)
@hells littlest angel: Franken graciously quit after he was mobbed from office.
@WaterGirl: Wrong. :)
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Ah, but what if it’s a virtual interview?
Why are those reports coming from Jordan and not McHenry?
I mean, sure, McHenry’s an obnoxious little twerp, but the gods have decreed that he’s acting-sorta-wannabe SotH right now. And like him or not, and I don’t, any announcement about the House calendar should be coming out over his name. Not Gym Fucking Child-Abuse-Enabler Jordan’s.
@Alison Rose: Seconded.
Menendez has no shame. He is not going to resign.
We have to get rid of him the old-fashioned way: defeat him in the Democratic Party Primary in 2024.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): coughcoughTOOBINcough.
@SiubhanDuinne: The gods had nothing to do with. Amazingly, considering there’s an obvious #2 in the House (the Majority Leader), Qevin McQarthy put Bowtie Boy on a secret list and now he’s “Acting Barely Speaker”.
It’s just so fucked up.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): My nephew is a senior in college and we were talking about interviews over the weekend. I advised wearing a full suit even for zoom interviews. He agreed for two reasons. First, that getting fulling dressed has a psychological effect. Second, some interviewers actually ask interviewees to stand up. Just to check.
It just feels like just yesterday you were doing a job interview after a bit of bad luck (if I’m remembering correctly) with unemployment and ended up working in Seattle.
Good luck!
@mrmoshpotato: I see you’re taking over for Baud today.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: His position is a bargaining chip in any plea negotiations. No way he gives it up.
@WaterGirl: The problem for Democrats is getting any enforceable promise from McHenry. I don’t think they can.
So Rep. Jeffries will hold up the green bipartisanship card to reporters and the general public, but when it comes to voting he’ll likely hold up the red card to his caucus. Or maybe Rep. Clark will frown and shake her head.
@trollhattan: ha!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh age of Zoom…
@mrmoshpotato: Apparently so. :-)
@satby: As an Illinois resident, I’m pleased.
However as an Illinois resident who’s been through over 20 years of our governors, I naturally fear that this will end up with Pritzker under Federal indictment for wire fraud and money laundering.
@Omnes Omnibus:
@cain: Given my advice, I would argue I’m being the anti-Baud.
I don’t think it’s height mocking to point out that a shorter, out of shape, senior citizen, who looks like he has never been in a physical brawl would get pulverized by some six foot 8 sasquatch of man who dresses and acts like member of a biker gang.
@karen marie:
That’s a damn good question! Guess we know who pulls McHenry’s strings.
ETA: Also, what @SiubhanDuinne said.
Omnes Omnibus
@eversor: That’s nice.
Consider yourself fortunate that has turned out to be the case. As we’ve seen in the past few years, far too often being wealthy just raises a person’s ambitions for the scale of corruption.
I stupidly omitted the snark signal.
Couldn’t agree more.
Jared Moskowitz teams up with that little fucking Keebler elf to stand tall for short people.
LOL! What’s the over/under on when he tries to sell a Senate seat?
On the other hand, if you provoked him and then chose to run away, there’s no way he’d be able to keep up…
Oh Jesus Maladroit Christ, you’ve done it now.
@jackmac: I know for a long time, Illinois’ badly underfunded public pension system was threatening to blow up and take everything down with it. Has Pritzger improved that situation at all?
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus:
According to legend, Robert Caro, the biographer, who works alone, puts on a jacket and tie and goes to an office (that is separate from his home) to write, precisely to get that psychological effect of “going to work.”
@Gin & Tonic:
Maybe he should investigate the psychological effect of “finishing the goddamn book.”
@SiubhanDuinne: I was just riffing off of what you were saying. I’m still gobsmacked by that stupid list. Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to “correct” you; not at all my intention.
On topic, from one of our BJ peeps.
Mine loins are girded, plus I just had two delicious, hot-straight-from-the-oven slices of pizza so my belly is full.
Oh dear. Unless you are a MAGA minion sending texts to a legislator’s wife, you could get in trouble for making threats against a legislator, their family, or their staff.
@sdhays: Re: the list. I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.
To someone/s who clearly didn’t think it through.
@Ken: That’s not a threat!
@WaterGirl: I can’t believe no one has commented on the picture of Fetterman and… (oh, never mind)
Bill Arnold
Until he (DJT) posed for a photo with a Tae Kwon Do master a year or two ago, he literally did not know how to make a fist. If he had hit something hard with those “fists” that he did “fist pumps” with, he would have broken a knuckle or other hand bone.
Presumably the TKD master corrected his fist before the photo; that sort of thing offends such masters.
A late-70s large man, styling himself as strong and belligerent, and anyone (short or tall) with a few days of basic h2h training could take him down, IMO. (I have a couple of black belts and have sparred (not full contact) with some scary shorter people, so this is semi-informed opinion.)
I have heard a few firsthand stories from somebody that went to (military) high school and was buddies with him. (DJT was said to be a careful observer of human behavior at the time. Not a physical fighter. )
@WaterGirl: You’re right, I am probably jumping to conclusions about a possible difference in application of the law. I’ll wait until one of the congressional spouses who were threatened with texts presses charges, and see what happens to the culprit. (Though this assumes any of them will press charges, versus keeping quiet for the good of the party.)
Chief Oshkosh
@hells littlest angel:
Yes, he was.
Well, I hope it’s after my Chair Yoga class has ended, because I don’t want to miss One Single Minute of Gymbo’s ritual humiliation.
coin operated
@Chief Oshkosh:
And the good senator Gillibrand can go straight to hell for the railroad job she put on Franken. Grrrrr!!!
Oh, no worries. I know, it is so fucking stupid. Everything is SO FUCKING STUPID.
@Bill Arnold:
How is this even possible? I would have thought making a fist was as natural as scratching one’s own ass. Honestly, the man is a dunce at every level: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
Chief Oshkosh
@karen marie: Exactly my thought. The dude has TWICE lost out on any legit reason to have anyone do anything he says to do. Hell, his own dog probably pisses on his boots.
Who is the other person?
Snarki, child of Loki
When it comes to standing up against Congressional corruption, Fetterman stands head and shoulders above the rest of the Senate.
Gin & Tonic
@Chief Oshkosh: Not a shining period in B-J history, that was.
@coin operated: Chuck Schumer can join her.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: That, too. Hope he finishes it before he dies.
Has this been mentioned yet? In any case, is this a practice not yet screwed over by the Repubs, or did the Senate Rs just not want loser stank all over themselves by opening another battle front? (From MeidasTouch)
@Steeplejack: Fetterman. :-)
I’m not telling who the BJ peep is
edit: I just think it’s an awesome photo!
@JWR: I was wondering myself, and suspect it’s the latter. With Tuberville and Paul they’re at their order-up-to level in assholes.
@JWR: Mentioned, yes, but not front-paged.
At first I thought “who the hell is that?” and then I realized it must be Feinstein’s replacement. I had seen her name but hadn’t retained it.
Good news that the seat on the committee is filled!
strange visitor (from another planet)
yeah, so this is just fucking ASTONISHING that we’re looping back through this bullshit AGAIN:
iirc, there were SEVEN or EIGHT women who accused franken of grabbing them or harassing them or grabbing AND harassing them. one was a fucking congressional aide. were they ALL in on the goddamn conspiracy?
dude RESIGNED. didn’t offer a DEFENSE, didn’t wait for his DUE PROCESS, he walked the fuck away. did he do it for doug jones? who knows. did he do it bc he had consciousness of his fucking guilt? maybe.
but you can go fuck yourself, cacti. you spoil every fucking thread you touch.
@Ken: It’s REALLY not a threat when both of us were laughing. Both of us.
@JWR: I read about this, but don’t think it was covered what with Jordan trying to pin down the Speakership and the war going on in Israel.
I must say I was a bit surprised freshman Senator Laphonza Butler was appointed; I wrongly assumed the Judical Committee was usually given to someone with more seniority.
Nice to see some good news relating to Congress.
@Gin & Tonic:
I thought maybe it was some other senator or a Pennsylvania pol.
@strange visitor (from another planet): Congrats to the “Me Too” movement on their great success of ridding the Senate of the menace of Al Franken. 😒
No One You Know
@Yutsano: Good luck tomorrow!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You didn’t even substantively address anything strange visitor said. Literally proving their point. But hey, why expect seriousness from somebody who says “Zion-Juice” ironically and accusess Adam Silverman of “being in the tank” for Israel 💀
Okey doke. I guess what I’m wondering about is whether Butler automatically inherits Feinstein’s chairpersonships, which doesn’t seem right. Was Feinstein chair of Judiciary? I fergit.
@Brachiator: Damn straight!
@JWR: I seem to remember, perhaps incorrectly, that she gave up some of her committee responsibilities earlier this year?
@JWR: She was not. Durbin, I think. Even if a new Senator inherited the seat I doubt they’d inherit the chair.
Alison Rose
@strange visitor (from another planet): I’m disappointed to see that either the ban was only temporary or it was rescinded. And thank you for your comments. I think we might be the only ones with these views. It’s fine for folks to feel differently, but I wish they would give some thought to the potential subconscious reasons for doing so.
A couple of amusing bits of news:
Biden’s campaign site on “Truth” Social now has more followers than TFG’s campaign site.
TFG is appealing the gag order placed on him by Judge Chutkan yesterday (it seems he’s going to argue that he has a First Amendment right to threaten to execute someone). However, it turns out that his lawyer, John Lauro, isn’t licensed to practice before the DC Circuit appellate court. They kindly sent him the application materials.
@JWR: Aren’t committee chairs allotted by seniority? I don’t think a new Senator, even an interim one replacing a very senior Senator, has any seniority.
@Steeplejack: Sorry, when I said “from one of our BJ peeps” I was thinking it was obvious that the BJ peep in question was in the photo. In retrospect, I see that’s not true.
Matt McIrvin
@Alison Rose:
You’re not.
@JWR: Speakerships are not inherited like that. I’m not even sure that committee assignments are. I took her being appointed to Judiciary as 1) either the lowest key way to add her and avoid a fuss, or 2) an indication that no one knows if she might be the senator for CA in a year or more and no one wants to get on her bad side.
I have absolutely no information on this, just sharing my thoughts since you shared yours..
@Alison Rose: I’m pretty sure that most of us are biting our tongues because this is a dead horse, completely beaten, and it’s too fucking late to change a thing, even if you think it was a terrible outcome.
Not a single mind would be changed.
Surely there’s more contemporary stuff – that makes people’s blood boil on both sides – that we can fight about instead.
edit: Not picking on you, just trying to answer why people probably aren’t engaging with details.
Gin & Tonic
I just became aware that Carla Bley has passed. RIP to a really revolutionary talent. Listen.
@Gin & Tonic: Very nice.
I’d go for 3) it’s the most straightforward way to avoid reshuffling a whole bunch of committee assignments. Easier to wait until Jan 2025 for that.
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Alison Rose: yeesh. speaking of small man energy.
yeah, i thought they got the boot the other night for being odious as well.
@jonas: The long-term pension problem has not been solved. And it’s going to be a significant burden for years to come. It might take a tax increase to ultimately resolve and Illinois is in no mood to hike taxes at this point.
@Gin & Tonic: Agreed. I really, really hope he lives to finish it
Thank you all! I really didn’t think she would just slot right into DiFi’s committee assignments, but at least she, Butler, is there with her votes.
I’m halfway tempted to move back to my old home town so I can vote for Andy Kim over Menendez in the primary. And if there’s a credible challenger to that disgusting slimeball DINO Gottheimer, so much the better.
“welcome back, my friends, to the [clown] show that never ends.”
The DC Circuit gave Lauro two weeks to get his ducks in a row. In the meantime, Trump is pro se (I wonder if there are any filings due during that time—this could get highly comical).
which loins? the ones by your kidneys or your upper thighs?
Yes, both is allowed. I guess.
Yes. Mostly. Except when they are not.
@Burnspbesq: Seems to me they could complete their application tomorrow, if they wanted. They should submit it tomorrow, with their tails between their legs.
Kayla Rudbek
@Yutsano: good luck with your interview!
@Yutsano: woohoo! Rock and roll!!!
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: I have Darth Turtle and Aqua Buddha…so I adopt some too. Sen. Fetterman is a favourite of mine :-)
Paul in KY
@Trucmat: You can piss off who you want, of course. However, if someone is much physically larger & stronger than you & decides to resort to fisticuffs, you may absorb a bad beating, even if the perpetrator ends up in jail for it.
Paul in KY
@eversor: Agreed.
Paul in KY
@prostratedragon: Seniority rules in the august Senior Body.