Biden warns Israelis against getting consumed by rage, noting that after 9/11, the US "sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes."
"The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas," he adds.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 18, 2023
On the conflict between Israel & Hamas, @VP: “In this moment of heartbreak & tragedy, Iike so many of you, I am grateful for the leadership of @POTUS…he has demonstrated: strength, compassion, and moral clarity. & that’s exactly what our country & our world needs in this moment”
— Ernie Apreza (@ErnestoApreza46) October 18, 2023
Mark your schedules:
??The President will address the nation tomorrow night at 8:00pm from the Oval Office.
— Herbie Ziskend (@HerbieZiskend46) October 18, 2023
The security needs of Israel AND the innocent people in Gaza must both be priorities.
“The two do not have to be inconsistent.”
Hear @SenDuckworth and US Ambassador to Israel nominee Jack Lew lay it out:
— Senate Democrats (@SenateDems) October 18, 2023
Note sender:
Biden has flown into a war zone.
Trump couldn’t figure out how to visit in the rain a cemetery in France with American war dead.— Clyde Haberman (@ClydeHaberman) October 18, 2023
"Mistakes were made?"
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) October 18, 2023
Hakeem Jeffries beat Jim Jordan 212-199 for Speaker, with 22 votes for other Republicans.
Here’s a deal: if they support Hakeem for Speaker, we’ll let them end their embarrassing impeachment drive against President Biden.
— Jamie Raskin (@jamie_raskin) October 18, 2023
By my count, this is the 13th time this year Jeffries got the most votes for Speaker (1 through 11 w/McCarthy, plus yesterday).
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) October 18, 2023
The best way to describe this is that "Fuck Jim Jordan" has a solid bipartisan majority.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 18, 2023
After leaving a House Democratic Caucus meeting, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, "it was a triumph for democracy in our country that an insurrectionist was rejected by the Republicans again as their candidate for Speaker."
— CSPAN (@cspan) October 18, 2023
Joey Maloney
Good morning from The Bubble.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
Jim Jordan’s district is a gerrymandered amalgamated hellscape of exurbs of Columbus, Dayton, Ft Wayne(IN), Toledo and Akron/Cleveland. It’s a set of disparate cities with differing economies, and the only thing each has in common is a set of exurbs from which disaffected, suspicious, parochial white people commute into the city for work.
He’s the apotheosis of exurban whites….
Love that graphic presentation of Jeffries’s victory in the vote. Normies would look at that and think “looks like there’s a clear winner”. (After all this is over, they may be right, though I think that a Jeffries win is possible only after even more haggling and embarrassment than we’ve seen so far.)
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: So many words to call Gym Jordan an a-hole. :)
Joey Maloney
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: It doesn’t surprise me that this district would elect someone with such abhorrent views. It surprises me somewhat that they don’t seem to care that he sucks at the job they’re paying him to do.
Interesting to see that Clyde (“Maggie’s Dad”) Haberman tweet contrasting Biden and Trump. Maggie’ll be whining to him about screwing up her access to the perpetual defendant.
@Joey Maloney: For most American voters, sadly Democrats as well as Republicans, being on TV is what they believe is their elected officials’ job. Jordan is good at that.
@Joey Maloney: I expect a plurality think he is doing the job they are paying him for, trolling libtards.
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg:
That’s true but it’s really not “exurbs” of anywhere. It’s almost 3 hours from Sandusky to Fort Wayne IN and no one commutes to Toledo from Lima. The towns and smaller cities in the NW part of his district are just towns and smaller cities – they’re not exurbs of larger places.
FYI: the front page is feaking out my iPhone again. Much like it used to freak out my old iPad: reload, reload, reload. Except (a) this time it’s a modern device (iOS 15) and (b) it’s only the front page: this individual post loads fine.
Biden has flown into TWO war zones. He also met Zelensky in Kiev. And Trump was afraid of rain.
@WendyBinFL: Cut the guy some slack. If you had an amateurishly-crafted basket of piss-encrusted straw on your head, you’d be afraid of the rain, too.
And who broke it? Who refuses to fix it? Who is running back to AZ in search of a rock they can bury their head under?
The sad part of all this is that whoever it is that replaces her, they will no doubt be worse.
One could compare Jim Jordan to my representative, Marcy Kaptur. Kaptur actually has to compete for votes and she does that – she’s a workhorse in Congress. This past week she was in the red part of her district – my county (75% Trump) – holding a town hall on “women in the workforce”. She had local guest speakers- at least two I know to be Right wing Republicans. Contrast- the Democrats in Jordan’s district aren’t represented at all – he “serves” only the blood red base.
Betty Cracker
I understand why the disastrous U.S. response to the 9/11 attack is couched in terms like that, but it doesn’t make it any less infuriating. JFC. How about someday an American president tells the fucking truth about that debacle?
“Everyone was understandably pissed off after 9/11, but dishonest and unscrupulous right-wing politicians converted the nation’s grief and anger into mindless jingoism, accused fellow citizens who opposed lashing out of being unpatriotic, let the mastermind of the attacks escape his hidey hole and go on the lam for years, invaded the wrong country, killed tens of thousands of innocent people and poured well over a trillion dollars down a rathole. For nothing!
Don’t be dumb like we were, Israel!”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@OzarkHillbilly: I think “broken” is a weak metaphor. It allows the speaker to avoid saying exactly what’s wrong. Reporters should push politicians to say more about what they mean when they say it’s broken
ETA: Like what Betty does directly above with the “mistakes were made” cliche. Although truthfully, I was surprised Biden was as negative as he was. He often surprises me by giving a direct answer rather than wiggling out of it
Israelis have to get rid of Netanyahu. It’s not just the blatant, outrageous corruption and bellicose war mongering, he’s also a fucking incompetent. Get RID of him already. Send him packing. Christ, I feel like he’s been in power for 50 years. What will it take?
@OzarkHillbilly: Lesko represents, mostly, the northwest exurbs of Phoenix. If you know the Valley, you know that that is dominated by Sun City, which is the country’s first age-restricted master-planned community. They do not allow schools in their community, and they pay to use a neighboring municipality’s police and EMS. They drive golf carts on the streets. In short: the country’s worst kind of old people.
@Betty Cracker: Just like after 9/11, everyone gets so wrapped up in whether or not a huge military response is justified (okay, yes, that was easy) and refuses to think about whether or not it would be effective (much more difficult to answer). And it devolves into moronic questions about “supporting” Israel vs Palestinians vs Hamas, as if anyone can define what “support” genuinely entails. And it’s full of bad faith, accusations of anti-Semitic or anti-Arab feeling if one criticizes the worst, loudest voices on either side. Whatever.
@Betty Cracker: In maybe 50 years. Right now too many people are still too raw from that; and I include a lot of our military who served, which included Biden’s own son (and my foster son). Just like the disaster of Viet Nam, telling the truth of the waste of money and lives is something that slowly gets acknowledged when the losses are distant. It was pretty brave for Biden to say as little as that, considering he surely knows that war eventually cost Beau his life.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: “Broken” is at the core of everything they say. The list of broken things is endless. You notice they never accept any responsibility for the things they say are broken? But they are right in the middle of it all.
They blame DEMs for McCarthy’s being deposed. They blame DEMs for not helping them find a solution their RWNJ primary voters will accept. They blame DEMs for everything burning down but they are the arsonists.
@Suzanne: Thanx, I don’t know AZ that well and the parts I do know are the empty places.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: In one of the threads yesterday someone (Geminid, I think) cited polling from Haaretz that shows Israelis are ready to kick that prick to the curb after the war. Maybe there’s no way to dislodge him now — I don’t know how their government works. But if you’ve got a bellicose, corrupt, incompetent in charge, and they do, kicking him out with all possible speed is even more urgent before he fucks this up too!
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: Tami Wilson is challenging Gym for his congressional seat.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Same. Happens with such frequency, don’t bother to mention it.
@different-church-lady: a couple front pagers insist on putting long posts entirely on the front page instead of breaking somewhere for after the fold. It’s annoying, phones refresh much more often than PCs do (in case of weak or dropped signal), so you never get to the bottom.
@Betty Cracker:
Oh, I hope so, but I’ve seen that prediction before and he seems to burrow in and remain. Even the tough guy persona has now been revealed to be a mirage- they attacked because he’s weak. They ran right over him and his multi billion dollar defenses with golf carts and motorcyles and a small force – it has to be hugely humiliating. Now his giant ego will just make more catastrophic errors as a response to being humiliated. Low quality hires never get better, only worse. Mediocre hires can get better, but the real bottom of the barrel disasters just get worse.
Betty Cracker
@satby: I understand that’s the typical progression, but it doesn’t seem like a healthy approach.
Trivia Man
@different-church-lady: I have the same issue on iPhone. Same work around – load the individual post and go back and forth with the arrows to the rest.
Joey Maloney
His coalition holds 64 seats in the 120-seat Knesset. New elections can be called if he loses a simple majority no-confidence vote. The coalition is mostly made up of religious fanatics, bigots, and bigoted fanatics, but they’re all hanging on for dear life out of simple practicalities: under Bibi they’ve been able to loot the treasury for their personal enrichment and turn the army into their personal goon squad in the West Bank.
Unless Bibi really fucks up the war – which is not out of the realm of possibility – the coalition will hold and the next scheduled elections will be in 2025.
Tony Jay
Which is bullshit, because of course they have one, just not one they want to spell out to a Democratic President who has already made it as plain as is possible under the fucked up Approved Narrative that he will not be happy if Bibi and Co are too overt in trying to drown memories of their culpability in a river of Palestinian civilian blood.
Fled the US
@Suzanne: Is that the same one that is pissed off they don’t have water?
Edit: probably not.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well of course. It’s the standard abuser refrain, “Look what you made me do.”
Rachel Bakes
@different-church-lady: same here. Opening the full page view it reloads 5 times then kicks me out. So far comments are visible without glitching. iPhone/safari
I am having the identical experience recently (iPhone 14, brand new six months ago, Safari), I would say especially so over the last week or two. It doesn’t happen every time, but it happens a lot, particularly when the post is graphics-heavy or link-heavy above the fold.
Another Scott gives us yet another warning about being a critical news consumer.
An important warning, and good for that person for resigning if he feels he can no longer support and carry-out US policy.
However, …
Biden did not say that. An AlJazeera reporter – Alan Fisher – said that. Making up quotes is wrong and dangerous – especially in a middle-east war.
One has to be careful to keep one’s thinking cap on when trying to stay informed on this stuff.
To be clear, I think Biden and his team have done well so far in this. I think that Israel has held off on the ground invasion thus far partly / mostly because of Biden’s work. But we can always do better, and messages always need to be tailored to the audiences. Threading the needle is hard, and shows the value of having experienced diplomats rather than slumlords on the team. I don’t fault Biden for moving carriers and sending $100M quickly. That’s actually much easier to do here than in Ukraine’s case (the Black Sea is a bathtub, and laws are on the books to enable quick arms transfers to Israel that aren’t there for Ukraine to the same extent, etc.).
Josh Marshall, getting right to the point, LOL.
Late yesterday, Aaron Blake of the WaPo put up a much-needed observation: the non-MAGA wing of the GOP (such as it is) managed to find some spine in the face of threats and intimidation from the MAGAts.
I wonder if Gym will have the Orange Man call the holdouts directly today?
There’s a really good story lying right there in plain sight, snooze media. Why not see what you can find out off-the-record and get back to the American public about it?
@Joey Maloney:
If they don’t do something about the corruption it won’t matter if they win the war. Corruption destroys countries. It’s incredibly corrosive. Netanyahu is like Texas attorney general office levels of corruption. Off the charts.
@Kirk: Ayup.
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: Hey now, some of us live there. It’s true that Gym is an asshole and that the OH state lege has carefully carved out his voters for him. But invest now and get in while the cost of living is low, before the rest of the country figures out we’re in a prime spot to weather climate change more gently than most other areas.
@WendyBinFL: I think Trump was afraid of the graves at that military cemetery. The rain was an excuse.
@Jesse: A few GOP moderates voting “present” and they’ll start really freaking out, especially if they keep adding one each time, ticking up toward 9.
Btw (and OT) speaking of things that the American public could stand to hear more about, American Household Wealth Jumped During the Pandemic
Well yeah – the child tax credit, wage gains, and jobs Jobs JOBS (ie, Bidenomics!) – really helped. Maybe we could use four more years of that? But only if the word gets out…
@Kay: Kay, I don’t know if you saw this or not.
I immediately thought of you when I saw this story in my notifications, because this is one of those family law things that doing away with Roe could mess up in ways the proponents of making abortion illegal never thought about.
Chief Oshkosh
You might’ve been describing Shrub. And he was re-elected.
In the Speaker sweepstakes, Rep. Jack Bergman says he ready to report for duty. Who?
. . .
. . .
Bingo! But I won’t hold my breath that Wapo or FTFNYT will do that when there are Democrats to blame for the speaker impasse, and a president that is old, in case you hadn’t heard
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
[ womp, womp ]
(via nycsouthpaw)
Ohio Mom
@different-church-lady: The site keeps crashing for me as well.
Another Scott
@Scout211: I saw a bit of that yesterday. His twitter minions refer to him as “General”. That very much rubs me the wrong way – we have a civilian government, not a military one. Being in elected office is an honor not to be minimized.
Similarly with Potatotown going by “Coach”. It’s an insult to constituents and the national government.
John S.
And in news from the not-so-grown-up government, this lunatic trying to compare a violent insurrection to a peaceful protest:
@Another Scott: Any day Gym experiences humiliation for being a jumped up bully is a good day. Let them fight….some more.
Doesn’t he know that the Speaker’s term ends when the current Congress ends? He would never have to serve past the current congressional term!
The Republican caucus is filled with a bunch of clowns.
@Chief Oshkosh: This debacle is much, much worse for Israelis than 9/11 and Bush’s stupid wars were for Americans.
wait, what?
why was I not informed about this?
@Soprano2: I’m pretty sure he knows that. He is just telling his fellow Repubs that he won’t run for a 2nd stint, which may very well not be a choice available to him after next November.
Great, now I’m imagining the horror-tedium of watching the Republicans nominate, and vote down, every one of their 220+ Representatives in the search for a speaker. The only saving grace will be watching Jeffries’ steady stream of 212 results. Maybe we’ll even see some pundits crack and say, “Jeffries has gotten the plurality for the last 180 ballots, maybe….”
Thank you, I read it. It’s even more kind of devious than a straight reliance on Dobbs because they’re claiming to rely on a much older state law so the decision is carefully calibrated to avoid the political ramifications of relying on Dobbs, but they get the same result.
It’s also political in the sense that they didn’t have to reach the “life begins at conception” issue at all. The mother was going to be sentenced for felony child abuse as to an older child. She would have lost custody of the infant anyway because she was going to prison. They DELIBERATELY seized an issue they didn’t need in order to get a “life beings at conception” decision in place.
Something really interesting is happening in Ohio and may be a “new front” in the far Right religious intrusion into families and womens lives. They’re getting really agressive with adoptions – using what are considered radical legal theories to have chuldren removed from birth families and placed in Right wing religious homes. They’re doing this because foreign adoptions have been really throttled back – countries like Haiti have halted the flow of children to the US.
When Dobbs passed and people in my political sphere said “this is about providing children to far Right religious” I rejected that. I’m now watching these really radical adoption legal manuevers where they’re trying to REMOVE children from what are called “good enough” birth families and place them in far Right religious homes and I’m not so sure. As horrible as it sounds this is what I’m seeing.
Frank Wilhoit
There is no reason for Netanyahu to pay any attention to Gaza under “normal” conditions, i.e. except at times like the past two weeks. This is because the settlers have no interest in it.
Not to defend “the General,” but I think that was a signal that he wouldn’t run for Speaker in the next congress.
But hopefully, that point is moot because Speaker Jeffries will be running the show.
@Scout211: And here I thought Don Bacon was the only ex-general in Congress. Bacon was an Air Force general.
I had to laugh at Rep. Bergman’s promise not to serve as Speaker beyond this Congress. Republicans have a low chance of winning a majority in the next Congress. This current mess will likely be their last Majority this decade.
@Ken: I don’t know about that. I can see them settling for MTG.
s// in case it isn’t obvious.
So another retired 3 star general, like Flynn, whose loyalty to TIFG outweighs the oaths to uphold the constitution that he swore as both an officer and a congressman. Jeesh, have these men no honor?
Tony Jay
I said last week they should just pass a rule that every member of the GOP majority in the House can put their name into a big hat (probably a Stetson, or one of those MAGA caps) and, one by one, they’ll all get a chance to serve as The People’s Speaker for a month.
Not looking so crazy now, is it?
We’re seeing far Right lawyers openly use family income as a factor in whether birth families lose their children and make the children available to far Right religious who want to adopt. Not “homeless” or “unable to provide for basic needs”. These are low income people who are providing for their children. This is just way the hell out of left field. It’s NEVER been a factor for the obvious reason that we don’t “reparent” children based on the fact that their birth parents are poor.
As usual with the Right, every accusation is a confession. This is approaching human trafficking. They’re going to end up essentially buying babies.
@Jeffro: I was going to object to Josh Marshall’s
But I thought a bit, and realized that — although Jordan has a leading role in the House Republican caucus, while Trump has no official power at all — Trump does have numerous crazy followers who will commit violence when he asks, while Jordan doesn’t. Jordan may not even have friends who would pick him up if his car runs out of gas.
In fact I half-expect that if there is an investigation into who was sending those threatening tweets to congressional spouses, it will turn out to be a couple of interns in Jordan’s office.
Yeah, it’s like.
The entire reason we’re in this mess is that Bibi decided to pull everybody and their brother off the Gaza border to give his friends even more guards for their colonies. He needs to go, before the war. Otherwise, you’re simply setting yourself up for more of his endless lines of fuckups and “my friends in the colonies are more important than the safety of Israel” schemes.
@Betty Cracker:
@different-church-lady: Same here: iPhone 11, iOS up to date (v 17.0.3).
@John S.: That was a peaceful protest, with 300 arrests but no injuries. By contrast, 61 police were injured at a protest in Berlin last night.
Forty three Turkish police were injured in Istanbul two nights ago, while forcing protesters away from the US Consulate. The protesters shot off the fireworks they’d been saving for Galatasary FC’s next Champion’s league victory (at the Consulate, not the police).
It sounds like last night’s Berlin protest got more violent, though.
@Frank Wilhoit:
Right, I read that, that he was so busy serving his far Right base that he left the country unprotected. Part of this response is humiliation, right? Just like the US with 9/11. Our giant multi billion dollar war/defense machine didn’t “keep us safe” from 12 people with boxcutters. We were so mad we had to kill half a million Iraqis to feel better about ourselves.
That’s what I mean about these bellicose Right wing war mongers. They’re never actually good at protecting people. One supposedly has to keep them in power to “stay safe” but they never keep anyone safe.
@Geminid: But but but Antifa!
Joey Maloney
@Chris: You’re missing the part where Bibi has deliberately allowed Hamas to retain and expand its power and influence in Gaza in order to prevent the Palestinian Authority – the one which has renounced violence and accepted a two-state solution – from getting their shit together enough to be an actual viable negotiation partner.
Bibi and Hamas are in a mutually parasitic relationship, each using the other the fatten themselves off their respective subject populations.
My favorite detail about 9/11 was that one of the Air Force people scrambling fighters after the attack had to ask his superiors whether attacks on the homeland fell within the purview of the Defense Department.
It just says so much about the state of the military since 1945 and how little it has to do with defending the country.
Gin & Tonic
The capital of Ukraine Is Kyiv.
Everybody find your shocked face and put it on:
Maybe Sinema should drop the Indie affliction and run as the Repug she secretly is against Kari Lake! 😂
@Jackie: I would have been shocked if that weren’t the case with her.
She won’t go GOP; her whole brand (at least in her mind) is Maverick Independent.
@Kay: They were buying babies before, just from other countries where the laundering was less obvious. Extending this theory, what happens to all the frozen embryos? I feel like you’re onto something.
Sounds like STEALING children to me. We have what is known as the “stolen generation” in Australia – sure sounds similar.
The Stolen Generations refers to a period in Australia’s history where Aboriginal children were removed from their families through government policies. This happened from the mid-1800s to the 1970s. Many were then adopted by white families.
I swear to God, the next “moderate”/”independent”/”centrist” Non-Partisan I see whose Non-Partisanship is a cover for liberal rather than conservative tendencies will be the first.
@Kay: (I’m parachuting in so if this has been addressed, please forgive me. I’m spending time rocking a feverish 15 month old and am not keeping up.)
Even more than serving his red base, Jordan is serving himself. I’ve seen this at several sources yesterday that Jordan’s assets went from $100,000 in 2000 to $30 million now. Unless that is disputed, I’m not sure why that isn’t a bigger deal. Or is that just normal for Congresspeople to go into office, get a Congressional salary, and have their assets increase by millions without a comment anymore. It worked for Rick Perry, among others.
@Chris: “after this war”
That is how the question was asked. I suspect a lot of those 80% would like to see Netanyahu kicked out now. They’re right in the middle of a crisis though, and not many Israelis are making it an issue. Yet.
@Jesse: I don’t think Jeffries wants to preside over this clusterfuck, where Republicans can oust him if they ever have 218 members agree on a replacement. What Democrats want in an agreement is the ability to force any bill with majority support to the floor for a vote whether the Speaker agrees or not.
Hakeem Jeffries will be Speaker of the House in January of 2025.
My iPhone (12 mini, up to date OS) also chokes on posts sometimes, especially Xitter-heavy posts.
@Gin & Tonic:
Maybe they’re just used to seeing it as “Kiev” for so long. After all, that’s what somebody here said about using “Zelensky” instead of “Zelenskyy.” //
@Joey Maloney: If I may inquire: what do you think of “National Unity” leader Benny Gantz?
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: Except, as I think you know, both “Zelensky” and “Zelenskyy” are Latinized from Ukrainian, just according to different standards, while “Kiev” is Latinized from Russian, not from Ukrainian (just like “Dniepr.”) It’s the russification that’s objectionable, not the transliteration.
If we’re not careful here, somebody might deposit 800-1000 words on Romanization/transliteration standards for Cyrillic-based languages.
@Kay: Wow, that is horrible, but not that surprising to me. They honestly believe that they should rule over all of us, and that they should have the right to force their conservative religious beliefs on everyone through the force of law. I think they can see that their population is shrinking, so they’re grasping at anything they can to try to increase it.
@Kay: It sure does make all of their rhetoric about “parental rights” seem particularly hollow, doesn’t it? Evidently for them “parental rights” depend on your income. Are there judges who are actually going along with this? I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t be challenged, having a low income isn’t a reason to remove a child from a home.
Betty Cracker
@dmsilev: Sinema is a win-win investment vehicle for GOP megadonors since she’ll continue to fiercely protect their interests in the time she has left in the Senate, and maybe they figure fluffing a doomed if it even happens reelection bid could potentially dent Gallego’s support on the margins.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: Which means the war will never end.
“President Biden has finally come into his own.”
“The Day Joe Biden looked like a President.”
Trying to think of the coddling phrases journalists (or more likely their editors) used to describe Trump.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: I am once again asking: do Republicans who might not toe the line really get more of this than any Democratic politician, just for being a Democrat? It’s monstrous but the Democrats seem to live with it.
@Fled the US: No, Rio Verde is northeast, Sun City is northwest. Similar species of assholes, though.
Sun City is quintessential midcentury ranch house master-plan sprawl. Rio Verde is pseudo-libertarian types who want the space of rural living for their rugged individualistic lifestyle, but also all of the amenities and conveniences of suburban living. Neither of them want brown people around.
Dorothy A. Winsor
This just popped up on twitter:
Also, the donors’ whole motivation in giving to her campaign is to pull votes away from Gallego. So neither Sinema nor her backers want her to go from indy to GOP.
Oh, this is a feature not a bug.
And I assure you they have thought about it.
So gracious of Pelosi to throw a bone to the fascists. Or was it shade?
Fani Willis bags the Kraken: Sidney Powell just pleaded guilty in the RICO case
ETA — sorry, didn’t catch Dorothy A. Windsor’s notice upthread before posting this
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Sounds like the Judge in Fulton knew what she was doing when she scheduled all the defendants for one single trial.
The rats are all jumping ship because none of them want to be on the stand with Trump. He’ll be left holding the bag as the lone defendant when this finally reaches trial. Heh.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Not certain whether this bodes for good or ill. She seems incapable of being truthful.
Interesting news this morning in Insider. Peter Thiel was an FBI informant, recruited by (the bad) Charles Johnson.
Its a long read, with many sources (some anonymous), but worth a few minutes of your time. There are many interesting political implications here.
Fake Irishman
… and if you think BiBi is bad, wait until Adam tells you about some of his cabinet ministers.
Surely all in service to realizing Nosferatu’s goals of fucking shit up for the rest of us.
@BruceFromOhio: It’s good. Anything she says will have to have evidence to back it up. They won’t just take her word for anything.
The only way such an agreement would be enforceable is if Jeffries (or another Dem) were voted in as Speaker. And I’m sure Jeffries knows that.
But he became Speaker in the coming weeks, he could get a few bills on the floor (like aid for Ukraine and Israel, and a CR funding the government into next year) before they got 217 votes for a Motion to Vacate. Getting those through the House would be a big gain. If they oust him after that, so fucking what??
Also had a problem with my Pixel phone. Thought it might be an Internet blip.
I have suspected this for a long time. I actually heard statements like this made by two religious families I have been acquainted with who were foster families hoping to adopt. They fully feel entitled to other people’s children, and justify it by saying that they’re “more financially stable” and “better able to provide for a child’s needs”.
There are many, many more families struggling with infertility than there are children to adopt. I know that accusations of racism get brought up, but they usually aren’t exactly pointed the right way. For a lot of conservative Christian families, adopting a child of another race is a potent status symbol (see Amy Coney Barrett, David French, etc.). The racism comes into play with the utter disregard those white families have for the birth parents, who often assume that brown and Black children come from dysfunctional families and bad cultures and therefore they’re entitled to those kids.
They’re not relying on the factors in the adoption decisions, but most don’t go to “decision”. They’re (ostensibly) “by consent”.
I think it’s bad for good faith adoptions. There’s now a whole group of young liberal women online who are having this “is adoption coercive and anti women?” discussion. My youngest son’s gf casually told me as if it was accepted and understood that she and my son don’t want children and “can’t” adopt because she’s a feminist. Okay, my son is a goofball and has no business raising so much as a goldfish – they’re both too young- so this is all theoretical but I was taken aback how she said this as if I knew it.
Dobbs changes adoption, right? The pregnancy and birth are no longer voluntary. This is the context in which they’re having this discussion.
The Texas AG may be off the charts. But Bibi is orders of magnitude worse. And not just because he has more scope.
@Gin & Tonic:
Just be patient with people anyway, OK? Here in the U.S., it was ‘Kiev’ for an awfully long time. My grandmother was born in Kyiv when it was Kiev, that was 1905. Most of us only started seeing ‘Kyiv’ last year.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Whoa, if that’s true it’s big, she was involved in all of the fuckery. The prospect of going to prison has a way of concentrating the mind.
Fake Irishman
@Joey Maloney:
Yep. And the relationship between Israel and Hamas goes back farther than the last few years. They were quietly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood back in 1960s and 1970s because they thought identification with Islam was safer for the Jewish State than secular Palestinian nationalism was. The tacit support for Hamas to weaken the PLO in the late 1980s flowed naturally from that.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: @jonas: The judge should make a few dozen copies of “Attorney-client privilege does not extend to criminal acts”, pre-folded into paper airplanes for easier delivery to Trump lawyers in the courtroom.
Simply not true. At least the way you phrase it. What there are is many, many more families struggling with infertility than there are infants to adopt. For anyone willing to adopt a child, rather than insisting on an infant, there are plenty available.
I was going to correct your spelling to “Nyarlathotep,” then realized you were speaking of Thiel himself, not his Dark Master.
According to the NYT, Biden is mulling a triple aid package for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel to the tune of a whopping $100 billion.
Tim Mak is hearing it will be $60 billion for Ukraine, $10 billion for Israel. Presumably that means the remaining $30 billion would be for Taiwan. I know questions came up in the Ukraine thread last night on whether the US was showing the same commitment to Ukraine that it was to Israel. $60 billion seems like a pretty strong statement of support.
@Ken: I thought Nosferatu was one of FL’s senators.
@Kay: Kaptur was SUCH a step up from that whackadoodle Kucinich. Fortunately, Emilia Sykes represents me excellently.
@wjca: Yes, you are right, I should have been more clear.
@jonas: Whoah. Thanks for linking to that. I wasn’t expecting a guilty plea for the diet Dr. Pepper drinking lady who believed Hugo Chavez could be manipulating US election equipment from the grave.
@tobie: You mean he isn’t? Or wasn’t? Or – I don’t know what tense to use with the undead. It’s Kraken time!
Gin & Tonic
@lowtechcyclist: I am patient. I was not critical of the post, just pointed out what the capital is called now.
@Cameron: Yup. We shall all now get Krak-ing.
Well, since they’ve got three (counting Florida resident Taterville), surely they can spare one.
@Betty Cracker: How does that work though? Really not an ideal time to be running through an election process and there is likely no formal way to avoid this (which is a good thing). He would have to leave on his own accord, which unfortunately, doesn’t seem possible.
How much do families get paid for “hosting” a foster child? I’ve always wondered if the additional family income is an incentive for some families to foster/ adopt…
@jonas: Sidney Fckin Powell. Well, chips are a-falling.
@Kay: I thought that’s where a lot of the babies and young children stolen from the border with Mexico ended up, too. Betsy Devos had those connections to the ‘christian’ adoption agency. 🤮
@Gin & Tonic: someone else might be very interested in reading such a thing.
This is up to the Knesset, not the Israeli people, though. It did not stop the House of Commons defenestrating Chamberlain in 1940 in the 1st year of a genuinely existential war; but no evidence of any of the right wing bloc in the Knesset allying with the left to do away with Netenyahu yet
FYI, an analyst for a Dutch NGO (PAX) analyzed the hospital bombing for NPR. The damage is inconsistent with an Israeli bomb but does fit a misfired missile.
@spc123: Another election could take 8 weeks and maybe more to produce a new government. A more likely scenario would be a Knesset vote of no confidence and formation of a new coalition excluding Smotrich and Ben-Gvir’s 14 MK’s. The new government would have a different Prime Minister, likely former Defense Minister and IDF chief Benny Gantz.
Likud’s 31 MKs would participate, but probably under a new leader. Last Fall, they were poised to vote Netanyahu out if he did not win a Knesset majority. Then his coalition did unexpectedly well in the November election.
At least, that is this American’s guess.
@Kay: I thought it was somewhat coersive before because first they spent decades brainwashing women AND their families into thinking abortions were always wrong so that then women who really were in a bad place to have kids were producing surplus kids and looking for adoptors. I was almost lucky but the mother backed out. Florida law allows us to financially support a pregnant mother but she can still back out right up till the adoption. Anything else would be selling and essentially slavery so there is no way around that, but I do admit I felt rather raw about it. Still, she backed out due to pressure by her boyfriend’s family, and she did not consider abortion. It was her fourth child, and she was not financially able to support them.
There is another adoption angle that bothers me. I have been told you can do some community support to imprisoned women or soon to be imprisoned women, make friends with the pregnant ones who have to give up their babies and they may choose you to be the mother. If they don’t have relatives that can take custody, the state puts the child up for adoption. If the mother has opinions they listen to her. That seems reasonable but still sound creepy that certain groups know this angle and use it.
@Fake Irishman:
Generally speaking, it was the West’s policy for the entire Cold War to support (Saudi-based) Islamic fundamentalism as a counterweight to (Egypt-based) Arab Nationalism. The latter was secular, socialist, revolutionary, and generally speaking more left than right, so they were the biggest threat as far as Western policymakers were concerned.
Israel supporting Hamas in the eighties is an outgrowth of that. So was us supporting the most reactionary factions of the mujahidin in Afghanistan, even though that wasn’t the Arab world. Oddly enough, I think Iran-contra may have been as well; the entire Islamic Revolution was such an outside-context problem for the entire Cold War establishment that I think well into the eighties there were still people hoping that we could bring Iran back to our side by playing the ecumenical “we children of God should be allies against the godless communists!” card. The whole story of McFarlane taking a Bible to Tehran as one of his presents for Khomeini just reeks of that.
Tony Jay
@Cameron: Nosferatu is Thiel. Florida’s Rick Scott is more Kurt Barlow from the 70’s TV version of Salem’s Lot.
@Anyway: It varies by state. In Florida its very tiny for most regular kids. I am told you can make a living if you are qualified to host a medical needs child but trust me, that is a full time job with some kind of medical training. They don’t designate small problems as medical needs.
Florida got that way because in the past people were using the system to make money and taking in lots of kids , stacking them too many in a room, not caring for them and spending the money on their own needs.
Now there isn’t enough money to lire the grifters (here), there are square foot rules per bedrooms, closets and baths and inspections and background checks with fingerprints….or at least there were 10 years ago when I did it. Always preferred the kids to the paperwork and there was always a shortage of enough homes to place them in. We picked up that other states varied widely in how they did it and it wasn’t always what you would expect.
@montanareddog: There really isn’t much of an Israeli “Left” these days, but there is a large bloc of “Center” opposition parties. They have always been ready to ditch Netanyahu, and actually did from June, 2021 to December of last year (the last 5 months as a caretaker government).
Still surviving from that government are Labor; the Arab party Ra’am; Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid; Benny Gantz’s National Unity; and Israel Beitanu (favored by Russian immigrants). Those are the parties to watch, along with Likud and the two Ultra-Orthodox parties.
Much of US media coverage in this area is fairly superficial. The go-to source here will be Israeli media site Haaretz, and also The Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post, I think.
@Tony Jay:
I believe the quote concerning “the day after” is intended to relate to what Israel plans to do once it has completed it’s military operation. Who will run Gaza, in the event Israel destroys Hamas? Israel doesn’t want to stay, I believe. I’m not sure the PLO would want to do it, particularly if they are placed there by Israel. But someone will need to run Gaza once the war ends, and it’s not clear that Israel has thought through that question at all.
@Betty Cracker:
this may cheer everyone up about Senator Sinema
@Geminid: I had meant to ask your opinion of the current Jerusalem Post? Ever since Conrad Black bought it I haven’t trusted it, and have assumed that it tilted well right (like his other media properties).
Do you find its reporting reliable? Would I be correct in thinking that editorially it’s serving right wing political interests?
(The comments section seems overwhelmed by the hard right, but that’s also true for a lot of media that don’t lean that way themselves.)
@piratedan: According to last night’s thread, a lot of candidates’ fundraising is falling off, blamed partly on the perception that Biden and Trump have locked up their nominations. There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth among political consultants, advertising agencies, and pundit, all of whom rely on candidate spending.
Chris Johnson
@Kay: ‘approaching’?
@db11: I don’t read the Jerusalem Post enough to say. My impression is that its reporting is pretty straight. I look at it as similar to USA Today: not a lot of in-depth reporting, and a cautious, neutral aporoach to party politics similar to NPR- except there are 10 parties in the Knesset!
Their election coverage seemed objective and not slanted.
One deficiency of both the JPost and the Times of Israel: they give little attention to people’s lives in Gaza and the West Bank. Haaretz is much better in this respect. It’s also unreservedly anti-Netanyayu.
@Geminid: Thanks.
Paul in KY
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg: Plus he’s associated with OSU. For many of his voters, still in a good way. Blech.
No no. That’s Bat Boy. Like Nosferatu, but without the gravitas.
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: That’s too shrill, Betty, to ever be stated (no matter how objectively truthful). How about:
“Our nation was hurt and wished for retribution after 9/11, but special interests worked to convert our nation’s grief and anger into pursuing unrelated state actors, accused citizens who opposed this pivot of being insufficiently patriotic, took our eyes off the mastermind of the attacks and thus allowed him to escape justice for years and spent over a trillion dollars of our nation’s wealth for minimal gains in the Mideast. Please learn from our errors!”
Maybe a Democratic President might say above some day…
@Kay: This puts me in mind of Russia stealing Ukrainian children.
@TS: I don’t think they’re willing to do the hard work of actually bearing the children. I’m also reminded of Shitgibbon breaking families crossing the border. How many children were fed into the grifters adoption system and never reunited with their families because there were no records?
@Kay: Repeating again what former Knesset Member Einat Wilf posted the day of the attack:
@Tony Jay:
I’d say it’s pretty short, too.
@Betty Cracker:
The great thing is that they won’t discuss what to do when the war is over, because the idea is that it will never end.