We’re wondering – who might be up for a Thanksgiving zoom?
Guessing that most people who celebrate have their Thanksgiving meals midday, but maybe I just have that impression because that’s what my family has already done. Guessing that everyone is super busy before the big meal, so I’m thinking maybe early evening. Does that sound about right?
Let us know if you would be up for a Balloon Juice zoom. I’ll throw out 6-8 pm Eastern time as a starting point for discussion, and we can adjust from there as needed. That’s 3-5 pm for folks on the west coast, and hopefully not too late for the east coast. We could always do two if there not agreement on a good time frame.
If you’re interested, chime in with your thoughts, and send me an email if you’re up for the Thanksgiving zoom.
Otherwise, totally open thread.
Update: Would 7-10 pm Eastern be better? That would be 4-7 for the west coast.
I’m up for a Zoom! I don’t do much for Thanksgiving and would enjoy a chat. Suggested times would be fine.
Alas, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. My friends are having their Thanksgiving meal on Friday, so Thursday evening I will either be cooking or on the road (haven’t decided yet whether to go down there the night before or the day of).
But thank you for thinking of this!
3-5pm Pacific is the heart of the mealtime at my household. Depending on where it happens. There’s some ambiguity there right now. But around that time I unfortunately won’t be available.
I’d love a Thanksgiving Zoom! Pretty much any time works for me.
strange visitor (from another planet)
it’s very possible that i’ll be running solo on thanksgiving. if i’m home alone, i’d totally be down for a zoom.
Dr. Daniel Price (Saint Vincent)
At least one of us would be available, and it’s not Thanksgiving where we are.
Omnes Omnibus
Rosalynn Carter has passed away.
@Omnes Omnibus: RIP Mrs. Carter.
@Omnes Omnibus: That makes me so sad. I would have guessed that it would be the other way around. I can’t imagine losing the person who had been your person for 70 years, while being in poor health yourself.
I would probably join in. I’m in California so 4-7ish sounds good. My household is going out after 7 to a restaurant.
@Omnes Omnibus: RIP Mrs Carter
I’d be up for the Zoom.
I added an update up top, wondering if 7-10 Eastern (4-7 west coast)might be better for west coast peeps who are interested, and hopefully not too late for the folks on the other coast?
@WaterGirl: I don’t think Jimmy Carter will be around much longer either. He was probably holding on so as not to leave Rosalynn alone.
@Omnes Omnibus: She was such an inspiration.
@Origuy: I had the same thought. They may have both been trying to hang on to be there for the other one.
@WaterGirl: My first thought as well.
I’ll be on my tod so will certainly be up for it. Anytime after about 6 ET is good for me
Not me. We spend the whole day with family at a location with questionable internet access.
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: From the NYT:
Almost too cute for words.
Rest in peace, ma’am.
Just got back. Thanks for the two Blue Sky invites to those that sent them (I looked just a few seconds ago and I can’t recall names; definitely a low caffeine related issue, but thank you!)
Weekend project continues! After just a litttttle more coffee. Maybe a nap. Maybe both.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Rosalyn Carter has died.
Joy in FL
I’m interested in a Zoom. Probably any time works for me.
When? Never ever heard of such a thing.
I think I’m having Thanksgiving brunch with some friends, so a late afternoon or evening zoom call works for me.
Rose Weiss
I’m a left-coaster. Any time will probably work for me. I don’t have family obligations this year.
To answer your question – I’m in. Got no family left to go to dinner with.
They may have both been trying to hang on to be there for the other one.
Now that is the very definition of marriage.
77 yrs. Most of us haven’t even lived that long, many never will. I’m not far behind that, but still, they were married before I was born.
something fabulous
I might be able to peep in on the later end. I’m going to a friend’s at 2pm (@NotMax) west coast time, not sure how long it will go. Would be nice to see y’all. Happy Thursday generally!
I hope to join if still awake. Thanksgiving dinner at my brother’s usually runs about 5-9 pm, so at most I (or, hopefully, we) can join at the tail end of the later time.
i’d like a zoom. i’m flexible about the time of day.
Erin in Flagstaff
I might be able to join the Zoom. My schedule is wide open.
I have sent all the zoom links from the emails I have so far (just a little while ago) so if you didn’t get an email from me, please send me another email message.
Closing this tab, so I won’t see any further responses, but there is a new Thanksgiving zoom thread you can use if you have a question or want to get in touch.