Hey everybody!
Just a quick reminder that we are having a Balloon Juice Thanksgiving zoom tomorrow. The original “who’s up for a Thanksgiving Zoom” post is linked below.
Time: 7 – 10 pm Eastern
Date: Thanksgiving evening
RSVP: send email to WaterGirl and you will receive the zoom link
If you have any questions, ask them, but otherwise this is a totally open thread!
zhena gogolia
Sorry, nice idea, but we’ll be at a dinner starting at 5:00. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
@zhena gogolia:
You too.
Here’s a fascinating update to an old tale that we discussed as part of the Josephine Tay reading group: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/princes-in-the-tower-cold-case-king-richard
I haven’t bought or read it yet, but still…
I’ll be running a batch of deviled eggs to a friends giving because I shouldn’t eat a whole batch and I love our friends. Then it’s gonna be get that dinner together, enjoy it, spend the rest of the evening sailing the couch. Best to all and special bonus points awarded to zoom attendees👏
Since this is an open thread, I would like to ask if there is a way to re-read all the posts about Game of Thrones? I just started watching it and I’d be interested in what was said here as it was running
@leeleeFL: Not exactly, since we don’t have a tag for Game of Thrones.
But if you type “game of thrones” in the search box (located directly under Balloon Man in the header) it will bring up 150+ Balloon Juice posts where “game of thrones” was in the title or in the text of the post itself.
There are 23 pages (7 posts to a page) so if you wanted to check them out in order, you would click on page 23, and read the posts from the bottom up. Then go to page 22, and read the posts from the bottom up. And so on.
Tenar Arha
@Timill: hey, hi! Did you get the BlueSky code? I sent it to you but then that email bounced back. Possibly @WaterGirl: might be willing to re-forward it to you at your regular posting address if you didn’t get it?
Anyway let me know here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
@WaterGirl: thanks so much! After working all day today, I will enjoy the insights!