Actually it’s been two years, but we are back in fine form, and it is time to support Athenspets and see your favorite and not so favorite (THURSTON) pets featured. The original announcement:
2024 Balloon Juice Pet Calendars are ready to order on Cafe Press!
Calendar A – Lily on the cover
Calendar B – Steve on the cover
All proceeds go directly to Athenspets!
There were a few requests to add a pet to the calendar, but there were too many to squeeze in, and not nearly enough to make another calendar, so that option didn’t turn out to be feasible.
But we can do a Favorite Dogs & Cats series in December, like we did last year, so you can share your pets with us! (regardless of whether they are in the calendar or not)
And we can absolutely make your pet photo into a postcard for sale on Cafe Press, if you are interested. We just need a high resolution photo, and an image that works with the shape of a postcard – in either portrait or landscape.
Balloon Juice Pet Postcards can be ordered here. There are some really great postcards!
Any questions?
Yay! This is something we do that is objectively a good thing.
Alison Rose
Ordered mine last week and it is on the way to me now!
Joy in FL
I ordered mine last week also. I love seeing our awesome BJ pets every day : )
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I asked this on a thread last week, but I forgot to look later to see if I got an answer. I bought a calendar last year, so do i have to buy one this year, or do we get credit from having paid last year?
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): This is the third time I have answered this question. :-)
Calendars weren’t available on Cafe Press last year, so we offered people the option of donating $10 through the thermometer, and getting a .pdf file of the calendar if they wished. Perhaps you did that?
In any case, the way to get a 2024 calendar is to place an order through Cafe Press.
As always, the proceeds go to Athenspets.
FYI, each calendar costs $14.99 to print on Cafe Press, and the remaining 10.01 for each calendar ordered goes directly to Athenspets.
Late to the party but I ordered mine last week as well. Expected delivery is 12 December. I’m stoked!
Thanks @WaterGirl: and John for making this happen.
Miss Bianca
Aww, Thurston. No love for the Love Pig, JC?//
Ordered mine last week, it is apparently on its way!
Can’t speak for others, but the problem here is I seem to have more things to keep track of that I do brain cells.
Just ordered mine!