Be Best.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 26, 2024
Biden needs to retweet this.
Better yet, te campaign needs to tweet a picture of Biden, where you can clearly see his hands, holding a phone or iPad looking at this tweet.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) January 27, 2024
At first blush, $83.3M might seem like a lot of money, but for context, keep in mind that Jared and Ivanka made between 2-8 times as much money while working as public servants in the White House without even taking a salary.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) January 27, 2024
Republican donors are paying for this
— Schiffy Goon Squad (@TonyMoonbeam) January 27, 2024
I ❤️NY
— Renee (@PettyLupone) January 27, 2024
Bet its killing you inside
— Schiffy Goon Squad (@TonyMoonbeam) January 26, 2024
Hey, if you wanna act like the Klan, then you should have to pay like the Klan.
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) January 26, 2024
Matt is very concerned that if this can happen to Trump, it could happen to anyone who commits sexual assault and lies about it.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) January 26, 2024
“Oh, never mind…”
Misery politics reach a new low: ‘Utter stupidity’: Missouri Republican bids to bring back dueling for senators
I am only surprised it took so long.
Noting that the rarely on the roster Shoah airs today at noon Eastern time on TCM N.B.: It’s four and a half hours long so if at all interested may want to DVR it for viewing in smaller chunks over time.
Death by 83 million cuts.
W didn’t elicit the same worship as the Orange Shitstain, but only in degree, not type. He too was thought to be Jeebus’ agent on earth. So I think the O.S’s support will chip away with each loss. Higher floor than W, but the mentality of his followers is “make us feel like winners, no matter how much shit we have to swallow”. And his losing will affect some of them. And if Haley’s $$$ holds up as she sets up for ’28 by attacking him, even better.
Waiting for the fundraising pleas for financial help to pay damages.
@NotMax: thanks, I will be watching that! I set a reminder (remembrance).
The really important thing is, he’s been forced to face consequences by a WOMAN and a JURY of regular Americans. The Find Out stage has only just begun!
The Thin Black Duke
Maybe this is OT, but I wish some folks would stop talking about leaving the US if Trump
winssteals the presidency. Some of us don’t have that option.TBone
@NotMax: my name used to be Cwik before stepdad formally adopted me.
“The Nazis issued a document, called a “shine”, to those who worked. Owners of shines would not be taken away in “actions” and sent to camps. If a man had a shine, he was allowed to write his wife’s name on it, and she would be safe from deportation as well. Even though the twins were single, at various times they “married” women in the ghetto to protect them. In one instance, the 21 year old Alexander “married” a 70 year old woman.”
@The Thin Black Duke: keep your head up high, and your middle finger higher.
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: There are many parts of that movie I still remember clearly, or clearly enough.
The one I refer back to the most is the train conductor who rode with trains full of cargo before the Shoah, then with trains full of people headed to concentration camps, then back to trains full of cargo after the war ended. Didn’t matter to him what was in the train, he put in his day’s work, went home to his family, and was satisfied with that. Just a shrug of his shoulders for the time spent transporting humans.
And the scenes of the Poles who had nothing but taunts and distain for their former Jewish neighbors. So much casual antisemitism.
Anyway, I can only agree, it is a movie worth seeing.
@The Thin Black Duke: And a lot of people who think they have that option, don’t. Unless you already have another passport, immigration is getting harder not easier. And most people aren’t very good at being immigrants. It’s tougher than people think. Americans would do better to think about how to collectively save their country rather than on finding individual escape paths.
The Thin Black Duke
@TBone: I get by with a little help from my friends.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Thanks for that heads up. We watched it first run back in the day and need to see it again.
The truth social post that was posted to his account yesterday and this one an hour later,
were most likely not authored by Trump. They are not angry screeds and are oddly quite sedate. Giving Trump credit for not angrily going after E. Jean Carroll in his truth social last night is ridiculous. If Maggie was honest, she would write that his social media team is not attacking her. But the media wants to give Trump the credit for not immediately acting out his rage.
ETA: Someone stopped him from posting his rage. He doesn’t have that kind of control over his reactions. He does not deserve the credit, IMHO.
@The Thin Black Duke: hugs
The Thin Black Duke
@Princess: Also, it’s like being in a lifeboat and you’re waving goodbye to the people left behind in the sinking boat.
@Princess: couldn’t have said it better.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
And when did “streisand” become a verb?
@The Thin Black Duke:
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Ohio Mom:
Those scenes were absolutely chilling.
When we subsequently moved to our tiny town in Central Misery, we had a neighbor with that same kind of mindset (had nothing to do with antisemitism tho). I always said that she was the kind of person that if we were Jews in a Ukrainian village in 1942, she’d turn us into the Germans in a nano-second.
Good question. And what does it mean for those of us who are not on social media? It’s obviously a meme, but what does it mean?
The Thin Black Duke
@TBone: I can see where Carrie got her moxie from.
@The Thin Black Duke: I love that word.
Imagine if SCOTUS wasn’t bending over backwards to help him – we really might see some justice for those who have been impacted by trump. How many can take every last whinge to the SCOTUS and have their crying heard?
@eclare: Thank you! Full service blog.
Iirc Sorrow and the Pity is 4 1/2 hours and Shoah is 9 1/2 hours long
@The Thin Black Duke: I have granddaughters. I’m not going anywhere.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@TS: I want to know why the appeals court is taking so long to rule on Trump’s immunity claim. That one seemed obvious to me.
Oh, great. The tweet by Keith Boykin (“Trump now has: 91 felony counts 11 aides convicted… And is on trial for fraud.”) has re-inserted the “Twelve Days of Christmas” earworm in my skull. And I only just recovered from the holidays.
@The Thin Black Duke: Agreed completely. Not everyone can leave or wants to leave. If the US goes to hell in a handbasket, every part of the world will feel those tremors. The post war architecture of world, the UN, NATO, different treaties about trade etc depend on the US. If that stability is upended, it will be felt EU, Canada or other anglophone countries. No part of the world will be immune.
Uncle Cosmo
@TBone: “Shine” in English sounds like the German Schein, which might have been short for Fahrschein, “ticket,” which seems to make sense, particularly if the holder was allowed to put other names on it, as in “write one’s own ticket.”
@Princess: It gets harder, the older you get unless you have loads of $$. In which case you will be insulated from the worst of the Orange one’s depradations even here.
Ooooo, definitely recording that! Heard and read much about it but never saw it.
@Uncle Cosmo: interresant. Also
New Deal democrat
@Dorothy A. Winsor: The prevailing theory is that one of the Judges, who was appointed by Trump, and who voted against fast-tracking oral argument, is writing a concurring or dissenting opinion, and is slow-walking that process:
So far the majority is exercising courtesy towards their colleague.
Hahaha! Look at that tiny-handed manbaby!
Donnie, can you hold your own bottle, or are your hands too tiny?
@geg6: both Parts I and Ii are on back to back, it’s 9 hours worthwhile
A little Mozart
BC in Illinois
When the movie Shoah came out, I was unable to se it. I bought the book. 1985. It has the complete words and subtitles of the film, in under 200 pages.
It had an impact that endures to this day. Like the movie, the book is especially good to give to people who don’t want to see the pictures of the Holocaust, but want to understand. It is chilling — and, today, too familiar — to read.
You can get the 1995 edition from Amazon and others. I recommend Thriftbooks.
@prostratedragon: in Vienna, my mom would mispronounce and call everyone wieners. 😆 She ordered “veesey veeney” when she wanted white wine.
Yep, found that when I set up the recording. I did vaguely know it was longer than four hours.
@geg6: worthwhile to not look away!
Another Scott
Trouble is, of course, people (and the press) often don’t think about it.
Anyone who has had to move across town knows what a hassle it is. The idea that it is somehow easy, or even fun, to pack up, leave everything behind, and start over in a new country is nonsensical.
People who are willing to move to a new country are highly motivated and driven. They have to be to put in the work to make it happen.
“Yeah, I’ll move to, say, Costa Rica, and everything will be easy and great! No problems!”
I think “temporary” is doing lots of heavy lifting above. I’m sure lots of us are wanting to move to a foreign land and have perpetual “temporary” status.
“But, but, officer, you can’t arrest me!! I wasn’t working, I’m a tourist! And my retirement paperwork is delayed! And …!!1”
Yeah, buying foreign property is easy and risk-free, also too! And who doesn’t love moving to a foreign land and having to frequently move between rentals because one can’t get a long-term lease??!
No thanks.
The monsters aren’t going to drive me away. This is my homeland.
@TBone: Nine hours long. They’re apparently airing it in two parts back to back.
@Another Scott: I have done it and it was not easy. Many people who are blithely posting about it have no clue how not easy it is
That’s pretty close to US law, although some employers (*cough* Mar-a-Lago *cough*) have been known to abuse it to hire housecleaners and groundskeepers.
@Another Scott:
I’m staying, too. I don’t have it confirmed, but my guess is that my friend who moved to Canada inherited a large sum from her dad. I’ll go visit, but I’ll come back.
@eclare: Canada can be pretty racist as well. Its not all flowers and candy eh!
@The Thin Black Duke:
The arrogance. Also, the delusion. Because, if fascism comes to America, there will be no place on Earth where they will be safe😒
Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊
I moved to London for work while I was in my 20’s, I can’t imagine doing that now. The hoops I had to go through to get a work permit were extremely high.
I think that Biden also did this effectively in the 2020 campaign. He has more ammunition now.
ETA. The guy with the beard in the CNN clip was the asswipe who did the fawning interview with Joe Manchin. It was practically a political ad for Manchin, praising his wisdom as a supposed political moderate who was the only person who could work with Congress.
@rikyrah: fascism is here already. Wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross.
Trump will certainly try to get a stay pending appeal. Delay is one of his deepest ingrained habits. Does anyone know about the money or the process involved?
Someone said in a previous thread that to appeal he has to put the judgment money in something like an escrow fund.
@eclare: There was a time when my GC application was stuck in a morass, I was seriously considering Canada. This was during W’s admin. On paper their process for getting an immigrant visa (similar to GC) is easier but by then I was so assimilated over here that it was hard to pull up the stakes and leave.
I love this country. This is home. I cemented that by becoming a citizen. I am here to stay.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@eclare: That’s what I read too, but someone else said he could post only a percentage. I think that’s the normal process for someone posting bail. They have the guarantee of a bail-bondsman behind them. I don’t know if that works here.
Salty Sam .
This. Very much, this.
And a very happy 268th birthday to him!
Chris Johnson
@schrodingers_cat: Even though I get cranky about some of your dislikes for people I like, I love that you’re here. You are what I call an American. Rock on :)
Another Scott
@eclare: Yeah, things are different for (say) the 0.1% and up, but almost none of us are in that group.
I know a brilliant guy who emigrated to Canada from Poland and is a Canadian citizen now. He worked in a big-company research facility in Ottawa for a decade or two, then moved to a university when his lab was shut down.
He’s going to have to work into his 70s because of the way the pension system there works in his situation. :-/
Even people with in-demand knowledge and skills can have a hard time when they have to start over. And things can always change (new management, new government policies, etc.)…
As with most of life, there is no One Weird Trick that will save us if the monsters take over. The rest of us are going to have to put in the work to make the future we want.
Good morning.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
From yesterday’s thread:
I found out quickly when I moved to London just how assimilated I was to the US!
We’re glad you stayed.
One of my very, very favorites:
@The Thin Black Duke: I would definitely stay to defend you and others.
I’ll add my name to the ‘staying’ list. This is the country I love. They’re not going to chase me out.
Aw. What goes around comes around.
@Frankensteinbeck: @eclare: @Dorothy A. Winsor: ISTR Andrew Weissman saying that he has to put the full amount in escrow (AW was talking about the NY State case, though), and I think I saw yesterday that he has a limited time to start the process.
Omnes Omnibus
@Frankensteinbeck: @eclare: He doesn’t necessarily have to put up the whole amount in cash. He needs a bond for, IIRC, 110% of the amount. If some bank or other entity is willing to stand surety for him (don’t laugh, it took me ages to be able type that due to the giggles) or he places assets in escrow, he is … fine. Also, fwiw, there are no grounds for appeal due to ineffective assistance of counsel in a civil case.
Another Scott
@TBone: That’s good. Thanks for the pointer.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Leaving? When we were looking to finally leave Central Misery, we considered Italy. We’d been considering Italy for years, did tons of research, etc. We could have made it happen.
But it was gonna be a shitload of work and we would once again be moving to a place with no *social* support, not unlike what we did when we moved to Central Misery in 96.
Moving sucks and it sucks the more you age, we learned that coming back to Denver. We’ll die here.
Let the RWNJs move. I haven’t spent 40+ years fighting those assholes to walk away now.
Chris Johnson
I’ve been all over the internet this morning trying to get a picture of the ‘Putin says Alaska actually belongs to Russia’ story and people’s takes on it. Full ‘what the actual F’ mode.
I mean, on one hand, of course that’s where the guy goes when his failure in Ukraine slows its catastrophic plummet. Especially since his people in the Republican Party are finding ways to block US support of Ukraine. Of course if it looks like all his schemes are maybe gonna work, he’s emboldened. Putin might as well have ’emboldened’ tattooed on his face, his only purpose in life is to be ’emboldened’, damn the consequences.
On the OTHER hand, how does this not damage those same schemes? How the actual fuck is this an appropriate time to go ‘oh, just one more thing’ like Steve Jobs but from hell?
How is it not necessary to maintain the pretense that Russia would not happily also invade the USA and anywhere else? How is this not a time to do all the schemes to FIRST ‘win’ in Ukraine, never mind how well that would work in the long run, and to absolutely not make noises about how they should also take Alaska?
Does this demented spook think he has the US so fractured, on the back of what he’s able to get Texas do to migrants or whatever, that this is the time he can strike fucking Alaska and it will not serve as a bit of a wake-up call to Americans about what has been happening this entire time? How addled does this fool think we actually are?
I don’t buy it. I would not have called that one. If you asked me, with all my suspicion of Russian nonsense, whether I thought Putin was going to turn around and go after Alaska PUBLICALLY with the initial steps toward obvious land-conquest, I would have said you were crazy because nobody is that much of a fool.
Guess not only orange men get dementia and lose all grip on themselves.
I would have gone with Baby Boomers rather than Gen Alpha.
Another Scott
@NotMax: Interesting – not TheOnion.
As they say, it’s getting really hard to one-up reality.
IANAL but pretty sure it doesn’t have to be all in cash, can also pledge assets to the escrow account.
However, with his penchant for inflating the value of assets, some kind of independent arbiter/appraiser would almost certainly be appointed by the court.
@rikyrah: The military has gamed out an U.S. versus the world scenario and the best the world can hope for is a standoff.
@Brachiator: Manchin had better get his time in on national TV while he can. Next January, MSNBC and the rest of them will be lavishing their attention on Senator Jim Justice. They won’t have time for a has-been like Joe Manchin.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Asparagus Aspersions
I moved to France 17 years ago as a student and didn’t intend to stay for more than a year or two, but plans change. Before arriving, I had no idea how much work it would be to legally live here. Over the course of my first 10 years, I filed literally thousands of pages of paperwork, made dozens of visits to the police prefecture and various other immigration authorities, and spent hundreds of dollars for each renewal for translations of various documents. (Finally after 11 years, I got my long-term residence card. Now I’m a citizen, thank goodness, and never have to pay another visit to the immigration office).
All that to say, carving out a life in another country is a lot of work.
@Another Scott: I wish I could find a video of the whole routine but I can’t. I’m glad you liked it!
@geg6: What is that movie about? What’s so great about it that someone want to watch a 4.5 hour movie, or possibly 9 hours?
@schrodingers_cat: Also having done it I couldn’t agree more. And for me it was relatively easy compared to a lot of people. It took over 2 years, a fair amount of money, a lot of work. It also means leaving an awful lot behind, some of which I miss terribly, some not so much. And of course the place is foreign ( in the alternate meaning of the word). There are still times when it all seems alien and strange. And given the relative closeness of the UK and US, for me it was/is, as I said, relatively easy.
I’ve never met a non-immigrant who has a clue about it
Omnes Omnibus
Living is a foreign country isn’t all Parisian cafes and Thai beaches. The semester you spent in Rome or the vacations you spent some place “exotic,” are very different to life in a foreign country when it is your reality. What seemed like charming customs can become irritants. You’ll miss things, good Mexican food, proper apple pie, or something that you didn’t realize that you valued.
Yep. Especially if Jim brings his adorable dog Babydog with him.
All the more reason for him to appeal, since he also has a habit of thinking he can find a dumbass This One Trick to escape consequences. I’m betting $85 million will HURT, though. He’s been pouring cash into these suits. Does he even have $85 million of other people’s money left? If he tries to use property liens, they’ll be at actual value, which will drive him crazy.
@NotMax: I also recommend US and the Holocaust , PBS and Ken Burns. A good look at America First in the 30s and turning away immigrants, particularly Jewish ones. It is streaming on PBS Passport.
Trailer is linked above at #3.
Yup Part two follows directly afterward. Thought mentioning the opus is some nine hours might prove too intimidating.
@The Thin Black Duke:
It is very difficult for anyone to leave the US for another country on a permanent basis.
Travel to a different country? Yes.
Stay? Get ready to spend a couple of years filling out paperwork in triplicate, know exactly every address you’ve lived at, get an FBI background check, and so on.
My parents took a course held by their Catholic Church to put themselves in the shoes of others. One section had them going through the process of applying for residency to Canada. My mom said, “I don’t think I’d qualify, that Canada would accept me after all that paperwork.”
It surprised the heck out of them.
Had they wanted to really relocate they could have come in with me under the family plan. The keep-families-together plan. But on their own? Maybe not. They didn’t have the current skills in need for immigrants. Mom didn’t have a college degree.
@Asparagus Aspersions:
Yep. I only stayed six months but that was enough. I’m glad it finally worked out for you!
@Chris Johnson: I’m glad to see you noticed that too. I may not comment on any war threads, but that doesn’t mean I’m not reading them
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Ebert said it better than I ever could:
@Omnes Omnibus:
American size fridges, washers, and dryers for me.
And ice, I love ice.
Omnes Omnibus
@kalakal: Sometimes I find that the closeness of the UK/USA makes the differences more jarring. You can forget for a moment. And then you step into the street and a car hits you from the direction you weren’t looking.
@schrodingers_cat: My wife did it. She can tell some tales.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Other countries have fewer lawyers.
@Omnes Omnibus: Being able to communicate without sounding like an idiot is the biggie for me. Heck, even England could be challenging.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: thank you.
Omnes Omnibus
And theirs often get robes.
@TBone: I hope they were charmed.🙂
Another Scott
@TBone: Don’t know if this is all of it, but I found this – (5:59).
Thanks again.
Omnes Omnibus
@RevRick: Yeah, ten years of French in school and the ability to write a good paper on Francophone African literature, but you still sound like a schoolboy on the streets.
@prostratedragon: she was mostly being a wisenheimer to make her family laugh when things might have been scary or confusing. Gawd, I miss her.
Chris Johnson
@TBone: I don’t even remember where I saw that ‘Putin claims Russia owns Alaska, historically’ thing. Maybe Bluesky?
I would absolutely have noticed it because it is in line with all my darkest suspicions about what Russia’s been trying to do, this whole time, but it seems like a HUGE mistake.
For now the only thing I can game out that’s remotely plausible is, this is the moment where Putin thinks he can get his people in the US to pull the trigger on a ‘civil war’ (long been a plan of Russia’s to goad this on) and then he can get Alaska and the US will be too busy fighting with itself? Or he thinks he owns them so completely that the Southern states doing this will simply become Russia? I get that he’s been trying to win those idiots over with macho Russian military recruitment videos and propaganda, but surely they would want to become their own country and call that ‘America’ rather than go off and become a Russian colony, subservient to a dying demented spook?
I don’t think we can count on rational evil from these people anymore, and that’s a wrench because I like to run my paranoia on lower octane fuel :D
@Another Scott: that’s it! GD search engine didn’t work great for me today.
@NotMax: Isn’t there already such an independent arbiter in place, for the Trump Organization trial? Mostly to make sure they don’t transfer assets out of the corporation before the fraud trial finishes.
My daughter lives in France in Bordeaux and has for almost eight years. She has permanent work status and is en route to citizenship. Like any American, she is alternately amused and irritated at the French passion for paperwork and bureaucracy, and just plain irritated at the country’s disregard for customer service. But she’s not moving. She loves it there, and she has invested a great deal of time and energy making sure she can live there.
I couldn’t hack it. Too set in my USA ways.
@Chris Johnson: I texted my brother on Feb. 24, 2022 similar thoughts. Pay attention so we don’t get sucker punched is my motto. At the same time, de-escalating as a first move (hoping it works) is my mantra.
@Baud: I make an exception for LBJ, don’t tell raven!
LBJ = Lawyers of Balloon Juice.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage
One scene which stuck with me all these years is the interview with a chunky Polish farmer. Going on about his disgust for Jews he confides that he “can smell them” if any come near.
Filmmaker Lanzmann and many of the film crew, standing right there, were Jewish.
Does anyone think Jared and Ivanka are bailing her dad out? I don’t.
The hardest part is when you go back to what was your home and it no longer feels that way. You feel like a fish out of water.
Omnes Omnibus
Fuck LBJ.
Yes but that emanates from a state court. This latest is federal court and I doubt a federal judge will not put in place additional safeguards.
citizen dave
@Chris Johnson: I read about this Putin-Alaska thing a year or two ago. I’m not remotely worried about it. Putin is in a weak state, will never subjugate the Ukrainians, and doesn’t have the resources to open a second war (just shooting from the hip here though–as an internet expert :) ). It works both ways. When he attacked Ukraine, I thought, this is the perfect time for Japan to attack Russia and get some of those islands back. Also, if a nation decided to invade Putin/Russia on the Far East, how would they be able to defend? Russia is still far far too large, with so many nations within it. I expect its disintegration in the future.
@Omnes Omnibus: Aren’t you one too?
Another Scott
@TBone: Yay!!
Early in the reddit comments someone mentioned that it came from a Harmontown podcast. I searched for “Harmontown podcast fascism” and it was at the top.
Has any juicer used Obsidian?
Mike in NC
Given the choice of nominating a brown woman or a convicted rapist, we all know how the Republican Party will roll.
Another vote for “stay” and “welcome newcomers”.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: I know whereof I speak.
@schrodingers_cat: I am glad you’re here to stay. And belated thank you for the Tamarind Date Chutney recipe. I feel I am capable of making that 🙂
@MagdaInBlack: You have to keep tasting it because the potency of the dates and tamarind and ginger varies wildly, use my measurements as a guideline. If you have fresh mint you can add a few sprigs of that.
ETA: Instead of making a separate green chutney and a tamarind+ date chutney. I make one chutney by combining all the ingredients for both.
@schrodingers_cat: I once was a very good cook, then fell in to an IDGAF phase. I am recovering now.😉
@Omnes Omnibus: Self realization is good!
@Another Scott: thank you for your diligence 😊 and also to everyone here who will stay and fight! This scene has my heart because my new last name is French.
Another Scott
@Chris Johnson:
Last week I found this Atlantic Council blog post that explained a lot for me. (Previously posted here.)
tl;dr – russia is still an empire. The rest of the world exists to be conquered by them. Except for a few years under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, they have been this way for a very long time.
Breaking the fever and joining the modern rules-based order is going to be difficult and costly, but VVP is well on his way to making it happen via his failures.
Slava Ukraini!!
Is the Jersey gal Dark Brandon brought on board still running things, because his on-line presence became a lot sharper after she arrived.
“Be Best” has me thinking yes. Frickin’ shiv action.
@MagdaInBlack: So this won’t be too difficult then! I have full faith in you. Report back with the results. BTW what do you use it for? Its pretty versatile. Do you use it as a dip or as a topping for chaats?
@sab: I read somewhere recently (wish I could remember) that he has already taken actions that amount to dipping into their trust funds. They have no control over this, making it less likely that they’d actively seek to help him. King Lear without even a Cordelia that I can see, unless it’s niece Mary, who we know will keep a safe distance.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Thank you, that’s very helpful!
@schrodingers_cat: To be honest I first bought it just because it sounded good. I have used it a a bbq coating on chicken, to dip…and on ice cream..🤗
Eta: Most of the grocery stores here have large ethnic sections and I am always exploring those aisles.
@trollhattan: always best served cold.
@Another Scott: CHEERS!
It’s a stirring tune. But non-French speakers may not realize the lyrics are sanguinary in extremis.
@MagdaInBlack: Traditionally it is used as a dip for samosas and other savory stuff. Or as a topping on chaats. I can post a pic when I make the said chaat
Tarla Dalal’s recipe
A Man for All Seasonings (formerly Geeno)
@Uncle Cosmo: see also “Blau Schein” – the “Blue Card” that was given to essential workers in Schindler’s List.
@schrodingers_cat: I remember ( i think) that picture and I was intrigued because I know I would love it.
Another Scott
Looks like next week will be interesting…
KyivIndependent – CNN says Senate deal for border, etc to be released next week
“But, but, it’s DOA in the House!!”
I’m old enough to remember that every president’s budget is DOA somewhere, yet the government keeps getting funded every year. Let’s see what happens.
HoustonEarth, we have a problem…My concern is that things like Social Media and online Gaming are allowing boys to silo themselves off in spaces with few/no girls present, effectively creating boys clubs where misogyny (and LGBTQphobia and or bigotry) will never get any push back and they grow up with zero understanding or respect for girls/women, and believing the myth that boys/men are under attack from Feminism. I see examples of this sort of thing all the time with my tennis students and it worries me.
@NotMax: I didn’t realize it, I speak Deutsch. I admire your command of language, I had to refresh mine on sanguinary.
Omnes Omnibus
@A Man for All Seasonings (formerly Geeno): Or the “Persil Schein.” The post-WWII certification that you weren’t a baddie.
@Another Scott
Republicans: “Hold my not a Bud Light beer.”
E. Jean Carroll’s jury included SEVEN men, several w/o college degrees… TIFG’s voter base. He’s so busy throwing fits about losing in a NY court (elitist) he’s overlooking WHO voted him guilty.
He’s (imo) disenchanting the very voters he’s counting on in the General Election.
Harrison Wesley
@TBone: By the time the Tea Party arrived, that phrase had changed to “wrapped in excess body fat and carrying a misspelled sign.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: Nothing ever happens until it does.
Thank you for posting that scene from “Casablanca” – where the Nazis who are pridefully singing their own anthem are drowned out by the French national anthem sung by the employees and customers of Rick’s Café Americain.
For those who might not have known: some of the actors in the scene are people who fled the Nazis… including Conrad Veidt, who played the Nazi commandant.
@UncleEbeneezer: valid concern in all respects. My parents used to mock cell phone users mercilessly and I didn’t get one until 2014. I sometimes wish we had guardrails on these crazy contraptions but I know better, I guess …
@Jackie: perzackly
@Harrison Wesley: L.O.L.!
@eclare: Thanks. That’s sweet. Sometimes I get the feeling (from some commenters) that they would be quite happy if I were to stop commenting.
@H.E.Wolf: danke schoen! I don’t have the wherewithal to find umlauts today.
During the ‘20 campaign, he was shown needing both hands to awkwardly bring a glass of water to his mouth. A lot of media mirth ensued.
@schrodingers_cat: I always look forward to what you have to say. Please keep commenting!
Omnes Omnibus
A lot of us have been on the receiving end of that feeling. Hell, I have had commenters more or less say it about me. They can pie me.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s a really good point. I’ll be going along feeling quite at home and then something, usually something minor, will knock me straight into 10,000 light years from home territory.
And I still have trouble with your wretched way of writing dates 😀
@eclare: And that was pre-Brexit.
I hope you continue to speak up!
@Jackie: The accessibility ramps have always been a downside to certain of Donny’s photo-ops. I’m waiting for him to arrive on a Scamp.
@Jackie: I have a pic of Biden and Obama in the Oval both drinking water with one hand while laughing. 😆
@trollhattan: hee hee!
Movie would not have been close to the same had it been, say, Gary’s Café Americain.
@prostratedragon: This is from 5 years ago. I’ve seen more recent, in reference to the effects of the NYS fraud suit, but of a similar gist. It’s not that DIE’s trust funds have been broken, it’s not clear that they ever had them. Basically, much (all?) of their putative inheritance is exposed, with allaowance for the possibility of secret assets.
I remember that, he looked like a toddler with a sippy-cup. Now the rumor is out that he wears Depends, more toddler activity.
@schrodingers_cat: what eclare said.
@Omnes Omnibus: and kiss my grits!
@Omnes Omnibus: As the cynics put it of the “Persil Waschen” ,- everybody comes out whiter than white,
amazing how few Nazis there were //s
Good point. In 1996 I got a temporary leave to remain that lasted for five years, with the opportunity to apply for a permanent one after ten. I have no idea what the time frames are now.
@NotMax: YES
Boys are going to backlash from advancing sex equality just like white people did from racial equality. The misogyny of the GOP and its allies is attractive.
Whatever means feminists are on the Internet, I don’t see many state legislators treating men’s bodies like cattle. We’ll just have to accept we’ll lose some people to the dark side in our fight.
It’s a very odd feeling when you do visit where you left, parts are very familiar, parts seem very strange. It’s not just you that’s changed
@NotMax: That’s the one 😀 See you on Aldebaran
Le sigh.
@kalakal: sometimes you can’t go home except with memory.
Almost Retired
I second (or 11th) the observation that Americans are generally naive about the rigors of the immigration process around the world. I think we’re stuck in an Ellis Island fantasy where after a quick de-lousing and the assignment of an anglicized surname …. Poof… you’ve completed the process.
I am watching both a long time friend and my new daughter in law each apply for Portuguese citizenship. It’s easier for my DIL because her mother is Portuguese but Iberian bureaucracy is driving them both to unleashing torrents of obscenities (in Portuguese).
Both have also been disabused of the notion that Lisbon is some sort of affordable version of Los Angeles.
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: I seem to recall that Shoah was where Meryl Streep first rocketed into public acclaim. Do I remember wrongly? That first pubic airing was back in the 70s, if I recall correctly, and that was a *lot* of brain cells ago…
I am challenged by the question of emigration. Gay men (and other HIV at-risk people) have already been functionally genocided in my lifetime by Regan’s hostility to us. I know how deadly homophobia can be, and now transphobia is. In this current era, it is already manifestly unsafe for trans and gender expansive people to live in 2/3ds of the US.
Mutual aid communities, LGBTQ state groups, some foundations, and not-specifically-queer human rights orgs are already working hard to assist trans and gender expansive people to move to safer states, knowing that many can’t afford it and won’t have existing social networks in the receiving states. It’s hard to leave one’s home!
Leaving the US entirely would not be easy, and even with us who have more means assisting others, a full evacuation wouldn’t be possible (and some may never choose to go. We have good friends with a trans child in Idaho who are, for now, not budging).
But the queer community may face existential threats and I don’t believe it’s wrong to consider fleeing if it comes to that. (Canada did in the past grant admission to gay friends when the US was in a previous hostile phase towards LGBTQ ppl. We can hope that door opens again if urgently needed).
Cis straight white people leaving because a Trump takeover would suck, I have far less openness to.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Miss Bianca: Could you possibly be thinking of Sophie’s Choice?
Miss Bianca
@The Thin Black Duke:
Yep, I’m with you on this one. And it’s not like I don’t get the impulse to cut and run – have felt it myself. But ultimately, my only place is here, and my only option is to fight for our country, however feeble a warrior I may prove to be.
@TBone: True, in the end, home has to be where you make it.
@NotMax: I guess this has always been true Al Stewart – On the border
@RaflW: well stated and, of course, reasonable.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
That’s what I was thinking, but I’ve never seen Shoah. And I don’t get TCM, so I won’t be seeing it today either.
Miss Bianca
@Ken: IKR? I was mentally adding, “And a paaartridge in a pear tree” to the end of the tweet.
@Miss Bianca: I was torn when the Independent State Legislature theory went before the Supremacist Court. That might have done me in as far as staying. But emigrating is just not for me, I’ve lived in too many different places already. So stay and fight and cheer for morale it is.
How goes the library re-opening? Things ramping up to speed?
Miss Bianca
@Dorothy A. Winsor: No, it wasn’t Sophie’s Choice, but it wasn’t Shoah, either – it was Holocaust, back in 1978.
(I actually went to imdb and looked it up!)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Miss Bianca: Ah! Sounds right.
@Baud: it is always The Way, ever thus. Sucks hard.
@kalakal: Yep. Mumbai suburbs are unrecognizable to me now
More’s the sorrow and the pity.
#194 meant to be eclare
@NotMax: It’s been a very weird and long month but definitely getting there.
The biggest pain has been a new phone system. Some genius decided the entire city had to run on MS teams, which is bad enough for the 5% of the workforce who do 9-5 office jobs and a disaster for everyone else. 80% of my stress comes when I’m on a ref desk, can’t use the app, have to use an MS approved phone. They’re f***ing appalling.
The patrons are so glad we’re back, it’s great. I did a couple of my history lectures for the first time in months and practically got mobbed they were so happy
Miss Bianca
@schrodingers_cat: I wouldn’t be happy. Just sayin’.
Joyce Vance has an article out on her opinion re Judge Kaplan’s instructions to the jury before sending them off to deliberate:
This is just one subject of many Vance discussed in her observations; worth the read.
Nukular Biskits
Good mornin’ (at least here), y’all!
195 comments? Holy cow.
@schrodingers_cat: Well, I for one would not be happy were that to happen
@Miss Bianca: Aww thanks, that’s nice. I thought you were mad at me too.
la caterina
@Miss Bianca: Shoah is a documentary. You’re thinking of the 1978 TV miniseries, Holocaust.
Miss Bianca
@schrodingers_cat: Me? *blink* *blink* Why me?
@la caterina: Yeah, I figured that out.
Thanks! I like her analysis, she shows up on Morning Joe from time to time. I hope she is a guest on Monday.
@Nukular Biskits
Bill Arnold
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Earliest instance recorded by Urban Dictionary is 2020. But really, any noun can be verbed. (The urban dictionary has some pretty toxic stuff for streisand, so not linking.)
There’s the “streisand effect” and also the “reverse streisand effect”, which is intentional (but not overt) use of the “streisand effect” for publicity purposes.
@Miss Bianca: Couple of times I had tagged your comment and answered you but got no response. I thought was in your pie filter or something.
I follow you on Twitter, I hope you take your kitty seriously!
Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi is a good read
Funny. Well, not really. Just last week I said Republicans are going to start a meme mirroring Trump’s legal losses and Biden’s request to take impounded Russian assets and give them to Ukraine. The meme will be ‘Biden and the Democrats want to seize your home and stuff and give it to Ukraine!’. On queue, right wing talking heads start saying something real close to that.
Nukular Biskits
Aloha! I crashed shortly after I asked upon which island you were nesting so I didn’t see your answer until this morning.
Not sure I’ll have the opportunity or time for whale watching … this trip is all work with the added hazard of getting underway. Again. <sigh>
Bill Arnold
It’s the verb form of the Streisand effect
Speaking only for myself, if I wanted you to stop commenting, I’d just pie you. I haven’t so much as considered doing so, nor am I likely to. I may get irritated with you at times, but you belong in this community, and I hope you continue to be a part of it.
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: We love you!
Just skimmed this thread but wanted to mention something. In the Post article about the Carroll verdict, they mentioned the NY civil fraud trial and said that Engoran expects to have a verdict by Wednesday. We know it’s going to be a dollar amount, only question is how much. So – that will be interesting…
@Baud: It’s just depressing because I have such high hopes for younger generations. I truly believe that diversity in our schools, friend groups etc., makes us better people and more empathetic and generally more open-minded, liberal etc. Kids today have much better access to having friends from different races, ethnicities etc., than when I was a kid. But the tendency to self-segregate by gender is still so damn common and a huge component in our societal misogyny that it just makes me sad that boys are still effectively creating “he-man woman-haters” clubs at every opportunity.
Libs always make the mistake of believing in people.
@Nukular Biskits: And, this is the SECOND 100+ morning thread! Sometimes we in the PT zone just don’t have much chance to participate! The world’s order has already been decided before our first cuppa ☕️
Miss Bianca
@schrodingers_cat: Oh – as to that, I am notorious (at least in my own mind) for either coming into and commenting on threads way late, or wandering off into meatspace in the middle of a thread that I’ve been participating in. Nothing personal in the world intended, I assure you!
@eclare: Oh I do. He is a total lap cat. You either have to play with him or let him sit on you. He sleeps on my head. Literally.
@JoyceH: Wednesday!?!! I sure hope popcorn supplies have been restocked by then!
I want a trifecta; the Immunity Decision announcement by Friday 🤞🏻🤞🏻
@JoyceH: i do not know where zi read ir, but the figure tossed out was $440,000,000. Almost hslf a billion.
@zhena gogolia: That means a lot, thanks! Yesterday was India’s Republic Day and I was going to share this but decided to wait for thread when you showed up.
He is extolling the virtues of Punjab and India to Zaara who is from the Pakistani side of Punjab.
@Another Scott:
Agreed. 350 years of Rus empire, then a couple of hundred years as part of the Golden Horde, overlapped and followed by over half a millenia as the Tsardom, followed by a mere 3/4 century as the not-an-empire-empire called the USSR.
History of that size has an impact.
Nukular Biskits
Heck, even when at home in MS, the count is often +50 before I get a chance to make a cup of coffee.😂
@kindness: So … Donie’s stuff is a Russian asset?
@The Thin Black Duke:
My sister has semi-seriously talked about moving to Canada a couple of times. This reflects both her frustration and increasing anger at what is happening in this country.
I will suggest that my niece and nephew think about leaving the country if it continues to lurch towards authoritarian bigotry. They have skills and talents that could be used elsewhere. My nephew has a facility for learning foreign languages and could prosper in a number of countries.
I will stay and fight, but I don’t believe that younger members of my family need to submit to the madness that might consume this nation.
I also note that we have a family history of fighting tyranny. I would also be happy if my niece and nephew chose that option if necessary. But that is a hard decision. The only option they don’t have, if it gets bad, is doing nothing.
@JoyceH: Forecast
I know of a few folk that use that perpetual tourist visa to work remote in CR for their US job.
@schrodingers_cat: Pretty sure that a goodly number of us at some point or another probably wonder if people feel like that about our comments.
edit: or, what Omnes said.
I don’t want to move out of this country, and probably can’t because I am too old, but the thought of being here for four more year of TIFG makes me nauseous.
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: That’s beautiful!
So, the pre-internet experience. Every time anyone talks about the internet’s echo chamber effect, I remember the change over to an internet world. It took place right when I entered college, and I grew up in the conservative South. The freedom from a locked in social environment that brutally policed conformity was life-changing.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
My plan? Hunger strike…til the end.
New this a.m. Twitter redirect throws an error in both Firefox and Chrome, each refuses to proceed.
Anybody else having this issue? Is this an Elmo attack on Nitter? Door #3?
I have been wondering where you were, since people have made comments on Indian politics and I wasn’t seeing your name. I have little to say about this topic I know so little about, but that is exactly why I treasure your updates.
In general, you have been a fine member of the snarling jackal community, no matter how it feels when the snarling is going on. I am sure 99% of the commenters would miss you if you left.
So, Kings get to play the Mavs right after Doncic drops 73 frickin’ points. Pray for exhaustion?
Bet the Kings are pleased with their ’18 draft choice of Marvin Bagley III at #2. Doncic went #3.
A British political activist mentioned this on his YouTube channel. I was surprised because previous surveys suggested that the younger generation was more liberal, but these surveys didn’t look at gender differences.
I think that in the past, especially when women didn’t have the vote, it was harder for them to express any political position.
And I know some men who prefer that women in their lives be silent.
@trollhattan: There have been a lot of problems with the redirect all week. Workarounds:
If you have firefox, there’s an addon that does a pretty good job of finding a working instance for you when redirecting from Xitter.
Otherwise, or if you want to refresh a nitter page, you can enter a working instance address manually. This status table shows continually updated working instances; right now e.g., is one that seems to be working and has for a couple of days. To find the table, use the “?” link on any nitter page anf follow “instances” etc.
Glory b
Football players cuddling puppies up for adoption at the shelter.
@prostratedragon: Thank you! Donning my nerd visor.
@trollhattan: yep- since early this am. How am I supposed to scratch my “lurking on Ragnorak Lobster’s nitter posts”?
@Glory b:
NFL is a marketing genius.
@The Thin Black Duke: I’m doing it to give ppl the option. I would rather be a Jew in 1933 vs 1939.
Uncle Cosmo
It’s a winning tactic when you have deeper pockets than your opponent. That’s how Trumplthinskin squeezed his creditors to accept pennies on the dollar: “I can string this out so long that you’ll be bankrupt long before you see a penny of what I owe you, so settle.”
Now he’s up against institutions with waaaaaay deeper pockets that him but he doesn’t know any other way to respond. Sux 2B Orangecandyass!
@trollhattan: Gotta stick together to make in this wilderness.
Good. And an (extremely belated) welcome.
Because immigrants are what made, and make, this country great.
It’s not just us either. Thanks to a recommendation here, I’ve been reading Mary Beard’s SPQR. She makes the point that one of the things that distinguished Rome was that, unlile the cities/countries around it, people from elsewhere could not just move to Roman territory (or live in conquered territory) but become full Roman citizens, with all the rights of any other citizen.
Countries which resist, or even successfully block, immigration tend to lose out. And not just because their most valuable residents decamp to greener pastures. Not that this detail (even assuming that they are aware of it) slows the xenophobes appreciably.
@Glory b:
Also, Swifties give to NFL player’s kitty rescue
@Omnes Omnibus: no. You’re too much fun to fight with…
@Glory b: I’m still NOT rooting for the ‘Niners!
@lowtechcyclist: Me either. I am ready to go the distance. I love this country.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, yet more indications that everything in the world is not all about the all-powerful [ sic! ] USA…
I wonder if Biden’s advance warning to Iran about the ISIS bombings is yet another indication of his attempts to move forward with Iran where we can.
Biden understands that working with people means accepting that there are common interests and differing interests and progress means compromise and moving things forward incrementally. Those bomb-throwers demanding instant success on “The Border” or “Ceasefire” or whatever have to be worked around to get to that incremental progress.
As OO says above, things don’t change until they do…
@schrodingers_cat: I would be very sad if you stopped commenting.
Glory b
@Jackie: Lol, me either, Steelers all the way!
The "I Want" Song
@prostratedragon: Ahh, yet another banger from 18 year-old Wolfi. I especially love following along with the score synced to the recording!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I’m not looking to leave either, though I am increasingly concerned about political violence, including and beyond terrorism.
So I want to become proficient in firearms. I don’t want to own one, but I want to be able to safely handle, assemble, and operate one. But all the gun clubs I encounter have parking lots full of thin blue lines and misappropriated Punisher logos.
I’m wondering how to go about finding a gun club or training service with a good culture.
Shoah is hard on the soul.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: you may have to just camouflage and lay low while you learn. I’m lucky my dad and uncle taught me, just in case.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I don’t know anything about guns and would like to see what kind of responses you might get.
But wouldn’t you want a club that offered expertise in using a gun and gun safety? I don’t know how hard it would be to ignore the extraneous nonsense.
@The Thin Black Duke: Most of us don’t have that option
ETA The rest of the world is not panting to receive disgruntled Americans who only speak English.
@schrodingers_cat: I’ve also done it and you are so right. I moved to Canada and I am now a dual citizen but it was a major hassle. And moving back to the US, which I did four years ago, was also a major hassle. Don’t really want to do that again.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Yes, learning is my primary objective. Perhaps I could avoid unsavory types while I was there. My concern is they’d, at a minimum, be a distraction. No matter what efforts I make to avoid them, MAGA types have a tendency to evangelize. I need my head on the task of learning.
I’ve been thinking I didn’t need to do that. After all, when I was in the Air Force, officers on active duty were required to qualify annually. And I did. So I’ve got the basics.
But it occurs to me, that was a loooong time ago. Perhaps a refresher would not be out of order.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Totally understand your concerns here.
There are three bluebirds here at my window just now to carry away my tears
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
🎶…and they told me I don’t need to worry….🎶
Trying to do less of posting to the end of an expiring thread, but in this case I’ll make an exception.
“Consequences? For us? Actual monetary consequences?!”
Feels like we might be starting to turn a corner here…
@TBone: Schein, bitte.
Citizen Alan
@Ohio Mom: I remember that what was, to me, the single most chilling moment in Schindler’s List: when one of the female protagonists is looking through the slats in her cattle car on her way to the camps and she sees an adorable little girl watching the train go by who grins as she drags her finger across her own throat in a slashing gesture.
I looked into the Italian retirement visa. With Social Security and my 401(k), I could manage the financial requirement easily. I’ve been studying Italian for two years now, I need a lot more practice to have real conversations, though. But when I was in Italy, I thought about how I would manage in a few years. I’m 67 now, but could I get around in a wheelchair at 85? Most of the interesting areas to live would not be ADA compliant. Plus I hate moving. I can’t even get enough stuff into storage to prepare to re-carpet!
My ancestors nearly all came here before the Revolution. This is where I’m rooted.
Citizen Alan
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I would imagine it’s a matter of drafting an opinion, circulating it to all the judges on the Circuit, getting their feedback, waiting for any concurrences and/or dissents (which must also circulated), rewrites of any/all of the above and circulation of same. Given the nature of the issues presented and the importance of the case (and the desire to not leave anything for SCOTUS to pick at), I am expecting a 50+ page opinion, which is not something that can be done quickly.
Citizen Alan
@schrodingers_cat: Yeah. I could have gotten into Canada in 2005 (and would have if my elderly parents were already deceased at that point). No chance now unless I win the lottery. Of course, if I win the lottery, I’ll be going a lot farther than Canada. (Narrator: He doesn’t play the lottery.)
VFX Lurker
Yes! I am switching to Obsidian after many years of using Evernote. Great software, with a good and generous community.
@schrodingers_cat: Late to the morning thread (it’s now afternoon even here on the west coast) but I have never felt that way.
@Nettoyeur: Ich bin, heute trube aber immer.
Daoud bin Daoud
@Ken: “and a gunsel in a gallows tree!”
Kayla Rudbek
@wjca: as Eric Flint had one of his characters say in the Belisarius series, Rome and its thousand years (setting is 5 CE Constantinople) were because the Romans took whatever was good and discarded whatever didn’t work.