BREAKING: Congress approves short-term extension to avoid shutdown, buy more time for final spending agreement
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 1, 2024
A modicum of good news, per the Associated Press:
Congress passed another short-term spending measure Thursday that would keep one set of federal agencies operating through March 8 and another set through March 22, avoiding a shutdown for parts of the federal government that would otherwise kick in Saturday. The bill now goes to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.
The short-term extension is the fourth in recent months, and many lawmakers expect it to be the last for the current fiscal year. House Speaker Mike Johnson said negotiators had completed six of the annual spending bills that fund federal agencies and had “almost final agreement on the others.”
The House acted first Thursday. The vote to approve the extension was 320-99. It easily cleared the two-thirds majority needed for passage. Democrats overwhelmingly voted to avert a partial shutdown. But the vote was much more divided with Republicans, 113 in support and 97 against.
The Senate then took up the bill and approved it during an evening vote of 77-13.
“When we pass this bill, we will have, thank God, avoided a shutdown with all its harmful effects on the American people,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said moments before the vote.
Biden called Thursday night’s vote “good news for the American people” but added, “I want to be clear: this is a short-term fix — not a long-term solution.”
Next week, the House and Senate are expected to take up a package of six spending bills and get them to the president before March 8. Then, lawmakers would work to fund the rest of the government by the new March 22 deadline…
Today, I am proud to announce that President Biden and I are lowering the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families who receive federal child care assistance.
This is another step towards ensuring that every family can access affordable, high-quality child care.
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) February 29, 2024
Trump talked a lot about bring manufacturing back to America.
But under Biden, manufacturing investment has grown faster than any time in recent history. And it's not even close.
During Trump's presidency, manufacturing spending grew by 5%. Under Biden it has grown by 279%.
— Michael Thomas (@curious_founder) February 29, 2024
The Biden administration on Thursday proposed new rules aimed at improving the flying experience for disabled passengers after years of complaints, including that wheelchairs are routinely broken on flights.
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 29, 2024
During President Biden’s first year in office, our Administration protected more lands and waters than any President since John F. Kennedy. We’re committed to conserving America’s incredible biodiversity for generations to come.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 19, 2024
Q: Do you think it’s responsible for Joe Biden to be at the top of the ticket?
Gov @gavinnewsom: Responsible? I revere his record. What he's done in three years is a masterclass. Close to 15 million jobs is eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) February 25, 2024
Presidential immunity will be decided after Thomas, Alito, & the Putin Troika know who the president t will be in January.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 28, 2024
Court— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 28, 2024
Newsom is a master of the talking point.
When people in this red MAGA hellhole ask how I can be a Democrat, like it is a disease or something, I always reply, “Democrats are motivated by helping others; Republicans are motivated by hurting others. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Thanks for these great posts to start the day/thread! The manufacturing investments are amazing and impressive–hell, all of it is! I welcome this burst of enthusiasm and good news first thing in the morning.
Among all the good stuff we can do when we control the gvt, puhleeze let’s do something to end this fucking debt-limit tapdance farce.
@Baud: Definitely gifted.
If we can get rid of the filibuster, we can fix a lot of things.
Fingers crossed.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
As far as expanding the courts, in order to avoid accusations that it’s a purely ideological endeavor, what if we just assumed the federal circuit courts into the Supreme Court?
Making the positions less rarified, more than anything else, I think will help.
Love these threads too
John S.
We’re also going to have to figure out what to do about the Seditious Six to make sure that once things start to get fixed, they don’t find a way to break them again.
Newsom is good at the rhetorical trick of negative-into-positive. (Secretary Pete is also good at this.) It makes for really effective communication.
Media note.
Woo-hoo! Have been tempted for a while by Topic but didn’t want to add on yet another subscription streaming service. Come April 1st it will be merged with MHz Choice, at (for now) no increase in the present cost of MHz.
@OzarkHillbilly: Is this the same Chevron of the so-named Deference that the Supremes may gut so that government rule making is banned?
Republicans work for oligarchs, foreign AND domestic. They fundamentally believe in a white, patriarchal, feudal hierarchy that transcends international borders.
They’re the real “globalists”. (Haha).
Expand the House.
Expand the Court.
hell, Expand America (the number of states)
When we win in November, my message to Biden/Harris and their majorities in both houses of Congress? GO. FOR. BROKE.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
I would welcome more circuits first. Circuits full of Biden appointed judges than expanding the SC
@narya: I would say they’re nothing short of stupendous. They clearly reflect not only the Chips and Infrastructure Acts, but also the stimulative effects of the American Recovery Act, since such investments are, by very nature, forward-looking and anticipatory.
This is not the debt limit. It’s the annual budget that has to be done EVERY year – RThugs somehow can’t manage it.
Kristen f***ing Welker! She may as well have some Repub strategist whispering questions into her ear. “Governor Newsom, do you think it’s okay to let grandpa drive the car?”
Dear Kristen, your “concern” is noted.
That’s a good response!
For folks who are old enough, you can always ask if they remember Mr. Rogers…and then note that today’s GOP is the anti-Fred.
“Look for the hurters…they’re the ones wearing red caps…”
They need to remake The Naked Gun. Well, really, they just need to remake the opening scene, with the Multi National Council Of Doom presiding over a plan to attack America. Modern version can have Putin, Bibi, MBS, Assad, and Kim Jong Eun. (Not Xi Jinping, because if he were included, the movie would lose The China Market).
A bit of a hurdle in the constitution:
(Art IV sec 3)
@Baud: That if is doing a lot of work. Angus King and Tim Kaine are the two most obvious reasons why it’s an uphill climb. It might be easier to get them to agree to a one-off exception which admits two new states: DC and Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands, and smooshes the Pacific territories into Hawaii.
Never forget.
Another Scott
@p.a.: @Baud:
We don’t even need to end (or create yet more carve-outs for) the filibuster. We just have to bring back the Gephardt Rule or a similar self-executing rule – automatically increment the debt limit when new appropriations bills are passed (as we’ve done many, many times when Democrats have the majority).
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: Over the years, there were actually sporadic episodes of conservatives going after Mr. Rogers. It never worked out well for them.
I recall one where the guy complained that he dished out love for his viewers that they didn’t have to earn. Where’s the work ethic? (Consider the lilies of the field…)
Of course, if he’d actually watched the show he’d have noticed that every time Mr. Rogers had some guest on who had accomplished something impressive or had an interesting skill, he’d ask them about all the years of hard work that went into it. It just wasn’t what you needed to be liked by him.
Trivia Man
I know it isnt considered good etiquette to get personal with judges, but i dare those lawyers to point blank ask Clarence – How can you be fair when your wife is involved in this plot with the defendant? Ask it in open court.
The depiction of the Balkan mafias in McMafia has always stuck with me. During the 1990s wars, Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian gangsters and oligarchs were attached at the hip with each other, at the same time that they were each attached at the hip with the genociders running their respective countries. It’s a vision of the kind of future the people who rule Russia and are trying to rule America want: a world balkanized into a couple hundred mini-states at each other’s throats, with a transnational elite class of politically connected oligarchs that don’t really belong to any country but have a place to crash in all of them.
@RevRick: I’m gonna be near your neck of the woods again next week (Dad’s rate of decline appears to be increasing)–what’s happening in your environs? I don’t trust the local papers, and my brother is . . . not paying attention. Which means I’d love to be able to point to specific things if the subject comes up.
And folks who think Puerto Rico will ‘naturally” or automatically become a D enclave are ignorant of the territory’s politics and indigenous party structure.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@rikyrah: Well, we would have to replace all those circuit judges anyway and since we’re already expanding courts, why not do both?
Yes it’s good they avoided a shutdown — by passing a fourth? fifth? CR to kick the can a little further down the road — but it’s starting to sound like the parents of a tantrum-throwing toddler who has them wrapped around his finger. “Oh, he actually ATE almost HALF his dinner! What a GOOD boy you are! Yes yes, here’s some ice cream! What, you want a different flavor? No, don’t throw it … oh nuts. Well, here let me clean this up. Now, what flavor do you want?”
It is a refreshing change.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: How they vote notwithstanding, is statehood the right thing to do?
Uncle Cosmo
My perspective as well. The great problem with great wealth is that so often it motivates its holders to immiserate those without it – even if that wasn’t the original intention as it was accumulated. You have lots of loot? Figure out (and implement) ways to enjoy it that don’t depend on exerting power over the less fortunate.
Great fortunes afford their holders the capacity to do great good as well as great harm. In the pretty-good-of-all-possible-worlds we would structure society to encourage those who hold or attain it to become benefactors (rather than malefactors) of great wealth. Reanimating the estate tax would be a promising way to start.
@narya: indeed! Almost feels like it’s my birthday (it’s not) with a run of meaty, interesting posts to read over my morning coffee.
Thanks Anne Laurie!
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation
That is for them to decide, in a neutral referendum. There are pluses and minuses on each column of the ledger.
Via NBC’s live coverage (Pooty poot’s not gonna like this.):
Another Scott
@bbleh: There’s an actual hard deadline this time. If a FY24 budget isn’t enacted soon, then big cuts will result (especially on the domestic side). There’s a strong incentive to get a budget enacted (rather than just CR for the rest of the year).
I note that every time Johnson and his minons have said “No more CRs!!” they end up having to face reality and have yet another CR because they can’t do their job without Democrats’ votes.
(The fact that the budget agreement had the hard deadline meant that everything was going to drag out until that hard deadline could no longer be ignored – it was predictable.)
@OzarkHillbilly: fingers crossed for this and that Gorsuch doesn’t get his oily fingers around it and kill the Chevron deference.
Question for front pagers.
Used to be a link to Amazon in the sidebar which could bring in a trickle of scratch for the site when used to purchase goods there. It disappeared some time back (after the Big Meltdown?). Any particular reason why?
@JWR: public pressure did its thing! Good news.
David Chop
I don’t want to come across as a Newsome booster because really I’m pretty neutral on him, but that quote is a masterclass on how to be a team player. Well done Gavin.
Splitting Image
This is actually true of most of the history of Europe. All of the royal houses were related to each other and spent a thousand years jockeying for power with their close relatives and waging war against more distant relatives. The plebians in every country were simply expected to keep quiet and put up with this.
@Chris: I recently read something that echoes your comment, these oiligarch warlords don’t give a flying fuck about nations or borders, etc. I wish I could remember who wrote it, but still fuzzy today.
@Splitting Image: makes me feel like a serf.
Sometimes you feel like a nyet, sometimes you don’t.
@NotMax: ❤️😆 waking up is hard to do 🎶
@narya: Sorry to hear about your dad.
Politically, being in the swingiest district in one of the swingiest states, means our Democratic Representative, Susan Wild, will again be in a dogfight.
Economically, the Lehigh Valley is booming. We have become one of the largest warehouse regions in the East, and with NY/NJ transplants moving in seeking cheaper housing, new residential housing can’t go up fast enough. Of course, there’s a lot of squawking about gentrification.
As is true of PA, public education struggles with gross inequity.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: They’ve had several. I’ve heard of some going one way some going another depending on the year. Sometimes the referendum is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. Referanda aren’t the o ly requirement, though, we need Congressional buy-in. Those are the folk I’m worried about whether it’s right to extend the offer (Yes, that’s a yes).
comrade scotts agenda of rage
If you ever had any doubt about the scum bags Amazon be vis a vis workers, there’s a new doc out which followed the union organizing efforts (the film makers were basically ’embedded’) of the Staten Island complex. Just saw a screening of it here at the film festival.
The stat that really stands out is that Amazon grosses between $600-700 million dollars a *day*.
Of course Amazon’s simply a symptom of the Second Gilded Age in which we live.
@TBone: Chrystia Freeland wrote a whole book on it: Plutocrats
@NotMax: True, but in that GOP rhetoric will help drive loyalty to the Democrats.
@RevRick: Yeah . . . I grew up across the river, before 78 went through to NYC and when Ingersoll Rand was still a thing (instead of a massive brownfield). Once 78 was completed, farmland got gobbled up, and the gobbling continues. I’d like to see something in addition to the warehouses, though, for the long-term prospects of the area.
@Splitting Image: It may be noted that there’s a Habsburg fan convention in Plano, Tx. next month – see
(interesting comment thread thereto)
(Meself, have the Polish viewpoint, ‘they’re expensive, glitzzy, but much preferable to the Hohenzollerns’)
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Which is why I said a neutral referendum. Previous ones were burdened by infighting, agitprop and other baggage, including a boycott.
Miss Bianca
I like that formulation! Neat, sweet, and complete. Borrowing for my own purposes!
The Spanish Habsburgs had enough good sense to snuff out the line by attrition.
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: Well, Amazon stopped the Amazon Smiles program last year or thereabouts, which was the program that allowed you to contribute a mite or two of your purchases towards your nonprofit of choice. That might be the reason why.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: Fair ‘nuf
@sab: thank you!
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Good news: Liam Neeson is already on the job.
@Miss Bianca
Different program, AFAIK. Even today I see sites which say something along the lines of “If you click through from here we receive a small cut.”
Matt McIrvin
Also, people who think it’s naturally Republican. Partisan political issues there are simply completely different from the partisan issues on the mainland. Puerto Rico is and would be its own thing.
(One thing that keeps coming up is that while Puerto Rico gets no federal representation as a state, it also doesn’t pay federal income tax–but for most Puerto Ricans, that’s not necessarily a good thing: they’re below the threshold for paying federal income tax anyway and miss out on the EITC.)
@narya: here in central PA, farmland is being gobbled up by mega churches 🤮 with names like “Harvest” that always brings to mind Children of the Corn for me. We have several huge new buildings and more on the way, no doubt.
@Uncle Cosmo: thus the concept of noblesse oblige. (Not saying I’d prefer a medieval society, but that bit at least had some merit.)
@Another Scott: yeah and IIRC the part that bites Republicans is that the caps include defense spending, and Republicans loooove to spend money when it comes to the military.
Uncle Cosmo
Close enough for government work. We’ve been embroiled in World War O-for-Oligarchs for decades now. The “malefactors of great wealth” have been seething since FDR’s first election to claw back all of the wealth and power they had before the Great Depression. What they want, in effect, is extraterritoriality on inhuman growth hormone: The right to go anywhere, do anything and take whatever they want, whenever they want, without suffering any consequences. And whenever necessary, to buy their way out of any legal inconveniences while the rest of humanity staggers beneath them.
From their POV Putin is just another oligarch whose actions advances the destruction of liberal democracy worldwide. Once I thought they’d eventually come croppers when it became clear that someone who commands death squads and thermonuclear weapons is qualitatively different from them and infinitely more threatening. Then I asked myself how many Krupps and Thyssens and directors of IG Farben and AEG paid for their crimes when the thousand-year Reich collapsed…
World War O is one We The People desperately need to win; the November election is just, as Churchill once put it, “not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Because (again quoting Winnie out of context)
@NotMax: Yeah, Amazon killed the program. I guess it was eating into their hefty bottom line too much.
@RevRick: Since Angus King is an Independent, I can see why you would single out him on this matter, but why Tim Kaine? I could name a dozen other Democratic Senators who would be as reluctant to end filibusters across the board as Kaine is.
These Senators could get behind elective carve-outs, like the ones for Reconciliation bills and judicial nominations, but there is a threshold question there: you have have a majority backing the legislation at issue first.
An example would be D.C. Statehood. That was passed by the House in both the Congresses before this one. No one ever tried to get filibuster carve-out out for these bills in the Senate though, because there weren’t nearly 50 votes to pass them anyway.
I don’t think this involved just the half dozen usual “Centrist” suspects. There was no way Mark Kelly, Catherine Cortez-Masto, Maggie Hassan or even Raphael Warnock wanted to vote on D.C. Statehood, and no way Chuck Schumer was going to make them. House leaders understood this, and did not press the matter. It was kept out of sight, out of mind.
I think these threads are proof that the White House is putting out good news. The press would rather cover bad news.
You misspelled ‘suckers and losers’ again.
Despite the corporate overlords deliberately trying to cause a recession in time for the November election, I honestly believe that the Infrastructure bill and the manufacturing are counter-balancing it.
@JWR: She was this bad when she was in the White House press corps. Yuck!
@Chris: I read that they are remaking it. I can’t remember the actor they want for the lead.
That seems low. Does it count deepwater ones that are leaking?
@TBone: and I think the Chevron deference ruling was to protect the actions of the Reagan EPA. Ever heard of Anne Gorsuch?
@OzarkHillbilly: The US has 16 territories. Start with Puerto Rico and DC.
VFX Lurker
The game/VFX industries right now have their own recession, with thousands of workers out of work for months. Some of the reasons:
I do not doubt corporate overlords elsewhere are deliberately trying to cause a recession and put people out of work. However, the messy entertainment industry harmed its workers with a combination of stupidity, carelessness and indifference.
@Betty: I heard Liam Nissan (sp?)
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: I see you got there first, and with the correct spelling.
It’s a recurring pattern throughout history, so we have a pretty good idea how it turns out. Replace “politically connected oligarchs” with “aristocrats” and you’ve described Europe in the run up to WWI.
Exerting power over the less fortunate is both the source of wealth, and its purpose. Money is a just a tool wielded by power. It’s never really about the money.
Matt McIrvin
@VFX Lurker: This is affecting basically all of tech industry: VCs are getting wary of spending and interest rates are a little higher than they used to be.
Add to that the idea that it should be cheaper to replace everything with AI, in some vague sense (whether this is true or not, if VCs think it is true it will lead to mass layoffs).
I’ve been reading anguished Mastodon posts by low-level tech workers basically insisting the whole strong economy is a lie because things are so bad in their industry right now.
I am proud to say I had a role in one of those items. The new rule on wheelchairs on airplanes arose out of this incident:
L.A. activist’s death amplifies calls for change – Los Angeles Times (
Engracia Figueroa was a disability activist who died as a result of United Airlines destroying her motorized wheelchair. Because she was forced to use a chair not properly customized to her body, a pressure sore that had previously been healing reopened and became infected, leading to sepsis and death. She had been a client of mine for 20 years. She would be so proud that she has caused a change that will benefit other disabled people.