My first laugh of the day.
It’s Super Tuesday.
If you’re standing in line today to vote for a twice impeached adjudicated rapist with 91 felony charges who owes over $600 million in civil verdicts…
…dreaming about a wall he never built
…longing for his infrastructure plan that’s still two weeks out
…wishing for a health care plan that doesn’t exist
…craving tax cuts you never benefited from
…wanting the kind of leadership that got him mocked by his own staff and world leaders everywhere
Take a sincere moment to ask yourself.
What the hell is wrong with you?
It’s Super Tuesday.
If you’re standing in line today to vote for a twice impeached adjudicated rapist with 91 felony charges who owes over $600 million in civil verdicts…
…dreaming about a wall he never built
…longing for his infrastructure plan that’s still two weeks out…
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) March 5, 2024
Can’t wait to see Dean Phillips pull in that 12% of the vote today!
Can we make this a point and laugh post? (Just a thought.)
Totally open thread.
Kosh III
Lookee there! Ha Ha Ha!
Isn’t that every Balloon Juice post?
I wish you wouldn’t. 😁
Melancholy Jaques
Who quits and endorses their party’s nominee sooner, Phillips or Haley?
Yes. Though I’m more partial to Watch Phillips make more of an ass of himself post.
Mustang Bobby
Gov. Batsin D. Belfry (RWN-FL) got slammed by a federal appeals court for his “Stop Woke” bullshit.
He ran for president bragging that Florida was the place where “woke” went to die. Wake up, Bootsie; the only thing that died was your delusions of grandeur.
@Melancholy Jaques:
And now it’s also a betting post! Excellent!
France led the way in amending its Constitution to protect the right to an abortion. Tale of Two Cities movie on TCM is interesting today. Better than Kornacki!
@Melancholy Jaques
Nobody outright quits anymore, they “suspend.”
Really hoping Haley will hold out permanently. Bag on her as you want and will, she’s performing a real service for the maintenance of democracy by creating a space for policy and outcome oriented dispute on the right.
Inadvertantly? Maybe. With a melange of also-terrible policy preferences from our point of view? Definitely. But don’t sleep on how important it is for there still to be that space. In addition to the electoral reality that any encouragement of thinking beyond the lizard brain functions hurts Trump and helps Biden.
I’m in Virginia; even though I had COVID the week before I’m leaving the house for the first time in two weeks just to vote for Biden and run up the score.
Agree. I hope she stays in.
@Mustang Bobby:
Joe Rogan is promoting Christopher Rufo now. Rogan really is the new Rush Limbaugh for fading, bitter, middle aged men.
Big seat to fill.
// // //
OK. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Good point.
@Melancholy Jaques: I don’t think Haley endorses. I think she has chosen her side, and it’s not Trump’s.
I think she hopes to be the last person standing when Trump crashes and burns.
Channeling Nelson Muntz: “HA-HA!”
Citizen Dave
The late great Vic Chesnutt had a song for today:
Super Tuesday Lyrics
Super Tuesday, on the ball
Super Tuesday
I am out on a stroll
Super Tuesday, I’m in control
Oh, Super Tuesday
I’m out on a stroll
Oh, I am out on a stroll
Super Tuesday, I’m in the door
Super Tuesday
I have a vote for a bore
I did vote for a bore
thank you!
@WaterGirl: I don’t have any illusions about Haley but both she and Liz Cheney have more guts than many of these (not so) manly Rs who have folded before Trump without any fight.
I am pretty sure she will endorse him though. But I hope she stays in the race beyond today
OT: The Sikhs were the last people standing in India against the might of the British Empire in the nineteenth century. The third Anglo-Sikh war was only won in the late1840s.
“There are worse things than losing an election; the worst thing is to lose one’s convictions and not tell the people the truth.”
– Adlai Stevenson
Can one of the BJ attorneys translate the second line (in bold) into English, please?
Seize the plane! Seize the plane!
Another Scott
A first for me today: At my polling place in NoVA there was someone doing exit polling. (I didn’t participate so I don’t know what organization was doing it.)
Kinda weird, I thought, as it was just a Democratic presidential primary and nothing else.
Betty Cracker
@Mustang Bobby: Great news! We need more local reporting on how much Pudd’n Boots’ performative legislation has cost FL taxpayers. Scott Maxwell in the Orlando Sentinel does a good job, but it’s still an underrated scandal.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@WaterGirl: Sounds like the judge is saying “If you have arguments as to why there should be a stay until post-trial motions are resolved, submit them,” as opposed to “I’m not interested in what you have to say about the stay.”
@WaterGirl: After a trial, parties may file motions regarding objections raised during the trial, or regarding motions made and denied prior to or during the trial. If the jury did not come down with an unreasonable verdict, these motions usually don’t change anything, but they may be necessary to protect issues which you wish to raise in your appeal. While these post-trial motions are being resolved (usually this happens with a few weeks after the judgment), Judge Kaplan is allowing the parties to brief Trump’s motion to stay execution of the judgment.
I noticed something about elections in general here in Mass. this morning. Of course all the local news outlets had standups at various polling places, all of which were damn near empty. But because of mail-in and early voting, E-day polling places naturally are going to be less crowded. Some towns have reduced their number of E-day polling places significantly just because of this. Poor local news, deprived of yet another rote video evergreen
PS: Alice and I early voted last week. Most of our friends and neighbors voted by mail.
Tell yourself whatever you want, GOP ostriches. You’re still voting for the dementia-addled Putin-puppet rapist.
I’m hoping uncommitted beats Philips by 5.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: @PJ:
Thank you, those are both helpful!
Oh, now you’ve done it: now they have to pull the lever for Trump EVEN HARDER!!
@Melancholy Jaques: Maybe Wooowooo Williamson will flop her flip!
So this is going to be another day when the non-Biden winning zero delegates is a sign of weakness, and the non-Trump winning 2 out of every 5 is a sign of invincibility.
Shoot, I was hoping there’d be a period after the word ‘execution’.
Can we make this a point and laugh post?
A P&L post! “Yeah I posted P&L today.” It’s been right there all the time and I never saw it…
Voted by mail a month ago, so what I need is Souper Tuesday. I have the flu, so chicken noodle would be nice, getting tired of tomato.
It will be interesting to see how the congressional and Senate races here in CA land turn out. Even tho the candidates don’t want it, I’m hoping for the top two to be both dems. It is great fun to be a poll watcher in the general and watch befuddled R’s ask, “Why can’t I vote for a Republican?”
@PJ: Will it delay the date for coming up with the money?
Is anyone else having trouble with Facebook? It’s not letting me open it, says my session expired, and won’t let me log in. Probably for the best, but still.
Mr. Bemused Senior
I’m heading to LA for Adam Schiff’s election night party. I will report tomorrow.
Just got back from voting in the Democratic primary in Houston. Not crowded but steady attendance. The polling place was pretty close, so I combined voting with my morning walk. Two wins.
@Another Scott: That exit polling could be reported tonight in which case you might see which outfit is doing the polling. Virginia is thought to be a good state for Haley, and that may account for the interest.
Yes, I got an error message and an apology that said try again later. I may or may not.
Geo Wilcox
@FastEdD: That would be hilarious.
@Manyakitty: Facebook, Instagram, Facebook messenger all having widespread issues
also possibly gmail, Twitter, Teams, etc…
@Josie: okay, thanks. At least I know it’s not personal 😂
Same here
@Mr. Bemused Senior: I look forward to your report. Be careful.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: I went to to see what besides Facebook was acting weird after Facebook would not let me log in…this appears to be widespread
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: my Teams has been sketchy for at least a week. Super.
Also, if the nazis and the klan and the christian wackos love this guy, maybe you should re-evaluate some life choices?
Unlike DeathSantis, Haley (and her donors) understand the primary process. They want her to gather delegates because of the state of the front runner. There is a very real chance he won’t make it to either the convention or the general. And delegates means leverage at the convention. TIFG may not get to decide who his VP is going to be anymore than he did in 2016 or 2020. The G$Per moneybags are going to demand that there is someone who is beholden to them when TIFG is no longer an obstacle. Nikki is setting herself up to be in a position to either be the VP or top of the ticket whichever is applicable come July. She’s horrible but unlike DeathSantis she’s no dummy. She’s not dropping out – she’s not giving up her leverage without a payoff.
Maybe the computers at Meta are going on strike for higher bandwidth.
Wonder if the Vlad and his baddies are probing around.
@Manyakitty: Me also.
@Jackie: not suspicious timing at all.
Same same. I was just coming here to ask that question. Messenger too, of course, and possibly WhatsApp (haven’t checked that one yet).
ETA: According to the chart here (scroll down) there’s been a big spike in the last 30 minutes or so.
More like TechBro incompetence.
“Engineers from Meta discuss challenges and solutions to bringing better network performance than ever….”
@Manyakitty: Yeah, I really do not like the fact it is happening on Super Tuesday. It’s also happening a day or so after Bitcoin hit some ridiculous peak so maybe it’s related, or not related at all…
I do love when the people at work come over to the help desk like I have some magic answers for them…
Via reddit, Charles Barkley knows where it’s at.
@WaterGirl: I think by insulting her husband, she really can’t endorse him.
Tell them the system’s bit bucket has overflowed blocking the proper lubrication of high frequency grease to the ALUs. The sysadmin is working on reinstalling the Internet. When that is done they will do a reboot.
and Trump’s incompetent lawyer who did NOT raise objections is the gift that keeps on giving.
@Anoniminous: They also need to replace the flux capacitors.
Via reddit
I wanna bring up Super Tuesday 2020.
I mean, let’s go in our time machine back to that day.
The MSM was still SHOOKETH by Biden’s decisive win in South Carolina. They were stumbling and mumbling trying to explain it. When Super Tuesday came in…they just couldn’t believe it.
They just couldn’t believe it. How Biden was racking up, victory after victory in the South.
I still go by a tweet by Skeptical Brotha that I have never forgotten on the night of the 2020 South Carolina Primary.
Paraphrasing it.. he said. South Carolina was the signal to the Black community that it was time to put aside the foolishness of the MSM and to come home.
And, indeed they did…state after state on Super Tuesday 2020.
The way they were able to announce so many results by 7:15 pm…it was hilarious..watching them..those wins for Biden…they had to lift their jaws up off the floor.
Ted Cruz has entered the chat.
And inspect the dilithium crystals. Those damn things are always cracking.
@Anoniminous: believable, but it’s too widespread for just meta.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: crones are magical, though!
Ummm, it did not stop Ted Cruz.
@Anoniminous: I was going to say that the dilithium crystals needed polishing.
@rikyrah: honestly, once Rep. Clyburn sent out the call for him, I knew Biden was all set. That man is a national treasure.
@Melancholy Jaques: Phillips is in until Bill Ackman tells him what to do. Dean Phillips has no agency in this relationship.
Omnes Omnibus
@catclub: Nikki Haley is a better person than Ted Cruz.*
@Ksmiami: HA! TIFG’s insulting Cancun Ted’s wife didn’t stop Ted from kissing the fools gold ass!
Happy Tornado Siren Tuesday to all who celebrate.
Plaque on the intertubes infarking meta. Zuck moved to secure location. Appropriate authorities have been informed. Unplug, wait 30 years, replug.
Thank you Rikyrah! That’s an even more important one than the one that I wish I could go find again from that time. Note: I am not trying to restart primary fights, it was just a beautiful tweet that will also be relevant now four years later.
There was a “how it started..” or maybe “2019…2020” meme going around, and someone added a picture of a Bernie poster or something on one side – maybe something suggesting Bernie in the White House, and on the right (the how it turned out side) was this lovely photo of some African American church ladies sitting with their elegant straw hats all in a row.
EVERYBODY who is actually against fascism has got to go to the polls this time…
I hope a TikTok pro does a highlight reel of those jaw drops from 2020.
@Omnes Omnibus: Looking forward to your reporting on the RNC.
@Jackie: Shithead Ted puckered his face right up!
@Anoniminous: And at least some of them will believe me ! Bwahahaha!
@Manyakitty: down last I heard ago, along with instagram and threads
@Manyakitty: I used to be magical, now the users are afraid of me…as they should be (kidding, it’s just the resting bitch face, but it’s working!)
What we feared and expected has begun:
Anyone who promotes Rufo has told us who and what they are. We should believe them.
@Craig: Does anyone really care? Philips is regularly gathering about 2 percent of the vote. If he wants to suck up and waste rich-donor money by funneling it to random campaign consultants and not much else, I guess that’s ok?
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: whatever it takes!!
@Omnes Omnibus:
That bar is set so low you’d need a tunnel-boring machine to get underneath it.
Hey, even the difference between Lawful Evil (Haley) and Chaotic Evil (Trump) is wedge of sorts. Might as well use it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes ♥️ Nikki
Whoa, no can do!
The DeLorean’s in the shop.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@catclub: you need high energy photons. Perhaps @dmsilev can suggest a source.
Facebook is up and running – at least for me.
@dmsilev: whatever gives Bill Ackman a sad is ok by me.
Miss Bianca
@Manyakitty: me too. I was in this morning and then all of a sudden it was telling me my password wasn’t valid and then not sending me a link to reset it.
Strangely, I feel a little better that it’s not just me!
Almost Retired
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Cool! Is this a public event? If so where is it?
@Miss Bianca: Mine just started working after being kaput.
@Jeffro: He raped a Putin puppet? I didn’t even know Putin puppets were manufactured.
Dean Phillips didn’t make the Tennessee ballot.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Hair Furor is the symptom, not the disease.
This is what’s not commonly acknowledged, that the Orange Fart Cloud is not actually leading his people so much as surfing the wave of white grievance. He is the personification of the know-nothing populist rabble that the billionaire funders of the Republican party had been cultivating for years which we first saw nationally when McCain picked Caribou Barbie for VP.
He is the end result of conscious and deliberate choices by the GOP, going back decades Cheeto Mussolini’s presence as a political force was laid down and paved by the Southern Strategy, by Lee Atwater and Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove, by Fox News and the Tea Party, and by the smirking cynicism of three generations of GOP operatives.
I know the video you’re talking about. It makes me smile everytime I watch it. TYT were so trying to dismiss Biden’s win in South Carolina…it’s hilarious. It ends with JoeB in the sunglasses…
@WaterGirl: I agree. I think Haley has positioned herself for 2028 with the possibility of being the fallback choice if something takes out Trump between now and November.
Although Republicans are constantly surprising me with their willingness to grovel.
@Jackie: I got logged in, saw over a dozen notifications about how they securely kept me out of my account, and it stopped loading again. Sigh.
@Kay: I discovered a few weeks ago that a lot of Rogan’s old communities really dislike him now as a result of this.
For example, most of the Joe Rogan subreddit is now filled with posts about how awful he is and what a weird theocratic/conservative joke he is. Tons of “was he always this bad? Because he’s REALLY BAD now” comments and “His stuff from 2013 is still good. Stop there”
dr. luba
Dean Phillips came in 4th in a 3 person race in Michigan………
Chief Oshkosh
@catclub: I think it would be hilarious if Big Money forced Trump to name Haley as Veep and then in her acceptance speech she said “I accept this nomination because I fully expect my running mate to be dead by February 2025. Have a good day, bitch”
Just admit that you’re secretly dreaming of the Phillips-Haley Unity ticket. There is no judgement here.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Almost Retired: by invitation. Forgive me for not sharing. You can try contacting shannon at
dr. luba
@JMG: Same in Michigan. Due to mail in and early voting, our precinct, and all the others in my area, were very slow all day long. The only waits people had was when there was an issue with the electronic poll book (operator error), or having to deal with people who’d gotten absentee ballots and not voted them.
Sister Golden Bear
@NotMax: Yeah, but Rush Limbaugh has been clean and sober for more than three years now. //
@dr. luba: There are 8 candidates on California’s Dem ballot and I’m really curious if Dean can stay in the top 5.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: don’t forget about Nixon and Roy Cohn. I can’t.
@Sister Golden Bear: that’s a bright spot in my day!
Phuck outta here.
And, the longer she stays in…
Dolt45 and family can’t loot the RNC…
@Manyakitty: yes,I am having that same issue! Very annoying as I am not home with access to my password file! AARGH!!!!
Almost Retired
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Thanks!
@Sister Golden Bear:
Roberto el oso
@Josie: we did the early voting thing in Houston last Friday and it was pretty crowded, so probably a good sign.
@rikyrah: But I’ve been assured by very online Leftists (and No-Labels douchebags) on Twitter that nobody actually likes Biden…
If Trump is still alive at such a point, he will insist on Jarvanka.
@rikyrah: I thought the RNC already publicly declared their status as a Trump-family owned and operated organization.
Weren’t they already paying his legal bills?
Kosh III
@Anthony: “Dean Phillips didn’t make the Tennessee ballot”
He missed the filing deadline.
We voted early here in Warren County. Only one race on the D ballot and we chose Biden.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
A Substack by Mary Trump on how Comer and Jordan are in deep shit for getting in bed with Russian Intelligence. Hope she’s right.
@rikyrah: The funniest thing to me was watching Black, Bernie/Warren supporters who talked all kinds of shit about how Black People would never support Biden because of the Crime Bill, Anita Hill, his bussing comments etc. and that supporting Biden was something only out-of-touch, Centrist, White People would do and even implying that supporting Biden was low-key racist…and then the Blackest state in the Primary (up to that point) was like “Nope.”
It was a pretty great eye-opener for me that some of the loudest and most online voices who claim to speak for their community (and get signal-boosted, big time, by white Progressives) really don’t.
I live in TN, a super Tuesday state. In 2020, I decided beforehand that I would vote for whoever won SC. Apparently a lot of others did too.
I am going early afternoon to vote for Joe. I hope the kiddos are having their usual bake sale.
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Will look forward to your report.
@Ksmiami: Did that stop Cruz? No it did not.
@rikyrah: Where ever there’s a Trumplican there’s a way…
@leeleeFL: When mine reappeared and told me to log on, once I clicked that, it just opened per usual. No log in required.
@WaterGirl: I see that I was the 20th commenter to say the same thing!
@Jinchi: Once TIFG officially announced his candidacy, Ronna/the RNC stopped paying his legal bills. Lara pledged to her FIL she would resume by hook or crook…
@Mr. Bemused Senior: I ended up voting for Porter because while it’s basically a coin-flip for me (I like Lee, Porter and Schiff and would be happy with any of them as my Senator), Porter never delayed DOJ’s investigation of 1/6 by refusing to share crucial J6C info/reports while simultaneously going on TV/Twitter and accusing Garland/DOJ of not moving fast enough. It was especially egregious considering Schiff is a former US Attorney who knows damn well that DOJ wouldn’t be able to take any major legal steps before going through the official J6Committee, witness testimony with a fine-toothed comb. I’m petty and that shit will always bug me, lol.
@Ksmiami: That certainly gives Haley a good excuse not to endorse. We’ll see if she uses it.
@Jackie: The reporting I’ve heard is that Trump wants the RNC to not only pay his legal bills (for lawyers, which it already shouldn’t be doing) but that under his daughter in law he also wants it to pay for the legal judgments against him.
Trump sexually assaulted somebody? RNC covers all the fees and fines.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@Jackie: Mostly by crook.
Miss Bianca
@Jinchi: ‘Scuse me…wouldn’t that rightfully be the HALEY-PHILLIPS ticket?//
Just a reminder that we have $200 left on the $1,500 angel match that was announced in yesterday’s post. To be counted for the match, let us know about your donation in the comments in this thread, or in yesterday’s thread.
So, to meet his 12% mark in polling, does Phillips need to hit 12% in every state, or just an average of 12% across all the Super Tuesday states?
There go two miscreants
Just added $25 for the match. Thanks for the reminder.
@There go two miscreants: Thank you!
Send me an email if you want a raffle ticket.
Voted Porter, but will vote Schiff in General unless Porter gets past Garvey. And if its a Schiff- Porter General, then I’m Porter all the way. And for once Dems (and California and I) win either way.
@misterpuff: The CA senate race is about the biggest thing going for Super Tuesday this year
Will the Republican rapist and soon-to-be-felon get the most votes on the Republican side? Magic 8-ball says yes!
I preferred Porter but voted for Schiff.
Garvey appeared on some of the top talk radio shows, reminding people of his glory days as a Dodger. This may have helped boost him in the polls where he slightly leads all other challengers. He may make a runoff, but I can’t see him winning the general election.
Uncle Cosmo
Nyet, boychik – what you need is beeg bole of Hot&Sour Soup, the hotter and sourer the better. Chinese cipro, I tells ya – burns that crap out of every crook & nanny topologically connected to the gastrointentional track.
Uncle Cosmo
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Just FTR it’s either “Mango Mussolini” or “Cheetoh Benito” – take yer pick but no lutherburbanking allowed.
Will Haley win the California primary?