Is it just me, or is Katie Britt giving a world-historically terrible SOTU response? This is Bobby Jindal-level bad.
Open thread.
by Betty Cracker| 168 Comments
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Is it just me, or is Katie Britt giving a world-historically terrible SOTU response? This is Bobby Jindal-level bad.
Open thread.
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Chacal Charles Calthrop
I checked in a few times, but she was so hissingly emphatic, I couldn’t tell what she was so intense about. Every so often I’d unmute her, but only for a few seconds. Yikes.
This is fucking crazy town.
I know her. She isn’t as bad in real life as she has to be in political life. I won’t watch her embarrass herself reading the talking points it takes to be a MAGA in good standing these days.
The CSPAN commenter just said that for the first time in memory, the President outlasted a Congressional session staying in the chamber a half hour after concluding his State of the Union report.
I gave up a few minutes in as she repeatedly sounded like she was about to burst into tears. Britt was in over her head.
Almost Retired
That was profoundly creepy. It’s like she was auditioning for a soap opera or a reality show. No casting agent would hire her. Too over the top. Although she might be ready for her close up, Mr. DeMille. Ick. Just yuck.
Was she one of the mean ladies from The Hunger Games?
Very Televangelist.
Captain C
Over in the SOTU thread below I described it as such:
Sister Golden Bear pointed out that it’s Christian Fundie Woman little girl voice.
@Shalimar: So that begs the question, as always: if you choose to be an asshole for your political career, are you, in fact, an asshole? I’m feeling like yes, no matter how nice you are when not onstage
Chetan Murthy
Bernie Birnbaum: “Look deep in your heart”
Tommy: “What heart”
There’s no heart. There’s only what we do in this world.
Ugh. She’s just a wife and mom, here in her kitchen, using her soft baby voice so she doesn’t scare any of the menfolk into thinking she has ideas or demands or anything. I can’t even think of how she could carry the stereotype any further without dressing entirely in pink sparkles. She does have the great big cross to let us know she’s a Christian as all good Americans should be.
She does the reflexive smile with every sentence, including how the future of our nature is in danger (smile) we’ll have less freedoms than previous generations (smile) the American nightmare (smile) Southern border (smile) small business (girlish giggle).
Her kids are Bennet and Ridgeway.
That’s our Brandon!!
@TaMara: if you’ve seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, then you’ll know she’s giving Joo Dee “There is no war in Ba Sing Se” a run for her money.
Sure Lurkalot
She sounded breathy like the narrator of that commercial for abandoned ailing pets, I kept expecting her to break out into “and just 29 cents per day will…”
And bonkers (h/t Quinerly).
@Argiope: I don’t like her in real life, so I am not the best judge. She isn’t an asshole to people that I have ever seen. She’s actually the opposite, always polite, like life is a constant customer service job. She has always seemed superficial and fake to me.
Captain C
@Argiope: Given that your (notional your) assholery has real world results, I’m going to go with Popehat’s Law of Goats, to wit:
(Warning: Urban Dictionary Links)
@Gretchen: she’s the voice of all the PAC ads: just a mom, asking why things are so bad. Rep Britt, please fuck all the way off and take all the seats.
Alabangelist, Stepford, Handmaid. But as I said in the thread downstairs, I guarangoddamtee she’s going to run for President in 2028. I promise you.
I’m really worried about her kids at this point..
@SiubhanDuinne: not after this performance.
@Shalimar: Honestly these are the ones who scare me most. The nice, polite fascist-enablers. They are legion.
ETA and will not be suspected of goatfucking by the credulous. Who are even more legion.
Andrew Weissman just posted “I don’t think Katie Britt is going to get the lead in the school play this year”
Captain C
Someone (Nicole Wallace?) pointing out that the Senator from Alabama did not mention the IVF decision at all.
Well, that’s a relief. Sweet Jesus beating a leper with a gavel, the GOP is a fucking clown show and that shit is not funny. She’s a pretty face for the worst of this country.
@SiubhanDuinne: It won’t matter. If Trump is still alive, he’ll run again for the Republican nomination, and he’ll probably get it again (despite being a two+ time loser).
Disagree. Especially after this performance!
She was fucking horrible.
Never mind Dobbs. A real southron patriot is willing to die of an ectopic pregnancy.
From Threads: Someone edited Britt’s Wikipedia entry:
@Argiope: I think she is a senator not a representative, but I don’t want to give her clicks even via Wikipedia to find out!
And totally agreed! I hate the fakeness and I hate the endorsement of oppressing and endangering others. the current Squeaker of the House, too. We gotta vote ’em out of power for sure!
ETA: Oh I didn’t know I was missing an epic WIki edit! Thanks Kristine!
@SiubhanDuinne: possibly, but will conservative men vote for her? They still think women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, let alone leave the house.
Ah, had failed to consider that possibility. [Sighs.]
[Cheers up.] But maybe he’ll pick her as his running mate!!!
Sister Golden Bear
Kinder, Küche, Kirche
@Kristine: haha, it’s fixed now but lol
@Lyrebird: my bad. SENATOR Babyvoice-just-asking-questions-PAC-ad narrator. Still an asshole.
@Argiope: It’s Alabama. Britt is arguably our least-worst Republican politician. The only other one I can think of who isn’t consistently horrible to people is Kay Ivey. Who I really like personally and have lunch with occasionally when she is in town (with a group of regulars, not just me). I do not talk politics with Kay Ivey or I would yell at her for being a public bigot.
OTOH, I expect Katie sends tingles up their legs. Decisions, decisions.
What a good catch! Every now and then, the stars align exactly the way they’re supposed to.
Bobby Jindal and Katie Britt walk into a bar.
No one knows who they are.
The end.
– via Avalune
Chetan Murthy
@Shalimar: i had a friend once who was very kind to me, and to everyone I knew. As far as I know, he was very kind to gay people too. I’m pretty brown and he was kind to me, i’m fully willing to believe that he was very kind to black people too. But as far back as Dubya He was the right-wing nut job who quoted from NRO; And of course when the time came he voted for the white supremacist racist misogynist Russian agent TFG.
It did not matter that in person he was very kind and gentle and a really nice guy. You vote for a white supremacist, you caucus with a white supremacist, you’re white supremacist. He was really butthurt when I told him I couldn’t be friends anymore. Accused me of making him an unperson and other kinds of things. notably, he didn’t recant his vote for TFG.
@SiubhanDuinne: “she makes me feel funny, like when I used to climb the rope in gym class”
I would have run out a visibly in the bag Lindsay Graham….
Almost Retired
@Captain C: That’s it! I forgot about the concept of the Christian little girl voice. That’s exactly what that was. It’s all just so creepy.
@Leto: Darn. I knew they’d fix it but not so fast. 😕
@Argiope: Yes and a dangerous one! Have you ever read the late great Molly Ivins article about Camille Paglia? (if in a rush, skip to the last line or so.)
Katie Britt was 😦. It was like Trump’s “American carnage” speech remixed by Serena Joy from The Handmaid’s Tale, with autotune set to “baby girl voice.”
@Chetan Murthy: Eh. We’re not really friends so that isn’t necessary. It’s a group of old people who get together and tell stories about what it was like 30-40 years ago. Probably the most harmless thing Kay does with her life now.
@Shalimar: My dad is the coolest, most fun 81-year-old, not-personally-bigoted, decent Republican around. But he’s an asshole. He’s MY asshole, so I stay in contact and love him, but I’m clear he’s an asshole by Chetan’s definition above, to which I subscribe. It’s disappointing since he raised me to be suspicious of flimflammery but bought it hook, line, sinker and half the boat when served up by Fox etc. I do think it’s worth preserving relationships with these folks simply because it makes it harder for them to demonize us.
C’mon. She was really leaning into it. Ugh.
Mood stabilizer STAT. Definitely a Stepford, totally off the rails and out of touch with actual data. I’m glad she’s had a pretty good life thus far and hope for her kids sake she isn’t dragged too hard for the theatrics. And yes, I’m doing much better than 3 years ago.
Wow Republicans just made the same mistake they made last year allowing Biden to box them in during his speech
@Shalimar: What that woman does in her political life is her real life.
Just ask the people who end up on the wrong end of Republican policies she enables.
@Almost Retired:
Shouldn’t they be turning these folks out from the pulpit?
Chetan Murthy
@HumboldtBlue: I listened to Granpa Joe, and involuntarily broke out in a laugh like Muttley the Dog.
@HumboldtBlue: it’s almost like the can’t see past their eyelashes.
@Steeplejack: I am actually tempted to watch now that I read about how terrible and over-the-top it was. I have seen her speak before. She’s very boring.
@Lyrebird: I miss Molly almost daily. What a loss to us all.
Back in the day, we spelled it “Get back, honky cat!”
Chetan Murthy
@Shalimar: The “most harmless thing he ever did” was probably every interaction he and I ever had. Of course they’re going to be harmless in their personal interactions with you: it’s their political acts where they do their real harm.
@Shalimar: she wasn’t boring, but that’s also not a compliment.
@jackmac: She brought back flashbacks to the MAGA woman running to unseat Patty Murray for senator. Same wispy tearful voice… instead of sobbing up over her disabled veteran husband, it was her children… it works for Alabama, but not for WA.
@SiubhanDuinne: are you our designated Balloon Juice “Jive Translator”?
But … but … wait!! Katie Britt is young! She’s YOUNG! YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG! You mean it isn’t working?
[It’s kind of fun to watch the GOP’s cynicism and attempts and media manipulation blow up in their faces. ]
@Argiope: Get your hands on his remote and put a block on all the deleterious right wing programming.
You should check out at least the first few minutes. She was not boring—she was horrifying.
The worst part is you know Fixed Noise and all the rest will be reaching for the Kleenex when they re view and talk about her speech. And only some of them will be for their faces.
GQP = extreme personality disorder of a Party that ignores restraining orders.
I am, Stewardess. I speak jive.
Odie Hugh Manatee
She sounds like she is breathlessly reading a really shitty horror novel while someone is holding a bloody dildo to her throat.
Holy crap, is this all they got in response? No wonder they had a woman deliver it.
I love Andrew’s droll humor!
@AlaskaReader: believe me when I tell you I’ve considered it, but he has found YouTube and the rest of the Internet plus all the alternative medicine supplement pusher newsletters so I think that ship has sailed.
@SiubhanDuinne: He was fucking AWESOME tonight!
I’d taken a dislike to Biden in the eighties watching the way he handled Anita Hill’s testimony about Clarence Thomas sexually harassing her. But in my eyes, the good he has done now outweighs his bungling then.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: perfect description. It’s this strange obsession they have with sexualized violence. Pedophiles, trafficking……. The prurience is so clear to anyone who isn’t them. I’m telling you, some of these evangelicals truly NEED Jesus. They absolutely require a sky daddy to keep them in line.
ETA and that is NOT an invitation for any perpetually chafed trolls to pile on. Begone in advance!
Chetan Murthy
@Ramona: You’re right about all of that. I’d add the way he was on the wrong side of the issue when Professor Elizabeth Warren tried to wise him up about student loans …. back when Biden supported making ’em nondischargeable. So long ago I can’t find it with a quick search.
Yeah, that long ago.
But yes, like you, I find that what he’s done since becoming President has made up for all that shit. And then some.
@Almost Retired: Jess Piper of Blue Missouri calls that the fundie baby voice. Michelle Duggar and Mike Johnson’s wife have it. They don’t let women be adults.
Mai Naem mobile
I try and listen to stuff like this on the radio rather than watching it. Britt sounded awful on the radio. She sounded like a HS student trying out for a role on a HS play.
He’s older and wiser now.
She named her kids Bennett (girl) and Ridgeway (boy). Good grief! I stopped watching at that point. Tells me all I need to know about her. White woman with an obvious cross hanging around her neck from the reddest of the red states. This is what they want to contrast with Biden’s age. I’m sure the youth of America will absolutely relate to her. Republicans have lost their minds.
@Argiope: I’m so sorry.
Anytime I visit relatives and I get their remotes I always go into the channel selections and remove as many as I know are deleterious.
On return visits I’ve even noticed some have not been put back in circulation. Warms my heart when I see that…..
Might be worth a try, even if it’s just a temporary thing. Any little bit has to help.
Just as ‘parental controls’ are a thing regards children, controls ‘for’ one’s parents ought to be a set piece in preferences too.
@SiubhanDuinne: slays me, every time!
As usual, late and stupid. Being chronically ill sucks. However…
… in response to some commentary between @Sister Golden Bear and @MomSense, we’ve got several trans folks in our circle of friends here in New York State and we’re prepared to have our own little Anne Frank shelter if it comes to that. I’m truly hoping that there are a lot of folks like us if Ragnarok occurs and Trump is re-elected despite tonight’s barnburner of a speech.
We’re not letting people like Micki (transmasculine) and Rayne (transfeminine) get hauled off to the camps without an armed fight if it comes to that. We’re all hoping it doesn’t.
Oh, good grief! We wondered why Santos attended the SOTU…
@Jackie: didn’t know we had members from Brazil, but ok…
@Leto: I love this so much. What a perfect description.
Captain C
I just saw Britt described as a “Mandy Pepperidge lady” on a Facebook comment. Though she really seems more Babs Jansen to me.
@Captain C:
Pepperidge Farm gonna rememba’
Roberto el oso
@teezyskeezy: Pepperidge Farm ain’t never gonna forget!
@Jackie: So many grow older but not wiser. It’s to his credit that he was open to evolving.
Chetan Murthy
@Ramona: this might be the most remarkable thing about the man.
@Captain C: agreed, Babs is a better match, more conniving and completely hypocritical, if not amoral.
Fair Economist
@HumboldtBlue: I love the way Harris looks at him when Biden pulls it off.
I didn’t include all the malarkey TIFG was spewing in his “rebuttals” during Biden’s speech before the outage cut him short. The link above will fill you in, if you’re curious.
@Jackie: he probably arranged for the place to crash so he didn’t have to do it.
@Chetan Murthy: That, and the courage to persevere in the face of so much bone-crushing tragedy!
Sister Golden Bear
@ArchTeryx: I wish I had allies like you in my life.
That was my first thought too!
@cain: that was my first thought too
@Ramona: Absolutely! Some learn and have the wisdom to evolve and adapt and admit they were wrong as they get older, while others refuse to budge – even if they silently know they’re wrong.
Thankfully, Biden is of the first category.
See her one woman tribute to Phyllis Schlafly. Four times daily at Heritage U.S.A.
@Argiope: Unless they’re acting on stage, if someone chooses to be an asshole, they are one.
Captain C
@piratedan: “I’m saying that Mandy and Dark Brandon are having an affair! But, I love you, Donald. That’s why I had to tell you.”
@Chetan Murthy: lol I love that dog.
Peke Daddy
@Captain C: Mickey Kaus.
@Jackie: I really do admire that capacity in a person to truly change for the better. I regret that I can’t do that since I started out perfect ;-}
@Captain C: to continue onto the next line….
Donald… honey, is it always THIS soft?
Captain C
@piratedan: FTW
@Chetan Murthy: I found myself clapping along even though I was completely alone. Felt a little foolish at first and then realized I could go right ahead and enjoy applauding since there was nobody to see me. I didn’t render any standup applause though being an unreconstructed lazybones!
@Captain C:
She did a big IVF endorsement right at the end. The weird thing for me was that she paused between almost every word, and gave almost every word a big emphasis like she couldn’t tell which ones were more important than others. Not the only inexperienced teleprompter reader with this tic, but it was especially pronounced.
She was unmistakably in a kitchen, although no way to tell if she was also barefoot.
Speaking of which, from Politico:
[clicks on ‘skip to recipe’ button]
I was unable to watch or follow due to work: was it a heckle-fest?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
No way Dump has ever used the word “compassionate”
Oh man. Did you see how much Harris was enjoying that moment? That was a joy to watch.
@different-church-lady: tee hee!
I am looking forward to Morning Joe in the morning! A lot of great clips will be replayed!
Tony Jay
Ridgeway? JFC, that poor kid.
For the record, a Ridgeway is something you bike or hike or excavate looking for prehistoric burial mounds. It’s not something you call someone, especially if you’re supposed to love them.
For people who don’t encounter evangelical nutjobs much IRL it’s really hard to watch that level of creepiness and realize that they are really like that, all the time, and they mean all of us harm.
Loved this bit: Dark Brandon beclowned MTG.
Oops, got caught in the 2:00 a.m. time warp.
On the “Joe’s too old” front, here’s how Biden handled that little gremlin (Politico):
@JWR: Housekeeping alert: The link in my above comment goes to CNN, not Politico. Cancel housekeeping alert.
@Chetan Murthy: Absolutely true. They let the monsters that they vote for and the horrible organizations and groups that they donate to do the overt dirty work that they don’t want to be seen as doing.
A degree of separation buys them exemption from blame, in their minds, because they want to think that they are “good” people.
Chetan Murthy
@Mel: It’s almost banal, isn’t it?
Quaker in a Basement
@Chetan Murthy: Muttley. Excellent!
Chetan Murthy
@Quaker in a Basement: I’m 59, and that was kinda before my time. We’re showin’ our age!
Aussie Sheila
Just caught up with the speech in the last hour (AEST). Excellent.
A really excellent example of populist and progressive plain speech.
I look forward to following the Campaign.
I think the Centre Left might be learning. Let’s hope so.
Our ALP government rejigged an appalling tax plan configured by the local Tories and adopted by the ALP in the run up to the election in 2022.
The reconfiguration gave working and lower middle class families a lot more, and the well off a lot less. The government won a by-election last week.
It works when you dance with the ones that brung ya.
Chetan Murthy
@Aussie Sheila: It has been said that Joe Biden has always inhabited the centroid of the Democratic Party. Dead-center in the party caucus. If where he’s standing today is the center, imagine where the left-wing *of the caucus* is! Ha! Just thinking about it gives me happy feelings!
Tony Jay
@Aussie Sheila:
Aye. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. Unfortunately it’s a lesson our (not really very at all) centre-left are determined not to learn. As far as they’re concerned, they owe their impending turn in the saddle to generous corporate donors, a mutually productive deal with right-wing media magnates and the intensity of the hate-fuelled fire that burns in their chests when even the thought of ‘The Left’ casts its shadow there.
And when they shed millions of votes from the base they’ve declared war on, and even more votes from the normie majority who are going to be furious when nothing much changes and they continue seeing their lives dipped in shit, they won’t learn it then either. They’ll just blame ‘Trots’ and purge a few more members.
Meh. Wankers.
Ha ha! The home page at HuffPo looks like Drudge. Just a splash page that says:
Which I think means they liked the speech. ;)
Aussie Sheila
@Tony Jay:
I hear you! But don’t give up hope.
I really think the unlovely combo of Starmer and strangled adenoidal vowels Reeves, might have some fiscal tricks up their sleeves. And at the moment, that’s all we can hope for.
Always always, the worst social democratic government is better than the best Conservative one.
The last republican SOTU responder who went on to be elected president was Bush the elder in 1968. Most others who tried to make the jump flamed out in the primaries.
Libs of Tik Tok, Chaya Raichik the MAGA mistress of hate, attacked an Alaska teacher this time.
This MAGA consort needs deplatforming. At the least…
And did you know Raichik, despite being linked to school bomb threats in Oklahoma, was appointed as an adviser to the Oklahoma State Library Committee, this despite not being an Oklahoma resident, a librarian, or an educator.
That was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen in the context of a state of the union. I’m going to assume there was no screening process or rehearsal, because I’m hard-pressed to imagine someone green-lighting a train-wreck like that intentionally.
I thought it was unintentionally very funny, but I doubt her colleagues will find it very amusing.
Josh Marshall had a fun take: “This was a great night for Glenn Close because after 37 years she’s finally off the hook for being the stock reference for an emotionally disregulated woman who might be about to kill you. #steepedinblood“
Chetan Murthy
@Noskilz: Either here or at LG&M, a commenter said that they felt this would go over precisely as intended with The Base. And since that all these fuckers know how to talk to, maybe this was vetted, etc, etc. I mean, if you think about it, the whole affect of her speech was designed to be consumable by evangelicals, right?
I was convinced, but hey, I don’t know any evangelicals (anymore, thank goodness).
Odie Hugh Manatee
I’ve been enjoying the enlarged colon known as Free Republic and their takes on the evening. The men are not impressed by the Alabama Valley Girl. Some noted her smiling after delivering a line, even ones about how horrible everything is for air-brained zealots like herself. One commenter pointed out her problematic delivery and another responded that she can do that every day and keep her job because it’s Alabama, “see Kay Ivey” for reference….lol! I can spot the Ruzzian trolls real fast as they are the “Biden just declared civil war” morons largely being ignored while many rage about how lame their side is.
Except for God Emperor Rump, of course. He’s the awesomestest!
Alaska’s Trumpnik News Service coverage of Joe’s speech.
Featuring among others, Marjorie Traitor Green, Lindsey Graham and Mike Lee of Utah.
WARNING: Includes link to AlAsska Senator’s pre-speech rebuttal
You were warned.
Chetan Murthy
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I read the comments on this one:
and: 1. only 51; gosh, maybe not too many people hang out there? 2. yeah, they don’t seem to like Britt too much.
Haha, they seem to think that that evangelical baby girl voice will play well with soccer moms and younger women. Uh …. I guess so.
Tony Jay
@Aussie Sheila:
The stinking corpse of a lorry-swiped badger would be a better choice than the current lot.
@Chetan Murthy: Yikes! That FreakRepuklic site looks just like it did in 2002. I wonder if any of them are aware of this? /s ;)
I read the transcript of the SOTU. The line that stood out in the reading was this
Sounds like the speech was a hit.
@Chetan Murthy: The thing that’s so difficult for many immigrants to get about the US is that kindness does not necessarily correlate at all with decency. People will be perfectly kind to you who would just as soon see you driven out of their town on a rail. It’s confusing,
Chetan Murthy
@Princess: Ehh, I think it’s just as hard for native-born, too. For the longest time, even the real nutters kept their freak flag hidden, and there was so much smarminess it was suffocating. It’s only since TFG (OK, since that rage-gasm when Obama got elected) that they’re really showing us what they are.
ETA: I mean, remember when that lady said she was mad at TFG b/c “he isn’t hurting the people he needs to be hurting” ? People were really, really surprised, b/c we’d never heard somebody be so open in their hatred.
I call it outsourcing their hate.
@Jackie: wow, there’s enough projection in those tweets to operate every cineplex in the country (does cineplex still exist? Never mind). I especially loved the one about how being angry in speeches makes you look like a loser. And “the drugs are wearing off!!” Clear evidence of what so many here have said before — Trump does every speech juiced to the gills. He can’t cope with the fact that Biden is more healthy and mentally sharp than him.
NPR found the ever elusive “Undecided” voter! (and talked with it, even!)
I’m undecided on the “is she really this stupid?” question.
zhena gogolia
@Captain C: I only watched clips on the NYT, and she said they were going to make IVF available to people all across this great land.
@zhena gogolia:
Mandatory IVF.
Another Scott
I watched Biden’s speech after a delay and thought it was great. I didn’t and won’t watch her’s.
We know how Jindal and Rubio and others did in the past. It’s not that important.
I think Trump still feels burned by being forced to pick Pence. He’s going to use his own broken brain to pick someone, and loyalty to him will be paramount. Tim Scott would seem to have positioned himself well…
The giant donors will do what they want. They know that no VP pick can counteract his negatives. I suspect that they will give whoever it is, like hedging an investment – not giving freely and joyfully. Maybe small MAGA donors will be impressed, but I kinda doubt it.
@Leto: Her real name is Billingsley
@Wil: Spot on. THIS is what they are like in “normal” life when they interact with their peers. Especially the creepy Stepford smile – the women are told from an early age to “smile more”. Otherwise you are accused of being not happy enough, and that is a no-no in their world.
Fo’ shizzle.
“It was an Embarrassment to our Country!”
He’d be the one to know about embarrassing an entire country. All of humanity even. I’m sure he has a mirror in his residence.
Republicans have lost their minds.
One has to have something to lose – to lose it. In a decision to be less human one chooses conservative. Because that is a decision to be far more controlling of others. Otherwise the concept of we are all the same falls apart. Sure we are all human but it’s not as easy as it may be for relatively short lived herd animals. Because in the modern world we are not heard animals. Yes we may want to be a part of one group or another but we don’t become part of a herd, unless we are just followers – herd animals, rather than actual, at least semi independent, animals. For all our faults – and yes we ALL have them, we are part of groups, and possibly not, because we do need to work together in various ways to live, conduct business, have nutrition, relationships, medicine, especially in a modern world.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Ruckus: half a mind is a terrible thing to lose.
@Chetan Murthy:
The original concept of student loans was that anyone could get a higher education – get ahead, provide a service to others, be successful at something they liked rather than something they survived. And student loans were intended to help, to cover costs so that we could have higher education for all and move all of us ahead. And one didn’t have to be rich to do that.
However. The cost became too high for many people lower down the economic scale and paying back loans at a not unreasonable level could take nearly a lifetime. When my sister died at 66 she still owed on her student loans. And she was very successful, with her own highly successful business, and highly regarded in it. She taught her specialty part time at a private, highly respected, well known college. When she passed the college held a service for her that so many people attended that there was standing room only.
My point is that at one time a person should have rather easily been able to pay them back, but the loans, to be successful had to rise with the cost of the education. That changed but the concept of student loans didn’t keep up with the costs. So the loans got much higher and while it was good for the students as students the end result was that many could not pay them back and eat and have any place to live. Higher education has been and is very good for the country and the people that live in it. But those loans ballooned into unserviceable debt that for many would never be discharged. The government was just behind in the change in cost, in value, in the inability to repay and eat/live.
Uncle Joe’s early position was the normal, original concept of repayment. One of his good points is that he is capable of learning and changing his concepts. Many politicians never learn that. They want to conserve their original concepts no matter happens in the current world. And we ALL suffer for their inability to learn, to see, to change.
@Mr. Bemused Senior:
When all one has is half a mind – that’s all they have to lose.
And when all one has is half a mind – it’s much more difficult to see more than half a minds worth of anything.
even if they silently know they’re wrong.
Most of them refuse to know that they can be wrong. It’s humanity, some of us really work at stopping learning as we get older. It may be an ingrained concept to stop learning, it may be just plain ignorance, but a lot of people seem to stop seeing the world, at least more than a 5-10 foot circle around them. As we age (and yes, while I’m not the oldest here, I am close to it) we have to sometimes work a bit harder to learn, to continue to grow the mind when the body stops growing and just continues to get older. But of course it’s worth the effort to learn, for the mind to grow, to change. Some just seem to not want to do that. And unfortunately it’s not a small percentage of humanity.
Unless they’re acting on stage, if someone chooses to be an asshole, they are one.
This needs to be among the rotating tag lines at the top of the blog.
It is very much a truism of humanity. Possibly all animals.
Republicans have lost their minds.
They have minds? Who’d a known?
Most of them are followers, they want to get in line, to join something, to be part of something.
They just make bad decisions.
@Chetan Murthy:
I don’t think he necessarily is in the center of the party.
He’s been in politics a long time, he knows that to get things done, especially things with asinine opposition, one has to be an actual politician, to understand the crowd, to work the crowd, to bring the crowd around, to build support, to be an actual leader. An actual leader leads people, but does not berate them into following. It is a learned premise for many, many people, many of whom don’t, can’t, refuse to get the concept.
Paul in KY
@JWR: I’m not.
Quaker in a Basement
Britt made Bobby Jindal look like fucking Cicero.