Arizona is one of our highest priorities for 2024. The state has 11 electoral votes, and we want them!
Our goal is to raise $40,000 for Worker Power that will fund a boots-on-the ground team for three weeks.
Biden-Harris won by roughly 10,000 votes out of 1,672,143 cast (0.3%). There’s an open Senate seat and a promising Democratic candidate, Ruben Gallego. Gallego is likely to be challenged by crazy-eyed Kari Lake, whose ethics are as out of focus as her on-camera appearances. This, of course, is the seat besmirched by Kyrsten Sinema. We need Arizona in order to hold the Presidency and we need the AZ Senate seat.
To do that, we need to up our ground game. And we’re starting now. Our Balloon Juice donations will help with voter registration now, before it gets too hot for people to be going door-to-door, and then we’ll fund a GOTV team in the Fall.
Our goal is to raise $40,000 for Worker Power that will fund a boots-on-the ground team for three weeks. The voter registration team will be focused on two Legislative Districts in northern Maricopa County, District 2 and District 4. Why focus on these two districts? It’s all about strategy! And bang for the buck!
These two districts will help us flip the U.S. House of Representatives. Both state legislative districts are within House District 01. It’s an R+2 district, and the Republican incumbent, David Schweikert, is vulnerable. He squeaked out a victory in 2022 against Jevin Hodge, a young newcomer Balloon Juice supported. Hodge is not running again (the primary is in July), but Schweikert is in trouble. Here’s what the Arizona Republic says:
While the area leans Republican, newcomers to the district are changing its political composition. The district is expected to become bluer in the future and some experts say that change is happening faster than anticipated.
Also, Schweikert is an unprincipled asshole. He has already racked up $175,000 in campaign finance violations, and was sued for homophobic ads aimed at a primary opponent. This is a strong potential pickup – and a very rewarding one, at that!
Remember, as part of our strategy, we’re only focusing on local races if there are national implications. Flipping at least one of the chambers most certainly would have national implications.
But we’re micro-targeting this effort even more. The Arizona Legislature is narrowly-divided, with Republicans holding a two-seat lead in both chambers. Worker Power sees a strong potential to pick up two AZ House seats and one AZ Senate seat in these two districts.
AZ is trending blue for many reasons – increased immigration, priced-out Californians, an increasingly extreme Republican state party, etc. Not to mention part-time West Virginians! And the state Republican party is a shambolic mess. They can’t win the battle through messaging – they have to do it through voter suppression.
The Republican party in Arizona has been on a tear trying to pass voter suppression laws and chip away at Arizona’s popular “permanent” vote by mail list. Flipping even one chamber will thwart these efforts to impede Arizona’s trend to blue.
Topping the list of Bond Villains in Arizona is AZ State Senator Shawnna Bolick in District 2.
- She’s an election denier.
- She introduced legislation that would have allowed the state legislature to invalidate Presidential election results.
- She’s active in the Charter School movement.
- And wait, there’s more: Clarence Thomas is her son’s godfather.
The other two Representatives on the villain list, Justin Wilmeth and Matthew Gress, are also vulnerable.
All in all, micro-targeting these districts serves multiple purposes, and we have to get boots on the ground quickly before it becomes to ungodly hot to canvass. Canvassing started on March 11, and our $40k will fund one of those teams for an additional 3 weeks.
Open thread.
We have a $1,000 Balloon Juice Angel who will will match up to $25 for donations that are listed in the comments. If you want the match but don’t want to list your donation in the comments, you can send me email.
Almost Retired
Excellent! I’m going to spread out my contributions throughout this fundraiser to take advantage of the angel matches. So I’m in for $75 this time to make it an even C-Note.
Also, just an informational note on the Arizona Legislature – not that anyone asked – but there are 30 “Legislative Districts.” Each one elects one Senator and two at-large Representatives. The more you know….
Well, did my Civic Duty and went to Early Vote. Took me 10 minutes. :)
@rikyrah: That’s a good reminder for me to vote.
Interesting! I learned recently that Wisconsin has 33 State Senate districts that are further each subdivided into 3 State Assembly seats. The variety of how this all works state by state is so different and fascinating.
I’m in for a C note. Gotta win AZ.
la caterina
@WaterGirl: Just put in $25 for the match. Go Worker Power!
anecdotally Republican vaccine and Covid madness also contribute to Arizona’s changing electoral outcomes. A high school friend that went down the rabbit hole died from this…
Almost Retired
@Mousebumples: It is interesting to compare the different state legislative structures. Here in California, we only have 40 state Senators – which means each of them represents about 930,000 people! No wonder mine doesn’t return my calls….
Is Scottsdale in either of those districts? I ask because my RW sister and bro-in-law live there and it would be sweet indeed to see it turn blue. In for $25.
Joy in FL
$10 for now
I’m tapped out on donations for this month, but I put in $25 since there is a match.
ETA: I figured out that I could put in the extra $25 even though I’ve already blown my donation budget for March. Found out today that, starting with this month’s paycheck, I got an 11% raise!
In for $100
Former Tucsonan here, I love AZ and am deeply glad it is going blue (or, at least, purple)
Put in $25 for a match.
@geg6: Congratulations!
Orange is the New Red
@WaterGirl: Just put in $25 so it can be matched.
@wmd: I am sorry about your friend. Do we know that AZ was hit any harder than any other state?
@SuzieC: I suck at geography as much as I do at time zones, but I can google.
I don’t know if any districts overlap, but an hour seems pretty close to me.
Are we raising money for Wisconsin? Are they running with those new reconfigured districts in November?
la caterina
@geg6: Yay for your raise!
@geg6: Wow, 11% raIse, that’s awesome!
Did they read your mind and realize how fed up you are at times? Or did everyone on campus get a big, catch-up raise?
@rikyrah: Yes and yes.
We will be raising funds for a couple of organizations in Wisconsin, one of which will be Four Directions.
And yes, the new maps will be used in November!
@la caterina:
Thanks! I’m absolutely gobsmacked. The University has been doing this compensation modernization review and it’s taken about 3 years to complete. I’ve always maintained that I was underpaid compared to people nationwide who do my job (financial aid administrator) and I was very pessimistic about the outcome of this because 1) I never seem to catch a break; 2) the University is in the midst of a giant “we’re poor!!!!!!” kick; and 3) I was already at the top of the scale for my job classification. However, they have now expanded the classifications to take into account experience, time at the University and some other factors and I am now in a higher classification, which required the big raise. This will be on top of the small raise we get every year. So I’m pretty happy about it.
Just Dropped $25
Omnes Omnibus
PornHub has pulled out of Texas. This will get interesting.
Here’s a website that will give you the answer for any address in AZ!
Trivia Man
The Trickle Up theory brought to life
Trivia Man
@Almost Retired: And Nebraska is the unicameral just to be different
Memory Pallas
Donated $25. Match away!
@Omnes Omnibus:
“pulled out”,………. it’s a little early for Balloon Juice After Dark.
clap clap clap
that’s a raise!!
@Omnes Omnibus: Can you say more?
It sounds like they are just making it so computers connected to the internet in TX won’t be able to get to their site?
Thanks to all who are donating!
In for $25
in for 25, seems like the least I can do living here and all…..
Omnes Omnibus
Oddly enough, I am not an expert on Texas porn laws. Thank you for asking though.
@H.E.Wolf: Thanks! My sister lives in District 3, rated as non-competitive and leaning R by 25 points. Looks like they live in a neighborhood that is well suited for them.
Mai Naem mobile
Kicked in $25. The district 1 primary honestly has too many good Dem choices. Marlene Galan for example moved to the district to run. I don’t know why she didn’t move to another district to run.
@Jay: This is an international forum. The motto for Balloon Juice After Dark is, “It’s after dark somewhere.”
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Anyone who finds themselves as such took a wrong turn somewhere …
@Omnes Omnibus: hahaha
I thought maybe they might go for an equal protection under the law argument.
Make that equal porn, not equal protection.
Yup, and because like many digital companies they harvest data, they have probably figured out a means of blocking the use of a VPN that hides location data.
So no Porn Hub in Texass, even for the Governor or Cancun Cruz.
Sister Golden Bear
@Omnes Omnibus: In other news, VPN companies report a sudden surge in customer sign-ups.
@WaterGirl: Yes, they’re doing geolocation blocking — especially defeated being using a VPN.
Plus TX is trying to thwart the collective libido of its teenagers. Good luck with that.
@Jay: that pesky law of unintended consequences!
@Omnes Omnibus:
There’s a safe harbor if the actors are wearing boots and cowboy hats. Per se artistic merit.
Your answer to Trump sneakers?
I did $25
@Sister Golden Bear:
the have probably figured out a way to block VPN use.
After all, the Texass law make the Companies liable, not the users, so if a minor uses a VPN to hide that they are in Texass, Porn Hub is still liable.
@Baud: First pair of boots on the ground funded for Arizona!
In for $25, hopefully in time to match
In for $25.
@Glidwrith: Definitely matched!
@Omnes Omnibus
Michael Landon explains.
In for $25.
It may be personal (the senator, not you). My senator is quite responsive. (Even though he’s term limited at this point.)
In for $25 for the match
@Almost Retired: Mine returns my phone calls
Not a problem, as long as the Johnson family (at least the males) still has access.
If Texas wants to curb teenagers’ libidos all they have to do is show them pictures of Ted Cruz.
Almost Retired
@wjca: Oh no! My Senator hates me!! Get in line, Senator Allen.
Glad we’re doing this. AZ state Dems just tried to protect access to BIRTH CONTROL and every single thug said no, with one stating that old crap of a woman holding an aspirin between her knees. Thugs outnumbered the Dems so the measure failed.
@wjca: Maybe someone can sneak porn into Texas by means of a fake poker site titled, “Texas Hold’em.”
@Glidwrith: Hopefully the Rs won’t outnumber the Ds in Arizona for very much longer.
Bee Girls
$25.00 donated just now.
News on the NY Trial (delayed 30 days)
@WaterGirl: So much for jury selection starting on March 25.
Why the heck did they wait until January to request the files?
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, cut ’em out
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in:
Hah! Hah!
In for $100.
@NotMax: I had forgotten all about Wishbone until I saw him there in the wagon.
PornHub is probably the most popular porn site on the web.
It’s free, and it’s safe. You arn’t going to get child porn, be blackmailed and their vendors arn’t going to rip you off.
There are thousands of porn sites on the web that will, and don’t care about the Texass law, because they are safe in Nigeria, ruZZia, Belarus, Serbia, Macedonia, etc.
So Texass will still be able to get “Free Porn”, but it’s Buyer Beware.
Good chance to swing a bunch of seats. The MAGAsshats now control the state party and we’ve got scads of evidence once that happens electoral defeats follow.
Hopefully by the time we reach the next $1,000, they will have learned to take better care of their shoes and boots! :-)
I love this! Tangible outcome of donations!
ETA: I also loved the subsequent photo of boots showing the effects of door-to-door canvassing. :)
Appreciate the one steer at the very end who stops to stare directly into the camera.
“I’m ready for my close-up.”
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Jay: Don’t they know that going after pr0n means basically ticking off almost all men who are their biggest share of voters? Even the loudest most obnoxious Christianist guys watch pr0n. Most of the guys who voted for this bill watch pr0n. Are they trying to turn Texas men blue? <- see what I did there..
Miss Bianca
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: “Vote for us because we will guarantee your access to porn!”?
Well, “by any means necessary” is definitely an ethos.//
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: well those gentlemen in Texas who wish to peruse the social arts will just have to hold an aspirin between their knees.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Chipped in my usual $250
Captain C
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: Am I the only one who thinks that the reason Mike Johnson and his son have a porn “accountability” app on their phones is so that they can inform each other of the good stuff* they come across?
*Which I’m sure would curdle the brains of most people.
I think I saw that the US Attorney’s office refused to turn them over until just a week or so ago.
Congratulations on the raise! Now you can revise your donation budget :-)
In for $25.
@WaterGirl: I like the picture for each pair of boots!
In for $25.00
@Miss Bianca
Gotta link it. Lust in the Dust.
I REALLY need an attorney to explain THAT to me.
Yeah, I couldn’t figure that out either.
@geg6: SDNY 🙄😕
In for $25
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: They’re not actually going after Porn, though. It’s still going to be incredibly easy to access, but they get to make moralistic noises about it. None of their folk will get mad because they won’t be stopped from viewing it.
Bonus points: The only porn sites (like PornHub) that they’d go after would be the sex-positive, democratic leaning ones. So they also get to selectively punish their enemies, which is nice.
In for $25!
Also, if you want to get in on the ground floor of the Biden campaign, sign up at (you can also click on volunteering on the main site, but this gets you past the initial donation pages.) The first of a series of messaging trainings is on Saturday at 6pm EDT, if you want to sign up for that directly.
Dr. Jill and Christina A. with a mood lifter
Very good, thanks!
@eclare: ☺️
PornHub was big in Texass, over 19 million users. Top searches were Trans, Gay, Teen (18+), Bondage, Rough.
Ethical, North American and EU Porn Sites are going to follow PornHub’s lead and block Texass.
The scammy and “dark web” sites won’t.
As various Red States are finding out, just the threat of prosecution causes GP’s and OBGYN’s to flee the State.
Old School
Edit: Additional tweets added.
@Old School:
Wow. Good for now.
Captain C
@Old School: I suspect she knows that if she does that (ETA: dismisses everything), her decision will be overturned and she’ll be bounced from the case.
@Captain C:
@geg6: So now my outrage turns to them. I wonder if the US attorney is a holdover from Trump?
WHAT!? So the NYC Criminal Case v. Trump is delayed b/c the “USAO” – the office run by Merrick Garland – ‘declined to provide’ docs the Manhattan DA asked for ‘more than a year ago’ and, now, right b4 the set trial Garland’s office turns over 31,000 pages necessitating a delay? – Don Lewis
Or just your typical New York attorney.
Jesus, the anti-Garland cohort is pathetic.
@Baud: Cannon still got her delay in. Since there weren’t even arguments on this, she could have announced that decision at any time.
Delay. Delay. Delay.
But I agree that this outcome is better than her dismissing all of those charges.
Old School
Since I’m on Katie Phang’s page:
The Thin Black Duke
@Baud: Empty rhetorical barrels make the most noise.
@Old School:
I blame Garland.
@Old School: Ah. The DEFENSE is who requested the documents at the late date in January.
A California mom of three has been accused of masterminding an organized crime ring that stole nearly $8 million worth of makeup from stores like Ulta, T.J. Maxx and Walgreens — and then resold it online to churn a profit.
Michelle Mack, 53, ran the sprawling enterprise from her $2.75 million, 4,500-square-foot mansion in the San Diego foothills, according to authorities.
Hooray for our angel matcher! I was going to donate $50 to Worker Power AZ but then spotted Almost Retired’s comment and decided to follow his example with $75.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: I blame LAO.
@Steve in the ATL:
She’s not the wartime consigliere we needed.
@WaterGirl: I’m sure if we apply ourselves we’ll find a reason this is actually Garland’s fault Real Soon Now.
Fake Irishman
@Trivia Man:
Don’t even get me started on New Hampshire’s multi member districts or New York’s fusion ballot.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: that damn dog ruined her!
Currently sipping a Bulgarian cab and watching the TPC, which brings back fond memories of my bride getting furious when I showed up at our rehearsal dinner sunburned from having been at Sawgrass all day. Which was good preparation for our wedding day when I was even more sunburned from playing golf that morning with my college crew. Good times!
OK, in for $25. I’d give more but my credit card balance is in the scary range. Probably will give more later.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
I’m a bit late to the party but kicked in $250. Is all the match $ gone already?
Thanks for doing this, WG. It is really nice to have very strategic donation targets in crucial states.
In for $25, let’s go!!
The stories on this are all over the map.
Some media outakes are that the Prosecution asked for the documents a year ago and they were only just delivered.
Some are reporting that the Defense asked for them in January.
As near as I can tell, these have to be new documents, because if the Prosecution already had them last year, they would have to have been disclosed to the Defense then.
I guess in the coming days, we will find out what is real.
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Angel match still open!
Plus, we have two more Angels lined up to match, too, so it will be matching season for awhile! :-)
The only thing I’m pretty sure of is that Bragg’s office didn’t have them until now. The question is why didn’t the US Attorney in NY turn them over to the District Attorney in Manhattan. I smell a holdover from Trump that is trying to stall until the latest possible moment.
I guess we’ll find out. Eventually.
Hungry Joe
I’m in for two and a half double-sawbucks — that’s $50 (which isn’t as much fun to write or say). And I hope to have my very real boots — I mean, sneakers — on the ground in October: Yuma is an easy drive from San Diego. And kind of a neat-o town.
Mike S. (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
I’m in with $100 for Worker Power!
I just gave $25 on Act Blue. Thanks for doing all this.
@Hungry Joe: Thank you, that’s awesome that you will be there on the ground in October!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@WaterGirl: Excellent!
Great! Count me in on the next one. Thank you for organizing all of these and finding our angels!
@eclare: I cannot take credit for finding the angels; the angels find me. :-)
For which I am very grateful!
@WaterGirl: US AG’s domain is huge and Merrick Garland cannot micromanage everything, and Trumps’s AG Barr undoubtedly brought in many stinkers. And NYSD office has stunk for many many years.
Slightly OT: I am kind of surprised about how clueless Hur sounded. I went to Law School before the Federalist Society, when RW lawyers decided it was okay for a non-lawyer good fund-raiser to vet their side of the profession, ignoring all professional ethics ( those are just norms?)
So Hur, who seems like a bright guy, was stuck with balancing between professional ethics (clear but not ferociously enforced) and Federalist dictates (ferociously enforced but in legal circles ethically iffy) and he opted for the Federalists.
Back in the 1950s commies were professionally dead. I wish the same to Federalists going foreward.
As we learned from My Cousin Vinny,
But what happens when a prosecutor doesn’t provide all the evidence to his fellow prosecutor?
Anyone’s guess at this point…
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
So how do I kick in on this? I’m not seeing a designated button below. I’d like to contribute $20.00, at the moment.
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: there’s a horizontal thermometer in the post up top, and there’s one in the sidebar on the right.
And here is a direct link.
Omnes Omnibus
@TBone: They are two different legal entities. You ever watch Law & Order when the US Attorney’s Office steps in and does something Jack McCoy doesn’t like? This is one of those situations.
Almost Retired
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: There’s a graphic in the post reflecting the money raised so far. Click on it and it will take you to the Act Blue thermometer where you can enter your contribution information.
In for 25!
Another $25 for the match!
Thanks to all who are donating. The original Angel Match is still active, and when that completes, we have a $500 Angel Match from frosty that will kick in right away.
Matching up to $25 per person.
$100 added…
@Sister Golden Bear:
That trick never works. //Rocky_voice
Steve in the ATL
@WaterGirl: I donated $25–forgot to mention it!
I need to get a new [not red, not MAGA] hat! //Bullwinkle voice
In for $50
Yay! This is totally awesome.
Thanks WaterGirl & the angels.
$25 for the match
(Tubman of the future + Lincoln)
Just Visiting
In for $100
@Omnes Omnibus: yes, I am aware that SDNY is a separate entity. It’s called the Southern District of NY. I worked in the legal field throughout most of my adult life. What I was pondering is why the prosecutor in SDNY didn’t cooperate to its full capacity to begin with and what consequences might arise from that (i.e., sanctions). The My Cousin Vinny reference was facetious.
@Steve in the ATL: Got it, thanks!
@TBone: I believe the motto of SDNY is:
Their alternate motto is:
Though I see that the head of the office was appointed by Joe Biden, so he’s definitely not a holdover from Trump.
We have met the first angel match! Thank you, Angel!
And we have another Balloon Juice Angel – frosty! He will match up to $25 per person, up to a total of $500.
frosty’s $500 match is now open for business. :-) I will check back for matches in the comments in the morning.
Almost Retired
Awesome. Let’s spend Frosty’s money. I’m in for another $75 to get to another $100 with Frosty’s match!!
Our Angel #1 just added her $1,000 match, bringing us to a whopping $5,800! You guys rock!
@Almost Retired: You are the first match for frosty!
And we get to add boots for the Angel donation!
Remedies for lack of discovery will generallyl vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. There are state discovery laws and there is the general Brady requirement that the prosecution turn over information that is exculatory – which is a due process right under the federal constitution.
But the penalties are usually mild (I used to work for a criminal defense lawyer and I was often called to testify about the prosecutors not giving us what we were statutorily entitled to). Generally it was a bit of time to look at the materials.
But this is a lot of material and they will bend over backwards for this defendant in most courts.
But, as the question understands, this was not in the hands of the prosecutorial offices that we prosecuting the case. So the remedies will likely not include anything punative of the local DA as opposed to giving the defense a reasonable amount of time to review the materials.
@WaterGirl: 1,000% agree. It’s being discussed on MSNBC right now and I’m so frustrated I had to leave the room. Heads should roll, but as you say, nothing will happen because (the Sovereign District of NY).
@mvr: I’m not sure discovery rules even apply if it’s material requested by one prosecutor of another! Southern Delay of NY 😠
My original comment here was meant to show the contrast between the rules of discovery and what’s actually happening here for Alvin Bragg. I forgot the snark tag.
In for $25, wish it could be more!
In for $25.
In for $100.
Chipped in $25.
i got a huge tax check back and am flush with cash. SO — $500
One day when I was not at home,
while she was there and all alone,
the angels came
I just gave $25.
@2liberal: Holy cow, thank you!
I owe $5,000. :-(
Wow, you guys, great job overnight!
New fundraising post is up. I am no longer checking this one.
Thanks, everyone!
@Bee Girls: Just saw your comment just now.
Now that your first comment has been approved manually, your future comments will show up right away for everyone.
Thanks for the donation, and welcome to commenting!