It appears I can take building an ark off my to do list, as the rain has finally subsided. Up next, a temperature drop and snow flurries. Maybe Arizona summers aren’t that bad after all?
At any rate, I am doing quite well, and stopped taking the as needed meds I was prescribed two years two weeks ago. Been busy with work, doing things around the house, and taking Callie for walks.
I wish I had more to say, but I am just pooped. I’ve stuck with my sleeping schedule I had out west and am going to bed shortly after sundown and getting up at the crack of dawn, so by this time at night I am spent. But a good tired.
The eclipse was today, right? I couldn’t tell a difference between the eclipse and the usual shitty weather around here.
Eclipse is next week.
@Baud: What day?
Old School
@mrmoshpotato: The eclipse is Monday.
Tom Levenson
@Old School: Yup. Spouse and I are going to be making a mad dash to VT in Monday a.m.’s wee hours (unless the heavens are unkind).
Assuming we haven’t misjudged the traffic and the skies stay open and all that, it will be my third total eclipse. All of which were visible from the United States. (I was in Hawaii in 1991, Oregon in 2016.)
Fingers X’d
Hope the backyard has drained and the dog walks have been fun.
Up on the Navajo Res they aren’t bad at all. Can’t say much about the S, AZ mountain ranges but the S. New Mex mountain ranges are just fine in summer as well. YMMV.
Snarki, child of Loki
Yeah, something with Garfield “Monday: Moon ate the Sun. I hate Monday”.
That is so good to hear, John.
@Tom Levenson: My 2nd.
@Scout211: Indeed.
@Old School: Partly cloudy forecast for Chicago.
@mrmoshpotato: @Old School: for about half an hour either side of 3pm EDT, roughly.
Mike S
Maybe Arizona summers aren’t that bad after all?
108 is the AVERAGE temp in July. Last year?
From June 30 -July 30, 2023, Phoenix experienced a record-breaking 31 straight days at or above 110 degrees.
Cleveland is counting on a huge tourist boom for the eclipse, but we had floods this week, are expecting snow later, and hope the sun will come out on Monday.
Meanwhile our governments told us to stay home because of hordes of tourists. So we don’t even get to enjoy our own once in a lifetime full eclipse.
My spouse says I am misguided (“full of shit” were his actual words). Just because or government suggests we stay home doesn’t mean we have to.
@sab: I am with your husband on this. Screw that, go see the eclipse.
Count me out. :)
I spent 3 weeks in July, 3 summers in a row, on the University of NV – Las Vegas campus. The temperatures were very similar to AZ.
In order to miss the worst of the heat, I was up every morning with the birds, all of whom were cooling their feet in the puddles left by the pre-dawn sprinkler system. I really, really wanted to join them.
@Mike S: But no humidity. It’s a dry heat. My Ohio mom remembering Texas summer used to stay “it’s still a hot heat.”
@Mike S:
But it’s a dry heat! 🥵😱
And you’re not even allowed to go outside?
Bill Arnold
@Tom Levenson:
My second. First was August 2017. This one can be a long day trip, but might also include a brief visit to northwestern Vermont (also on the path), to visit relatives who want visitors. Or Plattsburgh, NY, which has the virtue of being right off the Northway (I87).
I restrict myself to one look per day at long-range forecasts.
Mike S
John calling the dogs in with a dry 110 degrees.
Glad you and Callie are getting daily walks! Who enjoys them more – you or Callie? And do you wear your tie-dyed overalls?😉
Melancholy Jaques
Cleveland also hosts the women’s Final Four this weekend.
Hotels gotta be jammed.
Melancholy Jaques
So, Wisconsin people, what’s your take on the ballot issues?
@sab: The Women’s NCAA Basketball Final Four is in town this weekend as well. Monday is Opening Day for the Cleveland Guardians, as well as the alien invasion disguised as a cosmic event.
This can mean only one thing: it’s gonna snow.
@mrmoshpotato: They are afraid we will all go to the local or especially the local national park and upset the tourists.
I was intending to be in my own backyard, but husband and his sister say no, other plans. Fuck the dog and cats feelings.
@BruceFromOhio: Yes! Snow.
It snows a lot in Iowa. They will handle it.
Just going to point out that elevation makes a big difference. Phoenix is nothing at all like the North Rim.
Also, while I am going down to Arkansas for my 2nd full solar eclipse, if it wasn’t for all the old caving friends I will get to hang out with for the wkend, I wouldn’t bother.
To me it is not some life changing event, just another mathematical/physics phenomenon up in the sky.
@sab: Way I’ve heard it:
“It’s a dry heat.”
“So is a crematorium.”
Dorothy A. Winsor
It poured rain yesterday and snowed today here too. I’m ready for some sun.
@BruceFromOhio: A lot of out-of-towners watching SNL who have laughed at Cleveland for 25 years will find out that it is a fun town, with a lot of good restaurants that you don’t have to book years in advance.
Plus a great lake that looks like an ocean (also too the Orchestra and the Art Museum, but these crowds won’t care about those.
Also a music scene. Plus the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.+
Haha! Why would any of the locals do that when you can go anytime of the year?
C’mon, John, sing along with John Denver:
Hey, it’s good to be back home again
Sometimes this old farm feels like a long-lost friend
Yes, and hey, it’s good to be back home again
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads
ETA: As a palate cleanser, here’s my favorite Doonesbury strip about John Denver.
@sab: Cleveland is in the path of totality, so you can just go outside at about 3:13 pm on Monday and be in the moon’s shadow. It will be dark, and you may be able to see twilight all 360° around the horizon.
Wife and I are going to be on the shore of Lake Erie about halfway between Cleveland and Erie PA. This will be my third solar eclipse. First was when I was 9 years old in March 1970 (near Wallops Island, VA) and second was August 2017 (Madras, OR).
Bears just wanna have fun.
@mrmoshpotato: Eclipse, duh. Though I wouldn’t want to be out in the woods in the dark. I prefer daylit woods.
@Bill Arnold: This will be my second, first was in 74 (I think) but that was in the days before eclipse glasses, so I only saw a pinhole projection.
I have arrangements to go to Texas, but of course that’s not looking great right now. I have until Friday to decide whether to go somewhere else. (I have people I could stay with in Vermont or Indianapolis, so the lack of hotel wouldn’t be a problem.)
WaPo has a cloud cover forecast that’s useful, since the regular forecasts aren’t really good for that. Bonus, it only updates once a day, so you’re not tempted to obsess over it.
I’m coincidentally going to be meeting up with a friend in Austin early on Monday to go wandering around New Mexico for a week. Forecast looks like more clouds than sun. We’ll see.
@sab: ” The heart of rock ‘n’ roll is in Cleveland.” per Huey Lewis 🙂
@ljdramone: My boss ordered eclipse glasses so everyone can go up on the roof. But I will be 35 miles south at my sister in laws when I want to be home in the yard. Our yard is better than hers. Hers is urban and tiny.
A couple of questions for Apple device people.
Anyone using these Apple Silicon MacBooks? M1 through M3 MacBooks.
Is the battery life as good as advertised?
Anybody using Parallels to run Windows?
And in Tulsa and Oklahoma City and a bunch of other places I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Ah, 70, not 74. I can never remember when it was, other than “the 70s.”
@Brachiator: Battery life is unreal. Easily three times as long from what I ever had with an Intel chip.
(Sorry, don’t use Parallels).
@lowtechcyclist: Possibly Memphis?
Akron Ohio had a great music scene for years, because back in the day our clubs were not segregated. National acts coming to perform in Cleveland could come down to Akron and be welcome in an inclusive atmosphere. Their friends could come and watch them . Other performers could come and watch them. Mixed race attendance and nobody had a problem with it. My very white inlaws spent their courting youth in these clubs.
Up in northern Virginia, it was just a partial eclipse. I remember being mildly disappointed.
Ruibber soul?
@ljdramone: Jealous. That sounds special.
I have friends and family in Texas and Oklahoma who may enjoy the solar eclipse, whether permitting.
I will be observing the partial eclipse. Looking forward to it.
@NotMax: Devo, Black Keys, Chrissie Hynde. We are a very small city.
It’s always been Putin helping the Orange Menace.
Like we didn’t already know this.
That I am seeing this on TikTok, and not every news channel…
Yet another reason why the MSM is useless.
They can’t be bothered to do their phucking jobs and connect all the dots?🤬🤬🤬
Betty Cracker
Partly cloudy is the forecast here Monday, so I may or may not see the partial eclipse we’ll have in FL. In 2017, I had fancy glasses and all, but my favorite view was looking at the shadow through a colander over cardboard. Low tech but way cool!
I don’t know how seriously to take this:
I’ve seen speculation (from Nebraska Dems) that should it get signed into law, it’ll be too late to change for this year’s election.
Of course TIFG’s pushing this hard – and wants to done asap.
@sab: The Black Keys are great.
@ljdramone: Sounds lovely!
@Jackie: I read that earlier. Discouraging.
DC, San Antone and the Liberty Town, Boston and Baton Rouge
Tulsa, Austin, Oklahoma City Seattle, San Francisco, too
Also New York and L.A. which the song leads off with, and Cleveland and Detroit thrown in at the end almost as an afterthought.
I’m solving that by watching from home. Setting up food and chairs, ordered glasses months ago, even got a special eclipse shirt from a local retailer
citizen dave
Nebraska has a whopping 5 electoral college votes. This amount should not be material in this election. That said, eliminating the EC should be priority #1, IMHO; followed closely by SCOTUS terms of 18 years, with one ending/one starting every two years, along with an end to Senate fuckery about who the President chooses.
Sorry for the politics though. I’m remembering the 1970s eclipse and pinhole viewer, etc…
Ohio Mom
Looks like from Bethany the sun will be 97% covered; the eclipse will start at 6 pm (next Monday), hit its peak at 7:15, and be completely over at 8:00. Which is probably when it gets dark for the night.
citizen dave
@Martin: Akron can also boast Ralph Carney, (late) uncle of Black Keys drummer Pat Carney. Ralph provided great saxophone for Tom Waits.
Blimp-eye view of the 1925 eclipse over NYC.
Also too,
@citizen dave:
There are scenarios where that Omaha CD could make the difference between 270-268 and a 269 tie.
Stoopid Electoral College.
ETA: For example, if you go to and assume that everything any shade of blue on the map will be won by Biden, and then he also wins PA, MI, and WI, but nothing else, he’s got exactly 270 EVs. But one of them is that Omaha CD.
Ohio Mom
@Ohio Mom: That’s all wrong, the time on tne chart is Greenwitch time, subtract 4: eclipse starts at around 2, reaches totality at 3:15, ends around 4.
My bad.
They are advertising camping, concerts, and every other damned thing in Indianapolis, all for a three minute event. Though if I remember the partial eclipse I saw once, the sky will begin to darken before the totality occurs.
The weirdest part I remember is feeling the temperature drop – a none-too-subtle reminder of what a narrow comfort zone we all reside.
Aw, I dunno, the way they shout “DETROIT! … Mm, heart of rock ‘n roll…” has always sounded more like “best for last” to me.
@Ohio Mom: I have no idea what time zone that is aligned with. The eclipse totality is around 3:15 PM EDT.
Melancholy Jaques
The Numbers Band, David Allan Coe.
Watching the April 8 Solar Eclipse
@NotMax: Well played!
Randy Newman, Burn On.
I would make sure you take toiletries. When we had our solar eclipse in Oregon – people were stuck in traffic for 6+ hours. So make you pick a point where you can avoid the conversations otherwise make sure you plan to be stuck in a car
NY Post headline
First of all, $2 is not that much.
Also, they used a photo of the menu at In n Out Burger to illustrate the point.
Average In-N-Out Burger Associate hourly pay in California is approximately $19.66, which is 27% above the national average.
@sab: We are leaving for Findlay State Park (Ohio) on Saturday. This will be my 2nd Total, we were in Nashville at a TN State Park for the one in 2017. They charged us double for a campsite that weekend. Ohio didn’t get the message, just the regular rate.
I’m hoping for clear skies but I’ll take what we get. I didn’t want to fly to Dallas … which apparently has more chance of clouds than New England. Go figure.
ETA Yes, I agree with the other commenters: screw the government’s traffic warnings. Get somewhere where you can see it. The difference between total and partial is the same as the difference between lightning and a lightning but (h/t Mark Twain).
Paul in KY
@Martin: I’ve seen them twice. 1st time not so good (IMO). 2nd time was much better. I like the guitarist much better than the drummer.
Paul in KY
@Melancholy Jaques: I saw David Allen Coe at Breedings in Lexington, KY a long time ago. He did a pretty raunchy set. Maybe though not for David Allen Coe.