The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that Fred Phelps and the bigoted wackaloons at Westboro Baptist Church are fixin’ to advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Show, if Oink will have them:
Guess who’s knocking on Rush Limbaugh’s door as his advertisers flee like rats from a sinking ship? It’s the people behind the infamous GodHatesFags website — the Westboro Baptist Church, the most notorious gay-bashing group in America — and they’re ready to step in to keep the embattled Limbaugh on the air.
“As a matter of fact, I can confirm that,” Westboro spokesman Steve Drain told Hatewatch today when asked if the church was seeking to advertise on “The Rush Limbaugh Show.” “We’re preparing our first ad at this very moment, and we’ll have a 30-second radio spot ready to go by Friday.”
Drain said he has been in contact with ad executives, but added that the Westboro spots will have to be produced before they are accepted or rejected. The radio ads would be posted as audio links Friday on the church’s websites, the Westboro spokesman said.
I guess when 156 advertiser drop you like a hot potato because you spew nasty misogynist filth at a private citizen, calling her a slut and a prostitute and demanding that she post the videos online, it opens up some air-time for the most loathsome of your admirers.
That’s a solid brand you’ve got there, dude.
(h/t Eric Boehlert)
[via Southern Poverty Law Center]
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